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I don't think we should make the arqade group a steam curator
Q: I am having troubles with my 1.7.10 pixelmon

Apoctalyptic nameHow do i fix this? please help! [B#439] [19:22:57] [Thread-13/INFO]: [paulscode.sound.SoundSystemLogger:message:69]: OpenAL initialized. [B#439] [OptiFine] * Reloading custom textures * [B#439] [OptiFine] Loading custom colors: textures/colormap/grass.png [B#439] [OptiFine] Loading custom co...

@GnomeSlice what game is that?
@Chippies The Long Dark
whoa, this looks awesome
Web Typography

Proposed Q&A site for professionals involved in web typography, web designers and experts in web typography. This site focuses on web typography only.

Currently in definition.

Q: Third Sub Class slot

BenI found this recently after wondering what was happening with the third empty sub-class slot in the Character menu. The gist of it is that there are three "Elements" - Solar, Void, and Arc. Each class has a combination of 2/3: Titan: Arc/Void Hunter: Solar/Arc Warlock: Void/Solar The idea be...

this is awesome
Hey, everyone.
Q: Did how to find dyes change in RoS (or on console in general)?

gatherer818There's a question on where and how to find dyes on already on the site, but the answers don't seem to help me at all. They largely reference difficulties I haven't even seen, which I'm guessing is probably because the answers predate the release of Reaper of Souls expansion, though it's possibl...

@crayzeedude Hi there. =]
@GnomeSlice Good evening to you. cx
For those who've played it, what's the funniest kill you've gotten in any Battlefield game?
Uh... I used to play Battlefield 1945 or something on XBLA
Been a while though...
crashing planes into people was fun
1943? Never played it.
I once ran a jeep into someone in BF3.
Here's the catch:
Yeah 1943
I was in sort of a "Jeep Squad" with like, 3 other people. We screwed around for a bit, then piled into a couple jeeps and took off. At one point, we came across a tank.
I decided to drive around, rapidly backing up and driving forward and just plain being foolish. Eventually, the driver got out of the tank... And I ran him over.
I ran over tons of people in that game
Messing with tanks was pretty fun
GG tank driver. :P
Jumping out of a jeep and having it plow into explosives and killing people was fun too
I got in a jeep a bad guy was using the gun in one time and drove it off a cliff
Ever launched a vehicle with friendly explosives?
oooo new Tulpa trailer.
So, Moon Hunters looks amazing and pushes every button.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yes.
Doesn't really appeal to me, but I can see how it might for people who are not me :)
Also Kentucky Route Zero is 50% off on Steam.
Jan 27 at 19:49, by GnomeSlice
@LessPop_MoreFizz Those developers also made Shattered Planet, if you into casual roguelikes.
^ best sale price right now
@GnomeSlice I have Shattered Planet.
@LessPop_MoreFizz It's okay.
More importantly, Tanya Short was a lead quest designer on The Secret World.
And also, any game that describes itself as "King of Dragon Pass" meets "Gauntlet" is going to get my attention in a big way
@LessPop_MoreFizz Have you played Hammerwatch?
More Gauntlet and less KoDP
@GnomeSlice Much less interesting as a result!
I didn't enjoy Hammerwatch as much as everybody else seemed to anyway.
What even is King of Dragon Pass anyway. I know you love it, but what is it, like a medieval political RPG or something
@GnomeSlice That's... almost right.
I like to call it a "Superstitious Viking Management Simulator, in Choose Your Own Adventure Format."
Sounds pretty hipster.
You need to manage your clan of superstitious viking type people, and you do that mostly by reacting to events that pop up and confront you.
In between events, you can manage the more mundane and less mundane doings of your clan, like who to worship, how to govern, when to go to war, diplomacy, trade, etc.
With the eventual goal of getting all of the clans to unite and declare you their king.
That sounds like a game I would be bad at.
wtf Game Loading is having another kickstarter even though their other one was successful
@LessPop_MoreFizz do you know anything about Inquisitor?
@GnomeSlice Only that I think this is the 4th time you've pinged me about it
Is it good
Is it a game I would be bad at?
@GnomeSlice I don't know if it's good. All I know about it is that you've tried to tell me about it many times perviously.
What, when
I've literally never followed the link farther than the Steam "Are you Old Enough To See This Game's Store Page?" splash
Jun 15 at 15:55, by GnomeSlice
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't suppose you know anything about Inquisitor?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Are you not old enough or something
@GnomeSlice no, I'm just too lazy to go through the drop downs to read about a game I am not going to have time to play anyway
@LessPop_MoreFizz inquisitor-rpg.com
Jun 15 at 15:58, by LessPop_MoreFizz
@GnomeSlice I know that GameBanshee likes it, which makes it worth a second look from me, and almost certainly not your kind of thing.
Oh, there we go.
@GnomeSlice What part of "I am not going to have time to play this, so I don't feel like looking into it in much depth" is not clear?
@LessPop_MoreFizz There's no dropdowns on that site
Doesn't Steam remember your last choice anyway? Mine always starts those with something something '72.
Mine says 1955 for some reason and it won't let me change it and it bugs the shit out of me
We are old.
It's supposed to say 1992
In that case that was the royal We.
Q: is a negetive number light level air block randomly spawn?

