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I need a Simplicity's Strength, though.
Straight up damage boost? Yeah, I'll take that.
gaming.stackexchange.com/q/182306/18146 End the answering vtc as opinion based/needing developer knowledge
@Arperum Yay!
@OrigamiRobot I am!
Though currently it is not really functional (as in, not calibrated and not hooked up to anything)
@KevinvanderVelden What kind do you have?
@OrigamiRobot I have a reprap.. mendel I believe
I am seriously considering getting one.
Of course, price is always the most prohibitive factor :(
@Brian not really opinion... dev input would answer it for sure, but I feel like the answers do a good job for the question.
Jeah I have an iteration 2 reprap prusa mendel one
@Rapitor the answers are all opinion based because none of them are league developers
Typically questions that require inside knowledge of how games are programmed arent allowed
@OrigamiRobot yeah, buying a kit is affordable though
@KevinvanderVelden Yea, I just have no idea what I'm looking at.
Heh, I don't know that much about it myself
@Brian how it's programmed and how tech works is different.
A: Is it possible to destroy both nexus at the same time? And what should happen after that?

dphilIt can't happen. In a computer system, everything essentially rotates with 1 thing happening at a time. It just happens so fast that you don't notice only 1 thing happening at a time. Someone may say this might not be the case with a server, but the server will still process 1 nexus before the...

I did a bunch of research before I bought it but I've not really stayed up to date much
A kit gets me the 3D printer, lower cost, and the fun of assembly.
It's a win-win-win
That was my thought process :)
@Rapitor that requires knowledge of how its programmed
you're assuming there's some single process that is going through the game input line by line
@Brian and he'd be, with 99% certainty, correct
thats not how programming works
It is incredibly hard to make game logic multithreaded and especially for lol, why bother?
Just run the server N times for N cores
i'm saying there is probably a blue side nexus destroy time and a purpleside nexus destroy time that are both settable on the main game thread by other event threads
those times can be the same
but i'm making an assumption on implementation
@OrigamiRobot Meh, I failed round 1, so I probably deserve this. The professor seems better this semester, so that's good.
@Brian yeah no, that's really fricking difficult to program and even worse to debug
@Brian putting them on separate threads would really only be justifyable if it's a common occurrence.
It's singlethreaded 99% sure
like if ties were actually recorded stats
Even then memory access is single threaded
so when i hit something the server waits til it processes my hit before it lets anyone else do anything?
No, (assuming lockstep, which it probably is) it gathers the inputs for all players, simulates a single tick and then repeats
sort of, but you do understand process time is ridiculously fast
Its much simpler to just have a check that says if they're the same make one side the winner
Are you a programmer?
i am
That's a very strong case of "easier said then done"
if(bluenexusdetroytime == purplenexusdestroytime) bluesidewin=true;
is more likely than having some massive single threaded server that waits for everything to occur in a single file line
Trust me, I make games =p
@Brian Why would they bother with coding this edge case? Process the messages in the order they appear and you don't even need to care about it.
MOBAs are essentially RTS games
The lockstep protocol is a partial solution to the look-ahead cheating problem in peer-to-peer architecture multiplayer games, in which a cheating client delays his own actions to await the messages of other players. A client can do so by acting as if he is suffering from high latency; the outgoing packet is forged by attaching a time stamp that is prior to the actual moment the packet is sent. To avoid this method of cheating, the lockstep protocol requires each player to first announce a "commitment" (e.g. hash value of the action); this commitment is a representation of an action that: Cannot...
it's pretty much
if(bluenexushp <= 0 || purpnexushp <= 0)
@JasonBerkan they probably dont worry about it because the chance of it happening are slim to none
That's the most likely implementation
@Brian I doubt there's a line like that. Even if the end result is the same, it's probably something more along the lines of if(blueNexus.destroyed) purpleWin(); if(purpleNexus.destroyed) blueWin(); sequentially.
but what i'm saying is that we dont know how its implemented
@StrixVaria yes more than likely that
Also, good luck testing to destroy both nexi at the exact same tick.
yeah, unless Riot Games is completely bonkers and unoptimized, they wouldnt put win conditions on multiple threads
@Arperum exactly so there is no way for us as outside players to know how they implemented it
@Rapitor if they're at all sane they wouldn't even multithread the server =p
@Brian Then the answer to the question is "It won't happen. On the one in a million chance that it does happen, it's not known who will win."
Sure, login server can be multithreaded, but a game like LoL or Dota runs many concurrent games, you don't multithread then, you just run another copy of the game
That doesn't mean you close the question.
@KevinvanderVelden events
@Brian C++ does not have that
Besides, so many headaches O.o
@KevinvanderVelden thats bs its a design pattern you can do it in any language
@StrixVaria is "we don't know" really a valid answer?
@Brian Yes.
@Brian why not? It's the correct answer
@Brian That is a side note in the full answer, which is "It won't happen for reasons."
But yes, it is.
@StrixVaria ok
The answer isn't "I don't know", remember, which isn't a real answer.
@KevinvanderVelden Source games, which DOTA2 is, can have stalemates. I've seen it happen in Team Fortress 2's arena mode when the last two players die at the same time
If the answer is "The answer objectively cannot be known.", that is valid.
Anyway, time to play some dota :)
@Powerlord eeh that's game logic, doesn't carry over to dota
@KevinvanderVelden prove it :)
@KevinvanderVelden it might have something to do with the game Engine. SMITE in theory has draws as it's the Unreal Engine, and killing titans simultaneously seems easier, although I've never seen it happen
Q: What kind of game is Flappy Bird/Swing Copters?

