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So, how far into this episode of Big Bang Theory will Valve finally push it?
My saxton hale server keeps crashing and I don't know why =[
@stevether You've made sure TF2Items is up to date?
Nice. I can't see my cursor in Toki Tori 2.
Why does this happen with so many fullscreen applications
New TF2 group post... one moment
@Powerlord I believe so but I'll double check once I'm home. Thanks.
And now it won't open again.
@KevinY left.
@Powerlord the first three pages are a trainwreck
So, the new boss is going to be... Monoculus, the Demoman's missing eye?
> Answers like, "The TF mercs would wear awesome costumes that you can pick up by collecting scattered gifts in the Halloween update--which will be live very soon!"
No big surprise here
Roguelike made by one of the guys from Nitrome? Yes please.
@GnomeSlice And I'm back!
@GnomeSlice ooo roguelike
@KevinY he said, just as GnomeSlice closed Frozen Synapse.
@GnomeSlice :D I have outstanding timing
ಠ_ಠ reopens
Gah, it's so tiny on this computer.
@KevinY ಠ_ಠ
Valve really is taking a long time.
@Powerlord That seems eerily similar to one of the bosses from Terraria
@DaveMcClelland Just because it's an eye?
@GnomeSlice Because it's a very similar looking eye
@GnomeSlice And because it has other, smaller eyes flying around it
@DaveMcClelland Sounds like Andross.
@GnomeSlice I suppose so, but Terraria is recent enough that the TF2 devs likely had it fresh in their mind
Actually, Andross was a flying brain, I guess.
An eye with smaller eyes? Like one of the bosses from Zelda: A Link to the Past, or Zelda: Majora's Mask.
so Steam should close their offices in 20 minutes
given that it's 17:40 now PDT
Darn, I saw a new hlds_announce post that started Required Update... but it's for Killing Floor
(Lets see if Valve takes this bait)
OH, I suddenly need to walk away from my computer!
Now lets see if they push the update.
Fine, next I'll launch TF2 to do a volume check on my new headset.
I don't get it.
You guys enjoyed TF2 up until today just the way it was.
Why isn't it fun any more until the update is released?
@GnomeSlice Who said it wasn't?
Well, you're all being like 'hurry the fuck up valve, man you guys suck for not releasing this blah blah blah"
@GnomeSlice It's a required update.
Meaning that you can't connect to servers afterwards.
Or rather, outdated clients can't connect to updated servers.
Plus, Valve is adding a bunch of new items that can be found on a new map they're also adding.
@GnomeSlice It's different for server admins. We just want it to be out so we can stop waiting around
Besides, what's wrong with being excited about an update?
That's not what I meant.
The problem is that I run 3 TF2 servers. One will auto-update, the other two won't. Plus, the third is being converted to a Halloween Event server.
Hmm, right, I haven't checked the Steam Halloween sale yet
Anyway, my new headset arrived today
@Powerlord Is it vintage?
Which class?
Trine 2 preorder started. I noticed Trine 2 is starting at $15, whereas Trine started at $40
yesterday, by badp
Pre-Purchase Now: Trine 2: #PrePurchase http://bit.ly/udmSUt
Overlord Complete Pack is $5.
If you missed it last time...
Is it any good?
I like Overlord. Although I haven't finished Overlord 2.
It's one of the games I reinstalled on this computer, though.
If you do get the Overlord games, install 1 and Raising Hell at the same time, as it adds new areas throughout the game.
Overlord is like Pikmin, but you play the titular Evil Overlord.
Can someone ping me whenever the server actually comes out?
I'm going to play some BF3 in the meantime
@plbgay We confirmed earlier that everyone will get a Steam key for Gemini Rue in due course, yes - thanks!
I activated my other 3 for that already.
@badp Did you want me to tell you more about Overlord? I think it might even have a Steam demo.
@Powerlord Everyone?
@Powerlord It does. Downloading
@GnomeSlice Everyone who ordered the Indie Royale bundle.
@Powerlord Is that still available?
@GnomeSlice Yes, you have 3 more days
The minimum price has literally doubled since yesterday.
It's not like the Humble Indie Bundle, where you could opt to pay $0.01
The earlier you purchased, the lower the minimum was, and if you paid >= $10, you'd lower the price for everyone.
Oh man.
@badp Anyway, short synopsis is that you're the evil Overlord, and you have minions you can order to attack enemies, move objects around, turn turnstyles to open gates, etc...
I have wanted most of these games before.
Your goal is to defeat the 7 heroes who killed the previous Overlord.
@GnomeSlice I wanted Gemini Rue before, and was thinking of getting Sanctum at one point.
So, I paid $10 (back when minimum was $2.87). My $10 lowered the price by $0.01. :|
TF2 just updated.
@DaveMcClelland TF2 updated, come back
@Powerlord Yeah, I got the email. thanks for the ping
Required updates for Team Fortress 2 are now available. The specific changes include:

