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To help with Dante's need for a game for a 7-year-old: Kirby's Epic Yarn is challenging, but looks nice and you can't die (the challenge is in collecting all the goodies, you lose them when you are hit)
sounds frustrating
@WillfulWizard FWIW, there were enough rumors about it becoming trainable that the price of the tome on my server crashed to 180g
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm going to go home and check the AH for sure. I still think its a worthwhile question.
Yeah, it's just a question that is, as of now, unanswerable.
That wasn't my intention at all.
Trust me, if it was acquirable today, I'd know about it.
(I erm... kind of bought up 25 of those 200g tomes of Polymoprh Turtle on the AH and have been steadily selling them for 2k since the patch...)
So, if it were back in game... It is relevant to my interests.
fair point. You don't happen to be on Kilrogg with that stockpile of those do you? (Not that I have 2000g sitting around just now)
I are on Ysera.
Didn't think, but one can hope. Thanks for the info. I bet I'll be thanking you for the full answer soon enough.
I'm off. farewell!
1 hour later…
Q: Why did the Engineering Bay lose the ability to lift off in Starcraft 2?

Raven DreamerThe main production buildings for the Terrans did not change particularly much between starcraft 1 and 2. Though they are obviously different games, starcraft 2 is, after all, a sequel, and borrowed much from its "older" self. However, the engineering bay in the original starcraft possessed the ...

Q: Advanced Minesweeper Strategies?

JJ CaldwellI've found myself with a whole lot of freetime at work. Unfortunately, our workstations are pretty locked-down and internet usage is monitored, so I'm stuck doing nothing. And by nothing, I mean minesweeper. I've got a pretty good rythm going for clearing the minefield, but I'm having a really h...

Q: What are the differences between Minesweeper for Windows XP and for Windows 7?

JJ CaldwellMy recent obsession with Minesweeper led me to open up the game at home (Windows 7). It's a lot different looking. Aside from the fun new sounds, what other differences are there? Has the mine-placement algorithm changed?

2 hours later…
3 hours later…
Q: How do I destroy 4 Zerg Hatcheries in the "Zero Hour" mission on Hard difficulty?

Ivo FlipseI'm working my way through some of the missions to get the extra achievements and learn some skills in the process, but I'm already having a hard time on the "Zero Hour" mission when playing on Hard. How do I destroy 4 Zerg Hatcheries on Hard difficulty? Is it a matter of going in quickly when...

sigh... what a shitty answer did I get
down vote
if it helps I ran 3 Rax, 2 with reactors, built a force of 24 Marines + 6 medics and used that to clean up while holding off on the other side
that must have been one of the first
leave all those small groups alone or still try to rescue them?
after that I just pumped marines
no, I rescued them but that was more chance than anything
by the time I hit base two I had maybe 40 marines?
maybe more
hmmm I must be doing something wrong
guess I should just turtle until I have enough to push out in the first place
you can only pump the marines so its not like you have a ton of options
I tried creating a larger force, but I left my base too open
well, I figured they got stronger over time, so I had to be quick
that turned out to be false :P
I blocked on one side and pushed on the other
blocked? as in just built bunkers in front of it?
or just choke it with marines
yeah and missile turrets
good idea
well I have to start working now, but I'll give it a shot later :)
and it's worth putting that up as an answer ;)
I'd put it up if I had something more definitive than: 3 Rax...
well you said that you blocked one entrance off
that you waited for a certain number of marines + medics
I'm guessing on the numbers
its been a while
that's more specific then built some units and your done
let me try and do it again then I'll come back with something mor edefinitive
sure, but it's better then 12 :P
screenshots! ;)
screw it you've tempted me to try it once more
it made me continue, but it seems I made too many mistakes at the start to turn things around
guess I'll have to try it later on
Q: Difference between 9800 GT 1GB varities

LifeH2OI am going to buy 9800 GT 1GB and this is my first Graphics Card purchase. I searched 9800 Gt and found many different names of 9800 GT. Is there any difference between Inno3D 9800 gt, Palit 9800 gt, Nvidia 9800 gt, EVGA 9800 gt? Also will it fit on my DG35EC motherboard?

Man, gtk-record-my-desktop kicks Fraps' arse so bad.
is it crossplatform?
No, record-my-desktop is for X only I'm afraid
but I just took a two minute video of minecraft with it
the recording and postprocessing took a minimal toll on the system. The result was a 31 megs .ogv
and fraps sucks for doing so?
FRAPS sucks for what comes after FRAPS.

