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@fredley You should post it on lifehacks.stackexchange.com
@Arperum WAT
this exists
Oh yeah, that's a thing
Time to delete my SE account
@fredley Just recently in private beta
So long, and thanks for all the fish modabuse
@fredley I believe the plan is to get @Sterno elected as mod so that he can bring it down from the inside.
@Unionhawk It got commited rather fast too IIRC.
@JasonBerkan I'm up for this
This has the potential to be the greatest, or the worst Stack Exchange
I mean, imagine if all health-query google searches went to well answered SE posts?
That is a world I'd want to live in
@fredley I like how there is already a toothbrush on the sink
> We’re still looking at all the leads
The batteries aren't connected to them. time to look else where
@Unionhawk I'm amazed they got funded. I stayed on that page for about 20 seconds before clicking the first tvtropes link, then I was lost.
@Arperum cc @Sterno

Beta Q&A site for people looking to bypass life's everyday problems with simple tricks.

Currently in private beta.

Boo power outage that only lasted 15 seconds
Also, why is it that I had to restart my computer in order to print to a newly added printer?
> Q&A site for people looking to bypass life's everyday problems with simple tricks.
@MBraedley because new printer drivers require changes to the kernel. Because printers are in fact sleeper NSA drones.
@MBraedley #WindowsProblems
@fredley only if Dr. Oz sources are banned
@Rapitor Well quite
If I was in SE's position, I'd be very, very careful with the genesis of the site.
I will join and answer with something related to homeopathy for every question
@MattЭллен I see what you did there ... :D
Putting a lot of effort into making sure the policy is set up right, hell, I'd even pay a doctor to sit there and answer questions.
@MattЭллен This will happen, fo sho
@fredley yeah. It is actually alegitimate concern.
@MattЭллен Yup. Gotta have high quality moderation from the start to make sure it isn't overrun by alternative medicine trolls
Still, all the religion sites seem to work
I guess health would have much much higher visibility though
The google traffic for health keywords is insane
25 mins ago, by fredley
Time to delete my SE account
@Wipqozn @Sterno for mod!
We need to all get accounts and campaign for @Sterno.
@Yuuki I am up for this
I'm pretty sure @Sterno knows when life hacks are discussed in The Bridge, simply by the number of alerts he receives.
@JasonBerkan I dunno, we could be just as easily talking about old age.
So, is anyone actually in the Lifehacks private beta to send out invites? Or do we do this if it hits public beta?
@Yuuki Find someone in the private beta and ping for invites.
@Yuuki Just follow the A51 link, you don't need invites anymore
brb, proposing @Sterno for mod
All the questions so far are based around known existing lifehack memes
@JasonBerkan Sounds likely.
@fredley I, for one, am shocked.
It's almost like lifehack is just an internet meme or something.
We should probablymake a doge.se site next
@Wipqozn Then we can migrate the doge2048 question there.
Oh god
I've found the best thing to do
You know in infomercials, where they show people screwing up simple tasks?
Scan down lifehacks.SE front page, picturing each person actually having the problem they're talking about.
"How do I prevent pencils from breaking?"
"How do I clean blood from white clothes?"
"My pants are falling off!"
(actual Lifehacks.SE question)
"How do I hide bodies in summer?" (Not an actual lifehack question)
"How do I pour from a mug without having it drip so much?"
@fredley If "use a belt and/or suspenders" isn't the #1 upvoted answer...
@fredley "Don't smash them in your desk!"
@JasonBerkan They're talking about sweatpants. Still offering suspenders as potential solution.
@fredley Oh. The trick to making sweatpants fit is to ensure your waist is as big as possible - so eat more high fat food.
Nobody had asked how to fold a fitted sheet
That's my money for jam sorted out
I have new pet rats! They are very tiny and adorable
And one is sitting in the corner of the cage... the top corner
This may be the only place where you can see the tags , , and all in one place
I nominate lifehacks.SE for the title stupidest SE site
Q: Open a numeric lock when you forgot the key code

skvI have heard that there are ways to open a numeric lock even when you have forgotten the code. This could be ways to open the lock (without breaking it obviously) and other ways of of solving the lock not being openable, i.e. take stuff out of a suitcase wihtout opening the lock in such scenario...

