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@KevinvanderVelden I always put the f last because there used to be a version of tar that would get VERY upset if the file arg didn't immediately follow the f
Would tar -? count?
<Obligatory f--k mobile chat message>
The simplest tar -zxf should work?
-z for gzip, -x for extract, -f for files
@PrivatePansy Yeah, v just shows the filenames as its extracting.
tar help?
Also, btw, did anyone notice I did mess up my tar line?
I think we got it first try
With googling
The reason being I put something.tar.bz2 and not something.tar.gz
(it's -j for bz2)
Q: Are there any mods comparable to the Restored Content Pack?

JeffI'm getting ready to do a runthrough of KOTOR 1 on the PC, having gotten it from the recent Humble Bundle. I played through it before on XBox, which obviously wasn't easy to mod. I know KOTOR2 has a restored content mod that many people consider essential. I've looked into different mods for K...

We only needed a .tar
It's fine
True, which would just need x and f
We have officially built a shell \o/
It's not a good shell, but it works!
If you have a tape drive, you don't need the f or filename arg
> if you have a tape drive
(full disclosure: I'm not too young to remember tape drives by a few years)
Tape drives still exist, you momo.
I don't believe you
They're still used by enterprisey businesses
@Unionhawk For backups, yo
Yeah, tape drives are still a normal backup device for many companies.
Including shipping said tapes to another city for disaster recovery.
...okay then
What... advantages do they have?
Or is it just the in-place system and what if things exploded while moving to a different backup method?
A tape drive is a data storage device that reads and writes data on a magnetic tape. Magnetic tape data storage is typically used for offline, archival data storage. Tape media generally has a favorable unit cost and a long archival stability. A tape drive provides sequential access storage, unlike a hard disk drive, which provides random access storage. A disk drive can move to any position on the disk in a few milliseconds, but a tape drive must physically wind tape between reels to read any one particular piece of data. As a result, tape drives have very slow average seek times to data. However...
So, backup stability, and also mainframes probably use them still
I think our company backup system is telling the secure information to a contained, unknown tribe of indians who pass the stories down within their tribe for generations until we need it back.
I think that tribe is called the Data Services Team
I think it is a combination of price versus capacity, as well as the fact that changing backup practices is a scary thing to do.
@JasonBerkan Write speed is also really fast, which is another important thing for backups.
My mom works in insurance, in IT, and they did a disaster recovery drill a few months ago. So... tape drives may have been involved in the process
> Capacity: 10 TB
Holy shit
That's a lot of TB
They're also pretty cheap
The tapes, at least
@JasonBerkan At least you have a backup process.
@5pike I think the robots you need at some point for this aren't cheap anymore
Ours FUBARs on a regular basis, and there's no time to properly diagnose or resolve what's preventing it from working.
@Frank My last contract, at an insurance company, did a full disaster recovery test every six months. Build new images to replace all mission critical servers and full restore to all of them.
@JasonBerkan The only reason why we're even looking at a disaster recovery process right now is because I made our account controller aware that we don't have one. So he got behind it and pushed.
Which is awesome office politics in action, since telling our boss did the equivalent of jack and squat.
I mean, in insurance, disaster recovery is an important thing
But the worst is "professional" backup software. I had the misfortune that the university uses IBM Tivoli for backup, and in the one case where we had to do a full restore it took ages to work around limitations or bugs in that piece of shit to actually get a restore to run completely
I honestly don't know anything about the backup processes at my current contract. They are contracted out to another company.
We backed up critical content databases to tape at ArenaNet.
I'm honestly not sure how useful that was. I only made them restore from the backup once, to test that it was actually... you know... usable.
All I know is that I can submit a ticket and get a database restore done whenever I need it.
I think we had to restore Perforce from a backup once, too. That was fun.
@JoshPetrie A backup you haven't restored from isn't a backup.
@JasonBerkan Yes, that's what I told the IT guy.
@JoshPetrie Perforce :|
I hate Perforce.
But I hated Source Depot more, so now that I am back to using Perforce it feels much better.
One day somebody will come up with something like git that works in the context of large game studios and I will be happy. Until then I am a grumpy programmer.
But you are a grumpy programmer writing games, which beats being a grumpy programmer writing bond software.
@JasonBerkan grumpy programmer writing bond software beats a grumpy programmer stuck in so many micromanagement meetings that no software is being written
@MattGiltaji Yes, that is the worst. No meetings best meetings.
I think I was the only developer at my last job that liked the planning meetings better than doing the actual work. Delegation is the best.
To be honest, I have no idea what our offsite backup strategy is.
I know our DBA makes backups of the production database periodically.
The appserver machine... no idea.
Q: how do you make horses unable to jump

alixey999well i made a hose race track and at the start i want all horses to not be able to jump, i used (/effect @e 8 1000000 150) but it makes me unable to jump but just makes the horses jump like 500 blocks high can anyone help me.