 Is reencoding a recording of a game g

Number of hours wasted here: 10
I'm pondering on having Jeff sponsor some licenses to users, so they can either make screencaps for answers or blog posts
but I need to know what to get off course
well exactly
though they really should implement support for video like they did for pics
even if it were only for gaming and super user
I figure video support the way it happens over chat is fine too.
Actually I'm going to suggest that right now.
yeah, embedded youtube is fine
Although that probably means my meta rep will go again above my gaming rep :(
I can downvote you if you like? :P
@IvoFlipse I'd rather cast a bounty, much quicker ;)
they should just hold a competition on Gaming, like they did on SU
and give fraps to the winner
or well, whatever they need to make awesome answers
Q: Add chat-like Youtube support to StackEchange.

radpSome stackexchange sites, like SuperUser or Gaming, would have large benefits from having some sort of Youtube integration. I'm not suggesting having embedded players in the pages. I'm rather thinking of the kind of support chat has: a static video snapshot, with an overlayed play simbol onto it...

The real problem with gtk-record-my-desktop as opposed to FRAPS is that Youtube absolutely hates the way gtk-record-my-desktop encodes videos.
You get green vomit from what you upload, although the video plays just fine locally.
wrongely encoded I reckon
It's something with a parameter
1 hour later…
Q: Xbox 360 De-friending someone

benhowdle89How do i go about doing this? I cant find anything useful in the Xbox 360's wonderfully informative menus?

Q: Is there an alternative to Everyquest?

EtanI liked to use the AddOn Everyquest pre-4.0.3a to be able to complete all quests. It was simply a list which showed you all quests you have not yet completed - grouped by zone. However, the AddOn was not updated with 4.0.3a and therefore became useless. Are there any alternatives to Everyquest?

Q: where to buy english versions from games (from germany)

ptikobjHey Guys, I'm looking for an online game shop that offers original english versions of a lot of games. I used amazon.de, for an example, to buy some older (UK imported) games. However, for each game, i had to pay the shipping cost. So, I would like to have a European (or German) shop that offers...

Q: Can you kill the birds?

John RudyIn New Vegas, every now and again I'll see a friendly on the radar, but I can't target it in VATS. Then as I move closer to it, small black birds fly away. I know they're present just for flavor, but ... if I had a gun, would I be able to shoot and kill them?

Q: Establishing an official "No Shopping Recommendation" policy

Grace NoteWe haven't actually established an official anti-shopping recommendation policy. There has been one off-hand suggestion and one strangely scoped and strangely phrased question. Super User has such a clause of their own, and pretty much all of the same concepts that apply there also apply here. A...

@badp youtube doesn't like ogg vorbis?
[game-rec] is [shopping-advice] in disguise.
good point @alexanderpas
@alexanderpas It's really just one subset of [shopping-advice]
Q: Left 4 Dead 2 - AI players stop attacking infected

FishcakeI just bought Left for dead 2 in the recent Steam sale and thought I'd try single player first. However trying to play the first campaign I always find my AI team mates stop defending themselves or attacking zombies at the start of the 2nd level. Which makes it seriously hard to keep them alive. ...

@alexanderpas it does like ogv, just not the kind of ogv r-m-d does.
I thought the issue was with non-full-frame recording, but it isn't
I've read lately it's an encoding parameter
can't find that article again, however.
Recent Questions - Gaming - Stack Exchange
Requirements to install WoW Cataclysm from scratch?
Things that suck: Having an awesome answer typed and seeing "This Question has been Deleted" at the top of your screen.
lol, that's harsh @LessPop_MoreFizz
you should still be able to answer the question AFAIK, and if you inform a mod, they even might undelete it.
@alexanderpas Not if you don't have 10k rep.
@alexanderpas Mod->Undelete is a real option though
but what do you flag? :-)
You can mention it on chat, possibly also @-replying some moderators
are you awake then @Oak?
Oh damnit, I blew my cover :)
Got to go anyway
but when does a mod ever come to chat?</sarcasm>
uh hello?
oh you mean a gaming mod? good question
yeah, finding a chat mod is easy
there are rooms full of us
at least until RPG has a real vote and I lose :-)
meeh, they should just make me a mod everywhere :P
I thought you were a mod everywhere for a while?
@CRoss @GraceNote is still in my autocomplete, and thus has been to chat recently. @JuanManuel has not been to chat recently, @Oak just left the building.
I'm only a mod on SU and MSO
Q: Can I disallow purchases on my Xbox 360 even when I have points available?

