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OK, why is the guy who sits next to me who works from home 2 days a week always waits until the days he's working to make calls during his lunch?
@Powerlord Maybe he makes calls during lunch every day, whether he's in the office or not.
@StrixVaria True, but you'd think when you're calling places like your bank that you'd do that from home. Especially if you're home 2 work days a week.
Wait. There are still new episodes of Naruto?
@StrixVaria I imagine they have a lot of filler to work through before they get back to the actual story.
@StrixVaria the last episode of manga was released couple of months ago, the anime is waaaaay behind the manga
the anime has a ton of fillers and each fight is drawn out as much as they can
I hope someone makes an abbreviated version of it like I've seen for Yu-Gi-Oh.
@Chippies perhaps, i havent really used a DS4.
@Rapitor I own one and it's great, certainly better than my xbox360 controller
I haven't tried the xbox one controller, but it didn't seem to be as big of an improvement over the x360 as the DS4 is
@Chippies i must resist to test it o.o
one is a massive improvement
it feels weird to use my 360 after the one
Q: What monsters do I kill for hides?

RhcfrefWhat monsters do I kill to get a monster hide? I've been trying to get one for ages but I still can't find any.

Q: Custom Villager Summon Command

Eisler 485I am trying to summon a Villager that buys 64 Planks of any kind and giving you 1 gold nugget I have tried using /summon Villager ~1 ~ ~ {Invulnerable:1,CustomName:Wood_Buyer,Profession:0,Career:1,Offers:{Recipes:[{buy:{id:planks,Count:64},sell:{id:gold_nugget,Count:1}}]}} Which allows the playe...

@Rapitor well, not as much for a PC user, compared to DS4
I can use DS4 wirelessly with any bluetooth adapter
which, I guess, is the biggest advantage over the xbox one controller
it does have the touchpad on it as well, so that's extra features that are available
I think the Xbox One controller is great. I'm thinking about replacing my PC 360 controller with one
My all time favorite controller is still the Xbox Huge.
jesus how steady is that gimbal :O
@Rapitor agreed, couldn't stand the XBox small
I have kinda small hands, so bigger is not better for me
Jon Chan on May 27, 2015

Jon is a web developer and heads up developer evangelism efforts at Stack Exchange.

When I think about the impact that Stack Overflow has had on the world, it’s tempting for me to think about numbers: how many active users we have, how many questions are answered in a day, how many jobs get posted on our Careers platform. These are things that I, as a developer, think about on a daily basis to measure how we’re helping programmers around the world grow. But I find that these numbers are hard to wrap my head around: it doesn’t quite give me a feel for what our work is doing. What is the quality of our impact? What does it feel like at an individual level? …

