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The third was awesome, and it was the first humble bundle I did
Dat Fire.
Saints Row 4 made fun of itself a lot, and made for a pretty spectacular conclusion to things, but I don't know, I missed driving around in a police car being the most viable form of transportation.
@Frank Can't wait to fight Lunastra and Teostra again.
Especially if there's a "both at once" fight.
I'm honestly still flabbergasted that pre-orders can run out of stock.
@Yuuki I'm not familiar with those. But I think we're going to have a ton of fun with this one.
Even more than we did 3U.
@Frank They're basically lion dragons.
And they have a flame aura that chips away at your health.
Unless you break their horns or poison them.
haha i'm a cat! :D
10 lives/
Fighting Lunastra and Teostra at the same time was super fun in MHFU. Especially since we didn't have Dung Bombs at the time.
gonna broadcast in a sec
@Rapitor Why?
Seriously though, imagine multi-monster hunts without Dung Bombs.
A pre-order implies that you'll get it day 1 no backorder. They get a certain number for release day because Nintendo said so.
@OrigamiRobot you aren't buying the physical product. you are letting the retailer/manufacturer know how much they should be stocking so they don't run out
Or something
@Unionhawk Nintendo dumb.
@Rapitor The retailer doesn't have access to an unlimited supply
@Yuuki I accidentally forgot Dung Bombs while trying to get some more Rathian gems over Christmas. Deviljho showed up. That was fun.
they are saying "no we don't want your money"
@Rapitor Well, the last several times they overestimated retail demand, bad things happened.
They make N devices for release day. If they make a bunch more, and don't sell them, then they are losing money.
ok anyone watching this
If they end up making another Wii U, and people hate it until Smash and Mario Kart come out...
@djsmiley2k you fell and missed the ground?
If a retailer didn't limit pre-orders and then said "Oops, we don't have enough." shit would hit the fan
@OrigamiRobot Exactly
People would line up at midnight at Best Buy, and then get told they can't get what they pre-ordered.
Or in the case of Gamestop, what they already paid for
@djsmiley2k you became guppy
@Unionhawk And proceed to riot.
@TrentHawkins Are we going to be Dual Sword bros again?
@Rapitor And you can't say that everyone who pre-orders one will actually buy it either because scalpers can reserve stuff and then cancel them if they don't get a sell before it hits shelves. Then you have stock lying around.
F--k scalpers, btw.
if you overstock a launch, fine. you don't need to manufacture more for a while. if you understock at launch, people mad.
@Rapitor No, it's not fine if you overstock a launch.
Because now you have stock sitting on the shelves that you paid to put there, and it's not making you money.
Retailers are not manufacturers in this case.
You're looking at this from the perspective of the consumer.
if the product isn't moving, yeah that could be bad.
Yeah, and that has happened
@Rapitor And that's what happened the last time Nintendo overstocked.
Evasion goes up to +3 now?
the only point im trying to make is that pre-orders shouldnt exactly "run out" of stock that doesn't exactly even exist yet.
They do not want to do that again.
@Rapitor It exists.
@Rapitor It's a month before release. The stock exists
@OrigamiRobot nope. I loves me some Dual Swords, but going through the game with them again would be retreading too much ground to keep my interest. So I'm going to bowgun or something.
They've been manufactured already.
It already exists. The devices are there and they have been made.
