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We get signal
We will disregard everything this human says, captive portal
Thank you for the warning
(Because a game wanted to load some ads)
@spugsley Are you doing all four together or split them up?
@Frank do want
@AshleyNunn Metallic finish, AND rainbow wings!
@Ktash together
@Ktash is that referencing something?
like this-ish
@Ktash oh yeah, that's me other reference photo :p
@spugsley So, someone said that they were thinking about getting one of the DA:I tarot cards tattooed.
@spugsley In a row, then, as opposed to this?
I've decided since USPS didn't deliver it today, I'm just going to keep refreshing their page until they give me a status. They will pay for it in bandwidth... mwuahaha
I'm pretty sure having a 'female protagonist' tag on steam but not a 'male protagonist' one just reinforces the thing that men are usually the ones in games
@Ktash depends on where I get it
this is cool too
@spugsley vertical, I would go arm or leg. Shoulder blade I would go square. Might also look cool across your lower back horizontal (or around your back)
Are you going to try and balance it with another tattoo somewhere? Or just gonna draw all over however you see fit?
@Ktash yeah there's no telling really haha. I'll see how I feel
@Ktash I think upper back, horizontal between the shoulder blades would be really cool too
@spugsley Haha alright
@spugsley Yeah. I'm just comparing it to level of what you want where. If it were me, I love avatar, but something like that probably wouldn't get a "high priority" spot like that
But that's just me
@spugsley that sounds like it might hurt
Well, more than a typical tattoo
@Ktash it's not just about Avatar. I want a 4 elements tattoo. I like what they stand for spiritually: spiritual-knowledge.net/articles/fire-water-air-earth.php
I just thought it's be cool to marry the two :) I love Avatar's symbols
@MBraedley eh, they all hurt to some extent. It's worth it :)
I saw really cool versions of them at some point, but I can't remember where
(for me)
And fair enough. Makes sense :)
I think it would look really cool like that
You could also do it as the block on the back of your neck
@ElfSlice No, it is a way of pointing out the few cases where it is not the case because it is an anomaly for current gaming trends
Why not tag them both?
@spugsley I don't like having tattoos I can't see but that is because I am a silly person
@ElfSlice Because having a male protag tells me nothing about the game
whereas someone bothering to have a female protag tells me something
Female does?
@AshleyNunn I feel the sameeeeee. But I know I'll run out of visible space eventually
uh, okay
it's like having a 'not male protagonist' tag, I'm not explaining this correctly. They should both have one. What about 'dog protagonist' or some shit
who knows, that's probably a thing
murder dog, for example
@ElfSlice why have a male protagonist tag?
That tells me nothing individual about teh game
literally every single game, like 99.9% of them would come up in the male protag tag
It's just a weird thing.
it is just then saying "this game is like damn near every other game"
because if two games have male protagonists they're the same
I'm not explaining it correctly, I like having the tag, but it seems like a weird way to distinguish it
I feel like it just reinforces that males are supposed to be the norm, which is dumb.
@ElfSlice It doesn't reinforce it, it just proves the truth
@spugsley Which story quests have you completed?
@Yuuki be more specific?
@spugsley Have you finished Wicked Eyes, Wicked Hearts?
@Yuuki Yes. And the one right after that I think? Where you go in the Fade-ish.
But I don't ahve enough power to access the next one
so I'm grinding
which is irritating
I laughed so hard when I did this.
It doesn't reinforce the idea and make it more true, or make people make more dude based games, it just becomes a pointless noise tag
@spugsley I just went back and closed rifts and whatnot.
Wait, huh?
Why was that flagged?
she's totally wearing clothes
skin colored clothes, but clothes
I suspect from the thumb it doesn't look like it
@Yuuki It almost looks like she's topless
@Unionhawk Yes, everyone complains about the pajamas.
Lemme see if I can find a version with a male Inquisitor then...
@Yuuki somebody edit this to a message that says 'literally nudity' or something
@ElfSlice ಠ_ಠ
also is that the new Dragon Age?
@ElfSlice Yes.
I always get them mixed up
never played any of them
but I see a lot of people playing that one
@ElfSlice perhaps it's the new flavor of the month.. or perhaps it's actually good
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ it's actually good. Buggy as hell on PC but very good
@spugsley pls go on
@spugsley Those two statements shouldn't go together
@MBraedley Lots of buggy games are good
And lots of bug-free games are bad
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ the characters are incredible for the most part. The story, I love. The open world thing they are doing now feels like Skyrim which is an instant win.
It feels like Skyrim but better.
interest rising
I feel more invested with the story in Inquisition than I did with Skyrim.
damn you bridge
@Unionhawk Story-wise, at least.
@Unionhawk Origin
as for bugs, it's a mess. Freeze on shut down and start up occasionally. There's definitely some banter bugs with companions. The cutscenes are a little wonky at times. I have more than rec specs but have to play on lowest quality
which still looks pretty damn good tbh
how about the end-game; replayability?
I live to serve
I haven't had as many problems with bugs as @spugsley.
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ very replayable.
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Haven't gotten there yet.
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Are people at the end already?
there are two separate story arcs
Even then, there's a multiplayer.
@ElfSlice Yes.
@Yuuki tell me more about this
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Essentially, you choose a class and you go on dungeon dives with other people.
That's pretty much it in a nutshell.
You level up your class, you craft items to use, you unlock other classes...
the group play change how the game plays?
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Kinda-sorta. The dungeons themselves will be roughly the same, but group strategy will definitely be different depending on your composition.
Be prepared to do a lot of kiting if your team is 4 Archers.
so there is a standard recommended group setup? i.e. tank dps healer
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ That's the interesting thing, Inquisition has no healers.
but it's not specifically catered around that
There is actually no heal spell.
how does one recover?
Each player has a set amount of healing potions, but most damage mitigation revolves around proper use of barrier and guard mechanics.
what's the max party size? do the drops scale based on the party size?
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Party size is 4 max, I believe. Drops don't really scale on party size, but rather dungeon difficulty. Each player gets a copy of the important drops anyways, IIRC.
I think tonight needs some dessert
@Ktash oooh yes
Nah, it's a little chilly for ice cream. Plus I had some last night
I was thinking cake or brownies or cookies or sometihng
not that I can make any of those things, but still
I know, they sound great, right?
yes they do
Oh well, dessert pop tarts
Also: God damn flights to Steamboat are expensive as all hell
this is your fault @OrigamiRobot
You started it.
And take the user with it.
burn dat unregistered account while you're at it~
Yep, everything on that account needs to go.
He just posted another answer that needs burning.
Burn the heretic!
Burn his blasphemy!
This is incredibly awsome, current DDoS attacks visualized: http://map.ipviking.com/
@AshleyNunn @StrixVaria @GraceNote @badp can one of you destroy this user (and his associated works) please?
The attacks on St. Louis right now holy crap
@Unionhawk Ferguson riots overflowing?
Probably not
I dunno
I'm not going to speculate
On the account of discussing fergeson riots makes me want to punch people
(rioters, specifically)
Does that make me an asshole? YOU DECIDE! I DON'T GIVE A SHIT.
(seriously, stopping traffic is literally the line, people. I kind of feel sorry for the people stuck in jail over thanksgiving for stopping I-75... but I also don't. At all. Like, you walked onto the highway after the police told you you would be arrested if you did so.)
thanks for inducing that rant
@ElfSlice tco
What user?
(taken care of)
Taken care of
Going to bed
Q: Is it safe to sell unique low-level weapons?

