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@murgatroid99 iirc it was a chicken possessed by one of the chimes, it also enjoyed picking the eyes out of people killed by one of the other chimes
@FAE The whole series.
Even bought the latest book, because I like Richard and Kahlan.
@Frank I kind of want to, but my main memory of the series is that it devolved into long Libertarian tracts about halfway through
@Frank I don't really recommend it to people anymore because of the Objectivist stuff.
basically, Ayn Rand, but with fantasy
@murgatroid99 Yeeeeeeah...
@Frank I only made it to the fourth book. :(
@spugsley You're good, stop there.
Meanwhile, I'm kind of surprised no one posted this
@FAE That series was basically the primary reason I was a High School Libertarian
If you haven't seen any cyriak, well, that's basically every cyriak video ever.
@FAE I barely made it through 4
@FAE It goes kind of descend a ton into the ills of communism vs. democracy.
But I'm alright with that.
@RonanForman Looks basically right to me
@murgatroid99 I knew a few other people like that too. In my 11th grade English class we had to do a term paper on a particular author and I wasn't sure who to choose so my hardcore Catholic English teacher recommended Ayn Rand to me. I read the Fountainhead and attempted to read Atlas Shrugged, but that's one of the few books I ever used Cliff's Notes for in my life. I just couldn't get through it.
@murgatroid99 Except that I overwrote the built in input function, so oops.
you didn't need it anyway.
Oh wait, I only overwrote it inside that function, so meh.
I'm also sad to say I'm about 50 pages away from the end of Anasi's Boys and I just don't think I can
it's the stupidest book I've ever read
"zero" gives a good output.
@spugsley Aw, really?
I don't understand how it's in the same universe as American Gods
like...that one was so good
this one is horrible
it doesn't even sound like the same author
one zero
one one one zero
three one one zero
one three two one one zero
one one one three one two two one one zero
three one one three one one two two two one one zero
one three two one one three two one three two two one one zero
one one one three one two two one one three one two one one one three two two two one one zero
three one one three one one two two two one one three one one one two three one one three three two two one one zero
one three two one one three two one three two two one one three three one one two one three two one two three two two two one one zero
@FAE I've read the Fountainhead, but never Atlas Shrugged.
I read Stardust, and I was so disappointed it was different than the movie. Just finished Neverwhere, and that's the only Gaiman book I've made it through.
@murgatroid99 There's a 60 page long speech.
@spugsley - Worlds collided last night when my wife brought up your article. It appeared in her Facebook feed.
Actually, that's the same as the "seven" one we did, because up to that point seven was just acting as a keywords rather than an actual number.
@JasonBerkan yeah it's making the internet rounds
@Frank I'm going to try Neverwhere next
@spugsley It's a bit of a lighter read.
But there's not a whole lot that really makes sense.
When compared against Sanderson, it's not even close.
@JasonBerkan hope you had a good discussion as opposed to "this girl looks like a fat lesbian whale" which is what I've been getting lately instead of actual conversation hahaha
@Frank They're not really the same kind of writers either
@FAE They're not, at all.
But I do expect the world to at least sorta hang together.
@spugsley a) That's horrible. b) Yes, we had a good conversation about it.
Neverwhere doesn't. In fact, it explicitly ensures it doesn't.
Stardust I really enjoyed, but I also read the book before I saw the movie.
@JasonBerkan good :) that makes me so happy. That was the whole point in sharing.
@FAE I have that one to read too. Also haven't seen the movie so we'll see
@spugsley Nevermind @OrigamiRobot telling everyone he's friends with a celebrity, I'm going to start doing it.
@spugsley I liked the movie much more than the book.
@spugsley These people are horrible. Please don't listen to them. You are a wonderfull person.
@spugsley The book's deliberately written in a kind of old style English fantasy prose, so you know. Some people find it difficult to get into but I really liked it.
@Arperum thank you :3 It was hard at first but the more the article gets passed around, the more ridiculous the insults get. It makes it easier to deal. Now I just kind of laugh
new melodysheep tribute to Robin Williams.
@RonanForman I've bee bragging to all my friends that I know @spugsley.
@Rapitor That reminds me, I've been meaning to watch that movie.
Dead poets society.
I watched it back in high school, but want to see it again
perhaps read the book.
time to grocery shop. Be good childrens
@Wipqozn You really should.
@spugsley No. I refuse.
@Wipqozn I've never seen this
that is all
@FAE Change that.
now I'm leaving
@FAE It's good, from what I remember. I suspect I'll enjoy it more now than I did in high school.
@FEichinger There's lots of stuff I have not seen.
@FAE Doesn't matter. You should definitely watch Dead Poets Society.
@Wipqozn I still need to see Dead Poets Society and Good Will Hunting.
@Fluttershy <insert shocked face>
@Fluttershy I have no idea what Good Will Hunting is, but I know it's supposed to eb good.
Shame on you all!
@FEichinger I know. It's surprising, considering my love for movies.
SHAME ON YOU! How dare you!
@Fluttershy I've never seen Good Will Hunting either and I'm surprised you haven't
You can ask @FAE just how strong my love for movies is. :P
@Fluttershy Have you seen The Godfather?
@Wipqozn Yes.
@Fluttershy good.
The Godfather is a masterpiece.
A good movie, but in terms of mafia movies, Goodfellas is superior.
Seriously, all of you, go watch Good Will Hunting and Dead Poets Society. You just have to.
I've seen neither the Godfather nor Goodfellas.
@FAE Watch The Godfather 1+2. 3 is good as well, but it's not even in the same league as the first two.
2 days ago, by Origami Robot
17 mins ago, by Origami Robot
@OrigamiRobot i wonder how big you can get that chain.
My refusal is infinite.
What are we refusing?
The refusal
@Fluttershy Everything. It's infinite, didn't you hear?
@Wipqozn I blame myself for this.
@RonanForman Never fault yourself for making me listen to good music.
Q: Fixing steam installs

