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@fredley No, the firegihters were taking part in it and were then literally shocked. AS in by electricity.
Gotta watch out for them power lines.
jQuery is wonderful, but browser caching is going to be the death of me.
@JasonBerkan Just remember to do a hard refresh
@murgatroid99 That's the problem. I have clients making incorrect Ajax calls because they have to do a hard refresh to get the right client side code to match the server side code.
@JasonBerkan Why are you doing ajax calls to refresh the page, instead of just reloading the page?
@murgatroid99 I'm not. The browser is incorrectly using a cached version of the page, which includes an old Ajax call.
@JasonBerkan That's why I'm saying you should do a hard refresh (also known as a cache refresh). hit F12 and then right click the reload button
@JasonBerkan And what you probably should do is not make incompatible changes to your ajax interface
@GnomeSlice I should get SYABH sometime
@OrigamiRobot I've heard it's actually not very good. But I still kinda want it too.
50% off Infested Planet is pretty tempting.
I've spent enough money online recently though.
@GnomeSlice I've seen plenty of videos and they all seem good.
@JasonBerkan remember IE caches AJAX requests
@murgatroid99 That's not going to refresh the cache of random person #x on the Internet.
jQuery has a built in setting that works around it but it is off by default
Such head, very desk
@fredley Do tell, because I'd love to turn that on.
Q: How to prevent a jQuery Ajax request from caching in Internet Explorer?

SABUHow do I prevent a jQuery Ajax request from caching in Internet Explorer?

Don't you just set cache: false?
Oh. Yes. Yes you do.
It's a POST, though. I don't do any Ajax GETs.
@JasonBerkan I wouldn't put cacheing POST requests past IE
@JasonBerkan Wait, are you saying the results of the query are cached or the JavaScript code itself is cached?
Sometimes, when the testers are filing bug after bug against how our app works with IE, I like to just sit and imagine an IE-less world.
@murgatroid99 The calling code. Not the results.
@Sterno But maybe there would always be demand for a non-compliant, non-updating browser foisted on people who buy a particular operating system
@JasonBerkan That's why I'm saying, you shouldn't be modifying your server so that the previous AJAX code is invalid
@murgatroid99 Yeah. That's the conclusion that I usually arrive at. It's not so much IE's fault, it's just the default choice for companies that don't want to let their users update their browser
I'm sure ancient versions of Chrome suck, too
@murgatroid99 In a perfect world, sure. But this was a big enough change that all I could do if the old Ajax was passed in was issue an error. Which, oddly enough, is what is happening.
@JasonBerkan Why couldn't your server respond to both new and old requests, at least until people's caches ran out?
Probably because his kids didn't finish their supper.
@Sterno Maybe, but they auto-updated, so people didn't have to deal with it forever
@murgatroid99 The change ensures I have the information to calculate a value correctly. If the value is calculated incorrectly, legal documents with incorrect numbers could be issued. Thus, in the interest of safety, I would rather error out.
Though I guess it is just a display issue - the final edit actually occurs on the server.
@JasonBerkan In that case, it seems like your best bet is to have the error tell the user to empty their cache
Final Fantasy Explorers looks Monster Hunter-esque, but it doesn't look like it's going to put nearly as much emphasis on player skill.
Also, damage numbers. sigh One of the best parts of MH is the fact that you don't exactly know when something is going to die.
Hey, someone asked MaRo about the mana system (and later TCGs removing it)
> Every TCG designer I’ve ever talked to that removed randomness from their mana system has told me they were later sorry. That includes me as I was part of the Duelsmaster design team that took randomness out of the mana system.
cc @StrixVaria @Wipqozn
> Simplicity’s Strength

Increase the damage of primary skills by 25%.
Upgrade rank grants: +0.5% damage.

Rank 50 unlocks:
Primary skills heal you for 2% of maximum health on hit.
@KevinvanderVelden @Batophobia I've implemented mining in exploration
Very nice. I wonder what counts as a primary skill.
Chromebook users: shift + ctrl + alt + refresh
And it wasn't even a caching issue. (cc @murgatroid99). One server in my farm was not properly updated and was returning the wrong view. Thus, the wrong Ajax call.
argh checkpoints
@JasonBerkan Well that's good. Now the problem is something you can fix.
@Sterno Actually, I need to be able to read cursive (specifically: old Russian, Polish and German ones), simply to be able to research my family's genealogy.
> Convenient proxy factory bean superclass for proxy factory beans that create only singletons.
> AbstractSingletonProxyFactoryBean.setAdvisorAdapterRegistry
Very few of the documents are transcribed, and even so often not correctly or fully.
@badp This is funnier than it should be
Q: Is there any way to beat The Universe?

