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I have a general hatred of IDEs
I'd much rather know my code well than go and make a coffee while you figure out what I'm typing next.
IntelliSense is really fast.
It knows what I want to type before I do.
And I'm just a big fan of strong typing.
The Ruby community... or possibly the Rails community... even drives its own devs away.
Such as the guy who wrote the Mongrel web server.
@Powerlord I thought he was generally regarded as a bit of a tosser anyway
I like his work, he just goes about stuff in unorthodox ways
@ThomasMcDonald Like using Ruby?
Point is, ASP.NET MVC is so, so, so nice to work with.
Q: Do 'speed hacks' exist on Xbox Live Call of Duty?

Michael PryorI've played with people that were moving way too fast to be legit. Am I crazy, or is it possible to hack the xbox version of the game?

@Arda As is Rails
True, but you don't get an IDE like VS with it.
Am I the only person who can't see Lazers picture?
No, because you don't need an IDE
You do.
Visual Studio is more than just IntelliSense.
Well, you don't need it.
But it can turn a day of bug hunting into 10 minutes.
Debugging a Rails app is hell. Debugging an ASP.NET MVC app is so much easier.
Debugging a Rails app is hell?
I'd question how much Rails development you've done
Anyway, onto greener pastures
Where is everyone in Deus Ex?
I've tried a project once.
@ThomasMcDonald Third boss fight.
Posted by Alex Miller on August 31st, 2011

So it’s been a couple weeks since our last podcast, but Jeff & Joel are back and ready to catch up on everything they missed.  There’s no guest this week, just 60+ minutes of that Jeff & Joel banter that (we hope) you’ve grown to love.

Jeff and Joel discuss “Zombie Poke,” aka Facebook.StackOverflow deal in depth and dispel rumors of receiving a “dump truck of money.” Details of the deal are discussed, from what the new feature accomplishes and how it came about.

Jeff also discusses the state of online identity and the issues that arise with having multiple logins. …

@ThomasMcDonald Through once
@TheStackExchangeBlog Awwwww, no dump truck of money?
I didn't even know about MVC 3. Hm. installs
@ThomasMcDonald Have you heard the Minnesota Remix?
@ArdaXi I thought SP1 already install MVC3?
Oh wait, you don't have VS2010 SP1 installed yet, do you? :P
They don't tell pirates about these updates. So rude.
@ArdaXi To be fair, they didn't tell legit customers about SP1 either.
Which was surprising after the big deal they made about 2k8 SP1.
> C# implements incremental compilation now so error catching is way improved in 2k8 SP1!!! You should install it!!!
Paraphrase, but you get the idea.
Not syntax catching... I forget what they called it...
@ThomasMcDonald Also, that's a pretty great remix.
Oh right, incremental compilation.
So first they compile a small chunk, then a bigger chunk, then an even bigger chunk?
Prior to 2k8 SP1, they didn't do incremental compilation in C#, but compiled the entire project at once when you tried to run it.
@GraceNote I listened to the relevant part of the podcast where Jeff talks about Gaming
Needless to say, that meant the error list wasn't accurate until you tried to compile the project.
I definitely over-reacted. Whoops, hahahaha
Tolja ♪
Still, even though he makes some interesting points, I feel like he was lying slightly about Gaming being his "least favorite site"
@ArdaXi: Anyway, Visual Studio uses incremental compilation to periodically compile your program in the background and update the error list. VB has had it for years.
@Mana Probably not.
2k8 SP1 added it for C#, 2k10 SP1 added it for C++.
I think he more just wanted to raise the problems and hijacked the topic kind of :P
Aren't we the problem site of the network, or something?
Pretty much.
@Mana Guess he shouldn't have started community sites, then.
Turns out they go a different direction than you may expect.
Q: What are the differences in The Baconing's gameplay respect to previous chapters?

DrakeLike the title says, I would like to know which are differences in The Baconing's gameplay respect to previous chapters of DeathSpank.

