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One thing I don't get
Nokia has an "exclusive" ESPN app
...but wasn't ESPN US-only?
...or, well, covering US only events?
and yet the app's exclusive to Nokia for "a while", and it's going to be a while before the device hits the US.
No, ESPN has a worldwide presence.
@DavidFullerton @badp I was planning to see how this went first. If this tournament goes well, and we get a good turn out (which we did), I was planning to talk to @brettwhite about setting up prizes for future tournaments.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I dunno. In a bar around here they were showing a football (american football) match from ESPN as shown through a minor Italian tv channel, SportItalia.
That is, to get ESPN content in the Netherlands, they had to show an Italian channel.
So I guess they have some UK presence as well
@badp Sports broadcast rights are an absurdly complicated can of worms full of strange exclusivity rules and regional blackout restrictions, so you see weird stuff like that all the time in television.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, the situation in the US is really complicated
But ESPN is also the premier general sports website, and they also have a network of local radio stations (at least in the US) that do sports talk.
@badp NFL blackout rules are hilarious.
@badp For instance, did you know that a game may not be shown on tv within 100 miles of the stadium if the team doesn't sell it out?
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...sell out the streaming rights to the game?
@badp no. Sell out the stadium.
Oh, you mean, all tickets must be gone.
If they don't sell every single ticket for the game for some reason, nobody is allowed to show it on TV.
I guess that clears out TV scheduling for less interesting games!
@badp Eh... not neccesarily.
Because the thing is, the local station also can't show any other games instead. They have to make do with MASH reruns or whatever.
At any rate, for Italian soccer in Italy, there's just one sat tv provider that broadcasts all games and just one terrestrial digital provider that broadcasts most games. (Both are for pay obviously.)
Other channels can buy the right to show images of a couple reporters from inside the stadium as the matches are undergoing
as in, the camera may show these people and their surrounding, but that's it
and not all channels have this luxury
They still get to watch a stream and make a live commentary of that though, apparently
@badp Invalid string, I assume
Hm, I've been playing the same song for the past 3 matches. Which is to say, the entire time I've been losing.
I will chalk up all my bad luck to being on the wrong song. That's the ticket.
Hence, now it's time for... shiny llama
I've found exactly two shiny pokemon. And one of them's a @#$*ing Tentacool.
Hey, Tentacruel is an excellent Pokemon. I'd love a shiny Tentacruel
Is it really? All I know is that every time I go onto water
@#$*ing Tentacool.
Or bloody wingulls.
Q: How does one install an emulator onto the Playstation phone (Sony Xperia Play)?

lowellkI got a Playstation phone (Sony Xperia Play) and would love to play old video games on it for free. I was hoping there was an emulator (maybe mame?) I could install on it. Is there some way I could do this?

Very nice special defense and speed, decent special attack. Also a fairly nice movepool in general.
Holy *@#$ bloody mother of coincidence.
Guess who's Serebii's pokemon of the week this week?
Ho crap, that's creepy. O.o
I already knew that
But that's simply because I watch every week in hopes to see one of my mains
The more pokemon games that are released, the lower the chance that any random pokemon who comes up in conversation will be featured at the same time.
This is an unanticipated convergence of disparate events.
Anyway, I can't play pokemon anymore, these days.
No way to power my DS.
oh Reddit.
8 hours ago: "My 1.8 world"
You lost the power cord?
2 hours later: "My 1.7 world"
@GraceNote The power cord is bent and unusuable. But, basically.
@RavenDreamer You should get a replacement, that's rather troubling
That, or come up with a clever solution involving duct tape and holding the cord just the right way.
@GraceNote I think I might just get a 3DS instead.
That's also an option
At any rate. I ran into shiny Spindas
Yes. I'm rather peeved because I crit'd the second one. Even if it was just a Spinda. It's still a shiny
I also have a shiny Crobat. She's great. Excepting the whole "minus speed nature", but it's fittingly cute anyway
My other shiny was a Marill.
I named it Emerald.
...also, why do I have this open in a random tab?
It then evolved into an Azuril.
Guess what color shiny Azuril's are not?
@GraceNote They're golden.
So... yes.
Well, to be fair, there are a lot of Shiny pokemon that are just green, so a non-green colour is usually pretty nice
My brother has a shiny Golem and a shiny... I think it's still a Dwebble
@GraceNote Actually, I thought the same of gold / yellow colored.
@badp: What game server are you on for frozen synapse?
@Wipqozn Uk1 as suggested by the Frozen Synapse devs, who said all other servers will be merged in that one
Q: What are some tips to get the "blow up 3 enemies" achievements?

