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hmm data dump y u no download?
@ThomasMcDonald The SE data dump?
I've got a copy of it here for Gaming I think
Yeah, the latest one.
There's 6 peers but I'm not connecting to any
15 mb, should be big enough to send over any of the usual file hosting methods. How'd you want it?
I have the old one sat around on my old drive I think, but I was going to import the new one and give my QA engine a whirl.
However is most convenient for you
@YiJiang BitTorrent!!!
(I imagine that would still not work if ClearBytes doesn't)
It tells me that the files are ready to be shared, even while its uploading
I have no idea how that would work
just needed a torrent restart, for whatever reason
only whatever is uploaded is made available
since torents are all partial and what not
Thanks Steam and/or Sega... no Sonic Collection on Steam?
and none of the Sonic games are the the Genesis Classics Collection either.
I hadn't seen this CSI(?) video before. But with that and the Visual Basic GUI and the eye reflection jumping I think my life is complete.
@Mana It's not CSI, not any recent seasons anyway. Somehow everyone in CSI is using giant touchscreen computers and holographic displays
Q: How do you categorize your Steam game list?

HenryHeyMy game list is approaching 100 games and it is starting to get difficult to sort them out. I've categorized them by genre but it's still difficult to find them (and my backlog is getting bigger) I also have Steam installed in more than one computer so I have repeat the ordering for each one of ...

So, apparently in movies and everywhere else, hacking prowess ∝ speed of typing. If only that were true
s/typing/button mashing
@YiJiang Why is that surprising?
It's actually awesome
If you were in sync enough with somebody to share a keyboard and produce something coherent, would that be creepy or awesome?
@badp If you're that sort of person. I'm not, I'd rather have them do something more realistic. Oh, and hackertyper.net
@CruelCow I did that with a schoolmate for a programming project a few years back
@YiJiang Have you seen what I'm replying to? :|
I think I've finally got TF2 working properly. \o/
@badp Oh, no. Sorry.
@YiJiang Thanks
Hang on, that file just finished uploading. Does anyone else want the data?
Yeah, and I just finished downloading
that's pretty cool
@CruelCow Both of us shared a terminal, the experience is, uh, a little weird
@Mana I counter with this~!
12 mins ago, by Mana
I hadn't seen this CSI(?) video before. But with that and the Visual Basic GUI and the eye reflection jumping I think my life is complete.
I need to decide what streaming site to use, I think Livestream.
I hate CSI, and nearly everything else too. I HATE EVERYTHING!
@Wipqozn Even vests?
@CruelCow Yes, except sweater vests. Sweater vests are awesome.
That guy knows where it's at
another classic:
@Mana does anyone know the original video was for that?
Pretty sure CS is the original vid
@Mana IT's not
As in the video which aired on the show itself
apparently it's Halo
Game On kicks off in 10 hours? Or do I have my timezones wrong?
I think you do. We're -5 UTC, right?
@RavenDreamer STNO's having a game on right now. Get your ass over here
and it's 7pm utc, and you're -5 UTC
so no, like 2 hours
@Mana My clan
you should join us if you're bored
oh neat
"Superior To No One"
People should just put everything in GMT
So I don't have to try and translate timezones
No one's using GMT right now dammit.
you guys are all welcome to come play, we're screwing around with mods
@DaveMcClelland Wish I could; exam monday
@badp But it's SATURDAY!
Exactly! Exam weekend.
@FallenAngelEyes Is that you saying you want to play?
My b/f's phone can't play TF2. Obviously a fault of Android.
@FallenAngelEyes I would so buy that phone
That's cute, the Sega Classics thing acts like I'm constantly holding down the right button, even after I recalibrate it.
@RavenDreamer it's in 3 hours
I can't even make game on tonight til it's over halfway over because I have family stuff
@RavenDreamer I think this should auto-convert to your timezone
@FallenAngelEyes In other words you hate us, got it
That's right.. the east coast is gmt-6 right now. Stupid daylight savings
THANK YOU @FallenAngelEyes
@FallenAngelEyes Which one? l o l o l o l o l o lol
Q: What is the range of an explosion in minecraft?

DemonicMushyWhat is the range of an explosion in Minecraft? I know it is affected by the type of block, snow being the least blast resistance and bedrock being the most blast resistance. Would be nice if there is a list of ranges with the different kinds of blocks surrounding the origin of the explosion. ...

