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@durron597 OK, I guess it wasn't destroyed that way
There's no mod-level "burninate this tag everywhere" button I think.
I suppose this is the burnination question. I couldn't find it because the title was misleading.
That was something an SE employee had to do.
When we wanted to get rid of tags we either had to merge them or manually de-tag everything.
@Sterno truf
Maybe the right thing to do is ask @RavenDreamer why it's gone. @RavenDreamer why is the tag gone?
@durron597 because we as a community voted for getting rid of it
Meh, today's deals don't interest me either
Since it's a meta-tag etc etc
@murgatroid99 But where did that vote occur? That's all I'm asking
It's not like it's the responsibility of that one mod just because they wrote the answer
@murgatroid99 He's trying to find the meta where that vote happened and hasn't so far. Do you know where it is?
@StrixVaria It looks like it happened on the answer he linked to
Oh, hm...
He suggests it there, but I don't know when it actually happened.
@murgatroid99 That person was asking to synonymize and and @RavenDreamer suggested to just kill them both, but I can't see a discussion about actually doing it
@StrixVaria The makes me think that that's where it actually happened
@StrixVaria I would assume at that time, since it has [tag:stat-... yeah
In any case, I don't see that decision being overturned. Tagging hasn't come up in the Bridge in a while, so things have been going smoothly without it.
@durron597 nobody on that question posted a dissenting opinion
@durron597 Nobody opposed it at the time, so I don't see a point
Therefore, nobody disagreed enough to post one
It's +6/-0 with no dissent
Pretty much. No one opposed, so we rolled with it, and no one has dissented since.
I think that can safely qualify as something of a consensus
So we're okay with it, it seems.
Well, it certainly seems like this room agrees with it
It's okay, I'm in the minority a lot of the time, right @AshleyNunn ? :)
@durron597 As I pointed out earlier, "no meta tags" is a network-wide rule. It's not just us
@murgatroid99 I don't see why is any less of a meta tag than
@durron597 laughs You seem to have a differing opinion set than most ;)
@murgatroid99 Side-question: Is really a meta tag?
@durron597 Console/platform tags are used when the game tag isn't enough because a game might be different on PC vs xbox or whatever
@StrixVaria Personally, I don't think it is, that's my whole point
@durron597 A meta tag is a tag that describes the question itself. describes the topic of the question
@murgatroid99 also describes the topic of the question.
@StrixVaria describes what kind of question it is
Huh, a single episode of Life is Strange for $3
a console tag, for contrast, describes which version of a game you are asking about
@murgatroid99 You've lost me. "lore questions" are a thing because they're questions about lore.
What does "kind of question" even mean?
The console tag, just as much as the game tag, describes which game you're talking about
@StrixVaria but "lore" is an adjective that modifies "question", not the subject of the question
here are some recent questions tagged : One Two Three
@murgatroid99 But it is the subject of the question.
I mean, I haven't played GTA5 or The Witcher 3 but those don't seem "PC specific" to me
@durron597 which is why they're also tagged with the game name
@StrixVaria ok. I see what you mean
I'm not saying to bring back, but I'm not convinced that "it's a meta tag" is the reason that it was killed.
Ooo, Ori and the Blind Forest on sale for the first time
I think it was killed just because it wasn't useful.
and why they are two separate tags: and , not
@durron597 Also, we do our best to keep things clean, but don't always get everything all the time. There are likely console-tagged questions that don't need the tag, we just may have missed them
The Escapist on sale for 51%. I wonder where the 1% came from
@PrivatePansy Wallstreet
@PrivatePansy It was just 50%, but then one of the remaining 50 escaped
badp pins day old messages ftw
Today's deals look pretty solid. Hand of Fate, The Escapist, Ori and the Blind Forest, Shovel Knight
@Sterno @badp always reads every message on the Bridge. When he's AFK you can be sure he'll read everything and not just skip to the current message when he comes back.
@Rapitor Okay, that's cool
He's like a time traveler!
From flash sales, FTL, Infinifactory, Mark of the Ninja
You know, you do have
Titan Souls looks pretty interesting.
That seems to be just as much of a "meta" tag as would be
@StrixVaria So that's why he errors out, he's failing to parse certain bridge messages
@AshleyNunn I think you forgot the Classic Bridge Moment about Dutch toilets.
@StrixVaria I liked the art but I've heard very mixed things about the gameplay
That was an Important Classic Bridge Moment
Also: error.
Q: Should a tag like [plot] be brought back?

durron597I noticed recently that Arqade doesn't have a tag like plot or lore anymore. I searched meta in an attempt to find a burnination effort and couldn't find one; this is the closest I was able to find: Plot vs. Lore tags - do we need the distinction? - A synonym proposal that turned into a burninati...

