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@spugsley I love (redacting).
@Yuuki That's about how long it's been for me
@SaintWacko Me too. I'm all for (redacted).
awww @ktash is missing out on all the (redacting) :(
aww poor thing
The only part of this work meeting that is good and not making me want to throw me out of this 4th story window is my sandwich (which is eaten) and my cider (which is almost gone)
@AshleyNunn So you like Castle, right?
@Yuuki I do, quite a lot
@AshleyNunn Have you watched Leverage?
@AshleyNunn :o savor the cider
@Yuuki I have not, should I?
@AshleyNunn Yes!
It has some of the same humor and shocking amount of shout-outs.
What's it about?
@AshleyNunn World's best thieves/criminals turn Robin Hood.
It's a bit more in-depth than that but it works for a good one sentence summary.
@Yuuki oooooh okay I am intrigued
The acting is great and the team dynamic is entertaining.
Lemme see if I can find the first episode.
Yes, I know, it's 240p.
Character development is also superb as well.
No weird chastity catholic lady I will not answer questions for your "chastity is important" newspaper. Kthxbye
like...did you even read that article cause like that's exactly the opposite of what I talked about....
@spugsley hahahahhahaahhahahah what
@AshleyNunn bahahaha she literally emailed me like "I think we have very similar opinions on how important chastity is to today's sex-crazed culture. I have some questions for you!"
@spugsley ...that's like, she didn't even read the full title...
@FAE hahahaha I KNOW!
People are special
....Cider is gone
I am sad
@FAE let's talk about drag queens instead! :D
I miss Drag Race
I think there should be a new season like every single month
THat reminds me I should look up that Skin Wars show and download it
Because people painting people is the shit
@spugsley lol Jochem was just complaining about missing Drag Race too
@AshleyNunn I need to do that too
it's just so good and I need it all the time
@spugsley You can listen to Ru and Michelle on their podcast to fill in the time
....I could be working at home with my caaaat but no :(
Q: Application Not Found Error When Installing Mods For Minecraft

Sentinel GamingEvery time I try to use the mod installer for AutoSwitch from Skydaz.com a box pops up saying C:/Users/s590817.NORTHSIDE/Desktop/Stuff/MC Stuff/ Installers/AutoSwitch Mod Installer.zip Application Not Found And I am using MincraftSP.exe and the version is 1.5.2

There. Got one of every key. I'mma gonna go demon hunting. Soonish.
omg you dont know about the Vault??!?
when you kill a goblin, there's a chance to get sent to the vault to fight Greed
I just now pulled in bout 20mil
and two legs
and a set plan
@spugsley Damn, you is lucky.
Q: How do I leave the Vault?

spugsleyWhen you get transported to the Vault, after the boss fight, is there way to leave that doesn't involve using a town portal? I was in the middle of a bounty when I got transported and there's not an easy way to get back to where I started if I have to go back to town. Is there some kind of port...

Look at all the shit I bought
@spugsley WHAT. THE. FUCK?! 20 mil from ONE VAULT?!
@GnomeSlice: Remember, Pizza is a Vegitable.
@spugsley OHMAGAWD >.<
the religious headwear isn't the one I wanted, those ones were all gone
my second choice though
@GnomeSlice nice!
wtf my cat is going fucking crazy
he is running from one end of the house to the other and meowing SO LOUD
ghosts. I think we have ghosts.
g'night all
@FAE Good night!
Don't let the @Raven hackers send you creepy messages!
@spugsley Mine does that sometimes
Mine are doing that, too
Skyrim Legendary Edition $13.59 right now on the steam store. That's like, half what it is ever.
But it's because they want food
So, if you don't have it yet, this is probably the time
@Unionhawk But you said that last time.
I didn't think it'd get below like $20
Judging from history, I should just wait another three to four months and it'll be $6 or something.
Or whatever it was
shrugs Do what you want. I don't care.
... Hmm ... do we have a price curve for Oblivion?
Q: Does a PS Vita get powered by the charger when the battery is full?

