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Q: Does Regrow Crops in caves ever have to be replanted?

Memor-XAfter experience my first storm i lost almost 60% of my crop of Corn (11/27 survived) however when i went into Carmite Cave for some grinding i found there was no change to the farming plots unlike my farm. So using this FAQ i looked up which Regrow produce would net me more money out of Spring ...

@Yuuki What
What what what
A few things I learned today:
- YouTube video thumbnails are heavily cached and painful to get right
- nVidia drivers are still fully deserving of Linus's finger
oh look it displays correctly here
@badp ?
Linus Torvalds?
My internet literally can't even
Q: How can I fix my PS3 controller?

DaveMy friend left his wireless PS3 controller at my house. He told me I can keep it because he plays XBOX 360. My wired controller stopped working last night. I tried to use the wireless one my friend left to play Grand Theft Auto V. It does work but, the L1 and down button on the D-Pad don't work. ...

@badp eeergh
omg this milkshake is so good but now I am so cold brrrrrrrr
grr...why u hef be slow internets
Oh. That's why.
@spugsley I know how to solve this problem, and I volunteer
Dang library installation that takes freaking ages
@badp Hey, I'm in that video
@Ktash #literallyinternetfamous
Dang library installation that takes freaking ages
@Ktash :3
@badp time for a new computer!
@Chippies nah
was that on linux?
did you get it fixed?
@spugsley I'm not anywhere close to the option, but what do you think I should specialize my Rogue as?
@Chippies yes, it's obviously Ubuntu.
@Chippies yes, by not playing that on Linux.
@badp it's not very obvious to me, but okay
@Yuuki I'm still deciding myself :(
@Chippies I'm not aware of anything else that uses Unity.
@badp that word is used for far too many things for me to know what you are referring to with it (Unity)
@Chippies Unity the desktop environment
The following extra packages will be installed:
acl at-spi2-core binutils-arm-linux-gnueabihf bsdmainutils ca-certificates
cgmanager cmake-data colord colord-data cpp-4.9-arm-linux-gnueabihf
cpp-arm-linux-gnueabihf curl dbus dbus-x11 dconf-gsettings-backend:armhf
dconf-gsettings-backend dconf-service debhelper dh-apparmor dh-python
dmsetup file fontconfig fontconfig-config fonts-dejavu-core
g++-4.9-arm-linux-gnueabihf g++-4.9-multilib-arm-linux-gnueabihf
gcc-4.8-base:armhf gcc-4.9-arm-linux-gnueabihf
The packages are real
@Yuuki omg this is helpful
is there one for archer?
@RPiAwesomeness I hope you like armhf
considering getting smash and pokemon at midnight (in less than 3 hours)
@badp No kidding. I was just making a kit for the Ubuntu SDK...crikey
I was just trying to follow the scope tutorial
@badp Holy crap!
@RPiAwesomeness the camera couldn't pick up on the footer blinking between the two shades of blue in the footer
@spugsley I have one for all classes, but I just left for work so I can't post it for awhile.
@badp That's really bad. What's the card?
And it looks like I'm working midnight for Hunger Games.
@RPiAwesomeness a 770
@badp Ah :)
Yeah, I'm going to have dat EVGA 750 Ti FTW swag
Q: What is the green stuff in the bottles?

Jonco98I recently got The Evil Within and I found a bottle full of green liquid. I call it gel, but a part of me doesn't think thats it. I also recently found out it is used to upgrade abilities and weapons.