Ahahaha. Only one of them has a smartphone. ;)
@FallenAngelEyes so the one with the smartphone
my joke works,
took you long enough to set me up for that, gawd
Gotta go now, later all!
@FallenAngelEyes enjoy your day
hm, I was unaware the short circuit could destroy multiple projectiles with one shot
oh, I forgot how fun working with a 45,000 line development.log file is
okay, my professor for Object-Orientated Design is officially awesome.
For his first assignment we need to a design a game player (AI) to make its way through a maze. It will need to collect keys, kill monsters, et cetear
Seriously, that's a fairly awesome assignment if you ask me.
So, they want another spleef tournament.
I set the last one up terribly.
Q: Diablo2 & Wine Compatibility

NWSI was just wondering if anyone had had any experience installing & running Diablo2 on linux (ubuntu 10, latest wine) using wine ? I tried to install the other day, and encountered a problem but i think that was due to my slightly decrepit cd-rom. Thanks, NWS.

@Lazers Friends don't let friends drink & game
@CruelCow that joke was terrible. Keep in mind, I love terrible jokes, therefore I loved it.
I wonder if this question belongs on Linux/Ubuntu instead...
@CruelCow I think it belongs on either site
Weird. gaming.stackexchange.com/search?q=wine Displays multiple questions tagged
displays 1
@CruelCow I see 4, maybe you're cache'd?
@CruelCow tags can only b searched with a tag search
in other words the tagging system is terrible and completely useless outside of a google search
@MarcoCeppi Weird, ctrl+f5 does not fix it, switching browsers does. WTF
Hmm, turns out that the Wireless adapters for Xbox 360 controllers online are actually half of a Controller + Adapter pack removed from their original packaging.
I don't like it when my products are tampered with. >:/
@MarcoCeppi Tried every combination of ctrl, shift, alt and r :/
Wrong window
I seem to have found a phone. Oh wait, that's my phone.
Oookay, now I'm wierded out. If I open the page in incognito I see 4 questions. If I log in I only see 1 again...
So, one of the goblin ambushers was wearing a bracelet made of... human nails. Man, that's creepy as hell
(ta-bum dssssh)
@badp So you won't be joining us for Game on! then?
@Wipqozn Trying to make room for at least 30-45 mins
@badp well you do need to take a break some point.
btw we won't really need mumble or ventrilo since TF2 already does in voice chat. Dunno about other games
Non-stop studying normally causes more trouble then anything
Oh trust me it's more like I'm studying in the breaks than the other way round :/
@badp oh okay, I understand.
I could join TF2 but my vision is still a bit fuzzy.
Should I make a gaming livestream or just use my own one?
If I use a gaming one I need an email.
An email that isn't yours, you mean?
Can't you try and sign up adding a '+something' to your email?
@ArdaXi It is? From what?
like, instead of [email protected], use [email protected] instead
@Wipqozn Wearing contacts for the first time.
(note: Ronan's email address actually isn't that one)
@ArdaXi You actually managed to put those in your eyes? Impressive.
It's the previous one right?
@Wipqozn Err... yeah?
It's not that difficult.
@badp oh, dang... was getting ready to send him an email and everything
I might not have legs but I still have hands.
@ArdaXi I couldn't do it. Wouldn't be able to bring myself to touch my eye.
Yeah, I've never had that issue.
Nevermind I can host different chanels from my account so I don't need a separate user
Just like eye drops, I have no issue with them whatsoever.
Well aren't you something
I am lots of things.
@Wipqozn You don't actually touch your eye. There's still the contact between your finger and your eye. :P
@John You have to touch your eye to get it out.
@ArdaXi Weren't we talking about putting them in?
Do we have a full size gaming logo?
@ArdaXi aka shapeshifter
@John long time no see John
@Wipqozn I was here yesterday. :P
@RonanForman we do but I had to ask @jin by email to get one
@John Well... putting it in usually leads to taking it out eventually.
It's only been like a week...I think...
@John A week since yesterday?
@ArdaXi Yeah yeah yeah....
@John apparently I didn't notice
I'll steal the steam one.
Is that how time usually flows?
@ArdaXi Uh....sure.....
@ArdaXi Around here? Yes.
1 min ago, by John
@Wipqozn I was here yesterday. :P
54 secs ago, by John
It's only been like a week...I think...
You showed him @ArdaXi!
@ArdaXi "It's only been like a week...I think..." Since I was in here regularly everyday.
Not since the last time I was here.
Context, @ArdaXi, context.
How many viewers do you think I'll get?
@RonanForman Where would you be streaming it?
Also, I assume not many, if any at all.
I was going to record it too, for the blog.
@RonanForman that's a good idea
@CruelCow Chrome? AFAICT, Chrome doesn't have a "force refresh". :(
That's going to be a long livestream
Maybe we should post a notification on the main (Gaming) site?
@Wipqozn There should be on soon, Chat will automagically put one
@MarcoCeppi on the main (gaming) site?
Was unaware of that
I thinks it's when there is an hour left, but you guys could put one now
@Wipqozn Aye
THought it was just sent a notification to users attending
It should also appear as a banner
@MarcoCeppi That's only for mod created events
OIC, my bad
However, fret not. We're all going to get spammed through Steam.
Actually, let's put up an ad real quick.
@badp I didn't realize there was a Steam event to join. Should I have joined it?
@John If you're in the Gaming SE Steam group you'll be spammed
@badp Ah.
I'll see if I can make the channel for anyone to stream from
@badp on steam or gaming ?
@John You can't sign up for events on Steam, which is kinda silly.
However, Steam will inform when an event is scheduled and when an event is starting.
@Powerlord I guess they figured it would be redundant.
Assuming everyone who can would be there anyway.
@RonanForman so are you just going to loop the menu until we start?
Did it work then.
@RonanForman it kept pausing, but yes
oh come on
Did you hear me?
what's wrong with a square :/
@RonanForman I heard some typing
220 × 250, I keep forgetting
That's our stupidly loud keyboard
I'll get a heardphone mic
@RonanForman is it mechanical\?
Can we get this ad enough votes to be served before Game On kicks in?
ooh, snazzy
@badp Make the practically lighter.
@Wipqozn It says quitekey on it!
It's practically unreadable.
I blame your contact lenses
@badp Agreed. I can read it just fine.
Q: Will fish populate artificial underground canal?

