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7:09 PM
@Sterno raw?
I have 1 hero soul now, and will get 8 more when I ascend. Should I ascend yet?
I'm on floor 141
@Rapitor I don't really care how they prepare them.
@SaintWacko did you take more or less than 15 seconds to clear zone 140?
@badp More
And I used pretty much all my abilities to do it
@SaintWacko do you have an imminent upgrade that can ~double your DPS?
7:10 PM
@badp Nope, I've unlocked all the upgrades
Only upgrade left is ascension
I meant, a +25 level up
@badp Um... no?
The only upgrade of that sort that could double my dps is on Frostleaf
@SaintWacko To comfortably beat the 145 zone boss you'll need to have 1,563e+27 dps
And he's only level 94
@SaintWacko What level is Treebeast?
7:12 PM
@badp I have 1.530e+27 dps right now
@badp 577
@SaintWacko Bring him up to 1,000
That should be your priority
You'll easily eclipse Frostleaf if you do that
@badp Wow. That's going to take a lot of money
@SaintWacko Takes on the order of 100N
@SaintWacko He does tension so right.
@Frank No kidding
7:15 PM
@SaintWacko It's a way better investment than levelling up Frostleaf
@SaintWacko It gets even better as the series goes on.
He eventually goes on to create his own version of the Macross Missile Massacre.
there are some days I miss being a C++ developer. Then I remember pointers...
@Rapitor I have a C++ leaflet for those moments
yeah I have a big blue book I like to call the bible, but its still a pain in the ass
7:18 PM
Games you buy thorough Steam should come with a warning if they use a third-party store like uPlay or GfWL...
@tombull89 Get Enhanced Steam
 for_each(begin(elems), end(elems),
   [&sum, weight](int value)
     { sum += (weight * value); });
@tombull89 I'm pretty sure it does this for GFWL at least.
We burnt the microwave twice, the apartment was full of smoke both times and the smoke alarm didn't make a noise. Now we're cooking, there's a bit of steam in the kitchen, nowhere near the smoke alarm, no smoke or anything and it starts beeping like crazy...
at least I know I won't die in my sleep from steam? Idk... such garbage
my ears are still ringing
@tombull89 I think it does this for a lot of them
Well it does for GFWL, atleast: store.steampowered.com/app/97100
it's by the category tags
or as @badp said
13 mins ago, by badp
@tombull89 Get Enhanced Steam
7:33 PM
Awesome ad.
Might wanna put it behind a link though
That thumbnail~
They (smartly) included interracial, homosexual, Elderly, etc.
@GnomeSlice I agree with Kevin. You should probably not embed that thumbnail
@GnomeSlice :|
7:35 PM
Nice to see comments on the content, as always.
@GnomeSlice could've replaced it with a link to the video
instead of removing
@GnomeSlice If you want comments on the content then don't post thumbnails for their shock value. Again.
which is what people were asking
@Chippies Nobody was going to watch it anyway.
It's cool.
@GnomeSlice well, now they can't even if they were going to
7:36 PM
@GnomeSlice I'm at work. Of course I wasn't going to watch it
I have no idea what it was even about
I do however know that (censored) images of two naked guys don't belong in chat and are liable to get flagged
@KevinvanderVelden judging by the text in thumbnail, it's an ad about that weird dating show where people date... naked
@KevinvanderVelden It's an ad for dating naked, where they have a flashmob of people dancing together in the buff. It's all choreographed, but it's really well done, and they have a bunch of minorities, which is nice.
reality TV is odd
7:38 PM
Reality tv is one of the greatest misnomers ever
Reality TV is why I cancelled 1/2 my satellite subscription.
@JasonBerkan you didn't have to watch it you know
nvm, missed the 1/2
We have a java class for our proprietary NMEA 0183 message format (which is really just a wrapper format for other NMEA messages). We also have a java class that covers all NMEA 0183 messages. Should one of these classes inherit from the other? If so, what should that inheritance look like?
@KevinvanderVelden I'm not sure, there's an awful lot of stupid people in "reality"
7:41 PM
@MBraedley More specific is a subclass of more generic.
@Batophobia this is true, still not that stupid
@KevinvanderVelden Never underestimate the stupidity of the general public
@KevinvanderVelden you just don't see it, because it's not caught on camera and shown to you
I am currently downloading middle-earth shadow of mordor btw
@StrixVaria Yes, that's what I thought it would do. Instead, there is no inheritance at all.
7:42 PM
@MBraedley That could be ok too; I'm not familiar enough with that specific problem to comment.
It depends on how much benefit you get from subclassing.
If you make a subclass but then you have to essentially rewrite from scratch because it's different enough, then there's no reason.
@Chippies uuh that's not reality tv. Reality tv is putting people in staged situations, prod and poke them for hours until they do something "entertaining" and then cutting that into horribly misleading pieces
And I don't underestimate the stupidity of the general public. After all, the general public watches reality tv
@StrixVaria A class for NMEA messages should be able to read and write individual fields, for example. The generic class doesn't do this. The proprietary class does do this (to some extent), but I can't use it to solve my current problem, because I'm working on a message with a standard format.