Q: Is it possible to get a Level 3 Machine Gun in Bloodstain Sancutary?

Shadow Z.In the final level of the game, Bloodstain Sancutary, is it possible to get a Level 3 Machine Gun by the end of the first room? An extra "Jet Pack" would be nice for completing that area.


Proposed Q&A site for everyone around the globe to talk about the application process for a new job. Whats the standard CV in your country and where do I look for jobs? Which sites can I use and what are the necessary documents,whats important for an interview...

Currently in definition.

Malayalam language

Proposed Q&A site for people interested in learning Malayalam language (spoken in the state of Kerala in India). This shall be a platform to share knowledge and ask questions

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for pagans, Heathens, Druids, Wiccans, Witches, Asatru and other followers of the Old Religions.

Currently in definition.

People's Opinions

Proposed Q&A site for people interested in other people's opinions about common problems. Proposal has contextual questions similar to SoftwareRecs/Parenting/Academia SE to hear other's people opinions on certain problems. Non-constructive/not-real/broad q are off-topic.

Currently in definition.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment ...
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment lol
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Voted to close as too opinion-based.
Q: What is affinity on weapons?

RapitorWhen looking at weapons I could use/craft/upgrade/etc. A stat I can see is "affinity" and some of them have + or - a percentage. What is affinity and what does it affect? Can it be increased in any way?

Q: Gaming performance or deadly low framerate Issue

aliam really wonderring I stoped playing my xbox 360 on HDMI cuz I switched my xbox and connected it with a PC monitor witch doesn't have hdmi... it only have VGA I already know that I will not have that image quality... but the problem I faced is different ... the performance or the frame-rate was ...

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Voted to close as a duplicate of reddit
@murgatroid99 or a duplicate of 99% of the internet
the author of the opinion proposal is a lifehacks fan
So then proposal needs to be defined more what's on scope during beta, similar to Lifehacks which is challenging, because questions are wide as well (no limits on topics, but physical) and it's going well so far. This can be specified later on. — kenorb 2 hours ago
> Lifehacks
> going well so far
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment I want to vote all proposed questions as "not constructive" but I feel like there's something wrong with that
@murgatroid99 Some people just like to watch the world burn.
> A) Storming the fridge.
B) The only target he doesn't miss is his mouth.
C) If Pilsbury produced Star Wars
> D) aren't you a little fat for a stormtrooper?
> E) Jango Fatt
> F) jabba the stormtrooper
> G) Always finds the cakes he's looking for
> H) Awesome that he ignores the inevitable fat shaming and does what he wants to
^ Nailed it
@Fluttershy C-C-C-Combo Breakerrr
@Rapitor Happily so.
Q: How do I add objects to the Workshop?

LeyI created a mod for Skyrim, but I don't know how to add it into the Workshop. How would I go about adding it to the Workshop?

Whoa, what did I walk in on?
@OrigamiRobot ....sex?
@OrigamiRobot ....murder?
@OrigamiRobot ?
Q: Is there a direct upload to YT with PS4

Tinklepop560So I am a sub account and I don't have a facebook to download it to youtube with. I don't have a capture card to use with my PS4 so I can't upload. I've checked the share stuff but couldn't find an upload to youtube. Is there a thing i'm missing that you can upload to youtube or do you need a cap...

Hmm... does this still crash everything?
Whatever I'm leaving it.
@OrigamiRobot Come on, tell us what you walked in on!
Don't keep us in suspenders!
would this question be a dupe then? — Rapitor 1 min ago
Question: two different games, the mechanics are the same.
@Rapitor "If I can't kick the ball, nobody can!"
A: What is the period after a game's main story line ends called?

s31064The two terms that I believe fit best are "waste of time" and "waste of life".