@RPiAwesomeness i5-4460, 8gb of ram and gtx750ti is a pretty beast PC, just so you know what to expect :D
@Chippies Oh, I'm sure it is, but the 750Ti is pretty far from, say, a 970
or even a 770
@RPiAwesomeness pretty far in price as well
@Chippies I actually have an i5-4690k, it came :)
you get what you pay for
@Chippies Exactly
@RPiAwesomeness yeah, I know yours is better :P But the 4460 is pretty good as well, so yours is gonna be even better :D
@RPiAwesomeness currently the 4460 has been under 45C with stock cooler with Tera Rising running, the gpu is under 40 degrees as well
it's a pretty cool system, lol
@Chippies Nice!
the temperature inside the case is 24C
although that makes me wonder how freakin cold it is in this room
I'd like to win that, seeing as I've got the OCable i5-4690k. However, I've got a pre-OCd GPU (FTW edition from EVGA) and my RAM is only 1600...so that could make OCing a bit of a pain.
I wouldn't want a water cooling unit even if it was free
@RPiAwesomeness gpu and cpu OC separately
@Chippies I know
and I doubt your ram is gonna keep you back much
...which...kinda makes me think again...
but haswell cpu's don't OC that much either way
@Chippies Why not?
@RPiAwesomeness too much hassle for what you get out of it
@Chippies Ah
a good noctua fan with a heatsink provides similar cooling performance
Meh. NBD. I've got a sooper tiny chance of winning, so, yeah
Ugh. Noctua fans are so ugly
But they are good a cooling
@RPiAwesomeness I'm sorry, I want performance, not my fans to look pretty inside a case that's under my desk
and I don't think they are ugly, so that's irrelevant :P
@Chippies Exactly. If you've got a case without a window, they're stupendous!
they do have different colours available as well as of recently
Oh? That's nice!
@RPiAwesomeness with a window or not, if your PC is under the desk, you're not gonna see it
and you would need LED fans or something to see them anyway
because it's dark inside the case
you gotta love the dedication
@badp so... no cool hats?
update worthless, needs more hats
@Chippies blame the demon lord.
stupid demon lord, ruins everything!
I think it's decided - getting pokemon and smash in a bit over 2 hours
You know you've got horrible internet when you can't even watch a 360p video while downloading libraries
then I can brag on bridge as I am one of the few, if not only, person on bridge with smash
for few hours at least
@RPiAwesomeness youtube-dl
@badp Well, that's not much better...
@badp does this mean we are not doing the winterbash hats? :(
@RPiAwesomeness at least you're not waiting for it to buffer!
@badp True...
But still. Yargh
@RPiAwesomeness you've got horrible internet when you can't watch a 360p video. Period.
@Chippies Seriously.
I have sub 1Mb/s internet. That's horrible.
don't forget that linux servers are pretty fast, so it's likely to eat up all your bandwidth when downloading libraries
Q: Can GTA V Online work between Xbox 360 and Xbox One

Kyle ColemanCan someone on an Xbox 360 play GTA online with people on Xbox One and vice versa? Some guys in a lobby said he was on the 360 playing with me (I have an Xbox one) but I have a feeling he wasn't in the right state of mind. Is it possible?

Q: How can i stack a mine cart on a bat?

user92683Is there a way to make a invincible mine cart on a invincible bat? if its controllable tell me how if not just ignore it. still, how is it done!

z  '
z '
Free copies of Insurgency for anyone who wants it: humblebundle.com/?gift=GYNSYxRUGHnYqRK6 (3 uses left)
@badp that reminds me, I see what you meant about Full Mojo Rampage, it's just too brutally hard. You do very little damage and you can take like 5 hits.
I like the art, but I'm probably not going to play it much.
Kind of glad I didn't buy it at full price like I almost did at one point.
because they look absolutely delicious
@Ktash OMG! I've had those! THEY'RE AMAZING!
I dont know that sounds like too many desserts touching
@AshleyNunn tocuhing and exploding.
You know what Firefox needs? Is an equalizer.
Don't forget the 'bomb' part
@LessPop_MoreFizz If my desserts explode thats not good. (unless I am making say a clafoutis or dutch baby or something, but that is more expansion than explosion)
Q: Edit character in Dragon Age Inquisition?

letitbeeI had a weird graphic bug when I created my character, and now he has ridiculous red hair. I know there is a console in this game. Is there a command to launch face editor again? Most games have that.

