I was just wondering what the little 'mi' numbers stood for on the map? They come up when driving and I've always wondered whether or not it mean't miles or something else?
I want to answer people again and I get what your help section says but people are jerks to my answers for some reason. I know your help says "Try and improve your previous answers instead of deleting your answers." but everyone literally hates my answers for some reason! One guy said his answer ...
Would you be willing to assist in the building of a script that will copy files from one location to another, only if the file is new/has been modified at a later date than the file(s) in the destination folder?
How can I change the following code to look at all the .log files in the directory and not just the one file?
I need to loop through all the files and delete all lines that do not contain "step4" or "step9". Currently this will create a new file, but I'm not sure how to use the for each loop her...
Man, I get so mad when site.com doesn't work but www.site.com does
because I am so used to not including the www.
(I am poking my local library consortium's OverDrive library and it only works if you go to www.downloadlibrary.ca and not if you go to downloadlibrary.ca and I GET SO CONFUSED EVERY TIME because I swear I know the url)
Good News Everyone!
If the door doesn't like what you feed it, it won't consume the item and you will get the item back. If trial and error is your thing, go have fun. If not, read on.
The solution
According to kolwiki, it depends on your class. Your primary stat determines if you are a muscle...
Okay. Let's take a look at your current activities.
Your first answer:
Yes u can. All u have to do is tap on his name and tap promote to leader, if your talking about Clash of Clans. If you're talking about something else then I don't know.
First off, spelling. We like spelling and prope...
How do I negate a conditional test in PowerShell? For example, if I want to check for the directory C:\Code, I can run:
if (Test-Path C:\Code){
write "it exists!"
Is there a way to negate that condition, e.g. (non-working):
if (Not (Test-Path C:\Code)){
write "it doesn't exist!"
I've started the "Discerning the Transmundane" quest, went to the Tower of Mzark in Blackreach, then tried placing the lexicon on the receptacle. - Nothing happened. Reloaded the save, restarted the game, still nothing. The lexicon is on my inventory, but I can't place it.
It might be to the fac...
@TimStone My local aquarium is surprisingly popular and the only thing that distinguishes it from an ordinary run-of-the-mill aquarium is the tram out back that runs through the shark aquarium.
I got the path of $LocalFile = (Get-ChildItem $LocalPath) but it's saying I did it wrong... "Cannot compare "(date-time)" to "(date-time)"
Living near the biggest city park has interesting "perks". I can hear the blues concert happening in the park. in my basement. with headphones on. and I am a good two blocks from the park entrance.
I am querying a data source for dates. Depending on the item I am searching for it may have more than date associated with it.
get-date ($Output | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Date")
The an example of the output looks like:
Monday, April 08, 2013 12:00:00 AM
Friday, April 08, 2011 12:00:00...
Nyet. "Get-Date : Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type 'System.DateTime' required by parameter 'Date'. Specified method is not supported. At C:\Users\Benjamin\Desktop\PowerShell.ps1:20 char:57 + if((get-date $file.LastWriteTime) -gt (get-date $LocalFile.LastWriteTime ..."
@GodEmperorDune It seems to be having issues with one of the file paths, and getting the date of that. Ah well.. I'll give it a break for now. Cheers for the assist!
I've set up my Wii U internet, it's been working for a while, then today when I try to start up Splatoon it says "unable to connect to internet" I have connections set up, my internet's working on every other device I have...
Is it my crappy internet or is there something wrong with my Wii U?
arma 2 Operation Arrowhead is my favorite game but I can never get in to arma 2 island life or certain other servers because it says "Session Lost" can someone help me find away around this problem
Here's my summery of the debate: Women aren't people. Trans people aren't people. Huckabee fell asleep in science class. Christie hugged Obama. Paul hates hugs. Paul REALLY hates hugs. Man grunt military strong military break things grrr man grunt. God said I can do what I want.
that's about it.
@GodEmperorDune I want Trump's hair and Paul's hair to fight to the death
I am looking for a game mode, that you build up your base, with defenses, towers, etc, and then you can send out units of your own to attack other bases?
Multiplayer, larger scale then the regular Warcraft 3 maps. :D
I was recently gifted GTAV (yes, for free :)) and my pc has decent specs. However, the game runs on a border of 50 fps. I was wondering what aspect of my specs were hindering the fps. Thanks!
(btw if I need to post any more specs, please tell me.)
i5 4690K (not overclocked)
8gb ram
on 1TB...
After the party visit Twin Elm and talk with the delegam guardians, Aloth will talk to the protagonist about the information that Awakenings are permanent. However, he will also say
That reminds me something else the delegam said. About the gods not being real.
That's very weird because I d...
So, you know the new version of Forge with the 1/7 Initialising mods.. ect, it's soo slowwww, the 1.6.4 was perfect! No loading bars , no nothing, just mojang and then you played :D My macbook is a 2008 one, i can run minecraft with no problemo, but this new 1.7 forge is annoying, and if it would...
By the way, a video game based on the Bikini Warriors franchise is in the planning phase at least. I'd imagine it to be kinda like DOA Beach Volleyball but instead fighting monsters, but then I'm a pervert.
Frankly, I never played it. But many modern Illusion games (Artificial Academy, Home/School/HaremMate, Artificial Girl, Premium Play Darkness, ...) are often more sought after because of their "poser" modules (where you can pose 3D models in scenes and make screen shots) than the actual game play. Easier than dealing with DAZ Studio, I guess.
@MartinSojka You really didn't miss much. A friend of mine got it for cheap and we tried to play it. Controls were abysmal, unresponsive and janky. If you're interested, I'd suggest you watch the game grumps episodes they made on it. Very entertaining.
I've been playing Idle Oil Tycoon on Android for a while, and I am at the point where many of the upgrades are purchasable (they prices show up as "infinity" signs).
I suspect this is due to some data type overflow that happens somewhere in the region of 10^306-10^309.
While a bit interesting, ...
This is the question I had. It is written in the guide that I can ask about
Gameplay strategies and tactics
How does this not apply? What kinds of questions would be accepted if asking for a strategy in a game? Specially since there are always many many strategies to win (in strategy games...
If I use an email for registering for minecraft.net to buy "Minecraft"
Will my email be my username?
[email protected]
Will my username be:
And how can I make my own username?
WoW has had gone through several expansions now. If I start playing as a new subscriber at this time, will I still get to enjoy the storyline since its first release or will I miss out all the previous storyline?
Everything was working perfectly until a week ago.
But one day, i started Steam, go to my Library. And saw all of my installed games are showing as not installed. Also when i try to to install them Steam says i don't have any disk space. But i do!!
My OS: Ubuntu 14.04.2
What i tried