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@GodEmperorDune The only ice cream I eat now is from ice cream shops that make it in the store.
Cold Stone Creamery.
@Wipqozn like they make the ice cream in the back or they have pre-made ice cream and just mix stuff in
@GodEmperorDune They make it in the back.
@Wipqozn that is acceptable
@Powerlord Gearbox is closing?
2k Australia
@Batophobia 2K Australia
Leaving Australia with zero AAA tier developers
I am the boredest.
@Fluttershy Work or home?
@Powerlord The Pre-Sequel was actually considered by many to be the best in the series thus far. So 2k Australia closing came as a pretty big surprise.
@Wipqozn Work. :(
@Fluttershy TV Tropes?
Good games makes companies die these days.
That would kill a few hours.
TLDR; modern game releases are like the creature from Alien on release.
@Wipqozn Not for me it wouldn't. I couldn't find that site any less interesting if I tried.
@MadMAxJr stupid?
@Rapitor Says the raptor with a top hat.
yes hi
@Fluttershy Wikipedia then? Suggest me a period of history you like, and I'll link you to something.
You can then crawl.
@MadMAxJr chestburster, facehugger, fully grown xeno?
@Wipqozn Hmm... I'm not sure on a specific period of history. But I've always found Greek mythology fascinating.
@GodEmperorDune Depends on the AAA game release.
The developer flops down to the table, convulses, the game releases, the developer dies.
In Greek mythology the primordial deities are the first entities or beings that came into existence. These deities are a group of gods from which all others descend. They most notably include Uranus (Father Sky) and Gaia (Mother Earth), who preceded the Titans, who themselves preceded the Olympians. == Genealogy and nature == Although generally believed to be the first gods produced from Chaos, some sources mention a pair of deities who were the parents of the group. These deities represent various elements of nature. Chaos has at times been considered, in place of Ananke, the female consort of...
@Fluttershy norse
Anyone prestige yet?
@Batophobia nope. but i got a pretty decent set going
@Wipqozn Thanks!
dat halloween
@Rapitor looks like a face
@Fluttershy The best part about using Greek Mythology to kill time is that it's easy to drift over Roman mythology too. Double the content for half the price!
> Mashed Potatoes
I'm done
I can't
Cant what
2 hours ago, by Wipqozn
@GnomeSlice What's wrong?
No I was talking to @Unionhawk
There're fucking mashed potatoes as an ice cream flavor in this stupid clicker
Ido what's wrong with me, just super tired and they're giving me endless hard physical labour
@GnomeSlice Oh, okay. I was worried something went horribly wrong with your date.
@GnomeSlice sounds like you know exactly what's wrong with you
Lol no my date was awesome
@Unionhawk its the best
@Rapitor You can change the order?
@Rapitor STUPID
@Batophobia Yes
I stayed up too late playing destiny and now I'm paying for it
Click and drag stuff
@GnomeSlice Okay, that's whaty I thought
@GnomeSlice This is why I always go to bed early.
@Batophobia click and drag stuff around. your top 5 is what your workers sell
Everyone who thinks I'm crazy, but I'm the only on that isn't crazy!
@GnomeSlice Was GTAV for me.
Holy shot my back hurts
When I stood up Judy now
@GnomeSlice that's not nice. you should apologize.
-1 on this game: doesn't have a half-baked combo
(vanilla ice cream, chocolate ice cream, cookie dough, brownie dough)
Uggghhhh I gotta go back to work
@Unionhawk i don't think you can even combo flavors that much. i've only seen side by side
The worst
@Rapitor Yeah yeah'
Flounders collapse in history
Ugh just nvm
@Rapitor How do you change the topping?
@Batophobia drag the toppings. same way
According to the Internet, aka Twitter, today is allegedly national high five day?
Jan 11 at 15:27, by Unionhawk
user image
Gnomeslice quotes should be the giant AI of System Shock 3, trying to guide you, but is forced to send all communication through auto-correct as it's the last means of communicating to the player it has.
@Unionhawk This is one of my ll time favourite pictures.
mod abuse?
No, I thought it was gone
Since it didn't load
Apparently it's a big gif
That doesn't want to be uploaded to stack imgur
@MadMAxJr Meh, I don't think System Shock 3 will ever come out. Would you kindly stop talking about it?
@Powerlord It will not.
@Powerlord Ha ha ha, your mimetic trigger won't phase me! Now then, why do I have a sudden urge to discuss anything else?
@Unionhawk I can't tell if you got the joke there or not.
I know @MadMAxJr did.
@Powerlord Is the joke that Bioshock is System Shock 3 you idiot?
Sounds like @Unionhawk missed his nap
@Unionhawk Not is necessary, but it is definitely inspired by System Shock 2.
Sounds like @Batophobia needs to SHUT HIS FACE HOLE
@Powerlord That's like saying Bloodborne isn't directly in the Souls series.
Technically correct, but it's so much of a spiritual successor that it might as well be.
@Unionhawk Yes, but last I checked they're still making Dark Souls games.
@Unionhawk So that's a yes to missing your nap?
grump @uni
Whereas Looking Glass died well before Bioshock came out
Q: Psn swap need to transfer data over to a new email address

