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@BenBrocka Do they ship to Canada?
@FEichinger Looks like a repaint issue
@GnomeSlice You live in Canada?
Ships to US only. =[
@Fluttershy Yep.
Bagged milk and all that.
Huh... I thought you lived in England.
Not sure if serious
I'm joking. :P
@Fluttershy close enough
@GnomeSlice they'll probably be dirt cheap on ebay and such soon I guess. Depends on how much stock Gamestop has to burn I guess
...I didn't realize Gamestop stocked android stuff, they certainly wouldn't in-store
@TimStone I know, I wonder what causes it, though.
I saw someone buy an Ouya at my local Gamestop. I felt bad for them.
@FEichinger Which OS?
Then again, I was the guy who, in a line of dozens of people wanting PS4s and Xbones, asked for a Wii U. So that was awkward.
@Fluttershy they have ouyas?!
I thought only like best buy had them or something
Figured retail wouldn't care because there's no games to sell
@TimStone Win8, running Chrome 38 dev.
♪ I-I-I-I-I/ Hooked on a feeling/ I'm high on believing/ That you're in love with me~ ♫
Yes, I watched Guardians of the Galaxy last night.
Love the music.
@Yuuki Who was best?
@FEichinger Hmm, there is some funkiness going on with the various compositing options, you could try forcing them to be enabled in chrome://flags to see if it helps any. I can't repro your issue on Chrome dev/Win 7, but obviously I already messed around with them for other reasons.
If you don't answer "Rocket", you are dead to me
@OrigamiRobot They were all pretty funny. Except for maybe Gamora.
Gamora was the worst and that is sad
She didn't really have anything funny going for her. I guess she was the straightman?
She was there to provide plot info and fall in love :/
@FEichinger I'm reproducing this now that I've updated btw
@OrigamiRobot I dunno. I liked that they hinted at it but didn't actually go very far with the Peter Quill/Gamora thing.
@Unionhawk Okay, so it is a rendering bug with the new build then.
@Yuuki It was still her only character development.
@BenBrocka They had Ouyas. They stopped carrying them months ago.
poor ouya
@LessPop_MoreFizz Sparks Nevada is excellent.
I am so glad I never backed the Ouya. I considered it.
@Fluttershy Yes. Yes it is
Surely Drax was the straight man.
@RonanForman The hilarious straight man.
@AshleyNunn I considered backing a bunch of things. For the most part, I haven't been burned yet... But there's always that chance. Bleh...
@Fluttershy He's... from Earth.
@OrigamiRobot Still counts!
@OrigamiRobot He's from what they designated Earth.
@BenBrocka If you do decide to grab a GameStick, I'd love to hear your sincere opinion of it.
@Fluttershy Yeah, I really just don't trust the system not to let me down anymore
@Fluttershy I backed Moon Rift and it looks like it's been abandoned.
Part of the risk I guess.
I was expecting something... a bit different
@MBraedley ...Banana?
@MBraedley Hahaha
InFlux <3
Also Rocketbirds, LogiGun, Gateways.
"The sun will burn out before you see all of No Man's Sky." So says the developer.
Apparently, he's not talking about the sun in the game. He's saying that it would take roughly 5bn years to see all of the planets in the game's world if you spent one second on each planet with no bathroom breaks. O_o
@Fluttershy Well, randomly generated content and all.
That means the planets are probably mostly going to be the same.
I was hoping for more of an Outer Wilds deal
@GnomeSlice Also a peril of randomly generated content. "Look, this is the green and orange planet with dinosaurs, blue grass, and yellow flowers!" "Look, that's the green and orange planet with dinosaurs, blue grass, and pink flowers!"
@FAE I know. It just seems so... unnecessary. :/
@BenBrocka They sell Ouyas in stores over here too.
Really surprised me.
@Fluttershy Why would you need 5 billion years worth of "content" if pretty much no one is going to play your game for 5 billion years?
@Fluttershy Beyond Belief is better.
@LessPop_MoreFizz See, i didn't enjoy the first Beyond Belief as much as I enjoyed the first Sparks Nevada.
Also, I can't wait until you people get up to more recent stuff and I can talk about Philip Fathom and the Barkeep and [Redacted] and [Redacted Redacted] and Croaches [redacted]
Having only heard two episodes of each, I like Sparks Nevada better.
Also Captain Laserbeam owns.
Like... I thought the technical flubs were funnier than any of the actual dialogue in the first Beyond Belief.
@Fluttershy Same.
Q: I cannot get my minecraft password

joshuaI made my minecraft account about a year ago and I used my dads e-mail.He changed his e-mail and I cant remember my minecraft password what do I do

