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And selling the company.
@AshleyNunn If you've got a bit of time, a quick read of six very short, very good fanfics all based on the prompt The Best Medicine fimfiction.net/story/255661/love-and-other-bandages
So much for that Kickstarter. I hope the backers got their rewards at least.
Q: Broken Age - What am I missing

rizlmilkMy question involves minor spoilers. So I decided to play through Act 1 of Broken Age again before jumping into Act 2. I played all the way through Vella's side of the story first and now I'm playing through Shay's. The problem is that I decided to change over to Vella's view after I had beaten...

@Frank i remember giantbomb looked at it one time and all i remember thinking is how can this exist
@Frank What's that? A Kickstarter with nothing to show for it? WELL I'VE NEVER HEARD OF SUCH A THING.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You're talking to the guy that backed the worst managed project on Kickstarter.
tl;dr: Kickstarter money buys a whole lot of mojitos.
@Frank Which one? Because if it's video game related, then no, there's worse.
i wish i backed ftl
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes, it is. And now I want to know which one you're referencing.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Damn, that's a mess
@AshleyNunn It's things like that that make me even more wary of backing anything at all.
I'd rather just buy a completed product.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh, I thought you were talking about a worse video game one.
I have no idea which failed kickstarter you backed. I just know that the video games ones barely scratch the surface of the worst. Hence my statement.
PC Star Command.
In the annals of worst video game Kickstarters, it's seriously near, if not at, the top.
@Frank Oh, yeah, that one is up there.
But I tend to find the hardware offenders to be worse almost across the board.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Could be; I tend to only look at video game ones.
is the ouya any good? maybe i should buy one before the company goes under
@Frank Even the failed video game hardware ones like the gamestick
I have much less sympathy for gamers getting Molyneux'ed, in general, than the absurd hardware shenanigans.
@GodEmperorDune Hah! No.
@GodEmperorDune i just remember it having shitty ports of moble games
@GodEmperorDune If it was, the company probably wouldn't be going under
I think my favorite failed Kickstarter is still the book guy who said it was a lesson in capitalism or something like that.
@Fluttershy I bet they'll have no trouble selling their failed company whose one product no one wants.
I missed the not here, which would have made my sentence sarcastic.
@Fluttershy THe one who posted pics of him burning the sutff?
@AshleyNunn I think that's the guy, yeah.
I don't understand why anyone ever backs kickstarter. Too many failed projects.
That was the Pictures for Sad Children kickstarter.
It was a disaster
Well, back to reading. After that, bed. night all.
@Wipqozn night
@Wipqozn Good night
Q: GTA 5, Command Line DataBase?

RuskieIs their any link to a database of commandline.txt for GTA 5? I heard some people talking about FPS counters, Benchmark tests and etc? In the end the question is... Is their a list for commands?

@Lazers2.0 damn, that guy was totally waiting to answer that question
@yuuki "I might be having feelings. Weird, weird feelings, for.....pretzels." OH PARKER AAAAAA
@Chippies wow, 90 seconds for an explanation, a full formatted reference, and a link
dammit these homeless followers are pissing me off, but i don't have enough belief to kill them
@AshleyNunn Ayyyyyy
@Yuuki lmao
@Yuuki I did like Hardison's response.
@AshleyNunn Since you're on that episode, or at least were:
> Let's go steal the Department of Defense.
Also, Eliot's gunfight was over-the-top but awesome.
@Yuuki So true.
Ooh, a country music themed ep. :D
@AshleyNunn Trivia: Christian Kane has his own successful country music band.
@Yuuki I KNEW IT
His voice sounded familiar, and you can't fake that.
"I just want your autograph" oh the poor girl is likely going to need YEARS of therapy now

Proposed Q&A site for interesting & general topics that don't fit other StackExchange sites

