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@MadScientist to me it is like power word kill in dnd. enemy fails the save and you win
@Rapitor That was going to be a follow-up question, but I wanted to get home first.
Q: Does GTA5 activate on Steam?

Gabe NewellIf I buy GTA5 from, for example, Amazon, will it come with a Steam CDKey, or will this be a separate, non-Steam version of the game?

@MadScientist although, how is it that the hardest boss in the game doesn't have a better fortitude save?
@Rapitor I guess we could say INSERT and SELECT are equally basic?
So I was looking at Spring Data Jpa. Unfortunately, Spring's idea of data repositories is "magic keywords!!!!!"
Q: Does ksp auto-update?

Ethan BierleinAccording to the dev team's blog, KSP, 1.0 is 7 days from launch, and I was wondering, does the game itself auto-update, or do I have to manually download the game again from the website? Please note, this question is NOT about KSP 1.0, i'm simply wondering if the game auto-updates.

(Seriously, you create an interface with no backing code to create new methods in it)
@Powerlord wat
@GodEmperorDune It uses keywords in the method name. i.e. findAll, getTop3, etc...
@Powerlord but that's terrible
@GodEmperorDune Exactly what I was thinking
@Powerlord so what happens if you name a method getTheFuckOut?
@GodEmperorDune It fails spectacularly, one would assume
@AshleyNunn Grabbing butterflies is not exactly healthy for them though :(
The sad part is, looking at the CrudRepository interface in Spring Data, 2/3 of the methods it defines an EntityManager can already do in a single method call.
Dear. The cps class: i apologize for obliterating the curve. Again.
This is why real curves are better than the "top score determines point scaling" a lot of the time.
@Unionhawk this is why we can't have nice things
Damn, I was too late to edit my previous post to say 3/4 (findAll is the only one that JPA can't do in one method call... save, delete, and findOne are the other 3 it can do)
Q: Disney Infinity 2.0 I Can't See Menu Screen Xbox 360

KaspipieI downloaded the new update for Disney infinity 2.0 after buying Hiro and Baymax and I can't see the menu screen

