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@SaintWacko Yup, so that the owners don't have time to delete anything.
@MBraedley If you consider the amount of annoying passangers per plane to be a fraction of the total, that means less annoyance!
Fewer chances of having a baby cry incessantly throughout the fly.
@badp I'm more concerned with general physical comfort
@MBraedley You're not flying with Ryanair so you should be good :P
(there's no Ryanair in the US right?)
(yep, its plague is EU-only)
@badp But they're so cheap! And no, but there are discount airlines
@MBraedley Ryanair tries to sell you something every 15 minutes
(or so)
The chances of me not banging my head during this flight is virtually 0.
When you sit down there are ads basically in your face and the airplane radio runs adverts for various services. Then they give you the brochure. Then they sell you food. Then they sell you misc stuff. Then they sell you lottery tickets. Then they sell you bus tickets. Then...
Q: Hitman: Codename 47 "No render is selected"

arpa2001I recently bought Hitman: Codename 47 from steam. When I try to run it, this message comes up: I tried different stuff like: And: After a while with a lot of changing random settings that I don't work, this was my closest result to playing the game :/ Nothing would work :/ Please help

Must turn of Wi-Fi now. For some archaic reason.
@MBraedley Good luck
Other 60fps videos don't look as smooth.
@badp I've never played TF2, but that video reminds me of those smooth Q3A videos
Hell yes 93 on a test I thought I got a 65 on. BOOM
I remember tests... stares off into the distance before shouting "GET OFF MY LAWN"
> Neither Kirk Douglas or People Magazine is commenting on the obituary the magazine ran over the weekend of the actor, who will celebrate his 98th birthday on Dec. 9.
No you don't
Like. Literally will or hopefully will?
Every time I have a bad day at work, I just remember it's still better than school.
@TimStone I heard them talking about this on the radio this morning. Wonder who hit the wrong button.
I just find it amazing that someone's assigned task was to get a head start on that.
@TimStone It's common practice to write those articles ahead of time.
How far ahead of time? If he lives to be 105 that's quite the archive.
Nel gergo giornalistico, il coccodrillo è un necrologio scritto in anticipo, sotto forma di servizio televisivo, radiofonico o di giornale, sulla vita di personaggi noti, al fine di averlo immediatamente pronto non appena giunta la notizia della loro morte. I tempi dell'informazione sono infatti strettissimi ed incompatibili con la preparazione di articoli in tempo reale, che spesso richiedono ricerche di documenti d'archivio, ed il timore di "bucare" la notizia a favore della concorrenza ha da tempo immemorabile spinto le redazioni giornalistiche e radiotelevisive a creare archivi di necrologi...
There's no link to the English Wikipedia equivalent (if any), but the literal translation of our word for those articles is "crocodiles"
I guess it's kind of a compliment?
@TimStone As soon as he becomes notable enough to deserve an article about his death, I suppose.
@badp I guessed this because of Dora.
(That's right, I read the article as a combination of Spanish and French even though it's in Italian)
@TimStone They do this with several celebrities. They want to be ready.
We as a society are terrible
@TimStone That's the beauty of Latin-derived languages
@TimStone truf
@badp That they are very similar, but different enough to cause border tensions throughout history?
@Koviko I dunno if border tensions can be attributed entirely to the language
Fun Fact: @TimStone can only speak truths due to a witch's curse.
Also German and English have different roots from Latin and Greek.
@Koviko Looking at this sentence... Makes me acknowledge that its just going to be 'one of those' kinds of days it seems.
@OrigamiRobot that's probably a lie
@badp I was going to point out your absolute wrongness, but then EDIT.
@JasonBerkan context, man, context.
@OrigamiRobot This is actually true. When I "lie" I actually alter reality, which is why no one's ever called me out on it.
@TimStone That must be awfully convenient.
Just like that episode of Fairly Oddparents!
In school "Oh, you didn't get my homework? I know I turned it in" "Oh...well I guess I lost it, I'll just give you a good grade."
"Oh yes I finished the report the other day. It's right there in your inbox. You received it yesterday, actually."
(this is, incidentally, a truthful recounting)
@TimStone Even if it wasn't, it is now.
I once had a teacher ask me if I turned in assignments. I swore I did. He believed me. OR didn't care.
I'm so happy we don't have assignments.
And when we did in high school, teachers just assumed we'd do them.
@Unionhawk Like, essays and reports and whatnot? Nah. Just the occasional project.
How can your government rank your progress?
Q: How do I put my vitprtual pro in the arena-Fifa 15

