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SELECT followers
WHERE tag = soansotag
I don't see anything. It'd either be a field in the Users table with all the tags (either name or more likely ID), but that's impractical, or a separate table with userID and tagID columns. The second method is how I would do it.
shoot. Now I gotta do 33 manually.
@MBraedley I don't think the list of tags a user follows is public information
I don't need specific users, I just need an exact number per tag
@murgatroid99 There you go. Only public information is in the data explorer
@MBraedley but that's also not what he's asking for
@RPiAwesomeness yeah, but you do that by a count(*)
He want's the number of followers, which is public info
But can I access the number of followers?
I only see

@RPiAwesomeness No, because that's not how it's stored internally. They can't reasonably give you the count without all the private information
The data explorer is, for all intents and purposes, an exact copy of the live database from Monday morning of each week
@MBraedley Of course they can. You can see the number just by hovering over the tag, but it's not exact enough
@RPiAwesomeness And how do they actually do that? They select count(*) on the table that we can't see.
To be fair, the data is preprocessed before being loaded into Data Explorer, so there's no reason it couldn't be included (or included in the API for that matter). If you have a compelling reason to need it post a feature request on MSE/StackApps.
If only they stored it under the Tags table. Y'know, SELECT followers FROM Tags WHERE tag = soandsotag
@RPiAwesomeness well, select followerCount. I don't think you're ever getting the actual followers.
@MBraedley I don't want the actual followers, just the total
@RPiAwesomeness I know, but that's what you're query implies
Oh, yeah.
@Unionhawk Approaching level 100 again... We shall see how the primal hunting goes this time around :D
Argh, did I miss a discussion on orbital mechanics?
Q: Where should I post a question regarding Source Filmmaker?

aytimothySource Filmmaker is a animation software that allows uses to import any assets for the Source Engine and then animate it. (But not sculpt/use models from scratch; that's the Hammer tool) However, I'm not sure where to put it; StackOverflow is for web development and SuperUser isn't meant for film...

Do we cover this?
@SaintWacko yes
@murgatroid99 Personally I wouldn't mind if we decided it was on topic. I could see opposition to it, though.
@StrixVaria I'm kind of surprised we haven't already seen questions about it
@murgatroid99 Me too.
We support Garry's Mod, so it should probably be on topic
Well damn that last message was meant for you @SaintWacko not Union... /facepalm
@murgatroid I can see it being on topic. Its something we would use, I believe.
ok then
@murgatroid99 Can you make games with this?
Well better question, can you Play games with that
@James No, but it's a source engine thing, which is why I think it probably belongs here
@murgatroid99 I dunno man, thats kind of like saying we should support questions for Unreal Editor cause it uses the Unreal engine?
Well, to me it seems like that.
@James Source filmmaker is also distributed with source games
@murgatroid99 Its still not a game.
Not, as far as I understand, source engine
@James we answer steam questions
My understanding is that outside editors tend to be more on topic on game Dev, but this seems to be one of those wonky edge cases.
I got a music video from Type O Negative with Descent II all that time ago..
@murgatroid99 Because its a PC gaming platform like a console.
@James my point is that "it's not a game" is not a sufficient reason to rule it off topic
Think of a likely question that would be asked with that software
How do I import mesh or texture XYZ
How do I set up multiple cameras for different angles
Its not how do I get past boss XYZ
Why can't I log into steam to access my games
The example question provided is about loading a Dota2 map
What does 3 red quarters rings on an XBox mean
@murgatroid99 If anything that belongs on GameDev
If how to mod a game isnt on topic here
Then how is how to use a games assets to make a video?
@James because that's not at all related to game development, and it is somewhat related to playing the game
@murgatroid99 Its using video game assets to generate a demo video or a cutscene or whatever else you want
Just cause I can load a minecraft character into Maya doesnt make any questions regarding to Maya on topic
@James But Source Filmmaker runs on source in source games
Where the software comes from is not, or should not, matter. What it is used for should be and its not playing games.
@murgatroid99 Kewl Ill accept that
@Ktash I did my first collab photo today :D It went SO well ahhhhhh
If the question about that film maker has anything to do with playing it on gaming hardware then its on topic
@James Why are you being so specific about this? Why are programs on game hardware on topic, but not programs in game software?
Netflix was just an example of non-game questions we accept
@murgatroid99 Because they were specifically dealing with PS3 or XBox versions of the software
Not netflix in general
@James that doesn't answer my question. Why is gaming-related hardware on topic, but gaming-related software is off-topic?
From the FAQ man
Please note, however, that site policies prohibit questions of the following types:

Game and Mod Development (try the Game Development Stack Exchange instead)
At the -very- best that sotware cold be considered making a Mod
It is Definitely not a game or game related hardware
@James It's not mod development
Making a video is not developing a game or a mod
How is development of a CG video anything in this list:
Gameplay strategies and tactics
Puzzle solving or obstacle clearing
Game mechanics and terminology
Plot and characters in games
Game-specific hardware and utilities
> Game-specific utilities
@murgatroid99 Then how is Unreal Editor NOT a Utility?
How is Unity not a utility?
Or any other game engine
They're much closer to game development
@James because they are tools for creating games
I see a tool used to create a video much closer to being on topic than a tool used to create videos
That sentence makes no sense...
That its only tie to gaming is that it understands the assets of a specific game engine
@James those are the same things
@James It is build in the game engine
Erm a tool to create a video GAME much closer ... etc
Forgot a word
Sorry Ive not been sleeping well for.. well 6 weeks now
My mind works a bit faster than my hands it seems :D
(I swear I typed games not videos the first time)
One of these tools is for making games, the other is for making videos based on on games
Shit, I knew I'd fail that
@murgatroid99 And neither of them are used to play games
If we ban Source Filmmaker, why not also ban questions about TF2 replays
oh well
anyone want to shoot zombies in Left4Dead2?
@James Neither is Xbox360 Netflix
@murgatroid99 Do we ban Source Filmmaker?
They're going to try and claw my eyes out, I know it, Jonathon Coulton is such a liar...
@MBraedley That is what James is arguing for
@murgatroid99 *used to play games or utilize gaming hardware
@JimmyHoffa Not a game I have :(
@James Source matches the first. Xbox 360 matches the second.
@murgatroid99 Ya lost me
@James OK, I may have misunderstood your sentence
But I still don't see the reason in including gaming hardware and excluding gaming related software
I honestly don't think there's anyone better to ask about source filmmaker than people who play source games.
@3ventic Id rather ask people who make videos how to use video making software
@AshleyNunn Very cheap as it's slightly aged but still can always find a game with folk using it's automatch as everyone still plays it plenty.
Q: Is there a difference between the movement controls in Okami and Okami HD?

BenSo I have recently downloaded Okami HD, and I have noticed that the directional input seems to be a bit clunkier than in the original. I.e. I can only travel in 45 degree directions. I have come up with an alternative in the meantime, (rotating the camera to allow for smoother cornering). The on...

@James But the question the guy wants to ask is source engine related, not video production related
@JimmyHoffa o.O Then why are you here? :D
Rather, the problem he is having
@JimmyHoffa I;d check into it if I wasn't working
@James finding folks to play games with in a fashion that's slightly less anonymous than automatch can be fun
@JimmyHoffa True True
@JimmyHoffa We don't actually play games here. We just argue about games
Actually, we just argue about other stuff
Yeah if its a vote I say off topic
But I don't think we will see eye to eye on this
@AshleyNunn I got to collaborate with someone today and I love the picture we made :D
I thought The Bridge was just a place where people who are supposed to be working come remove @Wipqozn's room ownership, argue about games, MOD ABUSE and do the flag dance?
@James Seems like the best course of action is to escalate to meta, then
@spugsley Is it on Flickr?
@MBraedley yah :D it's this one flickr.com/photos/slpugsley/15296276847
I'm probably not up-to-date with my information though
@murgatroid99 I figured not, but thought I'd toss it out anywho.
@murgatroid99 Or just let him ask it here and see where the question ends up :D
But that might be more of a 'throw em in the pool' to teach people to swim response, hehe
@James I don't feel comfortable with telling someone to ask a question here and then having us close the question as off topic
Will do :)
@JimmyHoffa I'm half joking. Most of us are gamers, but a lot of us spend our time in here arguing about other stuff
Q: How to convert WAV files of some frequency to 44100 Hertz?

JackI'm using Source Filmmaker, and need to convert an audio file I have to 44100 Hertz, otherwise SFM will not accept it. I believe the frequency of the file is less than 44100 Hertz, and therefore will increase in size as a result of conversion (it's a sound file from CNC RA2, if that's relevant)....

@spugsley Nice
@James On topic at SU != off topic here
@murgatroid99 the word is orthogonal. There's your word of the day...
@JimmyHoffa I know the word "orthogonal"
Convicted sex offender decorated his #PervHouse for Halloween & has reportedly been walking the streets in costume. Really?
@LessPop_MoreFizz ... #PervHouse?
Q: Tips for Villager?

ian_0506Villager was my most anticipated character for Sm4sh, and as soon as I got the Smash Demo, I began to practice with him. After beating my brother consecutively, I decided that I might try out For Glory mode. Long story short, I lost all of the times I have attempted this mode, and since losses ar...