@Unionhawk what nonsense is that? Person with best score gets max and all the rest is graded relative to that?
@Arperum 'Muricah
Because all that needs is a class that properly coordinates and everyone gives an empty page back.
There's probably a minimum
Everyone has exactly the same amount of correct answers.
1 min ago, by Kevin van der Velden
@Arperum 'Muricah
22 secs ago, by Arperum
@Arperum because tenure
@GodEmperorDune which, to my knowledge is mostly an american thing?
> Avoids software that is not common on mobile devices, like Flash
@Rapitor The day they sent me a mail about "your site is not mobile friendly" I had just fixed all the issues by launching a new site.
Oh, it's also a canadian thing
@KevinvanderVelden i thought we stole it from europe back in the day
It's a common method and it works well I guess if the mean and max aren't that far apart (only positive changes are possible). It's not really a curve per se. In fact it isn't one.
@GodEmperorDune wikipedia doesn't seem to mention it: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenure
@Unionhawk It's dumb beyond belief. The only moment you should get max grades is if you have made no errors.
And having your grade depend on how well some other student studied for a test is ridiculous.
@KevinvanderVelden i stand corrected
guess all we stole academic wise was the funny graduation robes and octagon hats
@Arperum this is america, competition is enforced whether it is good or not
@GodEmperorDune This is why we can't have nice things.
@GodEmperorDune I've also never seen the robes and the funny hats
That system results in complete incompetent idiots having a high grade, assuming a class that has no real brilliant student.
@Rapitor @AshleyNunn @Frank Things that are stupid: fresh vegetables can't be used for requests.
@GodEmperorDune well yes, in movies and such, just never in real life
@KevinvanderVelden My sister had them when she graduated her master at the university, although I think it was a square hat.
I have a bunch of Napa Cabbage, but I can't complete the request because I harvested them yesterday. Have to wait another two days.
@KevinvanderVelden its mainly for grad school
phd and such
Actually, I think it's more since I harvested these cabbages after pulling a Super Star plant.
So 60 days.
Oh wait, there's a star requirement. Nvm.
@Yuuki and here i thought it made you invincible and played cool music
@Arperum normalization baby. It's bullshit and they do it here, too.
(but it's very rare. I've never been graded on a bell curve. Fuck that.)
@badp A few of my classes do it different. Median score gets an 80 and everyone is graded off of that.
Which is also stupid.
I mean, I help my mother sort-of do ad-hoc curve grading when tests go really really bad using her objective linear grading scale directly.
I mean, as a student, I would rather my 64 with a class average of 58 (in a different class, mind you) be graded as a B than just everyone fail the class.
But that's only like when she's got 6 people over 60"%" and half the class below 0.
If that makes me incompetent, then fine
This is why we can't have nice things.
One dude "got" -11½/10.
@badp what kind of scoring goes into the negative?
@badp I remember a certain test during my school years that had 2/40 people who had above 8/20 (It was a simple math thing, I had 20, nephew had 18, all the rest failed hard)
I can't get over the simple fact that. On a test: how well I did is not at all influenced by how well anyone else did. Except if I was cheating
@GodEmperorDune The kind that starts at 10/10 and docks points for every mistake. It was a Latin translation so you can't really work out first how many mistakes you can possibly make.
@GodEmperorDune There are several ways to go about doing that.
Although you can't go negative (or even below 200), the SAT docks points for incorrect answers.
@Unionhawk Fuck that. If I fucked up half or more of the stuff I deserve a fail. And because everyone else also fucked up, I shouldn't magically have a acceptable score.
@Yuuki oh they still do that "anti-guessing" thing?
@GodEmperorDune I think so.
@Yuuki Yeah, at that school the actual minimum grade is 2.75/10
unless you're caught cheating, then it's 2.0
@badp ...
It's stupid though, I guessed on more than half the questions for one portion and was still in the top percentile (top 1%?).
11 secs ago, by Arperum
@badp ...
@Arperum that also assumes that the professor knows how to make a proper test
@Yuuki SAT is normalized though
@Arperum Well the minimum grade is 3, but you can get away with 3-, which is 2.75
Also if you refuse to be tested that's 1/10. But all of this is specific to this one school.
Evening all
So the dude who guessed incorrectly for all questions is the 200
@Unionhawk I was just mentioning "docking points for incorrect answers" as one way to go negative.
There's also that one guy who got a -10/100 because he didn't put his name on the test.
@badp refusing a test is 0/10, fucking it up bad enough should result in 0/10. Cheating is 0/10.
@Yuuki how did they know who to give the grade to?
@GodEmperorDune Process of elimination.
@Arperum and in France a perfect test is graded 19/20. What's your point?
@badp That's equally stupid.
I'm fine with punishing attitude tbqh
@badp Is that to teach some stupid point about how you can never perfect and must always strive to be the best?
@Yuuki My sister once cheated so hard she even copied the name of the dude she copied from.
@Arperum what
That's impressive
@Arperum If cheating and flunking completely result in the same outcome, then you have nothing to lose by cheating.
@FAE Yup. She was 7 or so at the time.
@badp Here academic dishonesty is a double-weighted zero plus other consequences (that is if you cheat on a 100 point test it is a 0/200)
@badp Having a minimum of 3/10 is also ridiculous.
@Arperum ok that makes more sense
zomg it's so hot D:
No it's not, it's the middle of the night!
University had a simple rule: cheat on one exam and get caught: you fail everything from that exam period, which is basically half of your year.
@Unionhawk at my school, cheating meant 0 for the course and potential expulsion
@KevinvanderVelden It's not even 11PM, not middle of the night at all.
@GodEmperorDune Yes, I forget what the other consequences are. Double weighted zero essentially means a failing grade in most cases.
@Unionhawk I don't know what academic dishonesty in my university is "rewarded" like; what I do know is that a senior professor promised that if he caught us texting the questions and getting answers back, he'd take us to the president in a "either me or him" manner
@Arperum close enough for temperature things
At my school, cheating meant 0 for the course and possible expulsion unless your parents have enough money.
In practice, rooms are wide enough and professors patient enough that you never really risk a thing. I've peeked my fair share.
In which case, it's just 0 for the course.
OK, moral of all these stories. All school systems are terrible, and in some completely magical and unreasoanble way the belgian system comes out best.
Even though I always though is was bad.
@Arperum must be the chocolate and waffles bias
The more I learn about other school systems the more I am confused by how dumb most of them are.
IIRC the belgian school system is way too strict but a good way of learning
From what I've heard
@GodEmperorDune I have no clue why, but seriously.
@KevinvanderVelden Probably.
@KevinvanderVelden At the very least we don't go rewarding everyone if everyone fucked up. That just means everyone fucked up and they all fail.
@Arperum we see it as if everyone fucked up the test was not a good indicator of what was learned
@Arperum yes, this is sane. (So does dutchlandia)
@GodEmperorDune well, the problem isn't what was learned. It generally is what was meant to be learned
And yes, exceptions can be made if the teacher was sick or something but generally that's not the preferred option
@GodEmperorDune I might indicate that the way of teaching stuff was not good, but it doesn't mean you should magically allow everyone to say that they know the stuff when they clearly don't.
@Arperum i'm not sure where the "allow everyone to say that they know the stuff" comes in
@GodEmperorDune If I pass a test for something, that means I know something about it, not that my teacher was completely unable to teach any of it, and thus everyone scored horribly bad, and got magic good grades. No, in that case you just need to find some other way of fixing the issue.
Q: (LORE) Is there any certain canon about the Ogre Empire