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Someday, I will remember my iTunes password from one time to the next
@AshleyNunn can we get a cleanup on the comments in aisle 3 please? :)
Does the answer address the issues in hte comments?
Yes, it's been fixed up :)
So I can wipe all the comments? :)
Maybe just leave the first two, about the *'s
please :)
Will do :) I just am out of my depth here, so I can do the cleanup, but I don't know enough about MC to make sure it's all good. So I appreciate the help!
Thanks :). As you might have seen we were having a bit of an issue with the command syntax. I myself couldn't test it out (at work atm), so it was a bit of trial and error. We got it sorted now, so thanks for the cleanup :)
@Yuuki Why. Why this thing.
> The crossover will take its shots at shared movie universes -- just as 21 Jump Street played off the concept of reboots for laughs and 22 Jump Street had fun with the idea of sequels
@murgatroid99 My question remains - I get why someone thought it was a good idea, but why do we neeeeed that
@AshleyNunn why not?
@murgatroid99 I suppose. :)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Is the only difference making Stanford, CT the size of the continental United States? (plus the projection and cropping)
@murgatroid99 Yup.
1 hour later…
@Yuuki acquired Christian Kane's CD and have been listening to it for the past while. :D
@AshleyNunn F--king Oklahoma.
@Yuuki grins
What is it about every album by every country male with his sound that has to have a I LOVE AMERICA song?
And out of the three Kickstarters I've backed, one has finally delivered.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I know we've discussed this before, especially when I was taking that popular music history course - I found a book I REALLY WANT TO READ.
@AshleyNunn "Anything but rap and country" is the most ignorant and frustrating statement in the world I hate it so much.
Chroma Squad, gooooooooo!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, I remember having that discussion with you, which is why when I found this book, it made me think of you.
@AshleyNunn :D
Dunno if it is any good, but I have resolved when I have money I am going to read more academia on things that interest me, so this is on that list.
@AshleyNunn I think it's a rite of passage now.
@Yuuki They're EVERYWHERE>
@AshleyNunn Plz do let me know how it is.
I could, if I thought about it, write some decent rhetoric why, but I'd rather just skip over them in my iTunes :)
I think it's the country music equivalent of "no true Scotsman".
@LessPop_MoreFizz Will do :)
@AshleyNunn Short answer: Dixie Chicks.
Longer answer: Toby Keith.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I like a good number of country songs, but I have trouble with listening to rap. I have been trying to avoid saying "anything but rap" though.
Then again, nobody asks my music preferences so that hasn't really come up.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I like that we came to the same conclusions.
Although most songs I listen to these days contains rap. Though that's because the lion's share of songs I listen to are songs I hear by proximity because my sister plays K-pop/K-rap very often and rather loudly.
This song is one of my faves for the whole "let's talk about the problems in the genre" twist:
sorry, bein' a music nerdball.
@Yuuki The problem with statements like "Anything but rap and country" (or either individually, for that matter), isn't the exclusion, but the false declaration of omnivorism, and the way it is coupled with an exclusion of music with extremely strong semiotic identity tied to communities that individuals may want to disassociate themselves for reasons of bigotry or otherwise.
Because if you really interrogated your taste, I suspect you'd find there's plenty of other music that you also don't care for.
But most people don't think to say "Anything but Tuvan Throat Singing."
Oh yeah, there's a lot of other music I don't like.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Throat singing is neat. :)
Tuvan throat singing is pretty cool though. In small doses though.
(I am bad at this game, because I can find sounds I like in almost anything. Except growly type sounds, but it's more "I don't like this specific sound" than "I don't like the genre")
@Yuuki It was an arbitrary example. Feel free to replace that with "Anything but Gregorian Chants" or "Anything but Kpop" or "Anything but Metal" or "Anything but Dubstep".
Anyways, electronic/dance music is another genre I have trouble listening to. I'm sure there are electronic/dance songs I do like, but I haven't had much success with what I've listened to so far.
Metal is another one, though @Arperum is changing my mind on that one.
@Yuuki Sure. I'm not big on EDM either. The point isn't that people are not allowed to not like things.
I just want to make sure I'm not liking music for the right reasons, as odd as that sounds.
@Yuuki Oh gosh, I thought I didn't like metal, then I spent forever trawling the Map of Metal and now I know what metal I like :)
And it's easier to determine the reasons when I have to write them down and spell them out.
The point is that by saying "Anything but [thing]", you're making a declaration that you are some kind of musical omnivore, which is intellectually, and fundamentally dishonest in most cases, and even moreso, the exclusions in question often say more about you from a sociopolitical standpoint, than it does about anything you actually like or don't like musically.
I think I don't like EDM because I'm not sure I particularly like the polyrhythms.
Though I'm sure not all EDM music uses polyrhythms.
^^ ALso a really really really really great book.
@LessPop_MoreFizz grabby hands
As is everything else Greil Marcus has written.
(And likely to be easy enough to find cheap/used/libraried)
Q: How do role and actor bonuses interact?