@murgatroid99 Still a good word of the day :)
Police say mommy tried to give birth—on the front lawn of her house. What’s more? Allegedly, she was on meth! #MethMom?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I can't tell if this is a parody account
@murgatroid99 Oh? I always thought cross-site posting on SE was frowned upon
And I wish the guys here would leave our internet connection alone
@murgatroid99 Nope. Nancy Grace is 'legit'.
I cant slack off properly!
The issue here is when you have a child & then try to murder it #BabyInDryer
@James That's not what cross posting means
@James That just means you shouldn't post the same question on both sites
Like I said before man we are not going to agree it would seem
If you want questions on this site about that software
In some cases you have multiple sites to choose from, but "all of them" is not the right choice
Then we should be moving the question from SU to here
That's what the cross posting rule means
@AshleyNunn I grabbed knights of pen and paper as it's the sort of thing my kid can play - he can't use the keyboard or mouse yet but turn based stuff he can make decisions about what to do each turn, is it a pretty easy game to not lose/die in if I set the difficulty at the lowest?
And that does not look like a good post for us.
@JimmyHoffa I managed to get decently far without dying on the easiest difficulty
@James That question was about doing something outside of the program for import purposes, not about using the program
@murgatroid99 He couldnt import audio
This guy cant import a level
They seem extremely related to me
I again point to if someone was trying to load the DotA2 level in Maya it would Not be on topic for us
Did 2 teenage boys, 13, murder grandma for pizza? #MurderForPizza http://www.HLNtv.com/Nancy Call now: 877-626-2901 http://t.co/hS3Hqtit
Just let me ask the damn meta question. We already agreed 5 minutes ago that this is a pointless conversation
Okay, I'm done.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Please stop
@LessPop_MoreFizz Thanks
@AshleyNunn cool, will sit down and give that a shot with my kid this weekend. He likes Kings Bounty for this - you wander around and when you run into monsters it brings up the little hexagonal gridboard where a group of your archers and warriors fight a group of enemy ones turn based, oddly he loves using the weak farmer to kill everything instead of the actual soldier types. Already rooting for the underdog I guess
@murgatroid99 Indeed, we just kept it going :D
@JimmyHoffa hahaha nice :)
@James I was just pointing out that the fact that it is on topic on a different site is independent of whether it's allowed here. That is an accepted fact throughout the network, and I wasn't expecting argument.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ummm...wut
@JimmyHoffa lol
7 mins ago, by LessPop_MoreFizz
She was withholding pizza.
Can we stop mocking this stuff please? I get the twitter presentation is amusing, but the rest isn't.
@RPiAwesomeness well, what else do you think goes on in the #pervhouse?
@AshleyNunn Agree w. that
@Wipqozn Looks like they're starting to get desperate.
@Pvt.Grichmann Nah, just trying to get people hyped up for Dragon Age 3.
May 18 at 18:45, by MBraedley
@Chippies on origin is a deal breaker
Companies have done this more than once. Giving away a game for free when a sequel is coming out soon.
@Wipqozn I considered it, but it looks gory and I don't want to have to mess w. Origin, specially since I use Linux
@MBraedley I'll deal with Origin for Dragon Age 3.
@Wipqozn Too bad we both own it on Steam already :P
Q: Are Source Filmmaker questions on topic?

murgatroid99Based on this question on the big meta. Source Filmmaker is a video editing program built on the Source game engine. This makes it related to our site, but not definitively on topic. So, should we allow these questions?

@TimStone Yeah, I assume everyone in here probably already owns it.
If for some reason you don't you should download it. It rocks.
With that, though, I'm going to bed. I'm quite tired, and should have went to bed a while ago...
toodles all
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@TimStone I did it again
I smell natural gas... faints
I sure hope I'm not gonna die...
'Cause, like, that would really suck
@murgatroid99 lol
Damn you epic runes :(
@TimStone Are we playing shadow of mordor again?
@TimStone I just want them
The level 25 rune achievement is the only one I have left
Why wont they just come be with me
You're welcome to them, I have plenty grumbles
I think my achievements are broken
> Make an uruk yours.
How exactly do I not have that?
Err yeah, that does sound broken
Don't you just love it when you manage to screw up a boss battle by using all your powers except one? :P
@OrigamiRobot Have you proposed yet?
@Yuuki That's one of the last things I'd ever do. Marry an Uruk. :P
I have to imagine they're terribly unfaithful
Not to mention abusive
Female ones too
@Yuuki I am finishing up s3 of castle and going to start s4 tonight
@AshleyNunn Yay!
Q: Send Explorers costs 100 Kittens

James MasseyIs it just me or does sending explorers only cost 100 kittens in the latest build? Or is this because they didn't actually find anyone?