AubergineI've just played through rage, and while I am not crazy enough to go after some of the achievements, I was actually aiming for Three Birds, One Bomb Car and Hat Trick. However, try as I might I couldn't set up a situation that would allow me to get one of these. Several factors contributed to my...

@badp as am I. If we do need to be on the same server we can all just play on UK1.
@GraceNote you want a method to quickly grow a bearD?
My sister is having problems with her new phone. She is infuriated that the phone support people can't help her because she is unable to call them from any phone other than the one having trouble
Pre-Purchase Now: Trine 2: #PrePurchase http://bit.ly/udmSUt
wait... "Pre-order Trine 2 today to get access to the 2 level PC Multiplayer beta."
...Trine? Multiplayer?
it... doesn't compute
@badp that is all kinds of wonderful
Q: How to install alien arena 7.52

jasonI downloaded the tar.gz file from the site, but it seems kind of confusing. Is there any easier way to install the newest version?

goes to bed
oh. They had to scrap the main distinguishing feature of the game - switching between characters
now it's more like Portal 2 coop.
There's really no reason not to enter this raffle.
except unless you already have Psychonauts.
@badp Not wanting to register for the site is a reason not to enter.
@LessPop_MoreFizz OpenID, baby.
@badp but then I have to like click on stuff. and type in a password.
@LessPop_MoreFizz and read a wall of text and tick a checkbox.
@badp Yeah! That shit is hard!
@Mana you know what is depressing?
I have an awful patron troll. :( Bloody sagitarius.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Whatever man. I assume you already have the game.
@badp I have a copy for PS2, but my PS2 is broken. So I own it but cannot actually play it.
That sucks real hard.
I hope you'd at least finished it or something.
@badp But I have played it in it's entirety, so at this point, I can get a similar amount of satisfaction by just youtubing the milkman conspiracy or whatever.
This is perhaps the most evil CAPTCHA out there:
AdCaptcha? WTF?
I however noticed that you can avoid corrupting your soul by switching to the audio captcha
then the challenge is random letters and numbers as usual
Yeah, except for the subliminal undertones that now make you want to go out and buy something.
Q: Unlocking smoke grenades in Battlefield 3?

Jeff AtwoodHow do you unlock smoke grenades in Battlefield 3? You earn the M320 grenade launcher early on in the progression for the Assault class, and the M320 says in its battlelog page that it can use different grenade types. But it's unclear how you earn these alternate grenade types? A single shot ...

Woo! Victory
Answer flagging improvement proposals (coming with self-service moderation)
Yay! Not just an answer, but an answer from a character in the game!
Umm... Gaming.SE is broked
Yeah, the message is going to people who can do something about it
Quickly, to the Wheel of Blame!
The Wheel blames Jeff
I got Popular Demand. I blame the fact he's not around enough
It blamed Radp for me.
It blamed you twice @TimStone :(
Since he's actually around, I'll take that.
@mordi2k Oh, in that case it must be broken. I guess we can't trust it.
@TimStone Where did we put the enhanced version?
Oh, like that version, enhanced version? I dunno.
Ooh, even better, dev answer!
Ah, that one.
It blamed Rebecca, I think this Wheel is working much better than the one I linked to.
@badp It's far more accurate
Yup, it uses a more accurate statistical model
Q: What are the optimal video settings for spotting infantry?

Jarrod DixonI'm finding it difficult to spot enemy soldiers (dang camo!) and I wondered if there are certain video settings that can improve how soldiers show up. Here are my current settings (not limited by hardware): Mesh Quality looks to be the only setting that says it affects draw distance, but incr...

Ummm... did @Jeff leave an account logged in in the office or something?
Q: Unlocking smoke grenades in Battlefield 3?

Jeff AtwoodHow do you unlock smoke grenades in Battlefield 3? You earn the M320 grenade launcher early on in the progression for the Assault class, and the M320 says in its battlelog page that it can use different grenade types. But it's unclear how you earn these alternate grenade types? A single shot ...

