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fun fun fun fun
Okay. Clearly that was not my best move.
gj arda
I've found you can usually solve problems by throwing boxes at people
Can we repopen this?
Q: What are the conditions for cactus to grow in Terraria?

Dave Sherohman Possible Duplicate: Is it possible to grow cactus? In my current world, I built a horizontal tunnel from my home to the nearest demon altar, at a depth of 8 feet above sea level. As it happens, this tunnel passed through a relatively large area of sand and, while making a run down thi...

Juan closed it as dupe, but it's not.
@ThomasMcDonald We'll see if you make the same mistake. Where are you now?
Just got into shenghai, or wherever it's called
@ThomasMcDonald Hengsha?
that's the one
same thing
The first time in Hengsha?
You've got far to go still.
@Mana You finished a playthrough, right?
@ArdaXi No, not yet. I'm only on Chapter 9.
@Mana Chapter 9? Is that Singapore?
Bleah, at work and have a headache that's growing steadily worse. :/
I have two playthroughs going on at the same time. In my second one there is literally nobody left alive on the streets of Detroit.
@ArdaXi No, Shanghai.
When do you go to Shanghai?
I'm talking about the place you go after the second time in Hengsha.
I meant Hengsha, sorry
So second time then.
getting Deus Ex and Deus Ex: HR mixed up
no, only the first
I'm actually on chapter 8, whoops
That can't be Chapter 9
I need to find someone who's been through the second bit in Hengsha already.
Sorry bro. I'm too busy slapping hookers in Detroit.
Also, the Icarus Landing Gear is the most disappointing thing since my son.
I was expecting that I would be able to keep my momentum, not that I would go into some ridiculously slow third-person cutscene and have to wait around for five years while Jenson falls.
@Mana You have a son?
got into the hive through the back door, quality
@ArdaXi Not anymore
How disappointing.
Q: Is it feasible to snipe generals in Rome: Total War?

Jonathan DrainI don't know of any historical battles where the an enemy general was picked off early in the battle by the enemy archers or siege weapons - but can this be done in Rome: Total War, or is it too difficult / not worth the effort?