Charlie adamsMy sons psn was set with his uncles email address but we can't access it and all of his information and data is on there is there any way we can swap to my email address for his profile

Q: Play job again after completed?

M8yI have already completed the fleeca job as leader. Whenever I go to my apartment it tries to start the prison break heist. I want to do the fleeca job. Is this possible?

@Unionhawk Are you suggesting that you and @Batophobia make out?
No I am not
In fact, Irrational Games (System Shock 2's co-creator) became 2K Games... who created Bioshock.
What the fuck @Wipqozn
I know that's not what's going on in the comic, but I'm hoping it gets me some stars.
@Wipqozn And I'm hoping "What the fuck @Wipqozn" gets stars, and succeeded
@Unionhawk I'm just happy to have a larger presence in the starred list.
30 minutes until meeting #2.
angry @uni best @uni
@GnomeSlice I can't wait until you're on desktop so you can reveal what you were trying to say.
@Wipqozn that ruins the mystery of @gnomephone
Animals are literally chewing through the Old Spice's cables. Stream should be live in a bit! http://t.co/8MxuikBHyN
Double what, even
1) Old Spice has a Twitch? Why?
2) How is that not a joke?
That is how you get a Wiimote lodged firmly in your skull.
Next year, I hope to be this good at Mario Kart and demolish my enemies. And my friends.
Like, that's the first order of business with my summer paychecks. Buy a Wii U, get Mario Kart 8 and DLC
@TimStone i would buy if it was HK calling me a meatbag
Still waiting for the full Elcor rendition of Hamlet.
And come on Bioware, Ubisoft had Blood Dragon, you can't give us Blasto the Hannar as a quick make-and-drop game?
@Fluttershy My guess is that's probably a port of KINGDOM HEARTS χ to western. I could be wrong, in which case ugghhhhh, but that's probably what it is
Q: How can I tell if jobs are Co-Op or not?

JamesSimple question, is there a way to tell if a job is going to be competitive or cooperative before jumping into it? Went through a nice set of jobs last night and it was hard to figure out which game play style they were before we were just running them.

@Yuuki no.
Thief Juice: It's a mouthcrime.
@Rapitor Leverage.
I'm not sure a quote from a guy on 60 minutes 2 decades ago is worth repeating as if it is current and accurate information. — Sterno 1 min ago
Oh, Health.SE
Besiege still going strong
CC @Fluttershy @AshleyNunn @Frank and others who play KH (sorry, I can never remember who does)
@Ktash frying pans?
@GodEmperorDune It's a thing.
@Sterno That answer is there for three hours and I'm the only one that downvoted
@GodEmperorDune If it's not the most powerful "key"-blade, I'll be disappointed
why is chocolate and cheese a combo. thefuck game.
finally i agree with making the EU non-canon
@MadScientist That's okay. Robert doesn't see any problem with the way voting is going
@Sterno did he respond recently?
@Ktash Ha, I get it
@Ktash goes to Google it because he doesn't trust YT links in the Bridge
@John Haha fair enough. I don't Friday though, just as a general thing. The only time I Friday is to the Friday/Nyan Cat remix, and I don't really try and hide that :P
@John It's good
@Ktash Oh well that's Nyan Cat, though, that's okay.
@John Verified
Which is weird because the script will identify itself as a Rebecca Black link.
It's funny, even
(that's @fredley's script de-evilized)
@MBraedley yay
ok Bridge I have another problem
Theoretically it could probably false positive on any given YouTube link if it's listed as related.
I need a "fun" sounding piece of music to play for an audience that doesn't want to be there
@Unionhawk That's probably okay
In what context @John
@GnomeSlice It's a dance recital and I'm going to be playing a piano piece somewhere in the middle
so most of the audience will probably be relatives who came because they had to
Blah, GTA V crashed twice close to the end of a heist in single player, lamesauce
Tetris theme
Q: Do i need to play past a certain point to play online?

