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@Chippies my parents don't have wireless stuff, they just don't want to trip on the cable or, really, to see it.
And well my old PC, which my father uses, is wired.
so all you need is another cat5 cable for your laptop
He loses connection when I do, but it might just be me making the connection fall for both, I suppose
considering how close you are to the router, you can probably get a long enough cable in a dollar store
@Zachiel well that sounds like the router is restarting for whatever reason
my old ISP modem did that
Dad brought home some cables they dismissed at work when I organized the last DotA2 champinship finals in my basement, so I have the cables.
@Chippies Exactly.
Some friend suggested decoupling router and modem on two differnt devices for reducing heating, but he's the guy that told me adding a hub before his router improved his home connectivity...
Hey, there we go
Apple finally approved the Pebble Time app
@SaintWacko weeeeeeeeeee
Are you an iOS?
Ah and of course, since I'm using my router instead of the ISP's rented one, I don't really trust them when they tell me to change back.
@fredley No way
You know, it occurred to me that the reason Chrome is ditching NPAPI is because Chrome's implementation of it was/is terrible.
@SaintWacko Android integration is better anyway
@djsmiley2k I don't visit /. any more.
For iOS apps, all the JS used in Pebble apps has to be baked into the binary, as in the actual Pebble app binary
man arrrested for walking near a school in storm trooper armour carrying blaster.
Not only is /. / Dice Holding the one who are being absolute dicks with SourceForge, but /.also ditched the "high rep users don't see ads" thing.
So as a Pebble dev, you submit your app, the app's JS then gets bundled into the iOS app's next release, and when that gets approved by Apple, your app is available to iOS users
(Not that it affected me since I used AdBlock / uBlock, but it's the principle of the thing)
@djsmiley2k man arrested for wearing costume from children's film near children
@fredley Man arrested for acting like child, near children, with toys.
@fredley Star Wars is a children's film?
@Powerlord uh... yes? Didn't you first watch it as a child?
well most of the fans were 10-12 when they started coming out.
@fredley ...we're talking about a film series that came out before I was born.
I also watched Nightmare on Elm Street 1 when I was 7. That doesn't mean it's a children's movie.
Diehard is a Christmas movie, though.
That is indisputable.
@originaluser amen
> Diehard is a movie that takes place over Christams
@Powerlord Yes, but you first watched it as a child right?
It also has a massive toy franchise
I hate to break it to you, but it's a kids film
1 min ago, by Powerlord
I also watched Nightmare on Elm Street 1 when I was 7. That doesn't mean it's a children's movie.
@Powerlord Nightmare on Elm street does not have a toy franchise, and it's not marketed directly at children
@fredley Actually... it did.
As crazy as it sounds.
@fredley Good sir, you underestimate America.
crying bald eagle carrying Freddy Kruger action figure
Hell, it does even now... NECA makes some.
Toys marketed at children?
@AshleyNunn Yup. And Halloween costumes, etc...
It was pretty common when I was young to see kids dress up as Freddy Kreugar or Jason (from Friday the 13th) for Halloween.
@Powerlord They should be required by law to fight if they encounter each other
@Powerlord It was always scary to see everyone dressed up like me.
I love how our Dev server was supposed to be reimaged yesterday and we're not supposed to use SVN until the new server OS is up...
...but here it is 24+ hours later and the original Dev server is still there with no signs of its replacement.
@JasonBerkan You're Jason (from Friday the 13th)?
Or did you want me to spell out his last name, Voorhees?
...which apparently has two "o"s
@fredley Oh yeah, definitely
Huh. My Gatorade that I just bought today expired in Feb.
Oh well.
It's probably still fine
I drank most of it and didn't notice. I am more amused than anything.
There's not a lot in Gatorade that I can see expiring
TIL that jython is a thing
Why is this a thing
Do I wanna know?
oh god i'm enchanted already.
Apparently it is java python or something
@Unionhawk so that you can call into java from python
