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@MBraedley ok. When I saw the image, I was thinking that the one with the sword was a blonde Leia. Then I realized by exclusion that the she must be the only character with the Danish cookies hairs, so City Hunter must be Han. That leaves us with .... that one is Luke?
Super hot girl smiled at me and played with her hair walking past on the way from bus stop today
Ego boost get
Back to work I guess
@SPArchaeologist Rule #1 of reading manga: assume every character is male. Even the ones that are female.
(That last part sounds like a joke, but gender bending is really popular in manga)
@Yuuki On some anime I noticed the only way to tell different female characters apart visually is by their hair color
@GnomeSlice Funny how that happens as soon as you start going out with someone else
@PrivatePansy There are maybe only six distinct faces in manga and anime.
Not counting differences due to drawing style.
@PrivatePansy Saint Seiya shouldn't be used as a reference.
@Yuuki And that's shared between both genders
There was also a Star Trek manga when TokyoPop was still a thing.
(Honestly though, no idea. I don't keep count)
The only person who seems to be good at drawing distinct faces is Oda, but One Piece achieves this by having some of the most ridiculous character designs.
So that doesn't count.
Though Star Trek Manga also put Kirk up against the /Borg/.
Waiting for the anime adaptation of Eternal Sunshine where the plot twist is that the six different women whom Jim Carrey's character is dating is actually just the same girl redyeing her hair every three month
And all the females kinda look the same as well, so there's that. Anime and manga artists are not too great at the face thingie.
@Yuuki Even for Oda that's only valid for males. Females are still based on three models. First time I saw Rebecca I actually believed she was Nami.
Granted, Western comic book artists aren't that much better.
@Yuuki coughcough Greg Land cough
@FAE This?
> Greg Land is infamous not only for apparently tracing his characters from porno magazines "photos", but also for tracing entirely different characters from the same photo. There have been quite a few joke campaigns to buy Land more porn just so comic readers can see some variety in his work
@Yuuki Yeah. He just traces stuff. And from porn.
@Yuuki I don't see it that much, though perhaps that's because I don't read superheroes much
For instance, here's Skottie Young's interpretation of characters from Oz, which I absolutely adore
@Yuuki His recent Tony Stark faces were also terribad
@PrivatePansy It's a bit easier to draw distinct faces when you're working a lion, a tin man, and a scarecrow.
When you have to draw X number of humans...
Particularly human males, predominantly white/Caucasian.
@Yuuki Yeah, but I really like his interpretation of each character. I mean, you could have ended up with this
Iron Man would have resolved the Wizard of Oz plot pretty quickly AND while having a Ruby Iron Man suit to do it in.
@PrivatePansy Ah yes, I see your point.
Q: In Need For Speed Underground 2, do body parts affect performance in any way?

TharwenThere's no indication that they do, but do parts from the body shop such as spoilers and carbon fiber replacements affect the handling of the car? It seems logical that they would.

@PrivatePansy While I admit I am pretty ignorant relating to American comics (much more into manga) I must say I think I wouldn't be the only one who, given the same image but without the labels, would assume that one is a poster from the Disney movie.
The tin man, the lion, the scarecrow, the batman, the amazing spiderman. You know, the unabridged Oz plot.
@MadMAxJr Psst, you left out Megaman
Well it just says a Marvel and DC production there.
The more I play GTA V (PC), the more I can't help but get a Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas vibe off Trevor.
woot, another question went hot. cmon mortarboard, you can do it!
Hm. I was going to get up and go to the bank and deal with a unexpected and unreasonable 65 dollar service charge, but that will have to wait until they get the transport truck unstuck from underneath the rail bridge by my house, because it being under there has caused quite the problem. (that street is a major transit corridor at the moment because of LRT construction.)
@AshleyNunn just call the bank?
@AshleyNunn like the transport truck was too big and actually got stuck?
@GodEmperorDune yep.
@Rapitor I could do that, but I want to go for a walk anyhow, so I will just wait
@AshleyNunn sorry for traffic jams, but that is hilarious
@GodEmperorDune I might see if I can go take a picture
plus it's canada, so i am giggling at the thought of all the apologies being tossed around
also i had maple syrup last night and it was delicious, so thanks canada
You're welcome :)
maple syrup is more valuable than oil
@Rapitor I knew that Maple Story 2 has entered the final CBT cycle, but isn't this too much for subliminal ads?
@SPArchaeologist man, I read that wrong
@FAE sorry, the only pun intended was to relate Maple Story with the maple syrup.
Q: minecraft atum mod: what do you do with rings and scepters?