- Halloween 2011 Event
- Viaduct has been haunted and is now... Eyeaduct!
- One full multi-piece costume set has been added for each class
- Random gifts containing costume pieces drop in Eyeaduct on registered servers
- 2 new Halloween 2011 achievements
- Any unusual hats uncrated during the event will be Halloween-themed
- New Halloween-themed items are available in the Mann Co. store, but only for a limited time!
Whoa, one of my servers finished updating already
OCReMix BLU is back up and operational
New achievements:
Optical Defusion

Dive Into A Good Book
Get to Loot Island and claim your reward!
also 156 new TF2 strings
lol, Econ_holiday_restriction_halloween_or_fullmoon
So the question - do I now have a ghastliest gibbus?
ARM KILL joins the ranks of FISH KILL.
Halloween Goodie Cauldron
Mine contains:
The Seal Mask
Garlic Flank Stake
So an all class misc and a sniper only misc it appears
Should I just use it?
@Powerlord Wait. Gemini Rue is only available through Desura?
I don't have whatever that is.
16 mins ago, by Powerlord
@plbgay We confirmed earlier that everyone will get a Steam key for Gemini Rue in due course, yes - thanks!
@Powerlord Oh, I guess that's what that was for.
Oh wait the seal mask's a hat actually.
Hmm, I got a PyroMisc1 and a Seal Mask
And a description tag.
I got a seal mask and "The Futankhamun"
Also, my Gibus got upgraded to Ghastlier
It is however non tradable.
I now have a "Ghastlierest Gibbus"
Oh valve
koth_viaduct_event, for your server filtering needs
oh look, now they have a boss health bar
Any gaming.SE related sites updated yet?
My server crashed when someone joined, or so it looks.
kinda wish I could revert this UI mod
Looks like I'll be trying to get those achievements – I wonder how crowded the servers will be.
Steam hasn't even downloaded 1MB of the TF2 client update for me yet.
@Powerlord Over trafficked?
I'm at about 300MB after restarting the download.
@KevinY Switch to a foreign country
@KevinY I've got 16 mb of Sanctum.
I stopped it.
@Powerlord So there'll be an OCRemix server running koth_viaduct_event after everything gets updated?
1st try to the loot island, I clip into an enemy engie
2nd try, I get killed right before teleporting
Yay TF finally launched
3rd try, I get killed right before teleporting
What's this Loot Island all about?
There should be gifts there
@KevinY Yes
However, I may try to debug this crash first.
If I can track it down to a specific plugin... \o/
Turns out I got a Level 31 Seal Mask and a Level 35 The Fallen Angel from the cauldron.
so achievements got but the costume pieces?
Q: Battlefield 3 negative skill level?