humm, I seem to have gone into the sewers
Okay, I'm going to do this. I'm going to make a site for game-rec.
I know absolutely nothing about designing things on the web.
This is going to be awful. OH WELL I'M DOING IT ANYWAYS
@Mana I know lots about designing things on the web. Like how I can't do it.
Look how ugly it is.
That is pretty ugly!
@ArdaXi At least it has fewer saloon signs than my early projects.
@Mana Thank you. :(
But it's okay. My website doesn't have any CSS.
Or content.
Hmm, what makes sense for game recommendations...Gotta figure out a layout, yo.
@ArdaXi I can do it... badly!
he can't survive much of a fall
@ThomasMcDonald You need more cardboard boxes.
@Mana Maybe one of those Q&A engines, like Shapado.
@Mana Oh, you can use my half-developed QA engine
@ThomasMcDonald thanks man
when it's finished
should I be scared that Shapado's doc/ folder hasn't been updated since the initial commit
Shapado is nasty
rather, getting it's test suite to run was
Yeah, and I don't know Ruby.
but I dunno if their R3 branch is on master yet
and they use HAML, which I can't for the life of me understand
hmm. I don't really want to code an entire QA engine in Python, either, though. Maybe I'll see if I can thumb through this source and figure out some stuff and then translate it
(this is going to be a disaster)
@Mana: What exactly are you trying to do?
Make a site just for game-recommendations, but not a fully automated one.
@Mana: You should clearly write it in rolls die Python.
Oh, you already said Python.
(1 - Python, 2 - Ruby, 3 - PHP, 4 - C#, 5 - Java, 6 - er... I really didn't have a sixth one for this list)
I know, write it in C++!
@Powerlord You're a genius.
> Some people, when confronted with a problem, think "I know, I'll use C++." Now they have two problems.
Oh wait, that "quote" was about Regular Expressions, not C++.
@Powerlord jQuery! jQuery can do anything!
@CruelCow I could have said Node.JS, but if I have one goal in life, it's to extinguish JavaScript, not promote it.
@Powerlord Destroying JavaScript? That's a pretty bold life goal. Most people chose something simpler like becoming an astronaut or climbing the Mt. Everest.
Is it client side scripting in general or javascript the language specifically you object to?
@Powerlord What's next, Assembly?
@CruelCow The ideal aspiration is true ambition, not complacency.
Node.JS would be awesome for websites. You could have them live-update.
@ArdaXi Assembly, while ugly, has its uses.
@Powerlord NaCL!
@Powerlord As does Javascript.
@TimStone Yay for salt.
@ArdaXi Are you saying there are things in JavaScript that you can't do in other languages?
@Powerlord Yes.
Client-side cross-platform web scripting for example.
@ArdaXi OK, let me rephrase that... are you saying there are things in JavaScript that you couldn't do in other languages with proper browser support?
@Powerlord Not really, but you can pretty much do anything in any language.
As opposed to assembly, which is essentially the processor's native language
@Powerlord Assembly is compiled into the processor's native language.
@ArdaXi Yes, but it has a 1:1 representation with machine code.
Now, granted x86 processors actually break CISC instructions into smaller chunks once the processor gets an instruction.
@Powerlord Almost.
Anyway, Javascript is the option we went with, and it's the option we're stuck with.
So Node.JS does make sense, using the same language on both ends.
Javascript is just Scheme with curly braces.
(I don't know Scheme but I know it's a pretty obscure language so associating it with Javascript, which I do know and use fairly often, makes me feel superior)
@ArdaXi So, are you also advocating GWT?
No idea.
Yeesh, I'm glad I don't play TF2 on Advanced Weaponiser servers any more... now you can create weapons with custom attributes in it.
I can ... accidentally hit enter while typing out a message
awkward silence
Alright, so why not try that again, @YiJiang?
slaps YiJiang SNAP OUT OF IT MAN
I'm sorry... I... I... I...
@YiJiang The cast a spell on you!
runs out of the room crying
Great. Look what your violence has wrought, @Mana.
It was only a matter of time before @Mana become physically abusive.
@GraceNote At least it's not as bad as what my violence has wrought in Deus Ex Detroit.
@Mana So you downplay your horrid treatment of Yi Jiang. Need a shovel?
And a couple dozen holes.
@Mana So, rumor has it you're a mass er.
What - me murder?
@GraceNote That comment about how you're surrounded by murderers never fails to amuse me
@Mana I'm more amused that we're back in Deus Ex and you haven't changed a bit.
@GraceNote I haven't. In the first one I started with a playthrough where I tried to kill no one, and then made another playthrough where I tried to kill everyone. It's the same here.
There are some amusing side effects, though, in this one.
Secret of Muffin, eh?
Secret of Mana was taken, man. Who does that?!
@GraceNote Do not accept any muffins from @Mana.
@ArdaXi Psh, it's not a ninja creampuff or anything.
@ArdaXi The secret is chloroform pony magic!! And rainbows!!!!
Guess it's not much of a secret anymore though. Whoops.
Most ninjas invest in poison and toxin immunity. Y'know.
@Mana I love pony magic.
@Wipqozn You'll love my muffins then.
@Mana Excellent. Just walk a few over to Nova Scotia.
Q: Allow embedded HTML5 YouTube video

Denilson SáCurrently, this site embeds YouTube videos as Flash. (see an example: Hidden areas in Portal 2 single player campaign? ) However, this is not the best solution, as now YouTube also supports HTML5, and some users (like me!) prefer to use HTML5 player instead of Flash. Supposedly, it should also w...

I need to go buy my grossly overpriced text books today.
I normally don't support piracy, but I've considered it with the text books. The high mark up universities use is disgusting.
I might start buying the books online, because they are normally less then half the price.
You could get them used
The best part is when they come out with superficially modified new editions every year or two to prevent you from buying used.
@sjohnston This. Some professors will take the time to ensure any questions from the textbook are located in the same spot in both books, but not all.
Rather excited for this album
@Wipqozn idk, IMO it sounds rather boring
It lacks the "big" sound that I've come to associate with the best of OCRemixes
Q: When is switching tiles in Wordfeud the best option?

MdaGI've never used the option to switch tiles. I always manage to get by one way or another even if I have triplets of one letter. I figure that giving a turn away will benefit my opponent more than me. Is there a way for me to make some estimation of when switching tiles would be better than "gett...