TraciI want a mine craft mod, but I don't know what the most fascinating thing in the mod does. I would like to know what things like sapphire scepter and ruby rings do.

Q: CS:GO not ranking me up

ParamoneAlright, so this might be a really stupid question.. but I'm going to ask it anyway. My current rank is Nova Master (Nova 4) and I've won 6 games straight. Also was I either 1st or 2nd in my team. After that, I tied one time, and won 4 games in a row. I still haven't ranked to Master Guardian....

@FAE The acronym is... unfortunate
@PrivatePansy That's what I parsed differently. "Unfortunate" only depends on your POV. :3
Ahahahaha :P
... I don't get it.
@Yuuki Don't google, it's NSFW.
Poor innocent @Yuuki =p
@Yuuki Oh, good, I'm not the only one
Cute Bunny Types
Sure, let's keep it at that
Curling Ball Turtles?
Cute Baby Tweets
@FAE wat.
@Rapitor @FAE pointed out that the acronym CBT was... unfortunate
Capers Be Terrible
Closed beta tests are unfortunate, yes.
Though it also stands for cognitive behavioral therapy
It stands for a lot of things!
Can't Be Told?
> [x] Not Told
> [ ] Told
@Rapitor thank you for letting me know what it actually meant because I couldn't shake the really NSFW meaning.
> [ ] The Road to Toldorado
> [ ] I Just Can't Wait To Be Told
@Rapitor Oh damn, Kairosoft localized the ramen game? All my want. I am skipping the fishing game, people seem to all think it sucks.
@AshleyNunn sucks or not. Kairosoft has a terrible way of getting my money...
I haven't even been able to play the bakery one yet.
I played the bakery one a lot but then I got a new phone and didn't bother redownloading it. It was pretty fun.
I will likely get the fishing one eventually but I want the ramen one more
the ramen one looks really similar to sushi spinner (which is probably my favorite one)
@AshleyNunn oh no, the fishing one sucks? :(
I wanted to check that one out
@fae I haven't played it, but people say it isn't up to their normal awesome (which might be why it is cheaper?) mind you it is still sitting at 4.5 stars, so it could be good. Knowing me I will get it anyhow eventually. Because even Kairosoft game that "suck" are still way better than most mobile games out there.
@Rapitor Yeah, I hope so because I liked sushi spinnery a lot.
@AshleyNunn hmmmmmm
@FAE from what i could see, the fishing one is much more simplistic than their other titles.
@Rapitor Wonder what Florida Man's secret identity is.
@Rapitor Damn, I love fishing games too
which remembers me... I still have to find something to replace Continue9876543210
@LessPop_MoreFizz Was expecting a link to Alex Jones
Lunch meetings are the worst. Lunch meetings catered with sad, soggy chik-fil-a sandwiches are extra the worst
@LessPop_MoreFizz ... wow. The stupid thing is that the military, as well as federal law enforcement, does these kind of training exercises in Texas regularly.
@Sterno :(
@AshleyNunn Why is it that everything they make ends up charming? The original Game Dev one ate days of my otherwise idle time.
@MadMAxJr I have no idea but they get so much of my money because whatever they do works.
@MadMAxJr the pixelated visuals and writing loaded with references and jokes usually gets me
simple UI that works. oh and not waiting 10 Real hours for a task to complete (most important)
@Rapitor and when you do have to wait like in the bakery one for your truck to come back, there is plenty to do in the meantime so you don't really waste time waiting
Who would flag that? It was awesome
Well. Thanks for the company everypony but for now I will have to go. Will try to drop by when get some time.
@Sterno game dev just flags everything apparently
Ponies have bodies. I don't understand why they can't just say "everybody"
This infuriates me.
They're excluding non-ponies. I'm pretty sure that's a hate crime
@Sterno ... just nod and go with it. that's how it is said in the show so the fanbase does the same
@Rapitor Well, there are clearly other species in the series, so one could argue that ponies are racist.
Anyone here know what Minecraft mod it is that adds food value tooltips in the inventory?
