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I'm back!
@Mvy How can one make moar desu?
@RonanForman Just add more Desu. I mean, you're basing the whole concept on overuse, so underuse is failure to achieve your needs!
This is the only way I can think of adding moar desu:
That's one more! Good heavens, that ain't enough
@Ronan Rule 27: It needs more Desu. No exceptions.
Get it more transparent as a background and repeat left right and bottom :P
Hey, it's your own fault for discarding Keigo and going straight into overdose
I don't know this meme!
Keigo is a polite form of Japanese speech, which usually ends sentences in a very soft "desu".
Comparatively, the meme originates from its usage not as with Keigo, but more as a verbal tic.
Would anyone use this poster if I were to finish it?
Not that it would stop me...
LIMB Y U NO restock inventory :(
where do you publish them anyway?
@RonanForman I'm not much of a Poster person, myself
Oh. You can only buy two in per hub/visit.
@GraceNote No, to put in gaming shops and such
@RonanForman Ain't much hap to that
I'm going to get round to making question title ones.
Q: Should I keep caged prisoners?

Ghislain LevequeI've captured goblins with caged traps. I've already stolen all their stuff like explained here but now I don't know what to do with them. Maybe my dwarfes are happy seeing caged prisoners but I'm not sure. If I have to kill them, how do I do ?

@Lazers Depends on if you have to feed them
@RonanForman Ain't much hap to that
What's that mean!
It's a very direct way of saying I haven't been to a physical game shop outside of a convention for a very long time.
Some people do
Well the shop in the street don't care about PC gamers
We're not PC game exclusive...
@RonanForman Well, yes, and they should put up posters
@GraceNote So it's more like parodying the frequency at which that kind of Japanese ends sentences with desu?
(Is parodying even a word?)
Although I would use "a parody of" rather than "parodying" there.
@badp Sorta
It's not really a parody of Keigo. In that show, every character of a sort has some manner of verbal tic. It just happens that that one uses desu and is the most pronounced one of them all.
I see
I now just need to find a question on Japanese.SE asking about the use of 'desu', so that I can answer "As many times as possible" and get precious reps.
Without an appropriate boatlight image macro, you won't get far enough.
Is desu desu the wrong thing to put there then?
Honestly I don't see what an anime/manga theme has much to do with Gaming, myself, but that wouldn't really change my interest in the poster.
It doesn't, but it attracts attention.
Wouldn't you want attention better with, say, a gaming type meme, if you're going the memetic approach?
Yeah, but it's not like I have anything better to do...
@Powerlord I'm drawing again, feel free to run
@RonanForman You could be waiting for hats to drop on your head in TF2
I'm mentally ill, I don't care for hats
That strikes me as being mentally sound, not mentally ill
You'd think...
I still think it's funny that Caramel in Shakugana no Shana constantly says de arimasu (which I've heard is the long form of desu)
Hudda hudda hmmpf hrrrr, hummpf hudda hm hudda.
(My hat is a glove, your argument is invalid.)
To be honest, I think that makes it more valid
sets Ronan on fire
Jumps in water.
@badp earns Baptism by fire
Evening all
sigh I wish game companies understood a few things about DRM.
@Powerlord In with language do they translate this as Caramel?
@Mvy Sorry, Carmel. And I had forgotten her first name (Wilhelmina).
While configuring mod-python, this message showed up among a bunch of other configuration stuff:
> checking your blood pressure... a bit high, but we can proceed
How goes it?
Hi, @FallenAngelEyes!
Sun's out today! It's nice and peaceful and not too humid, so I'm happy.
And @Mana!
Heya @Raven
'sup man. I was just talking about how the sun's out today and it's nice and peaceful and not too humid, so I'm happy.
@Mana stabs Mana
Stop making me jealous. >:/
It's hot and humid out today and I had to walk halfway across downtown here.
@Powerlord If it makes you feel better the clouds just went over the sun right as you typed that
Sun's looking nice here
I spoke with a professor about my new Research position today. Yayifications for soon having an income again!
Q: Arma 2 Free "Sandbox"

dysocoI often play with some friends Arma 2 Free, but I would like to know is there is a way we can play in "sandbox", I mean, like a map full of all kind of vehicles: so we can test them and have fun without enemies. Is it possible ?

