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@Powerlord can't wait until it hits 50+ in Buffalo and the 8 foot wall of snow melts into a flood.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes, that will be fun
@Ktash teeheeeee :3
someone needs to hurry up and answer that question so I can bone this dude
this ice cider is less good than the other ice cider
I don't want to bone him until I know I can still bone other people
@RedRiderX They did a full video for that
@spugsley I volunteer to be a test subject
@Ktash Oh?
@RedRiderX It's in 3 parts. Part 1
Oh right I just finished that one
@spugsley Urmom... yadda yadda.
@Ktash I do very rigorous testing. Let me draw up a release form
@spugsley In!
I had a better response, but it is not bridge after dark, and you are not on steam...
@Ktash lol I also may have just given myself a fantastic fic idea so thanks for helping
@spugsley Always glad to help anytime you need inspiration for that sort of thing ;)
Q: How do I get the "Overkill" achivements in Minecraft for Xbox One?

AndrewWhat enchants do I need? I only have Iron Swords, no diamond ones.

10 days until KH 2.5!
@Chippies omg wat
I am on the bridge on my other PC via remote desktop
I wonder which uses less bandwidth
@Chippies I'm sorry, I don't think that's a cat
@Chippies Oh hey! It's my cat!
@spugsley Your cat is not a cat.
In other news, Cowboys and Aliens is a good movie, and pairs well with Granville Island Winter Warmer.
That movie was silly
@MBraedley Totally a cat! @spugsley owns one just like it! I'm sure of it!
but I enjoyed it
@Chippies I do! They could be twins!
I thought those "cats" were indigenous to the Americas, but that phone number seems to indicate otherwise. Unless that's a phone number in South America.
Oh, I was slightly wrong, there are some on some islands of South-East Asia/Oceania
@LessPop_MoreFizz ...what in the fuck
@LessPop_MoreFizz tableflips, goes back to Lilo and Stitch
@AshleyNunn Yay for lilo and stitch
Makes for a good date night, and I have chocolate. Life is good.
@AshleyNunn That sounds wonderful!! :D
@LessPop_MoreFizz Why is it okay for you to post about vaginas and not me
also this microbiome thing sounds scary
@DwarfSlice It's all about context
@DwarfSlice Uh....I don't know how to respond to that
Because you are basically saying "lady bodies are scary", or at least that is how it comes across
@AshleyNunn doesn't it sound fucked up that you have more microbial cells than human cells in your body?
@AshleyNunn No, not that.
@DwarfSlice Not really, no
> "I don't know about you but I think poop smells not so great," Heinz told This Week in Start-Ups. "We think, on an airplane you're breathing 90 percent farts, right? So it'd be good if they were good smelling."
That would be nice.
@DwarfSlice we're all really just hosts to all kinds of other species, considering how many microbes and bacteria there are within us.
we're like walking planets for tiny things
@Chippies It's still fuct when you think about it.
@DwarfSlice the vaginas part is literally the least interesting and useful or important part of the article.
The issue is gross dudes taking credit for a company a woman founded.
I posted a video like that one time
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah that's really dumb.
@DwarfSlice I hate to say this but you are kinda missing @LessPop_MoreFizz's point - it's not about vagina microbes, it is about dudes being absolutely shittacular
I understood that.
I just didn't have anything useful to say on that matter.
What can I say that will improve things for that woman
@AshleyNunn I think he's just commenting on the product, not so much the @LessPop_MoreFizz's point
It's stupid and it sucks.
I'm more commenting on the linked article motherboard.vice.com/read/…
@Chippies Right, and commenting on the product is totally missing the point
1 min ago, by DwarfSlice
I'm more commenting on the linked article http://motherboard.vice.com/read/cola-flavored-genitals-and-other-potential-uses‌​-for-microbiome-hacking
@LessPop_MoreFizz because talking about something other than what you want to talk is missing the point?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Wow, those guys are assholes, it sure sucks that they would do that, jesus I hope those guys die, what terrible people
Or accidentally make their dicks smell like cabbage
Annnnd that's my cue to do something else with myself. wanders off
Yes! Captain America 2 came in from the library :D
@RPiAwesomeness like, the comic book?
there's comic books in libraries? o.O
@Chippies like, the move :)
@Chippies It is when his initial reaction was to complain about the subject matter of the article and how he'd 'get in trouble' for it where I didn't.
@Chippies there are!
@RPiAwesomeness and movies in libraries?!
@Chippies ik! It's really crazy
I haven't been to a library in years and I remember them to be tiny and boring
@LessPop_MoreFizz I was joking, Jesus Christ
The library in my town is pretty cool
@LessPop_MoreFizz He may or may not have missed the point with that sentence, but what followed had nothing to do with getting or missing the point
@Chippies Sorry, my library-dar went off.
Libraries are AWESOME
@AshleyNunn ikr!
@AshleyNunn oh right, you're a frequent library visitor, aren't you
Q: Sticky Piston not moving block for a Door?