Speaking of Secret of Mana, what was the secret of Mana? The fortress?
Likewise, what was the secret of Monkey Island?
Also, what did Guybrush do in Monkey Island 5 (since Telltale Games skipped it and produced Monkey Island 6 instead)
Essentially the beginning of Tales of Monkey Island is the end of "Monkey Island 5" and sets up the story for Tales. :P
@Powerlord It's been too long since the last time I played.
@Mana Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yourself.
@RavenDreamer heh
Did I finally one-up you with my ninja fast skills?
Like you've consistently been doing to me since our promotions?
shakes an angry fist
You did! By a minute. Coincidentally, right after I got up.
I wasn't up yet either. I was sleep-modding.
@RavenDreamer I want to draw comparisons between the previous set of mods, except we never really beat each other.
It was always, only one of us was around at the time.
Well, we seem to have pretty good time coverage atm.
If only we could squeeze someone into those very late/early hours :(
We did have someone in that time period but he done goofed.
(We're exempting those days where badp and I both woke up to find 30+ flags on the site. Those don't count)
I'm just sad that I have no reason to flag anything, anymore! My flag rating is doomed to the awkward float: 636.5892
@GraceNote Oh man...That must be painful.
@Mana Eh, not really. Usually we fix it within the hour, if we even take that long.
@RavenDreamer If you don't bring it up in the Fridge, you could always flag it when you're uncertain.
We prefer the Fridge because it's more persistent, it allows more discussion, and is generally superior.
And it's called the FRIDGE.
That's just awesome.
Well, we originally nicknamed it the Fridge because it's Oak, myself, and Juan
...is there actually a room called The Fridge that I'm missing out on or--oh
We could never meet each other online, it's always coming after the fact. So even though it is synchronous persistent chat, the effect is more like putting PostIt notes on a fridge door for the others to see when they wake up.
Okay, your gravatar just changed.
Yes, it did
I guess that's different now that badp and us are mods.
And Juan.
Well, I thought you just said that Juan isn't around when you're around
You still have Juan. My timezone (and by extension, Raven's) always conflicts with him so he'll probably rarely ever run into you, but he still works hard.
@Mana - what's disappointing about the Icarus landing gear?
@RavenDreamer I thought it would just take away damage from falling, so I could do large leaps of faith while keeping the momentum to cross from building to building
@GraceNote I know, I was referring to the "meeting up online part". I know Juan works hard.
@Mana so what does it do?
@Mana Juan's actually been present a lot more. I still miss him a lot but we actually do talk now and then.
@RavenDreamer Once you start falling at a certain momentum it cuts to a third-person cutscene where you fall and land on the ground right below you, surrounded by a yellow orb of stuff.
And by fall I mean float. It's kind of silly.
I'm stuck in China, on my playthrough.
Can't find anything to do.
@Mana At a certain speed, I presume, or is direction also important?
@GraceNote The direction is down.
Gravity is always down.
@RavenDreamer Well, is it down-down, or is it, like, just down?
Speed, sorry. I failed Physics.
(didn't actually fail Physics)
Will it trigger only if you're falling, or does an arc trajectory cause it to kick in as well?
Q: How do "Diamond Dash" blocks change color?

dfrankowIn "Diamond Dash" you click on at least 3 contiguous blocks of color to make them disappear for points. You can see while clicking that some blocks change color to make more contiguous blocks. What is the algorithm behind those color changes? Has anyone observed? Note: this question doesn't h...

@GraceNote Aww, you miss him!! scribbles fanfic notes
Likewise, if you're falling at 50kmph, that's not descending as fast as gliding at 45 degree decline at 50kmph.
'sup @Noctrine! I totally migrated a Minecraft question to game dev the other day. Please don't shoot me.
@Mana While I think that the guys over here would know how to answer that question better, that was a technically correct move :p
btw, congrats on becoming a mod
Thanks man!
One thing that hasn't changed is that I maintain control of all flags that accumulate once Mana and Raven go to sleep!
And I have a few hours to beat them to the punch anyway
hurray for not having to stay up all night managing flags
@badp I thought that new moderators were supposed to be chained to their computers to maintain a 24-hour watch?
@TimStone Yeah. Moderators, these days... feh.
shakes head
Q: How do I unlock the remaining challenge levels in Peggle for Android?

Dave DuPlantisWhen I was looking at my Peggle stats on my Android phone, I saw that I'd completed 30 of 100 challenges ... but when I select Challenges from the main menu, I counted only 40 available. How do I unlock the remaining 60 challenge levels, if that's even possible?

