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I'm looking for opinions... I posted an answer to this question a while back and have been waiting for the change log to stabilize. It finally has, so I went to update my answer with a list, but doing so makes it REALLY long. Should I add the list anyway, should I leave it as is, or is there a better way?
@StrixVaria At least one person understood it, and for that, I am grateful
I stopped following the story a long time ago and KH just doesn't have that pull for me that it used to.
@Brian This would have been closed as "too localized" back in the day.
I have D3 in my drawer and I just can't be fussed to pull it out.
@Yuuki I have a feeling some of the world announces they've hinted at might change that, but fair enough
@Yuuki I still haven't played BBS (which apparently is UMD only for some reason), which contains a ton of context for the story
The 3ds one is alright, but it has an annoying gimmick
@StrixVaria I wrote the answer, not the question :P
Unless you're referring to what I just asked in chat
@Brian I know. I don't know what to do about your answer. I just :|ed at the question.
@StrixVaria I like that verb
@twobugs Yeah, that's the one I have.
I just can't be fussed to pull it out and play it.
KH has been split up into so many different games that even knowing they're doing a compilation of the entire story in one of the new releases doesn't motivate me to catch up.
I want to, but I just no longer give a REDACTED.
@Yuuki There's a quote from Sora's VA about how during one of the recording sessions the people from Square Enix had a big board they were using to explain the plot and even they got confused about it
I've always thought that KH's story was suppose to be deliberately obtuse
new zelda 4 swords? nintendo stream
I mean, you're basically doing a crossover between two gigantic universes
From what I remember it seemed pretty straightforward in 1, but then gradually got crazier
Today in hell's commute
Get locked out of work at 18:30
get to station at 19:30
Q: All Draconid Locations in the witcher 3?

Nick GarrettI think I've killed every last draconid lol any rare or not well known ones? I need to finish mastercrafted ursine armor.

Train strike from 9am to 5pm
@twobugs If you go back and play 1 with the context of the others, it was always crazy. They just toned it down because they thought there would only ever be 1 game
End result: next two trains home cancelled
@Ktash Ah, I see. I haven't played 1 since it came out so I probably forgot a lot of it
Respectively 2½ and 3 hours affer the end of the strike
@badp Ugh I can't even imagine if this happened with my trains.
@PrivatePansy Nah, you can blame Nomura for that. He's got this crazy twisted idea that no one but him understands
because of the strike
@twobugs That's never good :P
@Ktash He seems like a smart guy, but when he gets full creative control he goes... overboard
I mean, he did those play arts figures of DC characters. They look cool, but they also look completely stupid
The previous train and all before that were regular
All of them
He gets a bit... over excited. And he's got a very specific style and it comes out in everything and can be a bit over the top
And of course everyone always laughs about it. Zippers and belts. Every single character has at least a dozen of one of them
Though for the new Sora design, looks like he went with buttons instead (which is a nice change of pace)
@Ktash Zippers.
He's definitely a talented artist and I like a lot of his older stuff, I just think he needs more editors who are willing to say "Hey, tone it down"
Ugh, I'm having an existential crisis about not being able to hype over KH3.
Have they announced an overseas date for Xenoblade Chronicles X yet?
It's been out in Japan for like a month and a half now
SE announcing brand new IP. New RPG. At least it's made by a new sub-studio
I really wish SE would localize the 3DS versions of DQ7 and 8
I can understand why they're not doing 7 (even though I really want it), but 8 would be awesome
@Yuuki It's ok. Just think about all the great new Disney movies coming out
@Ktash Is balpha now a full time game dev?
@Yuuki what's the big deal?
@Rapitor I loved KH1 and KH2, though KH2 to a lesser degree.
SE didn't even want to localize Bravely Default, Nintendo had to do that
so then logically. liking the third even less is understandable
Not being able to hype KH3 just feels... wrong.
@badp ??
@Ktash geddit? Huh
Huh? Huh? Geddit? Huh?
dumb grin
@twobugs Yeah.
@badp My train home yesterday was delayed 45 minutes and it sucked. You have my condolences tonight.
> LastPass officials warned Monday that attackers have compromised servers that run the company's password management service and made off with cryptographically protected passwords and other sensitive user data.
@badp I got it.
is lastpass used commonly? i got a few emails from sites that said someone(not me) requested a password reset.
@Rapitor Lastpass is a client side thing. Those will be separate issues which you'll probably want to keep an eye on
@Rapitor Also, site or sites?
LastPass is not uncommon, but if you're not using it, I'm not sure how it would be related to your password reset issues
even if you are using it, I'm not sure how it would be related to your password reset issues
Q: Can I reset my skill tree?

