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@Frank You are trying to say that we cannot legitimately answer a question asking if there is a term for something gaming-related
@Wipqozn Not sit destroying bugs! :O I hate those
@Ktash Well, not destroyined per say... but bad enough that we need to fix asap
@Wipqozn You should just let the site fester and read WoR instead.
which I sort of did
We just needed to roll back some stuff, and will no need to re-implement other thigns
@Batophobia No, I'm saying that there is a class of questions that is problematic, and this one is a fine example of that class.
But that it is further refined by what @Strix said earlier.
par tof the problem is I discovered a bug from almost 2 years ago. Always fun.
@Batophobia To be fair to @Frank, there are plenty of gaming-related questions that we don't accept here.
Luckily, everything is working as expected to everyone fromt he outside, so operations back to normal. For nmow.
Which means I need to get it straight about this specific class that I think is primarily opinion based.
@Frank That class being "what do you call it when this happens"
@Wipqozn well at least customers aren't really seeing it. That's always a bonus
@StrixVaria So tempting
@Ktash haha, not even the customers
@Batophobia Yes.
It was our journalists that were upset.
@StrixVaria I understand that, but those are generally in the realm of "not something a community of experts can answer"
Psh, silly journalists
We're usually pretty good about defining our specific terms so that they're understandable.
Which is what most of our terminology questions are.
@Frank OK, I honestly don't understand why you think that those questions are opinion based
@murgatroid99 Because it is your opinion on which term to use
Okay I'm heading home. Toodles for now.
Vagrant may be one of the most awesome inventions ever
8 mins ago, by murgatroid99
1 min ago, by murgatroid99
And remember that there is nothing wrong with a question having a best answer among multiple correct answers
@Batophobia I disagree. A community of experts is the best place to get a game identification or game rec. Just not this community of experts.
Our very first terminology question:
Q: What does the term "carebear" mean in Eve Online?

David A GibsonI've recently re-activated my account. I've seen this term used in the online chat and wondered what it means.

That's a gaming term if ever I heard one.
And the answer does a good job of explaining it, I think.
@StrixVaria Experts, yes, but they cannot really ANSWER that question
@Batophobia And that's the argument I'm using for this class of terminology questions.
@murgatroid99 surprised you mean community consensus to define a communal term :O
@Batophobia They can't definitively answer the question, but they sure can give good answers.
@Frank That argument doesn't fit here
We do "gamer term" -> plain English very well. I'm having trouble articulating why the reverse isn't the same.
I think it should be. But...it's not.
@Frank maybe it is
@murgatroid99 No, it is the same
@Batophobia typo
I mean, we're actually kind of inconsistent on which of these questions we keep.
Asking "What does HP mean" and "What is a term for player's health" are not that different
Take, for example, this one:
Q: What is the difference between cyberpunk and futuristic game scenario?

The PoetI can definitely tell which game titles are each, but I can't define what cyberpunk and futuristic are. cyberpunk is the future in the city and futuristic in space? maybe?

By your argument, we should allow that, right?
@Frank yeah, probably
Asking the difference between 2 terms seems like it should be fine
@Batophobia So why is it closed?
Obviously, I'm not the only one who thinks these questions have an issue.
@Frank I would guess it was closed because of the existing vagaries in the definitions of those terms
But you're right. I've voted to reopen
@Frank You'd have to ask those that closed it
@Frank This isn't game-specific.
@Frank Cyberpunk is typically depressing and dark.
@murgatroid99 Not the point I was going for, but alright.
Whereas futuristic is simply set in the future.
@StrixVaria I understand that.
So that question, to me, is off-topic because it doesn't relate to games.
If it did relate to games, I would think it's fine.
@StrixVaria Okay, that's a good clarification.
@StrixVaria Maybe. I just think the given close reason is not correct
If you asked something like "what's the difference between a JRPG and a Western RPG?"
That would be well within our scope.
Perogies, Pączkies, Gwumpkies, Krout and Kielbasa w/ horseradish. That will polish it up real good. Duck Blood soup is good for a quick buff as well. — QueueHammer 13 mins ago
@Rapitor I assume it relates to some MOBA and ignore it
@Batophobia sigh
@Batophobia no, it's a comment to my question
@Rapitor One of the deleted answers has the Warhammer 40K edit of the Navy Seal Copypasta.
The vast majority of our terminology questions fall into the gamer term -> english category.
he/she was trying to be funny.. polish food.
There's very few I can see to solidify my thoughts on the reverse.
Q: Is there a term for games with overly precise controls?