billithWith the new raids and us having to kill the Imperator, and me not being able to find any further inrmation about this Ogre Empire (not mention of such thing in any of the WoW archive novels) I would like to know when this creatures became an empire. It seems obvious they were in this new timelin...

Q: I can´t validate GTA V on steam! HELP PLEASE

GoncaloOk so, at the launch of the game I was able to play it normally and everything was just fine. Then rockstar decided to make a patch/update on steam recentlly and now I cant validate the GAME!! It just keeps on finnishing validating and it says : "bla bla bla corrupted file content" and it starts ...

@Arperum but you are assuming that the test actually indicates whether something was learned or not. if the test is poorly made (ambiguous questions, etc) in such a way that everyone gets a perfect score or everyone fails, that indicates a problem with test construction
and you should redo it with a better test
@Yuuki derp.
@GodEmperorDune This I can agree with. Not "oh, everyone got horrible grades, but the best is 53/100, so let's just assume that's the new 100/100 and scale all the other scores up equally."
@GodEmperorDune A test should indicate that something was learned.
@Arperum yes, we are in agreement there
Ok, so let's agree to agree and stop this discussion before one of us starts shouting.
inb4 android hell
Let's just listen to some Blind Guardian instead. because I'm going to see them for the third time in a month this weekend. All three times in a different country.
@Arperum now that is a winning suggestion
@GodEmperorDune Yes, I'm hoping to get a third tracklist out of three shows :D
(I do have a third Blind Guardian tracklist from 2006 though)
Q: Why won't Terraria open?

DoveOn Terraria, when I open the app, it shows the supporters and stuff. Then when it gets to the title screen and I press "play", the game freezes and then exits out of the app. This was right after the new version of Terraria came out. (Easter update 2015 I think.) I double tap the home button and ...