relativegiant If I channel to make an artificial underground canal or pool, fed by a natural river (and disappearing at the edge of the map), is there a chance small fish (as I understand it, vermin) will populate the canal so that I an fish from it? What if let the water run through floor grates or wall gra...

@Wipqozn I could read it too.
besides, it's in the middle of the line
But in an ad, all the text should be readable perfectly.
Ever heard of fine print? :P
This is like that except huge!!
Anyway I've got it working then, that's good!
If we're tweeting the event can we tweet my stream?
No tweeting from StackGaming is going to happen
so tweet your steam and we'll retweet or something :)
Okay, just checking.
We currently have 8 people playing and 38 39 online
Do you know when we're starting EDT time?
@GnomeSlice Been there, done that
@RonanForman According to the chat event, 3pm.
It's an hour right?
@RonanForman 90 mins from now afaik
> Me and the mrs were walking past a really expensive restaurant and she said "OMG! Smell that food, it smells incredible!" and being the nice guy that I am, I thought fuck it, I'll treat her......so we walked past it again
Oh 3 hours.
@badp This.
@RonanForman go here to get the actual time
How do you pronounce @Wipqozn?
But that's in BST and I needed it in EDT
@John Wipqozn.
Anyway done, tea, doctor who then gaming!
Also, bring mics!
@Wipqozn That.......doesn't really help me any.
@RonanForman No mic. :( I'll be lucky if my sound works.
I think.
> When the time is 19:00 on Saturday, September 24 in UTC, it is 15:00 in EDT.
That video explains it
"was in deep wipqozn"
@Wipqozn Oooh Dilbert!
@John Indeed! That episode is the secret origin of my name.
My origin story if you will
Q: Viewing statues that are already built

andronikusIs there any way to see the description of a statue after it's in place? I know how to "View" it from the "Look Around" menu when they're just sitting in my stockpile, but the same doesn't work after they've been placed (with b-s).

