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Just kill me. Fucking. Arg.
had to force quit
I'm unsure of what is going on. This isn't out of the normal, but I feel usually it doesn't involve unless it is on the bridge
So I have a 1400 credit fine in Federation for failing to deliver cargo, and a 100 credit fine in... starts with an A... for firing upon a station on accident.
And I'm pretty sure another 400 credit fine for firing upon the station itself, but the 100 is for firing in a no fire zone
And I've got only like 4000 credits total
And that misfire cost me a 4000 credit job
I was being interdicted by another bounty hunter. It almost ended poorly but I performed a classic serpentine and escaped
that text came out all shit
will have to do-over once I have access to something besides mspaint again
@OrigamiRobot So... interdiction. Fly at full speed to escape vector to get out and hope you get out?
I just submit to it
I see
Then blow them up because they're probably a criminal anyway?
In my case, I was the criminal...
But you should probably do it anyway because you will take no damage from the interdiction and your FSD has a shorter recharge
So if you fight it then you are only hurting yourself?
When do you take damage from interdiction?
Heat damage I think
@Unionhawk No, it just might be annoying to pull off.
Q: What offers better protection? (in mine craft)

Diddo 1011In Minecraft i Have a Blast protection 4 on a diamond chest plate and another diamond chest plate with protection 3. Which one is better? By the way this armor is going to be used Battling the Wither, the Ender dragon, and the Elder guardian.

Q: Minecraft 1.7.2 forge isnt opening

lynnieI have 1.7.2 forge downloaded and when i click on mine craft it opens but when my profiles name is on forge i hit play and nothing happens i can put the profile to say my name which opens but doesn't allow me to have mods.Can someone please help i just bought this new computer just for mine craft...

Q: How to defend my mansion from crazy smart creepers (MCPE)

BrendanI don't get it, the two ingenious creepers who found their way into my valuables room; the top floor in a serious mansion. One day, a creeper not just exploded right in front of the mansion, but blew up when no one was around, or even in the world, and blew up in just the right spot to blast his ...

FIghting and losing is far worse than not fighting at all
@LessPop_MoreFizz The Life Aquatic was visually interesting but everything else about it was pretty bad.
@ElfSlice Lies.
@ElfSlice ...
Get out
Maybe I wasn't stoned enough when I watched it
@ElfSlice Something something Bill Murray is awesome shut your mouth.
He was definitely stoned enough when they filmed it
@LessPop_MoreFizz You lost your telling me what to do privileges.
So if I enter a star port where I am not wanted, will they fire on me for bounties in other places?
I need to know by Friday
Bounties are issued by factions.
Okay... so...
If I have a bounty only in Federation, and enter a star port that isn't federation, will I be shot
If you are in a system where that faction is not present, they don't care
@Unionhawk What star port would you be entering?
In any case, if you get by without being scanned, you're fine.
I think I might be able to pull that off...
I think there are federation ships that surround this thing now that I think about it
RIP in Peace
@ElfSlice I think you need to resize that
@MBraedley nope
An updated ad with the new logo. Yes, this size will work fine, and look better on more modern high-density displays. — fredley ♦ 12 hours ago
I stand corrected
Watch me play Elite, nerds
I'll probably jump back on Elite as soon as I hit 15 in Conjurer.
In a starport. How pay
Also I flew past scanners
Like a boss
Go to Contacts in Starport Services, IIRC.
Will pay shortly
TAKE THAT @OrigamiRobot
Watching @OrigamiRobot play Elite makes me sad. I have a hard time making 50k in bounties... He's sitting on like half a million.
I just lost 4k + 2k from a failed trade and I'm sitting on 2k right now if it makes you feel better
Because my fucking fire button went without me wanting it to and the station responded nearly lethally
@Fluttershy Yeah... I just need 30K or so for a new ship, but urghh...
If you're in a no fire zone, but you're wanted... does anyone other than a station have authorization to fire upon you?
@Yuuki What ship are you going for?
@Fluttershy Ideally, I want an Asp. But I'm shooting for an Adder right now.
Adder's ~70k if I trade in my Sidewinder.
And I have ~50k.
How are you making all the money? Just astronomical data?
Astronomical data and courier missions.
I see
I just sold data on a system for 7k.
Can't wait to get an Adder and a planet scanner.
Oh snap
Is it actually lucrative or is it actually shit like 200 a piece like I've been seeing?
@Unionhawk It depends. Early on, it's pretty terrible.
Since you can only do basic scans.
I'm also currently in that stage.
I was doing cargo missions in the neighborhood of 4k and 2k, but then I had to pay everything
Because FUCK
Every now and then, you'll hit a good system with earth-like planets that'll net you a lot more.
Q: Why does armor in late-game nethack worse than the beggining armor?