@Yuuki i would make a joke about "grass" pokemon being mellow, but 420 was yesterday
@Arperum holy crap
are you jealous too, @FAE?
@FAE Yup, going to Dusseldorf this weekend with a couple friends.
> Put some thunderbolts on the bottom daredevil and I can already hear it... "My name is Barry Allen..."
> "My name is Matt Murdock and I'm the blindest man alive."
@GodEmperorDune indeed
@Arperum Nice!
I've spend ~€250 on merch/tickets this tour.
@Arperum Sweet. We're going to see Sonata Arctica in Utrecht on May 3rd, they're going to be playing all of Ecliptica. I'll finally get to hear Letter to Dana liiiiive.
i am so jealous of yall
@FAE Oh, you are going to utrecht too. I was thinking of maybe going to Eindhoven the 2nd.
i've never been to a metal concert. i have no nearby friends who will go with me :(
@Arperum Yeah, Utrecht's closer than Eindhoven for us and we've been to Tivoli a couple times
@Yuuki eyes are too human, not menacing enough
Woo! CS:GO rank up :D
Oh yeah, hi guys
@FAE I haven't been there yet, distance is about the same for me ~200km drive or so. But Utrecht is on a sunday.
@Arperum Yeah, Eindhoven's like an hour and 20 minute drive for us, Utrecht is like 45 minutes
@Arperum Yeah, I wish it were Saturday too. More like Jochem wishes it were, but he at least gets to work from home.
@FAE Me too.
But assuming it is over at 11PM, that means it's 1:30 or so by the time I get home.
wait, that's not all that unreasonable.
@Arperum But we could meet uuuuuup
gah, decisions.
I have no tickets bought yet anyway.
~*peer pressure*~
We've already purchased ours for the 3rd so we can't change :(
@FAE And there will be other people who will be going to that show (alos people going to the eindhoven show though)
I swear, this 50 line generic class (including import lines and blank lines) does everything Spring Data's CrudRepository class does without using interfaces to do it.
Note to self: don't just stand in Torment 3 death explosions, it does ~20-25% of your hp in damage.
although, that's not all that bad to be fair.
It does make me pass in a Class<T> object in the constructor, though... which I do from child classes. Stupid compile-time only generics.
@FAE I might give in, that would also reduce the stuff I have planned to do on that saturday by one thing. (I'm normally also going to go see Age of Ultron on that day).
@Arperum No worries, I don't want to interrupt if you've already made plans with other people. If we had a guest room I'd offer it, but we unfortunately do not. :( We're leaving in about 20 minutes to go see Age of Ultron ourselves.
@Arperum you just need more resist!
@Arperum where and what are you playing?
@FAE Oh, I haven't really, I just know some people whom I met at the Blind Guardian show in Eindhoven are also going to the Sonata show there, and some of them are going to the Utrecht show.
@Blem Hardcore seasonal Barbarian EU servers.
@Arperum Ah, cool.
@Arperum so close, but i dont play hc
Hell, I can't even contact the people who are going to the eindhoven show anyway, since I don't have any contact info.
@Blem I like it.
I like playing aggressively, so would be a short career for me on HC
@Blem I've lost exactly one high level character.
I also play softcore, but I don't have any character in the season aside of this barb right now.
And now it's Age of Ultron time! Later all!
Oh yeah, Europe gets it a week earlier.
@Yuuki More than, even. It's not out til May 1st in the US, IIRC. We're heading to the midnight showing.
@FAE Have fun!
@Yuuki Thanks :D
Also have fun avoiding giving out spoilers for a week+.
Well that community goal is stupid
Reminder that the game is releasing very soon indeed, for those of you who stuck out to the man.
One sided combat community goals won't work
They don't work, clearly
Opposition influence at 0%, like 20 players in the instance on one side...
Personally I think CotN is great even without the beats.
@Unionhawk reminds me of WoW battlegrounds back before they started cross realm matchups
@Yuuki They can't? Since when?
Sorry. Missed the context click.
@Unionhawk i would say play a word game with everyone and losers switch sides, but idk any off the top of my head
just go into single player server, there's bound to be something to shoot
@Rapitor have people try to guess @gnomephone translations
Opposition is at 0%
you're zero.
Q: Is it ever possible to build on Ruins?

gatherer818I'm fairly new to Endless Legend, and one thing keeps throwing off all my plans. After I search a Ruin (of any sort) and the glow goes away, I forget it's there and try to build my city/districts and the Ruins keep getting in the way! After they stop serving a game purpose (that I'm aware of), ...

@Rapitor your zero
Button Collecting

Proposed Q&A site for anyone who loves buttons! This is a community for button collectors and enthusiasts alike to ask questions and share knowledge about buttons!

Currently in definition.

hi @LessPop_MoreFizz
I am torn between being very happy that I am leaving this shithole town within ~36 hours and very sad that I will be leaving the local BBQ joint which is among the best I have ever had.
(And I have eaten a lot of BBQ)
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment wat.
@Arperum are those physical buttons or button elements in a UI?
@GodEmperorDune Ask the proposer, I'm confused.
> "I'm dead ass running for president in 2016," the Atlanta rapper tweeted.
Q: Is there some way to use my Guitar Hero drum pedal on my PC?

AnonymooseI have a pedal from Guitar Hero World Tour, and I want to use it for push-to-talk in PC games. I don't want to have to connect the entire drum set, just the pedal. The pedal has a 3.5mm jack attached to it. Is there some way to use this on a computer and use a program like GlovePie to turn the pe...

