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But meta is grey.
@Powerlord I suppose you messed up your line
I was just about to say
I can't make my brain accept this.
@JoshPetrie I'm sorry about your meta LAZERS headcanon.
@JoshPetrie Sepia is black and white. That makes grey, right?
@badp I was referencing it, not quoting it.
@RPiAwesomeness That sounds fair. Do we have a chat room for that, where only 1 person can be there at a time, and no one can see what you post?
Sepia is a reddish-brown color, named after the rich brown pigment derived from the ink sac of the common cuttlefish Sepia. The word sepia is the Latinized form of the Greek σηπία, sēpía, cuttlefish. == Sepia in culture == Ink Sepia ink was commonly used as writing ink in Greco-Roman civilization. It remained in common use as an artist's drawing material until the 19th century. Magazines There was a magazine for African-Americans called Sepia, which existed from 1947 to 1983. Music In the late 1940s and early 1950s, R & B (rhythm and blues) music was called race music or sepia music. Painting...
@Brian Well..We might be able to make you one.
See, LAZERS are so badass, even if you try and put them in black and white they still retain some redness to them. Because they're LAZERS.
@Powerlord Okay. I have learned something new today.
Also your hair is on fire.
From the LAZERS.
I always thought Sepia was the black and white stuff.
And "Gray Lazers" sounds awful.
@TimStone Can we get @Brian a solitary chat room? He thunk about the unmentionable one.
@Frank That would be... noir, right?
unmentionable one?
@RPiAwesomeness I'm pretty sure that thinking about the thinking about the unthinkable is thinking about the unthinkable by proxy.
@GnomeSlice "General Arqade chat room, wherein you are barred from feeding (or thinking about) the invisible turtle."
@Powerlord That's probably the right one.
@badp Oh noes
I have broken the laws of thinking physics
@Powerlord greyscale
You should all be banned for thinking about me.
This room was placed in timeout for 30 seconds; the topic of this room is "General Arqade chat room, wherein you are barred from feeding (or thinking about) the invisible turtle." - conversation should be limited to that topic.
Q: Does deflecting a fireball with a looting sword give better drops?

dspyzI got 2 ghast tears after I thought I deflected a fireball back at the ghast (with my looting 3 sword). But I was pretty close, so I might have just hit it. I'm not sure. If I deflect a fireball with a looting sword and it kills the ghast, do I still get the looting bonus?

@StackExchange :(
dumps bucket of water on @badp
OMG. That was awesome
@badp ಠ_ಠ
Thank you @wipqozn for successfully derailing the bridge
@badp Nooooo, what have I done?
I always keep really quiet during room freezes to avoid losing room ownership.
I had no idea that was a thing
We actually needed that
@RPiAwesomeness You cannae change the laws of physics
@Unionhawk I didn't even have to do anything. I'm so proud.
@Unionhawk It needs to happen more often
@Powerlord I can't? but these aren't real physics, just the physics of thought.
@badp Remember the time you froze the room for 24 hours and didn't know how to undo it? GOOD TIMES
@Wipqozn Best failed joke ever.
If you stay on the Bridge long enough, various sciences begin to warp
@Wipqozn That was hilarious, and scary, and hilarious.
@StackExchange Speaking of which, where's @FAE?
Remember when we laughed, and laughed, and laughed. Ooooooh boy.
@badp lol, you did that?

Wherein badp gives up to panic and forgets that the solution to mod abuse is more mod abuse.