JoeyChorViewing online, I see that the nethack wiki says that a lower Armor Class is a better one. However, viewing the list comparing the armor here, how could the beggining armor (like the Hawaiian t-shirt) provides better protection than something like crystal plate mail? Well then, either I'm readin...

Q: probem in recovering clash of clans in laptop

vigneshi played clash of clans in my laptop using blue stacks. after some weeks blue stacks is unable to open it shows some error.now i cannot play the game.i already connected the game to my Google+ account.can i able to recover my village again after re installing blue stacks or is there any other way...

How to get stars, @Uni Elite edition: 1) Be frustrated 2) Keep talking
I want a ship with more modules so I don't have to swap out my cargo deck for a scanner.
You guys will have a lot less fun at my expense when I become the best space trucker or something in the whole galaxy
@Fluttershy How I smuggle?
Dunno what I want to do
@Yuuki I think there are missions marked "This activity is considered illegal" - I had one for 17k credits show up and I said "...probs not, @Ori will blow me up"
@Yuuki Visit the unidentified signal sources, look for slaves, military plans, rebel transmissions, fine art, etc. Open your cargo scoop, load up, fly to a station that has a black market, and sell them. :D But don't get caught.
Also those missions that @Unionhawk mentioned.
That sounds fancy
@Fluttershy Urgh, means I need to switch out my scanner or fuel scoop for a cargo deck.
I need a cargo scoop
Probably the scanner.
Or something
@Unionhawk It comes installed with a cargo deck, IIRC.
@Yuuki Does it? Oh
@Unionhawk Exploring's nice since you can do it along with everything else.
@Unionhawk I think all ships have cargo scoops. For me, the home key turns mine on.
@Unionhawk There should be a hotkey for deploying the cargo scoop.
You just need cargo space to hold what you scoop.
Ah, that's because I misread @Yuuki's message as "scoop" not "deck"
And then you get a little target thinger to the left of your radar.
I should probably get a fuel scoop and do stuff
And things
Stuff and things
Or... hrm
@Unionhawk Fuel scoop's great because now you aren't reliant on having a station every three jumps or so.
@Yuuki Yeah
You can still get pretty stuck if you're caught in a white dwarf system or something I think. (I saw Scott Manley get really heated up quick in a white dwarf system in his expedition to Sol)
@Fluttershy Okay, now about the "don't get caught" part...
@Unionhawk Well... don't scoop white dwarfs...
@Yuuki Don't run into @OrigamiRobot
@Unionhawk Has he actually killed you yet?
@Yuuki Yes, he was saying if you were out of fuel, and on a white dwarf, you'd be pretty much fucked
Is there a monthly fee to play this shiny new space game?
@Yuuki No, I paid my dues
@Coronus No.
@Coronus Negative
As in they actually pay you a monthly fee to play. No.
@Unionhawk Well, fuel scoop doesn't free you from dependence on fuel.
You still have to plan your jumps.
@Yuuki Yes
I always scoop when I have a chance.
@Unionhawk they what?
@Coronus Never mind
Negative monthly fee? No?
I'll see myself out then
And on the off chance I run into five brown dwarfs in a row and I'm at half fuel, I stop my route and go look for the nearest scoopable star.
@Yuuki Basically, don't enter a station slow enough to get scanned.
And don't get yourself interdicted.
^_^ ah ok.
And don't die
That's important
That too.
Q: How do per world my permissions for world edit 1.8

amnesiacrafthow do i make world edit only avalaible in creative plot worlds in MV, but available to staff anywhere? Using PEX as my permission

