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Q: Dark Souls 2 - Increase Melee Damage

Barry CooperJust a simple question here. I just watched a SL1 on NG+ kill Fume Knight with a rapier hitting for 500dmg with a rapier and gold pine resin. I also watched another player with 40str/40dex and a twin blade with gold pine resin hit Fume Knight for roughly 600 per. My SL is 130, I'm pure melee wit...

@StrixVaria You play USF4?
What's your character of choice
@memescientist Only starting recently.
I've only learned Ryu.
Nice, nice
good starting foundation for fg fundamentals
I answered your question in depth about Cammy's EX Hooligan
On ranked I waver between 300-500 player points, but I've gotten up to around 1500+ battle points as Ryu.
@StrixVaria It's BP that matters, not PP
Which only tells me that BP aren't a good measure of anything, because I'm terrible.
Ryu is a great character
BP seem to be a measure of how much you use a character, rather than how good you are with him.
Oh I actually really like using Ryu.
I've messed around with a bunch of other characters but the idea of learning a new one seems daunting.
I'm going to stick with Ryu until I get a better win ratio.
What's your choice of Ultra?
u1 or u2
I'm going to guess and say U1
Whichever one is the Shoryuken.
I don't remember whether it's 1 or 2.
U2 is easier to input for me, and it's better for punishing mistakes (which is the only way I use it).
Most of the time when I attempt the U1 input I wind up doing an EX shoryuken which is awful.
I also don't really know any good combos, except c.mk->fireball/tatsu
So I have to wholly rely on footsies to win.
Combos in SF4 are crazy hard. Coming from Marvel, they feel impossible.
I put on Godzilla as noise while working on my model. Verdict: people were completely unneccessary.
Q: How Do You Change Your Minecraft Player Name?

gamingeekPlease, I really want to change mine but I don't know how to! Please help!

Woo! I have a working Portable Raspberry Pi Touch Camera! Yay!
This is a pic..w. a weird filter
Looks like threshold + invert filter
Q: My Minecraft 1.8 always crashs! Help me!

PsytroI downloades the Minecraft 1.8 (The Bountiful Update), and play it for 1 hole week, without problems. I closed the launcher, open, played, EVERYTHING WAS GOING WELL! But today, when I click on the launcher "PLAY", the game start downloading, and when the MOJANG screen appear, the game crashs, and...

Rename Arqade.com to ShittyMinecraftTechSupport.com
Actually, just spin out the minecraft tag onto it's own site
@PrivatePansy There's been numerous Minecraft proposals on Area51
@PrivatePansy It's called Cartoon. Comes with the software you install to make the Raspberry Pi camera board run
@Frank None of them celebrate how shitty it is in its name
The shittiness must be implicit in its name
@PrivatePansy When you get a game that popular to children, and we get a rep for problem solving, mixing the two gets us a crapton of low quality questions about users uninterested in anything but fixing their problem.
@PrivatePansy Hey! Minecraft is actually a lot of fun
@RPiAwesomeness Fixing RandomJavaException errors from users with neither the ability to spell properly or know how to formulate a question beyond copy and pasting an error log is not
Our only solution is to ensure that the users provide enough information to make a solvable question, and enforce our quality standards. Don't hesitate to downvote and/or close questions.
@PrivatePansy No, you're correct there.
Someone should actually make a canonical meta post of minimum required information in order for us to help them with their Minecraft questions.
if somebody did that to me I would probably literally shit myself
Not Safe For Life?
Not Safe For Living?
BAH! AFAIK you can't get a Full ATX FM2 Mobo :P
Q: Loot all from chest

Tomáš ZatoI consequently happened to have all items from a chest moved to my inventory while I was quickly Shift clicking them. It really looked like a Loot-all hidden feature being activated. Similarly, once all items hoped from hot-bar to my inventory - again during Shift clicking. So far, I haven't p...

