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It's over! Starts up newly acquired Battle Beast CD
Hey @OrigamiRobot, I'm gonna be evil and link you to an affordable 3d printer: kickstarter.com/projects/tiko3d/tiko-the-unibody-3d-printer/…
Oh I just heard from the person I heard it from that he heard it from you
Also, started summer 1 in SoS last night
Got to Summer 3 before work today, which is the first day a vendor shows up.
My favourite part about season changes is that the music changes
The game will open up more now.
@frank noticed that Kairosoft has a game in Japanese that's about running a ramen shop. I really hope it gets an English release.
@wipqozn I got to summer last night too! I forgot the music changes with the seasons. I like the summer music.
I ANSI Rita's wire day
I'm not even gonna pretend that made sense
I am so tires today
More sense!
Also I'm assuming tired
God giant
You know, it does show you what you typed before you press the button
Yes but proofreading is for closets
I'm in a real good mood though so that's dorm room
I don't have my headphones though... I left them at my other work
@GnomeSlice: Suggestion for your next date: Type everything you plan to say to her in your phone, and then just say whatever it is your phone types out.
Need my dad to fix them aha jab anyway the plug is fuct again
That would be a fun way to have a converse ton
@GnomeSlice conversation?
Also does anybody here play desktop
@GnomeSlice AT the very least it would be hilarious.
@Arperum Yes.
I've kind switched to destiny over mood borne right now
I can see it getting pretty boring eventually though
@GnomeSlice Did you type out your correction before the message?
Did it send that way
That's weird
@GnomeSlice do I play desktop? Is that a game? :o
Destiny bruh
Weird, they're not in that order on my phone
Well, your phone has been demonstrated to be dumb
Lemme try something
@KevinvanderVelden Nah, it's funky.
Nope, asdf.
Maybe I web through a cell hole
The weird part is that the transcript also has the weird order.
Probably just a delay in upload or something
I took a SCREENCAP but I don't want to switch to full site to post it
Apparent SCREENCAP autocorrects to all caps even if I type it correctly
@GnomeSlice Wait, you don't shout SCREENCAP every time you use the word? Maybe that's why people keep staring at me.
That's so weird
Lmao reading if ad a shirt is funny
@Arperum nah, @GnomeSlice is the weird one
@AshleyNunn Yeah, I really like the summer music.
@Wipqozn We've established that I am "a weird" according to @KevinvanderVelden. Whatever that is.
@Arperum Aren't you and @KevinvanderVelden the same person?
@Wipqozn Only in @OrigamiRobot's twisted imagination
@Wipqozn I'm pretty sure I'm not him. I'm way more handsome. Plus I don't have a horrible Dutch accent.
@Arperum Nah, I think you're the same person
@Arperum also you're a giant fan
I think we'd know better than you
Also I met him in real life and the universe didn't explode so
Seriously, listen to the notre dame OST
No, listening to blackmore's night
Notre Dame is one of the best disney movies
It has the best music of all disney movies
@KevinvanderVelden Not sure what that is
@Wipqozn It's also a pretty impressive cathedral.
@5pike Yes
hm, if I name an animal after @Arperum I'll need to name it @Arp. Or @Rum.
@Arperum yes, my hair is way shorter
@AshleyNunn after you get the kitchen traders will start selling recipes.
@KevinvanderVelden would be Kevin
@Rapitor would be Raptor.
I named my horse @Sterno.
@Wipqozn Kevni? xp
@KevinvanderVelden no sshhhh
@KevinvanderVelden Dammit!
8 secs ago, by Wipqozn
Not if it's about my name!
@Wipqozn @Arp sounds fine.
@Wipqozn It's a gift.
I take @Sterno for a ride everyday, right after I give @Frank a bath.
@Wipqozn There are places on the internet where people adres me as Arp.
Why are people falling for the obvious starbait?
@KevinvanderVelden nooo sssshhh
This is secretly the primary reason I named my animals after bridge people.
@Wipqozn secretly? You are terrible at secrets turtle
@KevinvanderVelden I'm really good at secrets.
Also, did you listen to the blackmore's night I send yet? D:
@KevinvanderVelden No
I only listen to music suggested to me by @GnomeSlice
It is good music and you might like it
Fine. FINE
FIIIII - oh, I like the start
hm, I like it so far
1 minute in
No you don't
Which animal am I
@Wipqozn I linked that one for a reason =p. They've got a wide variety of music though
@GnomeSlice Pony
@GnomeSlice I haven't named an animal after you yet.
However I just decided you'll be a sheep
I named my pony FlutterSlice
Q: Merging DirectX tags