@MBraedley Sounds like that generic class is not designed very well.
7:46 PM
@StrixVaria It isn't. It basically can only do one thing.
This is why Interfaces are nice. You can say "A class for NMEA messages should be able to do these things." and then any specific implementation must be able to do all those things. Of course, this can still be circumvented by implementing methods that just throw "not implemented" exceptions :(
I miss Java.
So apparently bandcamp files have a download limit on them.
And it looks like the generic class was implemented after the proprietary class, because there's a bunch of copy/pasted comments that weren't edited.
@StrixVaria what language are you using that you can't do that in?
7:48 PM
@StrixVaria I always found doing that was just excessive boilerplate that isn't necessary for source code that never gets released to the wild.
@KevinvanderVelden Ruby :|
@MBraedley Sometimes it is, but sometimes it's useful.
I've always hated the pattern where you have an interface and then exactly one thing that implements it, ever.
@StrixVaria huh, well that does make sense in a language with that much ducktyping
(IIRC, never used ruby myself)
@StrixVaria I do that to help with future changes.
Yay. Just wasted an hour because the error logging was pointing me at the wrong spot.
@StrixVaria Yes, that's the specific excessive boilerplate I was referring to. In this instance I don't think an Interface is the right model to begin with, since a NMEA message should be treated as an object. I'd prefer using an abstract class in this case, but even that isn't entirely appropriate, because you can still do stuff on a NMEA message, even if all you know about it is that it's a NMEA message.
@JasonBerkan If the code needs to be dealing with an Interface down the line, it should be relatively easy to create the Interface and refactor the code. Doing it now is just extra work that might not pay off down the line.
7:59 PM
@MBraedley In the small, yes. In this case, I put my entire database project behind interfaces defined in the domain, so that there is no link between the two projects. That's something that is a little harder to refactor nicely later on.
Ubisoft on the whole 900p 30fps bit
"We were quickly bottlenecked by CPU and it was a bit frustrating, because we thought that this was going to be a tenfold improvement over everything AI-wise, and we realised it was going to be pretty hard. It's not the number of polygons that affect the framerate. We could be running at 100fps if it was just graphics, but because of AI, we're still limited to 30 frames per second."
@Rapitor That doesn't really explain why they're stifling what the PS4 is capable of.
@Rapitor What game is this about?
@Frank really only the Ps4's GPU is superior no? I thought CPU wise they were pretty equal, if not XB1 has the advantage from all the azure cloud computing it touts.
@StrixVaria AC unity
@Rapitor Which would allow them to offload some more complex graphics, and keep the same AI.
8:06 PM
@Frank and PC is also locked at 30fps 900p (which surprises me)
And apparently grammar is not my friend today.
@JasonBerkan My whole resistance to unnecessary use of Interfaces came from my senior project, where we had to talk to a database, and the guy on my team who knew databases designed the java just like that. It was all self contained, so there was no need for that separation.
@Rapitor Which is stupider than locking consoles.
@Frank If AI is the bottleneck, then how does offloading graphics tasks help?
Too much typing "API" constantly for work.
@StrixVaria Yeah, that was confusing.
8:07 PM
There's going to be some calculations done on the CPU that can be transferred to the GPU. Maybe not a lot, but definitely some. Take advantage of the extra horsepower.
Titanfall and Forza offload AI to the servers to do, but seeing as both games are enclosed and small scale they are able to pull off the 60fps (excluding horizon 2)
biut seeing as they are going for parity, and I don't think Microsoft would allow Ubi to use Azure for Ps4 calculations.. if thats even possible
@MBraedley I find it extremely useful due to the fact that business stuff changes constantly. I don't want to be caught out due to the VP deciding that Oracle is the way of the future.
@JasonBerkan And yeah, I understand that rational for doing it. I hated having to modify three different files when all I wanted to do was add a simple query, especially since it's something that probably could have been covered in a single file, since we knew we wouldn't be changing databases.
@Rapitor I think the parity (and especially now that they're doing the same for PC), is an excuse for laziness on their part. They're just spinning it to make it sound apolitical.
8:13 PM
@Frank probably. The only thing Ubi I legitimately still like is UbiArt.
I fear for The Division and Rainbow Six Siege.
then again. Assasins creed is pretty much their cash cow now. they will just do the activision route and milk it until its completely dead
@MBraedley It does add a lot of coding for simple stuff.
Back. Had an impromptu meeting in my office so I thought I'd better close this chat.
Incidentally, don't screw around with -J options to javac if you have no idea what you're doing.
Apparently one of our sysadmins did this on one of our J2EE JSP compiler option settings and made the server start throwing Internal Server Errors.
