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Q: What champions are good to support Kalista?

DropDeadSander - EUWI main support, but I'm not able to play Kalista until she's free. What champions are good to support Kalista and how should you play/build them?

Yepp, just another slow Friday
@3ventic I had a feeling what it was, and clicked anyway.
Rapitor vs. the Sick. Round 2. fight
@5pike /r/ShittyTumblrGifs "Blaair. Blaair. Blaair."
I don't do reddit.
Q: Probe returning: From which mineral field it gathered resources?

CygnusX1If I have a Probe returning with minerals back to the base (Issued order "ProbeHarvest",1), how do I know where it was mining from? I would like to write a trigger which orders the probe to return back to the mineral field early.

4 heart containers
1 red heart
4 blue hearts
I hate Eve
3 red hearts on the ground
@badp Stop playing
@fredley WHAT DO
@badp STOP DO
@fredley WHAT DO
@badp DO STOP
@fredley UR A STOP
I should've kept the IV bag
That's what I should've done did
is there a problem with too many hearts?
I thought more hearts was always better?
Eve gets basically an all stats up when she has 1 red heart or less
She still sucks, though.
so if you have plenty of non-red health, it's advantageous to keep her on 1 red heart
but how long will that non-red health last you?
the blue ones don't last past one level, if I remember what you gys have been saying right?
they do
and then turn into containers or something?
and on the other hand, if you do have the extra health, how much extra damage you'll take because of your own reduced damage
@Sconibulus those are white hearts
the Quake 3 equivalent of blue hearts is armor
I thought I heard that blue/gray/white were all the same
black ones still explode, right?
(although when you take damage your blue hearts absorb it fully)
yeah, black ones explode
and two halves of a white heart become a full heart container
or a single half carried to the end of a level
Don't use a blood donation machine or IV-bag when you have a white heart. You'll lose it.
Though if you have IV-bag just to keep yourself at low red health, you probably don't even want HP up
Now I want to live in Buffalo
@Sterno Until it falls in
@Sterno and be the butt of every grammar joke?
Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo
You're capitalization is wrong
It is "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo"
@KevinvanderVelden Your face is wrong
(Sorry, couldn't resist :D)
@KevinvanderVelden :(
@KevinvanderVelden It's also "your" and not "you're"
Your urmom is yours
(Sorry again @Kevinv)
@5pike screw that
But yes
@fredley upper case is noun, lower case verb/... adjective I think the word is?
@KevinvanderVelden I've been learning German, I have no idea anymore
@fredley capitalisation rules in German are the worst.
So many exceptions
"Start of the sentence, all nouns, except in a few cases where the noun is used as an adverb" doesn't sound too bad for me ...
Q: Why am I studying sea apples?

fredleyI keep studying them, but nothing seems to happen. Is there a point? How many sea apples would I have to study before something happens?

There are more. I'm not a "pro" so I can't really list them, but a glance over to German Language should yield some more examples.
@Lazers 10
Diese Seite bietet eine Übersicht darüber, in welchen Fällen Substantive nach den amtlichen Rechtschreibregeln von 2006 groß- bzw. kleingeschrieben werden. == Übersicht == Substantive werden grundsätzlich großgeschrieben. Beispiele: Apfel, Mensch, Musik, Substantiv, Helene, Los Angeles In folgenden Fällen werden Substantive kleingeschrieben: Substantive, die aus anderen Sprachen stammen, wenn es sich um ein bloßes Zitat handelt. (der englische Ausdruck „quality time“) Substantive, die nichtsubstantivisch gebraucht werden: hallo Prädikativ gebrauchte Substantive. (jemandem feind sein) Subs...
Here is a more complete list of exceptions. Most of them either just don't appear in typical daily usage - or people let both slide since nobody cares or remembers. Thanks, Rechtschreibreform!
@MartinSojka All nouns except pronouns except Sie when it means "you".
I like when rules have an exception to the exception.
Oh god, please stop
The page also nicely illustrates two different words which are annoyingly written the same in some cases, "morgen" (adverb, "tomorrow") vs. "Morgen" (either the substantive "tomorrow" or "morning").
Dragon Age people
Where the hell can I look to see what my skills actually do?
I played a little last night (up to the first rift) and had some skills I could use, but nowhere could I find descriptions of what they actually did
Herr kreationdearpluskreatierung, Germansphracheexceptionen studien
@Sterno Does this help? dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/…
Grammar rules are generally crazy since they're grown over centuries. I especially like the answer to the question "When do I use 'ó' instead of 'u' in Polish, since both sound exactly the same (in Standard Polish)?" being essentially "When the specific word was pronounced with a "long o" in Old Polish, some 500 years ago." ... :D
There are not the same question
Q: Dragon Age: Inquisition - old save files, how do I get them?