LanceFyre99I beat The Game, and I'm wondering if there's a way to beat the Death Duel opponent that comes after it: The Universe. It has infinite? Hp, and it never attacks. Is there some sort of secret trick so I can defeat it?

Q: silence a buffed and damaged minion will not affect the buff on its hp?

SSiliconFirst turn: My opponent played 8/8 mountain giant, I attacked him to 8/1. Second turn: My opponent played Shattered Sun Cleric which gave mountain giant +1/+1, now Mountain giant is 9/2. Then it's my turn, I played Ironbeak Owl on mountain giant, theoretically it should set back to 8/1 since I...

Q: Where are RCT2 save files stored?

DoomedOn Windows 8.1, RCT2 recognizes my save files, but when I look in the Program Files (x86) folder, they aren't there. Where are they?

Q: The automated Stack Exchange / Feeds user is now participating in chat

Kendall FreyWell, the robots are here. User -2 that goes by "Stack Exchange" or "Feeds" has been posting conversational chat messages. See recent Stack Overflow chat messages and recent Stack Exchange chat messages. Is this an easter egg, or has the bot truly become sentient?

translate: Bacon.
Now don't abuse the new feature, or it won't work anymore.
just don't tell the turtle
I wonder what would happen if we fed it usernames.
It'd be silly if it translated @Wipqozn as the worst.
Actually, if the delete thing works...
write in another language to see if it actually translates...?
Deleting the message deletes the associated feed.
It looks like the message is associated with the one it's translating, not the person it's pinging
I got called away from my desk like 2 seconds after I posted that.
translate: hola
That could be really useful
translate: 事である事
Thing thing
translate: Bruņurupucis ir sliktākais
The turtle is the worst
There we go.
I wonder if it just uses the google translate API
@murgatroid99 Probably.
That's where I got my last translate message from.
Speaking of turtles, where is @Comp-U-Comp?
er... I mean @Wipqozn
@Powerlord probably busy being the worst
I wonder if you can trigger the bot to trigger itself ...
translate: translate: übersetze
translate: translate
Nope. No recursion.
Seems you can't. Disappointing.
Which is probably a good thing.
One day, I should go geocaching when there's no chance of rain.
@FAE Or just bring an umbrella along.
@MartinSojka That seems like a corner case that does not justify spending resources on in public school.
Because murphy's law says it won't rain if you do.
@Frank We did, and jackets, but it still poured.
@FAE Oh. Okay, so murphy can't be manipulated all the time.
Also SE can translate?
@Sterno I'm not in favour of learning cursive as a basic skill in school; just offering the possibility to those who are interested or would have a need for it. As an example: Anyone interested in history needs to be able to read cursive eventually.
@FAE New feature.
That the asker of the M.SE question promptly abused.
@JoshPetrie My mom writes all in cursive too but she has fantastic handwriting.
Like, when I was little, I couldn't believe how nice it looked.
I'm very happy I learned cursive at school even though I hate it. I hate it to a point that I have huge problems learning scripts which are only cursive, like Arabic.
Hm, I want to try to translate something from Dutch and everything I can think of right now is not... proper.
@FAE I just translated something from english into a language I didn't know, and then asked the bot to translate it back.
@FAE As long as it's not one of Twilight Sparkle's ships, what's wrong with it?
translate: Er was te veel regen vandaag.
There was too much rain today.
@Powerlord Dutch uses inappropriate body parts for lots of emphasis on negativity.
Okay, dinnertime.
Here are screenshots of the single-player campaign I'm particularly interested in: prntscr.com/4f8lgi prntscr.com/4f8ljh prntscr.com/4f8lln prntscr.com/4f8lt2 They show non-standard robin round system that is used. — user2286759 13 hours ago
I'm not all that up on my UT2003.
Are those screenshots at all mod related?
Can we get the stack exchange bot to translate minecraft server chat for when @KevinvanderVelden forgets I'm in the server? :P
Or, perhaps, is there anything in them that looks different than straight UT2003?
@Frank i didn't play UT2k3 extensively, but that looks vanilla...
Wow, still speed warp questions