SlaterI have the steam version of grand theft auto and after 2-3 days of trouble shooting i finally find a workaround my problem despite how stupid it is. But anyways that's not the question. My question is basically i've read that you need to play at least the prologue of the single player to play G...

I'm considering trying "Battle on the Bridge" from FF5
That one might have to wait until next year though
Probably nobody will know what it is
They don't have to
@badp Very descriptive.
Hm, the Song of Storms could work
NHL fact fugging huffs so mush fifth
God donut
My back hocking hurts so much today
Apr 13 at 17:36, by Jason Berkan
Phone @GnomeSlice best @GnomeSlice.
Somebody's broken a free cake
To the break room
I guess I sheiks go shack to worn
I hive up
Clock sandwich
@GnomeSlice Are you sure you aren't trying?
@GnomeSlice You should get that checked out.
No I was trying to say cock sucker
Stupid phone
Anyway back Hm work
@GnomeSlice Not that message, the one I starred.
So, I watched Big Hero 6 last night.
I understand why everyone likes it so much :D
this game.
@Yuuki but does it shell
yhea... Rockstar block your account completly if you enter the passwort wrong to oftern
@Rapitor What game is that ...
its actually quite good
Gahhhhh, I seem to have encountered a broken mission in GTA V
crashed 3 times, twice in the same exact moment
@Chippies Insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results each time.
@MBraedley have you ever met anyone working in the IT field?
@Chippies Do you realize that's (almost) a quote?
"Have I ever told you the definition of insanity?"
@MBraedley what you said? yes
my question was rhetorical anyway
maybe I should try GTA Online
Man I wish I wasn't stuck in a sneak or fail mission in Far Cry 3
I'm still stuck in a sneak or fail mission in Rainbow Six
It's the worst
I'm okay with being probably boned upon break of sneak, but instant "you failed" in any context is the worst
Though... I guess it makes resets faster
I'm stuck in a sneak or fail mission in life. I just can't get past the last gaurd
@Yuuki Why wouldn't you have just bought it last week when it was that price on Steam?
@Powerlord Not gonna buy it this time either. I have other games to play.
Just felt like linking it for anyone interested.
man, it's a race for 10th place in this SO primary
@Yuuki Well, Steam also had all the DLC on sale as well.
I picked it all up on Steam for a friend whose birthday was last week.
I felt kinda guilty as I'd forgotten it was their birthday despite their birthday being exactly a month after mine.
Q: Can you use high tier wings with other wings in the social slot?

DavWhodumsI want to use the duke fishron wings. However I enjoy the appearance of the ghost wings. Would it be possible to have ghost wings in the social slot but have the effect the fishron wings offer?

