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Which hats are worth something again?
@FallenAngelEyes Bill's
Someone tried tricking my into trading a Bill's Hat for a Pip-Boy today.
I have a Bill's
I know.
and an Ellis'
I'm looking in your backpack right now.
You can look at people's backpacks?
Well isn't that stalkery neat
With the contents of your backpack you could craft Crusader's Crossbow, Sydney Sleeper, Brass Beast and Your Eternal Reward.
Is that just with my doubles?
I'd rather not nuke anything completely if I don't have to.
That's so funky that you can see other people's backpacks
You can do it in real-life too. Just walk up to them and open their backpack.
That's completely normal right.
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah?
@Powerlord I was wondering, what don't you like about TF2?
@Powerlord So what is a Bill's really worth these days?
Honest question, not sarcastic. Just wondering because you've played it a lot and you're obviously a fan.
@ArdaXi $10 more or less.
I have hats, @Powerlord! :D
@FallenAngelEyes There are still balance issues with certain weapons. Random crits have a bit too much to do with luck for my taste.
And apparently things I can craft into other things
@Powerlord Gotcha
Well, since I'm getting up at 9 am tomorrow, it really is time to sleep.
night @Arda!
(Whatever's left of it)
Oh, right, did have to share this.
I wonder how many people recognize the Razer logo, though? :P
oh wow, there's even a "crafted by <name>" thing in the description when you craft stuff o_O
I made a Crusader's Crossbow \o/
So. I'm now totally messing with the minds of the NPCs in Deus Ex.
Hacked into an apartment, only to find that there's nothing interesting in there. Then I noticed the fridge was lootable. Only when I tried it, turned out it was actually just something I could pick up with my new strength enhancement.
Now, some poor NPC family is going to come home and discover that some dude broke in, took nothing, and moved the fridge into the living room.
@sjohnston This is basically exactly what I do in Open world games. Non stop. Just rearrange shit in peoples homes.
Q: Do plants in clay pots have to be offscreen to grow?

OwenPI'm starting a clay pot farm in Terraria with a modest two pots. One's got daybloom, the other moonglow. I didn't see any information that suggested they had to be offscreen to bloom, so I put my pots in my main base. It's been 5 or 6 days since I planted them, and they're still just little green...

Q: Will new Minecraft b1.8 features (e.g. villages and ruins) appear in existing worlds

Chris SmithI'm a new Minecrafter and was wondering if new updates are backwards compatible. Will the new "Adventure Update" features (Beta 1.8) appear in existing worlds created with Beta 1.7 and earlier? Or will I need to create a new world for this version?

Huh. it is cheaper for me to rent a car from tomorrow until friday than is to rent one for the weekend.
Thanks Avis!
Well. Turns out wandering into the police station and trying to hack their computers in front of them is a Bad Idea.
Although they remain indifferent to me rooting around in their desks...
@sjohnston Deus Ex 1?
I always found myself amused at that part.
Oh, really? Didn't know they let you hack into people's computers in front of them in this game.
Was fine for a couple nodes. Then got detected, and about 10 officers shot me in unison.
Q: How do I get past the lasers?

yx_In Detroit, there is a storage area behind a level 5 security lock. Inside is a set of lasers guarding what looks like a bunch of stuff. If I trigger the lasers, it sets off a deadly gas that will kill me within a few seconds. How do I get past this part?

@Lazers Woah. Meta.
Seriously, that shit is deep.
Oh man, my terrible pizza has been 'Checked for Delicousness' by Nick at 8:15:21 PM. I kind of wonder how it passed such a check, knowing where it's from.
So I can't watch Minecraft Let's Plays for a while without getting motion sickness
this sucks
gonna go sleep off the queasiness, g'night all
Q: Is the Scene It? Big Button Pad compatible with You Don't Know Jack?

CyberSkullDoes anyone know if You Don't Know Jack for Xbox 360 will work with the Big Button Pad controllers used with the Scene It? games? Aside: Could someone with a high rep add "scene-it" to the tags for this question?