Watching @OrigamiRobot boost into ships is way funnier than it has any right to be. <_<
@Fluttershy i see only the standby window :S
Is @Yuuki being a dirty smuggler?
@OrigamiRobot Not yet?
You watch you back
I killed 3 Anacondas tonight. I can take your little sidewinder!
I just want some cash to buy the next ship.
Do you not get a landing helper on outposts?
@Unionhawk You should.
Then I must be doing everything wrong
@GraceNote @FAE
@Unionhawk Sometimes it breaks. Just dock without it.
@Unionhawk Is your landing gear deployed?
@OrigamiRobot Easy for you to say
@Yuuki Yes
And if it wasn't then it'd do docking computer thing and also WARNING YOU LEFT YOUR LANDING GEAR UP YOU IDIOT
@Fluttershy Castle Story had a very large update recently, apparently.
Also that was easy. I just... you know what no
There's an innuendo to be had there again, and I won't stand for it
@GnomeSlice One day I'll play that again...
> Play Dungeonmans RIGHT NOW via Early Access!
Oh wait it just gives you a steam code
...okay I guess
@Unionhawk I sent you a friend request on Elite.
@Yuuki you raaaaaaaaaaaaang?
@RavenDreamer For some reason, this random guy's avatar made me think he was you.
And why you were being so... confrontational is the word, I guess.
@OrigamiRobot So I took a mercenary job but I can't find the targets.
Guess I should've kept the discovery scanner?
...I think those last 2 sentences aren't related to the first two.
Unless me being confrontational drives you to mercenary work routinely?
@RavenDreamer Sometimes it might.
@Yuuki What kind?
"Hunt Traders".
You just have to go to USSs
Which I need a discovery scanner to find?
Because I went to those systems and found nothing.
You do not need a scanner to find them
THey're just random
Q: Can you make a new Borderlands 2 character and leave off where your old character was?

AnonymousIm hoping to make a new character with a different class, but I wanna know if I will get my weapons, level and progress back. Will I have to start from scratch?

@OrigamiRobot Do you know where Mendel Survey is?
I wish the review queue had an option to filter out tags because all this stuff just depresses me
@Brant I actually get excited when I see a minecraft question that isn't a "help. minecraft is fucked <insert crash dump here>
hey, how to invite someone to chat?
@Yuuki or @OrigamiRobot might have an idea? I'm not sure how, or if it's even possible. Just gotta say "Hey, let's go to chat" and see if they follow
It's possible! you just need find the user and click: invite to...
sooo.... why are you asking if you know how?
I discovered now...
Hooray! Learning!
@Yuuki Turned in 3k of discovery, have about 6k to find 20 LY locations
I think that 3k was the biggest job I had.
That's sad
I want a better ship
That can have more things
I'm not sure if I should drop the fuel scoop for a cargo... hrm
I definitely want to keep the scanners, I think
And losing shields is right out
Yeah, I'm going back to full-time discovery.
I'm barely finding any USS without my scanner and the ones I do find are clean ships with no bounties.
Clearly, game doesn't want me to hunt bounties.
Also, whoo maintenance time.
Let's go play some other games.
Or... go to sleep.
Because I have work tomorrow/today.
I also escaped interdiction. I was proud of myself
(technically I have a 100 cr bounty I can't figure out how to pay because I can't do it at the one starport)
@Unionhawk I could blow you up...
@Yuuki Nah, too complicated
Also: The scanner goes automatically? (I had to fire it)
I would discover like, 1 thing, then fire the scanner and get like 18 sometimes
Whole systems turned in for like 3k woo \o/
I want to get out of this sidewinder as quick as possible though
And I don't think legal activity or not blowing people up is the way to do it
@Unionhawk That's the basic system scan.
@Yuuki Oh
Well then
@Unionhawk If you followed up by going up to each planet and using auto-scanner, you might've made a lot more.
@Yuuki I'll have to watch videos on this shit
Or sommat
I could never get things to scan
Like, I hit emergency stop I got so close without scanning
So I'm clearly doing everything wrong
Basically, you select an "unknown object" from the navigation tab, get close to it, and wait for the auto-scanner to reveal what it is.
But don't do that on the star. Because that's stupid.
@Unionhawk I'll have to show you sometime on my stream.
@Yuuki I think I get it
You look at an unexplored body with the scanner selected and out, if you're close enough to it (depending on mass, stars can be hundreds of Ls, other things might be closer) then you will start scanning it after having discovered it
@Unionhawk You don't need to use your discovery scanner to discover unexplored bodies.
At least that's not how it's been in my experience.
Oh I see
Yep, literally where I am
So 1) Be patient 2) look in the correct spot dammit
Do I go to bed now or spend 1 more hour just discovering things (maintenance should be done right?)
@Unionhawk I don't know about you, but I'm going to bed.
Unlike a lot of people, I don't have tomorrow off.
Just until I figure this shit out I think.
Also, several lightseconds is not that close...
Q: How can i possibly sleep with everybody?