@Chippies i would like to play it too...
@Batophobia i like how it keeps rolling away
Did not expect so much popping
xcom, mucho fun
tho loosing 3 soliders to a nade wasn't nice
Yeaaaah. When you first meet the big green guys and they thunk a grenade behind your cover.. It's not nice.
The expansion is worse. Invisible melee foes.
Shit, std::stringstream will break at a space when extracting to a std::string. I thought it would only break at a newline.
@MBraedley any whitespace character or just space and newline?
@GodEmperorDune Probably any whitespace.
:/ shakes fist
@Batophobia now that is some leidenfrost effect
I may have to use getline() instead, which really sucks, because it uses a char* as a parameter instead of returning that or a std::string. (Although returning a char* is bad bad bad.)
@MBraedley This is why you always use std::stringstream::str() instead of operator<< =)
@KevinvanderVelden Gotta love the Red Hot Nickel Ball
@Ixrec operator>>. I'm extracting, not inserting.
@Batophobia well, it's cooled with liquid nitrogen in that one
However: you really can't supercool a fricking solid
And std::stringstream::str() isn't all that useful, since I want one line at a time instead of everything.
hey, anyone wanna try playing this game with me? team.forsvarsmakten.se/english
looks like it needs 4 participants
@KevinvanderVelden Really? I was under the impression that supercooling solids was necessary for superconductors.
@Powerlord supercooling is when you cool a liquid or a gas below the temperature where it would normally become a solid
Without it becoming a solid
So, by definition you can't supercool a solid cause it's already a solid =p
guys we need 2 more players team.forsvarsmakten.se/english
What kind of game is it?
(Even then no I'm busy, but you might interest others)
some web game where you participate
saw it on vsauce
std::getline(...) (found in the string header) might do what I want
@KevinvanderVelden so all the ball does is crystallize the honey around it?
@GodEmperorDune very very briefly yeah =p
Honey has a huge thermal coefficient IIRC
@Jez that's really descriptive thank you
lol just try it
i thought you guys were gamers
You have given us no reason to be interested
we don't fool around with unknown games on an unknown website
shit, I messed up the boost::regex code.
well it's a swedish armed forces game
1 more needed
thinks we're gamers - expects us to play a random web game at random time for no apparent reason with no explanation why it's even a game worth playing
good stuff
It's not like any of us has < 50 games on the list of things that need to be played right now.
I can draw a parallel with how all my relatives think I will fix their computers and printers because "I'm a programmer"
@Chippies at least they know you're a programmer. with me it's "you understand technology"
Really? That's effectively 1 indexed instead of 0 indexed? I guess it kinda makes sense.
well your answers have been kind of douchey frankly
@GodEmperorDune eh, usually it's just "you're good with computers"
@Jez you're the person barging in on people and demanding they play a game with you
@Jez your attitude wasn't the best either, quite honestly
@Chippies I've been starting to compare it to "I make tables, and you expect me to know how to build your house".
Sorry, nope, I have things to do
when you expect us to play something with you because "we're gamers", you just sound condescending and demanding
@Arperum more like "I make tables, and you expect me to fix your plumbing"
Okay I'm passing by and I'm going to say things before something happens in here. Specifically I'm saying this thing right now.
@GraceNote are you saying it out loud as you type it?
@KevinvanderVelden Or the walls, hell if they know.
@Arperum i think most carpenters could make a wooden table
@Chippies Not out-loud-out-loud but I subvocalize a lot.
inb4 drama
Okay, this is like 90% there. Good enough for today.
@GraceNote if subvocalizing means saying it in your head, I think everyone does that, no?
@GodEmperorDune Yea well, but it's not because you know how to make/design special tables that you have knowledge of every aspect of building a house.
@Jez This is interesting
@Arperum you could build a house by stacking tables, probably, maybe, not likely
Yellow guy left though
@Chippies tablehouse, you are NOT allowed to flip tables here
@Chippies Doesn't sound all that safe.
@Chippies Not everyone
@Arperum they're asking a table-maker to build a house, clearly they don't care about safety
And don't even think about having an open fireplace.
@KevinvanderVelden tablehouse should totally have a sign with the tableflip emoji with a line through it
@Chippies To them , it's all the same.
Also: this analogy is now officially dead.
@Arperum also, if you do for some reason build a house for them, expect to take blame for ANYTHING THAT EVER HAPPENS to and/or in the house
certainly happens with computers
help them once - be responsible for all the future issues
Q: How to increase the bus density?

PhilippI've noticed that on some of my bus lines, there are not enough buses to deal with all passengers. What can I do to increase the throughput of a bus line? Add more stops? Remove stops? Replace long bus-lines with multiple shorter ones? Create multiple bus-lines which intersect? Build more bus de...

@Chippies Yup, it's horrible, also past issues are somehow caused by whatever you did.
@KevinvanderVelden yessssssssss
@KevinvanderVelden OK, now I sort of want a real sticker with this, so I can stick that to some table.
I was happy that the line went through whitespace in the emoji, makes it just a bit better :D
No stopping us from flipping tables
@GraceNote Sign-Ception
~I rolled my eyes, I opened up my eyes and rolled my eyes~

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