BrianThere have been a bunch of recent games that feature controls that feature overly precise controls, for the sake of humor, challenge, or both. The player typically controls individual muscles or body parts rather than simply pressing buttons to perform actions. Such games include: Surgeon Simul...

Agent has an answer to this.
@Frank That looks like a fine question and answer to me
But I'm not sure how we can really call it right; the definition being presented is inherently subjective.
@Frank It cites sources
Even the devs that wrote the games use different terms.
@murgatroid99 And not even those sources agree.
12 mins ago, by murgatroid99
8 mins ago, by murgatroid99
1 min ago, by murgatroid99
And remember that there is nothing wrong with a question having a best answer among multiple correct answers
@murgatroid99 How is it correct?
@Frank If you use it as a keyword in Google, does it return results fitting the question
That's the point I'm making; what are we using as the definition for correct?
@Frank Your entire argument seems to hinge on the idea that the fact that multiple terms can correspond to a single meaning makes asking for those words opinion based
@murgatroid99 OR, there is no generally accepted term yet
@Frank usage? Like the sources that were cited
@Frank Descriptivism vs. Prescriptivism
@Batophobia The words given have been used in publications with the meaning asked for
It's correct if people understand what you're talking about when you say it.
@StrixVaria I'm not quite parsing this.
I think the majority of these questions are probably asked so they can have better keywords for search engines, which is something we should always be able to help with
@murgatroid99 That specific example, yes
@Frank Language, and terminology, is a means to convey ideas. If you use a word to describe a thing, and the person you're talking to understands what you meant by that word, then you have succeeded in communicating.
The correctness of one term has little effect on the correctness of another term.
If you can use a word to describe a concept, and people know what you're talking about, then that word is a correct word for that concept.
@Frank I think I understand what you are trying to say. We have no accepted, measurable standard to rate whether an answer is correct in this area
Not necessarily the only one, but one of the ones.
@StrixVaria Yeah, that I understand. I just don't get the, "It's correct of people understand"....oh! I think there's a typo in there.
@Batophobia And that's the part where I'm running into my definition of utility.
There is no objectively right answer, at least not by my judgement; I think voting happens more on the agreement/disagreement of the term than any impartial criteria.
Q: Warmongering though proxy in Civ 5

QueueHammerI'm trying something new and not using Montezuma for a cultural victory though sacrifices, though I always seem to get a conquest first, and went Venice with their good trade and MoV unit. So right after I get my first MoV the Egyptians "Volunteered" their road network, (as well as their capital...

Robert Cartaino on September 29, 2010

Stack Exchange is about questions with objective, factual answers. We’ve been crystal clear about this for as long as I can remember, even back to the earliest, pre-beta days of Stack Overflow. It’s right there in the standard Stack Exchange FAQ:

What kind of questions should I not ask here?

Avoid asking questions that are subjective, argumentative, or require extended discussion. This is not a discussion board, this is a place for questions that can be answered!

Thus, questions that are not answerable — discussions, debates, opinions — should be closed as subjective. It seems simple enough: Fact good; opinion and discussion bad. But why? …

