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Okay, I am pro dinner maker.
Q: What are my options for getting loyalty vouchers for the 4 factions I didn't start with?

MaslowI'm pretty new, and it seems like there are an awful lot of equipment types I'd have to switch factions to upgrade, how would that work, or are there other options?

parent asks me to lend my tablet; falls asleep with it
and then he wonders why I don't really want to lend things to him
@MattGiltaji kitty!
also it can't be unintentional that the negative looks like a huge black face
I mean look at it.
two teeth, two refections in each eye and a makeup being washed away by tears. It's obvious!
@badp Or it's three people.
@RonanForman that is what it's supposed to show
but every time I look at it I can't unsee the face.
then I go "oh right it's three people"
@badp now I can't unsee the face either. Glaring at me from the bottom of that cardboard box...
@badp love the purple goatee
I see 3 people
I see both
3 and one, IN ONE
@djsmiley2k peopleception
@badp dear lord they are all made of stars.
@djsmiley2k we are all made of stars
literally everything is made of stars
@Strix So far, this doesn't seem all that complex.
@badp that second picture still looks more like 3 people to me
@murgatroid99 Any new characters you're looking forward to trying out? (smash br os)
@Wipqozn I don't know. What I'm really looking forward to is >4 player local play, because I'm actually going to be able to do that on Thanksgiving
@murgatroid99 Yeah 4+ local will be great
I'm probably going to spend the few days in between unlocking characters
@murgatroid99 Yeah, I'm going to be focusing on unlocking stuff a lot at first.
I'll be playing multiplayer online + local, but going to wait a few days before I have anyone over to play.
I will definitely play online, if the lag is low
I know 3DS players haven't had any problems.
I suspect the WiiU will be even better.
Monster Hunter 3U and Mario KArt 8 had good online.
@MattGiltaji /facepalm I read that as goatsee
@Frank It had a promising beginning, because there were a lot of new things unlocking, but it's not complex, and it's definitely unfinished :(
It tricked me into linking it with the neat concept and early game.
I don't really feel cheated.
The early game was pretty fun.
If you want an incremental that will last, though, don't play that one.
You feel really cheated, don't lie
@StrixVaria face it, you'll never surpass clickerheroes
clickerheroes is overhyped
Clicker Heroes is basically the same thing as Destiny
If you think about it
too hard
@MattGiltaji I don't think the game that will surpass Clicker Heroes has been made yet, but the genre has a lot of room to grow.
Wow Pinball Arcade is really great but tables can get expensive fast.
Also purchases not being cross platform is a major bummer.
@StrixVaria i see what you did there
did he just make a joke that the genre of incremental games is growing incrementally
is that what just happened
No why would you think that
If that is the case...
I think I've found all the pinball machines the local bowling alley has in Pinball Arcade now.
hmm, which starbait to go for?
And now I wish they had better ones.
Terminator 2 is good I guess
@MattGiltaji You want to go for the one about destiny==clicker heroes, obviously. "too hard" is too obvious.
@Unionhawk Shall I delete your account for you?
No, I just left the bridge for a second
I'm back
@StrixVaria Now that's mod abuse done right
Turns out, The Bridge isn't that tall, so I was fine
no? nothing? alright.
I'll be on my way then
@Unionhawk it's probably the most interesting clicker I've played
thank god for rebirth
It just fully sank in that I just made a joke about jumping off a bridge. Man I've changed in the last two years.
@Unionhawk yeah, @spugsley is gonna be pissed
here have another awful non-pun to balance it out
@Strix Ah, well. It took a half hour. Wasn't too bad.
I forgot I took this screenshot the other day, but Assassin's Creed of Duty
@TimStone It's all coming full circle.
Soon COD will be all about scaling targets.
Pretty soon we'll find out that Desmond's DNA connects to Tom Clancy or whatever and now Splinter Cell is also an assassin's creed
And AC will be the gritty conclusion of the Assassin's last stand.
Oh wait didn't that already happen?
@Unionhawk This would be amazing
Although, really, that's because more Splinter Cell is a good thing
@Unionhawk But didn't Desmond like... die? spoilers
@RedRiderX They can probably extract his DNA because reasons and science
I stopped paying attention
Maybe not science, but at least reasons
@TimStone More like Wolfenstein: Creed of Duty
A: Why does saying "Swiper, no swiping!" three times prevent Swiper from swiping?

Brian WarshawHere's my in-universe answer: Swiper is a stupid fox, as evidenced by his inability to attack Dora with anything effective, such as an enormous knife or a high-capacity assault rifle. Further evidence of his stupidity is right there in your question: he needs things repeated multiple times befo...