Luis Ullmanjust wondering. the title is the question. I cannot seem to find one, but I want to know. unloaded chunks maybe...? like, how does it look like? if you can find one, post what it looks like. in a alpha version of minecraft, they said "negetive light level now randomly spawns" or something like th...

Q: Why do my wife and I have different heirs? - CK2

Lombardi330So I am playing the Game of Thrones MOD on CK2. My character married their son to the eventual Queen of the Iron Throne. My character died, and now my character is the King. Her heir is my now oldest son, in line to inherit everything. However my heir is my oldest daughter (younger than the son)...

@LessPop_MoreFizz It defaults to 1950 for me
Q: How Should I Prepare for Plantera

EaterOfTheLemonsI am So Stuck Trying to get gear for plantera And it takes so long for ectoplasm any suggestions.

Q: My friends can anyones sever but I can't

Lucy T PerksMy friends have iPad airs and I have an android. We all have the updated version of Minecraft. I could join severs before and now I can't anymore. We all have the same wifi and everything.

Finally managed to build a trade ship.
That took way too long.

Proposed Q&A site for Adobe program users and creators

Currently in definition.

Q: Any terraria servers available for me to join on cracked terraria

EaterOfTheLemonsI want to play private with someone any servers that are private.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Haha hey!
Q: At what point does it become "Developer intent"?

BenI have asked this question, and one of the first comments suggested that it was developer intent/required developer knowledge. I could be persuaded either way, so at what point does this kind of question become "developer intent"?

Q: Do friends get notified if I visit their villages?

Steve V.If I visit some Facebook friend village in clash of clans, do they get notified in any way on game, notification bar or Facebook notification?

Q: What's the difference between Vanguard Marks and Vanguard Reputation?

AlanI'm level 19 and have just turned in a few bounties that say they include Vanguard Reputation, and was confused because the Vanguard total displayed on the Bounty Tracker screen wasn't reflecting the bounty rewards. Then I noticed it's because that total is for Vanguard Marks. So what's the dif...

2 hours later…
Q: re: Bio Menace game, keyboard multi key rollover

rebleThis Presario C769US OS Win7 Home 32 bit works just fine except for 1 game that I play a lot away from home. Like if I have a few hours to kill before a meeting starts. This older games are simple to play using just the keyboard. So I don't have to lug around cd/dvd's, joysticks and manuals....

@Lazers Uhm...
@Lazers ... There is a question behind this wall of text, but damn, not many will read it whole.
@5pike Yea, basically, "why doesn't this random laptop keyboard take four different keyinputs at the same time?"
@Arperum Answer "Because the keyboard is crap"
Well, he could get a macro program write a macro for this.
Or use a different keyboard.
@5pike Solution: get a mechanical keyboard. Or write a goddamn macro.
@Arperum Exactly
Q: What happened to Salvage?