ZibbobzThe games Flappy Bird and Swing Copters, both created by Dong Ngyuyen, have very similar play mechanics. Both require the player to navigate a character through gaps in walls, and require very little else, scoring mainly by how far the player can go before an inevitable crash. Other games have ...

Q: How do I know I still on track for the Achievements?

private_metaI am trying to get the pacifist and stealth achievements right now, but I am unsure how to track if those achievements are still on track. For example: something exploded (A bot I think) shoving a guard into electrified water, killing him. I did not kill him, but he is still dead. How do I know i...

@Brian don't have time to search for references, but win conditions can be programmed freely in mods for the source engine
@Rapitor it is still game logic, you will have to program for outcome that both bases are destroyed at about same time, other wise there will always be an order for victory condition
but I'm saying it's possible in-engine, whereas Riot's engine may not even have considered it.
Ooh game is resuming
man, the XP multiplier in Ys Origin is brilliant
@badp Finally got it working?
@Powerlord hm? I haven't had trouble getting it working
@badp I meant Ys Origin... you were complaining about crashes the last time you mentioned it while I was around.
oh yeah. That happened because I was in windowed mode at that specific point at the very start of the game
So, anyway, how far are you up the tower?
backtracking to the mirror
It's weird how Darm Tower in Ys 1 has the same number of floors, but they're styled differently.
The same as Ys Origin?
@badp It's the same tower in both Ys 1 and Ys Origin.
Although it's only 1/4 of the game in Ys 1
(Ys 1 is itself about 1/3 - 1/2 the combined Ancient Ys Vanished game)
...and now I have the lower tower theme from those games stuck in my head. >:|
@Powerlord as in, even the floors are identical? same puzzles, etc.?
@badp No, although certain sections are similar.
Yay. We're currently attempting to piece together our current applications, their status, and roadmap going forward.
@Frank Status: disaster area.
@Arperum Status: You have your two coders supporting shit code.
Q: What colour helicopter hats can I wear?

CalebI was playing Swing Copters and won a silver helicopter hat, hooray! I was wondering: Are there any other hats to unlock? What do they look like? Screenshots would be appreciated!