And I don't think that hacking a lock is considered the "life hack". — nicael 1 min ago
Of course it is, because wtf does life hack even mean?
@Wipqozn No! Bad! I don't want to get sucked in!
Questions can't be life hacks. only te answers.
So you literally can't determine if a question is a life hack unless it has answers.
I like how lifehacks.SE is the new scifi.SE over here in the bridge.
@KevinvanderVelden more like the new softwarerecs.se
@nicael Depending on the solutions offered this could be a life hack. Something being a "life hack" is determined by the solution, not the problem. — Wipqozn 9 secs ago
@Wipqozn /site
@KevinvanderVelden SciFi.SE is hated because of the things they choose to be. LifeHacks.SE is hated because of what it is. It's different.
@fredley I don't remember there being this much hate towards softwarerecs, could've missed it.
@KevinvanderVelden uwotm8
@fredley I dunno
This is actually the stupidest idea for a site
I can't believe this is actually a thing. I hold @Wipqozn personally responsible.
@Wipqozn This right there means every single question is going to be problematic.
@Frank Exactly
The ralization hurts
@fredley I love-hate you so much.
New game: Lifehack jeopardy with /r/lifehacks and lifehacks.SE
> Going by the answer from Bobo, I think that the very definition of what a lifehack is, is actually a solution, not a question.
Oh good, some one pointed it out in meta already
> So we need to try and flip it around and think what sort of questions produce lifehack solutions.
That's not how SE works
"We don't think this will have a life hack solution, so we're closing your question #yolo #stupidsite #sterno"
Q: Can I do a full-copy of all data to an external hard disk?

Ivo CoumansIs it possible to connect a new hard disk through USB and copy everything over, so I'll only have to swap the disks and continue using my PS4 where I left off? If not, is it possible to do it the other way around, so that I initialize the PS4 with a new, empty hard disk and then connect the old ...

@fredley cc @Sterno
@fredley cc @Sterno
That's such a broad stackexchange.
@Frank It's stupid.
SE sites are meant to be vertical, not horizontal.
You can't be an expert in lifehacks. Unless you're @Sterno.
@fredley I struggle to stop eating pizza until it is all gone, which solves this problem. Also, buy a bigger fridge.
@JasonBerkan Also use plates or aluminum foil.
or plastic containers
@JasonBerkan Or buy tupperware that fits in your fridge, and a knife.
or don't be an idiot
23 mins ago, by fredley
Scan down lifehacks.SE front page, picturing each person actually having the problem they're talking about.
> a lifehack is just the term used for the most efficient solution to a problem.
cc @Sterno
Q: How do I remove gum from my beard?

Tom MedleyI mis-chewed, and ended up with gum stuck in my beard. How can I get it out? Shaving off the beard is an absolute last resort.

@fredley You would
Oh god how is that even a thing
@AshleyNunn Because fuck people
#lifehack #yoloswag #sterno #yourmom
A: How to clean blood from white clothes

ShokhetMy father always told me to use hydrogen peroxide to clean bloodstains from clothing. I've done that many times; it works :)

I would like to note, for the record, that I created an account at Lifehacks.SE just to delete it.
@Unionhawk That would only be necessary if it survives the private beta
@Wipqozn I misread that as gun
I just....how did it not get closed long before beta? How is it a thing? Why have the SE overlords let this happen? What is happening in the world?
@Wipqozn "Most Efficient"? I seriously doubt that
@Chippies That's because you're a thinker.
life hacks are things that you look at and go "ahh, that's neat" and never do them yourself. Ever.
(assuming the lifehack in question is even neat)
All these questions have led me to but one inescapable conclusion: @Wipqozn is to blame.
@chippies agreed.
@Chippies Life hacks are things you post in The Bridge to troll @Sterno.
@MadScientist But then my account wouldn't have been deleted out of protest, rather, out of the site failing.
@AshleyNunn The SE Overlords have betrayed us!
The end is at hand!
Q: Can I use my stock PS4 hdd as external storage for my Xbox One?