AravonaWhat was the reasoning for this Crucible game type being removed? (Or at least, I cannot see it to play it now, level 20+) Despite this there are obviously still Trophies/Achievements for it.

Q: Can you upgrade all the sub-class abilities?

DavidYellWhen levelling a sub-class is it possible to upgrade all the abilities in a whole sub-class or are the number of upgrades limited meaning that you have to pick certain ones? I read on the Destiny Wiki that sub-classes are levelled independently so I assume that you can switch them out as you lik...

@FAE After work some time, I work like 15 minutes walk away from it so that's not a problem. Probably grab a bite to eat first somewhere
Morning @Kevin
1 hour later…
Q: Why do Pros use one Crit-Rune in their Rune page?

gruntswilldiePretty straight forward:why would you want to use one Crit-Rune in your Runepage(giving <1% Crit Chance)? I have seen this from AD Carry players where it made atleast some sense,but there are also Supports(like Green Tea http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/TRLH3/10004300...

Q: Lost side-quest item

skeithI lost Ratofer's Dagger of the One Man's Trash side-quest. I remember salvaging it (it should be indestructible quest item right?). How can I get one again? I don't mind resorting to save game editing, but I don't know the hex code of the item. Anyone know the solution? I could just ignore the ...

Q: Hot Network Question Silly Title Comment Sanity

fredleyMisleading question titles are great. They're kind of a thing around here and that's also great. What's not so great is every time one comes along, and we get dozens of comments about LOL, how amusing the title is: Usually one or two is kinda okay, but recently every misleadingly titled questi...

