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Ooh, this R&D proposal looks interesting. I, of course, can't talk about it.
@Frank time to beat paragon
@StrixVaria I am back to Junction Gate
Be Awesome

Proposed Q&A site for those who are looking for, or want to give, advice on a good life!

Currently in definition.

@OrigamiRobot It's pretty good. I'm going to try to hold out until version 1.0.
I don't know what Junction Gate is, but it looks pretty
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment no problems here
This better not be another incremental
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Seems doomed to fail, as I am the only expert at being awesome.
What about Skydrift?
@djsmiley2k good intention, poor execution
@djsmiley2k It always seems a little dumb when people broadcasting messages publicly to anyone who wants to read them complain about privacy concerns in relation to those messages.
That said, there is a good point about malicious uses of the information that app exposes
@Rapitor #HashtagQuotesWithDoubleMeanings
@murgatroid99 they do it for attention then complain when they get attention
@murgatroid99 heh, if you get access to the firehose, or go to the libary of congress you can just watch ALL the tweets.
fuck peoples imaginary privacy
Wait, can I swear here?
i feel bad for the NSA agent assigned to the bridge
@djsmiley2k As long as you don't swear at someone here
hah ok cool
/me swears at the mega tonberry he just ran into.
There are some other extenuating circumstances, but you're usually okay as long as you're not being offensive towards someone (e.g. insulting them).
@Yuuki yeah, this is what I meant
@murgatroid99 Was clarifying that it wasn't an end-all, be-all rule.
This reminds me of the time that Google got in trouble for recording broadcast SSIDs with their StreetView cars.
But a fairly good guideline.
@Rapitor "Please download Google Chrome to use this webpage." - Website rendered in Google Chrome.
Hahaha I don't have to fight paragon
Q: is platinum ore harder to find than gold ore?

Someguy112161I know for a fact that worlds have set ores (If your world has platinum, then it WON'T have gold). I also know that platinum has a higher pickaxe level (both platinum and gold serve to mine meteorite). If platinum ore is better, then is it any rarer than gold ore? (side note: platinum and gold o...

traffic is the worst
Nah death is worse.
Death is relief from traffic
but it makes traffic worse
because that's what traffic does, get worse
Woo! Proper change request process comes through. Sorta.
Baby steps, and all that.
@Rapitor Make a yeti
@badp replace('traffic','@Wipqozn')
@James is a yeti not a monster?
Destiny's DLC made me happy that I didnt get it.
@Rapitor A Yeti is a monster, not all monsters are a Yeti
@Powerlord I just want to register my distaste with this sarcastic "ethics in game journalism" meme
@murgatroid99 eh?
@Rapitor Because it lumps everyone who had any concerns over objectivity in with criminals and misogynists, independent of what other actions they took, things they said, or groups they associated with.
@Rapitor Still doesn't mean they can't announce a release date... I don't care if it's next year, I just need to know when.
@murgatroid99 actually it's about ethics in game journalism
Q: Why does Diablo 3 apprentice mode change weapons effectiveness?

ChrisMy co-op partner equipped a higher level weapon with a higher dex and higher attack and just generally all around better stats but his attack went from 11k to 6k and his dex dropped when he equips it. This only happens when he is co-oping on my game where I am a higher level and he scales to my l...

