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Q: Best way to locate a friend in Elite: Dangerous (console)

DpeifI recently got the full game of ED on Xbox One and cant figure out how to meet up with a friend. We have both tried travelling to the same station, star, and general space coordinates, and we can't see each other. We are able to form a Wing and our icons appear on each others HUDS, but there's n...

I'd very much like some vegetables GMO'd to taste like chicken. All the flavour, none of the battery farm business.
@Rapitor Weird. I actually liked the light system/
Well, I liked parts of it
I hated it, you had little choice on what to use because light chose it for you
Well, that's because light was basically "item level"
There's always going to be an element of that in rpgs
there was already an item level
I mean item level as in like, the power level of that item
I want an MMORPG without character leveling. Stats and abilities are determined by weapons and armor.
well with this, players without expansions (me) or have never raided because "hurr durr we hate matchmaking"(me again), won't be stuck at low level forever
(Basically, a Monster Hunter MMORPG)
@Yuuki So, Minecraft.
Trove has levelling, but max level is like double that of the max character level
@Rapitor Well, you'll still be behind in terms of item power
@MartinSojka Eh. you still get EXP from killing monsters and mining stuff that you use to enchant items.
Gear makes a HUGE difference
And with the exotics and whatnot you can get, that would still be a negative
I feel like this isn't really solving your issue, it's just hiding it
@Yuuki Sure, but that is relatively easy to farm and you still don't get any new abilities or better stats from it, just better equipment.
@twobugs i don't think so. the armor I have now is very good and has all the buffs I like, stuff like increased pulse rifle stats, but If i wanted to use things with higher light. I'd lose those bonuses
@MartinSojka But that's just it, you can grind easy monsters over and over again.
@Rapitor It's likely they'll do something like they have currently with 'ascending' armor and you won't be able to acquire the materials outside of new content
In Monster Hunter, you can't grind Jaggis (easy mobs) to make Star Knight armor.
And what armor actually increases your weapon power? I'm not familiar with any that do (but I've been out of the Destiny loop for a while)
In the end, Minecraft provides just a practical example of such a system; there can be others.
@twobugs not power, but reload speed and ammo count. Also buffs like kills with melee increase super(because titan punch for days). or my helmet that gives me a super ability on top of another one of my choosing.
@Yuuki You can't just grind skeletons to get beacon buffs either. :)
@Rapitor All of those can be acquired on other armor and/or ascended with your current armor
I don't really see that as a limitation of the light system
I think it's silly how they tied it into enemy damage reduction (I think you can't even damage an enemy 4 levels above you?) but I understand why they did
I guess my concern is that this might not fix the underlying issues
Dark souls can be played without levelling
But most of the gear doesn't provide additional stats besides dmg or armor
Rings do
And some have special effects
@twobugs I think the light system's problem was it made gear too much focus on upgrading, instead of sidegrading
Destiny's setting looked like an awesome vehicle for a territory control game spanning the whole solar system. Instead we got ... what it is now.
also farming the same mission for days hoping to get the drop of highest light
@Rapitor They're also replacing the voice of Ghost entirely
@PrivatePansy i don't really like that tho, dinklebot was great
@PrivatePansy With Nolan North, I read.
I'm starting to think Rocket League is less a game and maybe more an addiction.
couldn't that be said for most games
a game should be addicting, no?
In this case it's been rather contagious. Friends who are often not interested in current gen video games are picking it up when they see us play and it just spreads.
I guess 'Soccer with rocket cars' has a broad appeal.
@Rapitor how many times has this been linked today? =p
@Rapitor Red Band trailer is better.
@KevinvanderVelden That's the Green Band trailer (approved for all audiences).
can someone slap @galaticninja for being wrong plz?
Red Band has more blood and bad language.
@djsmiley2k I believe this edit of yours changes what OP was asking about — galacticninja 18 mins ago
@djsmiley2k To be fair, you seem to be expanding quite a bit on the original question.
Though I don't know Clash of Clans so I can't be sure.
lab is the upgrade function
user asking what happens to units once the upgrade is done?
wtf else would they be asking?