Aug 20 at 16:15, 3 minutes total – 46 messages, 11 users, 25 stars

Bookmarked Aug 20 at 16:52 by badp

Ah. The memories.
@badp Except I wasn't laughing.
@Powerlord It's a Portal quote :P
@Brian Under the circumstances, I've been shockingly nice.
@Powerlord Portal 2 quote? I haven't played 2 yet.
@Powerlord I was. It was hilarious.
@Brian That's right.
@Brian That's from Still Alive
@murgatroid99 No, it's from the Portal 2 song whose name could be a spoiler.
@Powerlord oh, you're right
I just realized I missed the joke.
Well here we are again, it's always such a pleasure. ~spoilers in lyrics here~. And how we laughed and laughed. Except I wasn't laughing. Under the circumstances I've been shockingly nice.
Go make some new disasters ~
@Ktash I LOVED IT!!
I'm not sure what universe we're in that my meta is a duplicate of @murgatroid99 but I guess we've given up on defining a game
HI GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!
@badp That's what I'm counting on.
Hi @spugsley
@Batophobia Your entire question is about interactivity.
@Powerlord Oh GLADOS
@murgatroid99 No, it's not
@Brian Incidentally, you should play Portal 2.
Portal 2 looks awesome
@Batophobia It was when it was closed
@RPiAwesomeness It's pretty good.
@murgatroid99 No, it was not
Great dialogue.
I have two friends who have it they're all over me to get it. That and GMOD
>Is there a certain threshold of user input that is required?
What if the game's systems are based on social systems (like bluffing in a game of poker)?
If there are no graphics, does it stop being a game?
What if the majority of the game takes place in the real world with a minor electronic interaction?
@Powerlord I know, I bought it and haven't played it yet.
I actually got a second copy for free since then and still haven't played it.
That's what the question said when it was closed
@murgatroid99 1 of those is about the level of interaction required
25% of example questions on a broad topic is not 100% of the question
I think the core of the question is the same and also it's meta who cares
@Unionhawk Obviously @Batophobia cares.
@GnomeSlice We were discussing the definition of a video game
apparently we are now ignoring the discussion we were having and making a new one
whatever, I don't really care
This site already has screwed up rules
@GnomeSlice I should have known better than to ask "who cares" in the bridge... >_>
@Unionhawk Yep.
"If there are no graphics, does it stop being a game?" No. I actually know of a game you play entirely by sound, but I forgot it's name. It's designed so that blind players can play it just as easily as everyone else.
@Brian Yea that's apparently not the question though
Q: How can I unlock clothes for Mama in Gardening Mama 2?

NiniHow?? Can you unlock clothes for Mama in Gardening mama2? If yes, what do I need to do so I can unlock clothing to dress up Mama.

You can throw that in the "How interactive must a game be" discussion as an anwer
this some dope shit
@Brian I know that game too but also forget the name.
@Brian Heh -- define "graphics." Does Hack have "graphics"?
What about text adventures?
Hot and cold counts as a game.
All feedback is provided aurally.
I don't think any of us would claim that graphics are necessary for something to be a game
Does Counter Strike stop being a game when you're flashbanged?
@badp Yes. Obv.
@GnomeSlice BlindSide (it took a bit of searching)
Seriously, who are we arguing with here?
@murgatroid99 I'm just saying, the issue is extremely complicated and I'm not even sure we want to limit ourselves to videogames to the letter of the word
@murgatroid99 We really aren't: the "is it even a videogame?" angle was mostly a red herring
@badp And therefore it's not worth discussing the boundaries of the concept?
@murgatroid99 You're welcome to argue whatever you want with me, just don't expect me to argue back.
@badp How so? It was the original argument for closing that question
@murgatroid99 Yes, and it was the wrong way to look at it
@murgatroid99 Since we're Arqade, we can have one easy criteria: It has to be done on a game console or computer.
@badp I don't think it was.
The question was obviously not cool, but it appeared we had trouble in understanding why it was not cool.
It was not cool because it was not a real question
It was intended a joke and read like an ad.
@Brian Why are you not cooking right now?!
The game-ness of that is not even necessary to bring into question
and, for the record, we have 7 questions about Dear Esther, and that's arguably even less of a game.
I don't see how creating an electronic equivalent of a skinner box means it automatically makes it a game.
That game (or interactive experience or walking simulator or whatever) didn't raise any eyebrows.
Because that's not really the problem.
@Frank It isn't even a skinner box
Q: I literally got STUCK in Dear Esther - how do I get "unstuck"?

HubroJust 30 minutes into the game I try to walk onto a rooftop for some reason... I promptly got stuck and literally can't move an inch. It's as if my walk buttons are disabled. Is there any way to get unstuck in this game, or will I have to start all over? Note: this game is based on Valve's Source...