(Or was there a deleted comment I can't see that explains the act that it looks like he's talking to himself in the comments?)
@badp had originally suggested it was a pre-order offer, I believe.
I deleted my own comment, I guess I should've deleted his reply too
Welp, I screenshotted the evidence of @Jeffs emerging paranoid schizophrenia, to be used in a court of law at a later date regardless.
Q: What is the "halo" under all my runes?

Nick TOn my rune pages each seems to have a halo under it, but occasionally with a different color from that of the mark/seal/glyph it's in. What does it mean?

Just in case anyone missed it, FS tournament participants should bookmark this link. @badp, can you pin it?
Q: Do we have to advance to next level for auto-sell?

MaslowWhen we click go advance to next level it appears all items not picked up are automatically sold and split with the group. Does the same thing happen if we click go to tavern instead?

@GnomeSlice I've already pinned it in the other room. Also please just upload your images to imgur or something that allows hotlinking. If you must allow updating of images, I suggest Dropbox.
@badp the nice thing about the crate is that I can update it without needing to post a new link each time
@GnomeSlice Dropbox does that too and allows hotlinks.
Also, I had to get on my phone to send that. 23:00.
Dropbox also has an iOS client.
Well, poop. Maybe I should use that instead. Doesn't matter though, an image would get lost in the chat
Also, screw you and your higher ranking lololol
@LessPop_MoreFizz looks at the funnyordie video expecting to see evidence of Jeff's emerging paranoid schizophrenia.
is horribly, horribly, confused
@badp that's not a good look for me.
We should make a special badge
Clearly I am saying that Jeff is really John Hodgman.
Similar to the gold/silver/bronze tag badges
That, or you need to scroll up more.
and give it to developers of their own game.
That seems foolish.
Then I could go make a maze in flash, and ask a question about it.
You already can.
It would be nice to hiking dev answers, yea.
@badp also, what do you mean "now" in hotlink form?
@GnomeSlice ?
It should be noted that the woman who wrote the longer, accepted answer to that question is/was a beta tester so prolific, they added her to the game as a character in the latest patch.
I uploaded it to imgur before letscrate
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah. I scrolled up. ;P
It's not a good sign that I'm more proud of that bracket than of much of my school work.
> You walk into work one day to find out that the stack of paperwork you left for your secretary to complete has been filled out erroneously. You recall that last night was the company football game, and people were loudly watching the game in the next room at about the same time as she was filling the paperwork. Why might your secretary's work have suffered because of this?

Answer: Like everyone else, your secretary subscribes to the limited resources model of attention. Every time the crowd cheered a touchdown or moaned at an interception, your secretary was also spending some of her att
^^^ Sample question from my psych test tomorrow.
@GnomeSlice The bracket is pretty shiny.
The last line of the answer cracks me up.
@raven trololol
I also feel bad because that Jxvklshuc guy replied with his FS username but he was too late
Exclusive preorder bonuses need to die.
Painfully. Preferably involving some fire.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Isn't that already in the starred list?
I can't see the starred list from my phone, so maybe?
Ah, well.
Consider it already well-starred!
I'll well star you.
Would that you didn't.
casts glare of dissapproval @ArdaXi -ly.
@badp a spammer! Kill it!
who what where
A foreign spammer, even.
@RavenDreamer I love how when I hover over this message, it links back to the "@GnomeSlice ?" message
I actually was looking at that right this second
Delete completed in 356
That's probably 355 too many.
Anyway. Nite.
I think I'm going to leave chat meself, so take care, gents.
Q: Exit a multiplayer game of Battlefield 3 in between games - PS3

HaphazardIs there a way to exit a game multiplayer game of BF3 on the PS3 while waiting for the next match to start? I've tried hitting Start and the Circle button but neither does anything. Do I really have to wait for the next game to start or exit the game using the PS button? That seems ridiculous.

Q: How to get "Dinner with Kelly" romantic option in Mass Effect 2?

MufasaWhich choices throughout the game do you need to make to get the "Dinner with Kelly" Chambers dialog option. Which characters should you spurn or encourage to make this happen? Which dialog choices with Kelly specifically do you need to make to get to that point? The Mass Effect — Romance wiki a...

Q: Why it is safe to leave hellions close to creep?