Memor-XIn New Little King's Story, to get the final end you need to rise the affection of all the princesses which can be done by scouting them and just waiting around. this is what i did with Corina while i was doing the Alchemy to get the Summoning Seals (which took 3 hours each) during that time i k...

Q: Easy money in Kerbal Space Program

CoomieShips cost money now a days, but I'm unwilling to make any changes to construction style (TWR >5 all the way!). I've had some trouble making fat stacks of ker-cash. What is the easiest way to make money? No answer regarding saving money, please. Also, I would prefer answers that involve vanill...

@RedRiderX that's good stuff
I think I'm starting to get into the weird part of youtube again
Bah. Why do i5s have to cost so much. :P
cause they're awesome.
@JourneymanGeek yeah, and I want one, but they are pretty much too pricey.
Cheapest is i5-4430 @ $180
+ $50/$60 for a mobo = $230/$240 for CPU/mobo.
Oh yay
@JourneymanGeek If it were up to you, would you buy an SSD now and save for the HDD. Or the HDD now and save for the SSD; or just get a hybrid
everyone is leaving the meeting
but I am working til midnight
So I am alone in the office building now
and I have to get home when this is over
at least downtown should be relatively quiet
@AshleyNunn <3
@spugsley I am proud of me for not freaking out yet
I have reached a conclusion. I need to stop staying up until Midnight researching parts on my laptop in a pitch-black room. My eyes don't like it.
YEah that is not good for your eyes
@AshleyNunn Exactly.
@AshleyNunn you'll be fine :) Downtown will be nice and quiet and you'll get home quickly and safely
@RPiAwesomeness did you see my message about banana bread?
(I made some, it was delicious)
@AshleyNunn Yes! :D Does it have chocolate chips?
I forgot, but I have two more bananas so the next will
also @Sterno the putting them in the oven thing worked but I still wouldn't call that a lifehack
mmm I love chocolate chips in my banana bread
:P horrible puns
@spugsley They are great
@RPiAwesomeness: I bought the ssd first
kinda sorta
@badp Oh, so that's new today. Shog already used it on me.
@JourneymanGeek So, you say go SSD, then HDD?
@GnomeSlice: I have that list downloaded
@JourneymanGeek Why?
In case his email magically appears on it later
@RPiAwesomeness: yeah. reinstalling is a pain
@GnomeSlice: oh, cause that looks like a perfect way to harvest valid email addresses
And why would you want to do that?
I don't get it
Are you planning on adding them to a mailing list or something
no, I don't trust the site ;p
> If you for some reason do not wish to enter your full email address, you can replace up to three characters with asterisks
I'm seriously considering that...I can always copy my files to a backup HDD (I have 300GB on a family backup 2TB) and then reinstall just the OS/software to the SSD and the /home directory to the HDD.
@RPiAwesomeness: My current setup is OS and most software on SSD, games on steam on a larger drive
@JourneymanGeek You use Linux, correct?
kinda sorta
gaming box is windows, laptop is windows, fedora on my brix, ubuntu server on my fileserver
I am proud of myself for being as calm as I am in here
And really, its not here that I worry about
its outside
What is with these people and toilets
need brain bleach
here we go
@AshleyNunn Creepy town?
Bridge, you know that feeling where you've done nothing productive that you planned to do, but are too depressed about having done nothing productive that you don't feel like doing anything productive?
That's pretty much my life right now.
@RPiAwesomeness I work downtown, surrounded by bars and homeless people, I live a 15 minute walk away in a less than awesome neighbourhood
It's a walk I have done before this late at night, but I don't super love doing it if I don't have to
It just sucks more because I was told I would get a ride but everyone bailed
I just really need this football game to end so I can grade it and go
and maybe catch one of the last buses
@AshleyNunn I fucking hate your work more and more everyday
why are they so assy to you
@AshleyNunn :(
@spugsley I have no idea why. Like I get my boss has to get up early but she knew what time this stuff would end, she knew she was going to be here this late, but she bailed, because she wanted to finish from home to get to bed faster
I am so pissed I even came here for this in hte first place
Sorry guys, I don't mean to whine
@AshleyNunn You can't work from home? Jeeps.
@AshleyNunn No, no! It's totally fine! I'd say I understand...but I've never had a full-time job yet, so I don't fully.
@RPiAwesomeness I usually do when I work nights but there was some stupid support training which I dont even need because I have all teh training she gave tonight
:( You have to go to it? :P
@RPiAwesomeness Yeah, because I am part of the support team I had to come in