They're only asking if they can train units while the upgrade is happening.
Then lets revert it and just say 'yes'
Makes it utterly pointless really
as you can just test that instantly in game
You can test that instantly, after you start a very long and expensive upgrade. And if the answer is no, and you are in a clan war today?
if you cancel the upgrade, you get the resources back
@JasonBerkan lol the asnwer is still 'yes'
@djsmiley2k The question is "would you still want to test it in that situation?"
instant answer, no loss of resources if wrong?
1 min ago, by djsmiley2k
if you cancel the upgrade, you get the resources back
@djsmiley2k What if you didn't know that?
/me actually plays the game.
... I do know that
I was unaware you could cancel upgrades and I play the game.
@Yuuki ulrich from silicon valley is in there, 10/10
@djsmiley2k Yes, you know that.
What if the asker didn't?
Regardless, the edit should not have been approved. It changes the question.
@JasonBerkan congrats for proving my revised question is better than the original.
@Yuuki they do now \o/
@djsmiley2k So ask it yourself. It's a different question and not what the OP asked.
you get to know, you get to know, everyone gets to know!
@JasonBerkan previously told NOT to do that.
If you want to know if you can test something safely, you ask about testing somethign safely
Do not try and use X => Y as an excuse for a bad question
you guys go ahead, do wtf you want to the question
At the end of the day, the only person who knows what that person wanted to know, is that person
So you could just let THEM only authorize edits...
or you could let the community at large decide, because generally they know best.
@djsmiley2k Which is why changing their question is problematic. Would you have less of an issue if the OP rolled back you change?
And if the system is allowing the wrong edits to be authorized, maybe that needs looking at instead of blaming someone for fixing a bad question.
@JasonBerkan no, because they know what they want to ask
Everyone else has to try and understand it, with missing infomation
From my knowledge of the game, they want to know what I rephased it to say.
I wouldn't of suggested the edit without prior knowledge of the game.
Sorry, I'd have no issue if the OP wanted to roll back the change
Humans are bad at asking questions. Lol
I see it every day at work.
I don't feel like "what will happen" is an unfair expansion from "is it possible" personally.
I feel like if there's an interesting answer to "what will happen", a good answer to the original question should address that anyway
Please, from the original question, can someone explain what they are asking, that isn't what I changed it to
@Unionhawk Very much this. Provide an awesome answer that addresses everything. But don't change the question.
but hte question is bad
Hell, it shouldn't even specify dragons, but meh
It's valid for ANY unit
Dragons is important due to how long they take to train vs lets say the infantry troops
Like @Unionhawk and @JasonBerkan said, you can mention that in the answer. Answers don't necessarily need to be narrowly scoped to the question.
I don't really feel that strongly about the edit to take actual action personally.
And so answers to questions that haven't been asked become incredibly hard to find
On one hand, yes, but on the other hand, meh
@Unionhawk Flagged for meh
The hand with meh is winning
@Unionhawk I just want someone to show me where my version is wrong
No ones done that yet.
@djsmiley2k Please. "Is it possible to train dragons during this time" != "What level dragons will I recieve, and will I need to some how re-train them once the upgrade is complete?"
Question asks : If upgrade = true; build ??
I ask: if upgrade = true; build output =??
Once upgrade = false, build output ??
I expand upon the original question,.
I don't change it, nor remove it.
Or just Answer both versions
and you'll get the SAME answer.
So therefore, the question must of been simular.
Lets presume the answer is no, you can't build units while they are being upgraded
@djsmiley2k And that's what you're not supposed to do
Answer to user: No; Answer to me : No, you can't build items while they are being upgraded
Which answer is more informative?
@SaintWacko why the hell not?
because we've forgotten that we are trying to help people
We've had people rage quit the site when the scope of their question was edited. You have to edit without changing the meaning.
Has the meaning changed?
Expanding a question doesn't help anyone until the question is answered.
Answering questions helps people.
@Yuuki .... I also answered.
You can help by providing an awesome answer. You've put a ton of information in chat that is currently not in your answer.
Q: I finished all about hard mode with the lost in the binding of isaac rebirth but i didn't have the godhead achievement, i need help please