FrankI've started my first sentai studio! Now I have to choose my actors, and their roles. My problem: I don't know how to intelligently select my roles! For example, the Lead role provides a 50% Health buff. But my very first actor has a 20% Health penalty. Does this mean I only get a 30% Health...

@LessPop_MoreFizz yay! That's even better :)
@Lazers2.0 I'm so liking this game already.
@AshleyNunn Greil Marcus is a really important figure as far as Rock Criticism and Academia.
@Frank Oh, i should download it :)
(See also, his much less respectable, much more insightful, and lamentably much shorter lived colleague Lester Bangs.)
@AshleyNunn Steam will let you play it when I'm not, and since I haven't used Steam in...oh, weeks, you should get lots of playtime.
@Frank That and for now, I can play while you are working
@AshleyNunn That, too.
My team is totally the original Power Rangers.
Hmm, I don't see it in the list....
@AshleyNunn Apparently, it's not available on Steam until tomorrow?
I recommend The Joylancer for anybody who liked stuff like shovel knight, and Pixel Heroes for pretty much everybody.
@Yuuki Ah, then I will check again tomorrow :)
@GnomeSlice I wanted to like Shovel Knight, but it was too damn hard
I now rule all but one public field.
Yep. Definitely going to enjoy this game.
I think my goal right now is to get all the crops to 5-star quality and amass seeds.
Q: Does Abathur's Adrenal Overload buff his Monstrosity's attack speed?

VaraquilexWhen I use my Q on my pet, do I give it increased attack speed, too?

Hey, hey! An iPad "test model" was stolen! ...Also a dude was kidnapped but NBD about that.
@Frank gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/215892/… Who are you, and what did you do with Frank?
Q: Offical statistics of each season

JehofAre there any offical sources from blizzard how many Players have reached the legend rank each season? Or stats of which class performed best/worst? Most played card? Etc. There are some sites that provide some stats but they rely on the players that have to provide the Information.

Q: PC Steering Wheel Driver Problem

ArnisI have Canyon CNG-GW3 Steering Wheel. I was using it with windows autodriver caller PS2/PS3 steering wheel (or something like that). But this driver dont support force-feedback. So I installed Canyon driver. But this driver dont have calibration option. Problem is that wheel has 135 degrees but d...

Q: playing psn bought games on separate psn account

renSo the thing is I was thinking of buying a couple PS3 PSN games from the US PSN with a US PSN account since they're having a sale, and was wondering if I download the games and then switch accounts to my main which is an Australian account, would I still be able to play them and would I get troph...

Q: Is there secret combos or attacks in Super Smash Bros?

Dodo10812I'm looking for secret attacks like a certain characters with an item or secret combos like the "up,up,down,down,left,right,left,right,b,a" combo (I tried this one and it didn't do anything).

@TimStone what... the... fuck
@KevinvanderVelden Seconded
@TimStone We live in a time, where a piece of hardware is more important than a human life.
The only mention of a person being kidnapped IS IN THE 4TH PARAGRAPH
I'm glad that the comments share my sentiment, though.
It's still horrible. The main focus should be on the human being that was kidnapped, and not a potential prototype of an iPad
Always nice to start the day with some rage...
But now for something completely different:
Eh not my kind of game I don't think
@KevinvanderVelden It's one of the worst games ever made, but it's the kind "So bad, it's good"
You play it for the expirience
Naah, I don't buy into the so bad it's good thing
@KevinvanderVelden You're missing out. It's batshit bonkers.
At least star it, so other people might see it.
Q: How to save a stolen jet?