kenI've just started playing Mass Effect and was wondering, as a male Shepard(maybe for female Shepard also), who can i sleep with? and how?

Q: How does the alternate primary stat for a class effect the overall stats?

Shadow Z.What does cunning do for a trooper or bounty hunter, or willpower on a warrior or knight, and vise versa? EX: If I applied all cunning gear to my commando, how would that effect his stats?

@Unionhawk it's about 300 000 kilometers
Not close is an understatement =p
When you're traveling at up to 20c in supercruise...
That's cheating
I guess I was doing it wrong, so when it didn't work the way I expected, I got closer, and closer, until I got too close
But I have that figured out now. Don't worry.
I thought he meant "close" as in on the scale of Mega-meters
Also @OrigamiRobot you will be proud to know I blew up a guy
..and accidentally shot the federation ship helping me. which was fun
But that bounty is gone, and all that's left is the stupid 100 that won't go away
I wonder if I can pay that fine at the station that nearly blew me up
Not that I remember where the hell that was
Oh well
Q: What can I expect to get out of a 5 pack?

Shadow Z.Having casually played Hearthstone for a while, I have opened many card packs. Sadly, I have only unpacked 1 Legendary card, out of over 30 packs. That got me thinking, what are the probabilities for each type of card to show up, including their gold counterpart?

@Lazers I'd assume, 5 cards? I dunno
Q: What is the purpose of paint baskets in The Talos Principle?

DimsHave finished this amazing game, but didn't ever understood, what paint baskets were for? Was meeting them in various worlds with no direct purpose...

@KevinvanderVelden How dare you make this wild assumptions without statistical backing?
@Arperum I simply don't care about your maths and such
> So no. There is no grand simulator conspiracy to put hundreds of simulation games on the market. Companies are seeing that simulation games are doing well, and are publishing more simulation games. That's all there is to it.
@KevinvanderVelden butbutbut :( math.
Nice one @Uni
@Arperum Ooh math I care about, it's just maths I don't care about
@KevinvanderVelden Wait is that simulation conspiracy theory thing still going?
somebody finish this edit, I'm bored now
@kalina Good morning!
What edit?
A: How can I possibly sleep with everybody?

BuckyYou're not going to be able to sleep with everybody during a single playthrough, some of the relationships are gender specific and some of them require a lasting relationship through the series in order to romance a particular character in a particular game. For any of the main companion/crew me...

just needs the ME3 romance stuff putting in
my edit is done. I'm actually considering rolling it back and just posting my own answer.
Q: How come Khalid has THAC0 of 21 (*bigger* than base) in BG:EE?

BanchoOk, so I installed Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition from Steam today and I'm starting a nostalgia trip to the Sword Coast once again. I'm forming a party and considering my choices in Chapter 1. I noticed a rather peculiar THAC0 level for Khalid: it's actually bigger than the base THAC0. Is it corr...

Lovely Planet is basically the Super Meat Boy of first person shooters
Too bad for the two-button level restarting and the short music loop
Q: Clash of Clans, Clan Castle- gold and elixir

SamWhen you have the war gold and elixir storage in your clan castle, what happens when you collect it? Like do you take all the gold and elixir your clan has won? Or do you only collect the war and elixir you from which you have won from the war? Sorry for the many questions, its just that I do...