indivOn my Xbox 360 I have my account sign on automatically so that others in the household can watch Netflix. But I've noticed that now my account has 0 points because my 3 year old has purchased random stuff accidentally. Is there a way to put points on my Live account but do something like passwo...

but I don't play enough games (that @tzenes doesn't play) to get even voting right on gaming
Strangely enough, I'm not even good at video games
you don't always have to be
you can also ask questions
though I suck at that part :P
I do some of that
but really, you don't have to be good at game to answer DF questions or tech questions
which is mainly what I do
I'm already almost on 50% of 10K
well now that our dishwasher broke down, my chances of getting RB3 and Kinect are getting slimmer with the day...
so I can't answer questions on those
> @Ivo Can you please tell C. Ross for me that we're always watching chat, even if we're not physically present there? ♪ Also, the deleted question that LessPop is (most likely) referring to has no clear reason for deletion, which consequently means no clear reason to undelete. –
voila aren't I sweet
> @Ivo Thank you much! ♪ (this comment will also get deleted, of course) – Grace Note♦ 3 mins ago
LOLWUT. German customs holding Canned Unicorn Meat because it's from a rare animal!? http://j.mp/eyko9j No sparkles for you!
@IvoFlipse Great, now I have a super assassin idol watching me.
@CRoss super assassin idol is watching you ♪
this is starting to sound like stalking
@GraceNote if you want to send messages you might as well email me
has our super assassin idol specified what note that is? b#?
I was summoned!
@CRoss I bet you mean super assassin idol instead of super assassin idol.
we didn't ask for the zombie @JuanManuel, but for the idol around here
@alexanderpas you're write, it's so easy to spell wrong
@CRoss and there is @JuanManuel too, so there is shows, @-replying in chat is super effective.
@CRoss you're wrong, it's so easy to spell right ;)
I wish I was a zombie... no worries, fresh brains everywhere... sigh
well I meet enough brainless people @JuanManuel, so I would starve as a zombie
/me breaks glass in @JuanManuel avatar
digs for his crowbar
Truth is, the reason our mods are so awesome is they refresh their inbox every other second.
I've got to get ready... buddha
Q: Using 2 USB Microphones in SingStar

Adam HaileI just bought a PS3 and my wife wants to get the game SingStar. I've seen that you can buy complete packages that come with the game and the two (Red and Blue) microphones, but I already have 2 USB microphones from my Xbox 360 (for Rock Band: Beatles). From what I've read online, the Xbox USB m...

Wrong ga-universe. :)
@Feeds > not another piece of hardware
nice question @AdamHaile
The mods are always watching... even if you can't see them.
And now I ponder the wisdom in using active directory group memberships as a de-facto organization chart for the whole office
@Brant Don't get me started
It's a bad idea but it would be so eaaaaaasy!
If you're a member of the managers distribution group you clearly must also have access to sensitive tickets, right?
And nobody outside of that distribution group will ever need access!
well, that's not an org chart, that's access control
... there is some logic to that ...
and we are way OT
I know. :( I don't know how to do this without turning this into an enterprise monstrosity.
mapping an org strucure to an AD is like beating making a non-tool assisted speedrun, without saving or dying.
"beating making"?
Q: Advanced Scoring Technique in 3 Draw Solitaire for iPhone

ChristianWhat are some advanced techniques for achieving a high score in iPhone Solitaire? I'm looking for more than simply a recitation of the scoring rules packaged with the game. The current leaderboards in the iPhone Game Center have some ridiculously high scores. How are they able to achieve sco...

Zerg Overflow is no more.
ah RIP
though we're a worthy replacement
@IvoFlipse We're not a replacement if we don't get their content.
replacing them as the place for SC questions
Epic Advice is still around, but it seems kind of quiet, and there hasn't been a blog update since the summer.
they should roll up and start asking questions here
if only to balance sc2 :P
Where have I seen this avatar before?
Game Legend is a ghost town, and GamersQnA is gone
Draw3Cards is pretty quiet, but it's out of scope for Gaming.SE anyway
@badp can you post the avatar in chat?
@CRoss it's @LessPop_MoreFizz's.
However, they have different twitter accounts.
Feist is me.
seperate twitter account for wow shit is a long story.
Let's post it on 4chan and see if they can find his home address, then drive there and ask him... oh, never mind.
Q: ZergOverflom seems down

badpIs the site gone down for good? How was their content licensed?