MrLemonI stumbled across this while trying to assign a DirectX tag to Trying to Play an Old Game, will Installing Old Direct X Affect Anything?, which is about DirectX in general, as well as DirectX 6 in particular. There are currently three tags regarding Direct X: directx-9, directx-10 and directx-11...

when I get a pet, I'll name it after @GnomeSlice.
That's a terrible pet name
@Gnome? That seems relatively decent
I need to make up profiles for you guys in deadnaut so I can watch you bicker and eventually die
@fredley I thought people already knew that
From reading it this seems to be a confirmation of the hypothesis
@GnomeSlice Holy shit that's morbid
Well now I just feel bad
I've never made it further than the second mission in that game
@fredley Good. So I can continue annoying the hell out of my coworkers without worrying about my joints.
@Wipqozn @GnomeSlice I finally killed Vicar Amelia, who somehow became really easy once the fight clicked for me
Then one-shotted the witches who were ridiculously easy
Now I'm in the forbidden forest or whatever
Some of my tics involve cracking knuckles so im glad it doesn't do permanent damage
You oneshotted the witches??
The actual witches or the entire they summon
I hate when people say "why the downvotes?" and then if they get an answer, argue about it
Which is pretty much everyone who says "why the downvotes?"
If you're asking "Why the downvotes?", it's already too late
@Sterno Yeah, the witches are really easy.
@Sterno "I am a special snowflake and my questions (it is almost never answers) should only be upvoted and praised!"
Finding the witches is the hard part
@GnomeSlice both
@GnomeSlice NOt really. you just run around the room.
When I mean one-shotted, I mean got them down first try. Not in a single hit
I have never seen anybody oneshot the witches and I've done a lot of summons there
@GnomeSlice He's using the word wrong
The witches required 3-4 shots
Also that fight is broken in multiplayer
I like how they stand there for a charged attack
@GnomeSlice Well, yes
Multiplayer is ez mode
The summon can't see the witch unless the host is nearby
The only difficult part about the fightis that if you get hit by one of those statis orbs there's a good chance your fucked
So he's like useless
A partner completely negates that
I don't even know what the orbs you're talking about are so I guess I didn't get hit
I was usually beating the shit out of the witches as they were appearing
@Sterno They shoot these white balls at you if you're far enough away from them. The balls make you immobile for about 10 seconds.
@Sterno good luck with the forbidden forest, that place is fuct
@Sterno I usually dealt with the summons first.
It's not 10 seconds
@Wipqozn Me too, but it seemed like the witches weren't ever around when the summons were
@Sterno Might have depended on how much insight you have
The witches are always there you his have toget close to see them
Maybe. I only had about 10
@Sterno: Did her summons appear throughout the area before you fought her?
Also when I beat that fight they summoned like 2 minions and then nothing else happened for the rest of the fight
@GnomeSlice Really? I'd occasionally see glowing red lights and just go to those and hit the witches
It was dumb
@Wipqozn Yeah. One at a time at first, then eventually 2 or 3 at a time
Yeah if you don't find a witch for a while a glowing light shows up
@Sterno No,as in places outside the boss room
I think it's when she raises a minion
I yiu just run around the edge of he map you can find them faster
@Wipqozn Nope
I'm assuming no, though, if you misundrstood my question
I gotta go punch in
@Sterno IF your insight is high enough there's afew locations where they will appear throughout the village. It's possible that she also summons more of them / faster if you have high enough insight for that.
The game seems to give you no incentive to have high insight.
Unless you like pain, I guess.
So I just spend mine on gear
@Sterno The only reason to have high insight is so you can see these giant invisible things that hang out on buildings, but I think you eventually see them after progressing far enough in the story
I always had high insight because I was too lazy to spend it
I did go to this one spot where a giant ghost hand picked me up and killed me
That was good times
@Sterno Yeah, those are the giant invisible things
I'm also not sure how my guy knew "fear the old blood" or whatever was the password
I mean, I know a dude said it in the cutscene. But he said lots of things. I don't know why that stood out as a password
Q: Q&A searching option