Apparently, the acronym for the research is CIRCUS.
As of today, I've officially joined the CIRCUS.
> Apple relents, begins selling "old" Final Cut Studio again
@RavenDreamer That's awesome
It's always a bad sign when you have to sell an old version of software again because people complain about the new one.
@RavenDreamer Totally going to out-of-context that at the next big opportunity.
(See also: Windows Vista and XP)
@RavenDreamer On what will you be working?
@Mvy It's all about developing a markup language for stories. I think the eventual hope is for people to parse through TVs / Movies / Video Games, identify what makes the stories good entertainment, and use that data to procedurally generate equally engaging plots, via the awesome power of random numbers.
@RavenDreamer That's interesting. I wonder how successful it will be, given how subjective "enjoyment" can be.
Proper writers will kill you
@RonanForman I am a proper writer. Getting a minor in Creative Writing to prove it.
And you're majoring in cheating then
@RonanForman Yeah, I'm not entirely sure how I feel about it, but I agree intellectually that it's an interesting proposal.
So @Grace, Himeya's online store is apparently dead and has no ETA for return
Oookay, this is a weird bug. I've got a youtube video playing. Actually, according to youtube, it's NOT being played... and yet I hear the haunting melodies of the Allman Brothers just the same.
@FallenAngelEyes I told you that
@RavenDreamer REPORT IT NOW. Or my bro will not be happy.
@Mana Your bro?
They died a couple months after I made my last purchase
@RavenDreamer His brother works for youTube
Even has his picture in like, a trophy.
That's neat.
@GraceNote Ah, you said you went with them, but I didn't see any specification that they didn't exist anymore.
Too bad I will never live up to his legacy with my slackitude! goes back to playing video games
I'm ostensibly trying to work on a writing project. But I'm also in Gaming's chat. Guess what's not going to get done anytime soon?
The Touhou wikia's buying page offers JBox and Toylet as alternatives, but their prices seem higher than Palet's and I was wondering if it was still within what's considered a "reasonable/normal" spectrum for pricing or not.
@GraceNote That sounds like the ending to a bad horror story
Well, yeah. I'm not actually playing video games at the moment, but I'm hanging out on this chat and that kills productivity even more if anything.
@FallenAngelEyes $20 is the most I ever spent on a disc
@Mana Your brother works for Google?
@Arda Correct.
To think, mere weeks ago I would have found that awesome.
For example, Shoot the Bullet is $17.99 on Palet, but it's $28.50 on JBox and $24.99 on Toylet
That's nothing. I have a cousin who works for a papaya.
@GraceNote Hrm.
Er. I mean, Papaya Studios.
@ArdaXi What changed?
Toylet is just an... unfortunate naming choice.
@RavenDreamer I realised what a crappy company Google is.
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody is $52 on JBox o_O;
@RavenDreamer The whole Google+ fiasco.
@ArdaXi Oh right, you're too young to remember Doubleclick.
Google+ is a fiasco? Other than the whole issue of "We want you to use your real name", I thought it was going pretty successful.
@FallenAngelEyes Scarlet Weather Rhapsody usually costs a bit more but that's way too much
yesterday, by FallenAngelEyes
user image
@Powerlord That ad company?
@RavenDreamer That's the issue.
Got someone fired over it.
@ArdaXi Then don't use Google+. Bam. Solved. No longer a fiasco.
@ArdaXi Yeah, and into very shady business practices. So, Google bought them up...
@GraceNote Immaterial and Missing Power is also $52, the rest of the 1st gen Windows games seem to be around $29
If there's a better weapon combination than this, I haven't found it yet.
@RavenDreamer Google still owns it.
Man, Darksiders has such awesome character design.
@FallenAngelEyes Bnyargh
Badlands has this sentry position, over the parked railthings, that oughta be awesome
@GraceNote Warrgarbl?
@Mana ping.
you have control on basically all but one access to the point but the point itself
it's just hell to setup and spy heaven
snipers must be loving it too though.