I really like the Wii U Pro controller, though. It's quite nice
This gen has some good controllers.
My TF2 games in a nutshell:
> Die repeatedly, be losing by like a billion
> Switch to medic
> Win
Switch to medic > Heal guy with highest score on your team who doesn't already have a pocket-medic
Mine are usually I play for a bit, someone gets like 10 items before I even get one so I get upset and close the game.
@MadMAxJr I tend to heal the lowest hp people
But I only uber the guy with the highest score :3
@Yuuki o_O Why is that road not closed o_O
@djsmiley2k Because that happened in one night.
And it's happening all over Houston.
ah ... err.... hmmm
It's in the Bayou. That's probably par for the course.
At least two major highways were pretty much shut down yesterday because of flooding.
I just see lots of cars going down there and having to turn round, seems...... silly
Hmm, I wonder if I should push all logic over to the subplugin instead of trying to share logic.
On the upside, here's Westheimer (major road).
Tis making me want a drone
but clearly that's a nice drone, with a nice camera attached...
in root access we are chatting to someone who has 47C temps atm
the world is a odd place.
@djsmiley2k Are they somewhere near the equator?
What's worse is that it looks like it's still going to be raining later on this week.
brazil i think yeah
We already had some downpour this morning.
I saw in India they're getting up to like 120F
that's insane and terrifying
over 1k deaths
Oh maybe thats where they are
one guy is in brazil, tho
lots of people, gets confusing!! D:
@originaluser Everywhere in the world except North America has been seeing record high temps this year iirc
The UK hasn't, yet
ours comes in Sept/Aug normally if it's going to
In North America, we've been seeing unseasonably cold weather until just recently.
Something something climate change.
@originaluser I thought I would like it, but when I got it, I realized how crap it is. It feels cheap and the lack of pressure sensitive triggers just feels weird. The ABXY buttons also are positioned oddly, which I thought I'd like, because I really like the Wii U Gamepad, but it didn't work for me on the Wii U Pro controller
@Yuuki something something snowball in the senate.
@RPiAwesomeness Can't read that at work, but they apparently changed their mind now that they've launched the retail version on Early Access?
I know some people are going to consider this a backstab by the Black Mesa team who, up until this point, were saying that the Xen levels would make it into the free mod version.
@Chippies Weird. I absolutely love mine. To each their own, I suppose. Not a big fan of the gamepad, myself - it just feels too big. I've developed a soft spot for it after some quality time with Captain Toad, though.
@originaluser big or not, the sticks, buttons and triggers are positioned perfectly on the gamepad, imho. And it feels much more sturdy and higher quality than the pro controller
Oh man I can't belive @GraceNote posted that before I did
I also use the gamepad exclusively, because I hate wearing glasses to be able to see the TV clearly
I had it ready before his post, but she still got there first
I hate that too, but I solved my issue by sitting really close to my huge TV :P
> "Making Xen look as good as we want it to requires lots of improvements to the way the engine handles rendering and lighting. We can't port these changes back to the mod because we don't have source code access to that engine version."
@originaluser I only play Wii U with wife, so I can't really sit in front of the TV and in her way :P
@originaluser I like the gamepad because of the second screen and just lazing back on a couch and watching Netflix without having to crane my head at the TV.
Well, back when I had Netflix.
@Yuuki I do love that aspect of it. And the second screen was real helpful on some games like Pikmin 3.
Unfortunately, I no longer have Netflix and my gamepad borked.
@originaluser Pikmin is actually much easier to play exclusively on the gamepad screen, because you actually see where you're aiming
So, now that I've finished Doom 2, I should probably play Doom 3.
I've only played through it once and never completed its first expansion.
At least the BFG Edition no longer needs the Flashlight mod.
I never played Doom 3 but according to my friend (who is prone to exaggeration) it's horrible. I love 1 and 2, though
where is @katlina btw
she eventually ragequit her job?
In an undisclosed location doing music at an undisclosed level of is-professional
Last I heard anyway
@Uni you gonna be around tonight?
@originaluser I've never played Doom 1 and 2 a lot, but from what I have played, they were fast paced shooty games, whereas Doom 3 is a slower paced horror shooter
lots of jumpscares in Doom 3, lots of darkness
@Unionhawk I will take that as a most definite yes.
You should take it as about 78% maybe
Which is not terrible odds I suppose
@Unionhawk I dunno, a 78% chance that you'll be around? Sounds pretty terrible to me
@Unionhawk Nope. I'd take a 78% shot anyday in XCOM.
likely to crit!
i take far too many chances in xcom
@JasonBerkan It's the 90%+ shots I steer clear of.
10%? y eah sure why not!
Mark of the Ninja is best stealth game
@djsmiley2k Dude, 10% is pretty much a guaranteed hit.
@Yuuki Hell, yes. An assault beside an alien, with a 95% to hit is almost guaranteed to miss and screw up your mission.
maybe I just suck at xcom
High 90s are more dangerous to miss, because they often mean you are too close to the aliens.
There are two sweet spots for hitting aliens: 5-15% and 70-85%.
Everything else always misses.
for truth?
In my confirmation bias, yes.
That sounds wrong
@djsmiley2k No. There was a table someone kept of all their shots and they mapped almost exactly to the percentage displayed.
@JasonBerkan well that WOULD make the most sense.
but the 10% chance of you fucking it up still exists, and there are usually implications behind missing that easy of a shot
Q: When I log into my friends minecraft server I fall through the world continuously

CoolDude21My friends and I are trying to play the Yogscast Complete pack on a server he has set up on his computer. When it is just me and him on the server, everything is okay, when I spawn I will fall through the world for about 4 seconds then everything will sync and will be good to go. When one of o...