AlbortDoes anyone know why, even after finishing a multiplayer round and earning the MVP2 ribbon, I get a negative skill level? These are the stats from this round that i pulled from Battlelog. Skill level -1.76 Kills 9 Deaths 8 K/D Ratio 1.125 Kill Assists 2 Vehicles Destroyed 2 Award Score 1100 Sq...

let me guess it's mann manor gifts that give the costume pieces right
red.ocrtf2.com is now up and operational with SourceMod again
Hooray for full event servers everywhere.
has anybody figured out the gifts?
Hmm, anybody interested in a Strange L'Etranger?
/wanted to get Strange Equalizer
> If you sell a strange l'etranger, you will get 8100 credits.
> If you want to buy a strange equalizer, it will cost you 11500 credits.
Yup. :/
So you're, um, a refined short?
less than that
I didn't mean I wanted to trade it for an Equalizer, just that I want to sell the L'Etranger.
lol, unusual stainless pot: 1,750,000 credits
Effect: Stormy Storm
Yeah, I saw that. I wonder if it'll ever get bought.
that's ridicolous
That's 389 refineds
or 167 keys (ca.)
Q: Is swain is just an underrated champion in League of Legends?

user13505I want to know if swain can be a nice champion to use in LoL. Even though i just seen him once in a game. Is it worthy to spent 6300 ip on him?? or it doesn't have the potential to be a good mage character? sorry for my bad english. Thank you.

Q: I need help identifying an old NES game

MattThe game had 2 stages on each level. The first stage was a space ship sidescroller. You had to shoot the various enemies and pick up powerups bubbles with a letter on them like "A". Once you completed that you landed on a spacestation and exited the spaceship. Inside the spacestation you had a j...

or €333
Noooo TF don't freeze just as I finally get into an Eyeaduct server. D:
Q: What is a good power levelling strategy for Diablo 2?

StephenThe Battle.net ladder reset a few days ago, and already some players are up to level 90+. Myself, I've managed to play primarily solo and get to Act 3 in Normal and a comfortable level 20. I presume these other players are going in groups and helping each other out rather than soloing, but I do...

How the hell are there 4 long, thorough, informative answers on this question, and 3 of them have never been upvoted?
Vote, dammit!
@badp I believe "Want It" applies for 5 minutes after an item is submitted, and everyone who clicks the button gets entered into a lottery. Whoever gets picked gets the item reserved for themselves; people want it so the "bots" don't snatch up the Refined Metal every single time.
oh, I see
so why did you reply here?
I don't feel like making an account on their forums.
also is the TRADE button doing nothing for just me?
Me neither.
The New Items list hasn't been cycling through so I think the system is down.
Yup, the "Store is currently offline" message is up now.
@Ronan I don't have a commitment yet, but I think I'll be able to bring a person each day. It might be a different person each day, but a person each day.
I think I won.
While BLU is doomed to certain death, Red's safe.
Q: As recon, can I recover my T-UGS sensor?

Andy GieslerI think I've read that you can pick up a T-UGS sensor after you've deployed it. And when I stand right next to my deployed T-UGS, I get a "Press [Space] to pick up weapon" message. But I mashed the space key for a good long while with no effect, and pressing or holding the Interact button on my...

Stop freezing TF2, I want to kill Monoculous!
just ugly
Q: Battlefield 3 PC boxed, DRM constraints and Origin?

CoyoteIs the boxed version of Battlefield 3 free from crapware? I have in mind intrusive "always online DRM", Origin and such. I refuse to use yet another download service, I removed all but steam from my Windows partition and I'm happy that way Despite being an ex-hardcore BF (1942, vietnam and 2) f...

2 hours later…
Q: What game engines have the functionality to alter/modify/destroy terrain?

TamaI've enjoyed playing games like Red Faction, X-Com, Minecraft and The Incredible Hulk where the terrain and environment can be altered/ modified/ destroyed. Because I'm basically a big kid who likes to smash stuff up. Red Faction used the Geo Mod engine but I can't find any reference of any othe...

@badp This makes you a dick. Think of their stats in the morning ;)
Q: Why won't the mission selection screen update in Might and Magic: Heroes 6?

Alex319I have just completed the second mission of the tutorial campaign in Might and Magic: Heroes 6. However, when I click on the "Next Map" button on the screen at the end, it just starts me over on the same mission again. Additionally, when I go back to the mission selection screen from the main men...

