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Q: Is there a rule that means mobs spawn on slabs?

TimCan mobs spawn on slabs? says that they can't. Unfortunately, this is happening to me: He definitely spawned there, there is no way for him to have got there. I have seen it happen on raised half slab paths as well. Is there a game rule that has been changed by the server admin?

@Frank :(
That is very sad
@SaintWacko Indeed.
I feel like replaying it now.
Cataclysm was so good
Or hoping an intrepid modder mods it into Homeworld: Remastered.
Just rip the official sounds and voiceovers and such.
But between all the other games I have to play, I'm already holding off on picking this one up.
Too much to do, not enough time!
A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP
@Wipqozn This was his last tweet?
@Yuuki yeah
Damn, that's poignant.
RIP Last King of Atlantis.
Well, unless you count Milo as king.
But he's really more a prince consort, I think.
New station type?
(decorative only, do not attempt to enter)
@Yuuki apparently at least industrial outposts have a mail slot
@Unionhawk boom boom pew pew dead?
I'm pretty sure you crash into it if you try. Not certain.
@Unionhawk that's a wall.
I have tried to fly in, bounced off.
Yeah, that's what I thought
That'd be something that would require, like, canal level communications.
(when I was on live aboard we heard communications from boats relaying their direction and position at various points in a nearby canal)
The internet is dumb.
i like the xkcd version of the dress
it's a damn dress, what's the big deal
Remember how I said telecoms manipulate the data they send to the FCC? A guy over at The DailyWTF forums works for a telecom and basically admitted that they lie to the FCC
All you people posting other optical illusions as cool and bitching about people talking about this one might need to reevaluate your position.
@Sterno my position is optical illusions are dumb why are we arguing about this
and if small ISPs lie about coverage areas, you know large ISPs do too.
Just wait till it switches on you
@Unionhawk Spoken like someone who can only see white/gold!
Then you'll care
I don't care
@OrigamiRobot I can't get back to white/gold anymore :(
I will never care
@Sterno if it's something purposely designed to be an optical illusion then yeah, it's awesome. if its just some stupid dress then idgaf
Now that you've said that, you definitely will
@Powerlord technically not a lie until the govt defines available as available for $x
@Powerlord Wait, they're a net neutrality skeptic because they know for a fact that the ISPs are big fat liars?
@Rapitor I find it more fascinating because it was not specifically designed to confuse.
@Rapitor That's like saying "I like watching animals in the zoo, but fuck animals in the wild."
sigh Visual Studio just upgraded one of my application's DLL's to Office 2013. And now it doesn't function like it's supposed to.
Well done, program. Well done, indeed.
@OrigamiRobot Animals in the wild are frightening.
@OrigamiRobot My fiance told me that a jaguar from a nearby zoo escaped when she was younger and they ended up looking for it in the woods behind her house, so I mean, from that perspective...
As I was buying this wooden-ball-in-a-wooden-box toy for my cats, I thought to myself "This is a mistake."
Spoiler Alert: It was.
@Sterno My pc screen has white/gold, on my phone it's blue/black.
@OrigamiRobot Man, f--k animals.
@OrigamiRobot What kind of mistake? Cats don't care or "Oh god, the noise. Make it stop."
The latter
@OrigamiRobot Heh.
new hud
and it looks like new ship, according to that hologram
Welcome to forever ago!
This video makes me fear getting old
user image
@Chippies Being old makes me fear getting old.
@Yuuki when you're old, it's too late to fear getting old
@Yuuki Best answer ever.
@Chippies I am so terrified of the guy on the left.
I feel like he wants to murder me and wear my skin.
@OrigamiRobot he never blinks. You should be terrified.
His mouth moves so exaggeratedly when he speaks.
It makes me suspect he is not human and is overcompensating for his alien mouthparts
have you guys heard
oh you have
@OrigamiRobot I thought you of all people/robots would feel sympathy for that!
Robots have no sympathy, fool.
Not even for other robots.
Aah that explains
Q: Minecraft Forge 1.7.10 Commands

DillonI have forge for my PC. Now I need the commands because i forgot them if there even is any commands. Because my friend downloaded it and I don't know how to use it.