Ivo CoumansAfter replacing my PS4 stock hdd, I'd like to place it in a USB bracket and use it for my Xbox One as external storage. Are there any known compatibility issues, or will it work just like any other hdd after reformatting it for Xbox One use?

@saintwacko prepares cardboard sign, picks best Street corner to alert the masses the end is nigh
This question appears to be off-topic because it is not about a problem that would require a lifehack to solve. — Matt S. 18 hours ago
@Rapitor I just sold 20 pizzas that were literally just crust and cheese. Who buys these things?!
So we should just close every question on the site? I'm pertty sure all these questions have non-lifehack answers.
I should probably go and close every single question and just link to that comment.
Pineapple is top tier pizza topping? Get out.
@fredley Pineapple on pizza sounds gross
@Wipqozn Quite
There are a lot of awful toppings there
Do they not serve Hawaiian pizzas where you guys live? That's like the second most common pizza ordered.
One pepperoni and one Hawaiian. At every pizza gathering ever.
@fredley Wat? How is that not a thing in britland?
@JasonBerkan Nope
@Wipqozn Pineapple on pizza is awesome how dare you
One bbq chicken, one meat feast
I mean, I agree that it's gross, but that's because I don't like pineapple
I ended world hunger by giving everyone pizzas with no toppings
There is an achievement for clicking all the achievements.
@Chippies Who puts corn on their pizza?
@Chippies cheats?
@Rapitor autoclicker
the upgrades are insane boosts to clicking
and they only upgrade clicking power
Q: How to (easier) find Masks of Yalung?

PeterCoSometimes I mark such a Mask on the map and run or fly to this point. But I can't find the Mask at this point. Do you know a better way to detect it? Something like a 'Make Yalung visible injection'? I hate it do use pages like this http://segmentnext.com/2014/11/18/far-cry-4-masks-yalung-loca...

autoclicker is insanely overpowered here
Where is the secret place?
@JasonBerkan They do, but that doesn't mean it's not gross. It just means everyone else is wrong for liking it.
@Wipqozn I don't like it either, because I cannot stand savoury + sweet, but your comment read like pineapple wasn't common.
This is horrifying.
> Daniel Thigpen, a spokesperson for the Folsom Cordova School District, confirmed that Shimizu’s family did report their son was being bullied on more than one occasion, and the incidents were “handled.”
i didnt even know there was cheerleading for 12 year olds...
A: What is a lifehack?

BoboHere's my definition of lifehack. Feel free to debate any of it. A lifehack is a quick solution to a problem. Usually the solution is an outside-the-box or unexpected solution, hence the term 'hack'. The problems tend to be trivial, yet irritating for those who have to deal with them. Lifehacks ...

I assume by 'handled" they mean "we did absolutely nothing useful."
It probably means they asked him to stop doing cheerleading
@SaintWacko Sounds likely.
Typical school solution: It's your fault for being different!
Q: What are the ways to obtain higher version of a software?

Jeff NoelI've been lucky enough to find someone with a cracker v6.1, but I'm still stuck with my old hasher v2.5... I'm done with the puzzles (except the 2048 one) and for the moment pretty stuck at upgrading my hardware and waiting for more missions. Is there another way I can get/find higher version of...

Because that seems to be how schools "handle" bullying
I don't know what's going on but I have like 17 pings, and I can only think of one appropriate response.
@Yuuki Wow
It's just like how the kid who was shot in ferguson should have just stopped being black! That would solve all his problems!
@Wipqozn lol\
@Wipqozn Exactly!
People suck
Seriously though. If you don't want to be treated unfairly just be an upper middle class straight white male. Problem solved!
@SaintWacko i really don't understand racism
Add tomato sauce 100 times in a row.....
@TheAce Neither do I. It's just.. why?
Why be scared of someone just because they're different?
@Frank I like how that guidelines for whether or not something is on-topic is based on the answers, not the question
its just a color :/
Is the answer "hacky"? Then it's a lifehack! No? Then it's not!
I'm writing an answer specifically about that.
@StackExchange That's a reasonable response.
@Sterno Fucking. Exactly.
@fredley because they don't have plates where I'm from!
Q: How do I fold a fitted sheet?