@badp I vaguely recall this.
Feel free to downvote that all you want, but don't close it and I hope someone answers it so that the roomba doesn't delete it
@durron597 It's not going to get closed. It's a valid request; we just disagree with it
@AshleyNunn culture. life. travel. ART. badp. It had it all!!
@murgatroid99 I've seen valid requests get closed on MSO all the time
Q: Borderlands 2- How do playthroughs work?

PaKaPoW14I've been looking around a lot, asking friends etc. about how the playthrough system specifically works in Borderlands 2 I am completely new to the franchise but have a decent idea of how things work. I simply ask what specifically happens/changes in each playthrough , such as if gear will level ...

oh hey, sale swap over
God sale day for me
@durron597 We are not them :P
Give me the tl;nosteam
Titan Souls +AOW3 DLC
Or I guess nosteam;dr
@AshleyNunn Thank goodness
No steam; didn't steam.
Only 33% on AOW3 dlc,but good enough
I'll buy when I get home
@badp ns;ds
Base game is 75%. Wish the DLC went up to 50%. At least the first one.
oh hey, ori is on sale too
I think that's nearly everything on my list
@Wipqozn cc @Ori
RIP @Ori
@OrigamiRobot is NOT for sale.
Darkest Dungeon, Axiom Verge, and Killing Floor 2 will be the only things left on my wishlist after the sale.
@JasonBerkan He could probably be bought for enough magic cards tbh
@durron597 Looking at MSO, I'm having trouble finding any closed question (except duplicates)
@Wipqozn I have two of those on my Wishlist, too!
There was a Darkest Dungeon sale
@Sterno Yes, but I decided not to buy it
However, I try to keep at least 50 games on my Wishlist in case Valve does one of those "give a person 50 games from their wishlist" contests.
I'm going to wait until it's out of early access
A wise decision
If it gets closed for some stupid reason, I will personally fight everyone who voted to do so
@murgatroid99 The closed questions usually don't have answers so they get deleted by roomba
Here, let me reward you by sending you a copy of Dino D-Day
Ooh, all 3 Gothics for $3.99
@Sterno I think I already own that
@durron597 not very fast. I'm pretty sure that takes a month or two to happen
YAY \o/
@murgatroid99 Unless meta has special rules, 10 days iirc
Q: Flagged as duplicate, yet it contains critical differences

Sanuel JacksonI have a thread which was flagged as a duplicate (as this likely will as well), because of hyperfocusing on a single key word in the question. A question is NOT a duplicate solely if it - Has a similar solution Has opposites of an existing question. This question here > My votes were suddenl...

That already has two delete votes.
closed questions with negative score and no answers are deleted by roomba in 9 days
Either way, close vote not a super downvote etc etc
I just sent @fredley a game
@Unionhawk Your mom is game.
I completely agree with the community that that question ought to be massively downvoted but I disagree that it ought to be closed. shrug the point is, you don't do it here, which is good
@badp NO
Q: Should a tag like [plot] be brought back?

durron597I noticed recently that Arqade doesn't have a tag like plot or lore anymore. I searched meta in an attempt to find a burnination effort and couldn't find one; this is the closest I was able to find: Plot vs. Lore tags - do we need the distinction? - A synonym proposal that turned into a burninati...

@Unionhawk If that's a .exe, it means we're on Windows and he's free to ignore your attempt to end his process.
Keep trying eventually you'll manage
I have learned more today from my supposedly incompetent coworker than I did in whatever "training" I received prior to this.
It makes no diffERRence
Windows could learn a thing or two from Linux about killing processes.
@AshleyNunn share that with The Whiteboard
okay, I gotta work. take care all
@StrixVaria Windows could learn a thing or two from Linux and Posix about a lot of things
@durron597 Already on it :P
shutdown /m \\Bridge /t 0
@durron597 No, now it's deleted as someone cast a third delete vote on it.
"If it isn't a process it's a file, but if it is a process it's kind of a directory so..."
Also, I discovered that shutdown /a definitely does abort the "your computer will restart to apply required software changes"
Which is most pleasing to me
@Unionhawk Why /m and not /f ?
Restarting is mandatERRy
@Powerlord Because I don't know what I'm doing
Oh wait, dur, \m is to target another computer
I guess that should be "why not /f too"
38 secs ago, by Unionhawk
@Powerlord Because I don't know what I'm doing
Blanket statement
My work computer and its broken install of Symantec means I know that shutdown /r /f /t 0 instantly tries to reboot the computer.
user image
This image was the beginning of the end for @badp.
@StrixVaria starred for memories
RIP @badp
(I run that shutdown command about once a day)
@Unionhawk you are hencefERRth assigned blame foot this
I keep trying to assign blame to @StrixVaria but I cannot. I guess Google knows better than letting me ERR
the hERRo we need, not the hERRo we desERRve
OK, code markup works on chat, but is broken in comments on the actual site.
@Powerlord How is it broken
@UniKitty It displays the literal ` instead of putting everything between two of them in the code font.
Let me test that
No works fine
A: Should a tag like [plot] be brought back?

