How much money does Lucky++ and similar traits yield?
I've tried only with Lucky+ trait but I can't understand the actual benefit.
And what about money boosting moves? And Wealth Tree? Does they stack?
I like how in that video, the fox is so mellow the whole time, even after catching the rabbit it's like "meh, no big deal, I'll just go home now and have a meal, no rush though"
I have an answer for What does the ending for Dark Souls 2 mean?, which is effectively one giant spoiler. However, 1 year later, the ending is pretty much common knowledge, so I was wondering whether or not I should/could remove the spoiler formatting? Or is that my perogative?
You know the online retailer that had the faulty coupon code yesterday? They fixed that, so I tried again. Thank goodness my items were saved in the cart
I got to the checkout, and when trying to enter my address I realized that, uh, my country doesn't exist on their list of countries
Seems unlikely. Anyway, the address is already saved. I just wanted to edit it a bit, because the name doesn't match exactly the name on the credit card, and somehow the site rejected the address because of the country
That's when I noticed my country doesn't exist. Also, if I don't attempt to edit the address, the site goes on fine, providing me with a shipping estimate and everything, and when it asked for payment I just used Paypal instead
That was... a lot more frustrating than it needed to be
Depending on the answer to the first question, the second part may/may not be relevant.
What purpose does accepting an answer serve? Is it purely to show what worked for the OP? Just an incentive by giving them a bit of extra rep? Or is it more of an identifier to say "hey, if you have this prob...
I need a high damaging weapon to punish other plays on PvP with. I know there's that amazing greatsword that looks semi-deformed. Does anyone know what that is called?
"I know I have this card somewhere" "Sir you're holding th-" "Just give me a minute I almost" "But sir isn't that" "No this isn't my card it's just Plastc" "._."
That's how I imagine it going.
@PrivatePansy Who you gonna call when the grunge gets to you?
@RedRiderX So all you have to do is keep all your credit card info on your phone, and charge up your card regularly so it's not out of power when you want to use it? SO CONVENIENT AND SECURE
I wanted some ice cream so I looked in our chest freezer. Two containers of Black Cherry, one of Scooperman, one of some weird strawberry chunk thing, and some weird chocolate caramel toffee thing
WTF is wrong with my wife. Plain vanilla or chocolate or gtfo
So I have no folder at ~/Library/Application Support/Pillars of Eternity, and I downloaded from the Mac store so I dont have a steam directory. Anyone else having this problem? I am trying to sync with Steam but I cant find the product code currently, Ill update if that stratagem works.
Anyone want to be powerleveled in Diablo in season 3?
I'm quite decked out and have no one to play with :(
@Frank It looks like your only options are pre-made stuff right now. That might change, but I looked through many many pages of results for various sites using multiple search engines and search terms and all I could find were pre-mades that at most you put the arms and legs on
> "Television's most critically-acclaimed show returns for a 65th season. His conspiracy exposed, Snot Boogie is on a mission to rebuild his empire and re-take Baltimore's streets. In his way is Galactic Lord Carcetti, who has assembled an army of cyborgs en route from Alpha Centauri. Amidst this turmoil, Poot and Marlo encounter the hard truths of the retail athletic footwear industry."
> A hybrid between a display figure and a model kit, this model offers minimal construction with pre-painted parts that are easily snapped together to create your Hulkbuster.
I'm stuck at this level which requires you to defend yourself against a non-stop stream of enemy ironclads for a set number of turns. I've considered a few tactics, including using pioneers to set up blockades, using AoE weapons like the light cannon and the saber to destroy the tightly packed en...
I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced a complete lack of socket transmogrification on amulets and rings after the latest patch.
It seems before the patch I was able to convert a property to a socket with minimal retries. Now, it seems like I never get a socket even after 20-30 retries.
I play many Valve games. Particularly Portal 2, and TF2. However, after playing these games for a while, I have noticed that in the task manager these programs come up under a process hl2.exe - Half Life 2. This seems to be the case for all Valve games.
After further research, I have found that ...
Are mythologies from fictional sources on topic?
Questions about the Old Gods of the Forest from Game of Thrones?
Questions about the Nine Divines from the Elder Scrolls series of video games?
I'm thinking no, but I thought the question ought to be asked. We could ban these questions ent...
@5pike Yes, that's also sort of the consensus. It's just the part where some mythologies are fictional and others are not. (Hint: every mythology is fictional)
@Arperum Imho, seems a legit question. There are people out of there that studies ancient cultures. Suppose you are a professor and you study Mayan history... you may be interested in discussing about detail regarding Mayan religion.... much less interested in discussing about the nine divines in the elder scroll saga.
@SPArchaeologist I'm not saying the question is misplaced, just that I find it absurd to talk about "fictional" mythologies, while every mythology is fictional. I fully agree on that the split has to exist, just the name is ridiculous.
@PrivatePansy funko Shinning Armour? at least the jacket should cover the neck seam for once. Those are pretty quality figures... but those seams... even vanilla oblivion hadn't such visible neck lines.
i am fighting the proudclad second time and i have maxed out all my characters main roles and medic roles snow has his third tier weapon level 45 and fang and lightning has maxed out tier 2 weapons
I have completed the storm cloak missions but now every city i have captured they keep trying to arrest me and i do not know why someone please help me I have tried going into prison or paying fines it just doesn't work
This link mentions Initial Counter Value as being a sub-stat derived from the Agility Stat which determines who acts first in a battle.
I'm trying to read and understand what it's describing, but I'm just not getting it.
I see that Initial Counter Value is capped and an Agility Stat greater tha...
I have recently brought a copy of this game from ebay with goro as a download . It has not come yet and I was looking forward to it . I asked the owner a question before which asked if Goro was 100% included . He come back to me saying yes and that I may have to create a us PSN account to downl...
@5pike If the question is "Is the 'EU' version the American one" then it is probably safe to reply that EU is for Europe.... and keep an eye open for what seem a troll attempt.
If he is instead asking us if the seller may have tricked him.... on SharePoint SE we are pretty used with divination, hand reading and related stuff. He may want to ask there.
I know absolutely nothing about this Carly Fiorina thing other than what the page says. Laying people off, as an action all by itself, does not make you a horrible person
I assume there's more to the story than that?
> Since then she has been described as one of the worst tech CEOs of all time.
I'm playing Kerbal Space Program on Career mode.
I'm doing a lot of space tourism to build up funds and science. My current six-tourist design uses a three stage rocket with seven BACC boosters in the first stage to get the rocket up into the air.
That may be a bit much - I started noticing t...
The new multiplayer "End Game" Mode is avalaible as a mission in Kavala.
It's possibile to create new mission using the same mode? It use some new modules I suppose.