SuzualejoWhen you defeat all big bosses on hard mode with the lost you must get the godhead achievement, so i did that and nothing happened, someone can help me?

@djsmiley2k Because it's in the rules, and because some people don't like their questions answered
People don't like their questions answered?
You can answer the question you think should have been asked, without changing the question itself
@djsmiley2k Then just leave the answer with the extra information and everyone's happy.
If you think the rules should be changed to allow expanding on a question, start a meta about out
Stack Exchange is a network of 130+ Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the preeminent site for programmers to find, ask, and answer questions about.....
Maybe the rules are outdated and should be changed
Or maybe there's a reason that we haven't considered, and it will be brought up in the meta
lol i can't login to meta?
Can anyone else?
Excuse the following interruption, but I need to use chat in order to read a tweet
hmm, nevermind
@Rapitor Daaaaaaamn, son.
@Rapitor The entire skate park has to be embedded with magnets.
@Rapitor For certain values of works
It doesn't seem practical, although it's neat.
@StrixVaria Because this
It's also not at all new tech
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, it's a bit disappointing
In fact, I remember there being another company that sold the exact same product
New pull from yesterday's changes, try to compile.
And maglev with superconducting magnets is not new
I mean, don't get me wrong, it's pretty cool to see it in action, but it's not at all practical
No one able to login to meta?
is it on fire?
Extension method does not exist for 'Penis'
Apparently, someone decided to play a joke last night.
dammit @Yuuki
So my kids have one of those Sit n Spin things, which they don't play with much anymore
However, my cat has discovered that she really likes it
She'll lie down on it and push herself in circles with her back feet
Cat is figuring out how to use that to destroy the world or get belly rubs.
now I need a game to replace Hyp-Dem-Nep-Reb-1
@badp is there a 2
Yes, and it's €30.
So that'll wait until a sale.
Quick someone find clown theme games hides
@badp Was the game any good?
@StrixVaria A few questions:
Do you have a controller?
"Define good"
Do you have patience to grind when necessary?
Are you okay with four scripted boss fight losses?
They aren't immediately obvious, either, but at least now you know they're there.
If you're okay with all that, and you can appreciate the writing and the jokes, then it's 35 hours of fun.
that doesn't really say anything about the game
You were complaining a lot about weird hitboxes though, IIRC.
@Yuuki Yeah, I didn't realize that left and right on the dpad turn your character in place, slowly.
When I finally found out about it, my complaints vanished.
Also some weapons have way larger hurtboxes than the default.
(D-Pad up and down zoom the camera...)
whereas LT and RT do nothing.
Also @StrixVaria if when you get bored of the attack animations you can skip them by holding LB.
Finally there's some free DLC. Grab Histy's Beginner's Item and Histy's Trial Item but hold up on Fairy Fencer F Collaboration till you're level 75 or so.
@Rapitor Jim Sterling made a video about this, naturally.
@badp Any specific genre?
Or other restricions?
@5pike Iunno. I should probably spin the steam roulette. I don't think anything else in my library comes close to being a funny RPG except maybe Chthulu Saves The World and I've lost dozens of hours of progress there.
so I'm not picking THAT one up again.
or I could just play Tomb Raider. I haven't played Tomb Raider.
I would have to download 10 GB's worth of tomb raider. Pass.
@badp Well, there's a new humblebundle, so you could get gitGut simulator for cheap.
But I see you already settled for Ys II
I never finished Ys II
and now that I'm playing it again months afterwards I don't even remember what button it is that fires my weapon. OH RIGHT there isn't any.
@badp Yeah, you just mash faces together, in the early Ys games
@StrixVaria If you're going to pick up Neptunia, the Humble Weekly Bundle has it in the $10+ threshold.
@badp Well, if you are interested in older RPGs, I could recommend a few for different platforms.
for now I need a walkthrough because this area is a fucking maze
I remember needing a walkthrough to navigate the Shrine and I sure as hell need one now that I'm SOMEWHERE in it.
@badp Yeah, picking up an rpg after a few months can be quite daunting.
> Go out the northern doorway to the next room, then head down into a hallway / fork. Go west, north, west, and north some more to the next room, then go west and north again to the room after, leading to the East Wing.
Ye find yourself in yon DUNGEON. To the NORTH and WEST lies the EAST wing. Obvious exits are NORTH, WEST, NORTH, WEST, and DENNIS
> Go north and through the door here to be outside. Go east, a few steps north, then east, south, and east, following the path to come to another door leading inside. Go through this hallway and to the door
@Unionhawk go FLASK
@Unionhawk go WORST
@Yuuki Ye cannot go ye FLASK
@Unionhawk go BIG
@RonanForman go HOME
you're all fired.
@fredley Well I guess I have no choice, I'm going to have to leave slightly early.
Thanks @fredley.
@Rapitor Well, that's why @RonanForman is going home.
@GodEmperorDune Ye find yeself a man called WORST. Obvious exits are NORTH, WEST, and DENNIS
@Unionhawk name man WIPQOZN
@Yuuki I don't knowest how to name man WIPQOZN
go UP
'go UP' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file.
@Unionhawk set WORST = @Wipqozn
Ye find yeself in the NORTH part of the dungeon, where the SOUTH wing is located. Suddenly, a man called UNI comes out of the shadows and beats you to death with yon FLASK. Ye be dead. Score: 3
How to actually derail @Unionhawk: follow his instructions instead of trying to make a joke.
Q: Does Rare Replay include the N64 originals, or the 360 remakes?

NolonarI'm considering buying Rare Replay, but I'm wondering about a couple of the games included inside. Specifically, Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie. Are they the N64 originals, or the XBLA remakes with fully implemented Stop'n'Swop? Depending on the answer, I might just wait for the upcoming backwar...

