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bye @ElfSlice's money
we'll miss you
Do you guys know how much I've spent on music over the past like two weeks
me neither
a lot
@Unionhawk We hardly ever knew ye.
wtf is wrong with me
I go on Steam game retailers and I'm like well I don't know if I should spend $3 on this game, even if it's normally $20
and then I just went and spent like $25 on music
You should start blogging about music.
You're definitely invested in it.
What would be the point though, most of the music I find from other people.
Plus I can't write
Same reason I don't blog about indie games
You know what I hate
when some asshole makes perfectly decent EDM or otherwise music and decides to fill it with MLP samples
Q: How do I activate an end portal?

BenTThe 0.9.5 update is out with a new block called the End Portal. But, I still can't figure out how to activate it and go to The End. Some videos in YouTube told me that I need ender eye, but I can't find it on the creative inventory. Please help..

By the way, if anybody cares, The guy who made the music for FTL has a new standalone release out and it is fantastic.
use wikiwand
It automatically does away with all that shit
But when someone posts wikipedia in here
wikiwand automatically converts wikipedia to wikiwand
so when somebody posts wikipedia in here you get sent to wikiwand
wikiwand is the shit
I am convert
Not sure what the ref thing is for, but let's find out
Dunno, we might find out
Dunno if that did a thing
@Yuuki Triple Triad, Chocobo Racing, and the Golden Saucer are coming to XIV.
lol I might have used the wrong one
Thanks @ElfSlice, I cleared my last hour's cookies for nothing
@Fluttershy Oh god, the Golden Saucer.
Oh well, at least Chrome gives me the option to only do an hour
@Yuuki Triple Triad is the best!
@Fluttershy No, I meant I'm gonna lose all the gil I'll ever get.
There is not enough gil in the world to make up for how much I'll lose to the Golden Saucer.
who wants to plac sc2 ?
I have a starcraft!
what is your league ?
Q: How important is equally leveling characters in Ch. 5 onward?

Eric PruittI am at the 3rd battle of chapter 5, and most of my characters are levels 28 to 31. I've been doing a good job of keeping all of my characters at roughly the same level, but thanks to the 4 story characters that were added recently (Sapphire, Raspberyl, Asuka, Kyoko), it's become far more tedious...

@Unionhawk I'll show myself out.
@WalleCyril Haven't allied with any faction yet, I only just started.
@Yuuki Are you doing the campaign ?
@WalleCyril No, mostly running cargo haul missions.
@Yuuki what is cargo haul mission
@WalleCyril Never mind...
He means elite dangerous I think and ignore him
He's playing Elite: Dangerous I suspect
what do you mean ?
Goddammit Facebook I don't give a shit that this one friend updated his status.
Leave me alone
Notifications are off.
You had your chance Facebook app and you fucked it up
Literally, if I have it set to notify me on messages and event invites only, do NOT notify me with anything else because those aren't messages or events.
play starcraft it is a better game
God DAMMIT where is the feedback button so I can tear the intern who reads that shit apart
found it
come at me intern
let's go
you are funny
I am angry
I will fight someone at Facebook right now over the level of notification these days
Let's go
Send me your champion, Facebook, so I can punch him in the face for making it so that I get notifications for anything other than comments on things I don't ever post
And tags
Those are the 2 things I want to be notified about
I wanted humans on mars, instead I got facebook
that s the state of technology
It's okay, by 3300, we'll have interstellar travel
traveling at 6000c
I know this because Elite: Dangerous told me
And we all know video games are real
fact is: we play video games and go on facebook instead of gathering all brains to design a super space fleet
That's totally a thing
Stop playing video games, bridge, and get back to rocket science
@Unionhawk KSP it is, then.
What's that? We have done interstellar stuff it's just that there's fuck all out there?
What's that? We haven't colonized mars because we're doing fine on earth and there's fuck all there too?
Alright, I'm probably done
(no I'm not)
You have problems understanding your sentences
what does what's that mean
what does there s fuck all there too mean ?
It means there's nothing on mars and it takes forever to get there. There's stuff on earth, and we're already here.
And that is the story of why we haven't colonized other planets yet
@Unionhawk Can I game and do science? Does that count?
"but it's cool"
well, cool != practical
Also rocket science is hard
So there's that
@OrigamiRobot Playability update with keyboard and mouse: 100% unplayable
I would end up spinning, overcorrect, then spin more
Because it's too sensitive, but also simultaneously not sensitive enough
I never even attempted so I have no idea
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, it's the worst experience I have had gaming in my life, trying to KBM that game.
how long till you can get a controller?
It's like, trying to play sniper with ultimate mouse acceleration settings
@OrigamiRobot 12 days
I leave for colorado in 3, so there's literally no point in getting one now
I'll just watch the mindcrack space engineers thing and also want to play that
Steam Broadcasting is neat
@OrigamiRobot Yep
Also, did you know that if you fly at a star directly, your ship just emergency stops?
Well then
And you take heat damage
Did you do it on accident or purpose?
A little of column A, a little of column B
10 hours ago, by Kevin van der Velden
How could you choose avoiding a little pain over understanding a magic lightning machine?
I watched @Yuuki run out of fuel on stream, so he was going to fly into a star and blow up
Then he didn't blow up
He took like, 1% hull damage or something stupid
Oh you'll blow up eventually
He just pressed some button to like, give up, I guess
Yeah, I self-destructed.
Either that or I wasn't paying attention
Like, you go from multiples of c to 0 in a second
That's just crazy
It just didn't want me to explore the sun.
I find that disappointing.
I'm imagining playing this on a rift
Oh god
I would probably crap myself playing that game on a rift
@Unionhawk I want this, but I have 0 desire to buy a Rift
@OrigamiRobot That too
For money reasons and Facebook reasons
Mainly money reasons, from what I've heard from people, their concerns were lowered at this past PAX
Facebook reasons is dumb, I don't imagine they've really changed the product much
Is kind of a weird partnership though
Which is promising
@ElfSlice It is, but I don't think it's worth the concern that we all had immediately.
speaking of rift games
@ElfSlice I don't care if they don't change it at all. I don't want to give Facebook any of my money.
@OrigamiRobot That's fair I guess
They'll take your money anyway somehow
I guess
They're wizards
@Unionhawk Not from me, they wont
Alien: Isolation had Rift support, though not official.
I lost everything in my canned reaction stuff
This is the worst day
I lost skateboard
Apparently, they tested it with Rift support and one of the testers threw the Rift at the wall and ran out screaming.
It was apparently that scary.
The whole game is that scary
Now imagine it with Rift.
quit work
be a skateboard
@ElfSlice 6s*
1 min ago, by Unionhawk
(I'll recover eventually just let me be sad for a few hours)
It'll be a good cleanup of that thing
ok thanks
@WalleCyril you're welcome.
Q: Can you have more than 1 pet at the same time?