Q: Same rocket, different payload?

JoeI'd like to design lifting rockets independently from the ships they launch into space. Basically, I'd like two design two different orbiters (we'll call them Apollo and Mercury) that can be launched by either of two different lifters (we'll call them Saturn and Atlas). How can I design (and sa...

Q: Tanhiel Farming/Reset ORAS

VloxxityCan I download Tanhiel once per savegame or once per cartridge. because I'm going to buy OR and want to farm Tanhiel. so if I reset the game(after I transferred the Tanhiel to pokebank) do they reset the wondercard so I can download it again.

Q: What to upgrade in my pc

Biswajit DebnathI have a pc with 6gb kingston hyperx ram, intel 2.6Gz dual core processor and nvidia GT 630 1gb graphic card I played most of high end games but some new games like Need For Speed Rival I can't play smoothly can you please suggest me what should I upgrade .

@Lazers yeah, easy flags
Q: Is it possible to raid or be in the same league as a clanmate in multi-player?

aytimothyIn Clash of Clans, we have clans; a collection of people donating and fighting with each other. However, I have a clan made up of pretty much people nearly the same trophy levels as me. Is it possible for clanmates to be matched against me (or vice versa) in Multiplayer battles or be in the same...

Q: Is sex a taboo subject in Lifehacks?

vladizI have asked a question about a problem which is somehow sexually related and there was considerable downvoting of this question without comments explaining why this happens. The question itself is not sexually related, but the problem in it has sexual ration. At the beginning I was thinking it...

Q: Out of fuel without fuel scoop, stations, beacon?

Menno GouwSo i forgot to refuel at the previous star system and cannot get to the next or hyper fly back to the previous. I do not have a distress beacon or a fuel scoop, do i have any options left besides the big red button that is hooked up to all the C4 behind my seat?

Q: Is Hearthstone a game-within-game?

MoyliHearthstone's visuals suggest that the game is played in a tavern in the World of Warcraft universe on a (possibly magical) game board. Is Hearthstone a game-within-game in WoW? When you play Hearthstone are you actually playing a character who's sitting in the tavern playing the game? Is Hear...

@Sterno that's left for deadpansexjokes.SE
@Sterno I died last night at level 7 because I got greedy
@OrigamiRobot That's how most of my early deaths went. Things like Halls of Champions
"I don't need to potion, I can kill him in one more hit."
"OK, well now it will definitely only take one more hit."
I always buy healing potions in town so I never feel like they're a scarce resource
Right now I'm on level 19 of a dungeon
It's up to "Legendary" difficulty at this point
I know I should use a scroll to leave, but I keep thinking "I've got to almost be to the end"
"OK, that was a lame parry, but there's no way it will happen again."
I've got 1002 health, heavy armor, and I still have guys who can hit me for like 200 damage
After playing a lot, i feel like Heavy and Light armor are way more common than medium.
*yawn* *stretch*
*collapse on desk*
daycare called to tell me they don't have power and my kids have to come home
They've also not sure if they'll bother reopening even if it comes back on
But I still get to pay them for the day!
@Sterno tell them your bank has no power and their fees will have to be calculated according to the amount of service they provided
also, tell them that you might not bother paying them even when your bank has power
@Sterno Sure! I'll pay you for the services rendered, which were what again exactly?
See, they're crafty. You pay for the week, not for the day.
Nevermind they were closed the previous two days for new years and new years eve
Also, I'm sure @Sterno doesn't want to have to find a different daycare.
Nothing like $520 for 2 kids to go to daycare for 2 days
I would point out that they've provided less than half of the service they're demanding payment for
I'm betting this will be their response:
I'm guessing that finding another daycare center would be out of the question
and as such, there's nothing you can really do about that
you could, you know, look after your own kids
you're near retirement age already anyway, surely? :p
Just let them watch me play Dungeonmans all day
it takes a quantity of boredom tolerance only present in Magic the Gathering players to do that
Q: What is the difference between the Chantry Garden and the Herb Garden upgrade in Skyhold?