this is the first mention of it:
@Wipqozn And you're showing us your secret origin? I feel so special.
@John you should feel privileged. Feel free to perform a human sacrifice in my name now.
But now it isn't secret anymore unless all of us get...silenced.
@CruelCow Yes... yes indeed...
which reminds me, I have something to show all of you in this back alley...
May I recommend a silencer? badum-tish
@CruelCow I actually lol'd
So basically 'wipqozn' in english is 'shit'
@badp That's what I got out of that too.
@Wipqozn your nick is inappropriate!! Please change it immediately to, Schbaddle.
@badp You mean skedaddle?
I dunno, I don't speak CEO
@badp Actually skedaddle isn't CEO, it's a regional term meaning to run away very very fast.
@badp I prefer to think of it as meaning either "trouble", "debris", or some form of foamy substance
@Wipqozn You... stupid... putz.
@Wipqozn I'm starting to wish I had never asked...
@ArdaXi nicely played.
@ArdaXi lol what?
That's terrible
What kind of cheat prevention does the tf2 server have?
@John Isn't Valve's thing good enough?
@John VAC.
@badp @ArdaXi I'm not sure what Valve's thing is. I'm debating inviting a friend, but he's the kind of guy who would bring along aimbot and shoot through walls, so....
@John That will get his account banned permanently.
(All games, not just TF2)
However he won't be banned right away
VAC delays bans by a couple weeks
@John then don't invite him
(so that you can't easily say what tripped the protection and what didn't)
@John Also, replays are on and we'd be able to easily see what he was seeing
(without the need to spectate)
and see everything from any perspective
@badp s/any/the server's/
@ArdaXi I meant, camera angle
@ArdaXi I'm not sure that would stop him.
@Wipqozn That's what I'm considering.
@badp Right, but you're never seeing what he's seeing.
@John Just don't invite him. If he's going to be cheating we don't want him on the server.
@Wipqozn That's what I figured so that's why I asked here first.
@John Thank you for asking.
@Wipqozn You're welcome.
As much as I'd like to bask of the awesomeness of Wipqozn (lol), I guess I should actually play tf2 at least a little before the game.
@John Have you not played in awhile?
Also, regardless of how much you practice, @Powerlord is going to kick all of our asses.
well, back stab us to be exact.
@ArdaXi All games of the same engine
people play moar tomorrow
@CruelCow Right.
Pretty much all games using the same version of VAC.
thank you for letting me know this exists @RonanForman
Thank you @Wipqozn for letting me know asdfmovie4 got released.
@KevinY You're welcome
I would like to say I can't take all the credit, but I really do deserve all of it.
btw, there are server plugins that add support for additional anti-cheat measures.
@Powerlord I've read about the anti-wallhack one which delays sending the client the position of enemies as much as possible, what else is out there?
Yo, so, Game On?
@Mana Indeed
in 30 minutes
oh, really?
@CruelCow Well, I know Kigen's Anti-Cheat has aimbot detection and a few other things.
Planning to join us for TF2 @LessPopMoreFizz?
@Wipqozn I have played a total of 4 hours of TF 2 ever I think. And not in over a year.
Also, I suspect playing from this hotel internet connection would result in... pain.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Isn't that a bannable offense?
@LessPop_MoreFizz most likely, yes
@Wipqozn You're like a promoter standing outside the store in the middle of the street stopping everyone who walks by to ask them whether they are going to come in.
@ArdaXi Almost like that's what I'm trying to do
Oh, wait, it is
It's bad marketing.
@ArdaXi Indeed, but I'm doing it anyways.
Alright then, carry on. It was a statement, not a criticism.
This is crazy. The black SteelSeries Ikari Laser mouse is $25 more than the white SteelSeries Ikari Laser mouse.
If you take it as a criticism then you're criticising yourself.
On Amazon anyway
@Powerlord That's racist.
@Powerlord Wait, white is cheaper? I always thought the white paint made i-Stuff so expensive
@CruelCow Yup, white is cheaper.
SteelSeries doesn't even sell the Xai from their own store any more. >:|
Except in the Medal of Honor Edition
Seriously, why would I want a specific game plastered all over my mouse?
Hmm, interesting, SteelSeries recommends the Optical version of Ikari for FPS and the Laser version for MMO/RTS.
@CruelCow i-stuff is expensive because people will still buy it if it is expensive.
Oh hey. Newegg has the Xai in stock, even though Amazon doesn't.
and Newegg charges more than MSRP for the SteelSeries 6Gv2 keyboard. golf claps
So, Amazon will sell me the 6gv2 for $96.99 with no shipping or newegg will sell it to me for $104.99 plus $8.50 shipping. Hmm....
Okay, I'm here! Time to get started!
I'm waiting for the Steam popup to come up
TF2 is refusing to connect.
There's 6 people in the server now
5 people and me.
You're not in the player list
Turbine – my favourite map!
well now you are
Except I can't connect for some reason.
Never mind, there we go.
I can't connect :/
there we go
Spam should happen in 5, 4, ...

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