This question is the gift that keeps on giving.
Dear god
Sep 28 at 16:10, by GnomeSlice
@badp railrekt
Oh, wow
@3ventic Well it's World War-y, so it could go either way
@Sterno dear god
Azazel+Ludo+lump of coal
The ring gets bigger as you move it farther away
Like, it's a goddamn kids show
let's be honest
And you're criticizing a cartoon fox for not having a firearm or something?
And now I'm here criticizing you?
well then
People are stupid, generally. This is a thing I am learning
@AshleyNunn how did you not realize this before?
user image
in unrelated news
@MattGiltaji My current job is making it VERY evident
@AshleyNunn Didn't your previous job make that clear?
@AshleyNunn yeah, support will teach you that users do the craziest things that have no sort of logical consistency
Like..okay, lesson time. Your eyes are not in your mouth, so glasses are not a dental benefit. Also, I can't magically make your plan cover weird crap in your mouth if it doesn't cover weird crap in your mouth. I can't keep your teeth from falling out of your face, and I don't tell you no just because "its close to Christmas and you [me] am the grinch"
@Unionhawk No, because it isolated it to people who gambled with pretend internet money
whereas everyone needs teeth, you know?
@AshleyNunn to be fair, a lot of employer plans in the US lump vision and dental together, even though they are not the same thing
If my eyes were in my mouth, would they then be covered?
@MattGiltaji No, that's not what they do, they offer you vision and they also offer you dental
they are NOT the same thing
and they never will be
just because you have the option for both doesn't make them together at all
They just happen to be the two most common benefits.
I can't bring myself to regild either one :(
@AshleyNunn i agree, but when my employer calls it the "voluntary vision and dental" program...
@Sterno what level are you ascending at?
@MattGiltaji Yes, but if I then go "I only handle dental issues" don't tell me well your eyes are also on your face
@Sterno I am not sure, I'd likely tell you to go see someone about that :P
@AshleyNunn well yeah. But what if I needed a Bane style mouthguard, would that be covered?
@MattGiltaji That would depend on the contractual limitations of the plan created by your employer - do you have a procedure code?
(I got my CSR voice down, man. It's kinda hilarious, because it plays so nice with my tendency for echolalia-ish stuff)
Q: My village won't load to my ipod from my phone

Owen CarrOk, it won't load my village on my iphone to my older ipod. I've had the game longer on my phone than my ipod and I'm trying to get my village on my phone to my ipod but when I get on my phones game, it ask if I want to load the village on my ipod to that village. What do I do??

@Chippies it needs MEGA help.
(It's probably pretty MEGA slow, too.)
@AshleyNunn my procedural code is ▲▲▼▼◄►◄►BA
@MattGiltaji dos based system explodes
@badp Idk how slow it is, but it's hardly a bro anymore
@AshleyNunn dos? I'm surprised you guys aren't on an AS/400
@MattGiltaji nah, we're fancy ;)
@AshleyNunn lol
@AshleyNunn I wonder how many are playing dumb in an attempt to try and trick you into getting freebies. "There's no harm in trying" right?
@badp oh, that happens all the time
People keep trying to get us to say "yes you have that thing" even if they dont
because then they come back when tehy dont have ti and go "so and so told me"
there is a very good reason calls are recorded - it protects us too
Q: My new IPhone 5c will not allow me to connect to my siblings game?

MarissaI just got a new IPhone 5c and so did my sisters. We all have the full version of Minecraft PE. When we tried to connect games with eachother each of our servers would not even show up in the online servers group. Why is it that we can't connect games on our new phones?

How did I ever watch YouTube in 360p and think 480 was really good?
This is insane
I'm Azazel with orbit, homing, ludo, and wiggle worm
The star on the right is the ludo ring, which locks onto any enemies
The ball on the left is me using Tammy's head, which fires 8 orbiting, homing beams
That thing will one-shot any boss, I think
"Less than a few minutes"
wtf is that
"It's going to take a few minutes, but we're optimistic people"
It pretty much instagibs mom
Instagibbed Satan...
@badp Sheol isn't the last level, is it?
Q: I've completed all levels but Achievements say I have not

RonI've tried just replaying the final battles again but I'm not getting credit for the achievement. Is there anything I can do?

