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@RedRiderX That's what I was saying, albeit differently
:1783935 No, I eventually stopped watching. I stopped after season 8. I watched a bit of Season 9 but eventually stopped.
Or did I stop with season 8...
IT was the season after the leviathans I stopped at.
@Wipqozn I binge watched it, so I'm not sure what happens in which season
@Wipqozn it's actually quite fun after leviathans
the leviathans seemed a bit filler'ish
after that there is a bigger plot
@Chippies The plot always revolves around them not trusting each other. Everything would be so much easier for them if they'd just fucking talk to one another.
@OrigamiRobot well, there would be no show if they talked to each other
Or should I say, the plot is extended by the fact that they don't talk to each other.
@Chippies Exactly. That's the problem.
The whole show is based around the fact that they do not develop as characters.
if you can get past the stupidity of the two brothers, it's quite enjoyable :P
Shows/books/et cetear which go on too long run into a problem where it becomes unrealistic and boring, since the characters keep facing the same problems.
And they stopped playing a ton of classic rock.
@OrigamiRobot The worst part is when they do talk to each other until the next time they run out of ideas.
They only do it a little
@OrigamiRobot The classic rock was the best part of the show.
I wish the whole show was just Monster of the Week
Stop trying to make them into characters only to have them fall right into the same trappings season after season
Just show neat monsters and fight those monsters
@OrigamiRobot I'm fine with arcs, but season long arcs don't work with the standard NA 26-episode season.
I watched like three eps of it and got bored
Season long arcs really only work on seasons which are shorter, around 10-12 episodes each.
Conciseness is very important in literature.
I really don't see the draw of the show, I just wanted to be like "talk to each other for gods sake"
As much as I enjoy hating things, I have to ho home now
I'm glad @AshleyNunn and @Wipqozn know what's up
@OrigamiRobot You should hate that you need to stop hating things.
@Wipqozn I will continue to hate the things, I just wont be able to tell you all about them for a bit
@OrigamiRobot Telling others about your hate is the best part of hate though!
I know it's the high point of all your days
@OrigamiRobot It really is.
@OrigamiRobot I read that as "I have no home now", and wondered what your hatred of pants have to do with your homelessness
Q: how to permanently remove dead bodies

freebol96In whiterun there are two dead bodies that never seem to de-spawn. they are the cultists from the start of the dragon-born dlc. I know I could just move them out of sight but I have some weird feeling knowing that they are still there, could anyone help me with this.

@Lazers To the Hot Network Questions with you
@Lazers This would be so much better as "How can I permanently dispose of dead bodies?"
I love the Pandora lyrics for some of the songs
Q: Modded Minecraft Uses Almost All RAM

DillmoI've been putting together my own collection of 1.7.10 mods for playing Minecraft. Recently, I've noticed it uses almost all of my 13 GB of available RAM, even though it is saying it is using 2-2.5 GBs. My guess is that this is because one of my mods is experiencing a memory leak, causing the bal...

@murgatroid99 I think that might change the meaning of the question, though
@PrivatePansy I think it's close enough
@PrivatePansy It doesn't matter, it's not like I'm going to edit the question for the seventh time just to give it a slightly more entertaining title
Android L might also come out next week.
@badp Oh good, another new odd-numbered Windows
@badp Do you have a link for that one?
Looking for an authoritative source
Ne'ermind, next week is October, not November
This being a somewhat shoddy-looking lead.
@badp The first sentence contains both the words "possible" and "rumored". My trust in their information is dropping rapidly
although it seems that the shoddiness is mostly in my browser
From an anonymous tipster
@murgatroid99 What kind of tipster wouldn't be anonymous?
I've gotten a tip on a significant stash of Star Trek novels.
@badp One who was an actual authoritative source
Should I bother looking into it?
It's definitely maybe not @badp
Oh yeah watch me take the world by storm with my 6 months old scoops!
I just came across an answer which was just a link to another answer which was just a link to another site.
@Wipqozn O.o
That's Link Only Answer Squared. Or something.
@fredley Private beta buddies! high five
Q: What are Queen's Orders for?

DavidYellSo I completed a Queen's bounty from the bounty chap in Tower, only a simple collect 200 items from dead Fallen. Now I have a new Mission item and I'm not sure what it's for or if I need to redeem it somehow. I tried speaking to the Queen's Wrath NPC, but she didn't want to chat.

Q: Are "Do [x] [y] times" reset after leaving an Alterworld?