CharkzThrough The Witcher 3 is it possible at some point of the game to reset my skill tree; in case I made a mistake or want to re-spec? If there is please answer with no spoiler about how to obtain this if spoilers are evident to know, just answer saying yes/no and how far into the story.

@Ktash hm, thought it was multiple sites... but i'm just crazy. it was just crunchyroll.
@Rapitor If it's just one, you're probably ok. Especially if it is username based. Might have just been someone with a wrong name. If it's email based, you may want to change your email password and keep an eye out for other sites
pretty much every major account i use is 2-step verification... so unless they steal my phone... should be ok.
erases @Rapitor's phone
Nice. I really need to do that...
@badp D:
@Rapitor hey you still HAVE the phone! I didn't know that unlocking the bootloader was enough to wipe it!!
Anyone with physical access to your device can do that.
unless your bootloader is already unlocked, in which case you can still probably wipe it from your fastboot replacement
Failing that there's water, heights, microwaves, …
Or those guys from Person of Interest bluejacking your phone from half a mile away
@MBraedley Best phrase ever.
@MBraedley wish I had headphones
or more precisely, wish the headphone jack of my nexus 7 wasn't freshly broken
Just as I'd gotten used to listening to podcasts
Wait. Arkham Knight is out NEXT WEEK?
I'm never going to finish any games.
I didn't even realize that had a release date
Also something about your mom
Something's wrong with the internet at work.
@Sterno Wait, for real? Wow.
@MBraedley I get that, but what happens when the #1 party doesn't get more than 50% of the seats is also really ugly
@Sterno For some reason I thought it was already out
See also: the current situation in Italy where a 40-35-25 split in votes gave us four different govts in four years led by sworn enemies who very grudgingly have to get along
@Wipqozn My mom is a classy lady.
Isn't that just called a minority government?
...and this is exactly what the 25 side wanted
@badp Not particularly. And the UK has generally handled it better than Canada has by forming coalitions. With minority governments the biggest problem is that only the issues that everyone agrees on make it into law.
@MBraedley and even if everybody agreed on something chances are good that you can win support from your voters by disagreeing anyway
That, or you get (shock) compromise.
Sometimes I go on /r/ELI5 and think I'm in /r/AskScience.
@MBraedley the 40 and 35 sides are on opposite ends of the political spectrum
And as a result, sometimes I go on /r/AskScience and think I'm in /r/ELI5.
The 25 side is basically political nihilist, siding against both
so "compromise" here meant 2 years without any politician at the helm
They were not brilliant years.
Okay, but the way a minority government should work would in theory produce the best results for everyone.
Or at least not favour any one group over another.
among other things they votes FOR the resolution that got Italy stuck with no help from Europe in dealing with the immigration waves from north africa
Man you can not store much music in 8GB
Q: What does each SPECIAL stat in Fallout Shelter do?

Keyes34Besides its workplace uses, like Charisma in Living Quarters, Strength in Power Generators, Agility in Diners. Do we know if Endurance increases HP in the Dwellers, or that strength helps in melee damage / survivability in the wastelands?

@GnomeSlice That's more than enough to store a full day's worth of music.
They also illegally delayed billions in euros from retirement plans which now we must surreptitiously pay for
@GnomeSlice You can only store what... 800 songs? How is that "not much"?
Or has music gotten way, way bigger since my napster days?
@Sterno Maybe double, but not more than that.
Most stuff is in VBR now unless you're weird and use flac because you think there's a difference.
@badp I'm not saying that your minority government isn't dysfunctional, I'm saying that minority governments don't have to be dysfunctional.
@MBraedley what happened in the end is half of the 30 party broke off and joined forces with the 40 party
@StrixVaria I already assumed double by going 10MB per song instead of what I remember, which was more like 4-5. Since I'm probably the only one who doesn't mind listening to the shittier, smaller versions
I keep everything as 320 mp3
Getting them all the way to 70 plus plenty of stability as those people will never be reelected and will stick to their chairs for as long as possible
If I still actually collected mp3s, I would aim to have everything in VBR because 320 is overkill.
70 is enough to pass electoral reform unopposed
I have like 256.songs on this SD card and I think it's full
@GnomeSlice And in double-blind listening tests, those are indistinguishable from 192kbps
Such compromise very representation much success
Already bought a 64 gigger though
@MBraedley yeah well good luck finding a way to convert my entire library that way
So by all means please give one party 51% so we can be done with it anyway
@GnomeSlice Actually, it isn't very hard. There are plenty of programs that will do that conversion in batch.
Chances are that no law that you can pass will get support from 100% of your own party anyway
256 songs is still a lot of songs
I'm not even sure there are 256 songs I like.
I mean I'm all for STV etc. but those systems can and will give winner places to people who get voted first choice by much less than half
@Sterno videogame music
Most video game music I wont listen to outside of the game it's from
(I like my music with either awesome lyrics or none at all)
Most of the shit I have is instrumental too
Q: What impact is there to bulldozing housing?