@GnomeSlice So, after front-view minecraft, we now get top-down minecraft?
Pretty much, yeah.
Isometric Minecraft ^
The irony of the graphics craze vs the graphics downgrade in minecraft clones is amusing.
I quite like the graphics for Forsaken Island, actually.
Lantern Forge is kinda ugly though.
And it needs a lot of work before the gameplay is something you can actually have fun with.
KeeperRL ^
ascii version is totally free
DF + Dungeon Keeper
I thought magic was not aloud in muggle sports
user image
Q: Can you add the Collection Helper to your inventory using cheats?

Thomas JacobsI am looking to add the Collection Helper from the Lifetime Reward to my inventory, but I'm not sure where to find it when you use things like buydebug or testingCheatsEnabled. Is it even possible in the first place to get this item this way?

@Blem It's not magic. Just a little bit of quantum teleportation.
Drinking a beer and BBQing supper. Now that's how you start a weekend
On the Water

Proposed Q&A site for information exchange by recreational boaters. Whether powered by sail, inboard, outboard or muscle. On lakes, rivers, canals or coastal. Learn and teach how to build, maintain, improve and use all kinds of pleasure craft.

Currently in definition.

TIL an apple is a potato
@MBraedley :( I'm still at work.
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Interesting.
@GnomeSlice I would guess that it's related to the French translation
@MBraedley I have alcohol and 15 min left in my shift!
Yeah, probably. Canadian after all.
In french, "apple" is "pomme" and "potato" is "pomme de terre"
@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment I thought there was a similar proposal (although leaning more to the water sports) that got merged with physical activity and recreation.
@GnomeSlice Oh, right
@murgatroid99 Earth apple?
@Frank French is weird. For some stupid reason they also refused to use the word "computer", like nearly all other langagues do.
It has to be "ordinateur"
@Arperum I'm making an educated guess as to the extension of that phrase. I know zero French.
@Frank Apple of the Earth! Maybe. I speak precisely zero French.
Pomme de Terre
@Arperum Ah yes. Je suis un programmeur d'ordinateur. And pomme de terre, literally translated would be "apple of the earth".
@Frank It is literally translated, correct yes.
@Arperum The French are very protective of their language.
@JasonBerkan Man I'm good. \o/
Also what is 'potato' referring to in regards to a shitty computer?
@RonanForman That's the least you could say.
I never noticed my e3 post on imgur got a bunch of funny comments imgur.com/a/X9Dsm
lots of potato references, I don't get it
@RonanForman I suspect this rubs off on their cousins in Quebec.
Quebec fined an Italian restaurant for having Italian dish names.
@JasonBerkan That's just stupid.
@JasonBerkan They have language laws about things needing French on them
so likely that was what happened
@GnomeSlice Mac Computer > Apple Computer > Ordinateur Pomme de terre.
Although over here, there are enough language purist bullshitpeople too.
@RonanForman I don't think that was it
one of them was Potatostation 4
Wait, no, the other way round.
@Fluttershy Here's the proper link imgur.com/a/X9Dsm
comments are pretty great
@GnomeSlice I can't see any comments.
for some reason the album description doesn't show up so I guess people didn't know it was a joke
wait it's the same link
why is there comments if you get to it from reddit
just click the link I guess
Nope. Still no comments.
such potato
Today's listening:
@GnomeSlice Comments show up on the gallery page, which you only get redirected to automatically if you're logged into imgur.
@GnomeSlice If by "lots" you mean "two"
Hi, would anyone like to play a game of pioneers / settlers of catan? (pio.sf.net)?
@GnomeSlice How do you view comments?
Pioneers FTW!
Bah, stupid windows updates interrupting my YouTube viewing
windows? wtf? use linux ;)
@Promi /ban
@James why?
@Promi Windows > Linux.
Like it or not, it's easier to set up, and has better compatibility with 90% of applications.
Also, cats love windows.
We all know whatever cats like is best.
@Promi you do realize you're in the gaming chat room, right?
17 mins ago, by FEichinger
@GnomeSlice Comments show up on the gallery page, which you only get redirected to automatically if you're logged into imgur.
@Frank with 90% of crappy apps? ;D
@FEichinger Yeah, I saw that as soon as I sent the message :P
