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i don't think i've ever considered water soft and cuddly...
Eurgh, teacher evaluations.
Q: Ultima 6: How to steal the magic armor in Trinsic

Nash0In Brandon the armorers store in Trinsic in Ultima 6 there is a set of magic armor behind a portcullis. Does anyone know how to open the portcullis?

... can I just not fill them out?
@James a clean shot can cause much less damage than a baseball, depending on where you get hit
Water is just like the weirdest liquid we have :)
@Chippies Original topic was thick glass/plastic stopping a baseball was harder than stopping a bullet... which its not.
if a bullet goes through you, you only get so much of the force transfered to your body, whereas you'll take all of the force from baseball, which could easily explode your organs
But yeah, as everyone else says.. I would much rather just not get hit with either.
@James well, that's true, I wasn't really reading all the way up :P
I should be getting ready to leave and I'm procrastinating...
wife's gonna be home any minute and she'll be mad that I'm not ready :D
@Chippies I should be evaluating this coding test :D
Goddammit GDQ
Just saw an "answer" in the SO review queue that was really a comment posted as an answer...from a user with more than 80k rep. O.o
Was it real or a test?
@Unionhawk It was real
What do we do now that CS:S has been succeeded by CS:GO?
@SelflessPsychopath homophobic slurs are not welcome here at all!
@SelflessPsychopath Not care because we're busy playing Super Smash Bros? :P
@MBraedley I never implied that anything was bad.
@Brian :(
@SelflessPsychopath keep it in mind for the future though.
surprised that didn't result in a ban
@SelflessPsychopath not care because both games are meh.
Oh god hides
You play the one you want?
@Unionhawk I saw the message, there's no fire
Q: lost weapons when starting a new game

NicoleHi I have played all characters and decided to replay Jake but I accidentally started a new game instead of pressing continue and I have lost all weapons and ammo, they are still showing in the stats section. Is there any way to get them back? Thanks