Q: What should I do with the training reports?

Anna LearIn Football Manager 2011, I get a monthly report from my assistant coach on how well (or not well) some of my players have trained in the past month. What should I do with that? If a player failed to improve in training, should I increase their training load? Change their focus? Something else?

Hey, guys - anyone have a suggestion for a .ogg file player?
I have a suggestion: Don't waste your time with .ogg.
Using 'alternative' lossy audio formats always ends in tears.
Well, it's not something I'm using. I'm browsing through my Steam folder, and I found a bunch of game music in .ogg, so I'm wondering how to play them.
Oh, well in that case... here
(I'm assuming you're on Windows.)
Basically, install plugin, use media player of choice that isn't iTunes.
That is correct.
Thanks, @LessPopMoreFizz.
Alternately, if you use WinAmp or Foobar2k, just open file, no plugin needed.
(Though if you use Foobar2k and don't know about .ogg... Something is wrong with that scenario.)
I don't actually have any media player installed on this computer, simply because I don't have my music library on this computer.
So I think I'll just go download WinAmp.
@RavenDreamer Not even WMP?
WMP should be part of a stock Windows install, no?
@LessPopMoreFizz Well, yeah. I thought that was implicit with "Windows".
WMP + Plugin should do just fine.
WMP = Media player of choice option...
Actually, I wonder.
Discovers that you can add skins to Windows Media Player
@RavenDreamer ...
Welcome to 1999.
I am nothing if not behind the times and easily amused.
It keeps life interesting.
I need to find a New Vegas mod that automatically drinks another beer when my current one wears off
Q: How can I find the CD Key used in a Diablo 2 installation?

The SasquatchI have Diablo 2 installed on my old gaming PC, and was looking to install it on my new gaming rig. The problem I have is that while I have the install discs and things, I cannot for the life of me find the CD Key. Is there a way to figure out what the key on the old PC is so I can copy it and...

Argh, can't sleep -_-
Anyone still awake? >_>
@FallenAngelEyes Well, I don't usually sleep till 12 noon
So yes, I'm awake :P
@YiJiang I slept til... 5pm today
I'm here
Yay! Entertain me :D
So, draining the first cavern layer. This is starting to feel like building Holland
@YiJiang I never realized how much of their land was reclaimed til I moved here. It's nuts.
What are you playing?
Dwarf Fortress
@FallenAngelEyes They created an entire province by draining the North Sea, or so I've heard
I really need to get back into that sometime
@YiJiang Flevoland!
Made from draining the IJsselmeer, the big lake in the middle of the NL
I went to the Maeslantkering, the big storm surge barrier thing, last year, and there was a small museum next to it detailing its construction and a bunch of the Zuiderzee waterworks. It was really quite impressive to read about.
Deus Ex: HR is insane. I just discovered a massive new area in the first central hub by stacking up some barrels so that I just barely climb up on them.
Admittedly, this was probably more of a backdoor entrance since I got an EXP bonus for it, and I'm pretty sure there was probably a more direct entrance laying around...but still really neat.
anyways, on that note: bed
night @Mana
i'm back, sorry
It turns out that an impending hurricane can be terrifying to a girlfriend stuck on her own and with no real means of evacuating. Who knew?
yeah, spent 2 hours on the phone just trying to get her to calm down and try to sleep. :/
Sucks to be out of town when something like this is coming
How much longer til you get home?
Guh, that sucks
o hai
hai badp
so chaos4 is a TF2 map that sucks
all stages allow snipers to spawncamp from great distances
why would you ever make a map like that
for snipers?
oh man
Just finished a round of, hm, stage 3 goldrush
He was a great sniper, so I had to go spy. I had the DR, he didn't have jarate (because he didn't want to use it, not because he didn't have it.)
It was awesome.
(Yes, he had to let me win at the end.)
Okay, sleep attempt 2: electric boogaloo
night again all
Q: How exactly does the Social Enhancer augmentation work?