KodamaI want to upgrade the garden in Skyhold, but the descriptions are a bit too vague for me. The chantry garden upgrade is described to bring "a potential resource gain from the inspired, including gold from tithes" and the herb garden "allows more herbs to be harvested". I'd like to know how exac...

A: Should we be downvoting conventional answers?

Zach SaucierNo. We each have a different background, often times a different culture as well. What's conventional for you very well may not be conventional for me. Simply because that's the case does not give reason to downvote. As such, it's impossible to determine what culture (and therefore convention) a...

Hey look, I made a difference.
@Yuuki You're a hero.
I'm so not proud that I'm a hero on Lifehacks.
@Yuuki If you don't pay attention you'll even get a mod nomination.
@Arperum With my rep sitting at a cool 241, I doubt it.
@Arperum I'm not nearly as active on meta as @Sterno.
Q: How to get landing gear to properly stick?

Finn RaymentSo I just got Space Engineers today and so far it's turned out to be almost on par with Kerbal Space Program. (In different ways) However, I got the Rescue Ship and a basic station, and tried to land the thing, I maneuver it, settle it down, and the landing gear glows meaning it's attached, but ...

@Yuuki Hell if I know. Then don't use irrelevant stats.
@Arperum For a second, I read that as "don't use irrelevant stacks" and was about to say, "That's my point. I don't use Lifehacks."
there is some hate for the scifi.se add
It was the lowest scored one last year too so that's not unsurprising
@Blem Might be a gut reaction to the ME3 endings.
Now if they used a KOTOR image...
yea, not a good choice of image
@Yuuki I doubt it's that.
Today is going to be a "death by 1000 cuts" day.
Q: Is there a way to check how long you've been playing a DRM-free game with no in-game counter?

neverneveI've been playing a DRM-free version of Planescape: Torment for a while and wonder if I can somehow see for how long I've been doing it. I don't run it through Steam nor the game has a built-in timer, so I've been wondering if it's possible at all to tell. Maybe one can see, somewhere in Windows,...

@Yuuki Should we be downvoting individual sites?
Q: Minesweeper in Windows 7

Rick BurnsIn Windows 7 Minesweeper sometimes a red X flashes and then the number of surrounding mines is displayed when a square adjacent to a valid mine square is tagged with a mine flag. The square flagged as a mine is correctly labeled and the number indicating surrounding mines for that square is also ...

> If you are tired of all the spam in your Facebook feed here is the link to turn it off! facebook.com/deactivate.php
Q: Shouldn't religious rebels disband after I've converted?

NixAn army of religious protestant rebels have sieged two of my provinces. In the meantime, I have converted to protestantism through the religion panel ... but the rebels apparently didn't get the memo, and they are still there. I can accept their demands, to convert to protestantism, but that has...

Are you tired of two geeks in mustaches - who can manage to be boring with explosions and crashes?
If you, or the Lorax, wanna bust like we do... give us a call, we're ready to defeat you.
@Blem I did that a while ago.
Q: Why do my villagers keep starving to death?

adamHere is my setup, and i have gone through 2 starvation cycles. I have plenty of food production sources, and my workers live close to their workplace, I have reassigned them as i expand. I don't get why i'm always having a shortage. I read another post where someone said 3 gatherers, 2 hunte...

Wish I was playing Dungeonmans right now.
I hate you @Sterno
Work? :(
Work is the worst. Source: Currently at work
There are only a handful of people here
I think I am the only person in the electrical dept
@OrigamiRobot I wish I were playing Elite: Dangerous right now. But my joystick doesn't arrive until tomorrow.
I guess I'll just have to play Dungeonmans instead
I wish i could play with a gamepad
But only 30% of the controls work
@OrigamiRobot I think you're coming down with the flu. You should go home and rest.
why can't you play with a gamepad?
oh right, lack of buttons
I play Elite with an xbox controller
No, there are enough buttons
I'm really not spending any money at all on a genre specific controller
@OrigamiRobot I got here half an hour after the building was supposed to be opened (at the latest!), had to wait another 15 minutes before I could get inside
But only a few are actually mapped to anything
Not my problem, I've got a book :)

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