@Sterno Until this day I've never understood why VLC needs to do that
@spugsley Heya, lady.
@PrivatePansy Subtitling most likely
sigh Get called away from dancing to resolve a work problem.
Problem resolves itself on my way to work.
Q: Terrible Glitch with 0.10.0- Android: Droid RAZR M

deathlyhallows0I gotta admit, I love the new update. Things are a lot nicer now- except for this horrible glitch!! My arm jumps forward, side to side, and disappears in first person POV. The world glitches in and out of x-ray vision (I can temporarily see underground, all through the world by looking at the flo...

@SaintWacko No
There's the dark room, which is unlocked by beating satan several times, the cathedral, which is an alternate level after mom's heart, and the Chest, which is unlocked by beating the cathedral several times
Once you beat Mom's heart 10 or so times, it becomes the boss "It Lives", and when you beat that boss you always have the choice to go to Sheol or the Cathedral
Just fought and beat Isaac for the first time
@Unionhawk I have seen neither of these things
> Yahoo is going to start honoring the Do Not Track feature when used by Firefox users
That sentence started with so much hope in it
@Ktash It should be honoring DNT for every browser.
But, since most browsers default to it being on, they wouldn't be able to track all their visitors if they did.
@Frank Yes, it should. But Yahoo doesn't. And the worst part of it was how they announced it
CC @spugsley and @AshleyNunn because cute
@Ktash bawwww
Got another article up today ;)
I love writing
> Don't take my ball away
writing another now whooooooo
@spugsley Yay
@spugsley Double yay!
@DwarfSlice Well of course it's for the subtitles. What I mean is I have no idea why VLC would need to maintain a cache that seem to require updating at random intervals just to display text on a screen
Yay, back from work!
Also, watched Big Hero 6 for the fourth time!
@Yuuki Big hero 6 slipped under my radar... I fell ashamed for not having seen it yet
@Ben It's going to keep showing until next week at least.
Gotta get that Thanksgiving money.
I wanted to play DA but then I was like...this article. Must write. And so I wrote it. And now it is 12:15 :(
@spugsley So video game time?
Or BAD time ;)
ughhh I want to play but it's so lateeeeeeeee
I can only write and get paid for one more article this month :3
I am both happy and sad
Only if you have to get up early in the morning
Blew through those really fast lol
Yeah it just feels really good to have a job
and to write
I do have to get up early. My stepmom has to have a biopsy :( I'm taking her
Yay for the feeling good about the job thing, though
I'm getting a lot of things tomorrow
Oooo :)
Tomorrow I'm getting Doug, Hey Arnold, Korra books 1 & 2, and the Wind Rises
Amazon finally got me... :/
Also, apparently, on Amazon Instant you can buy the HD version of Guardians of the Galaxy today instead of waiting 2 weeks
@spugsley Same here.
@Ktash Oooo~
@Yuuki Yeah. Honestly, not sure I like it. I already don't like the idea of timed releases for video games, but movies doing it will probably drive me a little bonkers
For the longest time, I was avoiding Stoic because I thought the spiky armor dude stood for "be an asshole".
@Yuuki "End Romance" is very useful, I think
@Yuuki YAY TY
@spugsley I feel a tiny bit sleepy but at the same time, I want to catch up to my previous save file.
@Yuuki haha
@Yuuki me too!
Solution: nap for two or three hours and back to DA3.
And I shall leave you with LeVar Burton reading Go The F--k To Sleep.
Q: When I attack a village why do barbarians appear to attack my troops?

CeleritasI'm fairly new at Clash of Clans. I noticed sometimes when I attack a village all of a sudden fairies or barbarians come out and attack my troops. How do I know when this is going to happen and how do I protect my troops? Also how do I use that myself and defend my village with them? I assume it ...

Q: Colony's strength

RizI have problems in regarding my colony's strength point . Whenever I look at rival's cities, they have strength points in the hundreds. My question is how do I raise my cities strength point ?

Q: How to complete Wolf's Den mission?

David HarknessIn the first mission (Wolf's Den), I have shot the barrel to blow up the den and skinned five wolves. However, the "wolf skins" counter still says "0/2". Are there special wolves that look different from the normal ones around the den, or am I experiencing a bug? I have tried this mission three ...

