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it's usually between 146% and 149%
the obvious solution would be to kill all the kittens and sell the housing
TIL that dead kittens = happy kittens
But, you know, it's not like it takes 3 days to make master kittens
Like actually 72 hours
(I don't know how long it takes)
each level of academy increases the learning speed
@Chippies You'd get rid of the overpopulation sadness!
@Unionhawk but... how do I get rid of the bodies?
Use a trade ship and send them to the Griffins or something
I think I'll just stick with my miserable, but alive kittens
dead kittens can't slave work for me
Gotta get those 'chieves though.
You know, including the one that's something like get (insert insane thing here) without ever building housing
@Unionhawk well, I do have the 150% achiev
Which I think is a bonus to production
Well then
In that case
it's just that my happiness has never gone back up that high since I got it
@Unionhawk I think it's easier to do that kind of stuff after you have reset the game and got the prestige points or whatever
I doubt I'll ever reset it though
this game is way too much work to reset
I never understood prestige systems in games.
I don't get it
if well implemented, it can be fun
you start over, but you're stronger and better and catch up to where you were very quickly
@Unionhawk It's another form of New Game+, I guess?
@PrivatePansy except usually it makes the game easier, rather than harder
Q: Do I have to pick up all loot at the end of each wave?

pootzkoSo, do I have to pick up all loot at the end of each wave or will items keep lying around until the level is completed? What happens with the items in case you fail the level? Do they get added to your inventory?

Q: Do items in "books" (folders) count towards inventory limit?

pootzkoDo items that you put into "books" (folders) count towards item box limit?

Q: Mulitverse seperate inventory per worlds

kingbluesapphireMy friend has a minecraft server, there is a survival world and a creative world made using multiverse. The problem is when a player does into creative they can get diamonds then leave and go to survival is it possible to make a separate inventory per world. Please help!

Q: Is it possible to play offline with an edited roster in FIFA 15?

ting wangWelcome to buy the cheapest fifa 15 coins pay by paypal no conformation any more on http://www.fifapal.com/ Be a Member of FIFAPAL to Get a $5 Voucher and 100 Reward Points enjoying cheapest fifa coins. Free 300,000K FUT Coins Giveaway for Fifapal Facebook Fans – Meet the Upcoming FIFA 15, Time t...

@Lazers Spam spam lovely spam
cc @badp
one word: gmrmrorgorngrogrgngigioong
That's not a word
Who am I?
That's right: the King of Dictionary
If you're the King of Dictionary then I'm going to call for regicide
Your calls remain unanswered.
Q: Diablo3 Character no longer following mouse cursor

James DaviesNormally when playing Diablo3, I can keep the character moving by holding down Mouse1 and moving the cursor - and my avatar will just keep following wherever I point. Until today. The character will move to the location I clicked, and then stop. I can keep him moving if I keep clicking, but he'l...

today I literally don't give a fuck #minisentries
also I've always underestimated the pistol, but that thing can pump damage
Good morning people.
Q: Titanfall - lags

AnagmateI started playing Titalfall day ago and while doing the tutorial, I had video setting on highest and 60 FPS permanently. However, when I started playing multiplayer, the game started jagging (looked like cca 15 FPS), even after I set it to lowest possible video settings. Is the problem in my PC ...

1 hour later…
Q: In Wastelands 2 is there a way to quick exit an area to the world map?

BlueTrinTakes a very long time to navigate areas like AG Center, is there a way to go quickly to the world map without navigating all areas ?

Q: In Wastelands 2, can you save both Highpool and the AG Center

BlueTrinIt looks like the plot is designed so one of the town will fall, is there a hidden secret so you can you save both Highpool and the AG Center ?

I finally got my first Gilded Hero!
This, this right here is what is referred to as a dick move.
I'm going to tell you the exact same thing I just told /u/touchtiltgames:
The post was removed because getting someone else to post about your game instead of properly following our self promotion rules is not okay.
You didn't get a ban, because we can't outright prove it, but you're on pretty shaky ice right now.
What sub is that
guess I'm never posting there again
fuck those idiots
never even heard of the game before yesterday, found it on indiedb and shared.
What's the game?
Finally unlocked the Hero souls tab. But no Hero Souls to spend.
> If [your submissions to Reddit are content of your own for more than 10%], you'll likely be both banned from /r/IndieGaming and banned from all of reddit as well
I really really really don't get this rule
@badp The old 10% rule of self promotion.
It was simply a matter of bad timing. TouchTilt had submitted the game a few hours before you did and it was removed for violating our self promotion rules. Only hours later, you post the same thing, they're one of the first commenters and then you both modmailed us shortly apart on removal.
We've been having some issues with sockpuppetry and devs who don't want to follow the self promotion rules getting others to post for them and the timing on this looked terrible.
Q: Dark Souls 2: Summoning Across Platforms