@GraceNote I take it that's also a bit above the norm? >_>;
@badp picture? I think I know what you're talking about, but I'm not sure.
@FallenAngelEyes Yes, quite.
As a Tasofro game I expect higher price than the actual STGs, but >$50 is a bit much.
Nobody plays any of the games I play. =[
@GraceNote Tasofro? :o
@GnomeSliceツ You should play this game with us.
@GnomeSliceツ Are you Grace's sockpuppet?
@Powerlord My connection isn't fast enough.
I thought Grace was the obscure games man of reference here.
@badp No, you're thinking of @JohnGore.
@GnomeSliceツ Yet it's fast enough to play MineCraft? :O
@Powerlord Sort of.
Latency doesn't really affect a game of Minecraft.
@FallenAngelEyes Tasogare Frontier
@badp I'm the import/niche gamer. Gnome's games are a different sort
Have any of you even played HammerFight?
@GraceNote That reminds me, I've got a question brewing in the works.
@GnomeSliceツ Which one? Google finds at least 3 games with that name.
6 mins ago, by GnomeSlice ツ
user image
@GraceNote Wiki to the rescue! Also, it looks like Paletweb accepts Paypal and does payment for that method through Paypal's secure site, so I may be able to do that
That one.
You know what my problem is?
Aug 29 at 16:45, by FallenAngelEyes
user image
@GnomeSliceツ You know that both Arda and I have
@FallenAngelEyes Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about that.
@GnomeSliceツ pong.
@badp thanks.
I draw the best sentries.
@GnomeSliceツ Wasn't that one renamed Hammerfight and released in the Humble Indie Bundle 3?
@Powerlord Yeah, that's the one.
@badp Too long a sight line if you're not using the Wrangler, and too much room behind you if you are using the Wrangler. You don't need the Dispenser to reach the top of the cart, meaning that anyone can come up behind you, like, say, a Spy.
@Powerlord I know I don't, but I actually found out the dispenser gets in the way of spies trying to stab me
@Mana it happened again. :(
Huh, shipping to the EU is more expensive through Paletweb than shipping to NA
The long sight range thing is a problem with enemy Soldiers, specifically.
Damage falloff helps with that though
@RavenDreamer Huh?
@Mana youtube video playing while not actually playing. Also, it likes to automagically turn off "shuffle" randomly. Which irks me.
@RavenDreamer I didn't think damage falloff applied to buildings (both giving and receiving).
@RavenDreamer I've had that shuffle problem too.
Hm. Is Flash up to date?
@FallenAngelEyes How far have you gotten?
There's also the "can be attacked from 3 sides" problem (4 if they can avoid being shot while getting below the bridge).
@Powerlord you sure? I could have sworn long-range rockets only did 30-40 damage to buildings (I play with damage numbers on).
@Mana Unless Flash has updated since yesterday, when I was doing something similar and having no issues...
@GnomeSliceツ I didn't play much longer after I talked to you last night
Also, if anyone here had any interest in Child of Eden at all, the 360 version is currently $10 at Best Buy
@FallenAngelEyes Oh geez...it must not be selling that well.
@Mana It did not :/
Which makes me sadface
Sounds like you should buy more copies
It also had like 0 marketing
@GraceNote I'm honestly pondering buying the PS3 version as well just so I can give them more money
The PS3 version is not $10, I take it?
If I could play the NA version, hell, I probably would buy another copy for that price
My next purchase is probably going to be Bit.Trip Saga and a 3DS to play it on.
@GraceNote No, it's not out til near the end of September
@RavenDreamer I think I'll ask for that for Christmas for Wii
This is much more fun than proper art!
@FallenAngelEyes the wii game is called Bit.Trip Complete
@RavenDreamer Well, same thing practically, plus the Wii version gets the soundtrack for free instead of only as a Gamestop online pre-order bonus for the 3DS version
That one I'm actually keeping
@FallenAngelEyes Wii gets 20 "bonus challenges" per game too, I believe.
On the otherhand, it isn't potable.
@RavenDreamer Oh neat
@GnomeSliceツ The strikes are so severe you actually have bulletins on Picket Line Etiquette?
Or Portable, either.