Low quality A
@memescientist It's a bad answer, but I think it's borderline for flagging
@murgatroid99 It's not a legitimate attempt to answer the question.
@murgatroid99 Considering the entire question is the epitome of primarily opinion based, sounds like it's as applicable as any other answer.
@Yuuki That gif isn't that large, 16 MB
@Frank I'm not sure how asking for a term is opinion based.
@MBraedley "legitimate attempt" seems like something that will quickly become a judgement call.
@Frank We have never considered terminology questions to be "primarily opinion based" in general
@Batophobia Asking for a term that has no official answer gets us exactly what we have on that question.
@Frank Question that attracts a variety of answers != primarily opinion based
@murgatroid99 And for some, there's at least something from the techniques and games that can be used.
@Frank spam and offensive content happens on other types of questions as well
@Frank That doesn't make it opinion based. Would you also suggest closing Engish.SE as primarily opinion based?
@murgatroid99 We're going to leave that one alone, as it's entirely irrelevant.
The point I'm making is that what we call the end-game/post-game/stuff after the story ends changes entirely based on what game you're playing.
Asking about gaming terms is wrong but asking for English terms is ok, got it
There IS no common term.
@Frank But "end-game/post-game" seems like a pretty good answer. In fact, it is one of the answers
@murgatroid99 And what you call it is completely up to you!
@Frank Requiring to know the answer continues to not be a requirement for asking a question
@Frank that doesn't mean that there isn't a word for it
I could call it "blargh", but I would be wrong
@murgatroid99 Would you really?
If people know what you're referring to, that's exactly what the point of words are.
Yes, the gaming community does not use the term "blargh" to refer to content after the main storyline of a game
@Frank If we're going for some sort of ultra-descriptivist "all words can be correct for all concepts" attitude, discussing terminology questions is utterly pointless
@Batophobia And the terms we do use are wildly inconsistent.
Mostly because every damn game calls it something different.
@Frank but still within reasonable bounds
and no, most games tend to have similar terms
@Frank And yet, somehow, everyone seems to have agreed that "post-game" is a good general term
@Batophobia Okay, what do they call it?
@Frank What do they call content outside the main quest?
@murgatroid99 But apparently epilogue is just about as good.
@Frank Would you look at that, we have discovered synonyms.
There's the thing; each answer isn't about what it is, but what they, personally, call it.
That doesn't make terminology questions opinion based
@Frank There does not need to be a single, definitive answer for every question. That's why SE allows multiple answers
Which is POB if ever I heard it.
This question is vaguely reminiscent of how game-rec questions went.
It's not the best terminology question I've ever seen, but that doesn't make it off topic.
@StrixVaria Most general terminology questions are going to run into the same hallmarks as game-rec, actually.
@Frank Are you arguing that the existence of synonyms means that terminology questions should be closed?
@Frank Questions that ask "what do you call it when this happens?" might go that way. Questions that ask "what does this mean?" don't.
@StrixVaria I agree that those are two different types of questions, yes.
@murgatroid99 No, I'm arguing that trying to define a specific term across the breadth of gaming is a losing battle.
And the answers prove that out, especially on this question.
What would "official" even mean in this context?
@Frank How? The most highly-voted answer gives a good general term. Other answers give more specific or obscure terms. I don't see anything wrong with the state of that question
@murgatroid99 It's a popularity contest.
If you want to argue that terminology questions are opinion-based, I'd counter with that's how terminology works
There's no objective criteria to judge against what is or isn't right.
@Frank Trying to define a specific term is not a losing battle. Terms tend to have a very limited number of definitions lest language becomes a useless thing
@Frank Dictionaries are pretty good at that.
@murgatroid99 Dictionaries aren't Q&A sites.
@Frank as verification, obviously
And remember that there is nothing wrong with a question having a best answer among multiple correct answers
@murgatroid99 Okay, if you can find this term in the dictionary, I'll concede the point.
I can confirm that dictionaries are not Q&A sites.
@Frank If you can't find the word "epilogue" in a dictionary, I worry for you
I googled it.
Or the prefix "post-" and the word "game"
@Frank I'd ask you to define "dictionary" but apparently defining terms is not possible
or the words "end" and "game"
@murgatroid99 So why isn't that the most highly voted answer, then?
It's the most objectively correct, obviously.
23 secs ago, by murgatroid99
Or the prefix "post-" and the word "game"
@Frank I can't even follow what you're saying anymore.
1 min ago, by murgatroid99
And remember that there is nothing wrong with a question having a best answer among multiple correct answers
Okay, let's step back a little bit, here.
@OrigamiRobot Did you ascend in swarmsim?
Trying to get my thoughts in order in regards to dictionaries.
I don't even know what started this... (scrolls up) oh, the ignored person started it.
I honestly cannot believe we are having a debate on whether or not a site claiming to be gaming experts is not appropriate to ask for a term related to gaming.
@Batophobia Congrats for missing the point entirely.
@StrixVaria I did and immediately got bored
@Frank That's rich, coming from you
@OrigamiRobot :(
@Frank I'm sorry for starring this, but out of context this is just hilarious.
@murgatroid99 It's also entirely unhelpful, when I'm making an attempt to see where you're coming from.
which is how I read it, since I'm not following the conversation at all! Too busy fixing sit destroying bugs. I'll need to catch up on the drama later.

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