Sentinel GamingSo I have a 2x2 Compact Sticky Piston door but when I flick the switch only 3/4 blocks are pushed for the door to be shut like so and I am wondering how would I fix this. Notes: I am using Minecraft 1.5.2 because some of the mods I am using are no longer supported past that version and the desi...

the library I used to go to was smaller than our apartment is right now, so...
and they have movies and books and music, and downloadable music and books and even sometimes video games and one of hte local libraries near me is saving for a 3D printer
they didn't have computers
and comics and magazines and graphic novels and computers and events and stuff
they are GREAT
I guess libraries have progressed :P
Hm, I wonder if the local library here has any comics or graphic novels
@AshleyNunn Yeah, I wish my library would do the 3D printer too...I'd definitely help with the cost ...
I've only been there with wife to print or scan stuff, lol
haven't seen any interesting stuff, but it may be hidden in some room or something
@RPiAwesomeness I was at a nicely ritzy event last night to help support the library getting the printer. :D
@AshleyNunn kewl :D
The horrible part is that I stayed up all last night at a sleepover/hangout with a bunch of friends watching Transformers (4?) and playing games...and I've got Church tomorrow. So I'm tired and need to be able to get up at decent hour and not be a zombie...
Bother my lack of sleep yesterday...
Now I can't watch Cpt. America 2 :(
@RPiAwesomeness But you can tomorrow :)
@AshleyNunn Yes :D
Q: Dragon induced merger

Dragonborn-catI was riding a dragon and my friend attacked me when I got of!why did he do that?he was the kajett caravan guy that sends you on the moon amulet mission.I really liked him but I had to kill him:(.

Q: Halo: TMCC check version

tPlummerDoes anyone know how to manually check version or check for updates? I assume are supposed to be automatic, but I didn't see one come through Thursday and I can't figure out either what the current version is it what version I have. ... Should I just cut my losses on this game? So many fond me...

@Lazers We don't have a tag for the MCC?
Q: GTA 5 saving issue XB1

Charles SiegristWhenever I try to save whether it is with my phone, autosave or sleeping in a bed it always says "ALERT Error in Content Enumeration." Please Help!

Q: What should I do with all these trinkets?

spugsleyI have way too many unusable items/trinkets. Everything from dolls to gemstones to flags. I know in past Dragon Age games, items like this could be given as gifts to increase companion approval ratings. I'm not sure if this is the case or not but what I do know is that I have way too many things ...

Q: Where can I get trained in speach?

OreoI want to increase my speach skill in skyrim so that I can sell any item to any merchant (with the perk). Where can I find someone who will train me in speach?

@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes it is
Also, woohoo, 55 unique canadian beers in one month.
@LessPop_MoreFizz One of us, one of us ;)
would have been much higher if I wasn't terrified of trying to find bars with actual craft beer lineups because they would probably need me to speak french and aaaah
so every time I ate out it was nothing but rickards as far as the eye can see. Which is meh.
@AshleyNunn I am leaving this godforsaken country in ~16 hours. HOORAY.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hey, don't blame us for Quebec
the rest is pretty good
@Yuuki any idea if I can respec?
Archery is boring as fuck
I'm literally falling asleep during combat
that's when you know your build is good!
@badp I got hold of windows version of BL2 and I cannot get Steam to recognize it :(
@SaintWacko :O
Did you register its key with Steam?
@Powerlord No, I mean I'm trying to install it on Linux. I was hoping Steam would pick up most of its files and I'd only have to download a few
but it's not working
@SaintWacko Oh.
I was only mentioning the key reg thing 'cause BL2 is a SteamWorks game.
or at least I think it is.
@StrixVaria I'm not sure which level you're talking about.
They probably use a different install location or something dumb like that and that's why it's not seeing the files.
Hmm... should I make popcorn or ham sandviches
...oh wait, since I'm playing games, butter on fingers is probably bad
Q: Which map is the best for farming Foxfire Clusters?