2 hours later…
@John It's only happening on the Saturday, or we'd have to have completely different teams each day, for instance I can't make it all of sunday.
So ... Lineage I in US/EU gets closed, NCSoft West "agrees" to give the rights to publish Lineage II in the whole of Europe (as opposed to just Russia) to Innova, they (according to Massively) have to endure another round of lay-offs in the Aion/Lineage II/Exteel team (with operative jobs getting moved to South Korea ... without the people, presumably), and the Lineage II support team still didn't manage to tell the few remaining players what the future of their servers will be, if any ...
WHAT THE HELL, NCSoft West? How much of a failure can you be? </rant>
I'm so disappointed in Nintendo right now. Do they not realise that their strong point is the games side, and yet they take the moronic approach of copying Sony and advertising their console! If people want the games they'll but the console. People don't buy consoles so they can look at the menu screens!
That was about @WorldEngineer's link
@ThomasMcDonald A demoman moments later came up and blew 'em all up
@badp heh
I guess I'm going to have to install Origin
"Have to"?
Yeah, for bf3
although if the postie doesn't show up in the next twenty I'll leave it until tomorrow cause going to see Arctic Monkeys at Nottingham (prods @Ronan)
Well, only insofar as you "have to" play BF3 ...
oh its here
@ThomasMcDonald Where?
I'm guessing Capital.
It keeps changing it's name.
oh fuck, I haven't thought this through
cause I got rid of my optical drive
ah, I'll have to do it later
@ThomasMcDonald Where are they playing? I demand to know!
I'm just looking it up on the last.fms
yah capital
Actually there's not really anywhere else it could be.
I don't understand why this question's remained open
Q: Is there a program that tracks the running times of computer games?

SheldonI think I spend way too much time on computer games and would like to know exactly how much time I spend on them, in hopes that this will help me refrain myself from playing... Is there a program that can give me a detailed report on how long these game processes run per day?

when we closed this one
Q: Best Gaming Aggregation/Network Client: X-fire, Gamespy, Raptr?

user2037What is the best gaming aggregation/network client: X-fire, Gamespy (Arcade or Comrade?), Raptr, something else? I'd prefer to use only 1 but have already begun using X-fire and Gamespy Comrade. Yet I'd like to use a client with good support for new and old games. Raptr seems like a good choice ...

What are the new TF2 things this year then? Apart from this Seal mask.
Q: Can I stop people kissing me all the time?

fredleyPeople are always kissing me, and more often than not they've got garlic breath, which really gets my mood down. Is there any way of preventing people from kissing me?

Man I just had to frantically throw clothes on so I could get the door
but Arkham City is finally here
Whos this monoculous fellow?
The demoman's eye
Okay, so how do you get that other one, the book thing.
Q: looking for a serious GOW3 horde squad

sneakyits virtually impossible these days to have a good horde session without having to use your friends online, theres way too many people just dicking about and/or kill stealing?, so im going to have to concede that horde sessions are gonna be 'friends' only......... so here my suggestion, a friendl...

@RonanForman When he dies, he's replaced by a book. Jump in its general direction and you'll get sucked in.
Run inside that kind of skull temple. Wait for the bars to lower. When they're low enough, touch the book inside to get the achievement and the misc, then go back outsidee.
Yeah I just got it.
Now back to last year's stuff!
How do you get the rest of the spy set thing?
@Lazers NaRQ @badp
@RonanForman but... the gifts!
Yeah, haunted gifts. On Viaduct.
Apparently not all servers with the Monoculus have gifts for some kind of bug
@badp "Thanks for your feedback" Do I detect... just a hint of sarcasm in that comment? :P
"your input"
not "your feedback"
@badp So there are more things that I'm not going to get? Great.
I find it odd that I only actually own like 5% of the game.
Does anyone here have a livestream account?
Because I found I can add more people to use the livestream channel.
@badp I know you have one.
I made it to chat really more than anything else
Yaaaaaay, it's the fight I always wanted to have on Gaming.SE again.
A: Legal ways of playing old games that aren't for sale any longer

Sean GallagherUsing ROM images from the net, or even from a copy of a game you own, is illegal. Period. Here is Nintendo's official take on it If you want to be legal, you have to buy the original system or a licensed re-issue and the original ROM. As these games are out of circulation, and as such are prac...