TrudleRI've stolen a jet in the story mode (multiple times now). I've brought it to both hangars (marked red on the picture), but none was saved by the game. I tried both Hangars with Franklin and the one more in the south with Trevor. Has storing jets been fixed or did I miss something? If I drive in...

@Yuuki bows
2 hours later…
Mhhh... cherry whey and coffee tastes pretty good.
@5pike uwot
Don't you have flavoured whey?
The... cheese by product?
Well, apparently egg coffee is a thing
Egg coffee? Sounds... interesting
Q: What is the background of brewing coffee with eggs?

Christian RauI hope the question isn't too broad or fuzzy. But quite a while ago, I stumbled across coffee that was prepared with eggs. The basic recipe involved mixing ground coffee with raw eggs (I think even with their shells), then cooking that mix with water and filtering it afterwards. The end result of...

Wat... WITH the shell?
Apparently not!
Hmmm crunchy bits
No you're dumb
@KevinvanderVelden Not if you grind it up enough
@KevinvanderVelden Calling things you don't understand dumb is... dumb
Oh wait, I didn't see the crunching up bit
"you're dumb" still stands
@Unionhawk Your face bla bla bla
I should have set a go tf to sleep alarm... At least no classes tomorrow... Today...
Sorry, should I have tagged that with NSFW?
Damn you jadedcat for making an addictingly grindy map that I have no choice but to show who the boss is...
And damn you @union for starting it in the alpha phase and therefore needing to reset once
I'll probably let it run some while I paper tomorrow
... Today
But modded minecraft takes so much goddamn memory it's absurd
It's fine I've got things basically automated at this point
The map is basically an incremental at this stage
An incremental that takes 4 GB ram
So... Like an incremental run on Chrome over a long enough time period
I do need to not starve to death though... That would be counterproductive to our goals
No auto-feeder?
No, I don't have food on autopilot yet, also, definitely not, since I don't think that's a thing in this pack
There are exactly 2 mods I know of that do that, neither are in
Thaumcraft? The ex-nihilo automation mod?
Is there something there?
I feel like you're making shit up
But now I have to investigate
Thanks a lot
Hmm not in ex-axtris apparently
You jerk
It's in the skyblock map on FTB, what's its name
Sky factoy?
Ex axtris is my favorite thing
Yes, the mod Autofood apparently: atlauncher.com/pack/SkyFactory
Automatic seive let's gooooooooo
I do need to up lava production, and probably redesign that part of my system altogether.
8 mins ago, by Kevin van der Velden
Sleep? Step 1 is probably to turn off the PC
And close chat
Both of which are horrible things I'd heavily advise against
>A developer's worst nightmare took place in Cupertino, California earlier this month when an Apple iPad "test model" was stolen from a home during a robbery and kidnapping, reports the San Jose Mercury News.

The Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office said the iPad had not been recovered. "We are still investigating everything about this case," sheriff's spokesman Sgt. James Jensen told the Mercury News.

It is still not known what type of test model the iPad was and whether it was related to an upcoming product release.
> A 20-year-old man was also kidnapped, according to the report.
5 hours ago, by Tim Stone
Hey, hey! An iPad "test model" was stolen! ...Also a dude was kidnapped but NBD about that.
A 20-year-old man was also kidnapped, according to the report.
And the ensuing general WTF that is horrible reporting
@fredley You're slowâ„¢
2 hours later…
A Comic Made By Rebecca Sugar
> Good to know Rebecca Sugar likes to crush hopes and dreams in every medium, not just television.
@PrivatePansy Saw it coming, but that was good
Steven Universe, the show she created, is a lot like that.
@PrivatePansy sounds dark
Hey, i just posted an answer here gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/188206/…. I don't really answer the question but explain why it is illegal. Good or should I delete?
It's not. The show is light, and mostly slice of life, but there's a very big and fairly grim back story that's revealed very, very slowly
That was a nice comic
And oftentimes an episode would start light, and become very heavy by the end of the episode
kisscartoon.me/Cartoon/Steven-Universe/Episode-013 S1E13 So Many Birthdays is one of them
Q: For Stat Maxing Should I Just Maximize Luck?