slow clap Good job Belkin, making your routers not work if they can't access heartbeat.belkin.com
8:30 PM
my fuck this is good
Zone 300 broken~
Zone 300 achievement + 1e37 damage achievement + gilding + 16 hero souls
@badp Gratz! I finally peaked 160 last night :)
He'd probably still agree
@badp Yeah well you are... what's that have to do with anything?
8:33 PM
@James 57+109 souls
@badp Wow, that part sucks since @Chippies is doing runs of 240+ souls :D
Wait wait.. Do you mean you only had 57 souls when you did this!?
@James Yes
... Yeah you are nuts
...but I started this with ~90
then spent 40 in maxing out Vaagur
8:34 PM
I still have no idea what we're talking about... Dark Souls 2?
I finally got over 100 and will now Maybe start spending some.. but I am thinking more like 150ish :D
which means 28.17× from 35 dark rituals
Yeah I keep thinking of doing that same thing..
@Powerlord You'll notice by the limited frequency of git gut's that this can't be Dark Souls 2.
Well tahts the other side of it for me! I ascend fast enough that I only get like 1-2 dark rituals
(Learned to do the 2X thing on those though, its 10% after all :D)
8:34 PM
Oh god @Powerlord RUN Away!!!
Dont look at that picture just run away!
5 days for that ascension eh?
Ill have to keep that in mind :D
@James The first few levels are such a bother
My next objective is 6 hours away. I can use skills to shave ~one hour every 15 minutes, or I can just sleep it over.
@badp I got lucky and have TreeBeast gilded twice, once random and once from a regild
Much more relaxing.
Sooo I can get him to level 100 pretty cheap and he can get me to level around 50 or so in 5min :D
8:37 PM
My next gilds are
Alexa ×2
Bobby ×2
@James I have Ivan gilded instead and skipping Treebeast at the start is no problem at all. Too bad Ivan is worthless later on
Ive actually found to give them a good spread. I am glad I got TB gilded but I like the ones along the way since if you can place them right (I am not 100% sure of which ones are placed well yet) you can go from gilded to gilded so always get more bang for your buck
Yeah I only got TreeBeast then it goes to Leon.
With TreeBeast now though I dont level anyone else up until I get Leon, then Ill go back and snag the overall + skills once I can just quick click 100 levels on those heroes
Especially Betty Clicker
I would actually LOVE to Gild Frost Leaf
That'd make the level 1,000 Treebeast easier to get, yeah.
@badp In early game, those first 100 levels I can see the lower gilds being helpful
My Nexus 7 only now got the 4.4.4 system upgrade
But when I am pushing around 150-160ish (Hopefully 170ish this time)
I wish I had a gilded Frost Leaf :D
I was disappointed to see that when the heroes get to 4x increments it only seems to actually give you a boost at all when you hit the 4x
so only every 25 levels matter
8:43 PM
If I didn't have any gild I'd have 9.104e36 DPS instead of 1.292e38 (-42%)
Yeah I am just looking at optimal progression
I figure fast collection of hero souls should be a priority
Every loop I am adding in a minimum of 100% dps increase
Well it took me a while to get to +100% hero souls and ony a slightly longer while to get to +162%
Still I won't be able to get to 25,000 levels on this run I'm afraid
I'm at 22,600 right now
You mean the ancients that help you get more stuffs?
Also, I recall either you or more likely @Chippies saying that the Hero Souls from Primals increases.. Does it just increase based on the level they are or is it the count of them that show up?
(If you know :))
@James I9t's based on the level you are on, so a lvl 120 will always give the same base amount of souls, not sure if 120 is 2 or 3 souls.
@Arperum Ah, very kewl that is what I thought but I also thought I might be missing something since I Dont always get that many Primals ascending around level 150
8:51 PM
zone 300 = 16 hero souls guaranteed
.. I think i have yet to see a primal big potato
I suppose the zone 400 "centurion" will have 64?
@badp That is what I am aiming to get total by zone 160
@GnomeSlice I find it funny how seemingly every review pans most aspects of this game but ends up with an 8/10 or 7/10 because of the nemesis system.
9:04 PM
> Harmony of Heroes is a Super Smash Bros fan-arrangement album celebrating and paying tribute to the music of the Super Smash Bros games. It is a collaborative effort made up of musicians on a global scale, ranging from digitally synthesised music to live performances covering a variety of different genres. The diversity of the album allows us to reach out to many different types of fans no matter their musical preference.
holy shit
here's a taste
@James fyi, lvl 120 is the first level with 2 hero souls, if it is a primal boss. lvl 115 still has 1 hero soul (I just opened 120 this run, and 115 and 120 are both primal and had 1 and 2 hero souls reward respectively.
@GnomeSlice There's seriously a genre called "complextro"?
@Yuuki Yeah, and that isn't it.
@GnomeSlice I know, I was looking at the video suggestion sidebar.
this is complextro
It's kind of a dumb name for a subgenre
ooo this looks fun
9:11 PM
@Powerlord ]=
9:26 PM
Hello, Sarah. Would you like to play a game?
Aw, I got that phrase wrould.
Anyway, going home time and then going out to dinner, so...
@Arperum Yeah Yeah I am actually going into 115 right now .. Meeting delayed the click fest! :D
9:49 PM
Q: StarCraft 2 HOTS