Everything is terrible. It's way too early. I want to go back to bed.
@Arperum Shush you!
@5pike Hey! I'm up for nearly two hours now, had five hours of sleep, and I woke up randomly around 6AM.
@Arperum And who do you have to blame for that?
@5pike The late bedtime might be my fault, the random waking up can't be blamed on me. The getting up an hour earlier I blame on this client being way too far away from my home + starting at a terribly early hour.
Just bought a pc monitor
I don't even know if it will fit on my desk
@5pike Then buy a new desk now!
@Arperum But this one is so nice
Why didn't you stop me?
@5pike Because you only informed us after the deed was done.
And more importantly: I'm not here to give good advice. I'm suggesting you to go buy a new desk because the previous one might be too small...
Don't bring logic into this
@5pike Sleepy logic!
I'll make it work. The deal was unbeatable, though.
@5pike Size of screen and price?
@Arperum Specs - price (with shipping) 75 €.
That lower right picture. I dare you to look bad.
@Arperum Hehehe... Customer reviews say, that the viewing angle isn't that great, but that doesn't really concern me.
The picture is consorting to gender roles too. Woman does the cleaning, daughter is being lazy on the couch, and man earn the money.
ANd I'd want a 24' screen if i get me a second screen.
I really should get me a second screen though.
Q: How to make worker carry multiple resources?

CygnusX1I want to make a rather simple (?) change: I would like Probes (or other workers) to be able to carry multiple minerals at the same time. I would expect the probe to: approach the mineral field gather minerals gather minerals again ... and again... and then carry it back to the base Originall...

one screen isn't enough.
@Arperum The price's really unbeatable. I had to get it.
@Arperum What I get from the (lower left) picture is "You Mom will be able to clearly see which porn site you have in that background tab while cleaning your room now!"
@MartinSojka ANd your dad will be able to point at your screen when he comes home from work. Stupid gender roles.
@Arperum Thankfully, my dad is way more likely to sit down, do some Skype calls with friends and play online games.
@MartinSojka My dad jsut doesn't like computers, he never did, and never will. he evades them like the plague basically.
My dad thankfully is pretty good with computers.
My brother, on the other hand, isn't.
I fixed a bug by telling them "I don't have that bug, give me exactly what you did to make it crash"
I once fixed a PEBKAC type bug with my father's computer by basically going "You got a virus there. I cleaned it up. Here's what I found ..." (open browser history, pull up a porn video page) "... and so that doesn't happen again, I also installed NoScript, and here's how you use it ..."
I had a similar conversation with my father, some years ago. He just caught a virus. He asked me, how he could have infected the pc. My reply: "Did you browse dubious websites (porn)?" - "... Yes" - "Do you have Antivirus installed" - "...God fucking damnit".
@JasonBerkan has 9 upvotes.
@fredley Well, do your job and burn the heretics...
@Sterno oh right, yeah, that makes sense
@kalina Hi there! Long time since I last saw you here.
@Arperum hey, what's up?
@kalina All is good here, except the government, they are even more stupid than usual, but that's expected. I even bought a house end of june. (And in the meantime half of the bridge followed suit and did the same)
@kalina hi! I'm glad to see you
@Arperum governance everywhere is stupid
@spyder o/
It's cold here without you @kalina
well sorry but I had/have things I need to be doing :P
@kalina That's ok. Just come back once in a while and set someone on fire, please.
@kalina Yea, but our new one is trying to do an exceptionally good job at being completely stupid. They placed a minister for migration who has done some purely rasictic stuff.
@5pike Are you volunteering?
@kalina and now you can set people on fire? :)
@Arperum Burning a slowpoke is not very effective.
@5pike Slow burning fire keeps us warmer for a longer time!
I wasn't intending on setting anybody on fire
anyway, things to do!
@kalina Have fun!
Wow, Mattel acknowledges that the Barbie book is sexist (and shit).
Ok, so everything is going to be terrible once the music stops. I'm listening to a Finnish radio because they play metal and will play some new song from a band I really want to hear. I don't know any finnish at all though.
Q: List of gear by statistics

DavidYellI've been having a search around for a site which lists the various sets of gear available in game and shows their stats. What are all the gear sets and what are the overall stats for each set? So far I can see that Military is focused on Ranged, Medieval is focused on Health and Phantom on Ste...

Yup, the finnish doesn't make any sense at all.
It's finnish, that minute long conversation was probably just "Hello" "Morning"
@KevinvanderVelden wouldn't surprise me.
I did hear something that sounded like an add for something related to nightwish. That confused the hell out of me, never heard any add about a metalband before.
Q: Increased Armor and Energy Shield not working

poenewbieI applied this mod in my Armourer's Bench but it doesn't take any effect. I have 299ES and 921 Armor either equipped with those gloves or not, it doesn't change. So what does this mod increase?

Q: Is it possible to collide planets?

Sergey LitvinovLike if I change some existing mod with engine and increase power of that engine. Then land to the Mun, and use this customized engine aimed to the Mun. Will Mun orbit change? Does KSP physics engine allows it?