even though I've already been doing the stuff they were training for for months
so then everyone left
I hate non-optimized work like that. For petes sake, if someone's been trained already...unless you've got something really big/massive change, don't have to have them come back :P
@RPiAwesomeness this omg so much this
but since I am support tonight I can't leave until the football is done and no one else had to stay because they were training not actual support
I used to hate meetings in Urgent Care. We had them monthly and always WENT THROUGH THE SAME SHIT EVEN WHEN ALL OF US KNOW ALL THE SHIT
... I think I should get some sleep
@spugsley Yeah stuff liek that makes me hate people
Okay there is one more minute left in this game
@LessPop_MoreFizz Pretty sure my tutorial broke.
so they better play it fast
so I can take the 12:03 bus home
@RedRiderX Sleep is usually a good thing. Unless you're drugged, then it's not so great.
@AshleyNunn Who?
@RPiAwesomeness Steelers/Ravens
tehre are two NCAA games but I don't care about those
Depends on the drug
Ah. I'd say Ravens.
Steelers have had issues I've heard, but then again...sans Ray Rice...what's the score?
Okay well here's Today's Listening then I should be out of here :P
Ravens up by 20
lol, figured
alright, almost done
although then I will be between buses
oh well I will jsut walk fast
keys in hand, you know, the stuff girls do when they're out in dangerous places
@AshleyNunn You should get a concealed carry or at least a knife
I can't carry concealed here
God dammit @Uni stop opening up reddit there's nothing new there just stop
@AshleyNunn Oh, :P
What about a knife?
@AshleyNunn Man, everyone always tells me I should carry when they find out I have guns and like shooting. When I tell them I really don't want to, they can't even fathom it.
@OrigamiRobot I'd never want to carry even if I could
'I like guns and shooting them
but I never want to shoot anything alive
and I never want the responsibility of being armed
@AshleyNunn I could go hunting if I knew there was someone who'd eat whatever I shot.
@OrigamiRobot I've got several friends who hunt and I really want to try it.
@OrigamiRobot I would
But I am content just shooting cans or pieces of paper or w/e.
I shoot targets at my sister's place
I am not good at it :P
Whenever I get a house, I want to have enough room to shoot a bow.
@OrigamiRobot I have a friend who was State Champ for HS level Archery this year and like 6th last
@AshleyNunn That's why I like rifles. They're much easier :P
Phew... That was a close game. x_x My hands are currently shaking. <_<
@Fluttershy ?
We did .30-06 shooting at Philmont, which was fantastic. Including and especially the kids in front of us who were going on about call of duty, and I'm just like "lol, you've never actually handled a weapon of this caliber, shut up"
@RPiAwesomeness Destiny multiplayer. It was a tense match.
(though to be fair they were all at least 14, so not "kids" in the typical 12-year-old sense)
@Fluttershy Nice :D So jelly
@Unionhawk hehe
@origamirob did you maybe try starting a new game to restart the tutorial?
I've fired a .22, only real gun I've ever used :) It was on an indoor range and I was learning how, so that was cool :D
what even
Is this real life
Anyways, g'night all. \o
I can't handle this
Wow, when scared I walk much faster because my walk home took ten minutes instead of fifteen
@AshleyNunn oh wow
did old spice not copyright that advert?
jesus it's after midnight
@spugsley Yeah, I booked it
I'm going to bed
Apparently this particular fatass can really move with sufficient impetus to do so :D
Ugh, fuck Destiny
@LessPop_MoreFizz I was at work so I didn't really mess with it.
and anybody else who likes metroidvanias
2 hours later…
@spugsley awww :(
@GnomeSlice I don't know what that is, but the thumbnail looks pretty NSFW.
Morning Bridge!
@Arperum Eh, some commercial jumping on the old-spice commercial bandwagon (It went viral! we gotta do exactly the same thing!) with a female.
@TrentHawkins Might be SFW, but the thumbnail looks NSFW
@Arperum Yeah, she's got double-sided tape keeping that hair in place, and not much else throughout - other than a pair of coconuts.
@TrentHawkins In that case I hope for her that that part of her hair is just an extension, because hair + tape = no fun times.
Earlier issues were caused by severe packet loss on a link btwn two internet carriers, which was the best route from us to much of our CDN.
We're working with them to find ways to prevent this kind of disruption from causing problems in the future.
@Arperum: tape and bare flesh, especially sensitive bits...
Might be owowowy
@JourneymanGeek I hadn't thought of that yet...
What is wrong with me?
I'm a hairy feller. I've occationally had VERY painful bandaid removals.