@Lazers I still vote for a all minecraft SE site
@TheAce Until we actually determine Minecraft is categorically off-topic (or someone makes a compelling argument on A51 for the need), not going to happen.
@Frank meh i see the point but the volume of minecraft questions has to outweigh other games doesn't it?
@Frank Plenty of sites have overlap
@TheAce Most of it is seriously crappy.
It'd be nice if "Hide questions in your ignored tags" was on by default
Now that I've toggled it on, half the main page isn't greyed out MineCraft questions. \o/
@Batophobia When the whole site would be an overlap, there's not much point to the new one.
@Frank explain stack overflow and programmers
@Frank So you say Ask Ubuntu should be closed since it falls under Unix & Linux
That said, our main issue is that the people asking these questions are just looking for solutions, and combining that with Minecraft's legion of mods and the (non)level of professional processes, ensures that we get an absolute ton of shit.
@Batophobia Would everything in AU be on-topic in Unix & Linux?
I honestly don't know; I don't frequent either of them.
Most likely
@TheAce SO is for straight up programming issues.
so, this guy went to a "slavery camp" in 6th grade and is telling about it
Programmers is for the more design/conceptual parts of programming, not the, "I have a problem with my code"
pretty messed up that such a thing even exists
@Frank still don't see how that can't be combined
Then there's Drupal Answers with either Webmasters or Server Fault
@TheAce Why would you? It's two very different areas.
Programming is for subjective programming questions whatever we changed it to during Beta.
@Frank guess this is why i'm not in charge of this stuff lol
@Powerlord It was the garbage dump for SO, once upon a time, yes.
Even Coffe.SE is a subset of Seasoned Advice
If you still need more, Role-Playing Games would fall under Board & Card Games
As would Chess
And Lifehacks is a subset of Garbage.SE.
vi & vim, emacs.
@Batophobia They've obviously demonstrated the need for a separate site.
So should we make a Godwin's Law for Lifehacks.SE?
@Wipqozn is a subset of handsome.SE
(Is what he would say if he were here)
@RedRiderX Probably.
@Batophobia Uuuuuuuh
@Frank Yes (with some limited (ass saving) exceptions). However, as was mentioned on one of the podcasts, Ubuntu.SE and L&U.SE serve vastly different communities, where the membership, despite overlapping, is quite distinct.
Maybe but not really
@Frank Point is, being a subject entirely contained by a different SE doesn't matter
Tabletop RPGs are neither board nor card games, mostly.
@Batophobia If there's a need, and serves a different community.
@RedRiderX I tend to consider games like D&D "board games" even if they don't always have a literal board
While I'd be the first one on board for punting Minecraft off the site entirely, no one has yet shown what we're failing on for it. Other than the tons of crap we continually get about it.
@Frank Yes, I was countering your argument for why Minecraft.SE couldn't be a thing
@Batophobia I said from the beginning, if there is a need.
@Batophobia Well Board, Card, and P&P games are all "Tabletop games" if you want to get really semantic.
Which has the implication of serving a different community.
@Frank Not really. It's mostly because one thing gets big enough to warrant it's own
@Batophobia Has Minecraft hit that?
i really pulled the pin on this huh :P
Board & Card games could still fully handle Chess
@Frank With the number of mods it has, probably
WOULD there even be enough expertise for a wholly separate Minecraft.SE?
If they want to take all the tech support crap as well, then I say let 'em have it, and get it out of our hair.
@Batophobia Well that and the belief that both communities won't suffer from the split.
@Frank That's for Area51 to decide
@Frank this was my point exactly
@Batophobia Which is where they have to show the need.
@RedRiderX If both communities are substantially big enough, that's unlikely
@Frank If Lifehack.SE can pass Area51, Minecraft can manage
Which, currently, doesn't happen. Someone proposes Minecraft, and it automatically gets closed as a dupe of us.
@Batophobia Has it really though?
Doesn't it have to come out of beta to technically pass?
@RedRiderX Lifehacks made it to beta, so yea it passes Area51
@Frank No.
Q: How do skill-ups work?

NiteCyperActive Skills have levels. How does one level them up? What does levelling them up do? Most specifically, is it true that "if a monster is Ultimate Evolved, you will get a guaranteed Skill Up when you feed it a monster that's Lv 99 and with the same ID"? Those are suspiciously specific conditio...