DavidYellWhat penalties will I suffer if I upgrade a stretch of road and cause all the low density residential to be demolished? Will this create unhappiness, or will the houses just get re-built afterwards? The problem arose due to a traffic bottleneck where my incoming highway enters my city. Related ...

Q: Does the Golden shovel still make rocks give ore?

Jason_c_oThe Thonky wiki states that If you hit the money rock in your town with the silver shovel, the rock might give you ore instead of money. and also The golden shovel allows you to bury money in the ground, which has a chance of growing into a money tree. Does the golden shovel still in...

(I don't need people speaking bullshit in my head as I code)
@badp I don't even hear lyrics when I listen to music. I hear that someone is singing, but I don't pay any attention to what the words mean.
Can we all stop a moment and appreciate how ridiculous the Jurassic World movie poster is?
@StrixVaria that's because you listen to metal with incomprehensible vocals
@Sterno Wow, Image not found is a pretty ridiculous poster.
Just kidding I'm the same way
@StrixVaria basic competency in english robbed me of that
I've got your back @Sterno
@Wipqozn Wait, that is the actual poster?
@badp Fluency in English and I can still zone out the words.
Hell learning a couple dozen words of Japanese even ruined those songs
@AshleyNunn No idea. Ask @Sterno.
My brain just instantly snaps and says HEY I KNOW SOME OF THOSE WORDS
If so, that's ridiculous.
That is an actual poster.
A scene that looks a lot like that is in the trailer, too.
That poster is dope shut up
The velociraptorwhisperer.
So, the scene where Shia LeBouf swings around with the monkeys in Indiana Jones 4 was ridiculous and awful.
But at least they didn't turn it into a movie poster, like they were proud of it.
I am not at all surprised @GnomeSlice likes that poster.
(It's Shia LeBoeuf)
I get it. That's funny.
Actual Cannibal Shia LaBeouf.
He's also got some awesome green-screened motivational shouting, now.
Abby T. Miller on June 16, 2015

Welcome to the Stack Exchange Podcast, episode #65, recorded Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at Stack Exchange Headquarters in New York City. Today’s podcast is brought to you by the Association of Airline Mile Programs and hosted by the usual suspects.

We’ll start off with the extremely important and community-relevant subject of why Joel hates frequent flyer programs. It’s a fascinating story and I can’t do it justice in summary. But I will say, for those of you who find it TOO ENTERTAINING AND DRAMATIC, that this story ends around 7 minutes into the show. 7:16 to be exact. …

Do those even work?
> the current plan is to wait until Windows runs iOS apps
Podcasts are dumb
I don't want to listen to you talk. TYPE THAT SHIT OUT
I agree with @Sterno,
@Sterno Yes, this actually would be awesome.
If i wanted to listen to people talk, I'd start a marching band.
I would love if they transcripted these.
Why hasn't someone thought of this before!
@AshleyNunn Me too. I guess these things are good if you drive or something
@StrixVaria I wonder how good automatic podcast transcribing is?
I'm guessing absolutely terrible
Given that there are entire websites and remade videos dedicated to bad youtube auto transcribing, I'd say not good
youtube transcribing is hilarious, though
it tries so hard
@GnomeSlice Oi! Most grunts and screams are understandable if you try. There are things that are complete unintelligible screaming though glares at all grindcore ever
@fredley Any sort of automatic transcription is going to be terrivle
Half the time I can't understand what people are saying when they TRY to type it out
cc @gnomephone
We aren't meant to understand the transcendental poetry that is @PhoneSlice.
Admit it, your lives are now complete.
@JasonBerkan Not until at least 200mg of LSD
Hey, guys and gals, I've got an announcement to make
I'm going to go shower.
> Now I want a fallout set in Japan.
> There's a really inappropriate joke in there somewhere...
> It's the one about Hiroshima.
My body is ready.
@Yuuki what about nagasaki. why does everyone always forget nagasaki
> Or Nagasaki based on your preference /s
> Dual versions.
> They could do both. It could be like a Pokemon Red and Blue kind of thing.
> Fallout Hiroshima Grey. Fallout Nagasaki Green.
@Yuuki This would make a great comic
... What's with this narration?
Pokemon set in the dystopia of post-bomb Hiroshima. Trainers fight mutated creatures against each other for sport.
Q: Should I get the wireless dongle for XB1, a DS4 or wait for the Steam controller for my PC?