@Frank Have you seen much seen non-shit code? I haven't. My code from nearly two years ago is also a pile of shit. Although, I can always recognize the parts I've done in out frameworks. Because I think they are better then the older stuff. Still far from perfect code, but better.
@Arperum One word: Access
@Frank So you were talking about super shit code?
@Powerlord is this the kind of game that dooms me to a "bad end" because of things like difficulty levels or not having beaten the game in every possible way?
@Arperum Or something thereabouts, anyways.
@badp Bad end? No... but the real final boss can only be fought if you play as a specific character.
The code I wrote yesterday is awesome code. Everything before that is shit.
@Powerlord oh well.
Of course, it's the character that isn't unlocked until you clear the game once.
It's okay, I'm not clearing the game twice anyway.
even if that means missing out on every single achievement in the game
> "Professor McGonagall the Headmaster set fire to a chicken!"
I really need to stop reading this, especially at work.
Q: Is it possible to destroy both nexus at the same time? And what should happen after that?

FabiánJust curious. Say both teams are playing 4v4 teamfight, while one of each is backdooring each nexus. What could happen if both at the same time do the "destroying blow" to the nexus?

Vote to close as it requires developer knowledge of the game
and me sitting next to a developer of the game isnt good enough for the people here
So yeah, Off topic.
@James It ain't, because that kinda explains the essence of the problem.
It requires knowledge outside of our expertise.
@Frank Yeah I am not discussing this with you since how our last conversation went :)
@James See chat starting from around here for some discusiionb about that specific question.
@James Alright. I haven't cast a vote one way or the other, but I can definitely see how it would require outside knowledge.
Also: not discussing with someone because how the last discussion went is a pretty bad reason.
2 hours ago, by Origami Robot
@Arperum Yeah yeah, I agree that I did not work on it, the guy I worked with did
Anyways, thought experiment questions are bad questions. This, this is a thought experiment.
Annnd I said that since that was not good enough, the question should be closed?? hehehe :D
Im not going to get the guy to sign up for an account just to say it from him
@James If it's Tryndamere, he already did.
@Frank Nah, I am pretty sure Tryndamere still works at RIOT :D
This is the guy who put in the wall jumping mechanic
... the dick
/me shakes his fist
@James Riot = LoL, no?
@Frank Riot is the name of the company that makes LoL
@Frank "still" is the operative word
7 mins ago, by James
and me sitting next to a developer of the game isnt good enough for the people here
That implies he still works for Riot.
Either way, it's hometime! Bye!
k, Former employee
Cya Frank, always a pleasure ;)
And wow you guys talked more about that post than the comments on the posts :D
Oh hey, it's going home time
Q: Playing an XBOX Game on PC

Thoth19Tldr; I want to play an original xbox game for which I have the disc. Long: I want to play Gladius, an original xbox game. This game is not playable on xbox 360 (which I do have). I know that the disc can be read by a PC, so as far as I can tell, I can tell, all I need is an emulator. Specifica...

I think that question had 8 answers at one point
@Brian All deleted by owner, except one offensive one which got burned.
Yep and now the top voted is by the president of riot!
mission accomplished
@Brian Or so he says, anyways.
It's not even a registered account. The chances of that actually being him is vanishingly small.
@Frank the likelyhood of that being him is better than the likelyhood of both nexuses being destroyed at the same time :)
@Brian Which is also vanishingly small.
So that doesn't really say much.
@Frank A lot of dev posts aren't from registered accounts.
@Frank It has a name now, so I guess he did register.
@Arperum Nope
@Frank Oh, did not notice that "unregistered"
TIL Frank is the king of Scotland
@Brian And now, I have a position of authority!
You are all peons!
Yes but I am emperor of the universe. So I win.
@Unionhawk You're still a peon!
@Frank Nope.
@Brian Haha, Ya do know you just said that the likeliness is better than Nothing right?
I am with the king of Scotland here, when it is a person claiming to be a dev of one of the worlds biggest games, some proof would be nice
@Blem I still say VTC the question. The rules say none of that sort of question not its ok if the dev shows up :D
Goddammit. Pixel keeps farting with the power of seven trolls out to murder you by stench.
I don't really think that's what that close vote is there for, personally. It's about developer intent, and why things work. This question is about how something works.
@Unionhawk Which can't actually be reasonably answered.
And all we're getting is speculation on how the game is coded.
@James I have it hard with that kind of questions, because I find the question fine, only problem is that the real answer can't be answered, if the answer was it would be a tie and a screenshot/video of it would you then VTC?
@Frank Okay, fine, but that's got nothing to do with developer intent. Just developer implementation.
@Blem I would VTC it until that video showed up :D
@Unionhawk And for the most part, I think there could be an objective answer buried in there somewhere. But at the heart, the question itself is a thought experiment.
@Frank The word Reasonable is too subjective there.
I personally found the answers reasonable.. especially considering how vitrol the LoL community is regardless of where they are :D
It's a what-if that has, in all the years of playing LoL, NEVER happened.
Most active question we have had on the site in a long long time :D
@James Not really.
Probably since that stupid Doge question >.>
@James As the person responsible for that one, I must ask that you call it the Utterly Stupid And Moronic Doge Question (tm).
When did that become a thing?
@RedRiderX huh
It seems to all be gaming-related films.
...Except for the one about bronies
And cosplay, although that's sort of related
And Cartoon College
Q: Reduced Mana reserved - how does it work?