It's essentially rock paper scissors with slightly different rules.
It looks like it at least has some interactivity.
@Frank Inputting a number is still interactive
Guys, argue some more
@GnomeSlice Nah, it's lunchtime
Quick someone think about the invisible turtle
@Batophobia Quitter!
You can all argue that you agree now
@GnomeSlice You are not being constructive. Please stop.
@GnomeSlice hungry quitter :D
@badp I was just joking, but okay.
@Batophobia It's the equivalent of a lever. There's not enough behind the input to really qualify.
Should I get the Season Pass for Hyrule Warriors?
@Powerlord I'm at work, but I did just eat some pizza with bacon on it. Close enough?
@Frank It is not a skinner box. It's different than "push button, get bacon."
You might as well be poking a black box to get the same effect.
@badp It's push button/sometimes get reward.
@Frank but that's not how skinner boxes work.
Which is exactly what this can be boiled down to.
On a bacon pizza related topic, I noticed that Pizza Hut is advertising a cheese and bacon stuffed crust pizza.
@Frank Why don't you post your point of view on the meta, and let the community decide?
@Frank Which is the same as rock / paper / scissors. Choose r / p / s. Sometimes win.
There's still only two responses there.
@Powerlord Good thing there's a Pizza Hut within walking distance of where I live :D
@Frank Out of curiousity, would you consider this more of a game if there were more information -- for example, if you played it with real people around a table, like poker, and could thus try to read their body language?
> An operant conditioning chamber permits experimenters to study behavior conditioning (training) by teaching a subject animal to perform certain actions (like pressing a lever) in response to specific stimuli, such as a light or sound signal. When the subject correctly performs the behavior, the chamber mechanism delivers food or another reward
@JoshPetrie If it gave feedback of any kind, I would consider it more of a game.
A skinner box is about using the certainty of the reward to link two arbitrary things together
All you get now is a win/lose. Eventually.
@Brian There's not near where I live... the closest one closed a few years ago.
That is completely different from this thing. It's entirely backwards.
I have to drive halfway across town to find one now.
@badp Hmm. I even looked up a skinner box before using it as an analogy.
@Powerlord Same with Taco Bell here, which is sad because I love Taco Bell (don't hate)
Keep in mind that there's going to be a lot of "non-games" for the Oculus Rift, for whatever definition of "game", and honestly we should still be covering them
@badp Why?
At least that's what I think.
6 mins ago, by Frank
Q: I literally got STUCK in Dear Esther - how do I get "unstuck"?

HubroJust 30 minutes into the game I try to walk onto a rooftop for some reason... I promptly got stuck and literally can't move an inch. It's as if my walk buttons are disabled. Is there any way to get unstuck in this game, or will I have to start all over? Note: this game is based on Valve's Source...

For the same reason you seem to think that this is an okay question.
@Brian Taco Bell is on my way home. Incidentally, today is the start of their PS4 Big Box contest thingy
Don't you just walk around and hear narrative in Dear Esther?
@badp So if it happens with the Oculus Rift, we support it?
I wish they'd let me get a big box with multiple Queseritos.
@Frank Yes?
Just like the XBox or the PS4.
@badp Even if it's the equivalent of Visual Studio?
@Powerlord Empanada Box first.
We don't support all software that you can buy from Steam now.
@Frank Just today we've had @murgatroid99 argue that Source Filmmaker is on-topic, and meta consensus is somewhat with him.
@badp All I see is a zero scored answer that says we should.
Am I missing something?
Ah, it was scored +1 this morning.
(and +0 when I left my comments, after my downvote)
@Powerlord Oh yeah. I wish McDonald's would do another thing where they give out free XBox 360 games. Although they'd probably be Xbox 1 games this time, so I wouldn't be able to use them.
@badp I participated in it when @murgatroid99 brought it up in the Bridge. I can see arguments for making it on-topic here. Just as I can see it being off-topic here.
@Noctrine Well, thing is... they have a Quesarito Big Box, but its contents are 1 Queserito; 1 Taco Supreme, and 1... umm... I forget.
Right now there's no meta post that argues that the game does not count as a game.
I think SFM is pretty clearly off-topic, but hey, what I think only counts so much and I'd rather have consistency than the perfect enactment of my will as the Arqade Benevolent DIctator For Life
@badp You're the ABDIFL?
Q: What's the best way to level up a Brave Burst?

LeodWhen I'm going to fuse a unit, some units used as ingredient can upgrade the Brave Burst skill of the Base unit. But what's the best way to do this upgrade? Fuse each unit separately or get 5 ingredient units and fuse it together?

Q: With the new music update, is it possible to play the "loud" music during stealth?

Compro01As stated in the title, with the release of the Big Music Update, is there any way to play the music that would play during a loud heist while still in stealth rather than the stealth music?