Memor-XIn Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm, when you leave an Alterworld you can gain rewards for accomplishing goals while in that world (ie. Retain 9 SP, Melt all the Ice) Some of the Goals are in the form of "Do [X] [Y] Times" such as "Fish 15 times" or "Talk to 10 people" I am wondering, if i Fished...

I have a meta question, but one that's probably been answered on a different site.
I seek sage advice.
What's on your mind?
If I ask a question based on misinformation
And answers were given based on that misinformation, but don't quite give me the answer I was looking for
Also due to the misinformation
Should I edit the question to better reflect my "real" question?
Or ask a new question as to not make all the current answers wrong/irrelevant?
@Koviko if the answer actually answers the original question (even if it's not what you really intended to ask) then it's best to make a new question
That makes sense. My only issue, then, is that whatever new question I ask would likely include part of the other question
Almost to the point that it could be considered duplicate, or at least partially.
@Koviko if the core question is different, it probably wouldn't be marked as duplicate
The question I'm referencing asks how Stability works in GW2
there have been questions that at a quick glance seem like they ask the same thing, but by looking more closely they actually ask different things
When really, I want to ask what the difference is between Stability and a Stun Break.
those seem like 2 legit different questions
one is about mechanics of a stat and the other is about the difference in mechanics between two different stats
I agree, but my first question was based on misinformation that made me think they were the same thing.
In other words, the new question would have the same meat as the old one
Should I update the old one to be more specific to what was actually answered?
@Braiam I've been watching too much Look Around You.
@badp beautiful
@Koviko You could perhaps just add to the first question something like "is Stability the same as Stun break?"
but I'm not sure how people would react to that, because it's kinda like a second question
I'm worried that it either wouldn't get attention or that the current answeres would seem irrelevant
Especially since there might be someone actually looking for these answers
@badp I haven't, so it's ok
@Koviko Did the answers to the question correctly answer "How does Stability work?"?
> I originally included another reason, "polishes excrement"
if your first question asks how stability works, that is a different question in the core than the question about the differences between the 2 stats
That makes sense.
@Koviko Then you shouldn't change the question so that the answers no longer apply
what @murgatroid99 said :)
Would it be okay to change the question to remove mentions of stun-breaking to be more precise or is it bad etiquette to change the question for the answers?
@Koviko As long as the question is clear, it shouldn't really matter that your background knowledge was incorrect
You still got correct answers to the question you clearly asked
That's true.
Thank you :)
Half Life 2 and episodes were just updated: Half Life 3 confirmed!
I can't believe how shitty Microsoft is.
Q: How can I format a drive to NTFS without an operating system?

StrixVariaI am trying to install Windows 8.1 onto a desktop I have that currently has Ubuntu. When I installed Ubuntu, the installer automatically reformatted the drive from NTFS to whatever format it was that it preferred. Now, the Windows installer can't automatically format the drive back to NTFS. I can...

If anyone happens to know the answer to this question, I would really appreciate the help.
Why their installer can't format any arbitrary hard drive to NTFS is beyond me.
Q: Why can't I see my patch on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare while I'm playing online?

MarshallIt started on level 12 Sargent I. All I saw was a green square in the spot where my rank's badge or "patch" is suppose to be. I thought maybe there was a problem with that specific rank so I continued playing to see if it would begin to work again, but it has been 4 ranks and I am now a Gunnery ...

@StrixVaria I see it's already getting answers in the comments...
@3ventic Yes, and they seem to be working.
I had the same issue when trying to install to my SSD (which was not formatted)
Yeah, I want the OS on my SSD. I could have installed it to either of the other two, slower, 1.5TB drives in the computer, but that would be defeating the whole purpose of having the SSD.
4 hours ago, by Frank
@AshleyNunn Mostly just needs a can of compressed air.
Ok, now the install is started, so I'm going to go eat dinner while this installs forever.
Because of the way I was going through the transcript I thought this message was somehow related to this one:
4 hours ago, by StrixVaria
It's like babies have some kind of vendetta against clean diapers.
Q: What's the difference between Stability and a Stun-break?

KovikoAs an Elementalist, my primary source of both Stability and stun-breaks is [Armor of Earth]. As this is the only class that I play, I feel I have some misconceptions about what Stability is and what a stun-break is. So far, I believe that Stability is capable of preventing Immobilization. Howeve...

@StrixVaria format c:
This is almost more interesting then the bluening
Hasn't it been in SteamOS for a while now?
Has it?
I don't know
I just noticed it's been in translation for months already

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