WallyxJust a quick questions: Why can we not search just for questions or just for answers? Will this be a future option? I think it may be useful for people, especially when they are looking for specific searches.

@SepiaLazers you can, can't you?
Yes, it has been answered =p
I R Fast @ Meta.
@LessPop_MoreFizz The pings help
I ninja-ish-ed your edit though!
@fredley mobile app + push notifications.
@KevinvanderVelden no link, doesn't count.
Totally does
Q: In Far Cry 4, how do I spot alarm boxes in hostile outposts?

miva2So yesterday I played some more FC4 and tried to capture an outpost without being spotted. I almost succeeded but there was one enemy I didn't spot, who saw me and called reinforcements. I retried it after I took over the camp forcefully. On retrying the same outpost a few times I finally spott...

Q: Is there a way to see the cost index of facilities out of game?

wdhIs there a way to see the cost index of facilities out of game? I can't find any reference to it in the API documentation and I can't find a tab for it in EVEMon.

I wonder if we can get @Sterno to buy Harvest Moon Story of Seasons.
@Wipqozn probably not, he didn't even get far in mh4u and that's far less repetitive
@Rapitor You seem to misunderstood the reason behind getting him to buy it.
to not play it
@Sterno is the best person at not playing games.
neat. if you google Find my phone it will pinpoint it for you (provided you have android and are logged in properly)
cc @Frank
@Wipqozn ಠ_ಠ
@fredley You're basically the same person.
@Wipqozn Nope. Sounds boring as hell.
Sounds boring to even NOT play
@Rapitor Hey, I got pretty far!
@Sterno I know it does, but it's actually like crck.
@Sterno You actually did do pretty well.
You didn't hit high rank, but you got pretty far in low rank.
And honestly I stopped playing MH4U because it got boring
It felt more like grind than challenge.
yeah, the "challenge" part of the game doesn't really come until late high rank or G.
@GnomeSlice: Suggestion for your next date: Type everything you plan to say to her in your phone, and then just say whatever it is your phone types.
someone star that for science
he just wanted stars
Nope. Didn't do what I hoped.
It didn't truncate it
I was hoping it would be long enough so thatit would add "...", but all it would be removing was "."
Like the other starred message?
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, except the other one removed "out."
I suspect that if he says "I like to lay blood boner" it's not going to go well
Or it's going to go GREAT
@Unionhawk I already got the star. @KevinvanderVelden gave it to me. I just cleared all the stars on the message after the science was complete.
@Sterno That's the beauty of it!
He also needs to record the whole thing on camera.
"How many exams do you guys have?... 6? I'm glad I'm not an undergrad anymore" - my professor 2015
@Unionhawk Yeah, being an undergrad is the worst.
I know a lot of people who talk about how you'll miss school when you're gone and start working, but I don't miss it at all
Yeah, it sucks to hang out with friends all day, stay up late partying or playing video games, rolling out of bed at noon, and occasionally going to class
Learning is fun and all, but all the work that goes along with it us a hgeu pain in the ass.
@Sterno I honestly much prefer working.
I prefer the money from working
@Sterno This might be part of it.
@Unionhawk Also, I'm super awesome and @Sterno is super lame.
wait,, no it's not
Why the heck did I think it was 2016?
... No it isn't
I must be drunk. Or something.
Q: Can riot delete my account?

erionpMy computer doesn't work so i will not play again lol for some months. Cause of this, can riot delete my account of not login for months?