I have some experience with how useful it can be to use functions written in one language in another language
More importantly I guess is why is it called jython and the answer is "reasons" and "you didn't invent it, so deal with it"
It's a python implementation on the JVM, yes
My favorite is PyPy: the Python implementation in Python
@murgatroid99 Why would you do that? (Honest question)
I'm still not really sure how that works, but apparently it's pretty fast
I can't even begin to understand what "python implementation in python" means
@AshleyNunn Because you can (serious answer)
@Unionhawk Pava would be better
Fair enough, I wasn't sure if there was an actual usecase for it
Do electrolytes expire?
I'm confused
@AshleyNunn As I said, it's supposed to be pretty fast, so performance could also be the reason, at least to keep working on it
It's got what plants crave
Best film
@Unionhawk It's a Python runtime written in Python, of course.
Also I have never had horseradish before, I like this sandwich but it is also very spicy which I don't like
Of course, how could I be so naïve
@TimStone What bugs me is that I'm not sure how they deal with the "turtles all the way down" problem
oh wow
that's... mad
It's not much different than gcc
Someone dies, you forget them? :O
@GnomeSlice Spicy is delicious get out
@TimStone Oh, so it compiles it to native code?
@djsmiley2k Yeah, the crystals are kinda rude
@originaluser Thats just.... odd tho
it's got both good and bad parts to it
you hear about the guy recently tried to commit suicide because of depression?
His brain damage has left him unable to feel emotion.
I do like a lot of the subtext they put into the 13-era games (which type-0 was originally part of), I just think they could have handled it a lot better
That sounds like a win
@djsmiley2k eugh
fuct status: [ ] not fuct [ ] fuct [x] really fuct
@Unionhawk to not feel depression? would be great...
but to not be able to be happy you can't feel it anymore? Or not feel sad that you can't feel anything?
how do you even comprehend that :/
@djsmiley2k "not feeling emotion" sounds a lot like depression
Can you still get horny without feeling emotion?
Honest question
@GnomeSlice yeah, sexual response and emotional response are two different things
I'd imagine yes @GnomeSlice kind of
@murgatroid99 Pypy is written in R(estricted)Python and then there's a tool chain that transpiles it into C which is then compiled into the pypy executable.
Depression is not quite the same as just 'not feeling anything'
Your body will still respond to stimuli.
you could have the sexual stimuli and response (physical changes) but you'd not know why
It's more like 'most things feel the same'
@GnomeSlice Oh I know.
We've spoke about this before..
@TimStone that makes sense
17years and counting.
@djsmiley2k well, you'd know why - the answer is "this is happening because my body is responding to sexual stimuli"
Start working out
you just wouldn't feel the emotional response
@AshleyNunn I guess :D
@GnomeSlice had no effect on me.
I work out anyway because it at least keeps me active
How long did you do it for
and has some health benefits
but yeah, people are like "wow, working out makes me feel so good" and I just stare at them blankly
I should work out but I'm not motivated
The thing with most mental health things is that the solutions, if there are any, are going to be highly individualized
I had to get a trainer to really get over the initial motivation hump
@GnomeSlice depends how you define work out. I do physical stuff every day, be it a 20min hard walk or something else such as mowing the lawn
but after that I've been able to start working on myown
I'm talkin pumping iron
The onjly thing that helped me was a course of something I dnd't think would help
called mindfulness.
@GnomeSlice lol that isn't at all 'me'
@AshleyNunn Absolutely, there's so much involved with brain chemistry it's very unrealistic to assume a one-size-fits-all solution
@originaluser Pretty much.
@GnomeSlice Yeah I'm about to leave for the gym in ~40 minutes or so to pump some iron and do some 5k training
Odd thing is I'm pretty sure I told YOU to do exercise @GnomeSlice.... like 2 years ago
Funny shit but NSFW language
@djsmiley2k lol, do as I say, not as I do
My cousin did that mindfulness thing and it really helped him too...
Man this ongoing heatwave in India is pretty terrifying
Q: Coc restart that can't be fixed

