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Q: Minecraft on ARM Linux? (Samsung Chromebook)

EginorI'm not sure if this is the right place to put this type of question, but its a start. So I've been trying for over a week to get Minecraft to run on an install of Ubuntu on a Samsung Chromebook, which has ARM architecture. I've been following this: http://forum.lwjgl.org/index.php?topic=5494.0 ...

@StrixVaria See, I don't think the question itself is bad. But I do think the intent of the asker might be a bit off, as I think they are looking for a discussion rather than an answer (at least that was my impression given the comments)
Q: Frame skips in Jetpack Joyride?

GuyI have been playing Jetpack Joyride for a while on my iPod, but suddenly one day it started freezing on frames. I have timed it, and it happens on every other second, the game will freeze for a beat and then continue on normally (only for to freeze again in two seconds). You can see how this woul...

I don't like the asker. I explained things pretty clearly in comments and he said "ya but batman does the impossible so he could do it"
Yeah, which is why I think he's looking for more of a discussion. Usually people looking for an answer aren't quite as defensive to possibilities. Especially ones that evidence points to being correct
I'm surprised a question about lore/developer intent/stuff that has no way of being proved is still open
Not anymore.... :P
I guess @Frank is on vacation
@AshleyNunn I VTC'd it like, a minute ago, it only had one vote before me
Yeah, I know. But really, it's not something we can answer, so I finished the job.
and (some of) you guys had been discussing it for the whole episode of Dr. House that I managed to watch :P
It's very much "why did they do the story this way"
@AshleyNunn pretty much, which is why I was surprised it wasn't closed earlier :)
I got distracted with copious amounts of pupusas and horchata and an episode of DS9
I saw an xbox360 at eb games for 60$, I wonder if it's worth getting it, considering I am not spending any money on it after the initial price
probably not, I can only think of one game I'd actually know I'd want to play on it...
Mine just sits in my room gathering dust. I don't play it at all anymore, and I have my PS3 for netflix and such
@AshleyNunn Honestly, I think it has a clear and well defined answer... but the author was presented with it twice and doesn't want it. So closing was probably the best option.
@Chippies that's...insanely cheap, there must be a catch (ie. 500MB Hard Drive or have to trade in 3 games)
@Memor-X refurbished I believe
it's certainly been used
I feel like a) any answer that explains it would be argued and b) we can't say for sure why the story people wrote this one the way they did
not to mention, no one really cares about buying them anymore, I would assume
Oh wow there's a Humble Nintendo Bundle
@originaluser I don't think there is a clear and defined answer, either in-game or as a quote from the developer. Anything you say could be argued for and against
@AshleyNunn Well, it's one of the core dynamics between these two characters. Either way, I don't disagree with the resolution.
@originaluser Okay, because it kinda feels like you do.
Which is fair, I am just confused.
Nah, I don't think the question itself was bad I guess. I think it's probably better suited to a different SE though
@originaluser He didn't do it because he didn't want to kill Joker? He's Batman, couldn't he catch him without killing him? Was it too risky?
we don't know what was going on in the mind of batman or the story writer
Eh, I guess this is getting repetitive so I'll just drop it :P I think you guys have made good points though
I completely understand that Batman doesn't want to kill Joker, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it is why he just stood there and did nothing at all
It's one of those things - in all likelihood, the answer is "because the devs/writers didn't want to end it like that"
"Because that's not how the story ends"
"Because Batman is cooler than that"
"Because fuck you that's why"
Any of those answers could be considered correct.
I think a better solution would have been to either make the scene clearer or just... not include it
^All perfectly valid answers
Batman has ethics. And morals. The joker wants to prove he doesn't. That's like his one goal.
@originaluser or just... play the game and don't question silly game dev decisions that don't really matter :P
Is to make Batman kill someone
And it almost worked
@originaluser I think people need to stop expecting a reason for everything in a video game
Well, his goal was to prove that everyone would go there, normal people, criminals, and batman too
@Chippies But if I'm not wasting time on silly things that don't matter... what will I do with my life? Something productive?
@originaluser What? Pro-duc-what? That word is not part of my vocabulary
I expect only reason and rationality in my games. goes off to play Katamari Damacy
lets just go back to watching images of cats and kittens on imgur, at least we can all agree that they're cute and there's nothing to argue about
@Ktash Excellent choice, by that metric :P
I love Katamari. Shame they haven't really been able to keep up the charm
I still like the recent ones but... it's just not the same
@originaluser there hasn't been a new one
There was one for the vita but like most of the other ones it was just a lot of reused levels
@Unionhawk Obviously leaving all those poor criminals on the edge of death for the rest of their lives is better than actually killing them! Prolong their suffering!
Damacy and We Love Katamari are amazing, though
I mainly played katamari for the music.
it's fantastically weird
I loved the Katamari games
is there an Arqade question about why Batman is so brutal when fighting thugs, often breaking their bones and even electrocuting them?
The music is one thing they did right about the more recent Katamari games. Lots of tracks and some quality remixes
Whenever I have batman questions, I turn to collegehumor batman
@Ktash :D
What would that idiot do?
@Ktash Living room dance party!
What to Batman and Katamari have in common?
They both love BaNaNa-NaNa-NaNa-Nana's
I think Katamari would work really well with WiiU
@Ktash facedesk
@Ktash you're terrible and you should feel bad
You know you loved it
@Ktash Maaaaybe
@Chippies Nah. Just busy with other stuff.
Making a light up robot is tough. Especially when you're hacking and repurposing things.
On the plus side, I know how to solder better now
Can you guys send some upboats now that it's not incorrect:
A: Is it possible to make minecarts kill someone if it comes in contact with a player?