KovikoI'm interested in farming Foxfire Clusters to make a Mawdrey backpiece. Which map(s) is/are the best for farming Foxfire Clusters? I'd like to be able to get at least 4 per day to keep up with the daily food crafting.

Q: Minecraft pe cant login

Ashten galutiraI can't login when I put /login monkey it says please pick different username or if you don't know it pick a different user name

@Lazers is that even a question?
Tomorrow, I build. And maybe panel line. And then the Sith Gundam is almost complete.
Q: I cant make a barracks

David GrinbergAccording to this wiki, armor and weapon racks can be used to make a barracks. I have built an armor and weapon rack in a room, but it is not giving me the r button option to make a barracks. What am I misisng?

@spugsley Old beardy dude?? Yummm
I know
Bonus points if it was in a 1v1 match
@spugsley I warned you about archery being boring.
But yes, you can respec.
It's an item you buy at the blacksmith's in Haven. First time is 1G, after that is ~350.
@spugsley So I think in my subsequent playthroughs I'm going to side with the Mages as a Templar and side with the Templars as a Mage.
It feels it makes much more sense in this game than it would in 1 or 2.
@Yuuki I'm thinking mages this time around. I haven't decided yet
I feel this is the one DA game where both parties are dicks.
It's been rather one-sided in the previous games.
@spugsley Are you talking about Blackwall?
@Yuuki yarp
he's all beardy
so. beardy.
@Yuuki who you gonna romance? I'mma guessssss Cassandra? :p
(i was so mad I couldn't romance Cassandra as a lady playable character)
Yeah, Cassandra.
She's so adorable in her romance storyline!
Want an example?
Her favorite books are Varric's "terribly bad" smut series.
And you convince Varric to give her an advance copy.
@Yuuki Today I learned @spugsley is Varric. :P
Heyo Bridge
How is everyone?
1 hour later…
Q: In clash of clans how do you tell if enemy troops can be deployed in certain area?

CeleritasWhen buildings are too close together enemy troops can't be deployed between them. How do you tell when they're close enough? I built a wall around my main base (including town centre) but attackers can still deploy troops within the wall. For ascetic reasons I like having my village spaced out...

Q: How to add rank/kill counter in amxx mod (CS 1.6)

HanzeI've installed AMX Mod x for CS1.6 successfully for offline play. now i want to add a counter for kills and deaths (lifetime). it'll store all kills and deaths made by a player permanently. is there are any plugin available for this?

1 hour later…
Q: Why i can't reach Redcliffe in Dragon Age Inqusition?

Alist3rI'm playing Dragon Age: Inquisition. I'm in the first zone (Hinterlands) and my main quest is to go in Redcliffe but i see a closed gate on the road for redcliffe. I read that i've to close i rift before the gate but this not appear in my game.. What i've to do? Thanks

@spugsley But can you romance some woman as a female character? otherwise it's a super dum decision. If some NPC's would be purely hetero, that'd be nice, if all of them are, that's stupid.
Q: Is there a location in Draenor where there are tameable pets within seconds of a stable master?

dlanodIn Northrend the Dragonbone Hatchlings were known to be very good pet leveling battles because they respawn quickly and are located very close to a stable master to heal and resurrect your pets. In Pandaria the same was for the Jungle Grubs in Krangasang Wilds. Is there a location in Draenor ...

Q: Who can help me and test a new mobile app?

DanielPlease sing up over here http://promo.myleisureapp.com/getitfirst/ Thanks

Q: How long do followers stay branded in SoM?

Bram VanroyIn Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor the player has the possibility to "brand" enemies (Uruks, captains, war chiefs, caragors and even graugs). By doing so, those enemies will not attack you and when you get into a fight with other, non-branded, enemies your followers will fight along your side. My...

Q: What is the difference?

ArceusMaster0493What's the meaning of these phrases in League of Legends? Does it all mean "Lots of kills", or is there any difference between them? Killing spree Rampage Legendary Godlike _____kill Ultrakill

1 hour later…
Q: MCEdit still usable?

TrudleRBack then in ~2011/2012 it was pretty usual to use MCEdit to transfer objects into other worlds. Can you still use this tool? I remember some issues, if you hadn't updated it to the current version of Minecraft, but I saw that the last update of MCEdit was in 2013. My last world fucked up after ...