TIL that "dead ass" does not describe a deceased donkey
@GodEmperorDune Nor does it seem to describe a pair of buttocks belonging to a deceased individual.
Or a deceased individual who was known to be a jerk in life.
@Yuuki i think that would be a "dead asshole"
Wow. So much Brick hate. :(
@LessPop_MoreFizz I feel like it's more live-action/JGL hate.
Also, note that about half as many people who vote on these actually show up for Movie Night.
i was going to nominate kung fury, but can't find a parent's guide
@GodEmperorDune Probably because it hasn't been released in America.
Thus, doesn't have a MPAA rating.
@GodEmperorDune Doesn't come out for another month.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ah, i'll have to nominate next month then
@GodEmperorDune Redline was similar, I just guesstimated.
looking to be like Lego Movie will be the choice.
Most likely.
I think I'll get Netflix (or a free month) for it.
That way I can watch Daredevil as well.
@Yuuki Well then, I guess this'll get down voted to oblivion too! WHEEE:
A: Bridge Movie Night 4: A New Movie

LessPop_MoreFizzMovie Suggestion: A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night Now on Netflix! The first Iranian Vampire Western ever made, Ana Lily Amirpour’s debut basks in the sheer pleasure of pulp. A joyful mash-up of genre, archetype, and iconography, its prolific influences span spaghetti westerns, graphic nov...

But it's on Netflix now, and honestly, a Feminist Iranian Vampire Western? How couldn't you be in on that.
@LessPop_MoreFizz wat.
@Rapitor She preys on men who do bad things to women.
@Yuuki i don't think the lego movie is on netflix
@GodEmperorDune I'm pretty sure it was last month.
@Yuuki i am checking right now
Ah, it's Netflix DVD only.
first legendary potion ever get!
I flagged this, and a mod said: "We no longer physically merge proposals; too confusing for the users who find themselves signed up to something they didn't choose. Users should be directed to support one proposal or the other." — Mr. Bultitude 2 hours ago
Well in that case they should be quicker to close down duplicates.
@FAE so jealous
Having two identical proposals is just stupid.
@Wipqozn I'm still waiting for you to meta all over Lifehacks like you promised
@Sterno I'm so sorry. I've been busy.
I hope you can forgive me.
I cannot.
@Sterno nor should you
My daughter now announces to me whenever she's eating a booger. Life is awesome
@Sterno That sure is something.
Maybe I should do the same.
okay no, that's just way too gross
Today's conversation was:
Her: I'm eating a booger!
Me: Why?
Her: *giggling* I don't know! *30 seconds more of giggling*
Kids are gros
@Sterno You should have made her write a 1000 word paper on the pros and cons of booger eating.
TIL @Wipqozn thinks there are pros to booger eating.
All of my terrible jokes about this are backfiring.
@Sterno 30 seconds more of giggling
I should just stop making jokes.
@Wipqozn you are failing at being the worst today
That wouldn't be fair to you guys, though. To rob you of my comedic genius.
Oh man, new FFRK content drops in two hours. WOOOO.
@Wipqozn Counterpoint: Both of my childrens' socks are cleaner than yours
> The pièce de résistance in John Deere’s argument: permitting owners to root around in a tractor’s programming might lead to pirating music through a vehicle’s entertainment system.
I am unable to comment on any Deere related stories.
> GM went so far as to argue locking people out helps innovation. That’s like saying locking up books will inspire kids to be innovative writers, because they won’t be tempted to copy passages from a Hemingway novel.
Aaaaaaaaand, SGDQ list delayed a week
But if I could, I'd say that's stupid
@LessPop_MoreFizz nice that he remembered, but i don't get why he was upset with erin andrews in the first place
does marshall henderson have a history of mocking or something?
@LessPop_MoreFizz i don't really know the context behind the whole thing, but good form none the less
@GodEmperorDune Because she tried to tear into him when he failed a drug test.
Bah the context was right in front of my face and I was too stupid to read it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz i don't see how "he mocking anyone now" is tearing into him
that seems like a really weak burn
@GodEmperorDune He had a bit of a reputation for trash talk.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ah, context filled now, thanks
Q: Becoming unmarried?

Ember the WolfSo. I took hearthfire off. And played skyrim after I had saved with it on. I had two kids and a husband. I out hearthfire back on and now my husband is my husband anymore? When I talk to him it doesn't open up diologe. Does that mean I need to remarry?

@LessPop_MoreFizz because when I want to pirate music, the first thing I think of doing is going outside and booting up my hacked tractor.
@murgatroid99 well who would think of doing anything else?!?
@murgatroid99 to be fair, your hacked tractor is connected to google fiber
@GodEmperorDune I don't even have Google Fiber. And if I did, I would probably have it inside my apartment where I don't actually have a tractor outside
Q: How to join an idle/acheivement server in CS:GO

user108941Wondering how to join a Idel/Acheivement Server in CS:GO

@murgatroid99 hmm, then i must be bouncing the signal off of someone else's google fiber connected hacked tractor... sorry for the confusion
@SelflessPsychopath why so serious?

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