OK, that's weird... Amazon US is selling the Sennheiser 333D and 360 for the same price.
Speaking of headphones, I have set the computer volume on my machine to 0 through my headphones. I'm confused as to why I am hearing the music.
This is with foobar playing at -11.15dB, too, since, if the volume is higher on either point it's too loud.
Q: Mouse not being dealt with correctly, what should I do?

fredleyDeus Ex: Human Revolution is not working correctly with my mouse. I have an extra monitor, off to the left. When I play the game, the mouse is not 'grabbed', so if I look to the left, I'll see the mouse pointer come out into my second monitor (the view still changes as the mouse moves around th...

Q: Minecraft Skin Preview Problem

MyGeniusHello I have the Problem i saw the other question and there somebody says with this code you cab prevw your skin: And this works VERY WELL!! But does anyone knows how i can make a Textbox and a button who puts the written text in the value="535" tag (Replaces 353 with the text box input...

Evening all
Even, @Fallen
How goes?
Not bad
I stayed up way too late last night throwing myself at pretty bullet patterns :(
I can't believe I had to clock around 300 hours to get the "stab a medic and the opponent that he was healing in 10 seconds"
Think I shall play a bit more before dinner >_>
I know it sounds kind of weird, but I actually find these types of games kind of relaxing
Sometimes I have really big concentration/focus problems where my head feels like it's being pulled in several directions at once and it sucks
and when I play these, it helps me focus and calm down
I can just kind of zen out and listen to the music and focus on the visuals
@badp How do you get a different picture for different SE accounts?
@fredley Use a different email address
I'm bored of this one
@badp 300 hours as Spy?
no total
@badp That makes it an irrelevant statistic, because only the hours as Spy matter.
43 hours
OK, that is pretty sad.
I might've clocked a couple since then but...
I never was a spy for the stabbing
I mean, if I can get it great, but their teleporters. THAT is what matters.
My specialty is sentry guns.
Taking them out, that is.
My specialty as spy is dying. Mostly by random pyro spraying while I'm cloaked
I can take them out nearly every time in a one on one. And sometimes in a 2 on 1 depending on what the other class is.
@DaveMcClelland I hate that. Which might be why I play Dead Ringer Spy more now.
Also, DR Spy requires you to know the levels better.
I'll say this, knowing how to move as a Spy also makes me a better Pyro. ;)
Namely because I know where to spy check! :D
Also, despite the YER's description saying it's a silent killer, you can still hear the stab itself if you listen.
I've always been a pretty good pyro, and I understand that there are certain places that should always be spychecked. But I'm the kind of spy that gets hit by a random flare flying across the map. All. The. Time
My least favorite part is when my teammates get me killed.
You see me disguised running towards an enemy sentry gun... that means you should come through the arch/door right behind me!!!
Ah, yes. I know that all too well
Can anyone recommend some Minecraft servers? I tried @GnomeSlice's, but my house got griefed within 10 minutes...
It's one of those things where, if they thought for even two seconds, they'd realize it was stupid. I mean, either way they're going to die if they go through the arch/door.
@John Must... resist.... urge... to link to Terraria servers....
What I hate about the DR is my uncanny ability to remove it the very instant I get gibbed by a rocket
"Wipqozn-gravitation-law"? How did that one come about?
@John It was him who kept noting it, I s'pose
@John He noted it, I gave it the name
It was immortalized forever by my hand.
@Mana Abusing your new mod powers already, I see.
On that note, what do I have to do to get a law?
What?! This abuse came far before my mod powers.
@Mana I was in this room when you got your mod powers, and I'm fairly sure that tag wasn't here then....
@Powerlord I thought you were over
@Grace Incoming ESoD question!
@John Oh, I didn't notice the new tag.
@Mana Than what did you think I was talking about?
we did that this morning
@FallenAngelEyes EoSD
The Wipqozn Gravitational Law. Which is the law that all conversations in The Bridge must, inevitably, return to the subject of either TF2 or Minecraft. Sometimes both.
@FallenAngelEyes Those made me do it. :(
@Mana Well you missed it. I asked for MC servers just before you got here.
@FallenAngelEyes Fix the tag whilst you still have your grace period, I recommend.
@FallenAngelEyes ESoD?
Emerald Screen of Death?
The following files have just been updated on Steam Translation:

1519 new strings for: games/alienswarm/basemodui_english.txt
655 new strings for: games/alienswarm/gameui_english.txt
@badp Maybe Valve is adding a new campaign?
I mean, Alien Swarm has less levels than any other Valve game I can think of.
No really new strings
And they're certainly not hundreds
I had today @Powerlord.
@KevinY Can you recommend some MC servers?
Oh hey
Yeah I was tired last night
@John I played on a few before, but they all went downhill. Haven't really played on any since, except @GnomeSlice's (I don't build anything).
You could try looking here.
@KevinY That's disappointing. I played on one that went downhill, and on @Gnome's where I got griefed within 10 minutes.
Yeah, I've learnt not to get attached to anything built on SMP.
@KevinY So the ideal server I'm looking for doesn't exist?
@John I played on one server that was really good – it had a nice economy system, and not much griefing at all.
@KevinY Happen to remember the IP?
The server doesn't exist anymore.
Except then someone managed to cover an entire town (mind you, these towns were like 128x128 blocks) with TNT.
Which caused you to lag out and crash whenever you got near the town.
And then the server owner decided the map was too large and too old, etc, and we started fresh.
It wasn't as fun, so I sort of left. When I checked back a couple months later, the server wasn't even up anymore, so meh. :/
Oh, Evan Carrol isn't banned on MSO anymore
That is a sad story. I guess I'll just keep looking then...
I wonder if I'm still subscribed to his MSO activity feed...
@ThomasMcDonald I noticed that when GEOCHET's suspension ended, he was immediately put back in for another 2 years.
Yeah, he got unbanned 15 days ago
> So I get banned for a year by a moderator that doesn't take community sentiment into account, and without a prior suspension of a shorter duration (afforded by said owners own rules). At that, a ban spurred by a question that specifically brings to light others wrongfully singling me out.
> I await anxiously the expiration of my ban, without sinking to sockpuppetting; and, upon finding my ban expired I find I can't ask questions because of a proprietary algorithm unchecked by the community. When will people realize this isn't run by the community and the joke is on us. Proles unite!
Q: Gemcraft 0 : Endurance questions and tips?

rlb.usaI have a lot of trouble with endurance. I usually go down around wave 50 on the beginning levels. Can you give some tips for reaching the higher waves? I keep upgrading my towers and the monsters die with ease, but it seems like all of a sudden the waves are really hard and my towers can't put a...

Q: What are the differences between Reimu's Spell Cards?

FallenAngelEyesIn Touhou: the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, I've so far been using Reimu and her Spell Card "Fantasy Seal" with the "Homing Amulet" sub-weapon. I admit I've become a little spoiled using the Homing Amulet, because it, well, auto-homes in on the enemies, which is pretty handy. What advantages do...

Q: Why my desktop gadget move from there position when I exit the NFS Most Wanted?

avirkHere is a problem with me I'm using Windows XP and played NFS Most Wanted and when I closed the game my gadget was not at their position. I'm using VIsta_Rainbar for using gadget on Windows XP. And this happen with some others game too but not in mind at the moment. So how can I fix this problem?

Q: How can I stitch Minecraft worlds together?

Jonathan DrainI visit a Minecraft survival multiplayer server. When monsters were added to SMP, the server archived the map and started afresh. When 1.8 is released, the server operator plants to do the same again. I'd like to merge the old maps into locations the new map, at distant locations. Does a tool ex...

whoa, nice one lasers
about time you caught up
Haha and it missed the one I just posted
only just over 20 minutes late
@ThomasMcDonald Where is this posted?
@FallenAngelEyes Answered that one, too.
Yay for two questions, now we're guaranteed to keep the tag.
Those are my third and fourth actually
Someone else sniped ya last night
Eh, it ain't sniping, it's fair game. I can't answer stuff when I'm not around. ♪
Hehe aye
I imagine you were asleep then
Q: What do the sub-weapon categories like "Spirit" and "Dream" mean?

FallenAngelEyesIn Touhou: the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil, for each of the Spell Cards, there is a property next to each of the sub-weapons. For example, Reimu's "Homing Amulet" and "Persuasion Needle" list "Spirit" and "Dream" next to them respectively. Marisa's "Magic Missile" is "Magic" while her "Illusion L...

Q: Is it possible to play fine high graphic card recommended game on low graphic?

avirkI played some games which need high graphic card. But sometime some games run on my laptop which has not high graphic card and it able to play the video fine of game but when try to play the game, game shows its power to the laptop(need graphic) and run slow. So is there any way to play those ...