user85756I have this problem with a lot of games on Steam and was wondering if there is a general fix. What happens is I go to install a game, it asks for admin permission, does it's thing, installs and runs fine. Then next time I try to run, it pops up with an admin permission box and asks for permission...

oh.. oh.. solar PLANT.. as in man-made... i was thinking some sort of plantlife..
i am the dumb
posted on August 20, 2014 by Dingus

I asked this question on Stack Exchange's RPG site, and was advised to ask it on here instead. I am new to role playing games, but I am really interested in them now. I'm wondering what the first game I should play is. I would strongly prefer if it is free, and must be for the PC. I think something that isn't too complicated would be best for me first. Thanks!

Q: Why can't my minecraft (1.7.10) generate any world?

André AleixoI'm going to play minecraft with some forge mods, and it just didn't generate the world. I thought that it was a problem with the mods, so I uninstalled them all and started playing normal minecraft. The problem is that it still doesn't generate the world. When i create a new world or play in an ...

Q: How to swap items quickly with stash (6-slotted Tinker)?

HeisenbergLate game Tinker has more than 6 items but still needs to keep bottle and soul ring in Stash in order to heal quicker in Fountain. However, to do this I need to swap out my current items with the stashed items quickly. What's the best way to do this? In this Dendi's Tinker, he seems able to do i...

@FEichinger You make a good lesspop
Also, glad I checked in on this computer because I was still logged in
@Lazers What happened here?
@Frank Stuff
@Unionhawk Why, that's SO helpful! I never would've figured that out on my own!
@Unionhawk Blame your face!
well then
That's not even a real site!
You got me
It actually is, you just can't see it because caching.
@Unionhawk That's not how it works.
Meltdown is a ton of fun
Also, wtf Humble? Another new bundle type?
6 mins ago, by Unionhawk
Now what?
That is not how you weekend...
It's the goddamn middle of the week. weekend doesn't start for half a week.
@murgatroid99 aah recursive autonomas :)
Ow. I just tracked down an issue regarding data flow.
This is still a cool set of alternative rules to Game of Life:
@Arperum To be fair, it ends on Sunday.
@spugsley Yo
Gah, is it really only Wednesday?
Q: How can I beat Rainbow Summit?

tombull89So I've recently had some time off work and I've been playing my way through all the scenarios that I have never completed before. I have two left - Extreme Heights - which, as it has unlimited money, should be fine, given the time, and Rainbow Summit. The goal is 2,500 guests in attendance by t...