@MBraedley Gaming is not contradiction to Linux
@Promi Elitism tends to not help your case.
@MBraedley I could even imagin to use games without a computer at all ...
@Promi until the number of games on Steam for Linux at least match those for Mac, you can't talk
@Promi Linux is catching up, but Windows is still way ahead on gaming
@MBraedley what is stream?
@Promi ...what?
Yeah, this is entering troll territory.
@Frank Yeah...
@Promi it's Steam, and you have to leave now :P
@SaintWacko Since when do you need to have a miniumum amount of players?
λ> maximumBy (comparing awesomeness) allOS
I get you're joking, dude, but you really need to get to know your audience before you make such remarks.
And definite troll
Nonsensical comments
So you are kind of an idiot if you don't use Steam and Windows here?
That's very sad ...
@Promi We said nothing of the sort.
Feel free to twist our words more, though.
I'm not trolling, I'm just pointing out that there are free software games and that I'm trying to reach people to play them
@Promi no, but not acknowledging that the vast majority of PC gaming takes place on Windows is not how you make friends here.
@Promi And in the process, antagonizing the regular members of this room.
If you're looking for gamers to join you, that's generally not the way to go about it.
I'm sorry, English is not my primary language
I don't even
I don't...
Wait, what did I miss?
Promi has a higher goal than making friends. ;)
A) Your English is a little too good to play that card
B) English as a second language is not an excuse to be rude
@Promi You're basically saying, "Hey, anyone wanna play this game with me? By the way, your OS is stupid"
@MBraedley Yup, mine just hit too. I was like "Why is my HDD going nuts?"
@OrigamiRobot Did you set it to automatically install?
When did I say that any OS is stupid?
10 mins ago, by Promi
windows? wtf? use linux ;)
@Frank No, it's just downloading them.
That was sarcastic, mind the smileys
7 mins ago, by Promi
@Frank with 90% of crappy apps? ;D
4 mins ago, by Frank
I get you're joking, dude, but you really need to get to know your audience before you make such remarks.
Unless people know who you are, saying, "It's a joke" doesn't give you a free pass.
@Promi, BTW, if I were running Linux on my HTPC, I probably would have had to restart anyways, because there was a kernel module patch pushed out recently. @Powerlord had to restart one of his machines, I had to restart a dev machine at work, etc.
well. there are really lots of crap apps on windows and a good amount of crap on linux and mac.
@Vektorweg Economies of scale.
The bigger the market, the more the junk.
@MBraedley @powerlord had to restart two days in a row!
Because of kernel updates
Just look at the app store. Clones, clones, and more clones.
@Frank But the perceived amount of junk is important.
Originality is a bit of a lost art in the mobile market.
Just like the game market in the early 80's?
@RedRiderX I wouldn't know; I was a baby then.
@Promi Unless you use something unambiguous, like "/s", people don't know if a smiley means you're joking or you're just being obnoxious
@Frank ET came out in 82
But I was more referring to the perceived level of junk in the market.
@RedRiderX Dude, I thought Mario Bros. was the best thing since sliced bread when I was ten.
@RedRiderX That has a lot to do with exposure, as well.
@Frank Well that is arcades
I guess I should have restricted it to Consoles.
@Frank Well ET was a flashpoint
Not to take sides even though I guess I started it with the /ban remark, hehe
The poster child
But technically .. PS1, PS2, PS3, PSP and PSVita are linux
@RedRiderX Well, ok, yeah, you got me there. But ten year old me just figured games were awesome back then.
I dunno about 4 though
@Frank There were good games
@James To a degree.
But the public lost faith in the market because of the perceived level of crap
I mean, the PS3 allowed you to run a version of linux on it.
@Frank I wrote half a dozen games for those systems Frank
But I sincerely doubt the core kernel of the PSX platform is linux.
They are linux :)
They are not full blown linux installations like Redhat or debain or what not
@James So you get all of the Linux system calls? Do you also get standard C libraries?
@murgatroid99 best thing is to stay with both states until you find out whats true. ;)
But they are like the linux that runs in your oven or microwave or any other specialized system. Its made to handle the specific hardware.. just happens a console resembles a computer more than a toaster or a TV does :)
