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@Wipqozn The alternative is prison time.
@Wipqozn c.f. Watching one episode of a show 100 times.
@KevinvanderVelden Keep the candy for yourself.
Oh, yes, that reminds me. I should go buy candy today.
@OrigamiRobot how can I deny other people candy?! I'll just have to buy more to be safe
@KevinvanderVelden You're protecting their teeth
I should have started that with "You'll never believe..."
@Sterno Can we guess what happens next?
@Koviko At three paragraphs in I laughed. Then I cried.
Boom! Just hit 1k rep!
I can finally see how many downvotes and upvotes a post has!
God damnit, javascript, why don't you work?
@5pike Probably a dumb question, but you do use JSLint/JSHint, right?
@Koviko No, normal old javascript.
@5pike JSLint/JSHint is good for making sure that all of your errors are logic errors, never syntax/typos/bad variables/etc.
I use it in a Notepad++ plugin. Just hit Ctrl+Shift+F5 whenever I'm ready to save.
Oh god
Great, now my coding style throws errors.
That's not helping
@Chantola You make me long for the days when rep was exciting.
Maybe it's time to start Arqade New Game +
@5pike lol. Change the settings.
What part of your coding style throws errors? Brace style? Whitespace?
@Koviko I think both
@Chantola Congrats :)
If your coding style throws errors, your coding style is wrong.
@Sterno It thows jslint errors
@5pike If you have the option of using JSHint over JSLint, then you can avoid having to format your code correctly.
Oh. Jslint is awful and should be ignored.
Okay, last week this room was overly hot, so I dressed for that today and now it is like a meat locker
JSHint focuses on actual errors instead of also throwing in readability
Oh, I can switch to JSHint
@AshleyNunn Bleh.
That's so much better now
@Koviko Yes
How abourt JsMint
it might even be late enough to switch to jsPint
@Frank I can't win! I got coffee today (decaf) just to be warm!
@AshleyNunn It sucks when you don't have access to the thermostat, either.
@Frank I wouldn't even know where the thermostat for this room would even be
I remember getting called in the middle of the night at my horror job because the call center was freezing, and the manager for the area wouldn't answer his phone.
Well, JSHint didn't help. I bet this is an easy fix, but damn, I don't see it.
@Frank so you just installed seti@home on every server there?
That's what I'd do
I keep sticking my hands under my laptop because it is running warm
Pretty much the only redeeming feature of laptops
@KevinvanderVelden Nope. I was just like, "I don't have any more access than you do. I feel sorry for you, but this isn't really an IT emergency."
@Frank wat
Ok, now it works.
how do you even get to that point?
@badp Our operations manager was legendary for his uselessness.
@AshleyNunn Thanks
We started a new call campaign on New Year's Day (don't ask me why), and we had it all ready to go. He called us a dozen times that day, because he didn't understand how it worked.
Has anyone here ever heard/player MineZ?
Pokemon Alpha/Omega demo code for whoever wants it:
Q: Any good servers and ips? minecraft please

craftchamptji have got mclegends (playmc.mx) but is there any others?please do creative servers as in building not the game mode and please ADVENTURING GAMES!!!!!!!!