@Unionhawk Exactly. 1 in 10 still fail, and if that failure leaves you in bad position, that is what you will remember.
i remember it being about what I expected.
Soooo how come the desktop support guys finish at 6pm, yet I'm here until 8pm o_O
especially as we have someone on call as well...
And raisins
The big brain am winning again
@originaluser By the way, if you weren't aware, Doom 3 is (more or less) a remake of Doom 1 as a Survival Horror game.
I wasn't. I will it a shot one of these days. I only have the base version though, not BFG
My mother told me on skype that her screen is doing weird stuff sometimes, so I downloaded furmark and ran a gpu stress test while monitoring temps (all this through teamviewer). It got to 96C and I turned off furmark and I lost connection and their PC is shown as offline on teamviewer now, I hope it didn't catch on fire...
@originaluser The base version has one expansion... Faces of Evil or something like that.
@Chippies Is this why Kirby's parents are never shown?
'do you want the good news or bad?'
Good: I found the issue
Which I suppose is supposed to be a remake of Doom 2 or something
Bad: the issue burnt down the house...
Speaking of fires, I just went out to get lunch from Jimmy Johns a few blocks away. The tower next to this one had two fire trucks in front of it and several firefighters standing around it.
The Boji Tower, also known as the Olds Tower is a historic 23-story building located at 124 Allegan Street, in Lansing, Michigan. It has been the tallest building in Lansing, since its completion in 1931. On December 6, 2005, the building was added to the National Register of Historic Places as the Capital Bank Tower. == History == The tower was originally constructed as the Olds Tower, named after the automotive industrialist, Ransom Eli Olds, who was the main financier of the tower project assisted by Edmund C. Shields of the local law firm of Thomas Shields & Silsbee. Shortly thereafter it was...
That tower
One of the fire trucks had just arrived with its lights flashing... not sure if someone tripped a fire alarm, but they didn't seem to be in too much of a hurry.
Q: Where is Yen and Triss?

RhcfrefWhere can I find Yennifer or Triss once I have completed the main story? I've looked every where but cannot find them. Though they could be in the city of Novigrad but they weren't there.

Fun fact: Apache has two different Java Enterprise Edition servers: Apache Geronimo and Apache TomEE.
@Powerlord Mmmm, I haven't had Jimmy Johns in so long
@fredley ♪
Is it the weekend yet?
@Unionhawk Sweet, so I don't have to do any more requirements review until Monday?
@MBraedley You have Bridge's permission to not do any more reviews until Monday
I'll sign off on it
And @TimStone is almost @TimPost so it's basically SE official
Hello MBraedly. I am your boss. If you do any more work this week, YOU'RE FIRED.
@originaluser You're one of the few to misspell my name in that fashion
I mean, at least it would still be pronounced the same...
@MBraedley Do people usually misspell is Breadley or something?
Did someone just flag one of a bot's "I moved messages" things?
Yes they did.
That was a real thing
not bot, but you know what I mean.
@Powerlord no, they spell it Bradley, because that's actually a common name.
So, did you all agree with the flag for !!SCIENCE!!?
@KevinvanderVelden ooh, we should try that. It'd be hard to get the rest of the network on board with that, though.
suddenly an exec appears.
Quick, roll for initiative.
Theoretically it would ban the moderator (presumably, since they own sandbox), except not because they're a mod so it would just remove the message
That is the result of this science
Q: Is there a limit to the number of rooms of a given type in Prison Architect?

jvriesemBackground Information I've been experimenting with making a separate "prison unit" for each inmate type (Minimum Security, Normal Security, Max Security, Protective Custody, etc.). I am trying to make each prison unit to be as independent of the others as possible so that they don't mix. To thi...

Dear coworkers: Indoor voices please.
@Powerlord We aren't your coworkers. Have you tried actually asking them?
@StrixVaria Well you might not be
Hello? Did I have explicit write access or something?
@Unionhawk You did.
I blame @fredley
When you're removed as owner from the convenience dropdown instead of from the full owners page, it gives you explicit write access instead of no special access.
Actually, no, this was probably @Wipqozn with one of his "DEOWNER ME FOOL OH TOO LATE" jokes
It's dumb.
Someone else changed their avatar :(
sounds like a bug.
@Unionhawk Did changing that actually cause a refresh for you or something?
I thought it would be silent.
Well, he noticed so =p
@StrixVaria It did
@StrixVaria It usually is
I don't know
Deownering mods is silent, for example
But... I don't know
@Unionhawk No, I get a refresh for that.
Thanks @fredley for helping me learn that information.
I guess it had to refresh just in case there are interface changes to be made
@Unionhawk True, I guess it could take away your chat box thingy.
@StrixVaria Oh yeah, it's like there's no deowner button for mods on the convenience dropdown or something else that's weird about mods
I don't remember
Mods can just re-owner themselves anyway so it's futile.
Anyway, work stuff beckons :|
I think the weird thing about mods is... well have you talked to our mods?
I mean, just now, so yes?
That may be the stupidest question you've ever asked
Then you know how weird they are
@Rapitor Child with large and lumpy trenchcoat sneaks into Gamestop "Give me all your copies of Splatoon or things get ugly" opens trenchcoat to reveal dozens of water balloons strapped to his chest
I think there was another (or same) thing about a bunch of amiibo being stole
How are you guys on this fine error
Wait, is the only secret to @badp s/error/evening?
It works every time except when it error
@Unionhawk Well, there were a bunch of goofy things that happened with amiibos
Nintendo made a bunch of them store exclusive
and massively lowballed the stock
so plenty of them were bought up and scalped
Yes I know the set up for the heist
Q: Minecraft for me and my girlfriend