RaikanHow much mana will "Reduced Mana reserved" reduce from Spells that reserve Mana? Here is what I mean: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Reduced_Mana_Reservation An Example is Sovereignty: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Sovereignty Putting points into it nets you 14% reduced mana reserved. Let'...

oh wow
@RedRiderX Just today or yesterday I think
- Updated pl_cactuscanyon
        - Stage 2
                - Removed from the sequence so stage 1 links to stage 3
        - Stage 3
                - <snip/>
Valve aren't fucking around with this map
Not sure why this wasn't uploaded on the official channel
Q: Can Torment-only legendaries drop in Greater Rifts?

pfayzeCan "Torment-only" legendaries drop in Greater Rifts? If so, is it restricted to Greater Rift level 8 (the equivalent of Torment 1) and up?

Q: Commands for mine craft

user86220I try all most every command so please help tell me very fast I can not do any thing because it says command not fond.

@JasonBerkan You sir are not @FEichinger :D
Q: Which doge represents what number?

FEichingerFrom the original 2048 it was rather easy to tell which numbers I'm combining - after all, it says so right on the tile. But now with doge2048 there is much doge. What doge is 16? What is 32? Is this doge secretly 2048 and the game actually keeps going beyond that? very confuse wow

Mar 17 at 17:45, by Jason Berkan
If we get a question for doge2048, I'm deleting my account.
Q: Azir Passive Attackspeed bonus maxed at 80%

Shelby115Is Azir's Attackspeed bonus from his passive maxed at 80%? He gains 2% Attackspeed for every 1% Cooldown reduction. That being said, can you get more than 80% Attackspeed by having more than 40% CDR (even though obviously it would still be capped at 40%)

@MBraedley omg that is awesome
@MBraedley I'd secretly love to be a cake decorator
btw how hard would it be to get 10 people to do science on this?
@FAE My understanding is it usually involves drowning perfectly good cakes in somewhat solid sugar. Ugh.
@badp Haha, yeah, fondant is very popular
@badp Not speaking as a LoL player (because I'm not), but as a programmer, it's effectively impossible for that to happen. One of the Nexus (Nuxeses? Nexi?) will be destroyed "first". It could only really happen if the server is game tick based (which it could very well be), but even trying to coordinate that would be near impossible.
@Unionhawk Ooooh... well how come @JasonBerkan hasnt deleted his account?
@James I can't believe how many upvotes that garnered.
Hrm... Cook... or pizza...
Oh, I forgot to mention this earlier. A couple old bombs were blown up by the navy a few kilometres from where I work earlier today. That's not a sentence you write every day.
@Unionhawk how about you cook pizza
@MBraedley I don't have the things
@Unionhawk Well then what good are you?
Q: Is there a way to see all the photos of a portal all together?

Enmos ProjeBrowsing through the photographs of a portal is somewhat cumbersome if the portal has many of them and you're looking for a specific one among them. Is there a way to see them en masse?

@FAE Never underestimate the <something not offensive> of people on the internet :)

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