@SepiaLazers +1 for "youtube level comments" shudders
@KevinvanderVelden "Hot Network Questions brought me here!"
@fredley that's so much better then youtube level comments =p
@SepiaLazers Trying to make the site better? MOD ABUUUUUUUSE!!!!1111ONEON!!!ONE!!!
@Wipqozn Look at all those things I deleted. Just look at them.
@fredley no, I will instead look at bananas
Or something
I could also go work, that's an option I suppose
@KevinvanderVelden Bananas, and banana by products
@fredley Does it give you a sick and twisted sanctification to delete all those comments? Do you sit around all day, waiting, hoping, for things you can delete? Because I know I do! I love deleting things. It's awesome.
@Wipqozn I have alerts set up on my machine for when deletable things occur. This is literally not a joke.
@fredley I'm not really surprised by that.
How has nobody written "Sepia Lazers brought me here" on that question yet?
Come on guys
@fredley Impressive!
How has nobody written "Sepia Lazers brought me here" on that question yet? — Wipqozn 7 secs ago
Did I do it right?
goddammit Spotify
why can't I go back in radios
let me at least give it a like or go the album or something
@fredley I saw your comment you rascal!
@Wipqozn Yes, there there
@Wipqozn Did I mention how much I like deleting things?
@fredley Yes.
Are you suggesting you frequently post comments just so you can delete them?
Because I have no trouble believing that is true.
There's been a shortage of user destruction lately
We haven't reached the point of cannibalism as there are so many users between 1-reps and ourselves, but..
we might need to start reaching for the 21kers.
well, I need to go get something to eat since I'm starving. By the time I get back I expect at least half the user base to have been deleted.
Actually I'll roll up a number at random, and a user with that many reps at random, and we'll destroy him
That should spare us a few weeks
@badp Using a D6?
@fredley I was thinking a 21689d1
@badp so, 21689 d1s? I think you can save the effort and just go with 21689
How the hell does a D1 work?
@fredley it doesn't, it is just a constant
A slice of toast with butter on one side and "1" on the other?
@fredley Roll a marble. If it explodes spontaneously on inspection, that's a 0. Otherwise it's a 1.
@fredley Just a D6 with "1" on all sides.
maybe it's reading the d6 upside down
I've just realised @Wipqozn is basically Dogbert
@fredley dogbert is more competent, also a dog.
@fredley You should modabuse his usernameand/or gravatar.
@Arperum Don't tempt me
@fredley tempts @fredley
@badp I wish I had a table to provide you for flipping.
@KevinvanderVelden remembers a certain Half Life 3 situation I think you might've just placed yourself in the crossfire.
@Arperum NEVER!
Mostly because my chat account is now linked to GDSE, not Gaming :)
@KevinvanderVelden You're an awful person
@KevinvanderVelden Still looks like Arqade to me.
@KevinvanderVelden No it isn't. It still says Gaming.
Wut? Oh well changes it
I thought I did that during the HL3 mess
It really still looks like Arqade.
@KevinvanderVelden Nah, @badp decided to fix it for you.
Ah wait, I can change parent site. We're all good here.
@KevinvanderVelden I would like to remind you that you've done all of that yourself
@Arperum no I think @StrixVaria did
All I did was clean up after yourself.
@fredley CURSES!
@KevinvanderVelden YOU ARE NEVER SAFE
@badp That was not the idea, but it does imply that
@fredley I am fine with this.
Sorry, removes it
What is going on?
@fredley Deletion party.
@fredley remove ALL the things.
I prefer it when I'm the one deleting things
@KevinvanderVelden That's some discipline. Removing your own message with 5 stars. Say something else clever so I can star it.
something else clever
Don't worry, I'll clean things up
@StrixVaria meh, @badp was correct in his statement. I don't want to make light of such a thing so I deleted it (with the benefit of it not being in the star list anymore)
Oh, damn. Transcend 512gb SSD for 170€. That's tempting.
@5pike only for the inadequately SSD'd
Even if you dualboot, 250 GB are enough
@badp So, are Transcend SSD's bad?
No clue!
Damn. Me neither.
I'm just saying that I'm not tempted as I already have a 250 GB one.
You != Me
My SSD != Yours!
@badp Do you have a samsung evo?
I believe that sounds right
Then we have the same
Oh good.
I'm just saying
I still have my old 128GB HDD in there, and my 1 TB is getting real full. So a 512 GB SSD would be a nice addition.
My Samsung SSD is only for OS and important programs, so that will stay untouched.
@SepiaLazers I almost find it more problematic that it seems they get a disproportionate amount of upvotes based on their titles alone sometimes, but there's nothing to be done about that. Yay for comment purging though.
And good afternoon all
Q: What does [:3] mean?

Mathias711In the census menu, in front of each and every kitten there is [:3]. What is this and what does it mean?

@5pike okay, with a 128 GB SSD I'd be feeling crowded too
@badp It's an old HDD
Came with the PC, I think
Are the SMART readings on it good?
@badp No clue, probably not. I might check, once I'm home.
But I probably forget
Well, I'm going to risk it. Amazon reviews seem to be good. 3 years of warranty are also nice.
And now, we wait.
@Lazers cc @spugsley
@5pike Unless Transcend is a great brand, I've seen better
@OrigamiRobot I haven't. 170€ is the lowest price you can get for a 512 GB SSD right now.
I've seen them under $200, but location might be the issue.
Taxes and such.
@OrigamiRobot Yeah, I guess America has cheaper prices.
@FAE I find the comments to be more problematic since they can actually reduce the usability of the site when there is enough of them, since they can drown out constructive comments.
@5pike I also might be lumping 480 and such in my mind.
@OrigamiRobot Well, I have a handy website, that checks prices for pretty much everything.
@5pike Yesterday there was a 480 for $165
@Wipqozn They set a precedent though that humor > question quality.
@OrigamiRobot Oh nice. Well, I'm not going to start importing stuff from the US.
My magic numbers are $75 for 250GB and $150 for 500GB
The cheapest 256 GB here, is a Crucial - costs 91,60€ (~117.67 $)
@FAE That's more of an annoyance than anything else, unless it starts happening so frequently they're clogging up the front page. I can't see that happening, so I don't see any need to worry about it.
BlackBerry 10

Proposed Q&A site for people looking for BlackBerry 10 support/tutorials.