@Rapitor You can only make so many between now and release date and get the shipped to the respective stores
You don't magically make everything a week before release.
Hell, the retailers probably have them in the back if not today, in a week
Now if you want to argue that Nintendo should have started pre-orders earlier so that they could gauge demand, sure.
Yes, I will buy that argument
yeah, probably that..
Hooray we've solved all of Nintendo's problems!
Eh, I have some arguments for that.
woooooooooo beat satan
Now all Nintendo needs to do is use their time machine and do that thing we just said
They still have stocks of 3DS and 3DS XLs. If they started pre-orders for the N3DS too early, it would've cut into holiday purchases of their old stock.
They have one of those, I'm assuming
@Yuuki You make a good point
Hooray business is complicated \o/
Someone tell me what the N3DS does that I need it for.
I mean, will new games only be playable on it?
@Sterno Xenoblade Chronicles. That's pretty much it right now.
More importantly, can I play my old 3DS games on it?
@Sterno Yes, you can.
@Sterno Amiibo
@Batophobia Nobody needs Amiibo
@Sterno For the foreseeable future, only Xenoblade Chronicles is exclusive to it.
Better processor too
Fuck Amiibo
@Batophobia Yeah, apparently MH4U has some framerate issues on the old 3DSs.
@Sterno I need it because there is a Majora's Mask edition
How does anyone like that game?
Not sure if the same thing's going to occur with Majora's Mask.
I might even like Zelda 2 better.
I like Zelda 2 as well
@Yuuki I mean, OoT 3D performed all right, so I should think MM 3D should too, right?
23 hours ago, by StrixVaria
Literally any other Zelda game is more appealing.
Majora's Mask is an interesting one, for sure
@Sterno MM is famous because it was dark.
It's an exception to the Zelda formula
Although... I guess the Zelda formula was really only established with OoT
@Unionhawk Eh, I'll argue there are some major stylistic departures (for the time), but mechanics-wise the only big thing was the timeline.
Granted, that was a really big thing, but the rest of the gameplay wasn't too different.
It's an interesting thing, for sure. I haven't played through it enough to make much of a judgement
Hell, I still need to do OoT
@Unionhawk Go to a bunch of dungeons, collect an important thingy from each, then go to the super-final dungeon and fight the final boss. Is that the formula? Because that's from the first game.
It's definitely has a different aesthetic, but I'd argue that it has much the same gameplay as OoT.
the gameplay was the sam eyeah, but it had a drastically different aesthetic and mood.
There's a bit more collectible stuff and things to do to 100%, but not too different.
@Rapitor Yes, that's the point I'm making.
Meh yeah I guess you're right
@Rapitor Yes, this is what I meant more
I know what I mean
That's what's important, right?
My only complaint about MM was it there are only 4 dungeons.
@Unionhawk no you don't
@Rapitor Yeah you're right
But those dungeons are also bigger, so w/e
@OrigamiRobot there was only 4 yeah, but they are much bigger. and basically the entire region itself was a giant dungeon. so it kind of still balanced out
Also the fact that you could only use the Fierce Deity Mask in boss rooms.
Yes, it's OP, but you only get it by doing everything in the game. At that point, just let me have fun.
@OrigamiRobot They'll be adding more content in the 3D release apparently.
@Yuuki like fishing!
world's ending, nope gonna fish!
@Rapitor yussssssssss
Fishing in TP was so good
I should play through Twilight Princess once I finish the work on my basement and set up the Wii down there.
I got fairly far back in college, but I definitely never finished it.
Q: How do I drop my knife?