@Frank "This answer is useful"
"This answer is not useful"
The fact that answers can be ordered by proportional agreement (i.e. that the question is subjective) does not automatically mean that the question should be closed
@Batophobia Lists have the same issue, and they're in the prohibited category for this reason.
We don't want popularity contests for what is and isn't right.
I assert that terminology questions are good subjective, because good answers to those questions have explanations and citations
@murgatroid99 That, actually, is an extremely good reason to close.
@Frank terminology is not a popularity contest, it is a question of how something is definied
27 secs ago, by murgatroid99
I assert that terminology questions are good subjective, because good answers to those questions have explanations and citations
@Batophobia But the answers to those questions result in a popularity contest, about what people like the most.
@murgatroid99 In this case, because that's how terminology works.
@murgatroid99 If you want to use that, then you should downvote every answer that does not cite a source, nor explain it.
@Frank It is not what they like the most but what they feel is most commonly accepted
... why does steam maximize to the size of my main screen, regardless of what screen it's on
@Frank yeah, sure
@Batophobia In an ideal world, yes, that's how it should be voted on.
In ours, though, no chance at all.
Voting isn't perfect? SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING
@Frank and yet, that is how the question that started this discussion actually worked
@Frank Assume good faith and move on
@murgatroid99 I sincerely, absolutely doubt it.
We can't sit here worrying if every vote was done properly
@Batophobia And I'm not. I'm pointing out that we have zero objective criteria to judge the answer, and that's one of the main points we shut down ITG and game rec.
Heck, if you want to argue about voting inconsistencies I can just point you to the meta
I'd say "I can't believe we're still arguing about this", but then I'd be lying.
@Frank But we do have objective criteria, we just haven specifically stated they are needed. You can cite a dictionary-like article, you can show that search engines will return matching results when the term is used as a keyword...
@Wipqozn I have problems disengaging from arguments on the internet.
@murgatroid99 I occasionally have that problem with incrementals...
@murgatroid99 we all do. there is even an- damn, beat me to it
@Batophobia I still have yours open in another window
typing with one hand is a lot sloewr thsn usding two
I closed it when framerate went through the floor
around level 90
@Batophobia yeah... things got messy fast
@Batophobia A search engine returning matching results would be good criteria, I agree. I don't think dev citations should be, though.
@Batophobia I got to 100 yesterday
@murgatroid99 oooooo nice
@Batophobia It's getting really really hard to get further tower building achievements
@Wipqozn As far as most go, this one's staying pretty reasonable.
I think most of my problem is the inherent subjectivity when distilling a scenario down into a specific term.
Like this question:
Q: What is the term for moving perpendicular to a ranged enemy with physics-based projectiles?

HydrothermalIn games where you can dodge a projectile from a ranged opponent by moving out of its way, it's possible to run in a perpendicular or zig-zag fashion to repeatedly dodge shots. Is there a word for this?

@Frank "strafing". That's the common term
Scenario is defined. We have a comment, though, that disagrees with strafing, because it doesn't imply shot dodging.
@murgatroid99 And yet, neither of the answers use that.
One of them specifically for that reason.
In video games, strafing is the technique of moving the player's character from side to side, rather than forward and backward. In the context of first-person shooters, it refers to the movement alone, even when no weapon is being fired. Sidestepping is an integral part of any first-person or third-person shooter as it allows the player to dodge incoming fire while keeping their view aimed at their target. == Circle strafing == Particularly in first-person shooters (FPSs), circle strafing is the technique of moving around an opponent in a circle while facing them. Circle strafing allows a player...
@Frank that doesn't make the question bad
@murgatroid99 Great, a citation! I agree with the definition, personally.
There is a fundamental difference between the subjectivity of Game Rec and Terminology (point of order: ITG isn't really subjective as much it is about the asker probably doesn't have a perfect memory, otherwise they wouldn't be asking). Game Rec relies on a measure of "fun", which varies wildly from person to person. Terminology relies on "usage", which can be more accurately measured in aggregate, and can actually cite sources.
Is Wikipedia objective enough to judge an answer?
Soooo downvote the answers and/or add your own answer?
@OrigamiRobot No, upvote the answers and delete the questions.
@OrigamiRobot Wait is that how SE works?
@Unionhawk hence, my original argument that it's good subjective
@OrigamiRobot You gave up your right to participate in site discussions.
That's not Gaming specific, that's SE 101.
@Unionhawk I think you nailed the point there that makes me dislike this class of questions: "in aggregate"
I have no qualms about discussing how to use the SE model.
Yeah! @OrigamiRobot is a very active and valued contributor to SciFi.SE, the best SE site!
@Frank I don't understand that remark
@Wipqozn SFF for Lifehacks mod!
@murgatroid99 in aggregate implies that answers are judged by popularity.
That's how terminology works
@OrigamiRobot GENIUS
@Unionhawk Genius!
Odds are the terms one "likes" are also the terms one "uses"
@Unionhawk And thereby is not an objective measure of an answer.
There's a vote counter and everything!
@Frank That's why it's called "good subjective"
@OrigamiRobot If you have nothing constructive to add but sarcastic remarks, I request that you stay out of this.
@murgatroid99 I don't think there's enough objectivity to tie to what a person thinks the common term is to make it good subjective.
My sarcastic remarks are very constructive.
@OrigamiRobot No, they are not.
@Frank can you be more specific about which criteria of good subjective you don't think these questions satisfy?
If you want to engage in the argument, you can do so, but this is not it. At all.
@Frank The stars disagree.
My entire point has been echoed twice thus far.
If we can't trust the stars, then what can we trust?
@Wipqozn flags?
@Wipqozn Mark Trapp
@OrigamiRobot Man, I wish @MarkTrapp were here. He'd be all "This is my opinion"
@Wipqozn And he'd say it sarcastically.
@murgatroid99 The scenarios being described are pretty broad, when applied across all of gaming. The interpretation of said scenarios are subjective.
Q: How does Weapon Bias work in MH4U?