Feels like Thursday.
@GnomeSlice Looks neat. Wary of early access though.
Hrm. I wonder is Sacred 3 is any good
@Sterno me too ;.;
59 metacritic is not promising
@Sterno nope :(
Guys, guys! Famous artist @spugsley just talked to me!
@Sterno omg
@Sterno She's also a famous Internet blogger! She's awesome.
I've heard vicious rumors that she punches babies, though.
@Sterno Not a rumor. I punch the shit out of babies.
@spugsley sounds messy.
Well, Rock Paper Shotgun says:
> Sacred has always been Diablo’s cheeky little cousin. Made with none of the precision or flair of Blizzard’s series, they’ve been bumbling action-RPGs that have attempted humour, mostly missed, and been generic but inoffensive click-a-thons. Hey folks, that’s all about to change with Sacred 3! This game is properly, unambiguously rubbish.
@Sterno blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
@Sterno Tried it a bit. I was not impressed.
And one of the devs actually apologized for it.
> Extraordinarily, in a move that strikes me as about the most foolish choice imaginable, this latest entry to the series has ditched any sense of gathering loot, and even the inventory. Instead, downed enemies will now only reward you with showers of health or energy orbs, and tiny scraps of gold (used to unlock skills).
@Powerlord I was also surprised to find that it was not yet Thursday.
That's a pass right there.
@FEichinger s'okay, give it a few hours
whoops this isn't Google.
@Sterno Who thought that to be a good idea?
> The cherry on top of this plop is that when your own character speaks, his or her words appear in a vast, black speech bubble above their head, entirely obscuring the fighting! Because someone somewhere decided that was fine. Perhaps another gull. Teams of people making a game said, “Yup, let’s have a huge black speech bubble that is guaranteed to obscure whatever the player is currently fighting.” No one objected. It was part of the finished game.
@Ullallulloo Bob.
RPS also has a "Let's Not Play" video for it
Total biscuit was not amused about it either
Could be worse. Could be RCT4.
did I mention scanners are the worst
No, not the worst, not as long as there are printers
you might say, "no, badp: printers are the worst", but printers are now scanners, and scanners printers
close though
They are one and the same, a single unholy mess of subtle critical failure
I like scanners more because at work my scanner is small enough I forget it exists
my own blend of disaster in particular has a display
if you try and scan something that's a little bit larger than A4, that thing gets in the way and attempts to murder what you're scanning
the alternative is not closing the lid, and then you are scanning jack shit.
@ron exactly how I did it
Any device that interfaces the real and digital worlds is the worst
@fredley Cameras? Keyboards? Mice? Joysticks? Kittens?
monitors are p cool
Hell, at work our copy machine is also a scanner and printer.
and I never remember which share it saves scanned images to
all of our printers are gross and have regular problems
The shredder on the other hand, that's my main man
all our printers are fine, there's just tons of them.
You can put floppy disks in it
Argh, why do I have the music from Shadowgate's Lake room stuck in my head
@Wipqozn Blake Robinson rocks
@GnomeSlice Your mom rocks.
Oh buuuurrrnnnnn
What was that for?
@GnomeSlice Sometimes I feel like you don't understand me at all.
@Wipqozn being canadian is hard. It's hard, and no one understands.
@badp It really is.
You need to be nice to people all the time!
It's terrible.
L 08/19/2014 - 19:27:52: [nativevotes.smx] User is attempting to call Kick
L 08/19/2014 - 19:27:52: [nativevotes.smx] We don't have a handler for Kick, passing back to server
Well, at least my logging is showing up
Now to figure out why it was being weird the other day
@GnomeSlice Old news. Although perhaps not posted here yet.
@GnomeSlice people will still get confused.
@Rapitor "What does satire mean?"
@MBraedley "must be important read... it's in []"
@Rapitor No, Ubi is blaming the Wii U for not caring about the Wii U from the start.
Pretty much all big publishers refused to put any effort into supporting the Wii U, and subsequently blamed "low sales" when they pulled out completely.
Or didn't even bother to try.
it's a catch 22.. and thats what screwed up the Vita too
best ice bucket challenge
Second coming of Madeon?
@Wipqozn With you posting videos from Blake Robinson and my RL friends quoting gravity falls at me, I'm starting to think I have mind control powers.
@RonanForman Sounds about right.
I might try with terrible things to see if people start watching them as well.
Well, you know what I think?
Christina Aguilera was the right answer.
@Rapitor The Vita isn't screwed up. It just doesn't get very much median coverage. Or mentions at conferences. The games are there though!
@Rapitor And I'm just sitting here mining coal.
Gah, 10PM and I can start making food...
@Rapitor Am I missing something here or is this just less efficient than using latches?
I remember way back someone made a simple APU as well... Monitors are already common.
so in the future.. there will be full computers in minecraft
Wait, you'd need a latch to keep the piston extended.
This is just adding needless complication.
@OrigamiRobot a latch? I haven't played minecraft since like 1.6
is that like the trapdoor?
No, a digital logic latch
also don't even know what was vanilla then since I only played FTB...
Ah, ok, he is actually inserting solid/clear blocks into a "platter"
@OrigamiRobot (D-)Latches are only really good for RAM
@MBraedley Redstone isn't volatile, TMK.
@OrigamiRobot Does it survive a chunk unload / reload?
In the state it was in? Actually I think it does.
@OrigamiRobot Yes and no. D-Latches are easily cleared, for instance if there's a problem in the circuit that powers it.
@MBraedley The way I thought it worked when I mentioned latches, it's the same thing.
At first I thought he was just using banks of these.
Replacing the clock with a latch.
Aww, I missed the mod abuse in here!
Q: How/where to buy Prey (2006) digitally?