GorillaSo I am gonna buy the game soon, today probably. I wonder if there is any way I can load those old game files that are currently on my older pc? I am wondering about gaming Dragon age Inq on ps3 as my computers are not strong enough, any more, for such a game. I am getting a new, stronger pc soon...

Q: Is save data from previous Dragon Age games used in Inquisition?

MadMAxJrDoes Dragon Age Inquisition make use of save data from previous games in the series? If so, what benefits does this provide?

@MartinSojka Yeah, crazy but also interesting.
One is "I played on PC, now I'm on PS3, how do I get my save data?" The other is "Does the game even use it?"
> As far as I know there is no way to import savegames directly, you have to use the Keep to set up your game world.
@Frank You're quoting an answer, not a question.
Answers don't make questions dupes
Q: Is a question a duplicate just because it asks for something that can be part of another question's answer?

ZommuterDoes damaging an enemy ship reduce the amount of scrap found? had been closed as a duplicate of How can I maximise the amount of scrap I collect?. While it's been reopened now, I'd still like to get the general stance on this - as per the Dr. Strangedupe blog post and probably many other blog a...

@Sterno That's the point of dupes; "Hey, there's an answer here that helps you!"
No, that's not the point of dupes
The point of dupes is This is the same question
@Sterno I have a broader definition. Not gonna get support from me to reopen that.
@Frank I am not shocked we don't agree, or that you're clearly wrong. :)
@Sterno All is right with the world. :)
Having lots of meta votes on my side of the argument makes me feel warm and fuzzy.
Question X is a subset of Question Y: Dupe it; Question X and Question Y share an answer, but are entirely different ways of approaching the problem: Don't dupe it
I think
Sometimes. Sometimes Question Y is too broad
urmom is too broad
And you can get into huge arguments about where that subset is drawn.
@OrigamiRobot whoa there
Duplicates should be for exact duplicates only.
It's to prevent people from having to answer the same question over and over and over and over and over and over...
I always saw duplicates as they are dupes if the answer is the same.
I do, however, see three questions about changing the game's language to English, but only one is marked as a dupe!
@Rapitor It is trivial to ask completely different questions that all have the same answer. Those are not duplicates.
What's 2+2? What's 3+1
Of course, those are all dupes of "HOW DO I ADD?"
Even though the answer to "HOW DO I ADD?" will probably never be "4"
Too broad
those would be dupes of HOW DO I ARITHMATIC
yeah, i'm not sure what I meant. My brain is very off today. basically a question can be similar, but different. if the answer is the same while the question is similar it's probably a dupe.
@Rapitor Read the meta and see if you still have that stance. If you do, that's fine. Others do too
There's actually some related metas but I don't know where they are now.
@Sterno One is about voice language, the other is about text.
@Frank Aha! I didn't read it closely
(which is also why I hadn't gotten around to voting yet)
@Sterno Yeah, I had to read it closely to find that difference.
At first blush, it seemed to be the same thing.
And, really, I'd prefer a single canonical source for all language changing information.
Is it going home time yet?
@Powerlord I wish. I really want to work on my model.
Also, I get to drive home at the same time that 10,000 people are heading into town for the lighting of the state christmas tree... and of course I can't leave early.
In other news, a user's managed to join SO, and hit the QA ban in a single day.
Q: Can a creep commit suicide in screeps?

joppiesausI am programming a script for my guards, if the guard can't move, make the guard commit suicide, so my system can spawn a new one again. But how do I do that? It's not listed in the docs. I am looking for something like this: creep.commitSuicide(); Note to moderators: The tag "screeps" doesn'...

Is it just me or is this still awfully sexist.
@DwarfSlice pretty much in the opposite direction now
sexist toward men instead
How is that shark incremental? Does it have any depth to it?
@Frank Heh.
@JasonBerkan Ok. The pun was unintended.
But I'll take it.
@Frank The best ones are.
Chasms are deep.
@OrigamiRobot Har har.
Intended puns are second-worst puns
Puns followed by "no pun intended" are worst puns
Puns are the best when they're the worst.
@OrigamiRobot Unless it was said by @Wipqozn. His are automatically the worst.
Which makes them the best.
@Sterno This takes me back all the way to high school!
D. Baggerson is my new favorite name.

Proposed Q&A site for this is for anyone interested in finding the ways or how to's to get females as friends or to date & vice versa. This site will contain questions of known tricks and answers of legit and working means of talking,approaching and gaining rapport..

Currently in definition.