well, grats for your 7k on a SE 1.0 site (top user there)
that's pretty hardcore
Yeah, and I'm going to pass it in 1/4th the time in a week or two :)
I can do magic with gravatar ;)
@alexanderpas exclamation points are overrated!
@Brant I can't be the only person on the internet using Doctor Teeth as an avatar though.
Man, EpicAdvice is so modded it isn't funny.
@Feeds ZergOverflom!
If you look at it upside down, it's not a typo!
you mean they tweaked the interface?
I'm still bitter that the best answer I ever wrote on EA didn't get an accept.
Whatever the meaning of colours there is, at any way, the blue people wtfpwned the blue guys.
/pat @LessPop_MoreFizz
that was indeed a great answer
The first red is 10th.
it's funny how this site shows that it wasn't the topic that caused those SE1.0 to fail
very true
the dwarf fortress one amazed me
@IvoFlipse Ever so slightly, yes :)
Although EpicAdvice used to be even more confusing.
It still is pretty confusing, I think.
I like the quality of the content I see there, but I really hate the design
Yeah, the fact it had to come with a colour code scheme on the front page is telling.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Did you have to do all the item hyperlinking manually?
@badp You mean the mouseover tooltips? Or just making each link?
If the former, no, if the latter, yes.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ugh.
@LessPop_MoreFizz hmm... epic advice is CC-BY-SA.... how bout I copy the question, and I let you post the answer here ;)
btw @tzenes I got the achievement
I saw someone linked the older answer
yeah, well that one did answer it
and while Jeff's blog post says mine shouldn't have been closed
it was a straight dupe
his wording was just weird
I don't agree with jeff's post on that matter
I think "close as dup" is one of the things that really makes the SE engine successful
well that's true, but the user interface could be improved
for instance, the answers from the original could be shown at that post
merging answers in general would be an improvement
and it requires maintenance, because sometimes duplicates are looped in circles
but one of the biggest problems with the traditional QA forum interface was that there wasn't an easy way to mark a thread as duplicate without heavy moderator attention
you should never be taken from a duplicate to another duplicate
@tzenes Given Jeff's post, the best thing that could happen would be to change 'close as dupe' to 'flag as dupe'
keep the banner/link, but leave the question unlocked in case specific details warrant a different answer.
It's folly to try and and have a single, canonical node representing a particular question. Language and the human brain are fuzzy, subjective things.
the reason why duplicates are important however, is like in my case the wording is so completely different that it is at least useful to keep it around
Would go a long way to resolving issues like the borderline dupe stuff we were having fights over ages ago.
if specific details warrant a different answer then its not a duplicate
indeed @Brant
yup, then it should simply be edited and reopened
@tzenes Do we really want to drag up the old fight over SCII harassment reports vs. is there an ignore feature?
@Brant I'm not sure that's true, just because the language is fuzzy doesn't mean we can't process the data
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't see how that's relavent
I still maintain that there was nothing in an answer to one I wouldn't want in the other
the relationship wasn't bidirectional, because one was a subset
but that's irrelavent
point is, I'd be more than happy seeing those two questions flagged as duplicates, because there is information in both that is relevant to each other, but I dislike the idea of them being closed as duplicates.
Q: Nuclear strike,Fury 3

Akashthere are 2 ancient games -- Nuclear strike and Fury 3 Links here: http://pastebin.ca/2007865 (I cant post more than 1 link..) Any idea where I can find them to play now?? (these games are from the 1997 time period, so I guess they should be able to run in a VM with Win XP) I owned the Orig...