@Batophobia We don't
also: error.
@Sterno Do not believe.
@StrixVaria They're both a bluish-greenish cyan purple.
They're both this:
@Yuuki To be honest it's such an ugly color, it probably doesn't have a right to exist in the first place.
And it's mostly because the orange lines turn pink when they go through the blue
and apparently that fucks your brain
@Sterno The orange lines don't go through the blue.
The pink lines go through the blue, and the orange lines go through the green.
They don't "turn pink".
@StrixVaria there are no pink lines
@StrixVaria i mean yeah the big pink ones but not small ones
@Sterno uwot
No. I refuse
@StrixVaria Don't be pedantic
@Sterno I didn't think I was but I'll shut up because I can see how it would be construed that way.
I turned some lines black and some lines white.
Now the same green is four different shades.
You are even more welcome than you were when I posted HOW COBOL EVERYTHING OUT on Twitter earlier today.
@badp You are an evil genius evil!
@MBraedley mspaint strikes again.
@fredley Honestly it helps that you're looking at the picture shrunk slightly down, so adjacent colors actually do blend together and, as a result, they are ACTUALLY different. (At least around the edges)
@badp stahp
@badp pls badp
@fredley GOD DAMN IT
@fredley How can I stop now?
you think id know by now
@TheAce kfVsfOSbJY0
@badp You're having such a good time?
@fredley I'm touching COBOL.
@badp ew
@fredley also EBCDIC.
@badp ...?
the script doesn't stop that. Oh.... no.
@Yuuki masterful
Well done, guys. It's time we wrap this up.
Now we wait for everyone else to come back and wonder what's been pinned.
@StrixVaria Well, you're right. If what I was saying made sense, it would have been "The orange become blue", not "the orange become pink"
I didn't look close enough
@Sterno Mutual admitting of mistakes on the Internet high five
@Chippies What the actual fuck. DUMBASSES.
@Chippies Because China did that so successfully
@fredley China is leading in quite a few industries now, clearly we should try to do everything they do
No more VPN == Way less people who can work from home.
@Arperum I don't think corporate VPNs are his target, although Idk how one would differentiate between them
like, legality-wise
@Chippies You can't.
Why are people posting Facebook statuses like "Live long and prosper, Mr. Nimoy." HE'S DEAD. HE CAN'T DO WHAT YOU'RE REQUESTING
@Sterno because they just want their friends and strangers to think they care
Publicly grieving over a celebrity is unnecessary at the very least, imho
@Chippies its a well known fact that 99.9% of facebook content is one big "LOOK AT ME" circlejerk
@TheAce replace "facebook" with "social networks"
but people like looking at others and that's why the trend continues
@Sterno and the sad thing is a bet you in a few hours people will be posting that shit and won't have a fucking clue who he was
@Sterno It'd be better if they wrote it like: "Live long and prosper." - Leonard Nimoy
Instead, they're suggesting that a dead person should live long and prosper.
@TheAce What? He's that guy, from Big Bang Theory, right? The guy that's famous and they all like
@Yuuki it's offensive in a way, if you think about it
@StrixVaria meh
@StrixVaria One of these things is not like the others.
@Chippies rolls eyes clean out of skull
@TheAce anything could be offensive if you think long enough about it
@Yuuki Which...one?
@Chippies Rule somethingorother of the internet: at least one person is offended by anything and everything you do
@StrixVaria the lack of capital A on "and"
@StrixVaria Well, both Mal and Han are of the roguish anti-hero type. Spock is decidedly not.
@Chippies well yeah but this is a little more obvious given the subject matter
@Yuuki Yeah this
"and" is the only word not capitalized, are we not playing the same game here or what?
It doesn't really work. Where as Gandalf, Dumbledore, Obi Wan, and Picard are all reasonably similar characters
It should be a quote from Obi-wan with an image of Simon.
A Kirk quote would be much more fitting in that context
He's more of a swashbuckler
@fredley All of those fit the trope of "The Gandalf" except Picard
@fredley I was going the other way. "Live long and prosper." - Obi-wan Kenobi with an image of Simon Tam.
But yeah, a Kirk quote would fit the image and attribution.
@Yuuki Yeah, that would be better. Who else?
@murgatroid99 lol.meme
@fredley nice.meme
@murgatroid99 ikr.meme
That TLD has so much potential
And I kind of want nice.meme. Even if it just redirects to niceme.me
@Rapitor sigh
@Rapitor OK, that's pretty funny
"The FCC’s two Republican commissioners voted against the broadband proposals and have filed objections that will delay the release of the regulatory body’s 300-plus-page report. Wheeler said the report would be issued soon. Once it is filed, internet service providers are expected to sue. Republicans in Congress are also making moves to have the orders thrown out."
@murgatroid99 maymay.meme
it's just like they are big stubborn whiny babies.
I wish it was more feasible to vote with your dollars in these scenarios.
But sadly, most people in the US just have equally poor choices, except for the option of eschewing Verizon/Comcast/whoever else entirely.
@JoshPetrie We should all just move to Estonia.
Am I seriously the only person that saw blue and gold?
@Batophobia Yes. You are a weirdo. Weirder than those that saw white and gold.
@Batophobia i saw crappy bronze and crappy blue
@Batophobia my friends did too
My parents saw white and gold. My coworkers and I saw black and blue.
@Rapitor Basically this, but after claims that crappy brown is what some call "gold" I just went with that
I honestly have no idea how you can look at that and say it's white
It's a rather deep blue, too. That's no pastel.
@badp Yea I can't see it as white in any way
Enthusiastic Hardware and Performance