meme scientistI'd like to test out nades in CSGO but I would like to do so without having to switch back from the knife to the nade. I have infinite ammo so I can test out popflashes and smokes. How do I drop my knife so that I only have nades in my inventory?

@Rapitor You can always play the Song of Time anyways.
Q: Crossy road CRAB character

CooperI just unlocked a crab on crossy road. I can not find anyone else who has unlocked this character and I'm not sure how I unlocked it? Has anyone else unlocked this character or heard of it?

@Chippies lol...
@Chippies It's Super Onion!
If there's anything I've learned from informercials, it's that it sucks to be a white person
only white people have issues with these things
White people are basically the worst
Source: I am a white person
@Chippies How did they get that first egg in the bowl?!
infomercials make me feel better about my own stupidity.
@Yuuki they break one with a fork over the bowl and it falls in, with the shell
I'm assuming they took the shells out
oh wait, different bowl
I guess it must have been an egg+bowl bundle
maybe that's what they're selling!
eggs already pre-cracked into bowls
@GraceNote You may enjoy this: nicolasdominique.bandcamp.com/track/the-sunset
Ugh, why does the track have its own pony artwork
Why do ponies buy music just because of ponies
Or game people buy music just because of games
same thing on youtube
@OrigamiRobot That poor guy.
He's the same person you talked to, right? Supposedly?
@GnomeSlice What's the definition of a "tryhard storyline"?
I don't know
@Yuuki Wat
That's the part I was trying to get figured out
Why didn't they do that for me?
Try talking to him again?
I guess he's gone through enough support chats to where he's just doing that right out.
@Sterno Hahaha. Where did you die?
I'm just going to hope for the best
Maybe someone here will get teh codez and think I'm a cool enough guy to share
@Batophobia "tryhard" is the stupidest word.
'tryhard' just means 'somebody who is better than me'
Except tries to make that sound like a bad thing
@StrixVaria What about "guesstimate"
@OrigamiRobot That's not as bad as "backronym".
How do you feel about he backronymization of "acronym"
What's it now an acronym for?
Alphabetic Coded Rendering of Names Yielding Meaning
Or at least I've heard that claimed
Reminds me of that line in Marvel: Agents of Shield where he asked the guy what SHIELD stands for, and he says "Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division", and then the guy asks him what that means, and he says, "It means you really wanted the name to spell out the word 'SHIELD'."
I think that's the only thing I've ever seen in the show.
It was good, though.
So here we go with lightning returns
@StrixVaria I'm still confused as to whether or not SHIELD's a multinational agency.
I mean, Avengers hints that it is, Winter Solider the other way...
And if they are, what's the "Homeland" doing in there?
> Readers of Synthetix.FM, I present to you the first, and hopefully not last 80s inspired synth album inspired from and paying homage to the one, the only, My Little Pony.
> "It means you really wanted the name to spell out the word 'SHIELD'."
Hmmm I haven't winter solider yet
@djsmiley2k You should, it's pretty good.
Feels like a proper Captain America movie, a la Iron Man 1.
@Yuuki Homeland meaning Earth?
@SaintWacko Damp Cave
@Sterno I read this as Camp Dave for some reason
Rather than some kind of pre-Avengers hype movie like The First Avenger was.
@Yuuki You mean a Black Widow movie
ok started watching
gonna watch while paying this :D
I wonder if TOME streaming works now. There was just a Steam beta client update with this change log note:
@GnomeSlice Eh, not really. Black Widow still didn't get much character development.
> Fixed OpenGL game render shrinking when recording
It was more about her than Cap in my opinion
Didn't really get that feeling.
@Sterno I won't be home tonight to test. Hopefully @OrigamiRobot will.
I will not.
MtG draft tonight
Oh, good
Found a fix for a very, very annoying KSP bug
My rockets were sticking to the launchpad
@fredley You're right! What is this witchcraft?
@StrixVaria yes this
@badp what the actual fuck
@Rapitor I don't know, I'm Italian. Error.
@Batophobia So this is Joe Bereta's new gig?
Q: How many times can I upgrade my lightning spell?

David EckertOk so I have the game Clash of Clans. My Research Laboratory is level 3. How many times can I upgrade my lightning spell before it asks me to upgrade my research to level 4?

target is pulling out of canada
good thing I didn't get a job with them
they've lost 1.5B apparently in the 2 years they've been here
@GnomeSlice Poor target. If only they remembered the most important part of a retail chain: You need to actually have products in stock in order to make money.
I guess Target Canada just sucked then, since the Targets I've been to in the USA are fine.
@GnomeSlice For the record, after listening to that song, I can't tell why it has a picture of a pony either.
It's way better than WalMart.
@StrixVaria Also more expensive.
@murgatroid99 free money
Q: What makes someone eligible in clash of clans?

David EckertSo I tried to start a war with my clan, Fallout. We had ten people at the time but when I had attempted to start a war it said I did not have enough eligible players. What makes someone eligible in clash of clans and exact

@StrixVaria The Canadian one sucked. They never properly set up distribution, so the shelves in their stores were always empty.
And in some cases you would have an entire shelf which was literally empty.
@Wipqozn I hear half assing something is a good way to fail
IT's 100% a case of people in charge fucking everything up.
@badp MiniMetro knows what to do in their next patch now.
@OrigamiRobot Pretty much
Okay, I need to shower and then head downtown for NEtrunner. Talk to you wonderful folks later.
Also, still no demo :(
You still play that?
Man, what a LOSER!
I doubt I'll get one now, unless someone I know gets codes. I'll be out all night, so I won't be able to grab any free codes from people online.
clutches MtG collection
@OrigamiRobot Netrunner is what all the cool kids play.
Okay, toodles all
During the early months, their effort was no more than quarter assed. They only moved it up the half assed after about 4 months.
@StrixVaria It's basically a puzzle game. Which of these station doesn't have a Burger King? 1. Gungoren 2. Mustafa Kemal Pasa 3. Merter Teksil Merkezi 4. Mehmet Akif
> It's not my birthday but I just learned about the card Bearscape and find it hilarious, the artwork is amazing. Do you have any trivia on it?

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