@badp I'd rather not be the only person who has access to the group account.
Even if it's just so you can give others access.
What's your username, it'll be painless, I promise.
Q: How can I tell if a unit is ducking or standing?

FallenAngelEyesI have a very poor short term memory (4 concussions, yaaaay), so sometimes I forget if I've given an order to a unit to change its stance in the past or not. I can't always tell based on the pose of the unit because when it's mostly behind the cover of a full height wall, it's difficult to see. ...

@FallenAngelEyes 4 concussions? Really?
@RonanForman Yep. Kinda sucks.
My short term memory is thusly kind of... wrecked.
Anyway are you bind not to notice that?
It's gotten better than it used to be, but yeah, it's sometimes very, very difficult for me to hold information in the short term.
@RonanForman Eh?
I think that was the easiest answer I've posted so far. @FallenAngelEyes you're easy.
@FallenAngelEyes *blind.
@RonanForman Nope, I did not notice that.
Apparently @yx didn't either, so I don't feel so bad :P
Now that I'm done insulting you, are you able to record Minecraft?
I don't have any sort of recording software
I've never recorded anything before
gameplay wise
Nevermind then, it's not that important.
Q: Which achievements are missable in Batman: Arkham City?

FallenAngelEyesBefore I get started with games, I always like to know beforehand if there are missable achievements, especially regarding the storyline. For example, in Arkham Asylum, there was the Party Pooper achievement near the end, where you had to defeat all the clapping enemies from the Joker's party. ...

@RonanForman You can use FRAPs, but you'll have to actually buy it if you want more than 30 sec at once.
I can record, I wanted to see if anyone else can for tommorrow.
@RavenDreamer Are you going to be around tonight?
@DaveMcClelland You want me for the tee eff twos?
@RavenDreamer Yeah, did you see the event?
looking at it now
Cool. You should probably be there, it's going to be awesome
What event?
@RonanForman My TF2 clan has informal scrim type things where the clan members compete against our server's regulars. We're doing a halloween type one tonight
@FallenAngelEyes It's too early for math. Actually, it's always too early for math
@DaveMcClelland What time and can I come?
@RonanForman I hate to be a jerk, but we actually try to keep these events for people who have been around our server.
I'll probably stick around and play afterwards, though, and then you'd be welcome to join
I'm not sure when... maybe 9ish Eastern Time?
@DaveMcClelland That makes sense. Seeing as I don't know anyone there I might as well play a random server anyway.
@RonanForman We're always looking for new people to join us during regular play time... stnoclan.com
@FallenAngelEyes None. It was on reddit yesterday. None.
@FallenAngelEyes Wait, that's a paradox. Tell Wheatly!
Q: What do I do with all my beans?

Ashley NunnI bought a bunch of magic beans from the guy sitting outside of Zora's Domain when you are a child. I could only find two locations to plant them (the one right near where he is sitting, and the one in the Kokiri Forest). I still have a few (I spent quite a bit of money on this, thinking they wou...

in Frozen Synapse Tournament, 9 secs ago, by GnomeSlice
Bracket updated with the results of the match between I and @KevinY.
@badp thanks again for mentioning dropbox, this is perfect.
@GnomeSlice You've already done all 3?
@RonanForman We did them all at once yesterday.
We only needed to do 2, but we did three for kicks.
I wish I'd had a better idea of everyone's skill level before seeding the matches though.
I probably shouldn't be participating in the tournament.
@RonanForman How goes it against @ProSay?
We've still only done the 1.
How'd it go?
Draw, I told you yesterday.
Oh, right.
I might withdraw from the tournament.
@Mana is right, if I seeded the bracket, I shouldn't be participating in it.
Well think about it.
I could have given myself an unfair advantage.
i.e. easy opponents.
Did you?
got a bit of the engie costume!
the feet unfortunately
@GnomeSlice How did you seed the tourney?
@GnomeSlice But did you?

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