@badp great human achievement
max score on tetris
@Rapitor it's basically space age
isn't localization fun
@badp Saving a negative amount doesn't sound all that great though.
Also: 4days and 23 hours until rebirth.
@Arperum yes, but I'm sure you noticed why it doesn't say $-1.32
according to the store page.
@badp the separator. it parses the EU "," as a thing to space thousands. instead of what it is.
My english is broken right now, I lost words.
it probably just ignores it outright
yup, if that "," was a dot it'd be fine.
for bonus points it's € - € → $
Well of course.
Antelope get! (what am I doing?)
Wasting time
@StrixVaria Not working.
It's 100,000 seconds before the next unlock.
That's over a day.
@StrixVaria you can reduce the time you know
@Rapitor Yeah I have had to start doing that.
26.42% bonus if I prestige...
My animals are worth over $3 trillion.
I wish I could get over $3 trillion with 1 day's work by taking out a $40 loan for 4 meerkats IRL.
@StrixVaria open a zoo
for 40$
That new Legend of Zelda game comes out sometime next year.
Along with the new Xenoblade.
I can attest to this being a ton darker than any other Final Fantasy.
It's...actually kinda depressing, at the beginning.
Ok I'm done with this fucking zoo.
@StrixVaria you'll be back tomorrow
@Frank Whoo, Xenoblade.
@Yuuki I never got around to finishing the first one.
I should really do that.
I want Bayonetta 2 even though I know almost nothing about it.
@Frank I didn't have a Wii.
I should probably finish Hyrule Warriors first.
@StrixVaria It even comes with the first one!
@StrixVaria Hah. Good luck with that.
So I'm kinda excited about playing it the first around on the NN3DS.
@Frank I mean finish the last like 2 story missions.
Not 100% the game.
I never 100% games.
@StrixVaria Okay, that's doable.
100%ing the game will take...a long time.
@TrentHawkins and I have been playing it for weeks, and we need at least one more weapon to start unlocking those fun 25,000 kill skills.
@Frank I tried playing as Volga the other day and he seems crazy overpowered.
@StrixVaria I can't say that I've tried him yet.
If you just alternate light, heavy, light, heavy, you can juggle pretty much any enemy forever and they can't do anything.
Lana's my favorite.
I like Darunia.
With a five-star tier 3 book, she's a massive room clearer. Everything dies when she explodes her walls.
I wasn't a huge fan. She seems to have a higher skillcap compared to other characters, but I really liked the earlier levels where it was constant carnage over the later levels where you had to actually try.
Darunia just crushes stuff, and it's super satisfying.
@LessPop_MoreFizz So... 2 minutes?
@OrigamiRobot Robots can build robots.
Did I just burn @LessPop_MoreFizz and @OrigamiRobot's mom at the same time?
@StrixVaria Not sure I understand what you mean by a skillcap.
@Yuuki You certainly made a noble attempt.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You know what they say, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."
Yeah, he's a bending paper unit.
Get it right.
@OrigamiRobot It was just an analogy, BMO.
@Frank A higher skillcap, as a general game-related term, means that players with more skill can do better with that character than they could as a character with a lower skillcap. Characters with higher skillcaps are more desireable to more skilled players. Characters with low skillcaps only get so good; even if your skill as a player increases there's only so much you can do with the character.
Skillfloor is a related term which is more relevant to new players. A character with a high skillfloor does well despite a player's lack of understanding of what's going on.
Shotguns in shooters tend to have a high skillfloor, while snipers have a high skillcap, for example. (It's not limited to characters.)
usually things with higher skillcap have lower skillfloors?
@Sconibulus The sniper rifle certainly does.
@OrigamiRobot No, the floor is as low as you can go. The higher the skillfloor, the better "as bad as possible" is.
@Sconibulus That would represent good design, but it is not always the case by any stretch of the imagination.
Anyway I have to go be on a train.
@OrigamiRobot The floor is a floor on performance, relative to skill.
Q: What Are the Implications of the Destiny Reporting System

dsaraWithin Destiny you can report players. At first I thought this was for only negative feedback but after using it to report someone for a negative thing I found out that you can report people for positive behavior as well. I searched around and was unable to find whether any amount of reporting ...