teehee McLegends
Playing super smash brothers brawl in the office rocks.
@Lazers If there is a question that needs closing, @Frank will be there!
I think it's his superpower.
@Sterno And yet, the Close Vote queue wasn't even my first Steward badge.
@StrixVaria This should be fixed in version 1.0.4 (up now)
I actually got that one for a Leave Open vote, too.
What a shame
@AshleyNunn I NEED HALP.
@Unionhawk Did you finally tweak Visual Studio?
@Yuuki What do you need, my dear?
@AshleyNunn There's something wrong with my dog.
We were on a walk just now when she stopped and started licking and biting at her paw.
And now she can't walk on it.
@AshleyNunn HIGH FIVE
@Yuuki sounds like a bite
ants, bee(possible), tick, etc
@Rapitor Like a bug bite?
@Yuuki Do you see anything when you look at it? Like any redness, or a black dot where there wasn't one?
Is it swollen?
@AshleyNunn Doesn't look swollen, but some of the fur on her paw does look a bit red.
the fur is red? like bloody?
Although that might be part of her natural color. She's a reddish-brown.
see if you can see the skin
She's stopped biting, it's mostly been licking right now.
Okay, the skin looks a bit reddish-pink.
And her paw shakes a lot when she holds it in the air.
try and wrap it in something and disinfect if possible.
I am not sure I would wrap it, you don't want to risk any circulation cut off or anything like that. I would disinfect it, and then see how she is in the next while
If she is still showing a lot of pain or it still looks inflamed or whatever in a few hours/later tonight, I would consider a vet visit
What should I use to disinfect?
i'm not saying wrap tightly, just to stop her from continuously licking and irritating it further
Well, when she's lying down, she doesn't lick anymore.
licking isn't going to hurt unless he does it for days on end.
dog tongues are pretty damn clean.
Also, possibly a thorn/splinter?
@Yuuki Generally, whatever you would use on yourself.
@Yuuki @AshleyNunn No: Not high alcohol spirits
@KevinvanderVelden Oh, yeah, I forget that, because I never use that on myself.
I tend to forget other people might.
@AshleyNunn I was just joking
Oh you
@KevinvanderVelden It's a fair assessment though
... Honey?
@Yuuki Sure, won't hurt.
@AshleyNunn people actually use drinking alcohol to disinfect except in emergencies?
@Arperum wat? O.o
@Arperum Yeah, we don't have a lot of medical supplies at home so I couldn't find anything.
@KevinvanderVelden You never used honey on an insect bite or something like that?
But I do remember that honey has antibacterial properties.
@Yuuki IIRC dog tongues are slightly antibacterial properties
@Arperum well, we never had honey at home so no
Neosporin, yo >_>
@Arperum Most mammalian saliva does, right?
@KevinvanderVelden ...
@Yuuki I wouldn't trust human saliva though. Humans are seriously unclean.
Also, licking dogs doesn't sound like a good idea
Yes, please do not lick your dog's paw.
Hairballs, shudders
Well yeah, I was commenting that wound licking is fairly common in mammals, most likely due to disinfectants in saliva.
This does not in any way make it less funny to point out that licking dogs is a bad idea
Super Smash Brothers Brawl is a great way to spend a break.
@KevinvanderVelden I grew up rural redneck, so yes
@Arperum Dog mouths are cleaner than people
The fact that humans kiss each other is just gross if you think about it too long
@AshleyNunn People are cleaner than komodo dragons though.
@AshleyNunn huh, I just have a bottle of iodine
Or at least, I think the english word is iodine
@KevinvanderVelden Yeah, it's not common, but I've seen it
@KevinvanderVelden red stuff, kinda stings?
@AshleyNunn stings like hell but transparent
@KevinvanderVelden mmm, then probably not iodine. Likely rubbing alcohol or the like
iodine is the stuff that stains EVERYTHING YOU LOVE if you use it
I sense there is a terrible story to go along with that shoutcase.
Well, the dutch word is jodium, which is the chemical I, which is iodine
Iodine will definitely disinfect all the things
Aah, internets say it's a mixture of water, ethanol and iodine
The Dutch word would be funny.
@Batophobia ...you need codes to play demos?
@TimStone I spilled the bottle once. On my bed.
@badp Nintendo~
@AshleyNunn now you can sleep in it safe that it's 1000% disinfected.
@KevinvanderVelden I'm not a customer!
So I'm not accustomed!
@badp No, but this is some kind of special demo
@TimStone another name for it is Jood, which is also the dutch word For Jew. Dutch is weird
@Batophobia wat
@badp True enough :)
Like for Smash 4 they gave demo codes that didn't have the play counter limit
I miss Google Reader.
@Sterno feedly is good enough.
@KevinvanderVelden Hey, at least it's not Spanish (NSFW: language)
@badp Hey now, let him reminisce about the good ol' days.
@Sterno Periodically I start typing it into my bar and get sad a little when it is like "nope sorry"
RIP Google Reader =[
this druglord incremental started pretty interesting, but once you get every drug its just waiting...
Decided to reward myself for the awesome this morning with cafeteria lunch of awesome. (There is apparently quiche today. mmmmmm quiche.)
I like to reward myself for a hard day's work by leaving a few hours early.
Unfortunately I don't have that freedom :P
@TimStone I don't know Spanish but this is brilliant
yay for latin languages
@TimStone Sure, but feedly makes me not miss Reader now
These unnerve me.
@AshleyNunn But I can't stop clicking
@fredley I like Jaw
I like Ant & Dec best
@fredley Where is Woll Smoth?
Q: When I am in mine craft and I mine red stone and gold it wont give me red. Stone or gold it just destroys it I'm on the pocket edition for iPad