CreeperkilllerPMCI want to know how I can easily start a server that only me and my girlfriend who lives a few states away can play on.

@Lazers2.0 Lovecraft
I wanted to come early from work tomorrow to watch Google I/O but I'll be having a dinner with my coworkers so that option is out D:
@originaluser Get out of my office
@Unionhawk Okay, but I'll flip the table as I leave
On the upside, "free" dinner.
I guess I'll have to make do with peasant live blogs
I'm sure you'll be able to find a recording later
@GnomeSlice I'll still miss the traditional live commentary that goes on in here.
Stupid parties!
Oh, yeah true
(and/or stupid internet filtering)
@badp It's not like you'll miss all of it
This is dope as fuck
this chair is troll
@murgatroid99 well the keynote IS the announcements heavy part. For the rest there's VODs
I guess I'll sit basically on the floor
This is my life now
That's an awesome photo @djsmiley2k
and/or Ars Technica
Probably Ars Technica
wife took it
and/or Ars Technica
Probably mobile chat
Cc @Chippies @spugsley
There's going to be a workshop thing with the library I wrote at I/O
@GnomeSlice are you on phone? I'm not sure what you're cc'ing about
How do you pronounce I/O
@Unionhawk deconstruct chair into primary materials
Q: What does the hand icon indicate, especially when it appears over tiles in caves?

GaryIn Witcher 3, sometimes in caves, on top of tiles there appears a hand icon. It's an open hand with the palm facing downwards. Anyone know what it means? I've seen these a few times and have tried doing everything I can to interact with them, but nothing works. I hope they aren't important.

@GnomeSlice ai-ou
Yeah I am @Chippies. Photo @djsmiley2k posted
or just say the full thing input-output
Eye oh
I say "eeeeeee"
@GnomeSlice Even the word Io is pronounced the same as the letters "I" and "O"
Cow goes moo
that one chippies :D
@djsmiley2k that's a very professional looking photo :)
not sure how wife managed it. Daughter is really photogenic tho
Stephanie change colour
right home time!
@GnomeSlice occasionally
@originaluser more like they fast and furious'd it and straight up hijacked the truck
@Unionhawk deconstruct chair into primary materials
Definitely @badp is mobile or otherwise terrible internet
RIP @badp
@Rapitor Were banana peels or shells involved?
@Unionhawk a person in the train asked me about my train subscription
@GnomeSlice you just sent me that
What does that even mean?
@originaluser bloopers
Yeah but idk if you saw it, can't link replies on mobile
Good shit
yeh it's pretty neat
@Unionhawk I had the reply typed out but had to wait until she was done to resume chatting
She was excited at the perspective of saving €7 (seven) every month
Possibly even €14
if you commit for three months
That's nothing to SNES at
I sprained my NES
Yeah, I did take the time to give her pointers
Still €7/115 isn't very exciting
Depends how much money you have
It's a free month every 17 months
Q: Motivation for hacking Deamons

Frank VIn Invisible, inc. deamons trigger debuffs on either characters or Incognita but given this is the case, why access them at all? From my experience, they are not accessed by accident -- they are marked -- and there is not Risk/Reward mechanism that I've seen -- they are just debuffs. So why acc...

Definitely not steam sales savings, for her anyway
I'd have to pay way more if I didn't get this sub
I'd pay €176
@badp did you get her number?
@GnomeSlice if by number you mean her monthly transit expenditure then yes
She was 50 at the very least
I mean digits
For her phone
50 is her age
That's all the digits I require
Idk how old you are
It's Italy dude, they don't use phones. They use Aqueducts.
Half that?
I dunno what your age brackets are but I don't think they spread up to 2×
Depends how desperate you are
Also when I was on POF all I got were messages from 40 year old women
And I was like 20 at the time. Didn't respond to any of them.

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