EmilyI have been playing EO clash for a while. When I tried to go back the main game, it says DOWNLOADING EO CLASH UPDATE. I've tried waiting to download the update, but it keeps restarting the game. How do I fix this?

2,500 deaths
as of 2 days ago
I hadn't heard about that holy shit
Global starting
Temperature regularly hitting almost 120F
Global Eisenhower
Global warning
I mean I guess you can say "2,500 in a country of nearly one billion is no big deal"
What's that in Celsius
Almost 50C
@GnomeSlice "really fucking hot C"
@Unionhawk "but it rained last month"
I imagine that these are relatively prepared areas, too
The hell
@GnomeSlice I was doubtful, and for the first 4-5 weeks I thought it was pointless although I wanted it to work
Then something just kinda clicked.
I would never stick with it for that long
I think @GnomeSlice's keyboard melted.
I haven't tried this mindfulness thing, but I'll check it out later
someone at my work was just talking about it
I did group sessions
Having previously done solo sessions for other things, I thin kthe fact it was a group thing helped too
Tho i did find myself judging other people but blarg, that's how i roll.
Judging other people is a good way to feel better about yourself
Just don't let anybody know what you think
@originaluser Fun fact: Final Fantasy 15 used to be called 13-Versus
Global Climate Change is real.
Anyone referring to it in outdated terms like "Global Warming" is trying to use a logical fallacy against it.
"I know what the scientists say, but I don't believe it" - a member of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
Tho we have some science guy overhere who belives in homopathy or whaetever its called ¬_¬
fucking goddammit
@Powerlord Yep. I wonder if they'll keep the mythology stuff or if it has diverged enough
I haven't played the demo yet, but I've been meaning to
maybe I'll do that tonight
@Unionhawk I meant to reply that I had seen that but I forgot
A: What are the easter eggs In Game Dev Tycoon?


Awwwww come on ¬_¬
Congratulations @uni, fastest flagger
What do I win?
@originaluser If I choose to equip 1 chara, is there a 'main' one I should choose?
@djsmiley2k Nah, I tried to rotate them and keep them equally leveled. You unlock all kinds of crazy abilities so it's a little slow at the start
k that's cool
I'd rather know now :)
If you're a loser you can basically cheat everyone to 99
that comes for those replays where I can't be bothered :P
Agreed. You can replay missions anyway so it's not a big deal. And you can level up as much as you want between missions anyway
I'm just exploring right now
Do I win a Snacks in a place movie poster? (someone make this pls)
There's some cool exploration you can do, but how far you can go is limited by story progress
Q: Does a longer food duration mean more hp?

BobDoes a longer duration of food mean more hp restoration. Or does it just take longer to gain the same amount of hp as any other food?

@djsmiley2k Protip to inb4ing mods: don't say "FLAGS" then flag, just flag
Yeah, just flagging is better.
I just thought it was a funny "answer", I wasn't trying to tell everyone to flag it or anything
Well it is funny too
I agree
You can't see it anymore but the guy's username was KOSKOU or something like the weird stuff he posted
You can see in the alt text on the avatar
I like when I grab a not-answer before anyone even flags it :D
Well my new hobby is stealing that from you guys wherever I can :P
Except I actually cba
I saw that edited and I didn't remember editing it for some reason.
Come back brain
I didn't mean what I said
Uni need brain for posting
> My chocolates! Come back chocolates! I didn't mean what I said!
user image
@TimStone That is excellent :D
@TimStone You sir, are a genius.
Critics agree: "Snacks in a place always looked like a really dumb movie"
Oh god I'm glad it's basically hometime, that kills any and all productive things I may have been doing
I'm clearly being productive
taskkill badp.exe
Q: Uploading my skin doesnt work

mirandaOn minecraft 1.8.7,I keep on upload my anna skin(I love frozen) and it doesn't work no matter how many times I log in.I even reset my password.My email and password is correct but it doesn't work.I even went my mom's email for the first time.What should I do? http://prntscr.com/7dkglm HELP ME PL...

I turn onto you for psychiatric counseling
Get out office 1½ hours early Board wrong train Next useful train cancelled Waste 2½ hours (est.) Thanks #ymbab
so you just realized you need to waste 2½ hours
and your electronic devices are dead
@badp This is where I would be glad I keep a physical book in my bag
It is too late and newsagents are closed
Goodness @bapp - how long is your commute?
so you can't even buy a book of puzzles to kill time with
@JasonBerkan 1h40' on a good day
today... not a good day.
@badp Each way? 3 hours of commuting + 8 hours of working?
@JasonBerkan Yes
Ugh. I'm glad I live in hicksville.
actually it's often 9 hours of working
@JasonBerkan I could spend less time commuting -- but doing so involves driving cars, as opposed to sleeping or slacking off on a train.
@badp Booooooo
@AshleyNunn All you've got is: a couple pens, a dead tablet, an almost dead mobile without enough credit to go online with (you left the battery charger at work anyway, so no recharging until Monday), and your wallet, with a few receipts in it
and how you decide to kill time is
I am drinking a Belgian style Strong and Dark ale and it is delicious
by writing on the back of the tiny receipts notes to group integers by the minimum amount of 3s required to reach said integer through a combination of + - * / ^
@badp Nap?
also known as the Half Life Three Degree of Confirmation
the more 3s you need to go from a number to half life 3 confirmed, the less interesting it is
apparently you need a whopping six threes to make a 16 (the smallest such integer)
oh wait
Q: Mod Portal 2 Audio