@Unionhawk Google reveals a 1.5.1 chat translator, I have not idea what minecraft if up to now though.
translate: Zadky
The not-so-recent practice of places sending me ads in SUPER OFFICIAL LOOKING envelopes is really getting out of hand.
Mail protip: the more official it looks, the less important it is
The envelope says "Please Verify Contents: Registered Documents Enclosed"
What does that even mean?
What is a registered document?
I should call them and make sure I got everything they intended to send me.
@OrigamiRobot If it's an ad, do they mean CYMK images that have been layer aligned (i.e. registered)?
We will pay up to 11,950* or more for your Mazda MX-5 Miata!
AKA "any amount"
@OrigamiRobot If it says anything on the envelope about being urgent, it's not important.
@OrigamiRobot What's the asterisk if it's already that vague?
* monopoly money?
@murgatroid99 Estimated Black Book Value is based off clean vehicle yadayada
@Unionhawk "Postmaster - Time Sensitive! In-Home Date: 8/22/2014"
Note: the quotes are on the envelope
In other news:
Die in a fire MIA
So, $5 for a month or $5 for half an hour. Something seems a little off
@Unionhawk They can't, they're MIA.
Welcome to the Mobile Game Industry.
@murgatroid99 The $5 a month is a half off price, it's normally $10 per month. Still seems off, but meh
(The 'real' game is the top row, center.)
translate: ಠ_ಠ
@fredley Good job breaking it, hero.
@Powerlord brb, posting bug report
@LessPop_MoreFizz Clones, clones, and more clones.
@Unionhawk I'm just glad that the airport here doesn't charge for the WiFi
translate: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
@Powerlord Damn you!
translate: Qapla'
@StackExchange You don't know Klingon? Fail
We just got a new UPS tower for our server room.
It is shiny and new.
@MBraedley CLT said they had free wifi, but then they still redirected me to airportwifi.com, which didn't load
@Unionhawk It's just a captive portal. What are you running off?
@Unionhawk Charlotte?
@LessPop_MoreFizz I really want to play "Save the Crazy Witch" though.
Are you coming to visit?
Party at @OrigamiRobot's
I got nominated for the ice bucket challenge
does that mean I have to do it
You're an adult, you don't have to do anything you don't want to.
Until I get a girlfriend, you mean
@GnomeSlice ...
it was a joke
I'm gonna feel bad if I don't do this dumb ice thing
I guess I better read up on ALS
@GnomeSlice Doing the ice thing is for if you don't want to donate.
@StrixVaria what even
@StrixVaria hahahahahahaha
@StrixVaria It knows @Wipqozn's pain
I know right
I don't even go out. Also I noticed the other day that I'm really pale.
I need more sun I guess.
shit, I hope this doesn't backfire and you don't do the challenge and nominate me
@GnomeSlice Why?
@OrigamiRobot Because I'm really pale
And it's all about the ladies, obviously
I don't know.
Pale is weird
I need to go out more.
@GnomeSlice not all ladies like brown/orange caucasian dudes
I shouldn't just sit at home playing video games in all my spare time
it's your spare time for a reason
do what you want
@GnomeSlice Remember to take your Vitamin D
@OrigamiRobot Yes.
The healthiest color for your skin is its natural color.
24 mins ago, by Origami Robot
Are you coming to visit?
@OrigamiRobot As someone who works with Skin Cancer, this.
@OrigamiRobot Sadly, no. I had like, 30 minutes in CLT before heading home
> Crafted 5.7 Stone Pickaxes
@Unionhawk That's enough time!
Well I could have come there.
@fredley Speaking of that, I'm probably not going to have time to do that video for you any more, but I'm guessing that's moved on anyway since it's been like a year.
@GnomeSlice Yes, it has
Thought so.
Did you get somebody else to do it, or just decide not to do it at all?
@GnomeSlice Not doing, certainly not externally
May do something shoddy in-house
@fredley gross
@GnomeSlice IKR
@GnomeSlice Yeah I know
@fredley Do it well or don't do it
In my professional (lol) opinion.
@GnomeSlice Whatever we do will be good, it just might be a walkthrough rather than animated
> Crafter -419 Stone axes
Oh, okay.
God dammit
Q: Are follower items worth keeping if I never play solo?

kaufmanMy girlfriend and I bought Diablo3 specifically so that we could play couch co-op mode on Xbox360. We have not interest in playing online or either of us playing solo. Since we're always in co-op mode, we can't do anything with the followers. For awhile we've just been stashing all of the followe...