Ugh... more people complaining and armchair lawyering over the new schoolzone speed limit bylaws.
If the sign tells you the limit for a stretch is 30kph, you drive 30kph. Don't complain when they catch you going 60.
@TrentHawkins Yup, if you drive too fast and they catch you, you pay up. And schoolzone is not some place where you drive too fast.
(That said, I've been passed by cyclists in these zones, and my car likes to accelerate to 40 if I so much as brush my foot against the pedal.)
At least the last time these people were complaining they had a point - The construction signs used to be ambiguous and the decision up to the driver: "Speed limit ##km/h when passing workers" People were getting ticketed when there were no workers around at all. They blacked out the bolded part on most signs now.
@TrentHawkins Never leave a decision to the drivers, that's a terrible idea.
@Arperum My cousin one got pulled over for 'speeding' because of one of those signs. It was Canada Day, there is no way there were any construction workers working on the national holiday. He still got the ticket. But even if he challenged the ticket and won, the lost wages from missing work for a day would be greater than the ticket.
@TrentHawkins The sign they place around here when a construction is happening are identical to the normal speedlimit signs.
@Arperum Same. Never saw a speed limit sign with a condition.
@Arperum Ours are a orange diamond with the regular speed limit sign painted in the middle. Many of the older signs had "when passing workers" below the speed limit - that line has since been spraypainted over.
@5pike The only condition I've seen on speed limit signs is a weight condition. and these are generally seen on crappy roads where it would be a bad idea for a 10ton truck to drive that speed anyway.
@5pike The new school zone speed limit signs have a condition - Sept-June, 08:30-17:30
... might start earlier than 08:30.
@Arperum Oh yeah. Now I also remember one on the highway. If rain - 100kmh
@TrentHawkins That's just not a good plan. Around here that was/is being fixed by led signs that are only turned on when relevant.
@5pike That implies regular limits higher than 100kmh... lucky bastards.
@TrentHawkins Normal is 130.
@TrentHawkins Max speed in Belgium is 120.
@5pike @Arperum I repeat: Lucky bastards
Although, it's nothing special to have people driving way more. Illegal, but it happens all the time.
@Arperum They usually set up radar traps around busy school roads, which are positioned so that you can easily see them. Easy money.
Plus it helps so the drives obey the speed limit.
I've been caught for speeding 4 or 5 times. At least half of these was in the middle of the night coming home from some festival.
I was only caught once, though it was no particular occasion.
Most recently I was caught driving 68 (after recalculations) in a 50, ~250m before the place where it switches to 70.
Then another stupid one I remember was a 51(after recalculations) in a 50. And then a couple during the night (one at 4AM, one around 1AM IIRC). I know I got lucky on the 4AM one, because I drove a lot faster then what they caught me for.
Seems like you are leadfooted, eh?
@5pike Mostly when there is noone else on the road. And not all that much for someone from Belgium.
Seriously, Belgian roads are not the safest roads you can imagine.
Gah. this is getting worse with the day. where I originally got the new data delivered as a single access DB with multiple tables, now I just get massive xlsx files per table.
@Arperum it's always fun crossing that border from holland, you don't need signs! You just feel the car star vibrating a lot more
@KevinvanderVelden Yea, our roads are horrible miscreants.
ALso: dutch quotes from mails incoming:
> Het bestand is nu 3.28 mb. Blijft dit binnen de perken wanneer de foto’s er nog worden bijgevoegd?
Dit probleem kan volgens Arperum ook niet worden opgelost.
THAT'S NOT WHAT I SAID. it's not even an issue, it's a fucking question.
No, if you add a bunch of pictures the size stays the same because pictures aren't data
> Dit blijft redelijk beperkt, alle 6300+ afbeeldingen samen zouden ongeveer 100-150mb toevoegen, er zijn echter slechts een 600-700 producten, en niet elk product heeft een afbeelding, dus als enkel de relevante afbeeldingen worden toegevoegd verwacht ik een grote van ongeveer 15 mb. Dit is echter een schatting!
That's what I said.
And the guy communicating with the client made that into "he told me this cannot be solved"
That's not even remotely close.
The only reason I found this is because these people are not all that smart when replying/forwarding mails. (cut out the irrelevant earlier mails already)
I've found seriously confidential stuff in mails like that.
Like stuff I'm 100% certain I should not have access to.
Sell it on the black market! :D
Q: How to ascend for the ultimate reward?