@5pike There is no way in hell that there is one person who will use all of these correctly.
How is it even possible to have this many different forms? I don't understand.
By cheating
Iirc that's basically dog+verb combined counting as a word for dog
@KevinvanderVelden Oh, "running dog, walking dog, shitting dog, standing dog,..." That is some serious cheating indeed.
@3ventic confirmed as cheater.
@Frank You should get revenge on your employers by dancing... dancing them to death!
@fredley ... there should be
@fredley I ... why?
@Arperum Welcome to the Internet.
@5pike I know about many weird stuff, but minesweeper fanfiction? Even with specific subgenres? I don't even...
@Arperum There's nothing that doesn't exist.
Except for a pizza cutter, that looks like a pizza.
@5pike It seems.
@Arperum I'll bet those subgenres also have subgenres
It's subgenres all the way down
@fredley subgenres =/= turtles and it's turtles all the way down.
So it'll have to end somewhere. Or turn into turtles.
@Arperum Therefore Turtles === Subgenres?
@fredley Or turtles are a subset of subgenres?
Gah. The logic is confusing me.
Let's go to the source: @Wipqozn are you secretly a subgenre?
Stupid terrible app I'm working on. It breaks my logic thinking.
@fredley Cheeky Brits
@fredley Great Bottom best Bottom
@KevinvanderVelden I don't know, there are a lot of Bottoms
@KevinvanderVelden Probably.
@fredley true, Little Puddle Bottom is pretty good to*
Flash Bottom is pretty great
Best Butts
Sidebottom Fold
@5pike Robin Hood's Butts?
so many "Shag Rock"s
@5pike I never knew there were so many places called Cock Play
Imagine going on a game show. "Hi, I'm fredley, from Buttock"
Brits have the best weird names
@fredley "Nice to meet you, I'm from Buttock Point"
@5pike "Oh really? I'm from Dick Slack!"
@fredley "My Father is from 'The Bastard'"
@fredley "And I'm from Cockshot, and this is Jack from Bushygap"
@5pike "I originally came from Hairy Crag"
"And meet my wife, from Dickland"
Image entering the Bridge now for the first time. Running in on a whole screen full of weird location names.
@Arperum No weirder than usual
At least this has context
@fredley True.
"I met my fiancée in Pant-Y-Drain. We're going to marry near Gaywood"
Ok, we should stop.
Listening to radio is a whole lot better if you can't understand a word of what the adds are about.
@5pike We wed at Boobydingle
@fredley I thought you wed at Brown Willy?
Q: Break blocks remotely?

ArceusMaster0493I'm trying to break blocks far far away (e.g. A piece of glass 50 blocks away) with commands, but I don't know if there's any way. Is it possible to break a block (literally break a block, which means with sound & with particles) with a command? Or should I use the /particle /sound and /fill comm...

Q: Can you still play WoW on an external hard drive?

RandomDisplayNameIs it still possible to put the whole WoW folder on an external hard drive an just execute the .exe file (on the external drive itself) since the Blizzard Launcher came out (where all games are started from)? Or will it force me to first install/download the Blizzard Launcher on the computer?

Last week, a cold of doom started spreading through the call center. I thought since I made it to this week I was safe. Nope - woke up this morning feeling like a storm of angry squeaky frogs took residence in my throat. Swallowing and coughing feels like choking on wet gravel. FML. Taking a day to rest and hoping tomorrow is better enough to work.
@AshleyNunn Here's hoping.
@AshleyNunn Blame @5pike. He was sick first, then he infected me through the internet, and now you. NOONE IS SAFE.
I mean
Let us all come together in blaming @5pike. And also hoping @AshleyNunn gets better soon =p
I had a free day and ended up having no fun out of it, or not being able to anything rpoductive either, because I was laying on the couch sleeping/ knockout the whole day.
how horrible.
I'm still coughing a week and a half later, but they don't hurt anymore, so that something.
I'm also still coughing...
Game mechanics

Proposed Q&A site for people designing and modifying game mechanics for all purposes.

Currently in definition.

I am also made because today is yoga day and I like going to yoga and I am too sick. At least the studio will let me use the credit from tonight for another day.
@5pike That's bad. Since that means that I'll be coughing for quite some time longer.
@Arperum My coughing could come from something else, though.
@Arperum GLADLY
@Frank the Clients From Hell domain expired o.0
@5pike so far the coughing is the least of my symptoms, which is okay by me.
@SaintWacko that sucks, hopefully it is just a temporary thing and they go back to existing and posting

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