@Sterno you may have a point. But still, it is more like they don't have the word. Twily uses "everypony" multiple times in Equestria Girls, and she is human and talking with humans in the process.
@SaintWacko "Waila" probably might
Oh, they have the word. It's just that their years of cultural racism has trained them to reflexively exclude others. JUST LIKE THE SHOW IS DOING TO OUR CHILDREN
@Rapitor That was my first thought, but it doesn't
"Everybody" discriminates against non-corporeal beings.
@Yuuki Yeah, but ghosts are jerks
@Sterno dude.
@Yuuki They were people
you just met bad ghosts
@Rapitor Everyone knows it's okay to discriminate against jerks.
So,I went home duringmy lunch, but my room mate isn't home. I run into a super, and she said she tried calling him, but he didn't answer to get back to her yet. she said I should talk to the property manager, so I'll do that tomorrow... hopefully my room mate will be home tonight so I can talk toh im.
@Sterno Yes, yes it is.
@Wipqozn What's going on?
Poor whatever-that-baby-dragon-or-lizard-or-whatever's-name-is. Constantly excluded by the ponies through their careless words.
@Sterno I think his name is Spike
@Sterno too late, you already showed you knew it is a dragon
@SaintWacko My roommate isn't paying the rent. He told me he got money from his mother, and paid it, but turns out he was lying.
3 hours ago, by Wipqozn
@Sterno he's got the hots for like all of them... so there's that
Was talking about it earlier (link above)
@Rapitor ewww
@Sterno Maybe language in their world evolved to the point that their "everypony" has the same meaning as our "everyone" or "everybody"
@Wipqozn Oh wow
@SPArchaeologist I didn't know. I guessed. I mean, I know generally what he looks like, but I wasn't sure of actual species.
@SaintWacko Yup. Haven't had a chance to talked to him this morning.
so the confrontation will likely be happening tonight.
@Wipqozn No more roommates unless you marry them.
I can't believe he lied to me again. He must have realized I was going to confirm he actually paid it, after I found out he as lying to me for 3 months.
@Sterno Yes. This is my new policy.
This includes cats.
@murgatroid99 considering the whole wording problems in EG I would say that is the case.
Because those fuckers make a mess and never pay the rent.
I'm just hoping I can get out of this situation without being forced to pay the 4 months of rent he hasn't paid, plus the late fees, plus the bounce charge fees.
@Sterno Cats rule
well, as I said, bye for now folks
Okay, well, I'm out for now
I'll update you folks again tonight
LIFEHACK: Avoid roommate related stress by just not having a roommate
@Wipqozn Good luck. I hope it goes down smoothly.
@wipqozn what a mess. Hopefully you can get it sorted relatively painlessly, though I'd be tempted to just shove the guy out the metaphorical airlock by now.
@AshleyNunn not an actual one?
Getting into a position to use an actual airlock would probably exceed @Wipqozn's budget, unfortunately.
I still maintain that the organ harvesting is the way to go.
organ harvesting is messy
@Yuuki I should get that on a shirt
@Rapitor His roommate apparently works at a hospital, so he's good to go.
I've seen 1000 systems and I've rocked 'em all /cc @Unionhawk
Actually more than 1000 now, and after turning in I'm close to 9 million in exploration credits.
@Rapitor as @timstone pointed out, a real one would not be cost effective.
Q: Starting again in Elite Dangerous

Paul CrozierHow do I start a new game in Elite Dangerous? I'm new to the game and I've managed to get myself a long distance from anything. I'm wanting to abandon this game and start again but I can't see how. Start game takes me back in to my current game. I don't have an option for start new game.

Q: Is it possible to play 2 "Hay Day" accounts on one iPad in 2015?

Victor SergienkoI wish to share my iPad with my daughter. This is the only device I played on. Will my account be kept in the cloud? Will I be able to log in some day with Facebook (maybe on some other device), and play? I'm suspicious because I've googled up that some people had troubles with Hey Day account...