@RavenDreamer The 3DS isn't drinkable either
@GraceNote So it would seem.
@FallenAngelEyes A guy can dream, can't he?
@GnomeSliceツ That sounds dangerous. Do you see a lot of it yourself or is your daily routine thankfully absent of it?
Hm. Hungry. Activate the sandwich radar.
I'm out for now. I need to catch a sandwich.
@GraceNote I haven't actually started school again yet, next week is when most of the students go back.
@RavenDreamer I suppose you could blend it in a Blendtec. If it can blend an iPad, it can blend a 3DS I imagine.
But it depends on where the picket line is going to be, anyway.
@GnomeSliceツ It was only a specific group that's picketing, right? Not the entire academic staff, right?
@GraceNote The entirety of the 'Support Staff' is on strike.
Having a cold sucks, just in case anyone was wondering
@GnomeSliceツ That... that's bad
@GraceNote You'd think so, but their FAQ appears to be saying that there's going to be no change. I don't see how that works.
@Rapida Can you move your arm without causing intense thoracic pain to yourself?
@GraceNote See here for the info.
@GnomeSliceツ How... courteous.
@GraceNote Ya, this just feels like my head is stuffed with old jello
Maaaaaaan, I can't even pronounce your college's name
@GraceNote Al - Gon - Kwinn.
Ooh, and deep breaths, those are causing thoracic pain as well
@GraceNote I find that ironic considering where you went
Steam lovers pay attention, we're about to hand out some Two Tribes Packs!
@FallenAngelEyes I have obvious letters in mine
@RonanForman That's not english, is it.
Done, I'll upload a larger one later
Do you think the text is too hard to read?
@RonanForman yes abit
Need that SE belt :P
Holy shit, 38.1 gig download for this game?!
I am so glad I have a good connection
What game?
Can't say, just got into a closed beta weekend for something. But geez.
Ah, congrats then
In unrelated news, I thought the Wikipedia personal appeal thing was done months ago
What do you guys think of this? Looks interesting.
It's only for Linux and Mac. I can't even form an opinion
's a bit weird
@GraceNote Thanks!
and not in a good way
@RonanForman No? I think it looks great. The other trailer is better, but I can't find a youtube link.
@GraceNote No, I think it's for Windows as well.
I was right.
I see
I'm a bit meh on it.
@GnomeSliceツ That animation style is hilarious
That trailer looks better
It has some promising aspects to it, but it seems a fair amount unpolished
Sign into old email account, has 660 unread emails
I might think about buying it only to forget to when it comes out
@ThomasMcDonald I have about 3k unread that I can't be arsed to sort on an old hotmail
Oh, most of them are from Facebook
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah, exactly
@GraceNote It reminds me a lot of MineCraft. And yes, I did just call MineCraft unpolished.
Also, The Unicated just looks... creepy.
It's been pinned... NOT AGAIN!!!!
does, er, Hotmail have filters?
My brother has 20k unread emails in his inbox alone...don't get me started on his other email boxes
@Powerlord I coud forgive the blocky aesthetic if it at least went a bit more... thorough.
Like, don't give me boring blue empty space beyond a door.
@ThomasMcDonald Yes, you can set them up. I have mine set so anything with "penis" in the subject is auto-deleted. I imagine this saves me a lot of hassle.
Okay, so just over half of them were from Facebook
that still leaves me with 323 to check, I imagine most of them are Microsoft mailing lists
I don't get spam, it's weird, or maybe it's cause I use google and their fabled spam protection
@FallenAngelEyes As long as it doesn't look for spaces. Imagine, if your boyfriend wrote you an email that said something like "My pen is leaky" "Do we have any more pens? This one is leaky."
@Powerlord Heh.
@Ronan problem?
@Powerlord Then he'd just talk to me on IRC, so no biggie :P
> Bring your other email in to Hotmail today - it's so easy!‏
@ThomasMcDonald I turned off the majority of FB notifications because you just get the notifications on the site proper anyway
that is quite possibly up there with self-castration on the list of things I do not want to do
@ThomasMcDonald I really wish Hotmail supported IMAP.