Jonathan MeeThis is a question about maximizing Luck and doing away with all Evasion and Accuracy. A good answer to this question would be supported by the following: What is the formula for calculating a hit? What is the formula for calculating a critical hit? What is the formula for calculating an evasi...

@miva2 I don't see a problem with it.
But then again I'm usually wrong about this stuff.
Q: Lost Xbox 360 data

NickI have had my 360 for a couple years now and just recently upgraded to an xbox live account. I created a brand new one using a gamertag that xbox live choose for me. After doing that, however, I found that any of the offline saved data from previous games was erased (NBA 2k14 and NCAA10). I have ...

Why do you always do that?
Like when you go to the pub do you go HI PUB
@GnomeSlice Personality?
Because that would be hilarious
I would totally be in favour of someone entering a pub and shouting "HI PUB"
@fredley ur a personality
No, he's a ham
Can somebody modabuse the bandcamp fluff out of there
The OMG best album ever thing
Adds that onto shit copied from the app lol
I forgot about that
Q: What non-daily dungeon awards the highest Gil/Stamina?

LessPop_MoreFizzAt this point, the main constraint on building up my characters is Gil. I have a bunch of stuff I want to combine from 4+ to 5++, and even 5+ to 6++. I'm talking about a tab of millions of gil sitting in my inventory waiting to be spent on upgrades. Now, obviously, the daily dungeon on Wednesday...

Q: Is there a way to make a redstone current wait a certain amount of time before transfering?

xXPikminXxFor a map I'm making, it says "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Go!", then it's supposed to wait a certain time, maybe... 2 minutes before it says "3, 2 , 1, GAME OVER!" Is there a way to do this without repeaters? I tried to do it with repeaters, but it wasn't holding out long enough. Thanks

@Unionhawk is that you
Okay work time
@GnomeSlice Got rid of all the bandcamp stuff
@fredley HA
@GnomeSlice Because I like to greet my friends when I arrive.
@fredley How cute, you are still a horrible person.
Silly @Arp, a pork-chop is not a person.
Stop dehumanizing me.
@fredley There's nothing to dehumanize, pork-chop.
I'm a real boy
How big is your nose?
@GnomeSlice Thanks gnome!
Q: My Minecraft Pixelmon keeps crashing

lrocketYTI have 1.7.10 Forge and when I play Pixelmon, it crashes within 2 minutes of play time. Please help me!

Q: Trying to use the GTS to transfer pokemon from ORAS to X and Y, but it doesn't work

user109675I got my alpha sapphire before I got my X, and since I am struggling a bit with the elite 4 I figured it would be a good idea to send some of the pokemon that are strong, but not in my main team(competitive reasons, you know) over to X. Unfortunately, I only have 1 3DS and there's not enough spac...

so i got anno to work
@KevinvanderVelden It seemed to get overwhelming support
@fredley yeah, I asked for clarification on a question and someone said it was now offtopic. Hadn't seen anything saying that's now in effect though
@Rapitor nice music, needs some lyrics I'd say =p
@KevinvanderVelden We're working on trying to get a new close reason and finalizing the language; I think a meta thread is planned for sometime this week or at least Soonâ„¢.
6-8 metas
Sorta-non-binding? My favourite!
4 close votes already cast is non-binding right? =p
The mod vote "overrides" the others, though. If all 4 choose 1 reason and the mod chooses a different one, the mod reason still wins.
Good morning, Starshine, the Earth says hello!
closes blinds
Could it be that Apple Mail is pure and utter crap?
@fredley I saw a huge amoeba floating by, which was named "Anus"
@fredley cant connect :(
@LessPop_MoreFizz The future is a wonderful and immature place.
@5pike The future is wonderful and full of butts.
Q: cs:go max players with spectators

boomixI got a problem - I want to make cs:go 1v1 server, where can be spectators. Lets say, server have 2 slots for players and one slot for spectator, who will spectate the game. Is it possible to create that ?