NoneOfYourBusinessI have chosen the path of the Witchblade, which means I am using the Soldier and Sorcerer Class. I plan on using the summons of the Sorcerer only. Can I summon a Raven and e.g. a Hellhound at the same time though?

I think a HOTAS would be a better investment in the game
Since it's also not $350 holy crap
Q: Why Isnt My Mincraft Launching

Random ManWhen I Press "Play" and nothing happens. can you help me? (I Have Player Animation Mod and Animation API

Q: Houses were valid but NOW not?

MohammadI have a problem , the houses I made for NPCs were valid first time but now after a few days it says not valid ! very strange , houses were valid few days ago now terraria says not valid. what is the problem ? [img]http://icun.site90.com/up/0d0e461de8d0.jpg[/img]

1 hour later…
Q: How do I do a quick restart? (PC)

CrubleighI've watched a few videos of people playing and it appears (without the footage being cut) that they're just pressing a button and it restarts the whole thing instantly in order to start with a specific item. Is this a program/macro? Is there a button I can press for this? Thanks.

Q: Minecraft mods LAN isn't working

Matthew ClynesMe and my brother have the same mods and same version of minecraft but we can't join LAN for some reason one of the mods we can update and forge could update too but otherwise everything's the same also it's in 1.7.10

Q: Essentials hub not working?

kingbluesapphireOn my Bukkit server I installed Hub-Essentials The problem is when ever I join it doesn't teleport me from my logout place/world to the place I /hub set. It also won't give my the items and the book to ex: toggle players. Can someone tell me: How to make it teleport me to the place I set the h...