ModDLRun this on a clock: /execute @e[type=MinecartRideable] ~ ~ ~ kill @p[r=1]

It was /execute ... kill @p, which would kill the nearest player for every minecart, but now it specifies a radius
Q: How does Profile Rank and profile rank experience work in CS:GO?

hotline californiaToday's update apparently brought some new things, including a new ranking and exp system to each player's profile. Now I'm curious. How do I level up, and what's the maximum rank? Does this affect competitive stats whatsoever?

Q: Can a deleted character be recovered in the ipad version of terraria?

cane53Can a deleted character be recovered in the ipad version of terraria? If so, how do you recover it?

Q: I cannot get a haircut

ErraticFoxI have both "Temerian Armor" and Bear & "Hair style set" installed and on. When I go to the Barber, it'll give me options for the beards, but the hair I only get "I've changed my mind". What gives? I've reinstalled it already. EDIT: I'm in the Barber shop in Velen in the city Oxenfurt.

Hmmm. Risky buying the Nintendo bundle
Technically speaking my eShop location is set to the US, but I don't know if this will work
@PrivatePansy Your background thing for some reason only picks up three out of five backgrounds for revolver360
Just fyi
@PrivatePansy why wouldnt it work?
@Rapitor I'm not actually in the US
yeah, but is your region set to US?
The console region should be US (as opposed to EU and Japan)
The console location, I'm not sure
I don't think the console checks IP or anything like that
I'm sure there's a question about it on the main site somewhere
if not it's a good one to ask
@LessPop_MoreFizz Cloud to Butt begs to differ
Though to be fair cloud butts is kind of 2010
Yeah, cloud to butt is not a qualified entrant.
I think Earthtongue is my new favourite play-before-bed title.
So in case you were not aware they increased the overall difficulty curving of loud in Payday 2 a bit (cc @Yuuki)
As in, I did a Four Stores normal and it spawned a SWAT Turret
As in, assault is starting, and I just see this humvee roll up like "hey, sup" and I was just like "this does not look good for @Uni"
But it does feel like a whole new game, and for all the things that are weapons DLC, there are 2 other things that are "join our steam group!" community items
First impressions, just derping around with weapons and skills on four stores
Like the one skill that, when you die, you just gain like 6 seconds of 65% reduced movement speed and no need to reload (in a whole new tree) and you just go down at the end of that 6 seconds
I may continue to derp but ultimately I need to get things properly set up
Damn you KSP career mode for being too compelling! I should have been in bed nearly an hour ago!
@MBraedley But...rockets!
@AshleyNunn You make a sound argument
@MBraedley I mean all I do in that game is make things explode before they even leave the ground but still
@LessPop_MoreFizz I feel like you might be interested in rocketboatgame.com
@GnomeSlice ooh, that looks interesting
One of my friends sent me this. I'm... not sure what to make of it. steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=436486486
Wee! GN Drive twist mechanic almost complete!
Just need to figure out how to hook it into the body, to carry power to the rest of the kit.
"Thank you for calling the internet!"