Iskar JarakIn MH4U, registered guild quests have a "Weapon Bias". What does this do? (By registered guild quests, I mean the guild quests you obtain randomly which must be manually registered in order to undertake them, level up each time you do them, and can be transferred to other players). Does it mean ...

@Frank I think he means which of the 6 specific criteria of good subjective from the blog post do you feel are being violated?
We've established that you think it's subjective. But subjective alone doesn't make for a bad question.
On a slightly different note, what is the actual problem we are having with terminology questions? Too many of them? Too much community moderation required? Too much ill-gotten rep?
@OrigamiRobot oh memories
@StrixVaria Right off the bat, the question that started this doesn't meet #2 nor #4.
@JasonBerkan Questions of the nature "what's the name for this thing?"
I don't even remember the question that started the argument now.
Q: What is the period after a game's main story line ends called?

meme scientistSometimes after you finish a game main storyline the game doesn't end there, and presents other opportunities to finish old quests or perhaps unlock new areas. Examples of this are like Fallout 3 (with DLC), which allowed you to continue playing and completing quests even after the game's main s...

@Wipqozn Thanks.
We've got one answer that cites a source.
@Frank Stop judging questions by the quality of their answers.
It would be a retrosaur question...
Oh noes! Some people are just posting "I think this"! Shut down everything!
> Great subjective questions tend to have long, not short, answers.
That's literally one of the criteria.
@Frank Depends on what counts as "long"
@Frank This means that the question would mandate such an answer.
That's still a property of the question.
@Ktash That's Doctor Retrosaur to you! Not sure if you noticed, but he's a scientist!
@Wipqozn You can be a scientist without a Ph.D.
I am not convinced that these questions are subjective, so applying the 6 subjective criteria thingies seems like a waste of time.
@JasonBerkan I know, but then my joke doesn't work
@StrixVaria ...then why are you even arguing about that aspect of it?
@Wipqozn scientists don't need to have doctorates, silly
@Frank I was clarifying what @murgatroid99 said.
@StrixVaria And then you continued the engagement of such.
2 mins ago, by StrixVaria
@Frank Stop judging questions by the quality of their answers.
@Frank How does that have anything to do with subjectivity?
That's a blanket statement about all questions ever.
If we start judging questions based on the answers they get, we reduce ourselves to Lifehacks
@StrixVaria And then I point to where it's applicable, and then you go, "Who cares, I'm not arguing that part anyways."
@Frank I honestly am lost.
I don't believe these questions are subjective. I don't believe you should judge questions based on the quality of their answers. This seems straightforward. At no point was I misleading about either of those points.
Q: variations on Game Cube's Zelda four sword

gcbI read on some strategy guides that the game boy controller cable for game cube was included on copies of the four sword game. But i can't find that information anywhere else. did it really? Or was it only sold as an accessory?