BuddaIn TvZ day9 videos few times I saw the following: Terran scouting Zerg base and found spine crawlers. Terran doesn't try to go inside of the base, but sitting outside and waiting. He scouts zerglings, bannelings and actually don't give these guys to leave the base. Usually hellions are waiting ou...

Q: Surviving as a Spellcaster vs. Carpa Demon in Dark Souls

ExtrakunI managed to beat this boss on the 15th tries as a melee character. There are two attack dogs and one Carpa Demon (who has good attack range and an unblockable attack) in one tiny room. How can a spell-casting character wins this fight, considering the casting time needed for most spells?

Q: Are there any easter eggs related to the Calendar Man?

Daniel LewDoes the Calendar Man say or do anything special on certain holidays?

Hmm, I have a Frozen Synapse invite from jsnlxndrlv.
Q: How to sniff out item ID's in flash games?

千里ちゃんI really enjoy cheating Flash games with CheatEngine. It's kind of repetitive, but it's always fun to race friends who indulge in the same free-time activity to the end of the game.... It makes slow-moving games far more entertaining, to lock health or pump money into the champ. Well, I want ...

1 hour later…
Q: Rename [censor] → [censorship]

CyberSkullThe tag censor should be renamed to censorship, as censorship is the proper name for the subject.

3 hours later…
busy morning here
oh, looks like I aint playing frozen synapse then
A: Gears 3 chrome and gold skins

sneakynope, just do it the hard way......... actually achieve it!!!!!

what an insightful answer
Well, doesn't answer the question. Going the obvious route is not very sneaky ...
Flag as "Not an answer"?
Q: Do the Riddler interrogations ever end?

Doozer BlakeIn Batman: Arkham City, you eventually acquire the ability to spot informants for Riddler trophies (they're highlighted in green while in detective mode). I've noticed that these informants keep popping up in the same spots after interrogating them earlier. Do they always show in similar spots,...

Downvote perhaps?
@ThomasMcDonald All things said, I do find it humorous that the question asker wants a "sneaky way" and the author of that answer is "sneaky"
fucks sake ps3
why oh why oh why do you not update in a reasonable timeframe?
it's been downloading for the past 20 minutes, with 5 minutes left, and it's 112mb.
I am disappoint
@ThomasMcDonald They carefully wrapped each bit separately
so that you're 100% sure that you get the right content!
opening those plastic wraps ain't easy even for a PS3
I'm going to blame my router
although I thought I turned all the QoS bullshit off
Aren't PS3 updates agonizingly slow to download and install regardless?
it doesn't sound like it should be
also my Viper SRT10 is ridiculously OP
to the point of it being unusable
@badp 22 minutes on launch day, and that's not even counting any PS3 updates? :O
(I guess your next comment is, "wow he was lucky. Back in my day we needed to wait for a full moon before the update was ready to install.")
Q: Starcraft 2: Photon Cannon Detection Range?

IMBSo I was rushing with a Dark Templar and a nearby Photon Cannon can't shoot me but he's troops shot me. See screenshot for details: https://i.sstatic.net/3GbBZ.jpg Is the Photo Cannon’s detection range just too long or this guy has cheat?

Geez. I hate it when I spend two hours asking a question, then find an answer half an hour later. Or rather, find out where to find the answer. :D
I should probably stick to asking only the hard questions ...
Q: Fifa.12.PS3 installation

El-Prince Ahugahps3 Can anyone out there help me with the installation of fifa 12 ps3 unto my pc. I downloaded the files but i dont how to install it to my pc. This is because it has no autorun.exe file. Please help me!!

looks decentish
I wonder why they didn't show him adding all this code ... The iPad still doesn't accept external keyboards, does it?
@LessPop_MoreFizz uh... I didn't think this was possible under the Apple license
@MartinSojka eh... there is a keyboard dock for the iPad.
Hi mothership's fellows!
@badp Indeed ... I just found it. So I guess they just used that to input the program (and that's why they didn't show the typing clearly in the video ... :)).
@Mvy Who's "Mothership"?
What is mothership you mean
@Mvy Objects can't have fellows.
@MartinSojka "The Bridge of Gaming's StackExchange™ AlienOverlord AskQuestion™ mothership"
The "Mothership's fellows" would be M'vy's fellows on this here Bridge, since he's one of us.
Ah ... he meant "mothership fellows" ...
Well I always forgot about those " 's ". My bad :P
@Martin you can also use a Bluetooth keyboard with the iPad.
Q: Game about you being a robot and fighting in team battles?