@fae if you do I want one too. Especially because it is warm sunny weather again so people think harassing people is okay.
@AshleyNunn Blergh to those people.
@TimStone niiiiiiiice
@TimStone What ship are you in anyway?
It's configured for multi-role though so my jump range is only about 19Ly
@fae yesterday I went for a walk. People blew kisses at me, said I had a juicy booty, and followed me for a few blocks asking why I wouldn't talk to them all on a 40 min wander downtown. Gotta love warm weather!
@AshleyNunn I'm so glad that that people don't really do that much here
People can be so shitty
@fae Yeah, here in my city it is common. I live by the downtown core and it is...less than pristine. I love it for its imperfections, I just wish it came with less creeper.
@AshleyNunn Obviously, you need a flamethrower.
I don't know why that's the first solution that comes to mind, but there it is
@FAE because flamethrower solves any problem
Flamethrowers are fun
My dad has a propane powered one that I used to incinerate weeds in the yard
The problem is that it had a really twitchy trigger
Squeeze a tiny bit too hard and it would push out too much gas and put itself out
but as it went out, that too much gas would ignite in a small fireball
Incinerate a foot wide patch of grass
Along with the hair on my shins
@fae I think my sister's boyfriend has one I can borrow.
@AshleyNunn woooo
@Rapitor if this means more gaming awesome I am up for that.
@TimStone Organs do sell for a lot on the black market, I thnk
@wipqozn so you could earn your money back.
@AshleyNunn I'm hoping it won't come to that... BUT WE SHALL SEE
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst
Right now I'm hoping that the property manage will work with me in such a way that they go after him.
The one thing I have to offer is that I'm willing to take over the rest of the lease solo, provided they don't make me pay all the money he owes.,
My mother told me she'd help me pay the next few months rent, if it come to that.
I could do it without her help, but obviously if she's willing to help, I'm going to accept.
@Wipqozn Having a plan is always good.
I'm sorry this is such a sucky mess.
@Wipqozn And, I assume, kick him out
@Wipqozn And you'd probably have to option to sublet his room, so it wouldn't be a total loss
Tuff ducking stuff if making my arms feel like bees
Q: copying the dvd contents to hdd and installing GTA V?

rahulroy9202Did anyone try copying the dvd contents to a folder on hdd and installing from it? Did it work? I have the DVD version. Copying 7 DVDs now. My Gaming Desktop doesn't have a DVD drive. (it went kaput.) i am copying dvd to folder on laptop. What options do i have?

Q: FPS increase while holding any mouse button

KazarpI have a problem. Normally when I'm playing CS:GO I have ~30 FPS. But recently I realized, that when I'm holding any mouse button (mouse1 - mouse5) my FPS suddenly increases to ~70. One more thing - when I go out of the game and back (Alt+Tab) the increase doesn't work anymore. But when I respawn...

Game Idea and Ruleset Design

Proposed Q&A site for game developers, both board and video games, that need help fine-tuning game concepts and who want feedback on their ideas.

Currently in definition.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment i'm not sure how this would end up with an "accepted" answer
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment @NOPE
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment I actually think this could work, with a little tweaking. It seems kind of like Writers to me
@Chippies I bet that's not true but it's still really funny
@Chippies lulz
Q: Soul trap does not work - black soul gem

GrisungenSoul trap does not work. I have the soul trap spell and I cast it on the enemy(human). The enemy shimmers and I kill them within a few seconds, but there's no further effect and my black soul gem is still empty. What do?