DT75Okay so, I want to make an audio mod for Portal 2, but I'm not sure how to do it. I explored the game folder a bit but I couldn't find any distinct audio files (or at least in a format I would recognize). Does anyone have any pointers about how to do this? I'm sort of new to the world of computer...

Q: Minecraft Mods wont work for 1.7.2?

AngelI have the right forge for Minecraft, I downloaded shaders it works perfectly! but, when I try to download any other mod, it starts up, does a black screen then shuts off, apparently its not considered as a crash, I have no other mods then shaders, I got rid of shaders for the mod, it still won't...

it started because I had a parking receipt from a few days ago with 43 lines of legalese on the back, and I clearly had to confirm Half Life 3 from that
hang on I need to pick up my notes
that's 3*3^3-3*(3*3+3/3)-3*3+3/3
and that's 12 threes
which is 3*(3+3/3) threes
but still I would've preferred making it in like 3*3 threes
and hence the question of classification
Your brain is a magical place.
so... how many years of life do I have left
is it 3?
it is 3 isn't it
/cc @KevinvanderVelden
Also, in addition to the beer, I'm having fresh off the grill burgers, although they are slightly overcooked.
Q: The servers always have that green button

user114521The servers always have the green button next to it. I don't know why it doesn't work ? I look up whats wrong but i dont see anything! Please help . Thankyou. CAn u help please i really wann join lifeboat! Keeps saying invalid name when i try joining?

I have neither beer nor burgers, but I have 57 min of work til the weekend and that is pretty great.
I left work... six hours ago?!
@badp I leave work in 20 minutes or so!
i just got home
@Powerlord then it's your HL3 confirming turn
@badp @KevinvanderVelden confirmed
@AshleyNunn If I end up driving out to Ontario in November, do you want me to bring some tasty tasty beer from Nova Scotia?
@MBraedley Heck yes, beer presents!
I will trade you baked goods?
(Or whatever, I just like excuses for cake)
(Note, I'll probably be flying and not driving due to time constraints.)
@MBraedley makes sense.
@AshleyNunn Although baked goods may sway me
Q: Bonemeal doesn't work with dispensers

Veritas025So when I try using bonemeal to make crops grow faster it just breaks the crop instantly instead of actually growing. It does work in Single player but is there anyway to make it work in multiplayer because it might be a plugin?

@MBraedley My rule is any SE folk that end up near me get baked goods of their choice (subject to my skill level, although most things no longer elude me unless they're fried)
(I have a fear of deep fat frying oil)
Also, driving from here to Hamilton (where my sister lives) by myself would not be much of a fun trip
@AshleyNunn I once almost burnt down kitchen by boiling stuff in frying oil
@MBraedley True. Also, that isn't far from me (about an hour or so)
I probably would have, if I hadn't known that hot oil + water = no no
@Chippies It's so dangerous!
extinguishing frying oil that's on fire is tricky, lol
@Chippies Porkchop sandwiches!
I did ruin the laminate floor in the kitchen, but at least I didn't burn it down :P
Like I don't mind shallow frying, but deep frying = scary
@Chippies Smother it, never use water
That's all I know, though
@MBraedley I threw a towel on the pot, but it just caught fire, I ended up dropping the pot on the floor and the fire went out, since the oil was too spread to burn
Makes me want to pick up the new one when it comes out.
not the best method of extinguishing oil on fire, but it worked for me
@Yuuki are you sure it's for Starcraft 2? It seems to use spritesheets
@Chippies It is.
@Yuuki yep, I found where it says that it's for SC2
I thought SC2 was fully 3d
@Ktash NO! Bad @Ktash
It says it'll be available for everyone for free whether they've bought Starcraft or not...
That seems highly suspect
That reminds me, I need PorkChat on this machine
These guys have official Blizzard stuff, I think.
@Ktash We used to have a jukebox in our college bar. You paid 50p to add a song to the queue. One night someone put £10 in it, buying this song over and over again.
@Yuuki Oh, hrm
Okay, quite a bit less suspect, then
@MBraedley What? Did I not do it right?
@fredley Dance party all night!
@Ktash No, you did it right, and that's the problem
@MBraedley Better than Friday :P
Q: Is there a way to improve the poor framerate/performance?