SergioThis is a relatively new game probably came out in the last 5 years. You play as a huge mech and battle against other players. It's one of those free to play games similar to Rakion, Gunz, etc. You could buy parts for your mech such as defense, attack, cosmetics and more. Any idea what the gam...

Q: Loading times of Forza Motorsport 4

mpenrowI have installed the game to my xbox hard drive yet the loading times between races is still very slow. Is there anything else I can do to speed the loading times up?

Q: Guildwars trial key full of X's, doesn't work

rlb.usaI got a Guild Wars trial key by clicking the free trial button on their website, however, it's full of X's, and trying to plug it into the game doesn't work. I'm really not sure what to do - I can't seem to obtain the full trial code. I checked my email but didn't see any emails from guild wars. ...

@badp Back in my day, we didn't have to install updates to games just to play them. ;P
Q: City of Heroes - Does it makes sense to buy the game now that it's free to play?

The SasquatchCity of Heroes is now a free to play game. Free to download the game, and no monthly fee. I see that there are a bunch of things in the game that are locked (costume pieces, etc.) from what I read it sounds like a lot of that stuff is available to paid players. Does that stuff stay unlocked ...

@Powerlord Back in your day games came on punch cards.
I think I got the flu
Feeling midly badly overall
@badp A virus?! Try defraggling your motherdisk.
I've already decoupled the gyromagnetors
Might need to polarize the bladejaggers.
@badp Don't polarize them too fast, it can corrupt your lower teslons.
This is... pretty self referential
but is Glitch any fun?
like, what's the main gameplay mechanic?
So here is Beta 1.9 pre-release 5: http://assets.minecraft.net/1_9-pre5/minecraft.jar (server is minecraft_server.jar)
racing? shooting? building? killing? fishing? idling?
Plays out like a non combat rpg
@RonanForman See? Told ya!
A very good time killer, if nothing else
@badp Fine, but it's just bug fixes
Category: Exploit

Description: This program is dangerous and exploits the computer on which it is run.

Recommended action: Remove this software immediately.

Security Essentials detected programs that may compromise your privacy or damage your computer. You can still access the files that these programs use without removing them (not recommended). To access these files, select the Allow action and click Apply actions. If this option is not available, log on as administrator or ask the security administrator for help.
@YiJiang Call me old fashioned, but I kill my time with a knife.
@RonanForman You call that a knife? That's no knife.
THIS. Is a Knife:
(Stupid google. sajhdbvjashbd has ias)
Q: Legal ways of playing old games that aren't for sale any longer

theoriseThere are a few old games that I want to play again (mostly Earthbound for the SNES), however I am finding it REALLY hard to get hold of a copy for a good price, as well as the requirement of purchasing a SNES to play it on... I'd absolutely love to support the game, but the only realistic scena...

is there any way of making tables in answers? It would be nice to be able to make rows and columns
@theorise You could make an ASCII table and then post it as "code", but that's probably about it.
@AnnaLear That will have to do I guess, thanks :)
No idea why we can't use use html tables. Nevermind.
It's pretty rare that that's actually handy, I think.
Q: How can the bot (user Community) edit questions?

SeptagramTake a look at this answer. Seems like the user Community, that's supposed to be "a background process to keep this site clean", somehow figured out that answer contained an unformatted quote and formatted it. Is it really THAT smart? Or am I being rick-rolled here? User id of -1 suggests that no...

Q: What does Upgrading Huntress Invisibility Do?

TuxMost skills in Dungeon Defenders have a logical 'upgradeable' feature. Damage, range, speed, etc are all numbers that can increase (or be decreased) logically. But the Huntress has her Invisibility skill, which has no intuitively scalable difference. It's on/off--visible or invisible. What be...

Q: How Does the Darkness Trap Work?

TuxThe tooltip on the Darkness trap seems very vague to me. The description I found on the DD Wiki is: Darkness Trap - When activated, enemies become consumed by darkness, rendering them unable to attack, and making them lose their current target. I believe that is the actual text from the ga...