Proposed Q&A site for enthusiasts looking for technical answers and deep comparisons of high-performance hardware, architecture, overclocking and benchmarks.

Closed before being launched.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment my hardware drags its heels to do anything, where can i find some with a better attitude?
@badp My pc screen results in white, phone results in blue.
@Batophobia I saw blue and gold as well
wife saw white and black
@TheAce Understand the science behind it, but it still in no way looks white
The real question is
what sort of shadow is blue?!
@Batophobia wanna know whats weirder?
@TheAce Lifehacks.SE?
Question titles on Arqade?
@Batophobia well yeah
@Batophobia If you look from the top down, it looks white
If you look from the bottom up it looks blue
I have solved the mystery
@Batophobia but the first time i looked at it i saw white/gold i came back to it like 5 mins later and it was blue/black
@fredley Nope, still blue
@badp All shadows are blue, because light is yellow.
This is actually true, not me trolling
They might be a grey that's faintly blue
If you're lighting a stage and want it to look natural, you use blue floods and yellowish spots
The shadows are then literally blue
a somewhat cold shade of gray, probably the one where the sex dungeon contract wouldn't print because of a paper jam
If you're painting something that's in shade, you paint it blue
See also: teal/orange
Q: how do i get my clash of clans account back?

jordan greggI did the new update and I didn't have it backed up so I had to uninstall the game and I lost my account how can I get it back?

@badp Having seen both, and originally white/gold, all I can say is that the other side is equally mystified how you can see blue and black
The blue you can "kind of see" when you're viewing it as white/gold is nothing like the actual deep blue that it is
The real question is, what camera was responsible for such a trainwreck
Q: Mouse issues when using DOSBOX in fullscreen

JMTGCurrently trying to play Syndicate using DOSBOX, but when in full screen mode, the mouse is unusable. It moves in erratic directions and even the slightest movement sends the cursor drifting off uncontrollably. This is NOT a problem when not in full screen mode. To fix this, I followed another ...

Q: How to use items in Dragonball Z Xenoblade?

user3554664I keep acquiring new items in Dragonball Z Xenoblade?, although how do I use them? How can I view my inventory? (I know the tag is incorrect, although there is no tag for Xenoblade)

@badp Acceptable
^That's the dress, by the way. A much better picture of it.
@AidanEdwards We are well aware, thanks.
@AidanEdwards Thanks ~ I'm sure the makers will be thrilled to see their Royal Blue dress suddenly become white.
Newest fashion, dresses that are seen as a different color for every person
@Batophobia Because it's made out of psychotropics.
Depends on the exact angle you look at it, how the light is hitting it, the temperature, and the last time you had potatoes
I miss the white/gold dress. I want my brain to bring it back.
There now you can see both
There, I think this NativeVotes update is complete. Now I just need to test it.
wings update:
Bounties are divided equally. Trading receives a small bonus for other members of the wing when trading in the same system. No sharing on missions yet. You can of course still ad hoc share trade goods via the jettison mechanism.
I know I shouldn't be excited about this, but it's be nice to put my own VoteScramble into the TF2 vote menu (in addition to, say, !votescramble in chat).
Unfortunately, Valve killed off my ability to put arbitrary votes into the vote menu as they now need a game translation phrase.
@RedRiderX Still looks blue and gold
@Batophobia Yeah kind of
Maybe my eyes aren't as easily confused..... I could always make that spinning lady turn the opposite direction
It's still amazing to me how big the dress thing became so fast.
@RedRiderX I really don't. Still blue and black.
@RedRiderX It's an example of a very unusual optical illusion, and it occurred in an (apparently) undoctored photograph
That's enough to make it interesting
It seems that this particular optical illusion may have never been seen before, which is very interesting
Q: Is the leveling system in World of Warcraft designed assuming players typically complete only some of the quests?