Tom MedleyTry as many times as I can, it always ends up a mess. I have fitted sheets that are partly elasticated (just at the corners), and elasticated all the way around the edge. I can't fold either type well. Is there a way to fold a fitted sheet so that it doesn't end up with crumples and creases?

This is the worst fucking site ever.
I don't know if I can make fun of SciFi anymore. They're awesome by comparison.
@Sterno how is this a site?
Q: Remove ice from windshield

Nick UdellRelated: How to keep the windshield from freezing over? Let's say I've ignored their advice and woken up with a thick coating of ice on my windshield, as I did yesterday. What's the fastest way of getting rid of it all so I can get to work on time?

The answers are "heat up your car" and "use an ice scraper". GOOD THING WE HAVE EXPERTS THERE TO ANSWER
is my new favorite tag.
You are not allowed to remove ice form your windshield at night.
@fredley No idea, but I apparently got it
@TheAce well you never know, something about physics in the afternoon might break the windshield or something
maybe that could be a question on lifehacks - how to remove ice from windshield in the afternoon
@Chippies afternoon-hacks
and then after that - how to remove ice from windshield in the evening
@Rapitor inb4
damn you @fredley
Due to the sun, you don't have to scrape your windows as often in the afternoon.
and just in case someone's crazy enough to do it - how to remove ice from windshield at gasp night
careful or ur car might go boom
@Chippies inb4
@fredley inbafter
As an expert on the RPG Hackmaster, I feel fully qualified to answer about any and all hacks
Though I cannot help but think that this site would have been equally mocked for tags on its first week of existence.
@StackExchange Is this so you can remove me again later?
@Sterno as a Level 70 Axe-wielding barbarian in Diablo 3, I too feel fully qualified to answer about any and all hacks
especially life hacks
As a terrible author, I feel qualified to answer any and all answers relating to hacks
@Wipqozn Yes. I perform this service to the community free of charge.
@TheAce [tag:tagname]
It's almost time for me to make a new New Year's Resolution. Then I can make fun of ponies again
remove the '
Maybe I shall resolve to treat every lifehack very seriously.
this is why we can't have nice things
@Wipqozn your comment has 4 upvotes
@Chippies I R SUCCESS
Would "How can I make obscene amounts of rep on this site without expending any real effort?" be a lifehack?
silly rabbit, hacks are for kids
that rolls just right off the tongue
Q: Any hacks for peeling garlic?

JonIf have smashed it with a knife and even bought a fancy garlic peeler once. Smashing with a knife has the downside of deforming the garlic which is not always desirable. The garlic peeler was still slower then smashing with the knife and had the down side of shooting the garlic across the table i...

@Sterno Yup
Any hacks for coming up with good questions?
SOMEONE MAKE AN ANTI-LIFEHACK.SE! Every question that gets answered on lifehacks.se gets asked as a question on anti-lifehacks.se and people have to answer with what NORMAL PEOPLE would do instead
41 mins ago, by fredley
New game: Lifehack jeopardy with /r/lifehacks and lifehacks.SE
@Chippies the entire thing would just be Cyanide and happiness skit of "doing that and doing doing that"
@Sterno Pick 2 tags at random and ask for a lifehack that connects the two
Q: Is there anything that isn't on-topic here?

Matt S.Admittedly I didn't follow the definition phase very closely. I just saw the site come into beta and thought I'd check it out. Just based on the questions I'm seeing, I'm not entirely sure that this isn't actually a catch-all site. When there's the ability to have (what seems like) everything be...

Q: What is a lifehack?

Matt S.In-line with my other question: Is there anything that isn't on-topic here? Can we get a clear definition of what a lifehack is? I think if it's clear what a lifehack is, we can clearly define what is or is not on-topic here, and also who our experts are.