Terminology is determined by usage. Usage is basically the same as popularity. That means that the votes on the answers themselves make that answer some measure of authoritative.
@StrixVaria The good subjective criteria specifically state answer length as one of the requirements for it.
Granted, potentially small sample sizes can skew things.
@OrigamiRobot This more explicitly restates a concept I said before.
Then you just went, meh, not applicable anyways.
6 mins ago, by StrixVaria
@Frank This means that the question would mandate such an answer.
6 mins ago, by StrixVaria
That's still a property of the question.
@StrixVaria And a question garnering one line answers can be indicative of a poor question.
@Frank It can be, but it isn't always.
@StrixVaria I've been less explicitly saying it for the past whoever-long-it's-been
@StrixVaria At no point am I saying one line answers = bad question.
@Frank I didn't imply that you did...
Like you said, if it is understood, it's correct.
@StrixVaria No, I'm agreeing with your statement.
For subjective questions, if they draw longer answers that's an indication that they may be good subjective.
Just because it's subjective doesn't make it non-authoritative.
For objective questions, the answer length they draw is irrelevant.
(Is that the correct word for that?)
@OrigamiRobot A self-fulfilling authoritative source?
@Frank This is how languages work.
@StrixVaria I understand that.
Questions about terminology are fundamentally about language.
Which is why literally no longer actually means literally.
Hey! Listen!
This exact question came up on meta, oddly enough. Weird, eh?
A: Questions about after the game ends... but *NOT* about what to play next!

user27134Why not "end-game", it's the terminology usually associated with exactly what you're talking about?

Not that that adds anything to the conversation, but I found it interesting.
@JasonBerkan We have this same thing as a meta question? Bleh.
Yes! In the context of how to tag questions regarding content after the main game is done.
Best part is, we no longer have any of those tags.
A: Questions about after the game ends... but *NOT* about what to play next!

StrixVariaIt seems that this is a moot discussion at this point, since none of the tags mentioned exist any more. And good riddance; they were bad tags anyway.

Best answer
@OrigamiRobot I agree.
But this discussion has given me more to think about. I still think presenting a scenario and asking for a definition is too subjective, but I'll turn it over some more to see if I can shake anything else loose.
> Jeff has stated - in the context of other sites - that "there is no such thing as a stupid question". And like they say on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" a question's only easy if you know the answer.
I feel like his opinion on that changed after SFF.SE become a thing, given:
I've decided the correct answer to every http://scifi.stackexchange.com question is "who cares?"
Jeff is a mean old grump.
Though, there is also:
I love working on @discourse -- finally, I can post as many "what's your favorite programmer food" topics as I want and nobody closes them
@JasonBerkan How many of those 3 are you?
@OrigamiRobot I'm not mean.
So 2?
The one thing I look forward to about getting old is finally getting invited to the old grump club.
That's where I assume old people go to complain about teenagers and sidewalks and such.
@OrigamiRobot Lawns. It's always about the lawn.
@JasonBerkan scribbles notes
@Rapitor Harlan is where most of Justified takes place!
Whoever runs their twitter wins
Who pissed off balpha to the point of getting YouTube video titles in chat?
It was @Sterno wasn't it?
@OrigamiRobot hm, neat. doesn't really affect me at all... but still neat
@Rapitor It means you can potentially salvage the cargo you find
oh? they won't be marked as stolen even if i just find it?
> On a related note, this also leaves the door open later on for services that can "clean" marked cargo, which I think is pretty cool.
Sorry, I should have said "legally"
But it implies they're looking into more in-depth marking of cargo
Hopefully that will include derelict cargo
alright, that might affect me then. I'm pretty much most interested in the new ships coming to 1.2
and their costs
Just tell me the hardpoints for the Fer de Lance already!
@Batophobia So, basically a sequel to the Valentine's Bundle?
@OrigamiRobot just look at the concept art screenshot. it looks like there will be 3
@Rapitor You mean the bumps on the bottom? Those don't look like hardpoints.
Maybe they will become hardpoints, but they don't look like them in that art.
Also, there could be some on top.
@Batophobia so uhh, is the titles in onebox a new thing? I don't recall seeing that before yesterday
@Chippies Yes
@Batophobia Cool, that could come in handy
@Batophobia "Co-op while you co-op! Pay $17 or more to get two bundles. Gift one to spread the love!"
I'm pretty sure I can do that by paying $2.
Oh wait, $17 also gets you the $10-tier games.
Q: Is Majoras mask 3d harder on the N64 to you to?