@murgatroid99 GCC is what the compile chain tools are based off of
I can not tell you how many times dump files and a good GDB session saved me hours of tracking down a 'This happened once' bug
Its actually a third party company.. second party maybe? They are owned by Sony but they are not Sony.. anywho... Its a separate company that sells the Windows development environments for Sony's consoles.
Been so long though I forget their name.
@James Really fully linux or just *nix-y?
@RedRiderX *nix-y I guess is the better way of saying it?
Its not really something you want to install an RPM manager on and setup XWindows or the like
A Unix-like (sometimes referred to as UN*X or *nix) operating system is one that behaves in a manner similar to a Unix system, while not necessarily conforming to or being certified to any version of the Single UNIX Specification. There is no standard for defining the term, and some difference of opinion is possible as to the degree to which a given operating system is "Unix-like". The term can include free and open-source operating systems inspired by Bell Labs' Unix or designed to emulate its features, commercial and proprietary work-alikes, and even versions based on the licensed UNIX source...
But its why you could install Linux on the Ps3 when it first came out :D
It all comes down to this
If you claim that linux runs on more systems because its on so many embedded systems
Then one of those systems, no matter how far down the chain in customization, are Sony's consoles.
@James That's a pretty expansive view of linux.
One I'm not really inclined to agree with.
@Frank Its a marketers view of linux... They say the same thing about Java ;)
@Frank Then don't?
@James That would be why. I be programmer; programmers have narrowly defined definitions, not open, vague kinda-sorta fits definitions.
XBox is to Windows Gaming as PSX is to Linux gaming :)
@Frank Well as a fellow programmer I fear for our field when other people say things like this :)
@James We have the whole of an entire language to use to define concepts. And it's important that those concepts are conveyed accurately. I fear for our field to NOT define them.
Leave the wishy-washiness to those that don't have technology take them literally.
Ok man, I think you are missing a few words here and there from your sentences. but its making them hard to read but that last one, Id like explained. the others I can follow..
There's no words missing. The whole point of the programmer's field is to nail down language into concrete rules.
Which leads to ensuring that those words are understood correctly.
Ok, so I should leave the wishy-washiness to those that don't have technology take them literally
Exactly who are the people that technology is taking literally?
@James Programmers.
It's literally our jobs to tell computers what to do.
And they do exactly that.
No more, no less.
Eh, you've got fancy compilers that tell you when some stuff won't work.
@Frank Yeah I am going to stop man cause we are cut from different cloths in the nerd world.
You don't have to believe what I've said, thats fine with me.
But I developed on those platforms for five years. I know what I did for that time in my life.
@OrigamiRobot Says the paper folded or folding robot :)
I agree with @Frank
Arguing about the difference between Unix-like and Linux is one of the most pointless ways to pass the time ...
@FEichinger Is that a challenge?
@OrigamiRobot No, I absolutely don't want to steer the topic away from this. Not at all. /s #haveyouseenthesarcasmyet #hashtagsarecool
From a programming point of view, an operating system is defined most importantly by the system calls it exposes.
@FEichinger Yeah I stopped when the hairs got thinner :)
@FEichinger #notheyarent
Q: The Sims 3-It Won't Update/Can't Use Expansion Packs

user67153Whenever I try launching The Sims 3, it asks me to update, and I press Yes. I just bought the Starter Edition, and I launch it, it doesn't register my new Expansion Packs, as Late Night comes with a map. It said I earned a map when I got Showtime Expansion Pack. The error:

@Sterno: How goes Baby No.2?
@Wipqozn Just came home
He looks like Doctor Evil
Q: How to edit player info

TheBird956I was playing Arma 3 Breaking Point when I saw this in the player list: Where can I enter those information so I can show my unit's informations.

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