Currently in definition.

.NET Programming

Proposed Q&A site for professional .NET programmers

Currently in definition.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Uhm... Stackoverflow?
@Wipqozn Poor questions receiving upvotes just because they have funny titles kind of hurts the whole "quality Q&A" that we're going for here.
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Could you be possibly any more specific? And only support one specific software version too?
@FAE It really doesn't. It might hurt the image a bit, but so long as it doesn't reach the point it's drowning out quality questions it's not going to hurt the quality of the site. For every question that gets upvoted due to a joke title which doesn't deserve it we can point to 10 great questions with fantastic answers on it.
@Wipqozn I'm not saying we have to do anything about it, to be clear. I don't think it's on a large enough scale to be a serious issue, but yes, I think it does hurt the image a bit, as you said. But I don't care enough to think we need to start a movement or a meta or anything, I just downvote if necessary and move on.
@FAE Come now @FAE, you were clearly suggesting we get out of pitchforks and start a massive witch hunt, leaving none alive in our wake ;)
@Wipqozn Hush, don't announce my secret plans!
@Wipqozn --------E
@LessPop_MoreFizz that Malkovich photoset was amazing
@PrivatePansy -----------E?
Not sure if my browser isn't parsing a character correctly or I'm missing ajoke.
@FAE I know!
Pitchforks. Well, pitchfork. I only managed to sneak one onto the bridge
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm impressed by both the photographer and him. They just captured the essences of the old photos so well.
@FAE I just wish the stupid gallery had the consistency to put all the Malkovich photos on the left (or right, whatever.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz I thought they were all on the left :o
@FAE They were.
Maybe they are and I am just bad.
I just woke up and am not 100% awake.
On that note, I am off to find coffee.
Pitchforks and coffee and some dude named Malkovich...seems about right for Le Bridge...
This is how you know you've gone too far:
way too far
I cropped off the thing that tells me I still can't beat the next boss
@RPiAwesomeness I'm pretty sure this is The Bridge, and not Le Bridge.
@badp How much have you been playing that o_O
@badp For a second, I thought your spreadsheet was the Kittens Game.
@badp man, you love your excel, don't you
I blame @StrixVaria
@badp use this
although I guess there's no need for it now that you've already spent countless hours on making your own table
much easier to import info into it though
I just let it run every evening, and it still generates money without the pc being on. (it actually calculates how much you would've got if you left it open, and then gives tyou that much)
@badp Nope. Not too far. I have way, way bigger spreadsheets ... for members of enemy clans in Lineage II. Name, level, equipment, connections, habits, behaviour analysis, ...
@MartinSojka ...for a clicker game? :)
@badp Well, a PvP MMO. But I do it for any game I care about. Even for the little things. Like ... the languages of cultures in Dwarf Fortress.
It doesn't even serve a purpose there, other than me being able to name things in proper "Dwarven" way.
@Chippies about 20 minutes?
@Chippies That's nice, but it suggests the first thing I should do is accumulate 172N.
@badp Need this.
...I mean I have 8N, but...
@badp it does not suggest that, it shows how much it would cost from 0 to 1000
> The list will show the optimal order to level your heroes in.
it suggests you to level your treebeast to 1000
I can't check how much I have now but optimistically I may have upwards of a decillion gold when I get home.
@Chippies Yeah, and it costs 172N to do so.
yeah and at 1000 it will have way higher dps than anything else you have
(I probably didn't model the 1,000 level bonus in my excel file)
at 1000 you get x10 bonus
@badp You get a x4 bonus every 25, except multiples of 1000 which are x10
so level 1,025 is again a ×4 bonus?
also, judging by your HS level, I'd just get 14-16k level ups and ascend
@badp yes

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