StrixVariaI think there's a little bit of a miscommunication going on here. Someone (maybe even me?) brought up meta tags in the middle of a conversation about lore. But I agree with you, lore is not technically a meta tag. It does describe the contents of the question. However, that doesn't make it a goo...

I wrote a thing.
Bleah, I think I know what it is.
@Powerlord Yeah, for me too
It's because I was putting a Windows path in a code block. Which ends with a \
See, even now I can't put a lone backslash in a code block
@Powerlord you just need more escaping
That was 3 ` on each side
Good, now print a single \ in a code block. :P
A: Formatting Sandbox

MBraedleySomeone said code was broken, but I don't believe him. So this is a test. Test complete. Status: SUCCESS

@MBraedley See the conversation since I said that.
@Powerlord \
That's "` ` ` \ ` ` `" without the spaces
Oh, and for extra fun, a single \ in a code block works fine for answers without any escaping, just not comments/chat. Discoursistency!
er... wait, this isn't Discourse
Also, yay for a meeting with people I've never met, in a building I've never been in, for a task that isn't in my job description.
A: Formatting Sandbox

PowerlordLets try printing a single backslash in a code block. \ Works fine in answers. Lets try in comments below.

for reference
@Powerlord Oh, I guess you only need two
markdown pls
It's probably because comments use a modified subset of markdown, so they have their own markdown parser
Probably yeah
It might work in the answer because the newlines provide extra parsing signal that comments don't get. Or it's a bug in the comment parser
Let's bring back ITG
Huh, apparently WET isn't in the list of Anti-patterns
@Sterno pls.
'cause designing two separate Markdown parsers is definitely WET territory.
In software engineering, don’t repeat yourself (DRY) is a principle of software development, aimed at reducing repetition of information of all kinds, especially useful in multi-tier architectures. The DRY principle is stated as “Every piece of knowledge must have a single, unambiguous, authoritative representation within a system.” The principle has been formulated by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas in their book The Pragmatic Programmer, coauthored with Dennis Ritchie and Francisco Granados. They apply it quite broadly to include “database schemas, test plans, the build system, even documentation....
'cause Write Everything Twice is a great idea!
cc @spugsley pls
I think that backslashes only count as escapes in code sections in comments
@Sterno Is this some kind of joke?
@fredley Yes
And thanks whoever finally gave my flagger's creed the stars it so clearly deserved
Q: Level up Monster Summer Badge with Wormhole?

The Guy with The HatPart of the description for the Wormhole ability says: You must defeat a boss level after using Wormhole in order to level up your Monster Summer Badge. However, I have never used a wormhole and I have only defeated around 500-1000 bosses, yet my Monster Summer Badge is level 1880. Is that ...

Q: What does "lockpicking chance" mean?

UnionhawkI just recruited a monster who gave me +3% lockpick chance. What does this mean? Do I have a chance to simply open chests as I walk up to them without needing to match key tiles? Or do I have to do something special to use it?

@fredley yw
Or as I should say: you're wERRcome
Oh look it's Guns Don't Kill People day again
Guns Don't Kill People day is mandatory
@badp No its yEER wERRcome
@fredley There are some many possible things you could be referring to.
@Sterno >.>
Q: Does vulnerable stack and if so how?

MattCan a hero have multiple instances of vulnerable, each increasing damage done to that hero by 25%? I assumed you were either vulnerable or not vulnerable, based on how it is currently displayed. But the few places I have found where people discussed this online seem to think that it does. For ex...