@MBraedley Habs got it with a goal at like 19 min in the 3rd
@AshleyNunn Which episode exactly are you on?
@Yuuki last ep of s3 just found out who was the third cop
@AshleyNunn Oh yeah, that was a great twist.
@GnomeSlice Well, now everything's ruined forever.
Including a Felyne Mr. Resetti.
I CANT TAKE THIS SHOW @Yuuki. It is yanking at my heartstrings like crazy!
Kinda glad I can start s4 right away
Q: Should I immediately eat any cans of meat I find laying around?

DrTwoxCans of meat raise your health 10 points, up to a maximum of 150. If my health is < 141 is there any reason to not eat the canned meat as soon as I find it?

helpful as always, Steam
@GnomeSlice So helpful.
@AshleyNunn Oh! Buildanauts posted a new thing showing off the beginnings of their road and traffic system:
@GnomeSlice I saw this! I am super excited.
The music is so good too.
I really hope they get to finish this.
Me too
I cannot figure out what five items got added to my steam inventory
@Yuuki I am laughing my butt off because I started ep 2 of s4 and it had subs turned on and the subs just consisted of gibberish made up of every accented letter it could find :P
Oh hey, Team Indie is out.
So soybean harvest is starting. We're about a week into it. And now we're expecting 5-6" of rain in the next few days.
I'm going from 70 hour work weeks, to a 45 hour week this week, most likely. :(
@Fluttershy Is this a good thing or a bad thing? I suspect bad from the sadface
@GnomeSlice I have a spare -20% coupon for that, if anyone wants it. Two, actually.
I have 4, that must be what the new stuff in my inv was.
Devil's Attorney. Already have that from iKoid, haven't played it, but it looks excellent.
CC @AshleyNunn
@GnomeSlice Leo's Fortune is pretty good, I have that
Yeah, I wanted that one.
Also Out There
Out there looks great.
@ori that one's definitely broken; it's supposed to trigger when you dominate a captain for the first time
Dunno. I'm fairly certain steam has an achievement editor if you really care.
@Unionhawk Yeah, but that just opens you to possible future punitive action by Valve.
I thought they were the ones who put it out for the express purpose of "sometimes stuff breaks", or am I recalling incorrectly?
@Unionhawk Oh, I thought you were talking about some sort of unofficial hack or something.
cc @FAE and other Kingdom Hearts fans.
Looks like I'm recalling incorrectly
Well that was timed well
Though I've seen that one
@AshleyNunn May I ask, have you watched Amber Alert before?
@7Blue_Beast7 Nope.
@AshleyNunn Have you seen Doctor Who?
@7Blue_Beast7 Yes, that I do watch.
@AshleyNunn If so have you seen its newest season?
Heh. One of my friends is playing through Borderlands for the first time. It's cool to see him find cool things.
@7Blue_Beast7 I've been watching some of it, yeah
@Frank I beat borderlands and I tell you... its fun as heck. I can't wait to play Black Ops: Advanced Warfare.
@7Blue_Beast7 Wait, what?
@Yuuki I was talking about some games with Frank and how awesome Borderlands is.
@7Blue_Beast7 I just felt it weird how you went from Borderlands to what I assume is the next installment of Call of Duty.
Yeah, nope, I recalled entirely incorrectly. Not only is it not an official thing, steam support won't/can't adjust achievements either.
@spugsley did you like the socks site then? Also yay for collab. It looks so awesome!
@Yuuki I didn't assume the new black ops, I saw the advertisement.
Also, did you see that site @ashley? Might be something that you like too (though maybe not)
@Ktash I think I missed it
@Yuuki that next generation fish AI though!
@Yuuki :/ I hope I didn't say anything mean to you.
@7Blue_Beast7 ... huh?
I wish I could afford to be frivolous and buy some of their socks, they're so neat
@Yuuki "I didn't assume the new black ops, I saw the advertisement." you didn't say anything after my last statement.
@7Blue_Beast7 Yeah, I'm still not understanding what you meant by that.
@Yuuki Perhaps their link might help.
@Yuuki Because you didn't say anything, he is jumping ahead of himself and thinking you are mad at him over it
Never mind. I was just wondering why you went from Borderlands to Call of Duty like that. It felt like an extremely weird non sequitur.
Does anybody here use rainmeter?
@ashley I just discovered it and it looks fun
@Ktash I want so many! They even make kneesocks for my larger calves!
@Yuuki Well I did end the Borderlands statement and started trying to tell Frank about the new CoD thats soon to release some time.
@7Blue_Beast7 Yes, but generally people here do not consider CoD to be the same.....calibre of game as Borderlands, which is why people are confused.
@AshleyNunn CoD is a rehash of a rehash of a rehash. It's the same old thing, over and over and over.
@AshleyNunn Ah... okay.
Guessing that doesn't include WiiU
Borderlands at least tries to keep it funny.
@Frank lol
Yeeeah, Generic Modern Shooter 17 doesn't appeal to me personally
@Unionhawk :o
So, because I was busy taking a picture of Cyclos, I didn't have enough time to shoot him with arrows.
@AshleyNunn Bit of both. I like the money, but I'm super exhausted.
So he sucked me up into his tornado. Funny thing, I ended up a lot closer to where I wanted to go.
@Fluttershy So a bit of a break might be good?
@Frank Thus, my point :)
@ash nice. Yeah they look like they have a good selection :)
@Yuuki heh. That was a common speedrun technique for a long time, but it's so extremely rng based it's absurd.
@Unionhawk I was at Northern Fairy Island and was heading towards Forest Haven (had like 10 photos to turn into figurines). I ended up at Southern Fairy Island.
@Ktash I struggle a lot with socks, because I am super sensitive to how they feel and if they have heavy seams or tight elastic or the fabric, etc. But sockdreams are great socks
I think cosmo used that trick in his wwhd runs
That is good to know. I will keep that in mind :)
Also, apparently the frozen enemies in Hyrule Castle count for figurines.
So, easy Darknut photo op right there.
I think that part of the route is to get from windfall to outset after getting bombs
So there's really only one truly run ending warp location in dragon roost
So I'm having a tough time finding a well-formatted list of missable figurines.
The ones I have found seem to have been made before the HD remake.
So I'm not sure which ones still apply and whether there are new missable figurines.
Is there a difference? Other than having advanced pictobox to start?
It is possible to get all figurines without NG+ in wwhd
Yeah, but I'm already in NG+ because I like adventuring in my pajamas.
I think cosmo has a video on it. He probably talks about the ones that are missable
@Unionhawk I don't want to have to watch through a video on it though.
This is the one thing I dislike about the advent of Let's Plays. Some answers that could be reasonably displayed in text form are now only available by watching a 5-10 minute video.
Yeah, I don't like when people title let's plays as a walkthrough. I mean, yes it'll get more views, but unless you go in with full knowledge, calling it a walkthrough seems dishonest
A: Why did all of my items disappear?