cbirdsongI have found several unique (purple) low-level weapons. They are quickly outclassed by more mundane high-level gear, but I'm afraid that there may be some upgrade process that would make these cool-looking weapons viable again. Is there anything like this in the late game?

@ElfSlice People in "China" really hate St. Louis. <_<
"People" I think too
In many cases
(as in literally robots not racist. Well, maybe racist against robots)
What? Should I be offended?
Q: Where can I EV train with Hordes in ORAS?

RobotnikI'm starting to get my competitive Pokemon team together, and would like to EV train using hordes like in XY. Which routes give the highest Pokemon encounter rate for each stat? Which Pokemon should I be battling?

@OrigamiRobot When it comes to @Uni, the safe bet is, "yes"
I'm just an offensive guy
Not even real robots, even though. Like, fake robots. So I guess not really racist against robots, but... fake... robots... or something
I've confused myself
I hope you're satisfied
"Fake robots" sounds pretty offensive.
WHo are you to decide what makes a robot real?
That's right, room ragequits don't have the effect
@Unionhawk I can't handle it.
It's too good.

Proposed Q&A site for competitive athletes and those involved in the athletic setting.

Currently in definition.

This is too good.
I promise to use my newfound powers for good only
(I totally will overuse it)
@Unionhawk Stop
1 hour later…
Q: What resources are affected by trade ships?

Kevin KFrom the wiki page on ships: [Cargo ships] improve the chances of getting certain rare resources I know that titanium is definitely affected, but are there any other resources currently implemented in the game that are boosted by trade ships? For example, do trade ships increase the chance...

2 hours later…
Q: Robocraft and the Steam Overlay

Scyther125So I have 95 hours of robocraft playtime. Ever since EAC appeared I have not been able to use the Shift+Tab Steam overlay. I have made a disscusion on the forums and noone seems to be having the problem or knows how to fix it. Maybe someone here does know whats going on and knows how to fix it? I...

Q: Is there any version of Botanicula copatible with YOSEMITE?

Hoseyn HeydariI have a .dmg file of Botanicula game version 1.0.0 on my mac. And when I open it a warning say me "image not recognized". Is it relative to compatibility or from another problem?

Gah. "Your emailform doesn't send mails." adds self in bcc gets pelted with (test)mails "Yes, it does" "I might've added a rule on it to drop it to a subfolder in outlook last time we used that form, and then deleted said folder because I didn't need it anymore"(previous usage was last year)
Q: What are the triggers for the inner circle quests?

Mad ScientistI've done a few companion quests already, but there are some companions where I didn't get any quests so far. I'm beyond Skyhold and already finished one of the two main quests after that point. I'm wondering if I missed certain triggers for some companions, or maybe I simply didn't have a high ...

