My hero was sacrificed, there is no noticeable lost in experience points for my hero or power in my city. I see a timer countdown of 7 days and the help button says:
You have 7 days to resurrect your Hero with no loss of experience.
Although, if your hero does pass on, a descendent of your ...
@LessPop_MoreFizz I had three pieces published with them today :) They took all three. FYI, don't read the comments. I made the mistake like "how bad can it be, it just got posted.' Nope, wrong. Bahaha
@spugsley I'll hopefully have her back tomorrow. I was supposed to pick her up tonight, but she was experiencing some bleeding from the biopsy so they want to keep her over night so they can keep an eye on her.
(This is not a question related to the videogame version. It's related to old-fashioned, table-playing. I couldn't find any other tag more appropriate.)
I played Magic: The Gathering with couple of friends.
I was asked a question, when we came to a situation where we could put two Enchantments o...
@Chippies Gamestop only started coming into Canada... 5years ago? People just know EB Games more. Not sure wh they started relabelling same as gamestop.
The $700 or so SE spent on me was well worth it, though. Without that money, I might not be here today, trolling you with Rebecca Black videos. And then where would our lives be?
The green health bars right to each portrait are pretty self-explanatory. But Cassandra has some grey symbols above the health bar as well:
I've seen those disappear and come back while playing, but I have not yet been able to find any explanation about them. What exactly do those grey bars re...
The question mark ( ? ), also known as the interrogation point, query, and eroteme, is a punctuation mark that indicates an interrogative sentence, clause, or phrase in many languages. The question mark is not used for indirect questions. The question mark glyph is also often used in place of missing or unknown data. In Unicode, it is encoded at U+003F ? question mark (HTML: ?).
== History ==
Lynne Truss attributes an early form of the modern question mark in western language to Alcuin of York. Truss describes the punctus interrogativus of the late 8th century as "a lightning flash, striking...
Why is it when the game calls SetWinnerAndForceCaps in arena mode, it spits out the "opponents dead" reason... but when I call it, it spits out the "capped points" reason?
I'm in a generous mood today, so I'll make you a deal @Unionhawk. If you buy a WiiU and Smash Brothers then I won't make a your mom joke for a whole day!
@StrixVaria You have a WiiU. You buy Smash for yourself and a WiiU for the wife, for christmas, so she can play the Smash game she ordered with you online after Christmas!