Well, the problem site on the network for Jeff seems to vary from month to month. Until this podcast I would have pegged ELU as his problem site.
@Mana He goes on about "They have a tagging problem because of how we chose to do tags last month"
@Mana They seem pretty average to me.
Maybe, just maybe, it's an issue with your system, not our site.
Where can I listen to this podcast?
@GnomeSlice Here
Posted by Alex Miller on August 31st, 2011

So it’s been a couple weeks since our last podcast, but Jeff & Joel are back and ready to catch up on everything they missed.  There’s no guest this week, just 60+ minutes of that Jeff & Joel banter that (we hope) you’ve grown to love.

Jeff and Joel discuss “Zombie Poke,” aka Facebook.StackOverflow deal in depth and dispel rumors of receiving a “dump truck of money.” Details of the deal are discussed, from what the new feature accomplishes and how it came about.

Jeff also discusses the state of online identity and the issues that arise with having multiple logins. …

Gaming.SE talk starts around 34:00
Jeez, it's long.
@GnomeSliceツ One reason I hate podcasts. That and they are NOT easily searchable.
I wish you could skip to parts of files on soundcloud, without having to load them from the beginning.
"The duo discusses which Stack Exchange sites don’t meet their personal expectations. The hit list includes Super User, Writing, Parenting and Gaming. Jeff goes into depth about his issues with Gaming.SE, even though it’s the fifth most trafficked site."
...Tell me I'm not mentioned by name in this.
@GnomeSliceツ Yes, at around 43:12
goes to 43:12
@GnomeSliceツ I just said I hated podcasts, do you really think I listened to it? :P
@Powerlord Good ones are.
Well, SoundCloud is not easily searchable.
Last second notice: 50% discount from the Mac App Store version of EDGE has ended. It will take a few minutes to go into effect, so act now!
"So, Gaming... Facebook, Facebook is kind of the big thing right now."
Eh, just a fad
@GnomeSliceツ No users are mentioned because Jeff's beef wasn't with any users.
@GraceNote Well, that's a relief.
@ArdaXi They misspoke "PC gaming" and forgot to mention that's because of how old the tech in the current gen consoles are. ;)
My connection - 2 minutes
@ArdaXi ಠ_ಠ
I think part of the problem is that we need to start acting on some of our meta posts more quickly. For example, in this meta-topic the accepted answer says we should destroy but we still have 227 questions tagged with it.
@GnomeSliceツ Hey, I have an extra knife. Want it to stab Arda with?
@Mana I guess you're discussing something brought up in this AUDIO THINGY?
And this was a meta post from five months ago.
takes out his pocket watch
@ArdaXi That has to easily be my favorite item in the game. :D
I'm hoping that later crates have a strange Dead Ringer that counts how many times you cheated death.
I did it four times in a row while pushing a cart on Hightower yesterday. :D
I deleted Men vs. Machines and re-downloaded it because it was insisting there was an update required to be able to use online content in the game now, and no update was listed in the app store.
I lost all of my data, and it's still not letting me connect.
Fuck you, Glu.
@GnomeSliceツ Kind of. He mentions that when you have questions tagged as and it doesn't tend to work out that well because of the way Stack Exchange displays titles now(most popular tag -- question title -- Gaming.SE)
Finally! Area51 recognizes that I finished my commitment! I was starting to get worried...
@Mana Er, reply link?
I forget what we were talking about.
@John Which site?
@Mana I think we discussed last night
@Mana I've noticed that google results tend to no display the game tag.
or @GraceNote was talking about it with some other
Is that what you're talking about?
@ThomasMcDonald We discuss it every other night
@John ...That's kind of ironic, isn't it?
@John Commitment to Christianity.
Damn you @GnomeSlice
@GnomeSliceツ Yeah, because usually the genre or general tag that we attach alongside the game name tag is much more widely used
"Yeah, freelancers was dumb, there was no questions there, there was nothing to talk about."
The site. I'm still committed to the religion, but I'm getting tired of the debates.
@GnomeSlice Nonono that remix was horrible
especially the drop
This podcast...
@ThomasMcDonald I thought it was all right. Check out the Minnesota remix.
Listening to it now