Q: Is there a way to get an unlimited inventory?

Mad ScientistI find inventory management in this game to be rather tedious, I've a large number of upgrades as well as high-level items I can't use yet blocking my inventory slots. It is also rather tedious and time-consuming to check if any of the new items I found is an upgrade for any of my companions. Is...

2 hours later…
Q: ESO: Game Time; When does it start?

HellspiritI'm thinking of Buying ESO (Elder Scrolls Online) since its currently on sale, with this I get free game time, but I don't think I'll start to play it yet. My question is, when does this time start to count down? is it when I install it? Make a ESO account or at some other point?

Q: What is the scoring system for bombers on War Thunder?

happyGamer222As a bomber, in War Thunder, you do the dirty work of winning the game while everyone flies around in fighter jets. As a bomber, your goal is to take down ground targets, but the confusing thing is, which ground targets are the most important to hit? I'd like to know the scoring system for thing...

@Wipqozn Sorry, Bridge is still asleep. No shouting at this time of day.
@Arperum Man, lazy sleepers.
I thought my glorious return would be filled with joy! Return of room ownerships (cc @badp)! and MOD ABUSE FOR ALL (cc @fredley)!
@Wipqozn Shut up, you live in the future.
@OrigamiRobot That's true.
I still wake up earlier than you anyways though
damn kids sleeping in until 7am.
yay! Victory!
Oh hey, @OrigamiRobot changed his avatar. It's quite an adorable little avatar too.
@Wipqozn Take note
@fredley I must say good sir. Hating my current avatar makes you a monster.
@Wipqozn In that case, you're in a room of monsters.
Also, let go of hate. Fill your life with love nd joy.
@Wipqozn Hate is energy, hate is fuel
@fredley I'm pretty sure most of the room approves of my latest gravatar.
@Wipqozn Hands up if you don't hate Wipqozn's avatar
raises hand
Also the rooms empty right now. This isn't a good time to take a vote!
You're a monster.
@Wipqozn Are you trying to say that you're not?
@fredley Well, I am a monster, but not for my current gravatar.
Toph rocks.
haha,,.. rocks.. ._.
@fredley I don't hate it
@ElfSlice Thank you!
I like your avatar too.
Q: Please Onebox Wikiwand

ElfSliceWikiwand is a really nice plugin that beautifies wikipedia, but it does so by automatically converting wikipedia URLs to wikiwand URLs. These don't onebox. It's possible to get the unaltered wikipedia URL from the wikiwand page, but it's a pain. Everybody should use wikiwand anyway, so somebod...

called it
I just found either the worst thing ever or the best thing ever...
@StrixVaria @Batophobia
@ElfSlice Doesn't really seem necessary.
You're not necessary!
I'd rather they spend time improving the wikipedia one box so it grabs a better image than implement an alternate wikipedia site.
Although I doubt they have time for either.
@ElfSlice? What is this and why
@Rapitor ahem :(
@Rapitor Two of my favorite things! My typical evening is having GW2 on one screen and ClickerHeroes on the other.
@OrigamiRobot i thought you hated them all except for kittens
Well I havn't played them all, have I?
@ElfSlice Answered
The only thing building a 2nd Handcarft seems to do is waste 20 wood
Q: War Thunder: Are bombers really important to winning?

happyGamer222I started playing War Thunder recently and heard bombers where vital to winning, but it seems to me that the only way bombers can help win is to either take down both carriers or all ground/naval units. Since the biggest bomb load doable seems to be about 6000lb and each carrier takes that, AND t...

@OrigamiRobot I had a feeling that was the case.
The handcart just seemed to add an extra option of things to do with your hour.
a second one didn't sound like it'd have benefit unless you somehow can have minions.
I hoped maybe it would make the cart bigger.
@OrigamiRobot you only need 1 cart, and one shelter (you upgrade instead of buying the upgraded one.
Q: How are Ingress Top Agents chosen

MoonorbIs it the total MU that agent has contributed in the overall cycle that gets an agent in the Top Agents list or is there some other logic behind the ranking system? Not sure if this question was asked before.

also. where did you choose to go at the begining? there's 3 areas. I went grassy
not sure if moving is a possibility
@Rapitor Upgrade the the existing shelter?
Ohh, you can click it
Instead of spending 500 on a brand new hut, I spend 400 to upgrade my 100 stickpile
ANd I guess the hut exists for if I want to make a second hut
ty for the tip
Hacking this game is hard, bored already
there's definitely less going on than in other incrementals, but it is a pretty nice concept. and it's very suited for just setting up and then forgetting about it
@Rapitor Buying a new shelter still increases your wood limit.
Well, if chat is to be trusted.
Q: Why do I need to sleep?

fredleyI can see why I need to gather food and wood, as well as eat, but why do I need to sleep? Does Zen do anything? Do bad things happen if I stop sleeping?

got a pretty good schedule pattern that loops safely: sleep in shelter->collect food->sleep shelter->collect food->eat food->cart wood x5.

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