ShunwooA new game mode just came out on League of Legends : Ascension mode. The thing is that for a limited time only you can get summoner icons, and I have a really hard time getting the ultimate one for which you need to win when your team got at least one ascension and the enemy team none. My quest...

Q: Did the quality of an item upgrade the quality of support gem attribute

RyokelIf we upgrade the quality of an item will the quality of the support gem attribute be increase too? For example : i upgrade the quality of item 'Pledge of Hands', wich has an attribute 'skill gems on this item are supported by lvl 30 echo', will the support gem be considered has a 20% quality su...

Oh Belgium, you never cease to amaze me.
As might be known already, Belgium is possibly having issues with producing enouhg electricity this winter (two nuclear plants down because issues, one down because sabotage). In reaction to the chance for electricity shortages that might happen, there are plans to shut off parts of the country from the electricity net when a shortage happens.
The reaction of a couple cities around here (like 4 km from my home, and 4 km from where I am now (at a client) is: "We'll get more police on the streets when it happens! That'll help!"
That sounds great "Hey, the country is freezing because we don't have enough power, what should we do?" "I know! We should freeze these people and let the rest have power"
Q: Playing FPS throught a VPN

B413First I would like to remind people that a VPN is legal and is used by most companies. I have been relocated in Asia but I would like to play FPS games with my friends in Europe. I can join them (with steam) but my ping is never good enough for a FPS. Can I improve my ping, my connection speed i...

@KevinvanderVelden Yup, and they are planning on mostly shutting down between 5pm and 8pm, and mostly agrarian areas.
@Lazers Why the hell would anyone feel the need to include that first sentence ...?
So you can't make food at a reasonable hour.
@Arperum meh, those peasants don't need electricity!
@MartinSojka because VPNs are often used for torrenting?
But yeah it is completely unnecessary
And secondly: every single milkfarmer is milking his cows/goats/whatever in that timespan. Failing to do so is basically murder on the animals (and I'm not kidding).
@KevinvanderVelden VPNs are often used for money laundering ... as well as damn near every banking operation ever in the last decade. Still irrelevant. ;)
1 min ago, by Kevin van der Velden
But yeah it is completely unnecessary
I seemingly bought a house into one of the richer towns in Belgium. On average people in my town are richer then people in 71% of the other towns.
And I'm above the median of my town based on income. This feels weird.
And yet the house needed (needs) how much work?
@KevinvanderVelden Uhm. Loads.
But I bought it for basically near to nothing.
relatively speaking
Wasn't there a Pokemon chat room here at one point too?
It's an open bebouwing (damn you english), and I bought it for less then the price half-open bebouwingen (again, damn you english) sell for on average.