TIL that Jewel Staite played Amy Pond on Supernatural
Also, @spugsley Agents of SHIELD is apparently on Netflix now
@Ktash wat
But somebody was having a little bit too much fun, because that air after Amy was introduced
Q: watching 3d movie on PC

AshutoshMy PC configuration is core i7-4570k, 16GB ram, 1TB HDD, asus GeForce GTX 770 2GB, asus republic of gamer motherboard and sony kdl-40w900a active 3d tv. I can see 3d photos and play 3d games easily. The nvidia driver & software does all this for me. But i cannot play 3d movies successfully. I tri...

boo, just found out that latest Flyleaf album has a different singer, and she's very generic sounding
wow this beer is super smokey
like, I feel like I am drinking a tasty glass of bacon.
Or super smokey bourbon.
@LessPop_MoreFizz What are you drinking?
@AshleyNunn I'd say watered down blended bacon bits
First review is dead on as I think about it. It smells like a goddamned slimjim.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh yeah, you're in my country, things you drink are like almost kinda sorta maybe accessible!
@AshleyNunn Yeah! (Although we actually get DDC in NY too.)
I get to leave in 3 days though thank god thank god thank god.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Don't wanna be one of them anymore?
@AshleyNunn So tired of the french.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Don't blame you.
pokemon and smash in less than an hour!
I just realized that they also have digital downloads and probably pre-loading, so getting them at midnight launch doesn't even matter
now I have nothing to brag about :(
digital pokemans
@badp digital pokemans downloaded digitally
@Chippies pocket digital pokemans downloaded digitally
@badp now that's just redundant
@Chippies pocket pokemans mans pokedownloaded pokedigitally
@badp now that's better! I think... Actually I'm not sure, I think I'm confused...
@Chippies are your pokepockets pokecompatible with pokemans mans pokedownloaded pokedigitally?
brain explodes
and that's how Bob's Brain happened.
Someday I want to have ipecac and pyromaniac
or epic fetus and pyromaniac
or just dr. fetus and pyromaniac
hell, Dr. Fetus + Pyromaniac + Soy Milk
the most spectacular way to deal approximately 0 damage
ur an ipecac.
@LessPop_MoreFizz No, not number one + ipecac
@Blem Yes it is. And it is exactly as stupid as it sounds
Q: How do I fix this error?

XxDyllanxXA fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x4c0a3e88, pid=10260, tid=10276 JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (7.0_71-b14) (build 1.7.0_71-b14) Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (24.71-b01 mixed mode windows-x86 ) ...

Q: My Minecraft Isn't Working!

Clarson5678My Minecraft will not work, and i do not know why.. My launcher is saying.. [20:40:58 INFO]: Deleting C:\Users\Caleb\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions\1.8-OptiFine_HD_U_A4\1.8-OptiFine_HD_U_A4-natives-1359225978744 Please help me fix this problem!!

Q: Minecraft is not working

RedNeckGirlI built a pet shop for dogs and I did a lot of work and I updated it then finished building then 20min. Later I went on and all there was was the body or shape whatever you call it and everything else gone!And on my IPOD

@PrivatePansy I dunno, I'd sit down and drink Whatever, or Anything... Although I doubt it would last long over here, might be briefly popular as a weird new thing, and then fade into obscurity.
That's pretty much what happened here
@Lazers ooh, three in a row; Go directly to jail, do not pass go.
Wow, huh.
Let's just close all of them
@TrentHawkins Ultraaaaaa comboooooooo!
this game is way too addicting
is so strategy and fancy and involved\ :3 weeee
Q: Vast amounts of Minecraft Crash questions

BenThe ever present issue about "how to handle Minecraft Crash questions" has gained itself another meta question. We have had a few good meta posts in the past, like How do I ask a good Minecraft Bug/Crash question, which has been linked in a lot of Minecraft crash questions, and really helped ...

@PrivatePansy This comic is too highbrow for me.
I never get the jokes
The Kübler-Ross model, or the five stages of grief, is a series of emotional stages experienced when faced with impending death or death of someone. The five stages are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. The model was first introduced by American Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her 1969 book, On Death and Dying, and was inspired by her work with terminally ill patients. Motivated by the lack of curriculum in medical schools on the subject of death and dying, Kübler-Ross began a project which examined death and those faced with it while working as an instructor at th...
@PrivatePansy This comic makes me happy
Oh, right.
Latest pic from model:
Lightsaber blades, before and after darkening the pale pink.
cc @OrigamiRobot, because this is ALL your fault.
After the blades dry, I'm going to start painting parts a matte black.
@Frank It looks better as not pink
Q: I'm been invaded by a Weretortoise

David Grinberg I'm being invaded by a Weretortoise. I have no idea what a Weretortoise is, or how to prepare for one. I can't seem to find anyone on it in the DF wiki. Im fairly new to DF and this is my first major threat. What should I do?