I think "close as duplicate" is one of the reasons SE works and taking that away is a bad idea
@tzenes I don't think it's irrelevant, because it's the most clear evidence that strict 'close as duplicate' can be problematic.
the biggest reason I think prevention of duplication is important is that it takes away gaming the rep system with asking dupes or worse answering them, because you copied someone else's answer
that's not a good arguing point when we can't agree on the evidence
its not "the most clear evidence"
since it started an argument
@Ivo I think that's important, but I don't think that's the biggest reason
As much as I'd love to continue said argument... I need to head off to drive around the projects all afternoon.
Catch you all later.
@tzenes I think we all agree that preventing duplication is important, I just believe they have should improve the interface
Closing an exact duplicate in the "did you even try searching first?" sense is fine, but two questions that have, say, 80% overlap are two different questions. It's tempting to try and define everything in absolutes, but you tend to go insane after a while with all the inconsistencies in the system.
I think the biggest reason is so that we don't have to field the same questions repeatedly
@less bye
I understand your point @tzenes, the microsoft or ubuntu forums have tons of questions, but if you take the dupes out of the equation, you get a different picture
@Brant I think looking at overlap in the question is an inherently flawed approach, we should be looking at overlap in the answers
the most important thing is that the user get's an answer to his question, if it has already been answered, it's the site's duty to make it easy to find the answers if they've already been given
I don't think the asker getting his answer is the most important thing... I think that the site gets the information and it is easy to find is the most important thing
the former helps one user, the latter helps many
so I guess I agree with you
mostly I wish "close as dup" merged answers
if the answers shouldn't be merged then its not a duplicate
I was about to say: I fear my explanation wasn't as clear as it could be
propose it on MSO I'd say ;)
yeah, I realized what you were trying to say as I was typing
@tzenes I disagree. I think duplicates make the information easier to find.
But yeah, MSO would be a good place to bring this up.
@brant in the case where the answers are merged I agree, in the case where they're treated as separate questions we're now asking users to make potentially two queries for one full answer
they do @Brant, but we don't have to create new answers if they're already there
Q: Does killing zombies reduce their numbers on subsequent days?

bwarnerDoes killing a zombie while you are in the World Beyond mean that zone will have fewer zombies the next day as well? Does it basically go through and add a random number of zombies to each zone, and all the ones currently there remain? Also, does killing a zombie in the World Beyond have any im...

I can't find a previous version about it on MSO, so I guess it's safe
Q: Allow high rep users to migrate answers from one question to another

Lance RobertsI'm adding this feature request to have high-rep users (15k?) to be able to migrate answers from one question to another, so that questions for duplicate answers can be consolidated. Of course, there would have to be parameters, and a complete historical record, so that it could be reversed if m...

lol this is interesting
asking a new question, should get the same answer as in that one, thus creating a duplicated answer :P
So mods can already migrate answers from one Q to another. Good to know.
The the question is, should they be migrated and when
I think that we should change "Close as Duplicate" to "Merge as Duplicate." In such a case all answers would be merged between the two questions and the questions themselves would remain open
it would be made explicitly clear that this is what was going to happen
we can merge them yes @Brant
makes sense, but a mess if it had to be undone
questions could also be "unmerged" where answers would be restored and any new answers would be placed in the older question
it also doesn't solve the problem of duplicate answers
currently if we merge questions, it's definitive (yes quite sloppy)
in both cases the community would have to solve that problem
anyway I need to be at work
so later
@tzenes I disagree. Even having two posts that approach the same problem from different angles are valuable to have, because it helps lead other people to the solution.
lol bye :)
You can't rigidly define everything, there has to be some fuzziness. Why do you think the semantic web is such a non-starter?
if they are different enough @brant, they aren't an exact duplicate
@Brant in my example that behavior is perserved
but when the problem is exact: merge them
I would say, close as duplicate as it currently is, merge answers when applicable.
you're also approaching this as if your decision engine is a computer instead of a person
@tzenes Funny, that's the impression I'm getting from you as well. :)
I'd say be more lenient about when to close and when you do merge them
also, don't forget the specific questions that are duplicate of the more generic questions.
Well you keep saying fuzziness, but people can handle fuzziness
then again maybe its because we're both programmers
Well, there are two audiences: People and Google
people are fuzzy by definition.
@alexander I don't see a problem with specific questions getting more generic answers
@tzenes I guess your definition of "identical" is way broader than mine.
google can handle fuzzyness.
well I just don't care if the questions are the same, I only care if the answers are
@tzenes the problem is, when answers get merged, generic quesions get the answers of the specific question.
@Brant if you merge the answers, you still have to separate questions for Google. I fear that closing a question also lowers it's SEO value, so it would probably even be a good thing
@alexander I don't see how that's a problem either
the generic question gets more case specific answers
@alexanderpas, like I said: questions shouldn't be merged as often as they are now, but if they are equal enough: merge them
@tzenes Why even then? Even if the best answer to two similar javascript questions is "Use this jquery plugin I linked to", they're still different questions.
I would go a step further and say: if you don't want the answers merged then they are not duplicate
@Brant I would say those are different answers
if the answer is literally: use plug in X, then its a bad answer
more likely the answer is: use plug in X, because
and that because makes them different
so they're different answers at that point
and thus: not duplicates
and now I'm late for work, but that's my own fault
@tzenes it makes the answer not related to the question anymore. as the answer is only handles a specific sub-case, it is a bad answer for the generic question, while the generic question and answer is valid for both the generic question, and the specific sub-question.
let me explain with two simple examples:
Generic Question: What are the Speedlimits in the Netherlands.
depends on where you drive :P
Specific Question: What is the Speed limits on the Highway in the Netherlands.
those are not duplicates, as the answers wouldn't be the same
Specific is certainly a duplicate of Generic.
They'd be closed as offtopic, though. :p
however, it's often wiser to edit the highway version into a more general version, because it prevents 10 similar questions being asked. But this only applies if the answer is short and simple enough
@IvoFlipse if the generic question was asked first and the specific question was asked later on, woudn't you close it as duplicate?
@Brant sigh (i hope that was sarcasm ;))
yes, then I would though really I could have deleted it too
your point is that now, this isn't fair, because the answers aren't mergable
@IvoFlipse my point is, that even when the questions are duplicate, that doesn't mean the answers are mergable.
which is why I first suggested to keep only the answers on the original, as those should be true for every other version, not vice versa
Michael Pacter thinks we've had it coming
because we play one game longer and longer, thus getting more value for the same amount of cash. Which they don't like, so they just let us pay for upgrades each year at least to keep the stream going
I wonder what "SC2 Phoenix" is.
it's not the next expansion?
no, but it's slated for the same quarter as the first expansion.
board game most likely
@IvoFlipse Or add on a micropayment scheme a la TF2
so I don't have an iPhone
To breathe on Mars, bring a rebreather.
@Brant My money on SC2 Phoenix is SC 1 campaign as a map pack.
but that's just wishful thinking on my part mostly.
Q: Getting US xbla games in europe