@Unionhawk I'll try that tomorrow :D
At least, if I'm not dead from newyears eve
@KevinvanderVelden fancy hat!
@Arperum it fit pretty well on my avatar so =p
Compiler error: Line 3763
@KevinvanderVelden Errors is files of more then 3.5k lines are terrible.
The total line count for that file is 4518
Actually: codefiles with 3.5k lines in it sound slightly too large.
@KevinvanderVelden Why
Well, there's a not-terrible reason for it, it's started as basically all the querys for reports and such
But then everyone just started putting any damn query in it that doesn't update stuff
All I know is that git blame (via gui) is choking on it
Which is annoying cause someone committed that syntax error
@KevinvanderVelden That doesn't make it non-terrible.
I haven't created an unholy mess of that size yet.
@Arperum true, but the reason is kinda not terrible
None of the functions interact with each other btw
@KevinvanderVelden kinda not entirely, but still somewhat.
@Arperum yeah that
I just found out there is a person running around with the name "Elcerlyck" As a first name. What were these parents thinking? His brothers have really normal names.
I don't even know.
It's apparently a rather common name... if you're a goldsmith shop
@KevinvanderVelden (I have to admit that I made 1k+ line files too before that should be split in multiple files for multiple reasons. But deadlines.)
Oh well, current plan is to start rewriting parts of the code soon (TM)
/me shows you a 1.6m line code base and dares you to put it into files of less than 1k :P
@James agreed, that is the point you nuke it and walk away
Gah. getting the content for a website in text in mails is annoying. Especially if every alinea has a different fontsize.
One header was is fontsize 54...
Something tells me you are dealing with ... web programming?
@James Even worse. Wordpress development.
... Not sure if that counts as 'development' :)
Frustration maybe... hehehe
@James That.
Started my new job this week.. been fun learning a new code base.
Good news! The 4518 lines previously discussed is the largest one in the code base
(Not counting generated ones, because duh)
Q: How to pause Dragon Age Inquisition on PC?

this.lau_I'm looking for a way to really pause Dragon Age Inquisition, in such a way that the time elapsed doesn't change (the one displayed next to the saved games). I've tried various things - opening the menu, Alt-Tab to the desktop, etc., but the elapsed time keeps changing. Any idea how to do this (...

gah. More terribad about this content. If I deliver this as is i'm goign to get flak for delivering ugly content.
Different headers: "Feedback X drops" "Feedback Y users." "Feedback for z drops:" "some other format"
Also quotes that are not closed. more stupid.
Q: How is the "Godhead" item/achievement actually unlocked?

No. 7892142The Rebirth Wiki states that you merely need to complete your hardmode post-it with The Lost. However, recently I heard that the unlock actually requires the hardmode post-it for every character to be completed. Which of those two things is actually true?

Q: Can i use "Cancel" on part of an instants affect?

user97183Example, happened in MTG 2014 on ps3: I cast Veiled Sentry, comp opponent casts dream fracture, gets to draw his card, but then cancels his dream fracture, stopping me from drawing a card. Im lost because if he countered his counter, wouldnt my enchantment hit the field? Or at the least, wouldnt ...

So I put a hat on D:
1 hour later…
The daily sale changed from FF7 to FF13.
They would have to pay me to play FF13 again
Every time You Need a Budget is on sale, I look at it and wonder why I couldn't just use Excel
Does anyone here use it?
I use Excel and then my brain.
@Sterno First launch: "You really have a money wasting problem".
It would be neat if it linked up with your bank account and sent you texts whenever you spent money incorrectly.
bzzz "Now you fucked up"
bzzz "More MtG cards? Really?"
bzzz "Steam Sale detected. Assuming direct control"
Great, I can still only read "Assuming direct control" in the collector voice from mass effect
Q: Minecraft 1.8.1 problem

Minecraft playerI made my own minecraft 1.8.1 server using hamachi and it gets closed after few seconds. None of my friends know how to make a server and i spent whole day making the server.

@Lazers Why is this starred?
@Arperum It's a s--tty question. Those always get starred.
Morning, Bridge
@Yuuki Random self sencorship FTW. I missed that starring thing it seems.
@Yuuki It's 3:30PM, not really morning now is it?
@Arperum I don't know what you're talking about, it's currently Morning o'clock, @SaintWacko Standard Time (UTC+Awesome).
Correct earth time is most definitely not morning
> @SaintWacko Standard Time (UTC+Awesome)
<insert long list of expletives> IE. STOP BUTCHERING TABLE LAYOUT SOMEHOW. I DON'T EVEN.
@Yuuki Your standard is incorrect
@KevinvanderVelden It's like @Unionhawk is talking. Everything is wrong.
I'm surprised there aren't moar stars in here...
Is it a hats thing? It's probably a hats thing isn't it
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah. If you get starred on the 31st you get Tam O'Shanter
As a side note...I deserve a star...right?
:D jk
@RPi_Awesomeness ooh, that happened yesterday =p
@KevinvanderVelden eh?
points to hat I got yesterday
@KevinvanderVelden There's a 24 hr buffer on either side of UTC
I just got it over on Ask Ubuntu
I still don't have it. haven't been hatfarming though.
@Arperum Star for Star
And this is why hats are silly.
@Frank The only reason I'd want it is because it looks better then the candlething I use now.

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