Go home @Wipqozn you're drunk
Starred for eternal wrongness
@Wipqozn I unstarred that, though the eternal wrongness part would still apply
@Sterno I'm waiting for @fredley to mod abuse it back.
And also add in a link to thursday.
@Ktash A Kingdom Hearts mobile game spinoff is in the works. Can I say I told you so? :P
@Lazers I very much doubt it. What have Riot got to do with Civilization?
Q: How to activate team-ranked ward-skin

SvenIn my stats I can see that I have unlocked a ward-skin. I want to activate this skin but i dont know where. I still asked some friends and they said I have to go to the shop, but I cant find this skin there.

Muahaha eternal wrongness star activated #alwayswait2minutes
@Wipqozn This makes me so happy
@Sterno I thought it would.
@Unionhawk That's better.
It's a good thing you're not a mod because then you could mod abuse your own stuff
@Unionhawk Yes
And that'd be terrible
Well, I could room owner abuse and clear my own stars, but that would just be going too far. Banning people and editing their messages is one thing. but clearing stars? BLASPHEMY!
Q: How can i fix java error while running minecraft server?

BotQ_How can i fix this error? Error I run my Minecraft server with start.sh: start.sh I use Debian 7.

I have no flags or downvotes remaining today on SO. :(
@TZHX Please don't migrate that SO
I'll keep it open in a tab and hope I can dissuade any commentors idiots who suggest it.
@TZHX Someone just suggested a migrate to us.
Also @Wipqozn your proposed avatar change is not square, and is rather large. Your request is denied.
This question should be asked in the gaming forum (gaming.stackexchange.com). — Paul 1 min ago
I saw.
@TZHX All is well again.
I now hate everyone called Paul. Which is like three guys in my office.
Dammit Paul
(general Paul, I assume he's an emissary)
There's two pauls in my office that nobody likes
Comment destroyed
In fact for a year I thought they were the same person
Q: Moving completed badges down on selecting new 'Next badge'

Mathias711I tried to select my new "Next-badge", but all my completed ones are on top of the badges I can choose. Wouldn't it be more logical to move the completed ones under (I will never ever choose those as "Next-badge") uncompleted badges?

I've reached 3 million people. I'm a hero.
or a villain
@Sterno 7.2 million, more than twice the hero ;-)
@MadScientist That's alot
I'm only 4.4m
@MadScientist I get an extra 10 million if you count RB links
Q: 2k+ flags... 51 useful?

fredleyIs something going wrong here? Maybe 51 of my flags were not useful?

@SepiaLazers you're just really bad at flagging stuff @fredley. I don't know why you were made a mod =p
@KevinvanderVelden I duped you all.
(Though I'm guessing it's a thing where mod stuff counts as flags but since no mod acted on it (because it's final) it wasn't marked helpful?)
@KevinvanderVelden Nah, I stopped flagging when I became mod, since now I can just nuke away by myself
Yeah, that's the "mod stuff counts as flags"
I dunno
I'm pretty sure your flags are also nukes.
Spam and offensive are, at least
Do not randomly ask for admin priveledges
@KevinvanderVelden Pretty sure mod actions don't create flags. In fact, I'm certain they don't.
shurgs I 'unno
@Unionhawk But I don't even use those, since if I see that stuff I destroy the user
Isn't that a thing for meta meta? Or are bug reports just "wherever"?
...which marks all flags against them as helpful anyway
@KevinvanderVelden @fredley for worst mod.
@KevinvanderVelden wherever
@fredley secretly, @shog9 is evaluating every action you take.
@Unionhawk What do you mean 'secretly'?
16 hours ago, by Wipqozn
> ~3.7m people reached
@Unionhawk and finding him wanting

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