@AshleyNunn Don't you want to be cool like SciFi?
Does Pets have ?
@Sterno I am okay with us being a different kind of cool
@Sterno afaik, nope
Like, "I'm so cool, you don't even know I'm cool" kind of cool?
because that means people want us to identify all the bits in their mixed up dog etc
@AshleyNunn "DOG"
100% dog
@Sterno You are a terrible man.
What could lifehacks identify?
I feel like ITBP could end up with like dick pics galore as trolling.
@Unionhawk This is generally my answer. :P
@AshleyNunn Maybe even "100% small dog" if you're feeling like being specific that day
@Unionhawk identify-the-appropriate-tool-for-this-task-i-refuse-to-use
Pretty sure there's a reddit for that.
@Sterno probably?
I think it's called /r/all
@Sterno When I was clearing out my old phone, I found pictures I took of books I saw at a garage sale that were all "100 things to do with toothpaste" and the like and I thought of you
@Unionhawk Identify this life
For example, your life might be semi-charmed and you just didn't know it
I'm sad Paranormal didn't make it. So many good IT* possibilities
both of you
My vault that was FINALLY doing good crashes every time I try to load it now! :(
inb4 @StrixVaria bans @Sterno
Bethesda exists to torment
Q: Problem with mouse that occurs only when playing counter strike global offensive

Giora GuttsaitMy mouse is pretty trash, it's a Logitech M175. The battery is fairly new, but sometimes when I'm like watching a video it gets stuck (mouse presses still work though), and it stays that way until I take the battery out and put it back in. The problem with CSGO is similar but what's different is...

Source: I am an android user
@Unionhawk I feel your pain
Also @Rapitor @frank I am super addicted to the ramen game even if I am not super great at it
I don't really get the ramen hall thing
I bought 10000000 and You Must Build A Boat
Worst. Decision.
Oh. God.
@Unionhawk I am tempted by You Must Build a Boat
Oh. God.
Protip: If your unit test doesn't actually call the line of code you're trying to test, your expectations probably won't be met.
A 5 block walk to check if someone has Java installed followed by a 5 block walk back.
...in very humid weather. What fun.
@AshleyNunn It's pretty much 10000000 but takes longer
Instead of PayToWin, it's PlayToWin!
@Sterno Yeah, pretty much
@Sterno oh. hm. that makes me less tempted if it takes longer
like yay more playtime longer, or boo more mindlessgrinding longer?
And there are some more variables kind of
Like, at the "round 2" section the game rolls to see if you get tough monsters, or more chests (and other potential modifiers)
Isn't the whole game just cleverly disguised mindless grinding?
@Sterno Aren't all games?
I mean, 10000000 was fun, but the problem was you get better just for playing (unless you really suck) until you just sort of win
or at least 90% of them if they are single player.
@djsmiley2k Nah. First counterexample that comes to mind: SpaceChem
i couldn't get my head around that, ha
if i grinded long enough can't you figure out every puzzle?
If you abuse the word "grinding", sure.
If "grinding" means brute force, yeah
Grinding usually means doing the same thing over and over
But you can brute force anything, given enough time :)
Q: Does Group Finder work?

RenaissanceProgrammerJust got really into ESO:TU, been able to get to level 20 mostly on my own, but one thing I'd love to do is be able to dungeon crawl on demand like in WoW. They do have a "Group Finder" option and you can choose which role you want and which dungeons to search for but I queued up last night and ...

Q: Do you have to physically collect the coins?

GibadoI've noticed that if you don't collect the coins before they disappear your total coin count increases as soon as it's gone. Is there any benefit to going out of your way to collect the coins then? If not, then the vacuum upgrade seems worthless.

where that "same thing" tends to be something trivial
Key word being "enough"
@AshleyNunn the ramen hall is basically where your regulars go, and where you main focus should be i think. your shop moves around to collect customers for the hall.
@Rapitor Okay, so how do I get more people to go there, because my shop is full of peopel but the hall isnt so much
@AshleyNunn only regulars go to the hall, and your cooks at the hall may not be able to cook the ramen on your menu (they start out really shitty)
@Rapitor Okay, yeah, I noticed they weren't so good so I worked on that
after a while the hall will pick up, but yeah. it starts empty
What does adding more shops to it do?
it adds more shops. you can sell more ramen and such.
shops in the hall are capped at 2 dishes (at least for me so far... but i'm not that far in. only like year 2 or 3)
@Rapitor okay, yeah, that was a dumb question, wasn't it....
it seems like the "meat" of the game is making successful ramen and winning arenas. both of which i suck at

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