GauzyI picked this up because I've always enjoyed dialogue in RPGs. However, I can't really be sure that I'm making effective use of it. Most times, the conversation will plod along until I can activate pheromones, and the person I'm talking to gives in. But I'm a bit baffled as to the more subtle asp...

so again if an event takes place at 1300, am I supposed to already have had lunch?
@badp Probably, yes.
2 hours later…
@badp Why is the dog blocky but not the dudeperson?
1 hour later…
Q: Is it possible that the AI in Starcraft 2 learns?

TeleShoTTgunIs it possible that the AI in Starcraft 2 is learning from previous games? If it's true, is there any way to 'reset' AI's algorithm? I have a strange feeling that the AI in 'Left 2 Die' (official mod) on brutal difficulty somehow 'adapts' to my gameplay and is getting even more difficult after e...

Q: Is gold disappearing in Heroes of Might & Magic 5 Tribes of the East?

ripper234In a multiplayer hotseat game, I noticed that I'm somehow getting less money than I should be. I believe ended a turn with X amount of gold, with a Town Hall already built a few days ago. Next day, I had X+500 gold instead of X+1000. In another players' turn, just walking around the map seemed t...

2 hours later…
Q: How can I make an extremely bright light?

waterwizard11I'm trying to make a beacon/lighthouse which is visible from a distance at night (on far render). What is the best light source which will provide the brightest light / most visible to the human eye. Lava Torch Redstone Torch Glowstone Netherrack Fire Other?

Okay, it's official, PAX this year has the best Booth Babes of any con ever, thanks to GOG. Everyone else can stop bringing them now.
@LessPopMoreFizz hahahaha
that was pretty funny
@LessPop_MoreFizz Great, now I'm hungry for cookies that I cannot eat.
@GraceNote In fairness, so am I.
@LessPop_MoreFizz You still in LA or are you on the way back?
@GraceNote I'm in Denver now. Have been since Sunday, will be until Friday
Gonna miss Da Big Storm.
That's... a long time.
So far the storm projection has been: Skim to the right, skim to the left, DEAD ON, HIT YOUR OLD HOUSE.
@GraceNote Something like that. The GF is all panicked and scared atm.
So I heard. I'm not used to having a flimsy house when it comes to a storm like this.
(though realistically, she lives in the neighborhood where people surrounding her are being evacuated to, so she doesn't have that much to worry about.)
@GraceNote she lives in a 4th story walkup, not a flimsy house. The main thing freaking her out is the potential of a prolonged power outage.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I can't say I've seen a building in the US, other than maybe a Costco, that I have any faith in it standing against a real storm.
Especially after the tornado ripped through some buildings I thought had a chance back in June.
@GraceNote Hurricane != Tornado. More to the point, this is only a Cat 1, so wind isn't really the danger in this storm anyway. It's more the absolutely absurd amounts of water that are going to fall out of the sky.
(Some places are being forecast for nearly two feet of rain.)
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ah, 'tis only a Cat 1?
The way people have been treating it up here made it seem like the end of the world. That's piddly cake compared to the typhoons I'm used to.
@GraceNote Current NWS estimates have it hitting NY as a Tropical Storm at ~65% chance, 25% chance of it being a Cat 1, 10% chance of it being a Cat 2.
@GraceNote The thing that's remarkable about Irene isn't the force or speed of the winds - it's the absolutely mammoth size of the system and it's storm surge on coastal areas.
Be worried about floods, not things falling down.
Q: Minecraft java exception access violation in windows 7

RobertI was trying to port forward my minecraft server, using port 25566, and for some reason it wasn't working. So, I opened minecraft to enter localhost, and after clicking login, the window closed and placed an error log report on my desktop. The same thing happens with all subsequent tries. Here is...