ankitI'm playing for the first time. I generally complete every quest before moving on to a new zone. I've found that as I neared completion of BC content on Outland, I'm close to level 80, while most of the sources online indicate that BC takes you from level 60-70. Am I an outlier or is this to be e...

oh The Oatmeal....
Q: How to place red stone dust

Venice guizarHow do you place red stone dust in pocket edition can you. I looked at my red stone book but it doesn't tell you. I've tryed just placing it like a block to but it won't work so how do you place red stone dust

Q: I'm stuck in Terraria (iPad)

Christoffer(sorry if my English skills sucks) I'm stuck in Terraria, on my iPad. This is what I have been doing so far: I have shadow helmet/scalemail/greaves equipment. Weapons such as, phoenix blaster slow starfury, breaker blade, and I have defeated, eye of Cthulhu, eater of worlds, brain of Cthulhu, ...

Q: GTA 4 pc cant login to windows account for online play

SupposedwhaleSo when I run GTA 4 (i purchased with steam and run through steam) I can login with the social club thing thats just fine, but if I try to play the game online it asks for my windows account login details when i put them in it says they are wrong but ive checked them by logging into the windows l...

@fredley you are an evil, evil person! I will never trust you again!
@MBraedley I love that I can come back to the Bridge after 10 hours and this is still the first thing I see
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't know how he did it either. Fucking obfuscated code
So a friend of mine is an Emergency Room doctor, and I am not going to repost the image he texted me while I was eating lunch today, but I will say it was an X-Ray image of a man with a steak knife sticking out of his left eye socket, buried all the way to the handle.
As of an hour or so ago, patient is still alive
My god. Worst Friday ever.
@MBraedley ...let me guess he actually does have if(user==11935) //don't hide things muahaha doesn't he?
I hope it's more like if(user==11935).
 var i = new Date;
    return 5 == i.getDay() ? void e(this).on('click', function (e) {
      window.location = window.checkFor
    })  : ...
any fallout fans here?
It's... not the best code. I literally stripped out the date part and made that function just return false instead.
@TheAce Yes.
why is it still obfuscated

run of new vegas without healing
@Unionhawk You are now fine.
Q: Download steam game on mac and pc?

SaxtasticI have a macbook pro and i am looking to get a gaming pc. Ive downloaded a few games on steam that are mac and windows compatible. I play them on my mac. Would i be able to sign into my steam account on my windows pc and download the windows version without having to buy it again?

Q: Hexxit crashes due to an error I can't find?

AlexI don't know how to read crash reports and I can't figure out what to do, Hexxit crashes before the Mojang screen and it's just a black screen. I use Windows 8 by the way. Here's the crash report. Description: There was a severe problem during mod loading that has caused the game to fail [B#282]...

@badp I just took @fredley's code and made it not check what day it was.
@Batophobia ... Mantis shrimp?
Nathan Fillion was on Big Bang!
I love him in Castle, way more than I did in Firefly.
@Frank Castle is a million times better than Firefly.
@AshleyNunn He just nails the character. It's so good.
@Frank THe whole show makes me happy
I should grab more of it
@AshleyNunn I gotta agree with you on that.
The latest arc puts an end to the triple killer.
@Frank I haven't watched the current season at all
@AshleyNunn Ooh, you'll like it.
@Frank Will probably wait until the last eps of the season have aired, grab it all, and watch it obsessively for a bit
@AshleyNunn Sadly, I power through an incredible amount of content while I'm working on models.
@Frank Speaking of nailed characters.... NEW HOUSE OF CARDS IS OUT, EEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPP
@LessPop_MoreFizz Watched a few episodes of the first season, didn't like it.
I've been watching a lot of TNG lately
Also, dear donair making man, if I say I want donair sauce on my donair DONT BE SO SHOCKED every time because yes, I know it is a sweet sauce. Its a DONAIR you put DONAIR SAUCE ON IT
@Frank This doesn't surprise me, tbqh.
@LessPop_MoreFizz We have very differing tastes. It should surprise you when we DO like the same things.
@Frank Exactly.
That seems apropos to the current conversation.
Clickbaited, noooo

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