Proposed Q&A site for users and developers of the python programming language

Closed before being launched.


Proposed Q&A site for people and organisations developing and using the openEHR open health computing platform

Currently in definition.

Lesson Planning (Grades 5 - 10)

Proposed Q&A site for educators in India

Currently in definition.

Cell Phone

Proposed Q&A site for all cell phone questions, without regard to operating system or manufacture. You have a cell phone, you don't know (or care) if it is Windows, Apple, or Android and you need answers.

Currently in definition.

@unionhawk if only I could answer phones that way.
Q: DF - Keeping dwarves inside mountain even when not under attack

gamecanI'm playing on Terrifying biome, and I have a problem where all my dwarves like to rush outside and stand by the wagon. I have food, water, and tasks that need to be completed in my mountain fortress. I have assigned most of the dwarves to haul stone, but half just ignores it and would stand out...

Q: To whom should I return my trophies

Red SerpentIn Witcher 3, the trophies description says that it can be returned for a reward but I am not sure who to return those trophies to.

Q: When is the item I get from a box decided?

WizardLizardI've noticed that the worse your rank the better the item (it's fair I guess). However if I hit a ? box when I'm 10th and by the time the roll is done I'm 4th, will the item still be randomized as if I was 10th or will it take into account my new position ? In other word does passing other play...

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Oddly specific.
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment How do you not know what phone you have and are capable of surfing to some site to help you with it.
And a nice cup of morning rage: #ParacetamolChallenge is the new craze
1st world ****ing morons
More and more I sometimes wish we'd just leave everything upto darwin
Just had Jehova's Witnesses visit for a chat about "science".
@djsmiley2k Yeah, I don't feel any sympathy for the kids that do this, but I do for the parents.
@Arperum "Science"?
@5pike Yea, they had a leaflet with some title like "has science overtaken religion?"
@5pike even then I find it hard....
how dumb must you be that you've never taught your kids not to eat the sugar pills?
answered another df question \o/
I opened the door in a Finntroll hoodie. Too bad it wasn't open, because my tshirt has the old smoking metalcamp skull on it.
I don't give a damn about people having a religion, but don't fucking keep repeatedly shoving it in my face. That results in me building up a massive dislike for it.
is there an SE for pet care stuff?
@Arperum Boom. Cheers :)
on the next street.
@Arperum Yeah, that's why I fucking hate missionaries.
The patern of one older, one younger person who arrives at your door still stands. This was the first time I had woman arrive though.
Jehova's Witnesses don't come to our house any more. I think my father scared them away.
I scared ours away.
I dropped the towel. That worked.
Q: Nintendo 3DS - does the "time played" progress while the device is closed in Zelda - Link between worlds

KADlancerAfter completing the game the first time with 100% I wanted to make the hero mode "more challenging" by trying to finish with a good time played in the end and restricting myself to fulfill only the basic needs of my little green hero. As I play mostly while commuting, can someone tell me if the...

Can I ask a question about the chance of getting a specific enchantment in MInecraft, or would it be more worthwhile asking that chance of getting each enchantment in Minecraft?
This is the first time they arrived at this house for me.
@Ben Probably a duplicate. I think.
[minecraft] enchantment chance didn't return anything
never mind... i misspelled it
Good Morning @Bridge
@Ben yeah, everyone knows its
mmm... mincecraft.
Q: Friend Codes For My Travelers In Tomodachi Life

MasterAjay569I am not trying to be rude, the problem was, I needed travelers. The original post was shut down, so I remade it and hoped you would answer my question. Please! Don't keep me waiting! Other people have travelers and I don't have one. Oh, my friend code is 4098-5066-6601.

Q: My Nether map got wiped?

BenI made a map, then I went into the Nether, and opened it. This made a map of the area in the Nether around me (as expected). I then left the nether, and expanded my map I just created (surrounded it with 8 pieces of paper in a crafting bench) in the overworld. When I pulled the map back out, it w...

@Lazers2.0 VTC that shit
^^ free flags :D
and @fredley deleted it
Yay fredley!
what about voting to close?! D:
@djsmiley2k Well, you were to slow™
i flagged it D:
i wanna refund!
oooo i wonder if mr postman has my book
@djsmiley2k declines flag
Look! A wild origami robot!
Q: How do I make things go into a dropper using water?