Q: How can I change the text language in Dragon Age:Inquisition to english?

TCPIPHere's the thing - EA think we only speak our native languages, so games like DA Inquisition are only sold in our country's language. This time they made a huge leap for us original sound/text fans - they made it possible to get an english VO pack. But still the text part, all of it including men...

ughhhh I really do not want to buy this because it is a video game ost remix album but it has a bunch of great tracks from artists I really like music.disasterpeace.com/album/fz-side-f
Pokemon && Smash GET!
Today's goal was met: I started painting the model.
Q: XBOX ONE - After update, snapped YouTube runs poorly

Scuba_SteveAfter doing a recent system update, I can no longer run a game and YouTube at the same time. I can have it snapped, but the video runs at about half a frame per second and it causes my console to run sluggish in the menus. The audio runs fine, as does the game I'm playing. I'm asking this because...

Dang it! Tomorrow's Korra is a clip episode :/
At least it is supposed to be sort of like ember island players and be funny
@spyder Now that's useful.
That's like, inspire but cooler
@Chippies Oh, ORAS is out?
@Yuuki As of midnight yes
2 hours later…
Morning people
@5pike o/
Q: Dragon Age: Inquisition - old save files, how do I get them?

GorillaSo I am gonna buy the game soon, today probably. I wonder if there is any way I can load those old game files that are currently on my older pc? I am wondering about gaming Dragon age Inq on ps3 as my computers are not strong enough, any more, for such a game. I am getting a new, stronger pc soon...

Arqade seems to load very slow today.
Q: Can the opponents the my stacks on the dragon buff?

DropDeadSander - EUWPatch 4.20 introduced a full dragon rework: DRAGON SLAYER Killing Dragon now gives your team a permanent stacking buff called "Dragon Slayer": Dragon's Might (1 stack): +8% total attack damage and ability power Dragon's Dominance (2 stacks): +15% damage to minions and monsters D...

So, Smea released his 3DS exploit. Running roms is not (yet) possible, but I bet someone is already working on that.
Q: Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite Cannot update League of Legends Fix

Blairg23I was having a problem where I could not update my League of Legends (from a fresh install) in Yosemite. It would get to 87% and just hang at 0 Kbps. I had the hardest time finding a fix for this, so I thought I would give those instructions here: When LoLPatcher shows up in your dock, right-cl...

Q: Would the 4.20 patch make smite an unintended laning spell?

Marco GeertsmaAs of the 4.20 patch the hunters machette is only purchaceable when you have smite as summoner spell. The hunters machette also got some neat new items to build in-to. These are to much to list so the link can be found on the league wiki or here. The item i potentially saw as a laning weapon wou...

Q: Long Ships Wobbling

Finn RaymentI have personally experienced this in Version 0.25 as I sent up my own ISS. (International Space Station) I had a very long Main payload which every other part would dock to. As I got it into orbit and attached my first addition (crew quarters), the station started to wobble. And not like jiggle...

3D-printed turret for Edelweiss from Valkyria Chronicles
Oh, nice.
Hull and chassis I'll take from PzKpfw III
German/Austrian military abbreviations are comically bad.
@5pike Aufklärungspanzer :D
@5pike KlPzBfWg - Kleiner Panzerbefehlswagen
There's even a Wikipeda list
Die Liste militärischer Abkürzungen enthält deutschsprachige Abkürzungen aus dem militärischen Bereich des deutschsprachigen Raums (AT / CH / DE). Die Angaben in Klammern geben in der Regel die Herkunft an: AT = Österreich CH = Schweiz DD = Deutsche Demokratische Republik (1949–1990) DE = Bundesrepublik Deutschland DR = Deutsches Reich == A == A = Armee A = Atom, atomar a D = ausser Dienst (CH) a d Dw = auf direktem Dienstweg (CH) a i = ad interim (CH) A Stab = Armeestab (CH) A Trp = Armeetruppen (CH) a.D. = außer Dienst (DE) AAB = Aufklärungsartilleriebataillon(AT) AAufklRad = Artillerie...
Gah. Questionable content opened. I'M stuck in a comic hole. send help.
@Arperum for QC? No, read it! :D
@5pike I like russian weapon names. For example, "Apricot" – 220mm unguided missile, "Akela" – knife, "Fearless" – training laser tag system, "Burglar" – sniper rifle, "Tenderness" – handcuffs :D
Q: Where are the NPC traders in ORAS, and which Pokemon do they offer?