Plz to help me down vote the illegal answer into oblivion, kthx:
A: Legal ways of playing old games that aren't for sale any longer

Pubby8You don't need to buy the system, only the game. It is perfectly legal to play the rom on an emulator if you own the game. Keep in mind that you can buy the most beat-up used cartridge and play it as a pristine rom instead. The best place I've found to purchase games like these are flea markets ...

(I'd argue against deletion. This is common misinformation that's out there, he's not linking to or providing a how to for anything illegal, better to make it clear that this is a bad idea by leaving it up with a low score, IMO.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Why haven't you downvoted it?
Nevermind, it's got +1/-1
If @jsnlxndrlv wants it, he can take my place in the tournament.
@RonanForman Yeah, I have.
Someone is dumb and up voted the bad answer.
I have a new Halloween themed Gravatar! (with thanks to @MarcoCeppi for sharing it)
I'm sad that my family isn't carving any pumpkins this year. =[
We are renowned in our area for always going way overboard.
Oh, what should I carve this year?
@Wipqozn Wow, I bet that jack-o-lantern took alot of work
@LessPop_MoreFizz good to know!
@Mana Scientists? More like Rapists.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I can't view it :(
And not just rapists. Child rapists. Rapers of Children.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Lovely.
Are you sure it doesn't mean children who are also rapists?
Aaand I broke dropbox.
@RonanForman I'm sure, the piece is quite clear. Scumbag scientists are out to take our grant money, rape our children, and lie to our politicians.
Raping your churches, burning your women, knocking over everything
@LessPop_MoreFizz One of those 3 is right. (Hint: The first one)
Hey, have any of you guys who play TF2 who don't have English as your default language played on a server that uses the built-in vote that occurs 2 minutes before the end of the map? If so, does it say "Extend current map" in English for you?
Can anybody else not access dropbox.com?
@Powerlord ...Why?
Q: How do you get your parachute to deploy in BF3 on xbox360?

Michael PryorI jumped out of a chopper and went splat because I didn't know what to do.

@GnomeSlice Why do you care?
@Powerlord Yes, that's what I said.
But anyway, it's because I want to know if it automatically translates that phrase or not.
@GnomeSlice Key difference: The piece I linked contains no actors. Those are real interviews with people that actually believe that science is the tool of satan.
@RonanForman How does the one on the left even work? It's carved all the way around.
And if we're going to talk about pumpkins, I guess I'd better show you guys some of mine.
@GnomeSlice It's pinned in place with matchsticks, there were bits a the top and bottom connecting it, but they broke.
Wow. Just wow.
I only have photos from last year's unfortunately.
@GnomeSlice You did know that I'm writing a server addon that pretends to be said controller, and I'm trying to determine what the client is doing? I know the server passes "Extend current Map" (with that exact capitalization).
That one was hand draw by a girl in the family that does hem with us every year.
@Powerlord Derrrrrrrrrrr okay.
This is the first decent thing @GnomeSlice has posted.
That gets stared, and none of these amazing pumpkins
Also drawn by the same person.
Stop already!
Anyway, that's it, I only have photos from last year's display.
So did you personally make any of these?
Aha! Idea!
@RonanForman I did the skull face, and the castle, I think.
Also, I'm not sure why this is in the same photo album as those:
@RonanForman Wait no, I did the skull, and the monster thing.
Shame you cant really do different shades on pumpkins.
@RonanForman Actually, you can.
@GnomeSlice It's hard though.
@RonanForman You don't cut all the way through, but shave some of the outer skin off.
Also, here's the secret to our success:
Pumpkin Masters ftw.
We have like a billion kits from them.
@RonanForman Well, the family friends we always do them with are all artistic.
So they often draw a bunch themselves.
But yeah, you try doing these with a steak knife, and you're in for a rude surprise.
Zomg... I want to try this:
user image
Never more.
@GnomeSlice That... that's intense.
We've done that one a few times over the years.
It's incredibly difficult.
@GnomeSlice Nowhere near as cool.
Still very cool.
But nowhere close to the other one.
> In my 11th consecutive year of entering the Pumpkinmasters carving contest, this is the pumpkin that finally won me the Grand Prize! Inspired by the ravens at the Tower of London, I think it represented my most effective use of textures to date.
That's the first raven one.

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