I'm not concerned about the wind strength.
On the subject of floods, that would be annoying, but I tend to prefer high elevation for that reason.
and on that note, I need to head off for about an hour. Later!
good afternoon all
Heyo. How's it going?
Okies, just woke up and showered, now drying off and checking interwebs before I have to go to dinner at grandparents
How's a Mana?
I can't believe they've evacuated parts of NYC
I'm pretty well...just bored. I actually want to go back to university.
Isn't the hurricane like barely going to touch NYC?
For the day or for the semester?
I guess they're not taking chances
For the year. I want to learn more.
New York (the state) is not really used to dealing with any sort of natural disaster aside from severe blizzards
and we're pretty damn good at handling blizzards
I feel ya
I haven't been in university in 6 years, I worry sometimes I'm getting stupider...
When I was younger, I was one of those people who never wanted to graduate from college
I just wanted to keep going and learning stuff :)
Though I was also one of those crazy people that didn't miss a day of school from mid-7th grade to mid-senior year
Even when I got a concussion in gym class in 8th grade, I went to the doctor, then came back to finish the day :x
I don't know, high school bored me. I just couldn't motivate myself to do any work.
I was taking 2 language classes at once, which was rare for my HS, French and Spanish, so those were big motivators
Essentially, in 11th grade, I was taking 3 at once, because I took Spanish II, French III and French IV at the same time in 11th. Did Spanish III and Spanish IV at the same time in 12th.
There wasn't going to be enough people in my grade who wanted to take French IV by the time I'd be a senior, so they weren't going to offer it. So I took French III and French IV at the same time so I could still get the education.
My perfectionist complex was also bigger back then, so I wouldn't really let myself miss class.
Aside from language classes being hard to catch up on
Yeah I'm a nerd
No, languages are neat.
I loved Spanish but I hated French every year I took it. That's why I'm surprised.
I loved both, but my level in both of them has crashed seeing as I haven't spoken them in the past 6 years at all. :(
I still read French and Spanish poetry sometimes though :)
<3 Baudelaire and Pablo Neruda
I really wish I had an opportunity to re-use them and remember what I've forgotten :(
Also funny thing, we went through like
5 French teachers I think?
French teachers hated my class
After the first year, the regular French teacher refused to teach us again
and we had a new one every year after that
2 one year even
In 11th grade French III, we ended up with a regular substitute teacher just kinda showing us the ropes because they couldn't get another one hired
The administration was pretty horrible at our HS though. I was able to sneak in a few jabs at them in my salutatorian speech that got past the principal's approval, I was proud. :P
But yeah, I'm not an educational elitist who thinks "You have to have a degree to prove your worth" or anything, but if you enjoy university, by all means make the best of it
anywho, sorry for wall o' text :P gotta run to dinner now, laters!
Q: If I delete an existing chunk with MC Edit in my pre-1.8 save, will the new landscape in 1.8 line up with it?

jsnlxndrlvAs Omokoii's answer to this question suggests, you can use MC Edit to delete existing chunks in an old save so that, once 1.8 is out, those chunks will be generated anew, and they should respect the new version's additional landscape and other world-building features, like villages and the new bi...

Q: How to get the Valefor Hat Maplestory as a Night Walker?

Dima Thefencingdude LukhtaiI am a night walker level 13 i was wondering if I can get the hat? If I can, what quests do I need to do? And please explain in detail because I just started playing maple story. Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it! I also know that as a night walker its possible to get the hat without ...

Q: Deus Ex: Human Revolution Quick Save?

Doron YaacobyYesterday I started playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution (on PC - Steam) and F5 seemed to quick save well enough. Today I played and F5 did nothing anymore. I could save as much as I want but quick save didn't work. Has anybody seen anything similar?

Bah, stupid internet connectivity problems.
I'll internet your connectivity problems!
Q: Starting Areas changed in WoW Cataclysm

JonnRolled a new Undead Rogue post-Cataclysm and was surprised by the phasing and the linear progression of the story. I haven't played WoW in years and this is a nice addition IMO. Tried to roll a blood-elf and a draenei to check out if there's any of the same phasing and quests but haven't found an...