That sounds super sleazy.
@Frank I can't see how that would possibly go wrong.
@Sterno You realize you are honor bound to support it, right?
@Sterno So, I entered 10 puns into a pun contest hoping that one of them would win. Unfortunately, no pun in 10 did.
@Powerlord Ow.
@Frank if this was just changed to "dating" and covered everyone.. it would probably be fine.. maybe
@Rapitor I believe there's already a relationships.se
Or at least a proposal for it.
@Sterno So, I stopped reading when he mentioned that he joined a messageboard for the sole purpose of yelling at someone who likes Dave Matthews (Matthews's? Matthews'?) Band.
Q: Why would I want to dispose of sharks?

fredleyEarly in the game, a grotto is unlocked where I can dispose of my various resources, including sharks. Is there any benefit to doing this?

@Yuuki Second one.
Owls (Strigiformes)

Proposed Q&A site for owl (Strigiformes) enthusiasts and experts

Currently in definition.

@StrixVaria for mod!
@Yuuki Maddox trolls you just by telling you about his trolling. He is a master.
Q: Is it possible to gain multiple Essence from a single run?

gatherer818So as not to spoil too much, I'll just say that Essence is the name of the reset currency and I enjoy having it. Is the amount of Essence you gain from a reset (done the right way! not the reset button along the top bar!) based on anything you do during the run or have at the end, or is it a s...

Q: Is there a benefit to level followers that run your sweatshops?

NoneOfYourBusinessIs there any factual benefit of leveling a follower that just runs your sweatshop and is normally not used for any missions? Does the Bonus he gives the that building increase or is it the same if he is Level 90 instead of 100?

still no traces of Lollipop for Nexus 7s with mobile data :(
@Frank Therefore making them the best.
Glad to see @OrigamiRobot has got my back!
@badp My Nexus 5 got updated earlier this week. Liking it so far.
@Wipqozn Only best in your own mind.
But really, you're the worst.
Also, been playing smash bros since early this morning. Loads of fun. I really like Robin.
@Frank Which is the best.
Think about how sad we would be if @Wipqozn wasn't the worst?
@MBraedley It seems like I'm waiting at best until the last days of November now
@Powerlord Lesson: Rockstar ninja developer isn't someone you actually want.
Q: Transfer a PS4 game from one console to another

OskarIs it possible to transfer a downloaded game from one PS4 to another? I have downloaded Infamous: Second Son on my PS4 and a friend has bought it on his PS4. It would be faster (if possible) to move it locally rather than for him download it

Q: Can I reset the Facebook game Trainstation?

RemcoGerlichI played the Facebook game "Trainstation" for a while last year. I'd like to play it again, but starting over from the beginning. Is there any way to make Trainstation forget that I've ever played it before?

@OrigamiRobot Life in the bridge would be a lot more boring.
@OrigamiRobot But think of all the fun we could have finding a new person to be the worst! I nominate @Uni to be the second-worst
@badp I gave up on waiting and hard flashed
@fredley There is not even a build to flash.
@badp orly?
@fredley yarly.
oh ya
Mobile data
@badp Wait, are those not links?
@fredley yeah, you know, it's a really advanced feature, the only other devices that have it are the Nexus 4, the Nexus 5, the Nexus 6 and the Nexus 9.
@badp I don't get it, what's wrong with the razorg images?
@fredley give me the link for the 5.0 build
@badp oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh
@fredley yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
3 mins ago, by badp
@fredley There is not even a build to flash.
I see noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
They must be having trouble with the cellular radio drivers
That's about the only thing I could think of
@MBraedley ya think?
@fredley Sorry, didn't think it was that obvious
apparently I'm waiting for late december
thanks Asus, you've certainly endearing me here
@badp == February
How hard can it beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?
Is it possible to quit your job without any awkward conversations?
Feels like a breakup.
20 mins ago, by Powerlord
user image
@Koviko Technically, a screaming match usually isn't awkward
@Koviko The good places tend to make it not at all awkward.
Read your contract, follow the procedure within
It will tell you who to talk to/supply written notice to
From then on, enjoy the ride
Note: ride may or may not be enjoyable
write nice letter saying "thanks for the role and having me, i've learnt lots but feel it's time I moved on."
they might ask why, be honest.
@djsmiley2k But don't be to honest...
hmmm i guess
depends if you liked the place or not :D
however if you feel bad about leaving, I presume yuo do
I wouldn't start burning bridges, you never know if they hold a grudge or something. Ending on good terms is always a safe bet.
Here in Manitoba, all employers can do is confirm that you worked for them.
You can sue them if they say anything bad about you.
Or at least, that's my understanding.
@5pike Unless they're a bridge-building company. Then start burning bridges
@Frank Same here
Here being Michigan, USA

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