CalumI am wondering how to put my virtual pro which I made and I really want to practise with him so if any reads this and knows please comment your answer!

Q: Golden claw glitch

user93646I cleared the bleak falls barrow, got the shout as well as the dragon stone,returned the stone to farengar but I'm not getting an option to return the claw to Lucan nor is the dragon rising quest starting! Help?

@Koviko Government?
Don't mind my friend here he's used to the graduation/achievement test standardized model of tracking how effective schools are
@badp "Government?" like "What's a government?" or "Government?" like "Why would the government be involved?"
@Koviko The latter.
@Unionhawk Yeah, we don't have a lot of related TLAs
@badp That's how my government determines what schools get funding, what schools get shut down, etc.
@Koviko I don't know how my grades are related to university funding. I don't think there's a direct correlation, because of course if there were, all universities would give top marks every time.
@Unionhawk So they can say "Look how poorly these schools are doing. Spending money here is obviously a waste of time."
@badp University = college, yes?
@Koviko University = BSc + MSc
@OrigamiRobot yep
@badp BSc + MSc = ... Nope, no clue
What does that mean?
Bachelor in Science/Master in Science?
After high school, before PhD
Okay, yeah, so college
What Americans consider college *
@OrigamiRobot That's backwards. You need to fund the schools that are struggling more than the schools that are already doing fine
@badp Yup. But that's not how our government does it. It's very much backwards.
BS/MS. University specifically refers to a school with both undergraduate and postgraduate.
It's also the reason why poverty is a cycle in America.
@OrigamiRobot pretend steam
Low income = bad living conditions = poor education for your children = low-paying jobs for your kids
@Unionhawk well yes PhDs also are at our university but they're, like, on the other side of the pond as far as I am concerned :P
Q: Steam Family Sharing with Dawnguard

LBMF_1Let's say my Steam Library is shared with person B. If I own Skyrim, and he plays it, and then I buy Dawnguard, can he play Dawnguard as well? Or will he have to buy his own copy?