BriannaI'm in a cave and it when I mine for red stone and gold it destroys it,it won't let me pick it up and I'm using a stone pick axe and I'm on the pocket edition for iPad and I'm on the serrvial mode and I'm playing it with my sister

@fredley You find the weirdest things. I worry about you.
@Wipqozn I don't know how I found this. It's just in my tabs.
Wait, how did I find this? Seriously.
Oh, Facebook. Why am I on Facebook?
@fredley you have the memory of a porkchop
glitters slightly
@Arperum ...no
@Yuuki snopes says no
> Saliva (human or canine) is not antiseptic
Apparently anitbacterial is not the same as antiseptic?
oh hi shrine of war
Necrodancing so hard
I guess 3-1 is the farthest any speedrun attempt of mine has gone
or speedrun-like run anyway
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, those are different things
cc @Sterno just in case you don't go to the link
Q: Mob grinder design to prevent vanilla server load/lag?

GuibodI'm working on a large scale mob grinder beneath my server's central area. It's main purpose is to trap monsters away from players. Using the /fill command i digged a very large cavern 256*256*60 to prevent most uncontrolled spawns. What is the best design for a mob control/grinder built in this...

Q: (Dis)Advantages of being a "Hero of the Storm"?

gruntswilldieSo I've had some good games lately and I achieved the "Hero of the Storm" killstreak.But are there any advantages or bad things when getting this streak aside from having a glowy health bar? In LoL,when you have a high kill streak,killing you gives bonus gold to your oppenents,is there anything ...

@Sterno Lifehacks for dogs. Do you need us to link it again?
Okay, all things aside, that's actually a pretty beautiful line (although slightly disturbing).
@Sterno I think @OrigamiRobot is politely asking for sloths
@Yuuki ??
@AshleyNunn New Doctor Who episode.
@AshleyNunn I think he's drunk.
@Yuuki Okay, now I wanna know which line?
@AshleyNunn "Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?"
Every time I google image search sloths, I remember that the results are usually NSFW
@Yuuki That one just hit me in the face
@Sterno I...don't want to test this.
I had to pause it for a second to tear up a bit.
I personally think that line sounds really corny.
@Wipqozn Apparently morons who think rape jokes are funny use the sloth as their mascot.
Just thought I'd throw that out there, just to rain on your parade and ruin everything.
@Sterno None of that makes sense.
@Yuuki That started making sense at the twelfth time
This makes me want Fantasy Life
music time
@Yuuki I'm not sure how I feel about that line. One one hand, it shows how much he cares. On the other hand, the entire reason betrayal hurts is because you care about/trust that person, so it expresses a sentiment that's a bit hard to empathize with.
@murgatroid99 That's why I mentioned that it also comes off a bit disturbing.
I can see how it works for the Doctor when it sounds disturbing when considered from an average human perspective
@Batophobia That's much longer than a minute. Does Nintendo not understand how minutes work?
I just saw the tree episode last night.
@Wipqozn It's more of a Let's Play special
This season is getting better. It started off okay, went downhill, and now its getting back to actually being something I would want to watch.
and finished with druglord incremental... @StrixVaria, next please.
@Frank I hated most stuff up until ...3 eps ago?
@Rapitor Did you finish it or did it get boring?
@AshleyNunn The one where the Tardis shrunk was the first episode I really liked.
@Frank Well, they're actually getting to the underlying myth arc now.
@Batophobia But the name is a lie.
I feel so betrayed.,
@StrixVaria finished i guess. i had no more unlocks besides hiring more dealers
@Frank For me it was the one after that
@Wipqozn your name is a lie!
Q: Is levelling up inside a cave the same as levelling up at night?

shanodinIn Pokemon, using a Dusk Ball inside a cave gives the same effect as using it at night. Does a cave also count as night when trying to meet evolution criteria? For example to evolve an Eevee into an Umbreon, you need to level Eevee up whilst it's very happy and at night time.