Woooooot home again :D
@AshleyNunn Happy birthday!
Aww thank you :)
[gets out his picket sign] More Pinned Posts! More Pinned Posts! More Pinned Posts! More Pinned Posts!
user image
Man, go away for a week, 150 emails, and not all of them are shit.
@AshleyNunn ... Sounds like an odd request to be given... but Fine.. Ill give it a try!
@James laughs I am just trying to get caught up after a week of camping :P
@AshleyNunn :)
Had a good time?
@Powerlord Well done. I'm now an hour and change into reading all the examples.
Yep. And only minimal bruises! (I fell off my bike once)
@AshleyNunn Welcome back and happy birthday! :D
Aww, thanks, lovely :)
er, sorry. got a little...caught up in the atmosphere.
@AshleyNunn Nice :)
Imma just leave this here: insidetv.ew.com/2014/08/22/…
@GnomeSlice aw man not this video dude
didn't you get suspended for it before?
@Mana So far it is pretty rocking.
I think you need to suspend Gnomes to take that rocking meter over the top.
I am actually just about to leave to go play board games and eat food and snuggle a very cute baby.
or strangle
@Mana No...
@AshleyNunn We went geocaching last Sunday and it was awesome! And did some more today too! I will tell you more about my adventures when you have more time! :D
@Mana only you can save the Bridge! Put your mouse cursor on the YouTube thumbnail then click the flag button, then put on your wizard hat and robe and run! it's the only way!
I'm pretty sure I've posted it several times too.
@badp Wow, this would be a great tutorial video.
@FAE ooooh! I am so excited to hear all about it :)
"STOP! Do you see someone posting inappropriate content on the Bridge? Then you might be a bystander!"
You know what would be awesome
if stackexchange hired me to make an instructional video about flagging offensive content
wouldn't that just be the best
@GnomeSlice oh, that would be the most delicious thing ever
you know what would be awesome
if someone hired you
@GnomeSlice What would it be? If you see me post something FLAG it immediately! Then see if it was offensive or not.
@James I could try that!
@James hahahaha
@Mana I have two jobs currently.
@GnomeSlice it was yolk
I start my training for my second one on Monday
@Mana ?
but pronounced yolk
I see.
okay gotta go byeeeeeeeeee
@Mana I'm sorry I don't speak canada
@badp It's spelled Kannada
I just said I don't speak it, so can it!
@fredley cehnehdeh
Kannada /ˈkɑːnədə/ or /ˈkænədə/, (ಕನ್ನಡ kannaḍa, IPA: [ˈkʌnːəɖɑː]) or Kanarese /kænəˈriːz/, is a language spoken in India predominantly in the state of Karnataka. Kannada, whose native speakers are called Kannadigas (Kannaḍigaru) (Kannadiga-male) ಕನ್ನಡತಿ (Kannadati-female) and number roughly 40 million, is one of the 40 most spoken languages in the world. It is one of the scheduled languages of India and the official and administrative language of the state of Karnataka. The Kannada language is written using the Kannada script, which evolved from the 5th-century Kadamba script. Kannada is attested...
@fredley Is it based on eyes of disapproval?
@badp And butts, yes
Eyed butts, disapproving.
@FEi cryptonite.
so the look of disapproval chrome extension I use is no longer available
means I can't put it on new PCs
Pretty good
$60 steam credit for the top three buyers...
Wonder if it will be less than $60 for the top contrib
So Patch 2.1 is supposed to hit before the end of the month, people think.
At which point, my second monk gets totally nerfed.
Q: What determines whether or not there's overtime?

alexqwxIn TF2, in the Domination Control Point mode, there's sometimes overtime, which (to my frustration) can last from a couple of seconds to a good few minutes. My question is What determines whether there is overtime (or is it random?) and what determines how long it lasts?

Q: What does POI stand for in the context of 7 Days to Die?

François WahlSo, Alpha 9.1 for 7 Days to Die just hit STEAM. I'm going through the release notes within the changes and fixes they mention POI, such as: Lightly increased chance to find Wilderness POIs in random gen Fixed random gen wilderness POI placement Fixed random gen wilderness POI terrain ...

I worked so hard this afternoon I didn't even realize that it's the weekend
quick, rum or beer?
@MBraedley Wine
@Frank I don't have any wine. Beer, rum, or the intentionally left out vodka. And I have a whiskey liqueur, but I'm not drinking that either.
@MBraedley You should rectify that situation.
@Frank I'll have plenty of time to drink wine at my friend's wedding tomorrow
Q: Is it more efficient to pound the ground or ride the beast?

NiteCyperI'm playing in the Joker's Carnival combat challenge stage, which has a time limit. Once the top level has been reached, a Titan will spawn out of the gate. I've been wondering whether I'll waste less time if I simply ride out the duration of a Titan ride compared to pounding the ground (performi...

Argh, traffic. It's going to take me a while to get home
Q: Do Endermen teleport along valid paths?

Anton StrogonoffWhen an Enderman teleports, either by accident or after being angered, does it follow a continuous path to the destination? If so, what are the requirements for such a path? Minecraft wiki made me think that they teleport similar to spawning, only with limited range. Like they pick a spot within...

Preview for tomorrow! cc @Michel

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