Well, yes
@Unionhawk Is that why some colleges are universities and some aren't?
TIL. ty
@Koviko The education thing doesn't necessarily have to be true. Although it certainly would help if most colleges weren't prohibitively expensive.
Poor people and rich people are entitled to the same public schools. I guess if you live in a predominantly poor area, then you're likely to have a worse public school system.
Obviously the poverty cycle is an illuminati conspiracy
@StrixVaria Yeah, because as soon as you allocate those struggling areas more fundings, the richer areas suddenly cry that their money is being stolen, and that they're working their asses harder while others enjoy the fruits.
@StrixVaria And contrary to popular belief, you don't have to go to college to be successful.
@OrigamiRobot So much this.
I hear you can make a killing as a plumber or electrician nowadays because so many people think that kind of work is "below" them.
Man, I have no clue how to do that kind of work. I'm about to spend a ton of money on a plumber within the next few weeks.
@StrixVaria Plumbers are essentially a mafia here.
@badp And they dive into the pipes to save princesses from spikey frog beasts.
Do you have to kill a guy to be a plumber? (SwiftKey gems: "to be a lobster")
I don't know why it would ever suggest that
Lobsters are renown for their superior killing lust
Who doesn't want to be a lobster?
@OrigamiRobot That said, people from poor backgrounds that go to college make more than people from poor backgrounds that don't
That's why they always have their claws taped shut.
(or whatever they're called)
I wouldn't want to be the guy who has the job of putting rubber bands around lobster claws.
@Koviko Correlation and causation.
@badp they're claws
@StrixVaria How do those bands even work? I mean, those bands somehow stick on the widest part of a convex surface
which means that the natural thing for them would be to slip away
@badp They're rubber
Lots of friction
It's magic
Class 4 dark wizardry
But it also doesn't help that the illusory belief of "college is necessary" is also held by employers.
@SaintWacko but lobsters are wet, which reduces friction. I'm assuming they're just really strong rubbers
and they're a bit wide as well, which helps
I really only apply maybe 10% of what I learned in college.
and that's being very generous.
@OrigamiRobot College taught me how to teach myself things.
That's really the main skill I got out of it.
College teaches you to put up with a whole lot of bullshit
and it seems that you teach yourself by downloading well-made slides with lots of helpful teaching material then cramming them up in one or two nights!!
@badp I only did this for the worst classes.
I was working as a programmer as I took a CS degree part time. It was fun pointing out all the stuff that was taught that was completely pointless in an actual job.
I had a class on "computer architecture" where we spent half a semester talking about how processors are made or something.
@StrixVaria oh that's a fun course.
I memorized notes, took a test, then purged all knowledge in that class.
Pipelines, registers, instruction reordering, etc.
@StrixVaria Elves.
@badp If we were talking about that stuff, it could have been interesting.
The details are awfully boring but the general concepts are interesting.
But we literally learned about the construction process of processors.
oh. oh.
How to subdivide a circle into the maximum number of rectangles for cutting processors out or something. I have no idea. I couldn't even listen to the guy droning on about it. I only went to class twice.
I remember 0% of my power class and I work in power.
@StrixVaria we have electrical engineers for that
@badp Yes.
I'm sure they love that stuff and thinking about inductance and mosfets and whatnot.
I promptly forgot what mosfets are after learning about them.
@StrixVaria I did two labs in a clean room. It was really cool.
Oh, they're "standard" transistors. Okay move along.
Doing things is a lot more fun than just learning how to do them.
I totally forgot what inductance is though.
It's a spring shape in an electrical circuit
> In electromagnetism and electronics, inductance is the property of a conductor by which a change in current flowing through it "induces" (creates) a voltage (electromotive force) in both the conductor itself (self-inductance) and in any nearby conductors (mutual inductance).
It's like the opposite of a capacitor? Maybe?
That doesn't help.
Practically, I think an inductor is a way to turn electricity into magnetism.
Tbh so do I. I know what it is but I can never remember what it is mechanically.
I think, like a capacitor stores voltage, an inductor can store current.
Or something.
It's been a long time.
@StrixVaria An inductor is the opposite of a capacitor.
@StrixVaria A capacitor integrates, an inductance derives.
sage nod
I didn't even learn that in college; I learned that in high school.
So my knowledge is definitely fuzzy.
So is ur face