The point is that the Quesarito is only slightly more expensive than the other items in its Big Box and it tastes way better.
@Frank No...t yet.
@badp :P, indeed.
@badp EH?!
Anyways, it's lunch time for me. I require sustenance!
@Powerlord What happens when you say "I want a queserito box, but instead of the lame items I want it to be all queseritos"
A: Are Source Filmmaker questions on topic?

murgatroid99Yes, we should allow these questions. The final bullet in the list of allowed questions is Game-specific hardware and utilities Because Source Filmmaker is built on the Source engine and works with Source game assets, it qualifies as a game-specific utility.

@Noctrine lol, I should try that.
99% of the time you'll see me arguing for inclusiveness and breadth
SFM is literally the 1%
Oh, nice, Windows asked me if it was important to me to close windows from Win-Tab
I guess they want to know how much such a feature would actually be used.
@badp Just added my own answer.
It turns out we have a Stack Exchange specifically for Video Production.
Yeah, I'm aware. I'm not even sure Video Production wants those questions however
I don't see why not.
I don't think they do stuff like character posing.
It would be a niche on the site for sure.
@badp Hm, good point.
yeah, the actual building of the scenes would be off-topic at a first glance.
that said they do have a blender tag.
@GnomeSlice Yeah. It's a young site though (still in beta), so we'll have to see how it evolves.
@badp Blender is a 3D production suite, why wouldn't they?
Q: How to create a rolling ball with Python in Blender?

hhhMy friend told me that you could create games in blender and it has an game engine in it. Now I want to do some simple things with blender such as rolling ball, the topic now in this question. Basically, my problem contain Problems a learning problem and reference-request. I am us...

2 mins ago, by badp
I don't think they do stuff like character posing.
my understanding of video.SE is they are about the process of taking raw footage and producing it into a video that's fit for purpose
Blender can do a lot more than character posing
but does it do character posing?
and building a scene
and building models, and scenes, and whatnot
You can do character rigging in blender, yes.
and the animation of all of the above
Those aren't things that are obviously on-topic on video.SE
Animation is definitely related to video production
They'd be more gamedev.SE
@badp I really disagree with that.
3D is not just used for games.
@badp If you're developing a game, yes. But if it's just a video, no. A video to be used in a game....not sure.
@Brian still no
@Brian hm, okay.
@murgatroid99 Added my stance into the SFM topic of yesterday. respond away if ya want
@James I got the notification. And honestly, I don't even care any more
@badp Ive not been active on GameDev for a bit but we would .. or used to.. reroute how to make art to other locations.. It was more limited to code development.
We consider blender on topic for GDSE, but there is also a blender stackexchange.
But that is neither here nor there.
@James kk
@Noctrine I'm thinking questions about this kind of stuff
I don't think they're on topic for us.
It doesn't seem to be on-topic for video.SE, at least imho
I don't think that Source Filmmaker is on-topic for gaming. Rigging could be ontopic for video production, since they do cover animation as well IIRC.
If it also isn't on-topic for you that's cool too, it doesn't have to be on-topic on some site.
Alright guys, I need to focus on work, ttyl
@badp Character rigging is almost certainly on-topic for video production
@GnomeSlice ?
You can use things like Maya and Blender to create models for use in Source FilmMaker, too.
@badp 3D not-for-games
@badp SU actually has a question on it about loading an asset into SFM and it not working.. The difference between that one and this one seems to be that the asset came from a video game instead of a file he was just trying to load.
I also do not think we HAVE to find a place to put the question. Just cause we can not find some where else doesnt mean it belongs here
video.stackexchange.com/search?q=animation+rig - Is more apt. Rigging is going to almost always apply to equipment rigs.
@James Yes, I agree.
@Noctrine that's software-rec, it barely even counts :P
@badp Hm. Looked around a bit more and they seem a little wishy washy on what they allow in terms of 3D.
My point @James is that we should check with video.SE before we point people there
@badp Probably the best course of action, yeah.
Source Filmmaker SE - To Area51!
@badp Ah, definitely agreed :D
> Sauron's entire high command, all going after a single warchief at once. He never stands a chance.
@Noctrine LoL
@Frank Do you think the Hyrule Warriors Season Pass thing is worth it?
@Wipqozn /me facepalms
@Wipqozn False, Venus has the crushed remains of the Venera probes.
@James This is technically correct.
@Chippies Hahah, I did something similar but not nearly as epic
@Wipqozn I take issue with the word Inhabited :D
@Yuuki Dead robots don't count
I should play Tomb Raider and pretend it's Shadow of Mordor

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