freejuicesI have an xbox one controller for my PC, and I play with a micro usb cable. The thing is always getting loose, and I'm not sure if it's because of the cable or the controller. Honestly, I don't care, I've been meaning to get the wireless dongle for a while now anyway. The thing is that the wirel...

just cause is great, because it gives no shits
> unlimited C4
I'm probably going to need a new PC by the end of the year I guess.
@fredley without the 3 idiots, top gear is pretty much dead to me.
@Rapitor Conversely, I might bring myself to watch at least one episode again
they've signed with netflix last i heard, so that's a win.
Interesting. So I've been trying to practice eugenics in my Fallout Shelter vault. The only problem is this pregnant woman won't get back to work
Q: What are the Specific effects of the Updated Monster Spawning Rule?

ChargingPunAccording to the Minecraft release log for update TU19 (Xbox 360), under Tweaks: Gameplay, it states: "The longer you remain in an area, the harder the monsters that spawn in that area will be" I have several questions about this: What is defined as "remaining in the area"? How big is the are...

Yes, we're also working on Fallout Shelter for Android. Hopefully out in a few months.
Q: Why don't my female dwellers give birth to children?

Vlad FrunzeI am playing Fallout Shelter on my IPad. There were some women who have already gave birth, but two female dwellers are carrying their babies for about 18(!) hours. I know that this process takes three hours, so this is not normal. What do I do?

@Lazers2.0 I wonder what happens if you don't have space in your shelter for the baby?
@JasonBerkan According to the in-game help, babies will wait to be born until there is sufficient housing
I added that as a comment to the question, as it's possible his game is glitched. If it isn't, I'll post it as an answer I suppose
sounds like dwarf fortress lol
Ah nuts, we're anticipated to get hit by TS Bill. Poor Tejas though
Dear god
Are you just making up words?
@Sterno I mean, no?
But yes?
But no
@Rapitor Shenmue 2 was the dumbest game
It was one of the few games I had for my Dreamcast
I remember performing mindless tasks as a dockworker
I probably played that game for 3 hours and nothing interesting ever happened.
Maybe that was Shenmue 1
Can anyone recommend me a good case for a Galaxy S5?
Fire Emblem: If to be localized as Fire Emblem: Fates, apparently.
@John No
@Wipqozn Okay
Oh, hey. Is there a reason we haven't mentioned Donald Trump is ridiculous yet today?
I can't think of one
He is pretty silly though
Has he done something recent?
I know he was all "obama isn't american because I hate black people"
well I might be paraphrasing, but that was the jist of it
He's declared that he's running for president.
Oh, well then
That shoild go well for him
dat pin list
@badp That reminds me, I should paly through wolfenstein
the whole screen isn't enough room
I bought it, playted was al "wtf why won't it run well"
then I uninstalled it
then I realized I had my monitor plugged into the wrong port and felt dumb and was too lazy to reinstall
and then @badp deleted my account
I don't remember that last bit.
> The Democratic National Committee was just as sarcastic on Twitter: “He adds some much needed seriousness that previously been lacking from the GOP field, and we look forward (to) hearing more about his ideas for the nation.”
well that was easy
only two aliens, and they didn't even stay in the ufo
Take that aliens!
Q: Rewinding story to do strike force missions in BO2

LBMF_1I set my BO2 story back to Achilles Veil, and did all the strike force missions through the Replay Mission option. If I have done them and complete Achilles Veil, will they change the ending, or have any effect? Or do I have to create a new story?