RobotnikSimilar to my question about the NPC Traders in Pokemon X/Y, I'm hoping to trade with all the NPC Traders in Pokemon Omega Ruby. So where are all the NPC traders in ORAS? What Pokemon do they want, and what do they offer in exchange?

Why did nobody star Monkey Island Sword Fighting? What is wrong with you guys?
I don't like point and click games.
@5pike :o you monster!
@KevinvanderVelden I'M AT WORK.
(I'm not too fond of them myself)
@5pike Neither do I.
@Arperum It's questionable content! Read it CC @AshleyNunn
Well, 3 people don't really like P&C games, so technically there is nothing wrong with us @fredley.
@KevinvanderVelden I started randomly in the middle. AND I HAVE WORK TO DO
@badp Did you complete the level? If yes, a reroll is acceptable.
@5pike Yes
I got one bomb drop -- behind rocks
Best bomb drops
@Arperum well you should start from the beginning
I'm creating my battle.net account (for the first time) and I was wondering if there would be any problems if I don't use my full name?
I'm a bit paranoid about giving out my full name.
@KevinvanderVelden BUT NOT AT WORK.
Like, if my name is Jane Doe, then I'd perhaps use Jane D
@Arperum Hmm, well I suppose it's acceptable to delay reading it
@Alraxite As with pretty much every form - if you give out false info, they can pretty much deny you any support or service.
@5pike Yes, I know it's against the ToS.
But I don't think they'll ban my account just for that.
Battle.net will basically require your ID pretty much whenever you have a login issue, and oh boy does Battle.net like to create login issues.
@Alraxite They probably won't but ... Yeah, what @badp said.
Telling you why you can't login is what battle.net does
Hmm, I did find a post that said that if your account gets hacked and if you don't have your real name in it then you'll run into problems...
You don't need to get your account compromised to run into problems
Like how?
Well, I think I'll just have to use my full name.
My understanding is
If you don't have an authenticator, you need to contact support if your account gets locked due to a successful login from an "unrecognized host" such as a second computer
Oh, that sounds annoying.
That's a pain in the arse.
I just reported my account compromised to reset it. And they were fine with it.
If you do have an authenticator (= their custom proprietary 2FA login thing) on a phone, but then you lose it or flash it, then you must contact support to have it removed
If you want to be able to DIY, you have to have an authenticator and give them your phone number.
Support will want a scan or picture of your ID to confirm your ownership of the account.
How does that even work when you didn't give a company your full name just to play a fucking free to play game?
I don't know! I have one account locked behind a lost authenticator and another locked and both would require me to send my ID to fix.
I've permanently given up hope on both
I'll just not play Blizzard games. It's easier.
that said @5pike might be able to correct factual inaccuracies I've made, because it has been a while since I last tried
I don't have a Blizzard account. I'm just stating general things.
@badp Just to be clear, did you have your real name in you battle.net account or a fake name?
@Alraxite both not real, but I haven't tried sending my ID for either case
Ah, I see.
One of the accounts only has Diablo and a WoW trials on it. The other has just a low level Hearthstone account.
I value my full name and picture remaining off the grid more than I do recovering those accounts.
Yes, that's reasonable.
I'm only creating one to be able to try out Hearthstone.
Okay, I think I'll stick to my original approach of John D (using only the initials for my surname).
Or something similar.
Q: How many troops do you have to donate to get xp

DamekI was donating Wizards to my clan and I didn't receive any xp for some donations. Normally I donate 5 Archers and I always get 5 XP. Do I have to donate a certain amount of troops to get the xp?