Waaris RahimyarIn Majoras mask 3d there's darkness.Anoying DARKNESS!Its pretty hard on 3ds.Might be saying that's how it is by NO!I mean It's really Apossed to be much easier.but....it's....Not!

Q: Persona 4 Arena to Ultimax save games

U62Is there any carry-over of save games between the original Persona 4 Arena and Person 4 Arena Ultimax? Asking because I have the original on 360 and have ordered Ultimax on PS3 and I'm wondering if I should get the PS3 version of the original to go with it.

@Lazers In Manhattan there's a dog.A DOG! And cat living together.mass...hysteria!
Except I spelled all the words correctly.
I love it when departments change their processes without thinking about how it affects the software they use.
Or, y'know, telling the department in charge of making sure it works.
Oh hey, turns out tomorrow is special!
@Powerlord Not clicking it
@Powerlord pretty sure that's a video I don't want to watch.
@Batophobia @Sternold would be disappointed.
@Powerlord kfVsfOSbJY0 is borderline swearing
@Lazers I didn't know you could play Majora's Mask 3D on the N64.
@Batophobia How about QFY_CEcaVmQ?
@Powerlord Less commonly used, but yes
Hmm... tomorrow, it will be two weeks until my birthday.
Q: Replaying sequences played after the continue button, campaign hots

LinuxNoob1337In heart of the swarm, after the continue button is clicked, sometimes small sequences are played where kerrigan utters commands to her broodmothers to attack certain planets. Is there any way to see them again without replaying the whole campaign ?

Q: How to purchase an UK Nintendo eShop card using a foreign PayPal account?

Šime VidasAs you are probably already aware, Nintendo’s eShop is officially available only in a handful of countries, leaving the “rest of us” with no other option but to lie to our 3DS about where we live. I chose UK and have been purchasing games using my VISA card, but now I would like to pay via PayPal...

Q: What is the best way to manage terror?

cbirdsongMy first two captains eventually went mad and were murdered by their crew. My current captain is doing okay, but making sure she isn't driven mad by the zee is still her most pressing concern. Food and fuel are far easier to come by than comfort, especially once you are no longer welcome at Hunte...

I wonder why Ubuntu 14.04.1 has a new base-files release
@Powerlord shall I prep a nice padded room for you to panic in?
@KevinvanderVelden Why?
@Powerlord I dunno, birthday panic?
Who panics on their birthday? There is cake.
pre-birthday panic is also fine
"People who deserve to be punched in the face"
I don't get it
Is he mad that the orange isn't actually orange?
Who is he mad at?
@OrigamiRobot it's not even inside the bag
Dear big skulltulas: I hate you diaf. <3 @Uni
Maybe he's mad because it's a naval orange.
But in that case, he's just wrong.
I say "he" because all people in my hypotheticals are just evil versions of myself.
Q: How to play online with SNES emulator?

ZarathustraxIs there a way to play online with SNES emulators? I try SNESbox but it was really slow, till the point it was unplayable. And when I mean online, I mean to play with friends from another country.