HubroI can't find anywhere to buy Prey (other than a physical copy for Windows/Mac/X360 from Amazon) which is weird because it's a relatively new game. It appears to have been on Steam recently and removed, because I can find the Prey page on Steampowered via Google, but it redirects me to the front p...

It was a real party in here
@Rapitor There's a design fault, since byte is arrange diagonally across the ribbon, instead of as a straight horizontal line. Probably a limitation of the way he writes to the ribbon, although I would have just used command blocks.
@Rapitor What I still haven't figured out (from the pictures alone) is how that thing writes.
Anyways, it's home going time.
@FEichinger It's in the 6th image (as far as I can tell), right next to (above) the read head.
@Wipqozn Not bad, though I honestly cannot recall at what point that song was played.
I am so hungry. But my cat overlord has decided that now is a good time to take nap on my lap...
@MBraedley That just looks like a piston row to move the ribbon.
@JasonBerkan I can't either. The original version has lyrics too:
I really need to watch the new anime.
WEll..newer, it's not really new anymore.
@Wipqozn Very much so.
@FEichinger He would need a constant source of ice
@OrigamiRobot That, too. I have no idea how that thing would be able to infinitely clear and write the fields without the use of command blocks.
@Wipqozn *is
@Wipqozn Brotherhood is amaaaaaaaaaazing
@FAE Yeah, I know they followed the manga a lot more faithfully this time.
I'm really happy they actually decided to do two animes, instead of just ruining the first anime by just making a bunch of filler.
(And if you're using command blocks, why did you build that massive thing in the first place?)
Q: Is there an original source for this quote from MGS2?

ZibbobzOtacon is very bad at interpreting words of wisdom. One that he gets particularly wrong is the following quote: "Even a bird on high dies a glutton's death, as do the fish of the deeps" - Otakon? Bizzare...and yet most of his 'quotes' are words of real wisdom from real sources, even if he'...

@MBraedley Oh, also, that is a read problem, not a write problem. It would be impossible to read a full row in one go without at least one vertical step difference between two lines.
@Wipqozn not just more faithfully. The manga wasn't even finished when the first series ended. :P They made stuff up to fill in the blanks.
@Fluttershy I know, which is why I made my second sentence.
Animes normally will just make endless filler until the manga gets ahead (see: every shonen jump anme ever).
I'm just really happy they instead decided to just tell a different story, instead of just ruining the story with a bunch of poorly written filler which stretched the series out for several years.
@FEichinger I'm pretty sure you could read a full row of the tape by making the vertical difference on the reading mechanism.
So my father has forgot his iPad 1 code. He tried enough times that the device now reads "Connect with iTunes." iTunes says "no can do, put in the code first." Apparently the only way out is to boot in recovery mode and flash the device clean, which means losing permanently access to all apps ever, backwards and forwards in time.
Although the manga was, in my correct and modest opinion, better than the first anime, the first anime was still good, because of taking the chance to tell a different story.
Maybe if I jailbroke the device there could be another way out?
@OrigamiRobot You'd need to separate the bits on the way to the reading head.
@FEichinger Right.
Although, in defense of Shonen Jump animes, most of those mangas are terrible anyways, and eventually just degrade to "Filler" level anyways. For example: All of Bleach after the defeat of Aizen.
Which means either you store some of the bits while you're reading the rest, or you make a mess of the ribbon there.
I can't wait for bleach and naruto to be over, so I can stop reading them. Although reading them just reminds me how damn good FMA was.
So much better and more concise than your average shonen jump anime.
Also, on a side note: Fuck Michael Bay.
@FEichinger No, I have an idea
He's in no way involved, but I can't rant about quality in "literature" without saying I hate that man.
Also " " since Micahel bay can't be claimed to write literature.
Also I'm going to go make food instead of ranting in the bridge about things I hate.
Although I do really enjoying ranting about things I hate!
Hating things is awesome.
@Wipqozn Didn't even see your second sentence! Sorry.
@Fluttershy Apology not accepted, because it isn't even required.
I'm just happy someone replied to me so I could rant some more.
Maybe I'll watch the anime while I eat, and then during lunches at work.
IS the dub of brotherhood as good as the original? I hope so.
@Wipqozn Most of the same voices, so it's an easy transition.
I wonder if anyone is going to notice my HTML comments
@badp I thought iTunes had a separate account password.
Since apps are associated with the appstore/iTunes account, you should be able to redownload them.

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