@GraceNote Sniping's a good job, mate.
It's challenging work, out-of-doors... I guarantee you'll not go hungry, 'cause at the end of the day, as long as there are two people left on the planet, someone is gonna want someone dead .
@john > That doesn't usually happen, you know.
Hello all
Hello @surisahani. =]
@balpha Hello
@GnomeSlice what is this room for?
@surisahani It's the Gaming.SE chatroom.
It's called The Suspension Bridge because of @badp.
And me, I suppose.
@GnomeSliceツ Mostly you.
@Powerlord Leave me alone.
rolls eyes
room topic changed to The Bridge: of Gaming's StackExchange™ AlienOverlord AskQuestion™ mothership, wherein any attempt to play or discuss unapproved games will result in termination by lazer and increase of the topic length. [wipqozn-gravitation-law]
You could just have asked, @GnomeSlice
In other interesting news, as I found out earlier, I can edit system messages, but not delete them
@badp I would have, but I figured it didn't actually point any fingers directly at me, so what was the harm.
humm, that's intriguing.
TF2 update
Team Fortress 2
Item found notifications now correctly show up in chat //oh I thought they were removed for good, intentionally
Added Tropico 4 promotional content //meh
Added BleedPlayer input on player for mappers //meh
Updated localization files //yay... for me. meh
GetSchema WebAPI changes //hmmm...
- Added "kill_eater_score_types"
- Added "account_info" for attrbutes where the value is a Steam account ID
- Added support for Romanian, Turkey, and Hungarian (ro, tr, and hu respectively)
Q: Why is the plural acronym "CSS" treated as singular?

JimCSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, which is a plural phrase. One would say: Cascading Style Sheets are used to provide a central location for all of the stylings of a project (note the 'are'). However, it seems to be the prevalent usage to say: CSS is used to provide a central locat...

Also a server crash fix.
more promo content?
Let me guess, this update was 30 minutes ago?
That would explain why my servers both have people on them and have both been on their starting maps for roughly 30 minutes.
Hrm, I can probably come up with a better custom name for my Quick Fix than "The Medi Gun of Saving My Own Ass"
@badp I don't think so.
Whoa, Wikiquote doesn't have TF2 Meet the Medic on it! :O
"The Medi Gun Of Being Credit to Team" also doesn't sound catchy
@badp What does said gun do?
@GnomeSliceツ It's not a gun per se... it heals other players. 40% faster than the standard Medigun does.
@badp "Shit medic"
I dislike the Quick Fix
But the standard gun can heal you to 150% of standard health, while this one is restricted to 100%.
So... it's like Wolverine?
Q: Why wont the guide leave?

Ronan FormanI'm making personalised houses for my NPC's but they have decided to move into the wrong rooms, I've destroyed all the furniture, back walls and regular walls and they still insist that the single floating blocks are their houses! How do I stop them from staying there?

That's kind of silly.
@GnomeSliceツ It heals people 40% faster. It accumulates uber 25% faster. During uber, I heal 3× as much, I heal myself at the same rate and I'm immune from pyro airblasts/knockbacks/etc. When I heal a scout, I move at its speed.
Of course, the standard Medigun makes both players completely invincible for its uber.
Add that I use the vitasaw, and I have an uber charge ready when a stock medic is at 60% uber
@badp That depends entirely on what percent you were at when you died.
@Powerlord Easily 20%+
Instead of the suspension bridge, maybe it should have been the Brig?
A suspension bridge is a bridge that's suspended. A brig ain't a bridge.
Attractive women will steal your Xbox if you let them use your toilet. http://t.co/6VQhlYu
Can't link player_embedded urls.
Yeah yeah, slightly too late to delete that one.
@GnomeSliceツ could probably delete it.
Posted by Alison Sperling on August 30th, 2011

Kyle Cummings joins the Careers Sales team as Associate Sales Representative in the NYC Headquarters.  In this role, Kyle is working to help our employer customers fill their open positions and grow the Careers 2.0 service.


Born and raised in Florida, Kyle is a third generation alumni from the University of Florida. Needless to say he is a huge Florida Gator fan.  Kyle enjoys traveling with his favorite trips being to Jamaica, Las Vegas and of course to Gainesville, Florida for Gator football games.  Not just a sports fan(atic), Kyle stays active playing rec sports, and spending time out …

Q: Are Diamond Pickaxes sustainable for diamond mining in Minecraft?

eMansipaterAssuming use of the optimal mining pattern from this question at levels 11-15 (by the way, go vote up the second answer there because it's better than the first one); will a diamond pickaxe on average find enough diamonds to make another before it runs out? Or, put another way, is mining for dia...

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