@Flyk To be fair, he didn't say there was anything wrong with it.
@Flyk I invalidated after it was edited.
I have like a cracked raw spot on my finger right where I wipe my nose so every rind I do that it hurts and I get snot in my bloodstream
@GnomeSlice Snot in your bloodstream sounds lethal.
@GnomeSlice eugh... attractive. You stay classy @GnomeSlice
Thanks bra
@GnomeSlice not sure if that's intentionally or just @phoneslice
@GnomeSlice no problem shorts
I'm probably talker than you
Oh I get it nevernind
Talker was accurate
If you're that tall, it wouldn't have passed straight over your head.
@GnomeSlice Holds 7% of this channels' conversation, while @Flyk only comes in at around 4%
@SelflessPsychopath Flyk has been inactive for two years
It's barely a comparison
Don't ban me, I love you
I can't ban you and wouldn't if I could
My humor doesn't really go over well with... people
I need more @phoneslice and @Flyk to lighten my workday. I should flag stuff more often.
This accutane stuff dries the shit out of my skin my hands look like I have leprosy
why do you have shit in your skin?
@GnomeSlice Oh yeah it does but goddamn it works
Bridge drama levels dangerously low
Are you sure you don't just have leprosy, and are making delusional excuses to comfort yourself? @GnomeSlice
@Batophobia Only because you haven't been paying attention.
@imafancyman Hello
@Brian Most likely, my main concern now is lunch
Idk I've wen on the stuff for like 3 moths now and it's sill pretty bad
An now I also have leprosy
I'd rather have leprosy than bloodboner
@imafancyman welcome
@Batophobia wtf is that
Autocorrect for bloodborne
@Batophobia I dunno, at least bloodboner seems like it could be hidden from other people.
Apr 15 at 17:00, by Sterno
I still blame @GnomeSlice for me being unable to see anything but the words "Bloodboner" on the screen whenever I die in Bloodborne
Ow ducking tell
My finger document hurts
I Gould have left the bandaid on
so confused
@imafancyman would "bloodboner" not just be "an erection" ?
I'm typing on my phone
@imafancyman Welcome to the Bridge
Blood is literally what causes boners in the first place
@GnomeSlice why would your phone even know the word "boner"?
Don't ask
@Flyk This is @GnomeSlice.
I literally just did
@Flyk ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Rapitor that's great
Same way it knows 'fuct' presumably
@GnomeSlice Duck?
Like 'that's fuct'
Like "fuct"?
Not mispelled f***?
That's wonderful.
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
you save 2 whole letters
what on earth do you do with your phone?
IGNORE THAT - I don't want to know.
Just like typing Nite instead of Night
Text about boners apparently
@Yuuki that one is perfect for "idgaf"
i'm listening to hella rad music
ttyl o/
Speaking of boners, I was gonna ask that girl out to a movie tonight
attempts to join conversation without saying something inappropriate and gives up
But I'm kinda getting the feeling she's not as into me as I first thought
@Brian as long as you say inb4 flag it's all good.
Coil just by my stupid brain over thinking everything though
how do you do the thing again?
Where it says something
but it is a link
Lots of new people in the fridge today
in the fridge
@imafancyman [message](url)
Haha, smooth autocorrect
I am listening to hella rad music
he come to town
thanks @Rapitor and @GnomeSlice and @Powerlord
Pretty much the only thing I remember about terrarium is the music
@GnomeSlice Maybe you shouldn't be playing with your phone while on break at work...
Haha, @GnomeSlice's icon being on top of @Ktash's icon looks hilarious.
Go donut
I'm not at work I'm at the bus stop waiting for my transfer
@Unionhawk What is that from?
Done for today
Borderlands 2
Thought so
I wish I could go on plug.dj but my work's wifi blocks it
it doesn't block this s***hole however
Have I told you guys how amazing kartmaze is lately
@Brian Dear god, a @GnomeSlice - @Ktash baby
@imafancyman try using https instead of http, works for my work filter
@Rapitor nope... It says it won't connect with "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" below it
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one in here who listens to music not from a game
But also music from a game
I do to
but mostly it's just vg music
@Brian And I'll form the head!
@Yuuki But @GnomeSlice is the head. You could be the feet.
@Brian Eh, I'd be the mid-season weapon upgrade.
This reminds me, I need to update my gravatar some time.
Then none of you will know who I am because of my common username
@Brian You should go with either legs, pants, or shorts.
Should I just go home and play density or should I text this girl about going out server
@GnomeSlice Yes
Ugh hostage
Whatever Jesus chest
WHat game?
I play that
what do you play on?
Ps4, I bought one recently
I play on PS3
It's fun
Bout to link some sweet tunes
I promise they're not horrible
I can't promise they're not from a game
If I were at my pc I would wreck you at this game
This post music game
I'm obviously on a laptop
Q: Playstation 4 share screenshot on facebook

ZarathustraxIs there any way for uploading to Facebook screenshots that are save on my PS4? I mean, those that I didn´t share at the moment of taking them. If so, how do you do it?