Lifehacks.se Q:how do I keep pizza fresh? A: fold the box in weird ways and put it the firdge
Anti-Lifehacks.se Q: I folded my pizza box in a weird way and put it in the fridge. Is there a more normal way to do it? A: Put it on a plate and put in the fridge.
brb, asking 'What is a game' on meta
@fredley pretty sure it's been asked
and discussed multiple times
Q: Is a minimum level of interactivity required for something to qualify as a video game?

murgatroid99Video games generally have some level of interactivity, but some have very little. Do/should we require some minimum level of interactivity for something to qualify as a video game that is on topic here? This is prompted by this question (10K only), about a game with a minimal level of player in...

A: What is a lifehack?

fbueckertI don't have a definition for what a lifehack is or isn't. However its decided, though, keep in mind that questions need to be able to be judged without answers. Requiring an answer to be able to judge the question means there are going to be lots of questions without answers, that can't be clo...

@Chippies just put the box in the fridge. it doesn't even take up that much space
@TheAce How can I evenly water my grass using a waterbed?
@Frank Lifehacks site brings me and @frank together in agreement. THAT ALONE IS A LIFEHACK
@TheAce "How do I knit a condom?"
Sky rockets in sight
@TheAce This is a surprisingly great game
@SaintWacko how to make a paper mache dildo
A: Remove ice from windshield

ShevliaskovicI read somewhere (don't remember where exactly) that the hand sanitizer can be used to melt this kind of ice. Pour some on the window, and the alcohol will melt the ice.

@TheAce Best question
@Sterno We agree. We have to blow up the site.
Uninformed, "I read somewhere but don't really know..." answers are best answers.
"Pour battery acid on your windshield. It will eat the ice quickly."
@Sterno i feel like if this site stays up Darwin will have some work to do.
@Sterno "Light a fire under your car to prevent the ice from forming"
@fredley Drive with no windows to avoid them freezing
tape salt to your windscreen, because salt freezes at a lower temperature to glass.
@MattЭллен lol
@Sterno Pour hand sanitizer AND LIGHT IT ON FIRE
drive fast enough and it will come right off
@Sterno Windshield washer fluid + anti-freeze works. That's what we use up here.
Live in a place where the weather isn't trying to kill you?
@fredley Does such a place exist?
if that dont work light it on fire THAN drive real fast
@Wipqozn British weather does not try to kill you, it just tries to piss you off
> Get a can of WD-40 and light the red straw on fire. Press the button to shoot flames all over the ice. After a few minutes, it should be slide right off.
I'm scrolling up looking at all these 'lifehack' questions being posted on the bridge, and have been amusing myself with the thought of answering most of them with some variation of "shoot it with a gun"
Use one of those things they designed for this exact reason
if the ice is thick enough, you may need to use a pickaxe to break the ice.
@TrentHawkins hahahaha
@TrentHawkins "How do I shoot my gun without pulling the trigger?"
> Don't bother scraping the ice. Just roll down the window and hang your head out the side like a dog. Bonus points for rigging up some angled mirrors so you can see out the side.
@Wipqozn shoot the trigger with another gun!
morning-hacks? Does this mean if I want to remove ice from my windshield in the afternoon or evening, I need a different question? — Sterno 20 mins ago
@TrentHawkins This actually works for every question on the site
Lifehacks meta question: Why are you all so stupid?
@TrentHawkins Make account, name it something along the lines of "The America", answer every question like this
@TrentHawkins How can I prevent windows from steaming up at night?
How can I stop the itching from a mosquito bite?
What is the best way to open clamshell packaging?
How to wake up quickly
oh god
I can't take this
This is, without a doubt, the stupidest site to ever exist on the SE Network.
@Wipqozn it is entertaining, though.
I've figured out the answer to our ITG problem
how do the people who ask these questions function in day today life?
@Sterno "Shoot it with a gun"?
How can I figure out the name of a game I don't remember?
@Rapitor In the worst possible way.
@Sterno "ask arqade"
Having hacks after every tag is so stupid.
and for the aspiring computer hacker don't forget
For the anime fans,
@Batophobia go home.
@Rapitor I wish
Boss: Why are you leaving so early
Me: @Rapitor told me to
i see no problems there
Can you explain the plot of Dark Souls to me?
... secondary beta site trolling option: Call account BaconBot, Claim the solution to all problems is to Rub some bacon on it.
@TrentHawkins I'm still behind "Shoot it with a gun" bot

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