@OrigamiRobot What does that even mean? A capacitor is 2 wide plates with a non-conductive material between them, and somehow that makes it store voltage.
What is the opposite of storing voltage?
@StrixVaria expending voltage?
@StrixVaria Storing current.
@OrigamiRobot Oh, so I was actually right!
@Rapitor He's so red-faced.
How do you even store an electron flow
@badp As magnetism.
I mean, it's more complicated than that, but yes.
@badp with a 0 resistance superconductor
@djsmiley2k INFINITE POWER
infinite travel of electrons
I have a PS4 boxed up downstairs
it's so messy in here i can't even get it plugged in :(
and I'm feeling so Ill i can't even tidy enough to sort things
Whatever this is, it could be pretty
Hah! Wrong window.
@JasonBerkan Nice
I'm always paranoid that I'll not notice I'm typing a password into The Bridge
@badp How do you get that timer?
@SaintWacko tap tab
@Unionhawk I've definitely paused before pressing enter on password prompts to triple-check it wasn't in the Bridge.
@Unionhawk no wories. it automatically hides it for you :D
bridge secure
@Rapitor See? ************
@SaintWacko all i see is *******
Hmm... stick of truth for $23... I might do that.
@Rapitor Exactly! It protects us from typing our passwords in here
I didn't mess up that test, I deserve a reward
I still have a copy of Rebirth to give away.
@Frank wait what
@Koviko Bought it for @SaintWacko as a surprise, but he didn't add me to his friend's list until after he bought it.
So now I don't know what to do with it.
@Frank :(
@Frank I've been contemplating getting it.
@Frank I haven't played the original, but I'm interested in trying the game.
You two should fight to the death.
I was just going to suggest that.
meet me in front of Orgrimmar
What if I just ban @Koviko forever. Does that mean I win the fight?
Someone's trying to sell a KH 1.5 strategy guide for $200. That's...sorta unreasonable.
/duel me bro
This place wants to charge $90 shipping for a $60 purchase...
@OrigamiRobot That's why I no longer use eBay.
It's not even eBay.
Shipping from US to Canada is literally just as easy as US to US. You just need to fill in a small customs form. US shipping on purchase - $5. Canada shipping on purchase - $40.
@StrixVaria I'd count it as a win.
@JasonBerkan SO MUCH WORK
@JasonBerkan SO MUCH ???
@JasonBerkan This place is in the US so there really is no excuse.
@OrigamiRobot I'm going to go with the SO MUCH PROFIT excuse.
Other than "It's so we can quote you a low price beforehand"
Why did I have to buy these stupid giant prints?
You only have yourself to blame. And @Wipqozn.
I blame the artist for making pretty things.
Nope. You or @Wipqozn. Those are your options.
I ordered a really pretty Monster Hunter figure on Saturday. Darned if I can remember the name of it, though.
@Unionhawk I vote for @Wipqozn
That thing.
@Wipqozn for President!
@Frank Not DS, not interested.
@OrigamiRobot Er? Pretty sure that's from MH4.
Are there no DS in MH4?
@OrigamiRobot Oh. Dual Sword. Sorry, I thought you meant the system.
I can see where that'd be confusing.
Too many meanings for the same acronym!
Nope, too few meanings
dumb shit
Does that count?
@Unionhawk looks up old DS subtitles
Oh, wait, no. That's just the shield, from the other side.
I get a 1-dice room... in Basement II
Specifically, it needs to be Brachy Dual Swords.
I have no idea what these things mean wheeeeeeeee
Nope, that's the only Monster Hunter model they have, apparently.
rubber cement and dr fetus?
sounds like NOPE
@Yuuki Only if it comes to Wii U
turns out it does nothing
I feel like Monster Hunter could be a game I'd enjoy if I had a Wii U
Too far
@Unionhawk The new one is on 3DS.
@OrigamiRobot Zinogres look so cool.
I maintain, Wii U
:18850646 http
@Yuuki I don't even know what that is.
Can't wait to fight that bastard.
I don't think it was in 3U.
@Frank Gore Magala.
He's new in MH4.
oh random button, you're my only friend
wow that was depressing
@StrixVaria Hey, we haven't had an incremental recommendation in a while.
Man, remember when we used to hunt together all the time?
I miss those days.
No (because I'm not part of the "we")
gawd i feel so ill :(
@OrigamiRobot As do I.

 Monster Hunter

All Monster Hunter talk, all the time. Or, just about anythin...
@Wipqozn No.
I miss @Wipqozn's hunting horn.
@ElfSlice best slice
@OrigamiRobot As do I. But I don't miss him.
Wow what a jerk
He was only good for his songs. And upswinging at the wrong time.
@Frank There haven't been any good new ones in a while.
At least he'll be more useful in MH4, as verticality plays a part in it.
@Frank Hey, sometimes his upswings helped me.
Because I was always too greedy.
@OrigamiRobot As was @TrentHawkins. I had trouble bailing him out sometimes.
We didn't choose the Dual Sword life, it chose us.
@OrigamiRobot He's planning on going gunner come MH4.
@OrigamiRobot If that's what it takes for him to play MH4, then I don't care.
@OrigamiRobot It's the only way I won't feel like I'm just doing the same stuff all over again.

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