Talk about Pokemon here. Battle, trade, and just have fun!
@Arperum It's "Frozen" apparently.
But it's frozen due to inactivity.
You can get a mod to poke at it to reopen it
What specific question did you have? All regulars of that room are also regulars here.
But I think it might be best to just talk about it here
It was about Omega/Ruby. Just curious if there was a compiled list of known Pokemon yet.
There was something similar before X/Y released too IIRC.
I think that's just a remake so no new pokemon?
Excepting new mega/whatever evolutions
Don't think there will be anything new
Won't they add Pokemon from games after Emerald into it?
I do remember there being some new info about the new Megas
@KernelPanic Definitely yes. It should have info on every single Pokemon, just like X/Y
@KernelPanic well yeah, but that'll just be the X/Y list, nothing new new
@KevinvanderVelden Yea, buying a 3 (or 4,based on what you look at) bedrooms, 3 living room/rooms for whatever you want + kitchen + garden + garage + attic + bathroom + ~4 storage rooms + a couple more unaccounted rooms/ spaces for less then €150k isn't a bad buy.
@PrivatePansy I wonder how they'll be doing catch rates. I guess just add them into existing grass. Like Diamond/Pearl.
@KernelPanic Don't think the information is released yet, but do check the wiki
@Arperum A house like that in Singapore would cost a few million dollars
@PrivatePansy On one hand Serebeii has a lot of updates, and on the other Bulbapedia has a decent wiki. Hmm.
Well thanks for the info.
@PrivatePansy Normally, they are quite a bit pricier then that around here too.
But there is still a crapton of work to do, so that helps in lowering the price.
First price estimation I got for replacing the roof was 43k (including isolation though).
@Arperum That stinks. We have a giant oak tree in our front yard, and apparently during a storm a branch left a nice hole in our porch. $700 later, and now we're waiting for it to dry out to fix the inside portion.
> After years of benign competition and insistence from the major telcos that competition among them has moved beyond pricing, a price war is well and truly under way in the high-speed fibre broadband market.

> On Thursday (Sep 11), M1 launched a promotional S$49-per-month 1Gbps fibre broadband plan – slashing its price by half to go head-to-head with MyRepublic’s Ultra 1Gbps package, which the start-up is offering at S$49.99, and SingTel’s S$69.90 Unlimited Fibre plan, which was put on the market only last month.
@PrivatePansy well belgium is a bit bigger =p
@KernelPanic Fun part is that I do not have, nor can't get that amount of money right now (I have ~6K available I think, and can loan ~20-25k (IIRC) from my parents/aunt.
Wooo, competition!
Eerhm, Signapore is slighly bigger than one of our polders...
We have a single piece of land reclaimed from the sea that is just slightly smaller than your country...
@KevinvanderVelden What is this, a country for ANTS?
Dutchies be crazy
@Arperum Fun times being a homeowner as usual.
@KernelPanic I do own a house though, some that a serious something.
Singapore has grown by 25% I think since independence due to reclamation
@Arperum Right.
Depressing life issues aside I remember this place being a lot more active.
@KernelPanic america is sleeping
So it's usually quiet during htis time.
@KevinvanderVelden I'm not. It's 6:45AM here, and I'll probably be out to do yard work in 15-20 minutes.
XKCD is always relevant.
@Arperum That's actually really cool.
@KernelPanic What's even better is that it actually changes based on time (or at least on the XKCD site.
@Arperum They make some programming jokes that I can't understand, and have no desire to.
@Arperum It does here, too, if you refresh the page.
@FEichinger Ah, thought it didn't for some reason. Transcript proves you right though.
@FEichinger Isn't your avatar from Critcal Miss comics?
@FEichinger I thought this room was "live", or something anyway.
I forget the word.

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