Not sure...is this full ATX? newegg.com/Product/…-13-1‌​30-758--Product
@RPiAwesomeness: looks like it
@RPiAwesomeness Now there's a proper motherboard size.
Graphs! Look at dem graphs showing how our product is arbitrarily better!
@Frank I figured...it's kinda expensive for my basic build though...
@RPiAwesomeness According to the box, it's military class.
Seems kinda like overkill.
@Frank That's just a designation the manufacturer came up with
@Frank exactly what I was thinking. Issue is, as far as I can see, that's the lowest you're going to go for a FM2/FM2+ full ATX mobo. I'm pretty sure I'm going with either an AMD a8-6600K or AMD Athlon X4 760...not sure which yet...
It's not actually military spec or anything. And anyway, I can tell you that military machines are exactly the same as the ones you use in your office
I should know. I've spent far too much time staring at them
@RPiAwesomeness If that's the best price you can get for that CPU spec, you may want to downgrade the CPU spec.
A8 is better in the CPU comparisons, I'll probably end up going with it
But...I've got another almost 2 months to research and decide.
Newegg China sells... Crabs
I understand they are quite tasty!
Is there any way to search on Newegg and say not this?
They are, but I'm not sticking a hairy legged crab on my motherboard
xD...no, I don't think that would be a good idea. He might eat a Diode or something.
@OrigamiRobot @Frank I just got the 6-set Firebird bonus. My damage just constantly stacks, so the longer I attack a single target, the more quickly it takes damage. Against a rift boss I just got up to 30m damage ticks.
@StrixVaria Yep. Monks need a bonus like that.
I only have 5 pieces with RoRG, and my gloves are trash, so I still need to roll some more set pieces to keep optimizing.
Because our best build relies on a specific gem, and spamming a mantra.
lol..I have no clue what y'all are talking about
@StrixVaria Any.
It's all about spending spirit so that Taeguk stacks keep on ticking.
What does spamming the Mantra accomplish?
Taeguk... I think I've read that but I forgot what it does.
> Gain 0.5% increased damage for 3 seconds after spending primary resource. This effect stacks up to 20 times.