Higher skillfloor = "less sucktastic"?
@OrigamiRobot If the Y axis is performance, and the X axis is 'skill', then a high skill floor starts pegged to a higher point on the Y axis, regardless of how far to the right you eventually get before flattening.
5 mins ago, by Origami Robot
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, I was getting the feeling that it described a two-dimensional system.
@OrigamiRobot urmom requires further explanation.
You require more vespene gas.
@Fluttershy urmom has plenty of gas.
> “I’m trying to help you with your tax status,” Graham says in the recording. “I’m sorry the government’s so f***ed up. If I get to be president, white men in male-only clubs are going to do great in my presidency.”
That's... not a particularly convenient thing to say Mr. Graham.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That definitely sounds like politician speak.
@RonanForman "White men in male-only clubs are gonna do great" is not politician speak.
If anything, it's the exact opposite of appropriate, normal politician speak.
@StrixVaria That's an interesting concept. I hadn't heard of that before.
@badp "...MOGOGO..."
So TF2 halloween 2014 is bugged to hell
Incidentally, skillfloor and skillcap are why people generally refer to Heavy as a n00b class in TF2.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I never said appropriate.
@Unionhawk BUMPER CARS
@Unionhawk I've noticed it tends to be buggier on Windows server than Linux servers.
I have a US Linux server on sd_doomsday_event right now, but no one's on it.
Like, on the "pick the right platform and don't fall" one, every car started with the ability to fly just now.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I just have a cynical view of people who are detached from real life.
That went on for way too long
@RonanForman Right, but the whole point of politician speak is that it is meaningless non-speak that is supposed to cover up statements like the one I quoted.
Still, played on 3 different Windows servers last night and all 3 had hit registration issues. Played on one Linux server and it didn't have hit registration issues.
It's not about whether or not you're cynical, really. Overt racism is just bad politics, and represents going off script, not staying on it.
I was hoping Valve would push an update today to address these issues.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah true, not politician speak then.
scream fortress is stupid
@Unionhawk The last two years have been kinda letdowns compared to 2012.
And this year especially accentuates how stupid it really is.
I mean, I already have most of the achievements and all the Halloween drops I can get from this year.
I played it for 3-4 hours tops.
Meanwhile on Steam
(and yes, I'm counting the melee reskin in those drops)
@Unionhawk Oh for that one you can make things worse with a simple bind l explode
Psst, Valve, hire me as a maintenance programmer for TF2.
Tap l as you start falling down and you're back in the game much faster (as you don't fall all the way down)
oh good
the whole thing is dumb
> In plain terms, all this indicates that Apple is pretty much selling us the same bloody thing as last year, with a few minor tweaks. Very much par for the course.
And that explains the disparity between poverty level and rich people.
typical Apple
@Frank That seems a bit off... I would expect more on the right side.
@Powerlord per day versus per second
@Powerlord Per day vs. per second
Oh right, I missed that
@Frank That also explains a flat percentage income tax doesn't work.
Or rather, isn't as fair as some people would think.
@Chippies Does it have an apple on the back? That's really all it needs at this point
86400 times the right side per day sounds more like it.
Damn it YouTube why must you be broken???
@Batophobia I'm not sure, but for the price they ask, it better do
@Chippies As much as I hate Apple, this is misleading.
@OrigamiRobot how so?
@Yuuki That's why smart countries have graduated taxes.
They didn't spend 1 dollar developing the thing, it costs them one more dollar per unit to manufacture.
@Powerlord Yeah, but some right-wingers are pushing for a flat percent income tax, I think.
There could be fewer components, for example.
Maybe. I might be hearing things wrong.
@Yuuki Yes, rich people tend to do that.
@OrigamiRobot are you implying the new ipad could be even worse?
Number of components does not translate to quality.
@Chippies It could bend.
> only a few things changed inside the iPad Air 2 versus the original, according to IHS analyst Andrew Rassweiler.
2 mins ago, by Batophobia
@Chippies Does it have an apple on the back? That's really all it needs at this point
@Yuuki It could blend!
Does it microwave?
> The main change is with the device’s main processor, the Apple-designed A8X chip.
If you look at the political spectrum, the smart normal people tend to be towards the center.
seems to be the only major change
It seems to be more just regurgitating what's already there.
@Frank it puts the important info in easily accessible format
@Frank Are you looking at the rendered output?
Changing the CPU is a pretty big change in any computer.
@Chippies The computer specs, I can see. Repeating the mods, not so much.
The no-frills 16 gigabyte Wi-Fi flavour of fruity fondleslab reportedly costs Apple about $275 (about £167), compared to $274 for the first iPad Air.