Q: Why has my Nether portal brought be back some where mysterious?

RLHAfter feverishly mining my minimal 10 blocks of obsidian I made me a portal to the Nether. I thought to myself, 'Sweet, something new. This should be fun.' I wanted to jump in immediately but to be safe, I emptied my inventory of everything other than a sword, armor and a pick ax. I got there...

@GraceNote I prefer to connectivity your internet problems.
@GraceNote Wooooooah. That is not nice.
@GraceNote Can we watch?
@Mana Congrats on your newfound moderator-ness. I apparently missed some awesome developments while on vacation
@DaveMcClelland Awesome? or terrifying?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Good point, probably both. I'm just upset that the bridge is no longer tagged as
Also, why the rename to "the suspension bridge?"
@GraceNote Could you something something the hurricane too, while you're at it? I'd prefer it if it didn't come by my house.
There, done with Shakugan no Shana 2.
Now if 3 would hurry up and be released.
Sup guys
Apparently not much >_>
Ohai Amazon package.
Q: Does your killstreak end when you get killed by friendly fire in hardcore?

Luc MIn Modern Warfare 2, does your kill streak end when you get killed by a team mate in hard-core, or only when you get killed by an enemy?

Q: How to clear my counter-strike source settings?

tm1rbrtif i delete the config file steam just downloads it again. This is some filler text to beat the spam filter.

Q: Why are offduty military training in civ clothing?

AaronLSMy military schedule is 2 months Training and then 1 month offduty. I have the uniform option on the schedule set such that they would always be in Uniform, since I want them to have their armor on whenever a threat shows up. There are a couple squads that are offduty, but are in the barracks d...

And time to go home, see you guys in a bit
Next time, if there is one, I'll use Steam directly.
If there is what?
@FallenAngelEyes A next time of my partaking in the promo grant.
I mean, it's fun to have a jewel case, but nigh useless.
Ah gotcha
I prefer boxes for AAA titles if I can, especially Collector's Editions
I <3 artbooks and stuff :)
@FallenAngelEyes Yeah, I never really bother with those. They're nice to have, but I only take one look at them and put them away forever.
Ah, I take them out and flip through again sometimes. I also just like having the physical swag to put on my shelves and stuff.
Is it pouring at your place too?
Not really, no.
it's really coming down here, just outside of DC
It's thundering and lightning like crazy here
@MarcoCeppi Haha I live way closer to @Arda than to you though :D
@FallenAngelEyes Just a little closer.
Heh, I'm sure you guys are up further north then :)
@MarcoCeppi More like across the Atlantic
@MarcoCeppi Well, they are... but also East.
Very very East.
OIC, I thought this was Hurricane talk
Speaking of which, I should call my parents, see if they have any weather warnings
@FallenAngelEyes Where are they located?
@LessPop_MoreFizz South of Rochester in the Finger Lakes area, so not high risk at all
@FallenAngelEyes Not just not high risk, but no risk
Time to try this game.
Also, Oh god Rochester, I'm sorry.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Last I checked where they lived was on the edge of the front
Haha, we don't go to Rachaha often
It's over an hour's drive away
...(thank god)
But we're closer to there than Syracuse, so that's where our news/radio stations/etc. is from
...not like I'd want to live in Syracuse either. Did that for a while when I went to Syracuse U. I hate that city.
@FallenAngelEyes You went to 'Cuse? Whenabouts?
I dids. From Fall 2003 to spring 2005. Took a leave of absence for some personal crap, then ended up moving here before I ever went back.
I was there when the Perry Bible Fellowship guy was still just doing cartoons for The Daily Orange!
Hmmm... Fall '03 to Spring '05... then... You were there when I spent 2 weeks harasssing the shit out of the student body!
Ahaha really?
(Winter '04)
(NYPIRG reauth vote.)
What'd you do?
NYPIRG! You were with NYPIRG!
Indeed. Worked as a lobbyist and an organizer for them
Do you hate me now?
Haha neat. Man, I forgot about NYPIRG.
(FWIW, I did vote in the '04 elections and I'm actually still registered in Onondaga County)
haha I think I still have my voter reg speech memorized
Honestly, while I was there, I spent most of my time with and was friends with more SUNY ESF students than SU students. They were a little more down to earth (no pun intended).
One million without power now and climbing. :/
I better not lose power here. I will be very upset.
@FallenAngelEyes On the east coast in general
My cousin and her husband live in South Plainfield, NJ, they're hunkering down as well :/
I have no idea what I'd do in a hurricane. Blizzards, pffft, cake. Hurricanes are completely outside my experience.
It's just a lot of rain. I've got all my windows open and have enjoyed sitting on my netbook on the balcony
We're at Category 1 right now, so it's really nothing too much but a lot of places further south got hit harder
It's not expected to go back up to Cat 2, right?
That's good at least, hopefully severe damage will be minimal. I hear people are mostly worried about flooding at this point.
I'm mostly worried about my power going out, heh.
Yeah a lot of costal flooding going on
It's... it's an IRL Minecraft block. This is awesome.
yes I want this
Q: Is there a safe place to stash items in Hengsha?