SNES had online games?
XBAND (stylized as XB∀ND) was an unofficial online console gaming network for SNES and Sega Genesis systems. It was produced by Catapult Entertainment, a Cupertino, California based software company. It debuted in various areas of the United States in late 1994 and 1995. It is one of several precursors to modern online gaming networks as was eventually stabilized in the sixth and later generations of video games, such as Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, and Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. == History == The Genesis version of the XBAND was released in late 1994, with the SNES version following in the...
However, I rather suspect they want to play regular multiplayer games online.
Q: Orange bar on the side of chat

Nick CrabtreeThere is not an orange bar on the side of my chat to tell me how many new chats there are. How do I fix this?

Q: What are the possible stealth ratings at the end of the game?

ZerjackDoes anyone know about the stealth ranks you acquire at the end of the game? On my first playthrough I was not quite stealthy and I got something related with loudness, don't remember. Now on my second playthrough I got Upper Upper Class. I haven't been able to find anything conclusive. There's a...

I have no idea why this mario question is so popular, but it is turning into a cash cow of an answer
@badp One of those columns seems a bit... off from what one would expect.
Hint: I'm not talking about the column on the right
@badp You can't really calculate that... at least not with any sense of accuracy
@badp Yeah, that's what I'm watching. There are some false assumptions being made about that data and the extrapolation there of... and on a show like that, it is surprising
> They collected data from drivers both in and not in car crashes
That doesn't even make sense for producing anything like that graph
I really want to see the peer reviews on this study they are discussing cause I can only imagine how much it was torn apart
> Detailed information about the study design and results will be available in a technical report to be released in the near future (see Lacey, J.H., Kelley-Baker, T., Berning, A., Romano, E., Ramirez, A., Yao, J. Moore, C. Brainard, K., Carr, K., and Pell, K. (2015, report in preparation). Alcohol and Drug Crash Risk: A Case Control Study, Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration).
@badp I'd suspect that there is just not enough data on all the categories except alcohol to get an accurate estimate. As far as I understand, testing for alcohol would be routine for any accident, testing for anything else not necessarily
(that's before they adjusted things, as explained in the video)
@badp The effect looks really tiny
@MadScientist the effect is basically 0.
For THC? Those effects are huge.
If I'm understanding that table right
You'd need far more statistics than I know to judge it, but even the 0.01 P value for THC might not be significant as they're testing for multiple effects here.
Basically they estimated that the effect of alcohol is so much greater than the effect of THC that the THC increase in crash rates is actually 100% due to people driving also while drunk
Hell, apparently just alcohol without additional drugs is worse than alcohol combined with other stuff.
I'm a bit suprised that the narcotics category doesn't cause more accidents, I can easily imagine the effect of alcohol on driving
After reading this article, their selection for people to use in this study is absolutely ridiculous in the fact that they say they are compensating for some biases, but are really introducing several others
Their "control" group is not a control group, and their selection for participants doesn't make sense in extrapolating anything about the greater popluation
Given how new this study is, and how I can't find any peer-review notes on this, or citations regarding this study, I'm very surprised they put that into a video. DFTBA channels are usually better about using a bit more established things in their sources
It's a well known fact that the coefficient of friction is visibility / speed. Why else would ice be slippery
Q: How did Eddie Gluskin kill so many people in 12 hours?

DJ McMayhemNOTE: this is a very graphic question and not recommended for people with weak stomachs In Outlast: Whistleblower, you are chase by a Serial killer and madman named Eddie Gluskin. At one point, he traps you inside of a locker and knocks you out with a sleeping gas. Then the screen fades to black...

@Lazers Just because there's a plot hole doesn't mean you need to jam your thumb in it.
I may or may not have desperately slammed the backspace key a dozen times before hitting enter on that last one to use a more polite noun.
Q: What's a good battle tactic for level 6 barracks in clash of clans?

Bryce ShewI have army camp space for 115 troops. I have level 6 barracks (up to wizard). I have tried the all barbarian tactic, but i lose more than half of the time. Any ideas?

Hey guys. Does anyone here know how to lower the time between rounds in arena mode for TF2?
cc @Powerlord
@LessPop_MoreFizz Given that, normally, water doesn't freeze outside in Alabama, I think I can forgive this a little.
A little.

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