Seeing as the iPad sells for just under £400, this would mean Apple is raking in £230 on the sale of every slab.
Also misleading.
Manufacturing costs money
@Frank it's minecraft and he has issues with mods, so, why not? The mods in crash report in a horrible formatting
@Frank That mod list is definitely easier to read than the crash report
@Frank you done 'The last mission' ?
@JasonBerkan Not necessarily
@OrigamiRobot not to mention shipping and handling to the store, and the stores own cut
@murgatroid99 Yeah, but is it even necessary, is what I'm asking. Just knowing what mods are there doesn't really help.
Even if it used the exact same components, they could be configured in a way that increases performance.
I'm not even going to look at the question Frank linked and say the solution is to switch from Java 8 to Java 7.
@Frank I don't know enough about the subject to say whether the information is helpful. But if it is helpful, I think that the new format makes it easier to read
@Frank Yes it can, though not necessarily in this case (probably is java, but it might not be, I'm not sure)
@Chippies Yeah, this is one of the dumbest things I have ever seen about Apple, and that is saying something.
@Powerlord Even worse. Java 6.
@Unionhawk In some cases, yes. It can be. I'm saying in this particular case, just spewing an entire list of mods, is unnecessary.
Edits, even if they're just regurgitating what's in a crash dump, should put effort into bringing forth the details that matter, not just following a standard reformat and dump.
Even if you take the dumb article assessment at face value, that it costs only 1 dollar more to make...
They're selling it for the same price that the predecessor sold for a month ago.
@LessPop_MoreFizz and you know there are people who are going to buy the new one, even though they already have the "old" one
@murgatroid99 In this case, the reviews indicate that the new chip is substantially faster.
@Chippies Those people are an earth shatteringly small minority.
Also not mentioned in dumb article: The new iPad air is even thinner than it's predecessor.
Miniaturization tends to have high costs in R&D, but fairly small costs in terms of components.
> Apple unveiled the device at an Oct. 16 event and played up the fact that it’s thinner than the original iPad Air. In promotional videos last year, the original was shown hidden behind a pencil to demonstrate its thin design. In a similar video this year, the pencil was made a little thinner by being trimmed by a laser.
@Chippies Component price breakdowns of consumer electronics are moronic. They always have been. They always will be.
Unless you can somehow secure those component prices from a chinese OEM and build one yourself, you are not paying for a bill of materials.
BOM analysis does not tell you what kind of value you you're getting.
@LessPop_MoreFizz One day, the name "iPad Air" will be literal.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I would certainly hope a Byte Order Mark analysis wouldn't.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I assume they are useful for competitors that can actually judge the details. For consumers I agree that they are at best useless, and likely misleading.
@Powerlord Bill of Materials.
@MadScientist Yeah, they have a place from the standpoint of investors and competitors, but that isn't what i'm referring to.
They usually omit R&D and the retail margin, which is rather misleading
@Uni I am disappointed in you.
@MadScientist Also omits transport and assembly costs
@LessPop_MoreFizz The ones I've seen often included an estimate for assembly, of course I've no idea how accurate they are at guessing that
Also omits, in the case of a company like Apple, various sunk costs involved in spinning up manufacturing, as they tend to invest heavily in designing/building/buying their own custom manufacturing equipment and processes.
@Frank Or you could just be happy it's in some way, any way better than it had been and not worry about rejecting it because it isn't to the 100% perfect state yet. But of course, I know that's now how you feel about it, or else we'd agree on something, and that would be bad.
Which in turn means that a lot of the BOM estimates, which compare apples manufacture cost to someone screwing a bunch of off the shelf parts together is going to undervalue that assembly cost, if they even bother to.
@badp guh
that looks like a terrible position for a stick
@LessPop_MoreFizz Apple is likely getting much better prices per part, but probably spends more money in other aspects