Q: Does magic intenity x2.5 in Master of Magic bring disbalance (replaces city development and army creation)?

user2136963I started playing Master of Magic two days ago. For the first scenario I chose Tauron and easy level. Initially the game was a bit hard, but I managed to kill two enemies before it crashed (emulation issues). For the second attempt I chose custom hero: Nine books of sorcery, sorcery mastery and ...

Really Valve?
You still haven't fixed that?
I mean it doesn't even seem that hard.
Just put a bubble with the currency underneath the price.
You don't even have to change much.
now to sit here for 1 hr and 15 min waiting for my ps3 to ding my trophy unlocks :D
might as well tidy :/
Q: Why are there huge chunks in my world that aren't loading?

nickyy AllyA while ago i started noticing these small patches in my world that were unloaded, and whenever i go near them i start glitching out. And so i closed minecraft and opened it up again and noticed that the whole area around me won't load, and this really frustrates me because i had the same problem...

Q: Are there any persistent results from exploration?

TyralionThe E:D galaxy is full of unknown (grey) systems which players – if they have the right equipment – can explore and then sell data from to a faction when they're docked in a station with the Universal Cartographics service. I haven't tried exploration myself yet, but when I do explore a system ...

Q: How do I turn off headbob?

RaestlozTitle says it all. Googled for about 15 minutes but got nothing. Inquiries in Ubisoft official forums and reddit are met with silence from everybody. Checked GamerProfile.xml for "head", "bob" and "sway" keywords, nothing.

Q: War to home base

user92903Is there a way to copy my war base to my home base in clash of clans? I know there is for home to war base but I want to copy my war to my home base.

The Steam release seems to be doing something for Brickforce but I don't think it's enough :(
They've gated channels to equipment levels, which seems like a good thing, but their aren't enough new players/old players to fill those channels :(
Noobs are faced with immediate grinding in the all stars channel, which usually involves them being grinded, not xp.
I'll keep playing it, but I wish there were more players.
Q: filling non-air blocks only (minecraft)

hacatuIs it possible for me to replace all non-air blocks in a 5x5x5 box around where I am having this command executed be set to stone blocks?

I think this user account can safely be deleted.
We've gotten nothing but crap from it.
9 minutes to go.
Q: What does your companions approval matter for?

letitbeeSo far I have not seen any indication that approval does anything besides flavor. Are there any actual game mechanics tied to how much approval you have with characters?

user image
@Wipqozn Huh. I'm guessing the part where the guy walks off the screen for a few seconds is supposed to be WWII?
@Arperum Yeah, there are options...but I like Cassandra the best ;)
I don't think my AP/switch likes having my Drobo attached to it, or the fact that it manages my torrents. I paid good money for that, and it's not quite living up to expectations recently.
Also, mouse emulation isn't working properly from my HTPC remote. It doesn't seem to be an Event Ghost problem.
Is @Unionhawk old enough for that reference?
I understand the reference at hand
Actually, technically yes, but technically no
Wait, no, just no
I don't know anymore
I've successfully confused myself
I hope you're happy
Desktops rool, laptops drool
Like, literally I'm powering this thing on toast. It's amazing.
Still better than mobile chat
Q: vuhdo bodyguard integration

AlexI use an addon called vuhdo to help with healing. Vuhdo has a panel setup called "Private Tanks", when out adventuring with my bodyguard I set my focus on my bodyguard and this puts them into the private tanks panel. This situation works well enough, but I would much prefer not to have to use the...

(it was plugged in all night too)
(turned off and plugged in)
Maybe the battery is fine and the charging circuit is borked
That would be even worse
I'm not sure which is worse from a battery explosion standpoint
@Arperum The interesting thing about DA3 is that not all the romance options are party members.
I should probably get out of bed at some point
@OrigamiRobot Naaaaaah.
Q: I Died and can't start over!

Audrey ElgOnce when I was in my brother's world and I died and I respawned in the air and die again and again! What do I do?

@OrigamiRobot The only thing that compelled me to do that this morning was my stomach. If your stomach isn't growling, stay in bed.
Assuming you haven't left yet
@Unionhawk We're up all night to not charge ~
Has anyone played the new Adventure Time game (Secret of the Nameless Kingdom)? Part of me is like "ooooh that could be fun" but the last two were....lacking
@AshleyNunn The secret is the kingdom is named Netherlands.
The king was annoyed by all of the netherjokes and got rid of the name to put an end to the juvenility.
Q: in pokemon x, how do you check your pokemon's happiness if you're only on the 2nd gym?

serenitySo, my neighbor got rid of my entire game and I had to start over. Now, I'm trying to get an umbreon and the only way I know to check happiness is impossible.