GauzyI've recently moved onto the second major hub area in Deus Ex: Human Revolution. So far, I haven't come across anyplace as safe as my apartment in Detroit. I don't feel like lugging a rocket launcher with me everywhere - is there a safe place I can stow extra gear, or can I drop it anywhere and i...

@Grace, are you about?
@MarcoCeppi People do awesome things with arduinos
@ArdaXi fu
I still have to download DE:HR.
@FallenAngelEyes Hm?
@GraceNote Popped you an email the other day with a question in it, was wondering if you had a chance to read it yet. I'm working on writing up my blog post for the last day, so I'm wondering if you had any input.
@FallenAngelEyes Ah. No, haven't an idea on that one yet.
I say go fer it I guess.
I'll let you decide whether to do or not.
Gotcha. Shall ponder.
Vampire Skank is awesome
@ThomasMcDonald ...without context, I'm just going to assume you have some very strange fetishes
that was a completely random interruption, I already knew it was awesome but I felt the need to voice it to everyone
Beardyman is nuts.
Alreet @man
congrats, I've been away all week
also yeah, he whitied backstage at ynot
I think we might be going to see Skrillex as well now, so Arctic Monkeys, Deep Purple, Nero, Skrillex & Yes in two months
Ahaha, a Nigerian scam email in DX:HR.
@ThomasMcDonald Skrillex is who does the dubstep lyrics on youtube, right?
Q: Minecraft "Cauldron" (Custom Item Creation) + iConomy

Kort PlecoI'm aware of bukkit plugins that allow you to "combine" items into new items, like the default settings in the linked plugin lets you combine a red flower and a white wool block into a red wool block. I would like to integrate this into my server, but with increase scaling inefficiency. So you ...

@ArdaXi VTM:Bloodlines did that joke like 8 years ago
@FallenAngelEyes probably
Mass Effect 2 did it with Batarians
Q: What is the earliest game to have Nigerian email scam parodies/references?

World EngineerMass Effect 2 has a parody email from Batarians in imitation of the typical poorly worded, outrageously too good to be true, "please trust me" scam emails. Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines have also been mentioned as having this. Is VM:B the earliest game to featur...

To those in Irene's path, I offer this in hopes that it helps, if not, make sure you've got your blue tunic and iron boots.
Why thank you @WorldEngineer
I'm in Nova Scotia myself, so we'll be getting hit, but not nearly as bad as in the USA
@Wipqozn At least you guys are more used to the storms
poor sods at Riker's Island aren't gonna be evacuated
inb4 the prison is damaged and all the inmates escape
hello @DaveMcClelland

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