@Sterno it's easier to fall asleep with those than without
Sleeping on the train is critical.
@StackExchange I feel like @fredley needs to fix this.
@Unionhawk this is my new aspiration, thanks
To just judge @Wipqozn?
@Unionhawk GUILTY. Am I doing it right?
@John Yes
You're doing perfect
@Unionhawk :D
I just fought The Ghost of Australia in the Steam minigame.
I was unaware Australia had died.
wat intensifies
Q: Command Blocks and Redstone Comparators

VynileSo I am giving Command Blocks a first try and I've found that with the comparator you can make it so it perceives a player is near them (and of course if you use the [r=x] tag. The scenario I am trying to make is one where are 2 players or more, (player N and player M.) N is in range and the C...

Who want's to bring me some hohos
It's one hundred and two fucking degrees here
@Ktash what's Seattle like? I'm literally one more day of this away from moving
@spugsley Weather-wise? Right now it is a little warm. High of 76 today. Was a little warm last week. Got to the mid-80s :P
Q: What AVG Creep Score Per Game should a Jungler have?

CharkzSo as the title asks, what CS should a jungler have per game? What's the Diamond/Master/Challenger standard? Per game I'm getting around 100CS that is if all my laners always clear there lanes and take my jungle camps more often later on. If they don't I get around 200+ for a 30-40min game.

@yuuki that new Mario and Luigi game looks like it has potential to be awesome
73 right now and sunny
@Ktash 76?!?!?! A LITTLE WARM?!?!?!
or my soul or my heart or whatEVER IT TAKESSSSSS
@spugsley :O How much?? gets checkbook
@Ktash That sounds a lot like what it's like here, even though I'm about two states south of you
It usually doesn't get above 90 for more than maybe a week or two here
@Ktash :3
@Ktash bliss. Sheer. Fucking. Bliss.
I would make so much art
that is perfect arting temperature
Yeah, summers are pretty nice here. The beaches aren't super warm, but it's very pretty and nice most of the time
@Ktash and it's cloudy often? I love cloudy weatherrrrr
So I've had really bad draws in my Hearthstone packs
Same just got two legendaries, one golden, in the same pack
Reality, please just decide if you hate or love me already
Also, when it gets hot here, it's not that really crappy can barely breathe hot like the south. It's not pleasant, but is completely manageable
@spugsley Yeah, during certain months definitely
Roughly it looks like we average about 226 cloudy days a year
ughhhhh Seattle is where I belong
@spugsley Yes. Yes it is. Very much so
@Ktash we're thinking about visiting at some point to see if we'd like it but we are bad at traveling and finding things to do once we get there :p
I want to explore and hike and Ian wants to relax and eat good food haha
@spugsley Well I've been around here for a while and can give you all the tips for whenever you make it out. From touristy to artsy to local flavor :)
Q: Is NPC death permanent?

Zachary DowIf I kill NPCs when out scavanging, will they stay dead? If so, is this the case every time, with every location? If there are examples to the contrary of the general case, what would those be? As an example, I assume I can kill a couple guards at the brothel and run. Then I would have only a fe...

@Ktash I'll take you up on that :D
@spugsley Lots and lots and LOTS of both of those here lol
Seattle has a pretty big Foodie scene. And there are lots of really beautiful trails and places to hike and see
@Ktash good to know. We might actually stay out on the coast or somewhere mountain-y and rent a car to explore the city. Who knows :3
Well there is lots and lots of options. You could do the San Juan Islands and hike Mt Rainier and explore the city. And it's all pretty close :)
Basically, you should definitely come visit! :D
Q: i can't connect with Google +

Kelzang Dorjilemme get this straight I have th8 base and its connected with Google+. I had to reset my phone before few days because it was giving me problems . And after i reset my phone i logged into Google+ and installed the game .. But it won't load.. I have tried every possible things like i updated...

@Ktash ohhhhh nice
It's Friday Harbor, one of the main "cities" on the San Juan Islands. I wouldn't call a round-about a downtown personally, but to each their own, I guess
@Ktash I was just looking into Ballard. Seems like it's a nice suburb away from the actual city but close enough you could take a cab or drive a rental if you wanted to explore
@spugsley Ballard is very close, and very popular right now. It's very very happening place
Also, getting around most of the neighborhoods in Seattle is very easy
Oh, hey, there's a ghost town not too far away... did not know that
can you find me some secret pics somewhere?!?! I need to seeeeee

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