MorroLord..what about this two different movement formations? (i had use patrol in this images to see the trail) how to do the second one? sometimes i see it happen, when all units group are stop, but sometimes happen the one point move too ._. i just dont know HOW to do one or the other

Q: Mod Organizer says Skyrim files are unmanaged

Sir RobertI'm switching from the Nexus Mod Manager to the Mod Organizer to manage my Skyrim mods. I followed this set of videos to get acquainted with it: ...

Shog9 on October 07, 2014

We rolled out three new badges last week!

These recognize a pattern that sets Stack Exchange apart from the forums and message boards that came before it: answering and editing questions, the ability to not only write an answer that can be useful beyond the immediate asker but also re-write the question such that it can be found and understood by future readers. Thanks to this capability, brilliant explanations need not languish under titles such as “C++ problem” or “Java doubt” – having written an answer that ably fixed the problems in the asker’s code, it is possible to also fix the problems in his writing! …

my secret of clicking success? When I'm away from laptop, I leave a 1 click/sec auto clicker on the level up button on one of the profitable heroes
that way my gold/s increases while I'm idling :P
@Chippies hax
@Chippies If you're cheating you might as well edit cookie
@fredley I think we have different stance on what "cheating" is
10:03 PM
Friend of mine started playing this a couple of days ago
Since he cant move his arms or legs he uses voice commands to start an auto clicker
Is he cheating??
Q: i dont know what to do my minecraft wont load