Jeremy CoxI have searched the web, I cannot find an explicit answer to this anywhere. :( Can friends play co-operatively (i.e. summon each other) between platforms. I believe the answer is no because in may case, I am on PC my friend is on XBOX and we have different death clock values. We would like t...

@PrivatePansy Almost everything I submit to reddit is my own. I really do not believe I am a spammer.
Ugh. I hate when I put a lot of work into an answer and then it gets ignored
I have 2,143 link karma. My best non-own submission is scored +2.
Basically, I'm not CNN
I have 4,736 link karma. My best submission is +444
Ah, my best submission is +865 :P
my year of reddit gold expires in 9 days and I don't think I'm going to renew it.
Reddit gold?
@GnomeSlice if you're not in the US, all it really does is let you load all comments at once and highlight comments since your last visit. reddit.com/gold/about
If you're in the US you get a bunch of discounts too.
I guess I'll also lose the ad-free version of reddit is fun.
@badp redreader
I've really settled down on reddit is fun and I'm not looking for replacements.
The only alternative view I use is reddit-stream
@GnomeSlice Why do you have so many submissions marked NSFW? O_o
@Fluttershy When you close a deal on gamedeals, it becomes nsfw.
@GnomeSlice That seems silly.
It's kind of dumb, but they use nsfw marking to mark deals as no longer active.
I don't have any actually nsfw posts.
@Fluttershy it's probably a CSS hack really
@Fluttershy It's an abuse of the NSFW function
The CSS on the subreddit styles it as [Deal Ended]
It's also used on r/mlp and a few other subreddits for spoilers
Pretty useful, except of course if viewed where the subreddit styles is not active it becomes NSFW.
So it looks like I just post porn on reddit.
Eh, I wouldn't care much about it.
It's pretty clear if you look at the titles, it's just game deals.
Reddit is CSS hack capitol
> [M]y first 20% off couple for this Steam Sale. Please be gentle.
raises eyebrow
I'm so sorry
Q: Does Swiftness affect distance traveled?

KovikoWhen using skills that launch the player (eg. Burning Retreat, Burning Speed, Ride the Lightning), does Swiftness increase the distance traveled by the skill or reduce the time it takes to travel the skill's distance? Or does Swiftness have no affect on the skill?

So I gave in and bought Forsaken Isle
grumble grumble
Why... why would you put a cat there?
@PrivatePansy You're assuming the cat didn't put himself there.
@PrivatePansy Heh, that's where I got it.
...so the shrine of rhythm instakills you as soon as you miss a beat
that explains it
@GnomeSlice That actually means "arsehole".
@MartinSojka All of them, or one in particular?
@GnomeSlice It's okay, because no one who just knows English will nail the pronunciation from the spelling :P
@MBraedley The Finnish one.
Q: How to fix newest sweetfx to work with radeonpro?

AstralchaosI was trying out SweetFX for radeonpro so I could make a global profile and play it on all my games with standard settings that help improve them across the board and make profiles for what didn't work nicely with them. I was unable to see any changes with newest sweetfx within my games even th...