a similar thing happened with the "Anthrax" scare years ago
Today's Listening: omg best album ever: adaptedrecords.bandcamp.com/album/anytime-ep
Fucking copy fluff
the band was like "we don't support terrorism or trying to poison the post office"
Today's Listening | Electro Funk
CC @Rapitor
@GnomeSlice well, there was that story about that food place called Isis (after the egyptian goddess. It's certainly possible that this story is true as well
do oneboxed webm's still break chrome?
I don't want to test and be the one the blame falls on to if it does :P
Webms have never oneboxed.
Large gifs break chrome, the gif version of gifvs are typically large
Have broken, anyway
@Unionhawk I don't think large gifs break chrome
I think it's just gifv
I'm subscribed to /r/HighQualityGifs, and I've never had one of their gifs break Chrome
It's been oneboxed gifs in the past
gifvs don't onebox
Pretty sure it's fixed
@Unionhawk I thought gifvs didn't onebox because they break stuff
@Unionhawk oh yeah, I was thinking gifv's
they oneboxed if you forced them
Do they?
They're webms at the core
they used to, Idk if they still do
@GnomeSlice neat!
hm, maybe they removed the ability to onebox
instead of fixing the fact that it breaks stuff
I don't think they ever did onebox
i onebox gifvs and webms all the time, nobody seems to notice/care
95% sure
just change the url to .gif and it handles it
@Rapitor Yeee I have been listening on repeat the whole way home
See, gifs that are gifvs are very large
Thanks for fucking up my phone
@Rapitor if you do that, doesn't it just link to gif version?
I'm pretty sure imgur generates both gif and gifv versions
Ass hike
@GnomeSlice your phone is a bit fuct if you ask me
@Chippies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Something's fucky
Fuckt autocorrects to FUCKTHISFUCKYOU apparently
I typed that literally once
K now it just corrects to fuct again
@GnomeSlice your phone hungers for stars
Feb 2 at 19:27, by Yuuki
@Chippies You could just remove the ending 'v' but that has a chance of crashing Chrome.
Feb 2 at 19:28, by Kevin van der Velden
Also, even just loading it and then poof-ing the gifv slows down chrome to a crawl
@Chippies no-repro.
gifv's were never an issue in their own tabs or on imgur, only slowed down chrome to crawl when oneboxed on bridge
but that was a while ago, perhaps things have been improved, I can't seem to reproduce the issue
gifvs have never oneboxed.
2 mins ago, by Chippies
Feb 2 at 19:27, by Yuuki
@Chippies You could just remove the ending 'v' but that has a chance of crashing Chrome.
@Yuuki also demonstrated chrome slowing down to crawl by oneboxing a gifv (by removing 'v'), the message is missing in transcript, since it was removed
Yes I was there
But when you remove the v it's no longer a gifv...
@Unionhawk I know imgur certainly generates both versions of the gif now, but did it back then?
well, it didn't affect my chrome, although it's the same exact image that broke everything back then
@GnomeSlice the download button doesn't seem to work
Does for me, but it pops up like a thing, you probably need javascript or whatever
@GnomeSlice after multiple refreshes it popped up
idk what was up with it
Q: Access ingress logs

Boas Enkleris there a way to get an access to logs (last few weeks with all actions ina given map area or whole)? Is there a api ? I'd like to create some art projects on ingress (about fields, timeslaps and so on)

NoneOfYourBusiness is a pretty big jerk. Just look at how he comments on new users to the site.
Pretty sad he hasn't learned how to treat new people politely, regardless of how they come off. Ordering people around doesn't get you anywhere.
@hotlinecalifornia Is there some new context for this?
Q: FPS increase while holding any mouse button

KazarpI have a problem. Normally when I'm playing CS:GO I have ~30 FPS. But recently I realized, that when I'm holding any mouse button (mouse1 - mouse5) my FPS suddenly increases to ~70. One more thing - when I go out of the game and back (Alt+Tab) the increase doesn't work anymore. But when I respawn...

Oh, I see it.
" So now we shall guess what your PC Specs are and what mouse you have? Or you going to add it? "
Such a condescending tone
" Put your information in the post. And no, a screenshot is not cutting it."
Unfortunately some users are just like that.
Also, welcome to chat @hotlinecalifornia. =]
@hotlinecalifornia FYI Mods can see deleted comments.
@GnomeSlice You don't remember me? ;_;
Uh... Oh.
@StrixVaria :^( Caught in the act again
Didn't recognize you under that name.
@hotlinecalifornia If you have a problem with NoneOfYourBusiness, just ignore and flag; do not engage. You were dishonest, and he got frustrated. I honestly don't blame him for that.
I'm going to clear the comments, but try not to troll known trolls in the future. It makes for a bad time for everyone.
@StrixVaria My bad, will do.
anyone play neverwinter
@StrixVaria Also, it's mostly due to the way he treats new people to the site.
@KevinvanderVelden plain neverwinter?
@hotlinecalifornia I am well aware of his antics.
The best thing to do is just don't give him anything to latch onto.
Got it, don't feed
Just gank in mid

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