DominicI have a stream of water and a dropper next to it. I drop an item into the water and it travels to the dropper but doesn't go into it. How do I do this? How do I make it so that the item travels along the stream of water and then goes into the dropper without me having to do it manually? Helpppp!

@fredley can you take a look at this answer? It doesn't really answer the question and it also links to a flashcart site.
@5pike Yeah, that user has a load of bad posts
Yeah, I saw his other one.
Q: Sims 4 - What was added until now?

user2664856Sims 4 is said to lack 89 Features at the time of release. One of the biggest one were the pools, which everbody seems to love. By now pools have been added through a free update. But what else has been added ? Its really tough to keep an overview. I havent bought Sims 4 yet, so i cant just upda...

Q: How should I build pantheon to max damage?

SleyarI basically want to get as much damage as possible, nearly as close to 500 AD. So far I've gone up to 445 AD at most and regularly I get to around 350 AD. So how do I get max damage on panth.

Q: Karliah not moving to Ragged Flagon

Max TaylorI couldn't find Karliah in the Ragged Flagon so I went to Snow Veil Sanctum and she was stuck trying to open a door. When I opened it she didn't do anything and she's not coming to the Ragged Flagon. I went back after a few days (in game) and she is just standing there :( - Need help please!

Q: Is the anime gun really from an anime?

hotline californiaIt's a new skin called Akihabara Accept. Tried looking places online but can't seem to figure if this is a custom done by Valve or it's actually from an anime.

I have a SteamWorld Dig 3DS code from the latest HiB
06:00:00 Started by timer
06:00:00 [EnvInject] - Loading node environment variables.
06:00:00 Building on master in workspace (workspace)
06:00:00 Updating (repo address) at revision '2015-05-27T06:00:00.623 +0000'
06:00:13 ERROR: Failed to update (repo address)
06:00:13 org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException: svn: E204900: Can't find a temporary directory: Internal error
I have a SteamWorld Dig 3DS code from the latest HiB
Huh, that's the same error on all the projects
IT, what did you do to our server?
Q: My PC crashed and now i cant acces my forge 1.7.10 world but the world file still exists

user113819I was playing on a world of mine and my pc crashed. After I restarted it I can't get on my world and it doesn't appear under the tab singleplayer. While the save file still exists I have been working on this world a long time. I use a mod that fits my project and I use Forge with it. All on 1.7...

@PrivatePansy Region lock....
Q: Arqade chat unable to login

SlyreSo i was trying to go and chat with people on Arqade, but I went to a chat room (Summoner's rift) and it said you need to be logged in to chat, I pressed login and got to the auto login page, waited for ~30 minutes with nothing happening and pressed the link that says "visit the GlobalAuth test &...

Q: What are the best swords?

RhcfrefWhat are the best steel and silver swords in the game? I have a 300 damage silver sword and 260 damage steel one. If you know of any better swords, what level do you have to be and where are they found?

Q: Does The Witcher 2 record your play time?

HeroEightThe question is in the title, thanks in advance.

The inane verboseness of these documents are driving me crazy. In a test document, you don't need 2 or three separate steps in order to select a menu option. Seriously, the guy that wrote these steps put every single mouse click in its own step. But at the other end of the spectrum, what you're actually doing in the steps isn't explained, so you don't know why you're doing something.
Selecting a menu item:
1) Pontificate thoroughly on the requirements of your current desired action.
2) Activate the neural pathways in your brain which connect to your skeletal muscles.
3) Utilize the electrical charge of your neurons and nerves to send an impulse along the aforementioned pathways.
4) Select the menu option.
Q: How do I handle far too many Neighborhood defense in Saints Row 2 when gang members spawn as fast as I can kill them?

Sean DugganI recently picked Saints Row up again after a year or so away from it. I have a situation where the Ronin are attacking the neighborhood where Aisha's house is. I've tried going in and killing the lieutenants, but even with a full gang and all of the weapons, the Ronin literally spawn faster than...