Ah, I just wanted to give this thing another watch the other day. Cheers.
@martin that doesn't surprise me, it happens lot in Tumblr posts that are like "omg words in other languages", some/all of the words aren't what they say they are (they are usually swears or other things of that ilk)
I have determined that Tumblr people rarely ever fact check.
@AshleyNunn I wonder what gave that away.
@AshleyNunn Isn't it more likely that they're all into mutual soft trolling?
This is more frustrating when you see actual news events being tossed about on Tumblr
@badp no, there is just very much this culture of "we are all here to hold hands and fight privilege and no one would ever say anything untrue"
I have seen many people be very shocked and offended when you say they are wrong with fact and stuff to back that up
check your truth privilege
hey @Canadians, any of you know how much dentist services cost in Canada? Like, fillings and that kind of stuff...
@Chippies Probably a couple kilosyrups
It's going to vary between dentists, and whether you have any coverage or not. If you don't have any, it isn't going to be cheap.
@badp I ran out of syrup (yes, my Canadian'ship is getting revoked - oh wait, I don't have one yet), so I need a ballpark figure in dollars
@AshleyNunn I know it varies, I'd just like to know if it's like 50$ or 500$ per tooth or like 5000$ or some shit like that
assuming no coverage
might end up being cheaper flying to Latvia for a month vacation and fixing my teeth there
Ask a dentist.
Btw, @ashleynunn I finished wolf in white van and it was very very good
I'd say call your local ones and ask
@lesspop I have it on my reader, will likely read it after the romance novel I am working on
@AshleyNunn It's Sunday.
great, now we have per-game cryptocurrency
holy shit amazing
this is the concept artist for Duelyst
@GnomeSlice Sounds like Second Life 2.0
Okay, so Forsaken Isle is already a lot of fun.
This game is going to blow up.
Looks a bit like Wayward. Wonder how that's doing.
@Pvt.Grichmann Still slow
They're doing about one update a month, which is not bad I guess
Yeah, I see. Up to 1.92. Apparently I haven't checked since 1.2, so probably worth a look.
@badp railrekt
I guess 36% railgun accuracy is good?
(please notice the hint of sarcasm there)
Well they still won
yeah, no one on my team scored 1 point except for me.
then the ragequitting begun and it was 5v3 for half the match
Maybe you should play a less competitive game for a while.
by the way you win absolutely no points in being a condescending "maybe you're holding it wrong" smartass like you sometimes come off like
What are you talking about, it was just a suggestion. When I get pissed at games like loadout I play something else for a while and then I feel better
What does 'maybe you're holding it wrong' even mean in this context
Just forget it.
Hey, neat. It's finally getting cold enough that I can run graphically-intensive games without my computer blowing up.
oh cute, if you run downscale games from 4k to your monitor resolution, ShadowPlay now can still record at 4k
...too bad it requires true fullscreen
I was confused for a moment as it showed the fps counter in a window, but it still records the whole desktop
Well shit seems to be going down in Hong Kong right now :(
if nothing else they aren't pointing guns
Multiple waves of teargas. People gather again instantly. Network and subway shut down. #hk926 #HKStudentStrike http://t.co/i3kQ3QCaJq
@badp Who protesters or police?
Because rubber bullets seem to be in use.
Ah, Twitter
...or maybe the HK subway website is lying.
@TimStone (I didn't want to fact check as much as I wanted to see what their website was like in general.)
That particular station being closed is a pretty huge deal though
It'll be interesting to see what happens as this begins to impact business interests. Unfortunately Beijing certainly has no problem giving the finger to protesters, but there's a lot of money in Hong Kong that could be adversely impacted by the gridlock the demonstrations are causing.
follows link, gets marked as a terrorist by 59 different countries
lol, jury nullification
(marking as terrorist intensifies)
@badp ...
I think @badp is broken again
@RedRiderX maybe you didn't open the link you yourself posted?
@badp It's... a wrapper for a ustream?
@badp Yeah still not getting it
@badp Oh
Missed that big time
(The Bridge has now been automatically classified as a terrorist organization in 204 countries)
@badp If terrorist scans now include OCR I'm impressed.
(no flight list intensifies)
Bridge, Inc. We're like our own disease!
(everybody who has ever gone as far as looking at you for more than 2 seconds is now a terrorist)
And everyone who has thought about looking at me
(all of your Twitter followers' followers' followers are now terrorists)
Can't argue with that
(your entire metropolitan area is now terrorists)
Q: Jade Empire - Is attack range independent of character height?

AnonJI'm now playing Jade Empire(pretty old game, I know, but looks great). I wanted to use the "strong" character(Tiger Shen), but his plait(pigtail) thoroughly annoys me - that was a symbol of obedience and slavery of Han people under the oppression of Qing dynasty, and I don't like it. Therefore, ...