"That's... like the opposite of true. That's like....... not true!"
I didn't understand the bit in the podcast where Joel complained about Github
Me neither.
like writing about the code was for Stack Overflow, if I understood
when you have READMEs and docs and Wikis if you so want to write about it
@GnomeSlice Okay, that's a nice drop
@ThomasMcDonald That's my favourite remix of the song.
Yeah, that's quality
@ThomasMcDonald Yeah.
So, Jeff doesn't like Gaming because it's a waste of time.
He called us people who sat in their mom's basement hoping to make money off Gaming.
@ArdaXi He just said there were people like that. Also, that was Joel.
@Arda pffffffffffffffffffft
@GnomeSliceツ What's the difference.
@Arda One's realistic, the other isn't...?
@Mana There's a realistic one?
These guys are ridiculous.
'Bedonka Tonka'?
Are you saying that there are not people who sit in their mom's basements trying to make money off of gaming?
Because they do exist.
>.> <.< >.>
There are also people sitting in their mom's basement trying to make money off of writing, and coding, etc.
@Mana Yes?
@TheQ I know, I know.
@Mana I'm not trying to dissuade your point, but I think they could have been a tad more... elegant... about their words.
Also, the fact that there are professional gaming tournaments was mentioned, although not really addressed (to my disappointment)
I agree.
Someone has a billion reps on SO?
@GnomeSliceツ No. And no one has a million either.
@Mana Oh, we addressed the krutz out of that point in the chatroom.
Hmm, Microsoft does installers really well. You download a 1 MB app, and it installs while it downloads.
@Arda lol.
@ArdaXi ಠ_ಠ
@GraceNote Oh. Man, why did I have to miss this podcast of all podcasts...? I just end up sounding like an idiot talking about it.
@GraceNote kritz?
@ArdaXi Krutz
@Mana Don't worry. You'll always end up sounding like an idiot.
@ArdaXi Nodwick
@GraceNote ala the comic strip?
@TheQ As it were
@ArdaXi You're right.
S'been a while since I read through it.
Guess I know where my evening is being spent.
@TheQ In your mom's basement playing videogames?
@Mana Snap.
@Mana I'll have you know I spend it in my own apartment playing video games thank you very much.
resists making the incredibly obvious crude joke
That I understand.
Krutz is a curse word that was a plot point in a Nodwick strip.
You just love showing us your cool little web browser toy.
@ThomasMcDonald Don't think I don't see you editing your line up there.
@Mana (✌゚∀゚)☞
Jeff Atwood hates Gaming. :(
@GnomeSlice ಠ_ರೃ
@Brant He said right after the discussion finished that he didn't hate Gaming!
@ThomasMcDonald ╚(•⌂•)╝
Pfft, damage control.
@Mana He has reservations.
@GnomeSlice ◎⃝ _◎⃝ ;
@ThomasMcDonald t(ツ)_/¯
He has a point about genre tags though. Seriously, f**k genre tags.
@Brant EY MAN F**K YOOOOU busts out guns
@Brant I wouldn't worry about censoring yourself, moderators turn the air blue as much as I do
and by moderators I mean @badp.
@Mana Want to see my other toys?
@John I hate the idea of that since I tend to highlight the paragraph I'm reading
@ThomasMcDonald The issue is when some random person flags and, and another random mod responds to it.
@Mana I have it set to only activate if I hold ctrl.
Where can I listen to this podcast?
@GnomeSliceツ OMG! I knew you couldn't be that good at unicode! installs
@John That's not it.
Posted by Alex Miller on August 31st, 2011

So it’s been a couple weeks since our last podcast, but Jeff & Joel are back and ready to catch up on everything they missed.  There’s no guest this week, just 60+ minutes of that Jeff & Joel banter that (we hope) you’ve grown to love.

Jeff and Joel discuss “Zombie Poke,” aka Facebook.StackOverflow deal in depth and dispel rumors of receiving a “dump truck of money.” Details of the deal are discussed, from what the new feature accomplishes and how it came about.

Jeff also discusses the state of online identity and the issues that arise with having multiple logins. …

@StrixVaria ^ Yeah, there. ^
@ArdaXi I know they're not the same, but the functionality is there.
Is it 71 MINUTES?
It is 71 minutes.
@John This one works betterer.
It's a long one, yeah.
Yeah. The gaming talk starts around 32:00
@ArdaXi You tried both?
Is there a transcript?
I only use it for dictionary definitions anyway.
There is no transcript.
@Mana No transcript?!

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