Oh, and then there's the "Why are these fucking requirements?"
Do you have to deal with requirements like "Good user experience"?
Those are awful
> The system shall provide manual data entry capability.
> The system shall provide data validation.
Great use of time, whoever codified those requirements
> The system shall bake cookies on command.
Is this a requirement?
It should be
The System shall make use of SoIP(Slap over IP) to correct the User.
Yeah, build that too
Both of those things
It's the Internet of Slapping! Or something!
Or something indeed @Uni that was a terrible joke
Yeah, you're right
Yeah. That was almost @Wipqozn level of terrible
I learned from the best worst
Now I want to see one of those goofy "Facebook of sex" ads but modified to be "Facebook of slap"
Actually, that was worse than @Wipqozn terrible
Let's be honest
is this thing
@Chippies To show the world how immature you are.
26 secs ago, by Unionhawk
@Unionhawk I didn't say anything about 'murica
is watching you
@5pike it's a light, apparently brighter than regular bicycle lights
and definitely more noticeable
what does carmen sandiego need all that shit for anyway
@Unionhawk Nope
I don't believe you.
@Chippies True, but you can have that with something that has a bit more ... taste
You're European, I'm pretty sure you're required by law to judge the U.S. at all times. Or does the law only specify judging North America?
@Yuuki It's region locked, so I heard.
I can't get past "Nindie" as a word
best dinosaur
@Unionhawk That's what they called, I'm just the messenger.
@Yuuki Oh whut, they made a sequel to MOON?
@5pike I think it's for everywhere except Brazil.
shoots the messenger
And maybe Europe.
Never mind. Americas only including except Brazil.
@Yuuki So... NA/JP? Oh. Just NA/SA?
Or just NA?
I'm confused
You're confusing
Apparently, Nintendo tried really hard to get it global but there was some issue with Humble Bundle's architecture or something.
@GnomeSlice I believe it's an episodic remake
@Unionhawk NA + SA - Brazil.
@Yuuki It's like an equation
My hobby: making @Uni go allcaps.
Divide by America and you're left with N+S+(Brazil/America)
@originaluser No
@Jason_Lepine @seven5three Yep, it's only a @NintendoAmerica deal. Tried for months to make it global but we'll get there eventually!
You're left with (N+S+Brzil)/merica
@originaluser You can't divide by America when factoring, it's like multiplying by zero
> public const string UNITED_STATES = "United States";
@Sconibulus But multiplying by zero is... I'm not sure what joke is being made here.
I've never understood the use of constants to this extent.
@Unionhawk If you need to use a hard-coded thing in more than 1 place, it makes sense to make it a constant if for no other reason than that the IDE knows that it's the same thing.
It might come in handy, maybe, so why not do it?
@Unionhawk magic numbers/strings are considered harmful
It can auto-complete for you too!
public const int FOUR = 5
@Unionhawk It's easier to change things that need to be changed if they're all in one place rather than all over your code.
@Yuuki I imagine his point here is when you know for absolute certain that a thing will never change.
I don't see a problem with it then, but it's better to reinforce good habits.
What if they rename the United States? Then you'll have egg on your face, uni
I mean, if I'm to believe some news networks who will remain unnamed, we're about to become the American Imperial Republic or something
Someone come up with a better acronym for that
American Socialist Republic
> Her idea of helping is being exactly where she shouldn’t be.
@Unionhawk Prevents typos, for one.
@StrixVaria The American Soviet Socialists, there we go
American Socialist Marxist Republic
Anyway socialism is pretty cool.
The American Republic of Socialist Equailty
Q: What is the fastest horse in Mount and Blade Warband?

AxiomI really enjoy the whole Riders of Rohan effect of leading my all-cavalry force in a thunderous charge against the scurrilous Nords. However, I don't like getting all bunched up: I want to be out in front making a huge spectacle of myself, not back in the pack. What is the absolute fastest horse ...

Whatever. I guess I'll roll with it for what it's worth
(which is about $0.14)
American Republican Socialist Emirates of Free American Conservative Equality?
Needs more American.
I think @Yuuki wins this one.
I thought my ASMR one was good :(
Nope. I was really looking for something along the lines of "ARSE"
Since it's a really funny word and I'm 14 apparently
Something something your ass-mar!
The new name should be able to be abbreviated to Murica
The M can stand for Murica
No, the point is that the unnamed news network is concerned that we're getting away from Murica and going towards a more European way of doing things
Never mind
That part of the joke isn't important
Really, "ARSEFACE" is going to be the best we can do
And if there's not an act of congress that has the potential (but unused) acronym of "ARSE", there needs to be one.
Meritocratic United Republic of Intermingled Cultures of America?
I like ArseFace better though

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