NULLI have your answer, I am causing all of this. I am corrupting your worlds and deleting all your items! I am RUINING your experience, I am going to get you... txen er'uoY

of course
should not have expected otherwise
@GnomeSlice What
the thumbnail of because boobs
@GnomeSlice Can't you preview thumbnails through the YouTube search page?
Yeah, that's a thing you can do.
are tacos a euphemism for something I'm not aware of
@Yuuki I'm guessing he wasn't paying attention.
@GnomeSlice Depends on the taco, I think.
I know fish tacos are a euphemism for something, don't know about other tacos in general.
@jef Goddammit I hate everyone involved in making herobrine a thing
@Unionhawk And... it's gone.
Why though?
That post is why
Well there's that.
Can we have an autofilter that automagically flags any post that contains a certain word?
The reader feedback on the minecraft Wikipedia page is why ("I NEED TO KNEW ABOUT HEROBRINE")
@JeffreyLin Yes, we can. Doesn't mean we will.
@Unionhawk Like "I should have known that he was fake before I built an impenetrable base designed to keep him out"?
@Yuuki Why not? Only for like words that are 99% spam, like Herobrine.
(though to be fair, herobrine does redirect. I'd rather it be gone and create protected, but that probably won't happen)
Q: Limit for coins in plants versus zombies 2

WillyIs there a limit for the amount of coins you can keep? What happens if you gain more than 99,999 ?

I learned in my History class that most societies have a myth.
Minecraft is not a society.
Or maybe I heard wrong.
Group then.
Aaaaand my favorite weapon in the Zelda series: Megaton/Skull Hammer.
I have 28 min of work left which isnt enough for another ep of Castle unless I want to stay up....
Finally got that damn level 25 rune x_x
Once again, work is done for hte night and I sleep. :D
(well, read some more of Soon I Will Be Invincible and then sleep.)
@TimStone Shadow of Mordor? My highest level rune is a lvl 20.
@Arperum I think my highest is a lvl 18 one. I should get them a bit stronger before ramming my sword through their faces.

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