@DwarfSlice have you not seen playstation controllers?
@Chippies Yeah, I hate them.
@DwarfSlice they're actually not that bad
Did she not even pick up one piece of trash?!
@Chippies I do not like them, although the PS3 one was not as bad as the PS2 one.
@Sterno So edits should be approved even when adding crap that doesn't need to be there?
@DwarfSlice don't ps2 and ps3 have same design?
they're slightly different
also wtf the button quad is in the middle on the steam controller too
Nobody is going to buy this thing
@MadScientist Right. The point is, the numbers are so wrong on every dimension that the whole exercise is basically useless unless you have a very deep need to understand not just 'how much is my iPad worth', but rather, the financial fundamentals of apple as a company.
(and even if you do have that need, you aren't going to get information of that sort that's worth using the paper it's printed on to wipe your ass if you aren't paying a lot of money for it.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz "the whole exercise is basically useless" kinda describes the news these days.
Clearly you need Bloody Stupid Johnson's pi to fix the dimensions.
they look the same to me
they're slightly further apart
hm, maybe
I don't care about edits being 100% perfect. I care about people trying to bring forward details that matter, not just chucking a crash dump through a template and suggesting that as an edit.
I can't find any good photos with them next to each other
@Chippies they are
@DwarfSlice I guess you are right
Tomorrow is Luigi's Mansion day! Er... I mean Halloween!
btw, has anyone visited the 3DS eShop this week? It's Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon themed, including the music.
@Frank Did it add the crap, or did it reformat crap to make it more readable?
@Sterno It added the crap by reformatting it.
People say you can't polish a turd, but I disagree. You can totally polish a turd.
It's still a turd, but a less offensive one!
I found the edit to be helpful, so I accepted it. What do you want from me.
I would have accepted that edit. It would not have even been debatable for me.
I'm not going to reject something that improves a post simply because I think it could have gone further.
So "chucking it through a template" is perfectly acceptable to me
Particularly from a new user who I am thrilled is taking an interest in improving things
Let's solve this argument by banning Minecraft tech support questions.
@Sterno It's less about going further, and more about exercising some thought in the process. It sends the wrong message if we just blindly approve edits that don't actually make an attempt to improve the solvability of a question.
So basically what you're saying is unless someone knows what's wrong and can point out the right parts of the problem, they shouldn't even bother/that edit should be rejected?
I'm confused
@Unionhawk No, I'm saying put some thought into it. If you're going to be editing a question, you're obviously trying to improve it. If your improvement is, "Copy crash dump, paste into template, copy template", no matter the question, that's not thought.
@Frank I'm okay with sending the message that improving the format of a post without changing the content is a-ok.
@Frank Improving readability is still an improvement, even if all the text is the same
If we didn't disagree, something would be wrong.
@Sterno Even if improving just dumps a ton of data that is superfluous as part of the edit?
I don't really call that an improvement.
I'm confused.
Did he alter the format of data that was there or did he add information?
If he just took a hard to read list and put it in bullet points, GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME
@Sterno He yanked the mod list and just dumped it into the question, without actually adding anything about the mods that would have helped to solve the issue.
If he went out to some site and said "Oh, for version xyz of this, it has these 17 specific properties... let me copy them all in" and that's all useless info, then I guess I agree that it's a pointless edit
We are discussing this edit right?
@Batophobia yes
Rather than analyze this further, I'm just going to assume you're wrong and that my position that disagrees with you is correct.
@Sterno The information in the list that was added was copied from the error dump below it