It's funny how die rooms tend to give you more broken builds than you used to have
traded wafer + scythe + triple shot for ludo + magnetic tear + technology 2 + robobaby + punching bag + some sort of invulnerabilty on damage? + samson
( I know... wafer... :( )
Dice rooms can be nice to transform a bad run into a good one, but they tend to appear to late (or don't have the necessary number).
I'm not entirely sure the run was improved
What does Ludo and technology result in? Ring of laser?
To late === I already died || rerolled
the magnetic ludovico tear is a massive enemy magnet
and it starts right below you
@Arperum probably, but this is Ludo + Tech2 so I just shoot lazers in the general direction of my tear as I move it around
I despise magnetic tears, but I can see it being useful with ludo.
OK, magnetic tears are the worst
Not every items needs to be good (on its own)
@badp thats what i meant. But mobile made the effort of typing a number to high.
Oh snap, a new deal appeared: Xbone with 3 games (GTA5, AssCreed black flag and unity) for 400 € ... But do I really need it?
Probably not
Nope, nothing I'm interested in.
I mean, I could probably sell those games and have an Xbone for ~ 300€, but there would be nothing I'd want to play on it.
Damnit I want to bake cookies now >.>
I should not read smitten kitchen while at work
I'd love to bake/cook more, but I'm just to damn lazy.
^this, so much this.
The only thing I'm not to lazy to make are cocktails...
Or soup
@5pike I have my own house and my own oven now so I can finally do it now. Now to actually go and do it
so yeah lodovico technique is not very good
unless you're azazel
Or have randomly found brimstone
Seems like the ISP technician already came to check my router.
My home-server is offline
I had a script on there, which auto-compiled emails
Now I have to write them by hand sigh
@5pike wat
@fredley what wat?
If you are confused by the "write them by hand", I meant type them.
@5pike But still. What emails do you normally not type by hand?
@fredley Those which I just copy-paste from the script.
So I can be even more lazy
@5pike Give an example of this script usage
@fredley Common support things - Contracts, cancellations, simple requests etc...
Why isn't that on your work computer? =p
@KevinvanderVelden Because I wanted it on the server, for some reason.
@5pike Well that was dumb :)
@KevinvanderVelden Eh, It's not really that bad.
But I'm open to suggestions as how to make it offline.
USB stick?
@KevinvanderVelden I meant, like it's own program, of sorts.
@5pike I have no idea what it is, not just some text files I guess?
@KevinvanderVelden It's just a PHP script with checkboxes, textfields and textarea.
Like, really simple and mashed together.
Hmm, there are portable apache versions
@5pike Doesn't your mail client have a canned responses option?
@5pike Mash together in JS, in your browser
What could possibly go wrong!
@fredley We write them out of our ticketing system.
Userscript that automatically does it from the data in the ticketing system :D
@KevinvanderVelden Oh, that could work.
@5pike Yeah that's what I meant
One-click reply buttons integrated into page.
2 mins ago, by fredley
What could possibly go wrong!
@fredley Yea. That.
Userscript your entire workflow. Then automatically script the userscript. Stop turning up to work. Literally profit.
@fredley Has it text to speech?
@5pike Pipe it through Google TTS
@fredley Perfect. I'll write something that'll replace me.
@5pike Then, take up more similar jobs with other companies. Get paid multiple salaries while sitting at home
@fredley If I sold this, I'd literally make millions (and make millions unemployed).
Congratulations, you are a 'passive income hacker'
as much as I didn't like Pokemon X&Y, Alpha Sapphire/Omega Ruby are pretty good games
Q: What does the 'potential' rating do in DevNav search?

RobotnikPokemon ORAS introduced the 'DexNav' search function, which allows you to sneak up on Pokemon, sometimes with unique abilities, unique moves and a higher level than you would find normally. While sneaking up, you get a look at some of the aforementioned values, including a 'Potential' star ratin...

@Yuuki ORAS was released last night at midnight, which in Newfoundland is the earliest midnight in whole North America :P
Q: Can COC be linked with facebook account

Abhijit_SrikumarI am playing coc for quite sometime currently I am at TH8. I have linked the game to my google+ account but Facebook account link always says disconnected. Is COC can only be linked to Google+? I have also tried to connect to Facebook account while Google+ was in disconnected mode still it showin...

Q: Stage Builder, do you get more parts?

Jason_c_oIt doesn't look like the stage builder has very many moving parts. It's quite cool that you can draw the stage, but I miss a lot of the pieces available in the Brawl version. Can you/How do you unlock new parts for the stage builder in Super Smash Bros. WiiU?

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