meoI desperately try to find flotilla on XBLA Europe. I had a look in all games under "F", and i looked for it with the search option. But without any success. Any idea how i could get in anyway? Is it possible to buy XBLA games on CD? Or to get a US account just to buy a game and then switch back t...

Q: Delete / Un-assign Group numbers to units in Supreme Commander 2

JasoomianWhile I love the fact that I can assign more than one group # (using CTRL + *number *to a particular unit or combination of units), I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to un-assign, or delete that group designation, from a unit. And it drives me crazy. Also, on the flip side, if anyone ...

Man, those last few issues of the Order of the Stick are awesome.
Q: What techniques effectively harass as Terran in the early game (before 6 minutes)

AardvarkI play a very macro style Terran which consists of no aggression early game. What are some strategies or build orders that put significant pressure on my opponent (or damage), but set me up to utilize my macro style play? In other words, how do I get a further lead from the beginning of the g...

Can anyone help me with this question?
@tjrobinson You are wondering why it was closed?
Or I should say: how to fix it?
All I'm really interested in is some suggestions (in answer to the original question).
Ah, well coming here was a good idea then.
We're not all fiercely opposed to anything related to game recommendations, for the record. :(
Here such things are just fine. Let me take a look and see if the question is something I could remotely answer
I've not been made to feel very welcome so probably won't be coming back but since I'm here I'd be interested to know if anyone has any final suggestions.
It's close to an ideological issue around here for a lot of folks. Much virtual ink has been spilled over the months.
@tjrobinson We're quite sorry about that. You've stumbled on our bad side, through no fault of your own.
Thanks, appreciate the fact that some people have nothing better to do than be opinionated busy bodies.
Sadly, I am not a DS owner so I couldn't say. If I can remember I will ask my roommate about it tonight, and ping you back to chat.
I'm a long-time stackoverflow user so know how these things work, but I wouldn't like to think what a "normal" person would think when faced with such negativity.
@Gaming.SE Is anyone else around who plays DS and could possibly answer?
Thanks WillfulWizard
I've never played a DS either, it's for a Christmas present for a relative.
Q: Handling game recommendations - how can we solve these two problems of quality?

Grace NoteYes, this is really long. But if you actually care about game recommendations and want to support making them on-topic (or at least want to understand some part of our opposition in clearer detail), then please read it in full. Since the second week of our existence, there has been a battle wa...

Don't forget the ten million other meta questions
That said, yeah, chat is the place for game-rec if you ask me :)
@badp I dunno, "Ask the fifteen or so people who hang out in chat" doesn't have quite the same punch as "ask anyone who browses the site"
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