Can PS4s plug in SD cards?
Same thing
Uh... I think so?
Same thug was referring to your laptop statement
Sorry, can't do replies on mobile
[PLEASE WATCH THIS](youtube.com/watch?v=yWM519a1goQ)
[Please watch this](youtube.com/watch?v=yWM519a1goQ)
You need the http
That filename
it's soooooo funny
turn on captions for fun
Now we are cooking with ass
Gas god doesn't
Why does my phone try to stretch to curses hen I don't eat them and to other shot when I do
@GnomeSlice hey.
@Rapitor sup?
the message i replied to lol. I don't listen to much game music
Oh I can't tell what you replied to
Oh I think I know the one though
Haha yea
I know re one you mean now though
Dammit girl is working till 9
Bj wired angle code
I can't even type gibberish ok this ducking phone
@GraceNote Flying Slakoth!
What an i watching
@GnomeSlice In these kinds of things I can usually assume "shenanigans" and I'll usually be right.
@Yuuki Bethesda isn't even going to make an ES 6 at this point.
@GraceNote not sure what you're replying to their
@GraceNote That is Slakoth, right?
@Yuuki Yes
@GnomeSlice Regardless of what you're referring to, I'll still usually be right about shenanigans.
I don't understand what you're tying to tell me
Ducking mobile cost
If a question is posed to the bridge or about the bridge, the answer is shenanigans
@GnomeSlice So ask her if she wants to get dinner at 9:30
She's gonna wanna just go home
@GnomeSlice Unless she hasn't eaten yet
Although I say that as a big fan of food
@GnomeSlice You don't know until you ask.
@Brian I was thinking the same thing, and I am also a big fan of food ;)
@GnomeSlice Oh, right, you can't see because mobile - you asked 'What am I watching', that was in response to that.
"I'm working till 9 then going home to sleep" is what she said when I asked about her evening plans
@GnomeSlice if you say something like "without food?" that might show you have concern. + points probably
my best relationship skills is throw fireflies at her until she loves me, THANKS STORY OF SEASONS.
Whatever there's no rush
I don't want to come off as desperate
Also yes.
@Rapitor Replace fireflies with butterflies, and yep, I understand your method.
Rule 1 and all that
@GnomeSlice i don't think it's desperate if you are asking if they are going straight to bed without food.
you aren't asking her to eat with you, just to eat. eating with you is next step. probably
If she doesn't make time she's prob not that interested after all so after like a few weeks we'll see how it's gone I guess
Getting off the bus
Aught it's raining
@GnomeSlice How did you not know that if you were on a bus?
@Brian face->screen = no awareness
@AshleyNunn This is me.
Wtf it's hailing out there
@Yuuki I dunno, I like butterflies, so I figure it's not a bad plan
Like legit bouncy ice shit
@GnomeSlice should probably stay sheltered until the hail passes, that stuff hurts
I'm home already
Bus stop is really close to my place
oh, well then.
Guess I'm not grilling tho
Well, just the one so far.
alex roe is awesome though
I smell weeabo
@Yuuki adds this to the list of reasons why John Deere is blergh
@Yuuki Is this about Steam
If John Deere wins, I'm sure it could be extended.
I know its been a while since I used JPA, but does it REALLY still not have a "fetch all records of this type" function?
So, it knows how to do INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE but not SELECT. Charming.
@Powerlord isnt... SELECT the most basic requirement.
@Rapitor Yes.
Apparently it is possible if I use a CriteriaBuilder, but shouldn't there just be a .getAll method?
I 'unno, I would think INSERT is the most basic requirement for a database.
I don't want to write raw SQL because it kinda defeats the point of having an ORM
Is it really a database if you can't store data?
I vaguely remember using CriteriaBuilder before in a project, but that turned out not to work because the project was only JPA1 and CriteriaBuilder is JPA2
@Yuuki is it there if you can't see it?
@Powerlord In what sense is it an ORM, if it doesn't allow you to access the data?
OMG I just found the jackpot of Disney Channel Movies :O
@murgatroid99 ...and yet it's the standard J2EE ORM.
Literally "The Standard". It's what Hibernate, TopLink, etc... implement.
To run a query SELECT * FROM projects while reading the table name from my projects class takes no less than 5 method calls to set up, then one more to execute.
In an environment where INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE take a single method call.
Have a distraction from all that messiness.
@Rapitor yay for black pugs
It seems that Pillars of Eternity combat isn't quite balanced, Gaze of Adragan is just outright broken. It turned a fight that just wiped my entire party without anything I could do about it into a few seconds until the hardest enemy in the game was dead.
@MadScientist it is a level 6 wizard spell
@GodEmperorDune Even those shoudn't be an "I win" button against any enemy in the game
Though the enemy I used it on is just a really cheap and broken boss, there is no way to defeat the Adra dragon without exploiting the combat system

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