Server configuration is off-topic right?
@5pike Yes it is. For example, it'd be really immature to sticky a post just because it had the word "Anus" in it. Oh hey, look!
@Powerlord Now to be fair, it wasn't pinned just because it had the word anus in it. It was because the whole sentence is a beautiful, complete image.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Would it have been pinned if it didn't have the word "Anus" in it? No? That's what I thought.
That said, I probably would not have pinned "I saw a huge amoeba floating by, which was named "@Fredley."
Urgh, I hate Thursdays at work. Who thought it was a good idea to stick 4 meetings in a single day.
I might very well have pinned "I saw a huge amoeba floating by, which was named "Pizza", though.
I just swallowed Spain
@fredley That's not very nice. You spit that out right now, young man.
@fredley I outgrew everything and then got nommed by nr 2 when he nommed a big one.
@Arperum Splitting is fun
Protip: Name yourself after a country
@fredley Haven't spilt yet. I got completely nommed.
@fredley Do you get the Countries flag?
I was #4 for a bit.
And then was like "f--k it".
So, one of my friends got me started playing Armello yesterday. It's one of those games being thrown head-first into isn't a good idea.
I got "lucky" and got the first turn.
'cause when you have no idea what you're doing, you definitely want to go first!!!!
@5pike Not all of them, Belgium has no flag.
@Powerlord Oh, that game. Saw a video where northernlion played it. Looks interesting, but not really my type of game.
@5pike I found it interesting to play multiplayer. Then I tried single player mode.
Here's a tip: The AI players cheat in single player.
Either that or I have really terrible luck
@Powerlord I guess cheating AI is easier to write then a smart one...
Oh, I can get the fourth spirit stone I need to win next move and it should be information the enemy players don't have? watches AI stop on the square I'm headed to, lose a roll, and spawn more enemies right there
@Arperum The Belgian Flag ought to be pictures of Beer, Waffles, and Chocolate. Problem solved.
The reason I say they shouldn't have known is because it was a quest I needed to complete to get it.
Which other players usually can't see.
@LessPop_MoreFizz hmmmm waffles and chocolate
And that was just the FIRST "coincidence" like that in an entire series of them.
I'm also going to note that whenever the computer players played attack cards, I was the only target
Actually, now that I think of it, that should have been suspicious as these cards have a range and I should have been out of said range.
Aw, I got huge then got eaten
@5pike Yup
Plus eyes for Poland
@fredley They know what's up
I'm just sitting at the login screen of agar.io and watch the amoebas float by. It's quite ... relaxing.
Q: Does the Xbox 360 wireless controller for Windows work with the Xbox 360?

Bobby AlexanderAs the title states, does the Xbox 360 wireless controller for Windows work wirelessly with an Xbox 360?

Q: How do I stop Melody's terrible music?

StudokuI like playing as Melody but I can't stand her music. I know it's possible to use custom songs, but I really like Cadance and Aria's music. Is there a way to set Melody to use the default music or, better still, Aria's?

]I was #3
Got swallowed by #2, who exploded
@fredley can you just delete my post about music then
Thanks for nothing ashoke
@LessPop_MoreFizz or can you do it
@GnomeSlice Do what.
(Not sure if Metalheads care about that one as much as I do.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz scroll up a bit from here and delete the thing that used to be music chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/21388741#21388741
@fredley and seriously fuck off don't do that when I ask you for help
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't know who they are so I don't really care =p
@LessPop_MoreFizz so can you delete it for me or what
Swedish post-hardcore band that broke up over a decade ago, after releasing one PERFECT album.
@GnomeSlice I don't know why you care so much? it's already disappearing off the back scroll.
Because it pisses me off
I'd rather shit I tried to say was deleted than mangled for lolz by somebody else
@LessPop_MoreFizz thanks.
Do not modflag random things
it causes global alerts
@LessPop_MoreFizz Doesn't sound half bad.
> I might do a Zellers as a Level 1 Commercial, have it grow into a Level 2 Target, then immediately abandon!
@Arperum Grab the whole album, The Shape of Punk To Come. It's really just an essential statement of an album.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm not planning on buying cd's shortly (because I still haven't listened to all the new ones I bought last month), and I don't like buying digital music (I want my physical box)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Started it.
ok, this is special, two youtube ads in a row that are not about haircare products or cars.
@Arperum That says more about you than it does about youtube.

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