I only got up to take a shower
> Primary Battery: Status: Replace
@AshleyNunn I feel the same! I loved Hey Ice King, but didn't play the second one because of the awful stuff I heard.
@Unionhawk how old is your battery/laptop?
@badp It's 3 years, so it's replacement time, probably for both.
This is about the time my last laptop battery died.
Hell, that was a year before
This battery has lasted a year more
dammit HP
Q: How do you interrogate an enemy?

DavidYellSo I've completed the opening story mission where the wraith reads an orcs mind to gleen information. However I've not found a way to interrogate enemies when they are stunning. Can you interrogate enemies 'manually'? If you can, what benefits does it bring?

Q: Check if a player is blocking

hacatuIs is possible to check if a player is blocking? If so, how is it done? It didn't have any stat that seemed right on the wiki, and I didn't see one when I hit tab on "/scoreboard add derp". Thanks for any help you give.

@Unionhawk are you really buying a replacement battery?
Dammit, I always forget YouTube had ads until I try to watch something on my phone
@OrigamiRobot ikr! AdBlock FTW
@Unionhawk are you like, always on battery power?
Oh boy! Jonas Gray & LeGarrette Blount are both playing for the Patriots. This offense is insane
Sports go sports
Q: Dragon Age: Inquisition - which area is for my level?

StupidOneI'm little bit confused with "level vs area" progression in Dragon Age: Inquisition. Could someone give quick reference which zone is meant for which (character) level to be played? Hinterlands seems like starting area, but after some time, all zones seems like little bit overpowered for my hero...

Q: After update - buildings are half gone

ReneeMy kids logged into one of their favorite PE worlds only to discover that entire sections of their buildings and creations are just missing it's not just one or two, it's EVERY building in their worlds. Can I do something about that for them? ipad edition.

1 hour later…
Aw, so there are only 12 more episodes of The Colbert Report? :|
When does he take over for Letterman again?
Q: Robocraft blimp

Red2awnI have a tier 4 blimp with 3 rail gun, I always get spotted and shot, is there anyway I can avoid being seen? And I haven't seen any blimp since the update, is it just useless?

> Sen. Lindsey Graham says it's "garbage" that the report finds no members of the Obama administration lied to cover up what happened the night of a deadly attack in Benghazi.
"I DON'T LIKE THE OUTCOME SO IT MUST NOT BE TRUE" Politicians are so silly.
@badp Spending $50-ish of not-my-money(tm) > replacing the whole thing >> hauling a charger around and also hibernating every time I want to move
not-my-money(tm) best money
@AshleyNunn <late>Reviews of the game seem... mixed</late>
Word on the street is that it plays a lot like Zelda 1.
and by that I mean "guess where you're supposed to go next"
@Powerlord Is going to stay in his Colbert Report personality when he takes over for Letterman?
@Yuuki From what I've heard, no.
@Powerlord ...to the right? (or is zelda 1 not a typical 2d sidescroller in that sense?)
@Powerlord Well, now I'm scared that the change will be jarring enough to cost him viewers.
@Unionhawk With the exception of Zelda 2, 2D Zelda games are top-down.
The biggest criticism of Zelda 1 is that you know you're supposed to find 8 dungeons and go through them, but finding the dungeons isn't necessarily easy.
@Powerlord Ah. I see.
I mean, sometimes you get hints as to where a dungeon is from NPCs in caves (dungeon 7's location for instance). Others, it's "where on the overworld can I use the item I got in the last dungeon".
Dungeons 1, 2, 3, and 6 are basically "wander until you find it"
Dungeon 4 requires dungeon 3's item, dungeons 5 and 7 have hints to finding them, and dungeon 8 is "burn every tree until you find it"
Anyway, the Adventure Time Nameless Kingdom game supposedly only has 3 dungeons.
@Unionhawk if you say so
(Keeping in mind that the 3DS Zelda game that costs $5 less than it has 12 dungeons)
Oh, and I'm ignoring the final dungeon for both those games... so really 4 and 13
@Powerlord Actually, I know a few people for whom that was the biggest selling point. It was about exploration and finding your own way
Q: How to force Civ 5 resolution on Linux?

l0b0Civilization 5 insists that I can only set portrait-style resolutions (such as 1200x1920), presumably since one of my screens is in that mode. I would like to be able to play in landscape mode, as originally intended. I tried setting the game to windowed mode and and setting the resolution in ~/....