BlueRaja - Danny PflughoeftThis game looks beautiful, but it has notoriously bad performance. It is by far the number one complaint in the forums. I am getting ~20fps on the lowest settings, with a GTX 780. History has shown me that people usually find ways to disable the one or two settings that cause horrendous perfor...

@SaintWacko Blizzard offers a free arcade, which is apparently where you can play with the mod for free.
@Ktash Oh, I didn't even look at the link result. I saw a "k" and was scared off.
Carry on
@MBraedley Please. I have never linked to Friday. I have linked to 1 cover of Friday, but never to Friday. I don't intend to change this trend
I blame it on the beer. The tasty tasty beer
inb4 blaming it on the alcohol
the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol.
@Yuuki inb4 your inb4
@MBraedley No, I was inb4'ing anyone who was going to reference that annoying-as-f--k song.
I can't even think of what that song is, perhaps that is for the best
@AshleyNunn The one I linked?
@Ktash no the one @Yuuki referenced
Q: how to get an animal out of a boat on minecraft

Macee DunfeeI'm on minecraft transporting a cow by boat and this is kinda stupid of me but I have no idea how to get the cow out of the boat can anyone help?

Q: Please tell me why every time i try to join multiplayer pe it say "Invalid name" only on the new update 0.11.0

user114638Why does multiplayer pe say"invalid name" when i try to join.it never did it in till ya'll updated it for 0.11.0

@AshleyNunn Ah, yeah, you don't want to remember that one :P
@Lazers2.0 Did something happen to PE that people are all asking this today?
Good evening Bridge. Is anyone interested in a a) Steam Key for Avencast: Rise of the Mage, b) Steam Key for Gun Monkeys or c) a new Player starter Pack for WarFrame?
@TimStone That is pure Bridge gold
d) a Steam Key for Shattered Haven or e) a Steam Key for Space Hack
@AshleyNunn I think we finally have a dupe for the deluge of these.
And you've already closed it, rendering that point moot. :P
@Frank Did I do a wrong thing?
@AshleyNunn Nope.
Okay, I just wasn't sure
We've gotten so many of those questions over the last day, so I just wanted to make sure we're unceremoniously duping them all.
Q: Minecraft Essentials GroupManager Deny Permission Node not working

ZanmyrWell I searched for a while but I did not find what I expected to, so I come here to ask something about Minecraft and the Bukkit Servers. Here's the deal: I'm actually setting up permissions with Essentials GroupManager plugin but when I try to deny permission nodes, it doesn't work. For exam...

Q: Why can't I join mincraft to the other one on 0.11.1

Gman510I can't join my iPod to my iPad with the latest version of mcpe I was wondering if The message came up to you :logged in at at her location ?

Also, I think we need to do some super special burning on this question
cc @AshleyNunn and/or other mods.
RPG show?
I'm going to need more beer for this evening, but unfortunately I'm out of the tasty tasty Belgian Strong and Dark
@Rapitor Yeah-hun. It was a stretch goal on the indie-go-go campaign.
@frank looks like @fredley took that to the appropriate people.
@mbraedley what are the other options?
@AshleyNunn I've got some Granville Island Pale Ale, which is good, but not quite as good as their Winter Warmer Ale, and some Boxing Rock Red (?), which isn't as good as I'd hope, but better than mass market stuff.
I think I have had the Granville
Boxing Rock is Lunenburg (I think), Nova Scotia, BTW
Maybe Bridgewater, but that's actually pretty close to Lunenburg
Ah. I don't think I have seen it here.
What I thought was a 645 bus arriving on time at the terminal was really the 7pm arriving way early. The 645 must have gone 5 min early.
Oh, it's Shelburne, which is actually nowheres near Bridgewater or Lunenburg. But Lunenburg has a nice rum distillery.

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