@AshleyNunn That's the tree one I just watched, I think.
I love how @StrixVaria still pings me on incrementals, and I've just gotten to the point where it's like "oh, new strix ping in the inbox. who cares"
@Frank No, the shrinking one was an episode or 2 prior
@Rapitor That is disappointingly short then.
@Batophobia I don't recall which one was in the middle, then.
Oriental Express?
@Unionhawk Noted. I will find a proxy.
@Frank I didn't really like that one. The doctor didn't really do anything
@Batophobia Your face and/or mom is a lie. Oh buuuurrrnnnnn.
@murgatroid99 That's why I liked it.
@Frank But it was just an episode about nobody doing anything important
@Wipqozn I suppose that makes me Handsome Jack
This Doctor is way too much of a jerk.
@Frank yeah, that too
@murgatroid99 Except overcoming the 2D creatures on their own, without much help from the Doctor.
@Batophobia So... basically what you're saying is that you're a huge jerk, but you weren't always a huge jerk?
@Frank I thought we were talking about the one with the trees
@Batophobia No, it was the shrinking one then the trees then darkwater
@Unionhawk It makes @Wipqozn uncomfortable when he isn't the handsome one in the room
@murgatroid99 Oh, I thought we were talking about the 2D episode.
I liked the shrinking one a little, then the tree one more, and dark water was pretty good
Ooo... I like it. @Wipqozn is Handsome Jack.
The tree one was...alright. Nothing awesome, but alright.
What a jerk
@Frank 2D is the shrinking one
What disappoints me the most is that he has not yet done anything deserving of the "I am the Doctor" theme music
@Frank See, I really, really liked the tree one
@murgatroid99 The ending of the shrinking one was pretty good.
It's been almost an entire season, and it feels like the Doctor hasn't done anything important
@murgatroid99 I like that. I like that he isn't OMG amazing right now.
@AshleyNunn They're headed back in the right direction now.
I like that he is a grumpy jerk who doesn't quite feel like he has totally found his feet yet
I like that he isn't Matt Smith
The lover-boy Doctor was really dumb
I like that every adventure isn't on a universe-saving magnitude.
I guess there was the train episode, where the doctor actually doing things was compressed into 66 seconds
@Yuuki And I dislike that there aren't any
@Batophobia I'm never not the most handsome person in the room so that's never been a problem.
@Batophobia Good thing for him he never thinks he's not the handsome one
@Batophobia Oh I am so happy that isnt a thing
@Yuuki Yeah, I am a fan of that
Most of the focus this season is on just how horribad humans are to things they don't understand.
I thought the Listen episode was good up until the ending
That's why I'm not a huge fan; the Doctor's always been about exploring the wonders of the universe, to me.
@Frank Also, defending humanity from things that really do want to kill us
@Frank I disagree, many episodes seem to be pointing to the Doctor being the one not knowing, like the Robin Hood one
@murgatroid99 this last episode appears to have some of that
@murgatroid99 Yeah. The Doctor defending humanity so that they can reach their potential.
I like that it's not always PANIC WORLD ENDING PANIC AAAAAAAA
Its just like "oh, there is a thing"
@Sconibulus well, it looks like the next one will, at least. And that's why I'm finally enjoying it
@Batophobia And when the Doctor doesn't understand, his automatic response isn't to kill something, but to learn all about it.
Kill the Moon was really good too
I didn't like Kill the Moon much
Why not?
It didn't really make sense
Of all the Doctor Who universe, that is an issue?
@Batophobia Hated that one.
great, joining to Dr. who spoilers
@Batophobia It made less sense because it was factually wrong about something that we know a lot about
Specifically, the Moon, and gravity
The Doctor's a massive jerk in that one, and deliberately doesn't give the humans enough information to actually make a proper choice.
@murgatroid99 I'm guessing the Statue of Liberty Angel was something you didn't like either?
@Frank And then smugly congratulates them when they barely, and almost accidentally, make the right one
@Batophobia yes, this was terrible
the only good angel episode was Blink
and Blink might be the best Doctor Who episode ever
Faaaaaantastic. Today is going well. IT was able to get some stuff on their end for my project set up really quickly, and I found two plug-ins which do exactly what I need for the wordpress site I'm building.
@murgatroid99 It was totally accidentally. Because Clara unilaterally decided she wasn't going to listen to the people.
@Batophobia Meh, the mythology of the angels seems to be that they replace statues, so that's more forgivable
Is this:
@Frank I mean the local accidentalness of people jumping across the room to hit buttons
@murgatroid99 it's forgivable to assume that there exists a time when nobody in all of New York City can see the Statue of Liberty?
@murgatroid99 An angel the size of the Statue of Liberty walking through the city that never sleeps, yea I'm sure no one was looking at it while it made it's way through town
@murgatroid99 I don't recall that bit. The plate flying across the room to seal the window was pure bull.
@Sconibulus The previous angel episode had already discarded the thing about angels not being able to move

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