josh_bois HELP Im not sure what to do ,can someone Help

Everyone plays the game the way they can/want to
I could may as well be sitting at the laptop and clicking the mouse key myself for level ups
I just choose not to
I do it when I'm at the laptop
still, it's a single player clicking game and majority of people use auto clickers and it does not affect anyone else, so, I don't consider it cheating
10:06 PM
Cheating is fairly irrelevant in a single player game. As long as you are having fun, do whatever you want.
@JasonBerkan this
p.s I'm not trying to compete with anyone else playing it in here
people just seem to take interest in my progress, so I share
It only makes comparisons between the single players different
Everyone will go Ooooo and Ahhhhh but yeah you cheat :D
I am happy that I am just playing it a bit different but not doing it too badly
@RedRiderX haaaaaa
10:08 PM
@James someone with limited time will have worse progress than someone with unlimited time, regardless of auto clickers
so comparing results of a time heavy game is never gonna be totally fair
@Chippies Yup.. But we are going to have this discussion every time you mention your auto clicker... or so the past 4-5 times its been mentioned resulting in this conversation .. I am sensing a trend :D
@James usually it's different people though, so, I guess I can't really complain much? lol :P
what can I say - my Logitech G600 makes cheating really easy
@Chippies @badp @Arperum I am at level 120, and only 1 hero soul.. sooooo it does vary!
@James did you ascend yet?
you should really try to have more than 1 hero soul
@Chippies I think I am in the running for second or third most ascensions, I am just on the edge of double digits :D
@Chippies I mean the boss
10:11 PM
@James oh
@Arperum said it was 2 souls for him
@badp and @Arperum said it was a static amount (changed by that one ancient I assume)
@James I think he said he's not sure if it was 1 or 2
But... I am seeing just 1 level
unless he said something I didn't notice
@badp said 1 or 2. @Arperum then said he just got level 120 and it was 2
10:11 PM
@James maybe he has solomon
1 hour ago, by Arperum
@James fyi, lvl 120 is the first level with 2 hero souls, if it is a primal boss. lvl 115 still has 1 hero soul (I just opened 120 this run, and 115 and 120 are both primal and had 1 and 2 hero souls reward respectively.
@Chippies Could be ... But I am definitely interested in knowing
could also be a slight variance
gotta wait for skills to go off cooldown, hopefully beat the lvl460 boss and then ascend...
I'm trying to max Atman now, it really helps with souls per run :D
new gild, Sir George
@Sconibulus That is Midas' guard? Not too shabby
I got 7 gilds on Referi Jerator and I don't even like him...
10:17 PM
he's just close enough to my double gilded Natalia that skipping to him might be good in the early game
but he does have 450% bonus, so I have no reason to de-gild him :/
@James sir George is great, because he also has 450% bonus
@Chippies Exactly, he is all about himself... until the last one :D
@Chippies Ill worry about ancients when I have souls to spare.. Right now the extra DPS is a greater benefit than my available Ancients
@Chippies I do, a lvl 2 solomon.
Cause even though it was a no brainer to get the less-mobs-per-level ancient, raising his level at 20 hero souls at a time is insane
@Arperum Nice, I think I need to snag him then
@James yeah, you shouldn't waste your souls on ancients until you have a decent dps boost to spare
10:22 PM
If even at level 1 he is having an impact early on
Barely beat level 145 by spamming every skill.
@James 5% is probably not a lot at early levels, but I guess it does allow the lv120 primal to round up to 2 souls instead of 1
@Chippies It's a lvl 2 solomon, so it might need 10%.
@Chippies Yeah but even that would make this a bit easier
I am currently ascending around 150-160 depending on how many primals I have run into
@Arperum Ah level 2, hmm how many souls is that I wonder?
@James Upgrading him again would cost 5 souls.
10:25 PM
@Arperum :o that sounds like a lot
@James How many souls do you have available?
101 on me
3 pending my next ascension
@James I have 53 on me :p
Yeah dude
I don't think I can beat the next boss until I get 11 more levels into my masked samurai... that might take a while... sigh
10:25 PM
But I have vaagur maxed, so skillspams available whenever.
Play through with your souls to arond level 100
Then spend 20 souls... Then go :O at how crappy the rest of your round goes
You too will start to covet the DPS they do over the ancients abilities :D
@James I spend around 75% of my run souls on ancients
ANd I am planning on some soulsavings
and leave rest for dps
It takes over a minute for me to kill normal enemies on level 146 :|