Q: Selecting wall row not always allowing upgrade issue

BPughIn Clash of Clans, I'm allowed to select a whole row of walls. I have seen a button that allows the whole row to be upgraded, however it is not always available. I have checked that the row is the same level and tried to select other segments in the wall, but that doesn't help. I have noticed ...

@Ktash Those people should play Ramble Planet
I came, I watched Saw, I conquered?
Did you?
Does anyone really conquer watching saw?
Veni, serra vidi, vici?
Ffff... I didn't want to run out to the store today, but now weather is saying tomorrow afternoon we're going back to below freezing
its blummin cold here
walking to work today in the rain was no fun at all :/
@djsmiley2k I'd rather have rain than snow
nah snow, when bad enough, means no going to work \o/
Today where I live is 52F / 10C. Tomorrow afternoon is expected to go below freezing (30F / -1C)
At least all the snow melted here during this
hmmm last few days it's been 10 - 7 c
errr 7 - 10 even
negative will come soon, but still no snoooow :(
Fun optical illusion: Which line is longer? Are you suuuuure? http://t.co/snQlgRsEqe
right i should go to bed
Made me lol
@fredley *vici
@Unionhawk ugh, ok
Q: Why would you not let someone join the Inquisition?

riv_recYou get an option to let someone into the Inquisition but can also deny them, which gives the flavor text that they will not return. Why would you not accept everyone offering?

such combat
Okay, so attempting to clean up panel lining ended in failure. Trying to do so just wrecks my paint job. Guess I'm stuck with super thick panel lines.
@Frank start from scratch?
Q: How can I take a key in "where is my water"?

Hoseyn HeydariI'm playing "where is my water" on windows phone. I complete my missions at "soap factory" and for more missions at "beach" it wants me buy 3 keys or take from my friends. Is there any way to take keys whit out buy. (e.g. a secret location)

Q: Why did I been surrounded by too many treasure goblins?

EpocI think I'm starting to ask too many stupid questions about treasure goblins. I was slashing some mobs in the first level of a Nephalem Rift with a friend (it was like 3 minutes we started), and suddendly: Yes : 9 treasure goblins at the same place. Is this normal?

Q: How did someone join my minecraft pe single player world?

Creepergirl407I have a minecraft pe single player world when I was playing some how someone joined my game how?

Q: What is the fastest way to place blocks on Minecraft PS3?

TheIdiotGamerIn Minecraft PS3, I am making a cool adventure map. However, the build involves lots of block placing. I seem to move slow; it will take a while. Luckally, the blocks are mostly just straight lines and moving fast will not cause too many blocks all over the place. What is the fastest way to place...

Equal Rights

Proposed Q&A site for people interested in the current day rights and the history of equal rights worldwide.

Currently in definition.

Healthy diet

Proposed Q&A site for people who want an healthy diet and how they can make it easy to do so.

Currently in definition.

Ask Microsoft

Proposed Q&A site for users, professionals, and enthusiasts of Microsoft products (not just computer related), hardware, and software and those with questions about Microsoft itself.

Currently in definition.


Proposed Q&A site for those who want to know about the reasons behind evolution's designs.

Currently in definition.

@fredley Yeah, not happening.
Q: How to earn money fast in GTA 5?

NielsHow do I earn allot of money, really fast, but legally. I don't want to get banned from Xbox Live.

Q: What happened to this creeper?

TheIdiotGamerIn Minecraft, I came across this: What is it? When I immediately left my world and came here. What does it do?

There we go.
Crappy paint job and all.
Q: NTSC console connected to PAL CRT TV "supporting" NTSC vs "native" NTSC TV

user92944I would like to buy an NTSC/US NES with NTSC games and maybe later on an NTSC PlayStation 1, but I wonder whether I can connect these consoles to a CRT PAL TV set without quality loss. I've read that some PAL TVs "support" NTSC, however, I don't know if this NTSC mode works like a "native" NTSC T...

Ok. So I am really starting to get... frustrated... by a particular user, I'm not going to mention the name (at least not just yet) but I'm not really sure what to do...
They have been posting some poorly researched questions, and it's starting to get to me. Most of my reviews against this user seem to be biased by his previous questions and answers...
Anyone have any insight to the situation?
> Reset is a single player co-op first person puzzle game
Oxymoron much?
lolwhat :P

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