It looks like he moved data around and formatted it to be readable. No, he did not filter out useless data. That would have been a good edit too, maybe, but his edit as is was still an improvement.
Time to go home!
Home, home, time to go home.
@powerlord I am working on the going home part!
@Chippies I finally got some acceptable ring for that greed gem ("only" 10% dps gone) and OMG SO MUCH GOLD.
@Arperum lol told you
that gem removes all the gold issues the game had before
@Chippies In a way i didn't image. Like seriously, it's only rank 4 and it's crazy already. I'(m going to level it.
@Arperum mine's rank 1 and it's still sick
I will level it eventually though
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am confused by this.
@AshleyNunn Rally Monkey is the Angels mascot.
A dumb store is selling a Giants World Champions Rally Monkey as merchandise.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I know, that's why I am confused
@AshleyNunn We are both confused.
Hence 'WAT'.
@Chippies You know that there is some legendary that gives you extra armor for every bit of gold(1 armor per gold, stays for pretty short time) you pick up? That + this gem = loads of armor I think.
@Arperum I have it, but the duration is pretty short so I don't bother
you need to be constantly killing trash mobs for it to work and unless you have really high loot radius, it's not worth it, imho
@Chippies If every enemy killed drops 10k armor, swarms are going to be immortal times.
ifyou max the gem it is 100% chance.
@Arperum I guess it could be pretty cool with the gem maxed
and if you're melee
but for my WD, it's very much not worth it
@Chippies Yea, I'm constantly on the face of whatever I kill.
the thing with melee though is that you already have high armor and the effect is diminishing
I mean, it's nice to have, but it's unlikely to make you immortal :P
If I get 200k+ extra armor, it's going to be some bit of a bonus anyway. (The number on the lower right with picked up gold was just telling me 289k gold picked up)
@Arperum I think by the time you finish picking all that gold up, the bonus from first stacks is already gone
the bonus only lasts 2 or 3 seconds, iirc
@Chippies , still, at 31% drop chance I can get that number to go over 300k. might be something to look into.
I think Adria is in need of a kill... all these scorpions on the way sound like happy gold time.
@Arperum I have got that number over 1m with 25% chance on trash mobs in act 5, doesn't mean I was getting that much every few seconds :P
what is a great piece of armor though, is the bracer that gives exp for each gold you pick up
I've been using that on my WD and it's really good extra exp
although I suppose farming greater rifts would be better exp and gold doesn't drop there
@Chippies Yea, I kept the previous 10% more dps ring for greater rift purposes.
Also: paragon 98.
I haven't played Diablo in a while, been distracted with other games
@Chippies cough cough incrementals cough
@Yuuki AND other games
mostly incrementals though...
WOOO, I just closed incremental zoo! One down, two to go!
@Chippies Clicker Heroes?
@Batophobia yep, and kittens
although I'm losing interest in kittens fast
Clicker Heroes is easy to close since it sort-of keeps going even if it's not open
@Batophobia it doesn't really progress if I don't level heroes up
@Chippies shhhhhhhhh, just let it happen
@Batophobia noo, I can't! I won't have any incrementals anymore then!
What do you expect me to do then? Go outside?!
@StrixVaria will likely have another one tomorrow
so far he only posts garbage
clicker heroes was a one in a million miracle
Yay! going to kill adria was a good move! got the no crowd control achievements.
The scorpions give not all that much gold though.
@Batophobia Nah, traffic is much worse than me.
Q: How to make a spot to enter codes

kingbluesapphireI would like to make a minecraft minigame map where you can enter a code to get something. I would like it to work like this; When you first join you get a written book inside it says: Instructions: Blaa bla bla Click "here" if you have a code. Then if you click "here" it gives you a book and q...

Q: Multiverse Inventories -- How to Import existing Vanilla inventories? -- Minecraft

Matt LemmonI'm at the final stages of importing a pre-existing Vanilla World, vanillaland, and its nether, vanillaland_nether, into my Multiverse server. Everything seems to have gone smoothly -- Nether Portals are functioning properly -- and I was able to link the world inventories using /mvinv group. But...

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