Then I wouldn't have to sign in on the dumb site
@ThomasMcDonald Quite extreme, I see
More changes to Star Wars on Blu-ray? Nice try George, but some a-hole already ruined my childhood.
135 from Microsoft UK, 50 MSDN flash
god knows how many from people who have been virused in some form
I might as well just delete all of these
An article about the Tumblr blog, How Games Saved My Life. Something refreshingly positive about gaming and how it's helped some people get through rough times in their lives.
@GraceNote You use that word a lot.
How did RED just win in overtime sudden death on an A/D map with BLU people remaining alive
(including myself)
Q: Upgrade chip in Deus Ex: Human Revolution?

Rob_IGSWhen you return to china, and all the Augs start experiencing the weird side effects, what is the result of going to the limb clinic and upgrading your chip vs. not going and upgrading? or does it not matter?

@GraceNote It makes me cringe.
@ArdaXi You too, eh?
It's an adverb! Not a whatever you think it is.
Adjective probably.
@badp I'm... not following here.
Thunder mountain.
Sudden death.
One minute left.
Oh, sudden death? That's different.
Suddenly, RED wins
Then again, I don't ever remember doing Sudden Death on a PL map.
I know some game modes have special rules in Sudden Death. For instance, ctf will end on the first flag capture.
@ArdaXi Oh, I know it's an adverb
@GraceNote That's not how you use an adverb.
@ArdaXi On the contrary, it's exactly how I'm using an adverb
Fine. That's not how you're supposed to use an adverb.
To wit, that hasn't discouraged me yet
Verily, Grace knows her adverbs and his usage thereof
@GraceNote I realise.
@badp I'd be concerned if it didn't.
> Source code posted Thursday afternoon California time on Google's own website would prevent Chrome from trusting any secure website signed by DigiNotar under an official program set up by the Dutch government.
@Powerlord Good?
You've gotta hand it to Reddit that Stack Exchange doesn't really allow some questions to shine
Just got home from my last day of work. Pretty fancy.
@badp ...I can't tell if they're trolling or not
It is most likely
hence the upvotes
I don't know if it says something about me or the population of the internet that most of the time nowadays, I can't tell the difference between trolling and honest-to-god stupidity
@FallenAngelEyes They are.
I just ran the credit-card number. It's not a Visa card.
@FallenAngelEyes Something about the internet.
People are stupid.
@FallenAngelEyes That's a variant of Poe's law I guess.
@Wipqozn Getting a new job or...?
@FallenAngelEyes NOt exactly. It was a work term, but I've been there for 8 months. Was originally 4, but they asked me to do a second work term due to being awesome.
@Wipqozn Ah, so contract job type thing?
Now I need to do an academic term again.
@FallenAngelEyes co-op. It's part of my university program.
They took me out to lunch and everything. Was pretty awesome.
@ArdaXi Yeah pretty much
Aw, that's nice
What the heck was GnomeSlice talking about? Hammerfight is so much easier to play with a gamepad
@Mana Welcome to the club.
@Mana I like it better if only so I don't have to constantly swirl my entire hand in circles
But... swirling constantly is the whole point!
@badp To carpal tunnel maybe.
...the whole point of the game, I meant.
It's pretty much the only game I've ever seen with support for multiple mice, too.
It also supports multiple gamepads.
I'd say multiple gamepads are more... common
Y'know what I haven't seen in a while? A multi-tap.
Which reminds me of my own quarrels with deciding how to implement multiplayer for one of my ideas
@GraceNote Of course not, the latest consoles all implement wireless controllers.
I wonder if I should have a second dinner after my lunch-dinner at 17 or not
yay for screwing with eating times!
I still have a PS2 multitap around here somewhere.
I'll go for yes, it can't hurt.
@Powerlord That would be the intelligent explanation, since unlike with a computer you still don't need enough jacks to put in the receiver. It can be built into the system directly.
Also I have to finish that pesto.
@badp I screw with my eating times all the time. For instance, on Wednesday, I had dinner at 5:50pm. Thursday at 7:50pm. Today at (likely) 6:10pm.
> Well, give me more than 30 parameters, and I can fit a trans-dimensional lizard-goat and make rainbow monkeys shoot out its rear end.

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