10:26 PM
I've ascended 9 times now netting 10-18 souls each time to get to 100 souls :D
been doing that since I started
I never spend souls until right the second before I ascend, and always spend less souls then I get from the run.
with few exceptions when I spent more than I should on ancients...
@Chippies No one else but you is making 500 souls a run. Shush with your end game strategy while we try to work out a good one to get there :D
13775 hero levels... I might just go up to 14k and then ascend.
10:27 PM
@James I was doing that since beginning though
@Chippies Yeah but I am saying at the beginning, its not that good to do.
well, I guess make sure you don't spend more than half of your total souls
@Chippies Same, make sure your total soul count goes up after every run, and you'll come out better in the long run.
@StrixVaria How many hero souls? Id push for 18000 if possible, maybe give you a few souls for ancient tweaking with still netting you 10 more souls for dps
if you made 10 souls on the last run and you have total of 15, make sure you don't spend more than 7? something like that
10:28 PM
@James I have 6 souls.
I don't see me getting another 4000 hero levels any time this week.
The Fate/Stay Night series has always had such beautiful animation.
@StrixVaria Don't puish for 18k.
@StrixVaria Ah, Yeah take what you have an ascend, it will go much better the next time
if you can't get any meaningful upgrade with your spare souls, save it for next
When you get to around 50-70 souls 18000 levels isnt that bad any more
10:28 PM
@James I was resetting at 16k for a long time
18k souls is a tough one to reach early on
Just remember to upgrade by 25 or even 10 levels at the end just to put together another 1000
14k should be doable, it's only 225 levels, you sure have some heroes you can buy 10 levels for.
14k or 16k is optimal until you can easily get past level 140
What does this "Buy Available Upgrades" button do? I've never noticed that before.
ANd don't forget that levels on cid count too.
10:29 PM
@StrixVaria Buys unbought hero skills
@Arperum Yeah this got me up there.
@StrixVaria Exactly what it says on the tin.
@StrixVaria not very useful at early ascensions, but later you can just level everything up real fast and then just click that button to buy all skills
Its useful when you go back and jump skipped heroes to 100 and just want alltheir skills real quick to snag the global DPS ones
Aimed for when you have build up with 1 or two levels per hero up to frostleaf and then ctrl buy all heroes.
10:30 PM
@James Oh makes sense.
especially useful if you don't pay enough attention and miss some upgrades and think you have bought them all (I've done that multiple times before that button got added to game)
It doesn't buy the ascension one, so that's not an issue.
I actually wish instead of 'level up by' those hot buttons just meant to 'level to next XX increment;
Woo, just beat level 140!
So I could hold down the Z key and keep leveling just to the next multiple of 25
@Frank Gratz! Who did you get gilded??
10:32 PM
Man, I wish (not really) that I was a dev. SO MANY dev jobs available right now.
@James Bobby.
@Frank Nice! Another high self DPS bonus guy :D
And now, time to work on model some more! Goal: get the gold bits for the waist and hopefully the legs done today.
@Chippies The Hell
10:34 PM
@Frank only when ufotable does it
@James Literally.
also, pumpkin tetris:
inb4 halloween pumpkin gifs
@Chippies That is some awesome idea. I might do that just tonight.
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ Still, the latest is super gorgeous.
@Arperum BVe sure to make it click fast enough
Otherwise you make enough gold to unlock a new hero and it scrolls and it doesnt work no more :(
.... Not that I did that :)
Q: How do you make minecraft go from a ipod to a tablet?

CageMy sister just got a tablet and wants minecraft so i tried to convert my minecraft from my ipod to her tablet but it wont work.How come? Please help.

10:39 PM
@James He, like I can upgrade my treebeast ever y couple second.
@James No more new heroes popping up. Frostleaf is lvl 100.
@Frank I look forward to them doing the HF scenario in theaters
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ is your name supposed to be rezark or krazer?
upside down names aren't great at explaining which way they should be read... :P
Oh good, at least he tab autocompletes for @k still.
@Chippies the latter, and I agree, doing it the other way might be more correct but this way make pinging easier
10:44 PM
oh crap, my little orky-minion guy is gone
@ʞɹɐzǝɹ didn't realize it could be pinged by upside-up letters
I wish there were a way to say "farm up to the next boss but don't try the boss yet".

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