Gain 0.5% increased Armor for every stack. (Requires Rank 25)
That doesn't sound like a fun build tbh
Yeah, I don't like it either.
But if you want to break level 30+, that's all we got.
I can't get over level 20, although I should try now that I finished the set bonus.
I did a level 18 rift like 20 seconds too slow yesterday.
My personal best is level 24.
In a party with you I think we did 22 or so.
My WD is not built for speed clearing, though.
To me GR is more of a way to farm for gems than an actual end-game goal in itself.
@StrixVaria Yeah. 22 I'm comfortable handling by myself. It's the bullshit affixes that get me at 24 and higher.
It's all the, "LET'S PUT KNOCKBACK/NIGHTMARE, AREA DENIAL #1, #2, AND #3" all on one chamption.
And then instant death.
At least T6 bounty bags now have a guaranteed chance of an act legendary.
I can probably take T4 now.
But it would be slow and dangerous.
On the plus side, I've gotten my mini-Conduit to Rank 18.
Wreath of Lightning is so fun. I have that on my non-Seasons monk.
I'm using the poison one on my seasons Wizard.
I plan on using Bane of the Trapped, and Simplicity's Strength once I get the sockets I need.
60 hours so far this week! Still two days to go. Yayyy money.
@Fluttershy Yeah, I know the feeling.
I've been on call non-stop for several months now.
being a mod became really difficult after a certain point. I felt detached from the community when I was busy with work, and the more detached I felt the less motivation there was to keep stopping by here.
That's why I quit after the new mod election, it was clear that I would never regain the same drive to do things here as I used to have.
Nooo, not @Mana's drive!
I am getting sushi /cc @Wipqozn
@TimStone That sounds like a fantasy doomsday engine.
@Frank You built PCs before...what do you think is a reasonable price for a mid-range ($500 budget) motherboard? $50-$70?
@RPiAwesomeness: have you taken a look at the current falcon and logical increments guides?
@JourneymanGeek No! I looked at them late last year, I should check them again. Thanks for the reminder!
@RPiAwesomeness: in which case also take a look at the ars and tech report build guides
(since they go in depth to why specific choices were made)
Thanks! I've been looking for guides like these...problem is, lots of them are outdated already
@RPiAwesomeness: the tech report one was last updated in july
and that's usually a good starting point
The system I have now is completely unlike the system I originally speced ;p
I switched motherboards, storage, video card....
mainly cause I designed a system for parts a generation older
Ars recently updated its system guide
Ugh. this laptop is sooooooooooo slow.
@RPiAwesomeness I think it also depends on your cpu. AMD cpu's have cheaper motherboards than intel cpu's
@Chippies Probably. That would make sense :)
According to Logical Increments my $500/$550 budget is a good PC. :D
@RPiAwesomeness does that include a graphics card?
or are you sticking with integrated?
oh, I looked at the Logical Increments builds in 500'ish $ range
that's pretty good stuff
@Chippies That includes a graphics card. No SSD though :( Later upgrades most definitely will be happening.
too bad canadian prices are shit
And, the CPU he chooses is one of the ones I was considering! I'm learning! Yay me!
my issue with budget cpu's is that cpu is the hardest to upgrade
@JourneymanGeek Could you link me to those reports? I'm not sure what I'm looking for...
so I personally would want a good cpu to future proof a little
@Chippies Meaning...a beginning build will have a :P CPU that will be hard to upgrade?
@RPiAwesomeness the issue with cpu is that in most cases to upgrade a cpu you also have to upgrade motherboard. With the DDR4 coming soon, it's possible that you'll also have to upgrade ram
depending on how soon you upgrade
Ars System Guide from August 2014 arstechnica.com/gadgets/2014/08/…
@Chippies That's sorta my thinking. Also, I'm not going to be doing much gaming, so that takes the requirements down a notch. I will need less of a GPU than most builds...probably.
the GTX750ti is a beastly gpu
DDR4... I've heard about that
@Jennybeans has one in her old PC and it's awesome
@Chippies As in good?
@RPiAwesomeness very good
for the price and power usage it has amazing performance
Better than the other R7 256?
Also...do I really need the GTX750 Ti?
if the price is same, then R7 265 is faster, but draws more power
the non-ti is based on old architecture
the price difference should be miniscule between ti and non-ti
the ti version is more future proof, because you can overclock it more if you have the need for it in the future
the non-ti version is slightly slower and runs at higher clocks
Yes, $40 bucks for newer isn't terrible...
hm well
750 non-ti is 40$ cheaper than ti?
how long do you plan to use this PC and do you really care about playing really demanding games?
according to the guide...yes
in few years you might just replace the gpu :P
@Chippies As long as I can...I'm only a Sophmore in HS... Thus the cheaper build...
And no, I'm not planning on play really demanding games within the next year at minimum. My parents suck that way.
Another dilemma...do I really need 8GB RAM..
as opposed to... 4GB?
again, depends on what you want to do with the PC
I would personally not go under 8gb, but depending on what you do, you might be good with 4gb
Yeah, or 6
6 would have to run in single channel mode, which isn't much of a performance drop, I guess, but I don't like it
@RPiAwesomeness I wouldn't go under 6.
I doubt 6gb would be much cheaper than 8gb though
and 8gb would have enough headroom for most uses
It's been a long time since I've specced out a computer (5 years? 6?) and 4 felt small even then.
@StrixVaria I beat Far Cry 3 on 2GB DDR2
so, even under 4gb can be used
but yeah, for general use, 4gb is not ideal
oo...I just hate this laptop. 512MB is not enough.
@RPiAwesomeness oh god, no it's not
anything under 2gb I'd consider unusable
I figured. I'm going with 8 (unless I get a deal for more :D)
that explains why you're on XP though
8 is the optimal number until more games switch to proper x64 and start using more memory
my laptop has 12gb, only because it came with a better HDD and a bluray drive (which I've never used) for only 50$ over the 8gb one :P
I don't run out of memory, except when chrome leaks memory
which is like, all the fucking time!
although, it's only certain sites that does that... cough bridge and facebook
brb..weirdkeyboard C
I re-opened bridge and facebook and my memory usage dropped by 4gb...
Okay....that was weird.
I kept not being able to input anything and capitol Cs would pop in randomly...
@Chippies As I was trying to say...No, it isn't.
@RPiAwesomeness odd
I'm on this crappy-as-balls iBook G4 w. 512MB RAM 'cause my main laptop (Toshiba Satellite A105) died.
@Chippies no kidding
My other laptop wasn't great...but it could handle 3 tabs without lagging out.
Core 2 Duo...2.5GB RAM.
It was liveable. This hell-pit?
I dunno

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