@badp Hmm that's interesting.
For Clicker Heroes, what counts as, "the duration of your world"?
@Frank Well, the world can end
As all worlds do
@RedRiderX Okay. But that doesn't really define the duration.
@Frank Well spoilers but you can end the world.
Oh wait this is that skill right?
@RedRiderX Dark Ritual, yeah.
Well whenever the background changes it's a new world pretty much
@Frank pre-ascension
when you ascend, you leave the "world"
it creates a new dimension and the old one is destroyed
@Chippies Okay, so it lasts a rather respectable amount of time, then.
@Chippies Oh that's how it applies?
@Frank lasts forever until you ascend
I thought it was more local then that.
basically, it's permanent, but resets on ascension
So Abbadon's skill stacks continuously until you ascend?
An extra 5% DPS every eight hours? Hell, yeah, I'll take that.
@Frank Spoiler alert: it can be way better than that :)
@Frank you get a skill that doubles the effect of whatever skill you use after it
Oh wtf, Amenhotep does that?
I don't actually have any Hero Souls yet, so their utility is currently lost on me.
@GnomeSlice yep
@Frank 10% bonus damage each
Also, spoiler alert, it's a currency.
But then, I'm only up to level 79.
You get 1 free when you first beat zone 100 and, spoiler alert, the first time you do that you also get 30 free. (This is the only way AFAIK to get hero souls without ascending)
I'm stuck on 69
Spoiler alert, every boss at and after zone 100 has a chance of giving you hero souls on ascension
The golem in 70 has way too much health
@badp I heard that 30 soul thing ended (it was a limited time thing)
I can't confirm it though
@Chippies really? phew, I'm glad I got it then.
yeah, supposedly they got rid of that with 0.13
uh. I'm playing 0.12d
well then @Frank, don't refresh :P
@badp you... haven't refreshed the page in like, 2 days?
@Chippies yes?
Do I want to upgrade to 0.13?
@badp do you ascend often?
@Chippies I might soonish
I might beat zone 175 in 3 hours when I get Ivan to level 1,025.
@badp it added a button to buy all available upgrades, so you can just buy a whole bunch of hero levels and then just press that button
not a big deal, but saves tiny bit of time later on
@Chippies ...is that all for a "major" version number change?
it nerfed the idle ancients
I didn't have any.
more achievements sounds interesting
nothing really useful
also ×25.
yeah, more achievs are good
and x 25 is awesome
Yeah, then; upgrading.
@Chippies I don't get the point of the damage idle ancients, isn't it mor effective to just keep the sould you'd pay for upgrading him?
@Arperum it's multiplicative
so, lets say you have 10 souls, that's +100% dps
@Chippies Ah, that changes some stuff.
you spend 1 soul on the dps ancient, now you have 90% from souls times 1.25 from ancient
@Arperum Basically you can trade hero soul DPS for either very slightly higher hero soul DPS (Morgulis), slightly higher mob DPS when idle (= faster gold) or much higher boss DPS through increased crit multiplier (Bhaal)
@badp I read that morgulis is really bad until it's at high levels
@Chippies I savescummed a scenario where I dumped all of my hero souls into him and it barely made a difference.
@badp I can see it being decent when you're in multiple thousands of souls
definitely not useful in early game
@Chippies I hope I never reach that point
@badp pfft, not with that attitude!
@Chippies yep! :)
If there are new achievements I don't see any
@badp achievs for reaching higher dps, higher zones, more stuff
@Chippies the top DPS achievement I see is 1,000S and I already had that
@badp are you sure you got 0.13?
Q: If a champion jumps over Volibear (like Tristana or Corki) and the bear uses Majestic Roar when they are on top, does the slow proc?

Johnny BigoodeI mean, different from other abilities is a ROAR, so I'd say it should, but I wonder if that was implemented in the game.

...I closed the tab where I started 0.13
my top dps achievement is 1,000$
instead of the 0.12d one
I don't understand how people are playing clickerheroes when there are kittens
@OrigamiRobot You can't be the biggest hipster in everything, sorry.
@OrigamiRobot I play both, because kittens are quite slow now
ClickerHeroes is always slow.
@OrigamiRobot I'm playing both
I still don't get it.
wait wat
why even add that
Vaagur's maximum level is 15
What button do you press for x1000?
@GnomeSlice that's only for ancients
@GnomeSlice z, but that's only on the ancient list
and unless you're filthy rich and respec, you won't be using that button
Yeah, z is 25 on heroes
Q: How do base stats differ between classes?

SeanI was reading a forum that said the Warlock class was "squishier", a "glass cannon". Is this true? How was anyone able to tell the difference? What are the base stat differences between the classes (Warlock, Hunter, Titan), and how are they measured? For instance, how does health or base damage ...

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