Syntax error.
Dear god this is just ;klsdjaf;skadjf;aklsdfjf;askljfasd;kljfsad;lkjfsl;akdfjsad;lkfj as;kljd HOW DO I GRAB THIS PIECE OF DATA
@Unionhawk She's Dennis.
Goddammit @Uni, the Thy Dungeonman joke is never worth it
@Unionhawk put a breakpoint at Rachel, then step in, return, step in again, step over, step in, drop to frame and inspect this$0.
There's literally xml inside xml
You will have found the AbstractRachelFactoryProxyFacade.
In order to operate the AbstractRachelFactoryProxyFacade you will need to find the four constructors: LightConcreteRachelFactoryProxyFacade, FireConcreteRachelFactoryProxyFacade, WaterConcreteRachelFactoryProxyFacade and IceConcreteRachelFactoryProxyFacade,
Now you're just being silly
Well, I guess 'now' isn't giving intemporality of your silliness enough credit
That's a word right? Sure.
With their parameters combined you will be able to tear down the Facade and, once you collect all ten Secret Spring Context Configuration Files, you will be able to proxy your call to the correct bean.
thus bringing you to the TrueConcreteRachelFactory.
Attempting to use the TrueConcreteRachelFactory will return no less than seventeen IRachels.
@Yuuki More just acquiring passive knowledge in case of Steam sale. I have plenty to play at the moment.
I pray that you can tell the right Rachel implementation from the other ones.
@Unionhawk Yeah, it's a contraction of "that is".
@Unionhawk Technically, I'm the one misunderstanding you rather than being misunderstood.
Gra8 and ≤lice
Intentionally misunderstanding then acting smug when you're wrong is not cleverness either.
I hope we've learned something today.
What have we learned? I ALWAYS WIN.
Goddammit @badp
@Unionhawk "Always reply with xkcd comics to fool people into thinking you're clever."
@Yuuki Yup
Now back to Ys II
> It's not really important, but go to Hadat's House to see what Tarf had to say. Recover at the Ancient Well, then make your way back to the Shrine once again.
May 5 '14 at 19:09, by Origami Robot
This could be avoided if XKCD would just stop being so damn relevant.
I had a dream that the paper robot showed up
Which may be a premonition because last time that happened, @kalina actually showed up... a... while later
Returned from being deleted
@Unionhawk I was about to make a "I had/have a dream" joke but it just made me sad.
> Return to the three bridges, then take the southern path between the 1st and 2nd bridges to the left. Follow it to what used to be a dead-end, but is now a set of stairs going down a level. Go east to a fork, then move north, following the path here until you go under the bridges that you just crosses not too long ago. Turn right and go south underneath the third bridge, then go east, south, and east a bit more to an open area, where you should see some steps and a chest to your north.
Another day, another amazing Workplace.se question
Q: My ex-employer is posing as me to customers

AnnI recently resigned and have discovered that my employer has continued to send emails to my clients under my account pretending to be me. I understand it is their company email account, however, it is MY name and I am well-reputed in my industry. What are my options?

also the water effects in this game are awesome.
@Unionhawk They are clearly the same person
@fredley So you're saying either @kalina or @OrigamiRobot is going to show up in like a month or two?
Q: With Minecraft Windows 10 Edition, do I get a Mojang Account? Power of desktop Minecraft?

BryceIf I purchase Minecraft Windows 10 edition, do I get a Minecraft/Mojang account? In other words, can I then play the older desktop edition as well? Similarly: Can I load desktop edition worlds into Windows 10 Edition, and the other way around? Is modding supported?

i think the robot will just show up one day in all caps for a few minutes and leave again
@Yuuki oh good. only 77 hours
@Yuuki Only 90. Phew.
How do people have 2000+ hours
@twobugs The guy on the top of leaderboard has to have played a minimum of 11 hours a day since release.
@Yuuki :|
He plays Destiny more than I work or sleep. That's something.
Hi @spugsley
Hah, someone actually made a website called dinklebot
it was me
I wonder if they'll rename it now that Dinklage is being removed from Destiny
@twobugs :o whys that?
I don't think there has been an official answer but they re-recorded all his dialogue
With Nolan North.
wow ok
I would guess it has something to do with pricing, I imagine he isn't a cheap actor to book these days
@spugsley Maybe he refused to come back for the expansion?
Or future expansions?
He's basically absent from the DLC, too
@Yuuki that would be my guess
@Yuuki 0 seconds!
@Yuuki also a 503!
@KevinvanderVelden It's probably getting hammered by requests.
The bridge killed it! Good job bridge!
@AshleyNunn omg this is so important
Blood for the bridge god! Hugs for the hug throne!
what. you can accidentally walk out of this boss fight.
so you have to start it all over.
Sounds like World of Warcraft!
If I had a nickle every time someone did that and said "lol i trole u"...
Looks like today is a keywording dayyyyy
Play newsstand, do I look like someone who lives in Colorado?
@spugsley When I saw it, I was like "holy crap we were just discussing it."
(article popped up about cannabis wine pairings. Yup.)
@AshleyNunn I love those comics. They are always perfectly explanatory and eye opening. It's amazing

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